Why do you dream about potatoes according to the dream book? Boiled potatoes interpretation of the dream book

A dream about potatoes promises various accidents.

Planted potatoes - there will be intimacy with a new partner.

Digging potatoes in a dream means success is ahead; eating them means expect significant benefits.

If you cooked potatoes, you will get a good job; if you planted potatoes, your wishes will come true.

But rotten potatoes foretell the end of your joys and pleasures.

If you ate potatoes in a dream, then an event awaits you that at first will seem important to you, but will soon disappoint you.

Peeled potatoes - you will change your opinion about a person from bad to good.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Seeing Potatoes in a dream

A dream about potatoes is fraught with accidents of not the best nature.

Digging potatoes in a dream is a sign of future success. Eating potatoes in a dream means significant benefits. Cooking potatoes promises you a suitable job.

If you plant potatoes in a dream, it means. You can count on the fulfillment of your desires.

If you dream of rotten potatoes, it means that your joys and pleasures will come to an end and your future does not bode well.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Potato mean?

Potatoes - Seeing, eating - means prosperity. Cook, cook - for guests from afar. Digging, planting - you have to work hard.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Seeing Potatoes in a dream

If you plant potatoes in a dream, you can count on your wishes being fulfilled. Digging it is a sign of future success. Cooking potatoes means a new, good job. Eating it is a significant benefit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What do Potato dreams mean?

Indicates that happiness will not come to you on its own, and prosperity in your home can only be ensured by hard work and patience.

Potato Bush: Often a clue.

If in reality you are busy solving some issue, then the dream may mean that, just as a potato tuber is hidden underground, the solution you need can be found by digging a little deeper.

Buying, selling or planting potatoes in a dream: a sign that you are going to put effort into doing something that is not very attractive, but profitable.

If the potatoes are strong and beautiful: the dream promises prosperity.

Rotten potatoes are a sign of loss and damage.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Miller's Dream Book

Potatoes - A dream about potatoes is fraught with accidents of not the best nature. Digging potatoes in a dream is a sign of future success. Eating potatoes in a dream means significant benefits. Cooking potatoes promises you a suitable job. If you plant potatoes in a dream, it means. You can count on your wishes being fulfilled. - if you dream of rotten potatoes, it means that your joys and pleasures will come to an end and your future does not bode well.

Seeing potatoes in a dream - A dream about potatoes is fraught with accidents of not the best nature. Digging potatoes in a dream is a sign of future success. Eating potatoes in a dream means significant benefits. Cooking potatoes promises you a suitable job. If you plant potatoes in a dream, it means. You can count on your wishes being fulfilled. - if you dream of rotten potatoes, it means that your joys and pleasures will come to an end and your future does not bode well.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Digging - having a thankless job; eating - slight stomach upset; liberate - free from violence; cook - an unpleasant visit; to see a lot - good income or good fortune; seeing small is a disadvantage; sell - get rid of guests.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Family dream book

Potatoes – Dreams before various events. For example, if a woman eats potatoes in a dream, then soon her professional activities will bring tangible results, which will be expressed either in an increase in salary or in promotion up the career ladder. Planting potatoes - an interesting offer awaits her in the near future, if not marriage, then a well-paid job. And if the potatoes are rotten, then you won’t have long to rejoice. So seize the moment and enjoy life.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Potatoes in a dream - indicates that happiness will not come to you on its own, and prosperity in your home can only be ensured by hard work and patience.

Potato bush is often a clue. If in reality you are busy solving some issue, then the dream may mean that, just as a potato tuber is hidden underground, the solution you need can be found by digging a little deeper.

Buying, selling or planting potatoes in a dream is a sign that you are going to put effort into doing something that is not very attractive, but profitable.

If the potatoes are strong and beautiful, the dream promises prosperity.

Rotten is a sign of loss and damage.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Eating means boredom; digging - to illness; buy - to unexpected profit (find).

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Spring dream book

Digging up potatoes means illness.

