Why dream of guessing - interpretation of dreams from dream books. Riddles of dreams - prophetic dreams and fortune telling for the betrothed

Fortune telling is somewhat similar to dream interpretation. A person often engages in divination in order to find out his future. Dream books will help you find the answer to the question of why you dream of fortune-telling, and what such dreams promise.

In short

People try to find the answer to the mystery of the future not only in fortune telling, but also in the interpretation of their dreams. For those who do not want to go into details, below are the main interpretations of what can be seen in a dream:

  • fortune telling is a sign that the dreamer has “gave up” on some very important matter;
  • dream books consider divination using coffee grounds to be a symbol of wasted time;
  • divination in a dream using Tarot cards is usually seen by people who are dissatisfied with their life;
  • fortune telling for a guy dreams of unrequited love;
  • dream books agree that divination on stones for someone is a sign that insight will help solve the problem;
  • if in a dream someone had a chance to tell fortunes on paper, in reality you will amaze those around you with your talents;
  • if you dream of a gypsy doing fortune-telling along the lines on the palm, then the dreamer is overcome by various anxieties;
  • Why do you dream of divination on runes? To gain a patron.

Interpretation from Miller

Miller's dream book answers the question of why divination is dreamed of this way: a person has abandoned some urgent matter, which constantly reminds of itself, becoming a cause of concern.

In dreams, girls often see themselves doing fortune-telling about their future spouse and wonder why this could be a dream? In this case, the dream warns: soon you will have to make a choice between two candidates.

Types of fortune telling

If you dream of telling fortunes about a guy using the Book of Changes, then try to remember the hexagram that fell out. The Lunar Dream Book advises looking for its meaning in the Book of Changes.

If the dream involved fortune-telling about the betrothed according to the Book of Fates (usually dreamed by fatalists), such people should spend less effort and attention in trying to guess the future, so as not to “miscalculate” their happiness. If in a dream fortune telling prophesied loneliness to the dreamer, then the prophecy will come true exactly the opposite, and she will find her love.

Why do girls dream of fortune telling by hand outside of marriage? The dream book considers this a sign of a large number of friends. But there will be very few men who see their destiny in her. The same fortune-telling, but dreamed of by a married woman, means a large number of fans and condemnation from women. If the dreamer herself is guessing in her dreams, then let her wait for advice.

Divination for love

Why do you dream of divination for love? Interpreters believe that this is how a girl’s dreams of a romantic relationship manifest themselves. Fortune telling about a specific young man in a dream means that the guy will take the initiative. The White Magician's Dream Book says that if you dream of casting a spell on an unfamiliar guy, you will be introduced to him in reality.

If you were wondering about your fiancé, then expect a quick wedding with him. If in a dream a girl told fortunes to her friend, she will soon meet her boyfriend, who may turn out to be the one destined for her.

Type of ritual

Why do you dream about fortune telling based on clothes? The Eastern Dream Book will tell you the answer: this dream is often seen by insincere people. If a sick person dreams of this, then soon he will have an operation or another procedure aimed at a speedy recovery.

Why dream if in a dream a person used a mirror to tell fortunes about love? Expect unpleasant news regarding a loved one. Medea's dream book answers the question of what it means to dream of fortune telling on coffee grounds: most likely, the dreamer is wasting his time on something that does not bring him satisfaction.

fortune telling by cards according to a dream book

Fortune telling in a dream is a reminder of a postponed matter that is quite important to you and that worries you. But if you want to finish it to the end, be careful. If a young lady observes this dream, it means that fate is forcing her to choose between two admirers. However, this choice should be made only according to one’s own opinion, insight and prudence.

fortune telling by cards in a dream

In a dream, you want to find out the future and the fortune teller lays out cards for you - this promises another lesson in fate. It is necessary to draw a conclusion from this lesson. A dream in which you were very scared during fortune telling is a warning. In reality, evil fate will follow on your heels and it is unlikely that luck will quickly turn around to face you. If you have to tell fortunes to a person close to you, then in reality you need to listen to their opinion. Otherwise, you will have a very difficult time solving the current situation.

If in a dream you happened to guess with cards, then you need to take your time in money matters, otherwise you will lose your funds. If a fortune teller was a famous person for you, then in the future he will play a special role in your life. A stranger is a fortune teller - expect a deterioration in your health.

fortune telling by cards in a dream

If you tell fortunes with cards, then in real life you are lying to yourself or surprises await you. From time to time, this dream is considered intuition.

interpretation of sleep fortune telling on cards

The dreamer guesses on the cards - probably to a little disorder in life. If the dreamer is told fortunes by cards, then this means great chaos and bad luck in life. The dreamer follows the process of fortune telling on cards - to serious losses.