Hill up potatoes - you will rake in money.

Planting potatoes means a funeral.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Summer dream book

Potatoes (dig, potatoes) – Digging up potatoes in a dream means a rich harvest of vegetables, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream you are having.

Planting potatoes (potatoes) – Planting potatoes in a dream means mortgaging a house.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Autumn dream book

Digging up potatoes (potatoes) – Digging up potatoes in a dream, which will be sparse and very small, means the collapse of the planned business.

Plant potatoes - You will save money to open your own business.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are planting potatoes, it means that in reality you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way and can count on the successful implementation of your plans.

Digging up potatoes means getting a thankless and humiliating job.

Peeling potatoes in a dream means that in reality you will avoid coercion, having managed to stand up for yourself in such a way that you will be taken into account. Boiling potatoes means an unpleasant visit, frying them means pleasure and a quick marriage.

Eating potato dishes in a dream foretells a date with friends after hours. Small potatoes in a dream - portends insufficient attention to you from a loved one exactly when you especially need it. Large and blemish-free potatoes mean good income and additional cash flows. Rotten potatoes - foreshadows the onset of a dark streak in life, which can drag on for a long time.

Selling potatoes in a dream means compromising with your conscience; buying them means you will receive a high honor.

Carrying heavy sacks of potatoes in a dream means overexertion, fatigue and illness during an epidemic of colds.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Potatoes - See or eat - harvest, profit - dig - have a thankless job - eat - slight stomach upset - peel - free from violence - cook - unpleasant visit - see a lot - good income or harvest - see small - disadvantage - sell - get rid of guests.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

I dreamed about potatoes - soon everything will be fine.

Seeing rotten potatoes in a dream means unpleasant news.

You dreamed that you were boiling potatoes - a pleasant evening ahead in warm company.

In a dream, you watched someone cook potatoes - a pleasant evening in warm company awaits one of your loved ones.

You dug up potatoes - in the foreseeable future your life will be joyful.

A dream in which you watched someone dig up potatoes - in the near future your loved ones will be sensitive and attentive to you.

Watering flowering potato bushes means a big inheritance.

If you dreamed that you or someone was peeling potatoes, you will have to work a lot in the near future, but the work will bring long-awaited results.

Eating potatoes means a pleasant date.

You watched someone eat potatoes - you are expecting a date with your beloved (beloved) one of your friends.

Frying potatoes - for your wedding.

In a dream, you watched someone fry potatoes - one of your relatives will soon get married.

You dreamed that you were planting potatoes - you have to start a new business, which in the future will bring great profit.

If you dreamed that you watched someone plant potatoes, soon one of your loved ones will start a business that will bring your family a lot of money.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Esoteric dream book

Seeing potatoes in a dream - Seeing, eating means prosperity. Cook, cook for guests from afar. You have to work hard to dig and plant.

Potatoes - Seeing, eating brings prosperity. Cook, cook for guests from afar. You have to work hard to dig and plant.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If you plant potatoes in a dream, you can count on the fulfillment of your desires.

Digging it is a sign of future success.

Cooking potatoes means a new, good job.

Eating it is a significant benefit.

Rotten potatoes - foreshadows the end of a joyful period and the onset of troubled times.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Potatoes are profit.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Yes - dissatisfaction;

digging is a thankless job, work.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Modern dream book

Dreams about potatoes are a favorable sign. If you dreamed that you were planting potatoes, then in real life you are faced with solving a certain global problem on which your well-being depends. If in a dream you hill up or dig up grown potatoes, then in reality you can be confident in the success of your endeavors. Eating boiled or fried potatoes means that you will lead a fairly modest lifestyle, but the doors of your home will always be open to friends.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Eastern dream book

Potatoes in a dream - a dream suggests that all your endeavors, acquaintances, affairs, etc. will turn out to be empty, meaningless.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

harvest, profit.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Potatoes - It’s as if you are planting potatoes - your wishes will soon come true; make new ones. You are digging up potatoes - the dream suggests that a tedious task awaits you; the work you will be doing is simply incompatible with creativity. It’s as if you are preparing a potato dish - a business meeting awaits you; The fate of your case, and therefore your fate, directly depends on the outcome of this meeting. You eat potatoes in a dream - what seemed unpromising to you will bring obvious benefits. You dream of a jacket potato - a certain official will offer you a business that seems unpromising; don’t rush to refuse.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Digging potatoes is a thankless job.

There is a slight stomach upset.

Cooking is an unpleasant visit.

Seeing a lot means good income or harvest.

Small potatoes are a disadvantage, tears.

Selling means getting rid of sorrows.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Potatoes - unsatisfactory condition, useless or hard work.

Potatoes are thankless or hard work.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Potato mean in a dream - Find a suitable job. Imagine that you are preparing some very tasty dish from potatoes. For example, fry potatoes with mushrooms.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Big dream book

Potatoes - Yes - dissatisfaction; digging is a thankless job.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of Potatoes - Cooking potatoes A dream in the spring means that you will fall into doubt; in the summer - means that your life in the coming weeks will be monotonous and dull; in the fall - you will be disturbed by sad premonitions, which will later turn out to be completely unfounded; in winter, you will be overcome by melancholy and sadness. Frying potatoes A dream in spring means that you will gain self-confidence; in the summer - you will learn funny news; in the fall, you will have to fuss; in winter, you will meet a person who will encourage you. Peeling potatoes is doing something useful.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What Potatoes mean in a dream - you will find a new job that suits you in all respects, which will give you decent income. Imagine that you dug up a whole bucket of fresh potatoes in the garden or bought a whole bucket of fresh potatoes at the market. You brought it home, cleaned it and prepare some delicious dish to suit your taste: boil, fry, make a potato tore or casserole. And then enjoy a delicious dish, alone or with your family.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Russian dream book

You dreamed of Potatoes - appearance is important; in the peel - the fruit of activity, hidden from the eyes of the dreamer; sowing potatoes - introducing other people's beliefs; digging out of the ground - freeing yourself from alien, superficial beliefs; eating potatoes is profit.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does Potatoes mean in a dream - digging - thankless work, seeing a lot dug up - necessary wealth, small ones - shortcomings, selling - getting rid of tiresome guests, peeling - getting rid of oppression, violence.

You dreamed of Potatoes - eating - everyday monotony, digging up potatoes is a thankless job.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Women's dream book

Potatoes - If you plant potatoes in a dream, you can count on the fulfillment of your desires. Digging it is a sign of future success. Cooking potatoes means a new, good job. Eating it is a significant benefit. Rotten potatoes foreshadow the end of a joyful period and the onset of troubled times.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Potatoes - hard work; small material income; quiet life.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning If you dreamed that you were cooking or eating potatoes, then luck will accompany any of your endeavors. To make this time last longer, peel the potato, stitch it with white thread and bury it.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that you were planting potatoes, then very soon you will have problems with your back. To avoid them, tie a woolen thread around your back and do not remove it for a week.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream book for women

Dreams before various events. For example, if a woman eats potatoes in a dream, then soon her professional activities will bring tangible results, which will be expressed either in an increase in salary or in promotion up the career ladder. Planting potatoes - an interesting offer awaits her in the near future, if not marriage, then a well-paid job. And if the potatoes are rotten, then you won’t have long to rejoice. So seize the moment and enjoy life.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream book for the whole family

Potatoes - dreams before various events. For example, if a woman eats potatoes in a dream, then soon her professional activities will bring tangible results, which will be expressed either in an increase in salary or in promotion up the career ladder.

Planting potatoes - an interesting offer awaits her in the near future, if not marriage, then a well-paid job.

And if the potatoes are rotten, then you won’t have long to rejoice. So seize the moment and enjoy life.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, potatoes foretell you the futility of your real efforts, all meetings in the near future will turn out to be futile and the costs unjustified.