A vision in which a person had a fortune-telling dream can be considered very mysterious and unusual. The dream book interprets its meaning differently. Although, there are many books of interpretations. And, accordingly, there are just as many explanations for this or that dream plot. To understand what it may portend, it is worth turning to different dream books.


Fortune telling usually symbolizes an important matter, but postponed for later. If a person himself tried to find out what awaits him using coffee grounds, it means he is wasting his life. fortune-telling with Tarot cards - to the fact that it’s time to start changing reality for the better. Most likely, the dreamer is not happy with his life. And it's time to fix it.

When a girl sees herself trying to bewitch someone she likes, it means unhappy love. If she is currently in a relationship, then most likely it will end sadly. But seeing a prediction on the runes is a good sign. A protector and patron will soon appear in the dreamer's life.

But watching from the sidelines as someone is being told fortunes on stones means the emergence of some kind of brilliant idea that will help solve all the problems. If the dreamer himself casts a spell on someone for the future in a dream, this means that he is admired. And finally, seeing a gypsy woman in your vision is a sign of disturbing doubts.

According to Miller

This famous dream book can tell you a lot of interesting things. young and unmarried girls often see them in dreams. She usually has a lot of good friends. But a man who would have serious feelings towards her will not appear soon. If the same vision appeared to a married lady, then it means she has many admirers. And envious people. And when a girl sees how she herself casts a spell on someone, they will soon come to her for advice.

This is not all that fortune telling can dream about. The dream book assures that if a girl tries to bewitch herself with her love, it means that in reality she believes too much in Fate. And, most likely, she is worried about her personal life. If this is really the case, then it’s worth taking a break. Stop looking for love and relationships. Then the faithful will find her himself.

By the way, fortune telling about a lover is a reflection of the dreamer’s dreams of love from the subconscious. And if the young lady saw who exactly was the object of her admiration in the vision, it means that this person will move towards rapprochement.

Eastern dream book

Fortune telling in a dream by clothing usually means only one thing - the sleeper is not completely honest and sincere with his family, friends and relatives. He should open up, at least to those who really love him. And if such a vision was dreamed by a sick person, it means that he will soon recover.

When a girl in her vision watches herself casting a spell on a wedding dress, this is a sign of imminent marriage. But if her friend was wondering about the groom, then the dreamer will introduce her loved one to the person who may turn out to be her Destiny.

Fortune telling in a mirror is not a good sign. Unfortunately, after such a vision, bad news usually comes about a loved one. If a person guessed on two mirrors, then in real life something will happen that he will greatly regret.

Modern dream book

This book of interpretations gives more interesting and detailed explanations of certain visions. Why, for example, do you dream of fortune telling on mirrors using this dream book? If the process of fortune telling is successful, and a person even sees someone’s silhouette in the reflection, then after some time (usually in the shortest possible time) he will become aware of information that was previously hidden from him. There will be no regrets. But indignation will flare up with a bright flame. But! There is no need to rush into action. It's worth waiting for the emotions to subside. And then it will be possible to make a decision regarding how to react to the revealed truth.

If fortune-telling does not give any results in a vision, the dream book assures that most likely the person will soon regret that he allowed himself to be fooled. Or about your excessive kindness.

A good ending to a dream is considered to be the moment when a person This means that his “black streak” will soon end.

Fortune telling by candles

The astroscope dream book tells a lot of interesting things. Fortune telling on two candles, for example, can mean the emergence of a new goal in life. But this is only if the flame burned evenly and brightly. If such a vision came to a person engaged in business, then he should know that he can only rely on himself and his two comrades in business.

But when the flame barely burns, you should expect worries and changes in plans. Has one candle gone out? It’s okay, it only promises minor troubles and checks at work. But if in a vision a person breaks a candle (or even two) himself, failure awaits him. Either in some significant project or in an exam. In general, the event will be important in any case. And if something like this is really planned, it’s worth preparing for it as much as possible in order to avoid a puncture.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Seeing yourself in the process of fortune telling is not a good sign. A person should be attentive to his surroundings, and also carefully check any information received from people. Almost all astrological sources advise doing this - books of interpretation, horoscope, dream book.

Fortune telling has no equal in symbolism if we consider it as a sign. That's why they attach so much importance to it. If there was also a fortune teller in the dream, this vision is worth listening to. And it is important to remember what she was like. Calm and friendly? This is good. This means that all problems will soon be resolved. Was the fortune teller wary and suspicious? Then the dreamer in real life should also take a closer look at his surroundings.

And if a person receives a frightening prediction from a sorceress, it’s time to take on all the things that were previously put off for later. And preferably without fuss. Excessive worry will not do you any good.