Whether you plant it or collect it, sensual pleasures await you.

Peel it - someone about whom you had not the most flattering ideas will open up to you from the positive side.

If you dreamed that you were eating potatoes, something will happen to which you will attach excessive importance, but in the end it will turn out that it is not worth it.

Watching others have a meal - you will go to meet the chosen one or chosen one of your girlfriend or friend.

You are preparing it - you will occupy a position that you can only dream of.

If you are engaged in its implementation, you will have to do something that contradicts your inner beliefs.

If you buy it, you will be held in high esteem.

A dream in which you saw small potatoes portends that a difficult financial situation and all sorts of grief await you.

If it is large, prosperity and excess profits await you.

If it is spoiled, it means that a series of failures will follow the streak of bad luck.

Potatoes are rightfully one of the most beloved and popular vegetables in our country. As soon as it is not cooked: it is boiled, baked, and fried. What if this vegetable, which appears so often on our table, appears in a dream? Does such a dream prophesy the beginning of a well-fed life or, on the contrary, warn of possible problems and troubles? We invite you to find out the answers to these questions together by turning to the most famous dream books for help.

Why do you dream about potatoes according to"Dream Book of Gustav Miller"

This dream book interprets a dreamed potato as a sign of random events of various kinds awaiting you. So, if in a dream you eat this vegetable, then soon you will be lucky enough to do some profitable business. Cooking potatoes promises good work. Planting this vegetable in the beds predicts the fulfillment of all desires. Why do you dream about digging potatoes? Such a dream symbolizes success awaiting you in the near future. Rotten and spoiled potatoes foretell that soon all pleasures and joys will come to an end, and a bright future will be in question.

"Dream bookXXIcentury"

According to the interpretation of this source, a dream about potatoes symbolizes a fruitful year or tears. If you cook it in a dream, then the dreamer will experience various pleasures. Eating a vegetable predicts an interesting date. If you dream that you are digging potatoes, then joyful events and a fun pastime await you. A fried tuber promises a quick wedding for the dreamer or someone close to him.

Why do you dream about potatoes, according to"A collection of tips received in a dream"

According to the compilers of this dream book, a dream about potatoes is a sign that happiness and prosperity will not come into your hands on their own. You will have to achieve them through hard and persistent work. A potato bush in a dream often acts as a hint. If in real life you are puzzled by the solution to a problem, then perhaps you need to dig a little deeper to find the answer. Buying, selling or planting potatoes is interpreted as a sign that in the near future you will direct all your efforts to an activity that is not very attractive, but very profitable. Beautiful and strong potatoes promise prosperity and material well-being. A rotten tuber symbolizes future losses and damages.

Why do you dream about potatoes, according to "Dream Interpretation of Simon Canaanite"

If you see potatoes in a dream or even eat them, then the year will be fruitful, and good profits await you. Digging tubers means having to do some thankless work. Peeling a vegetable promises a situation in which you will happily avoid violence. Cooking potatoes predicts a visit from people you don't like.

According to the Dream Book for Lovers, why do you dream about potatoes?

Large, selected potatoes promise the dreamer great luck in matters of the heart, as well as a significant increase in well-being. If you dream that you are planting tubers, then all your cherished dreams and desires are destined to come true. Rotten, spoiled potatoes are a sign of future problems in your personal life and perhaps even a person.

The article gives various interpretations of dreams about potatoes. Which dream book should you believe? Decide for yourself!

Potatoes are popularly considered “second bread,” which is not surprising, because they are affordable and nutritious. If you saw this tuber in a dream, you know that difficult times are coming. But you should not think that the dream book always gives a negative explanation for this dream. There are also directly opposite descriptions of what this vegetable is meant for in dreams. Remember all the details of what you saw, and you will probably be able to find out your future with extreme accuracy.

Do the cooking

Seeing in a dream how you are preparing potato dishes is a good sign. For example, boiling pre-peeled tubers is a good time for visiting guests. Moreover, Aesop’s dream book states that these guests will arrive from afar. Show cordiality, meet them with a richly laid table and kind words.