Combined dream book

They say that if a girl in a vision observed herself in the process of fortune telling, then she is too worried about some important matter. This is true? This means that we need to show as much caution and caution as possible in order to complete everything successfully.

If she observes the process from the outside, it means that there are a lot of rumors, gossip and suspicions floating around her. This is what the dream book says. Fortune telling by hand usually promises the appearance of new male friends and acquaintances in life. And this is good, if not for one thing - the other girls will condemn her for this, and consider her not a completely pious person. However, this is most likely due to envy.

Fortune telling by cards

Finally, a few words about why such fortune-telling occurs in dreams. The dream book assures that if a girl sees someone else laying out cards in front of her, then she will soon find herself in the center of a female conflict. To avoid it, you need to minimize communication with girls in your team. But sitting in front of the table and laying out the cards yourself means career growth.

If a guy dreams of such a vision, then big changes await him in the near future. This could be a salary increase, or success in your personal life.

As you can see, there are many interpretations regarding what fortune-telling dreams mean. They are all different and portend something special. And, of course, you can take this into account, but you shouldn’t give too much importance to dreams. After all, these are often just pictures from our subconscious.

Dreams sometimes bring quite strange pictures into our reality. They can reflect both our subconscious and our future. Why do you dream about a fortune teller? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do fortune tellers dream - basic interpretation

Dreams come true, but not always! Whether you believe in mysticism or not, a dream about fortune telling and fortune tellers can visit your life. You should not be afraid of what is incomprehensible to you, alien - look closely at the dream, see the hidden meaning in it, interpret it for your own benefit.

From time immemorial, fortune tellers have repelled people and attracted them with the opportunity to reveal the secrets of the past and reveal prospects for the future. Why do you dream about a fortune teller? Perhaps you wanted to see something mysterious and mysterious in a dream? Have you always dreamed of getting answers to your questions? Then remember exactly how the meeting with the fortune teller took place and what she predicted for you.

The dream books say that the image of a fortune teller in dreams may appear as a symbol of fear of being deceived and fear of the unknown. After such a dream, it is possible to meet a two-faced person who will not be able to help you in life, but will throw dust in your eyes. What is important to remember after waking up? What did the fortune teller look like, and under what circumstances did the meeting take place? What emotions accompanied the dream itself, and what emotions prevailed after the dream.

What did she use as divination tools, what did she say and how did she behave? All these little things are important. If a dream causes anxiety and panic, you should realize that this is just a dream and the reality is different, it can be changed.

It is important to remember what exactly she was telling you:

With the help of mirrors - you will regret the past and the actions you have taken;

If she was telling fortunes using a candle flame, and it was small, your plans in the future will change dramatically;

If the flame was high, expect new prospects and projects;

On the grounds of coffee - you will simply waste time on a pointless task;

With the help of a magic ball, strengthen your position;

With the help of cards, analyze the emotions and feelings that accompanied you in a dream - they will be characteristic of you in reality.

It is also important to remember that if it was a gypsy who told you fortune- you should take a closer look at your partner - the person does not value you and uses you for his own selfish purposes. If a gypsy stole something from you in a dream, an additional interpretation will clarify future events. It is important to remember all the prophecies of the gypsy - they are often true.

If the fortune teller was dressed in all dark or even black- such a dream carries a double negative. You should be wary of health problems. If you dream that you are paying money to a fortune teller for a service, take a closer look at your colleagues and partners, they may deceive you. M. If one of your close people tells fortunes to you, do not trust this person with secrets for now, if he already knows them, protect yourself, because the secret will become apparent.

A young pregnant girl dreams of a fortune teller telling her fortune.– you should believe in yourself and not worry about the outcome of the birth – everything will be successful. If a fortune teller has told a married girl that her lover is cheating, you should take a closer look at the details of the betrayal; perhaps you are too distrustful of your lover. This dream should not be taken literally; ill-wishers will simply try to destroy your relationship.

Why do you dream of a fortune teller according to Grishina’s dream book?

Grishina’s dream book describes the appearance of a fortune teller in a dream as a call to understand the information that will soon come to you. You will receive news, but what type it will be - this will be indicated by the details of the dream. The dream book also states that the human mind is clouded by false ideas. A person is not inclined to trust life. It's time to open up to yourself and start trusting, otherwise there will be no meaning in life, it will be full of sadness, not hope.

It is worth paying attention to the following details of sleep:

If a fortune teller predicted a terrible and ominous future for you in a dream, you should not panic, in fact, victory over adversity awaits you. Don't stop on your way, believe in your strength;

If your destiny was predicted by your hand, you will meet someone who will change your destiny. It is worth applying the interpretation of dreams to all the words of the fortune teller;

If in a dream she told fortunes not to you, but to your friends and family, you should take care of them, they need your help now more than ever;

For women, a dream in which a fortune teller predicted the future with the help of cards promises a romantic acquaintance, while for men such a dream promises betrayal from a loved one;

If the fortune teller only laid out the cards in a dream, you should pay more attention to your financial affairs - losses and troubles are possible in them;

Giving a fortune teller a large sum of money for fortune telling on cards means that your friends will deceive you.