If you dreamed of baked potatoes, then good luck will accompany you in absolutely all your endeavors. Make the most of your opportunities: earn money, start a family, or get the profession you’ve always dreamed of. Now you will be able to handle any task.

If you dream of fried potatoes, then an important event will happen in real life. The modern dream book advises to prepare mentally for it in advance.

Seeing boiled potatoes in a dream means profit and good relationships with your relatives and friends. In a dream, cutting tubers into small pieces before using them in the cooking process means that you will have to work quite hard to achieve what you dream of.

Sell ​​and buy

The modern dream book is convinced that buying potatoes in a dream is a big find. If the vegetables you dreamed about were large and fresh, then the item you found will bring a lot of benefits. The exact opposite explains why spoiled and sprouted tubers are dreamed of.

Grishina’s dream book believes that buying a lot of selected potatoes in night vision means a solid profit. This could include receiving an unexpected bonus, an inheritance, or a big win in the lottery.

Vanga’s dream book also provides an explanation of what such a plot predicts. The soothsayer promises the dreamer who buys potatoes that all his wishes will come true. And this will happen in the very near future.

Plant or collect

Seeing in a dream how you plant potatoes means that in reality all things will work out in the best possible way. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will be able to achieve your goal both in business and in your personal life.

Shereminskaya also explains in detail why she dreams of planting tubers in the ground in her garden. Shereminskaya’s dream book is convinced that what you dreamed predicts the receipt of an extremely advantageous offer. Cast aside your fears and feel free to get involved. Success will definitely await you.

Digging up large potatoes from the ground in a dream means an increase in wages. You don't even have to fight for this promotion. The boss will decide to stimulate you in this way for even greater career achievements.

The universal dream book believes that collecting potatoes means receiving well-deserved benefits in reality. You've done a great job and it's time to harvest.

If you dream that you are digging beds and choosing large and smooth vegetables from the ground, then get ready to experience success in absolutely any endeavor.

Do sorting

Seeing yourself sorting through potatoes in a dream is a good sign. In real life, you will receive a lot of profitable offers; all you have to do is choose the most suitable and interesting one.

The modern dream book believes that collecting potatoes in bags in a dream means receiving a marriage proposal. If the vegetables in your dream were large, then your future spouse will improve your life for the better.

If you dream that most of the potatoes being sorted are rotten or blooming, then your plan will not come true. But nevertheless, Aesop’s dream book claims that if you get down to business not now, but several months after the dream, then everything will probably work out.

Another option for why you dream of potatoes with sprouts is impending sadness and empty troubles.

Various interpretations

Peeling potatoes in a dream means that you will try to get to the bottom of the truth, but you will not be able to do so. Another option for explaining why you dream of cleaning it is a change in opinion about a person. If you thought exceptionally well of someone, then a series of events will force you to change your opinion for the worse.

The universal dream book believes that peeled potatoes can predict financial difficulties.

If you dreamed that you had to steal, then in reality the situation will force you to appropriate something that belongs to you. Try to return what you took as soon as possible. Otherwise you will face serious difficulties.

Eating young raw potatoes in a dream means discovering new sources of income. At first they will bring a small profit, but over time there will be more and more money.

If you dreamed of a flowering potato bush, then soon you will go on a romantic date. If it grows on your property in a dream, then light adultery will develop into a serious and long-term relationship.

Dreams about potatoes usually mean obtaining your daily bread through honest, hard work. Therefore, planting, harvesting or preparing potatoes for food in a dream means profit that you will spend on your daily needs.

Giving away, selling or seeing potatoes rotten is a sign of losses, debts and unwise spending of money. Selling potatoes sometimes means getting rid of unpleasant visitors.

Eating potatoes in a dream predicts that you will try to use your funds to develop your business and generate additional profit. Frying potatoes in a dream means marriage.

Seeing a lot of potatoes in a dream means big profits earned with blood and sweat.

Seeing small potatoes in a dream is a sign of life in need; Seeing large means good income.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Seeing Potatoes in a dream

Such a dream is fraught with accidents of not the best nature;
digging potatoes is a sign of future success;
eating potatoes is a significant benefit;
cooking is a job that suits you;
planting - fulfillment of desires;
rotten potatoes - your joys and pleasures will come to an end, your future does not bode well.
Also see Cooking.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing Potatoes in a dream

Digging - having a thankless job; eating - slight stomach upset; liberate - free from violence; cook - an unpleasant visit; to see a lot - good income or good fortune; seeing small is a disadvantage; sell - get rid of guests

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of dreams Potato

Potatoes - see or eat - harvest, profit - dig - have a thankless job - eat - slight stomach upset - peel - free from violence - cook - unpleasant visit - see a lot - good income or harvest - see small - disadvantage - sell - get rid of guests.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananite's Dream Book

What does Potato mean in a dream?

Potatoes - if you dream about potatoes, you will see a lot of people. Potatoes are a hassle. Digging potatoes is good, eating them will make you sick. If you dream that you were taking potatoes from a barn or digging in a field, you will get sick.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Meaning of dream Potato

Eating potatoes in a dream foreshadows an event that will seem important to you at first, but will soon disappoint you. Peeling potatoes means changing your opinion about a person from bad to good. Planting or digging potatoes means intimacy with a new partner.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

What does Potato predict in a dream?

Dreams before various events. For example, if a woman eats potatoes in a dream, then soon her professional activities will bring tangible results, which will be expressed either in an increase in salary or in promotion up the career ladder. Planting potatoes - an interesting offer awaits her in the near future, if not marriage, then a well-paid job. And if the potatoes are rotten, then you won’t have long to rejoice. So seize the moment and enjoy life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

What does it mean to see Potatoes in a dream?

Digging potatoes in a dream promises success in matters of the heart.

Planting potatoes means your wishes will come true. However, rotten potatoes do not bode well; they dream of loneliness and separation of lovers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Potato

If in a dream you are planting potatoes, it means that in reality you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way and can count on the successful implementation of your plans. Digging up potatoes means getting a thankless and humiliating job.

Peeling potatoes in a dream means that in reality you will avoid coercion, having managed to stand up for yourself in such a way that you will be taken into account. Boiling potatoes means an unpleasant visit, frying them means pleasure and a quick marriage.

Eating potato dishes in a dream foretells a date with friends after hours. Small potatoes in a dream foreshadows insufficient attention to you from a loved one exactly when you especially need it. Large and blemish-free potatoes mean good income and additional cash flow. Rotten potatoes foreshadow the onset of a dark streak in life, which can drag on for a long time.

Selling potatoes in a dream means compromising with your conscience; buying them means you will receive a high honor. Carrying heavy sacks of potatoes in a dream means overexertion, fatigue and illness during a cold epidemic.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

See Potatoes in a dream

Find a suitable job.

Imagine that you are preparing some very tasty dish from potatoes. For example, fry potatoes with mushrooms.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Potato dream prediction

To the harvest or to tears.

Boiling potatoes is a pleasure.

Digging potatoes is a sign of fun.

Eating potatoes means a date.

Frying potatoes with a friend means marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Potatoes?

Planting potatoes or digging (if the harvest is good, there are a lot of potatoes and they look good) is a dream that marks the fulfillment of desires and success in endeavors.

Rotten potatoes are a collapse of hope.

Peel potatoes - you will change your opinion about someone and begin to think better about him.

Eating potatoes means a harvest, profit, a date, and sometimes just for everyday affairs.

Cooking - for pleasure, frying - for a wedding.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does the dream Potato mean?

Boiling potatoes is a pleasure.

Yes - a date with a friend.

Digging is a pleasure.

You see now! And you keep whining: “It’s hard! I won’t dig!”

Interpretation of dreams from
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