If in a dream you yourself predicted others along the lines of their hands, your friends are faithful to you and will never let you down. If you yourself predicted your fate, you should persistently achieve the result. Only you have the power to change the situation and someone else’s help will only bring trouble and harm.

Why do you dream about a fortune teller based on Miller’s dream book?

Miller’s dream book says that a dream about a fortune teller is a person’s transformed worries about postponed matters and their outcome. If you are tired of the routine, do not give up - see it through to the end.

If a fortune teller appeared in a woman's dream– she will choose between two gentlemen for a long time. The whole problem is that a woman easily establishes friendships with men, but her relationship does not work out. It is easier for her to be friends with men than with women.

If a man dreams of a fortune teller before his wedding, which promises a sad future - family life will turn out great. For a pregnant woman to dream about a fortune teller, she has worries about pregnancy; they will be empty.

Why do you dream about a fortune teller according to Freud's dream book?

The fortune teller in Freud's dream book is a subconscious reflection of human fears. Freud in his dream book indicates that if she predicts betrayal, then this means that a person is dependent on the fear of betrayal. This fear eats him up from the inside, destroys all tender feelings.

If the partners break up and one of them has a dream in which a fortune teller predicts a truce, such a dream speaks of the possibility of restoring the relationship, but only with the help of one’s perseverance and one’s personal efforts. You can't rely on other people, you should only rely on yourself.

If a married woman dreams of separation from her partner, which was predicted by a fortune teller, she should be more attentive to his needs; she has long been grieving love and affection for her chosen one. Rethinking the goals of the relationship and the approach to communicating with your partner will help restore the harmony that was characteristic of the relationship at the very beginning.

Why do you dream of a fortune teller based on other dream books?

The esoteric dream book says that one dreams of a fortune teller as a symbol of deception. In reality, after such a dream, a person should exercise caution in all areas of his life. If you yourself were a fortune teller in a dream, pay attention to the advice and warnings of others. They will allow you to qualitatively change your life.

The psychological dream book provides a unique interpretation of dreams about a fortune teller:

If you are talking with her - deal with matters of the heart, everything will change in one moment - do not miss it;

If your fate was predicted by your hand, you will have only men as friends;

If you were told fortunes on the coffee grounds, all the events predicted to you in a dream will come true in reality;

If your fate was predicted using cards, expect gossip and gossip behind your back.

In the modern dream book it is said that if you yourself tried to figure out your destiny in a dream based on the lines on your hand, you will amaze those around you with your mental abilities in reality. If in a dream you tell fortunes to friends who have a high position in society, you need support and help. If the prophecy in the dream was negative and even frightened you, in reality you will quickly cope with the problems.

Don't be upset if in a dream a fortune teller predicted a not very happy future for you. Dreams are given to a person in order to warn against possible mistakes, but not in any way to ruin life. Try to gain life experience in dreams, do not be afraid to experiment in reality. In any case, whether to change your life after sleep or not is up to you to decide. Of course, it’s nice to see a joyful dream and get hope for resolving a difficult situation. This is precisely the positive side of dreams - they show a person his mistakes in life and help him cope with them on his own.

  • Fortune telling - if you dream that you are telling fortunes on nine mirrors, then this means that in reality your rivals will beat you. This dream is especially unpleasant for businessmen, as it clearly shows how weak you are as a competitor.
  • Pay attention to the reflections in the mirrors. If the surface of the mirrors is foggy and does not reflect anything, then this means that you have failed the task that you have been working on for a long time and persistently, and all because you succumbed to the persuasion of others and allowed yourself to be convinced. If at least one of the mirrors reflects something, then you still have hope of correcting the current state of affairs.
  • If you are reflected in all nine mirrors, this means that in reality you are striving for power and will soon receive it. Most likely, you will be promoted, assigned an interesting project, or transferred to a new facility. If your reflections in the mirrors are calm or smiling, then this is a good sign - you will demonstrate your abilities and your superiors will be pleased with you. If your faces in the mirrors are distorted with grimaces, then this means that you will not live up to the hopes placed on you.
  • If, while fortune telling on nine mirrors, you break them all, then in reality you will be able to break out of the vicious circle and cope with the burden of the problems that have fallen on you. If you break some of the mirrors, then you will need the help of friends: the number of mirrors that remain intact is the number of people who are currently your comrades-in-arms.
  • If you hang all the mirrors on the wall in three rows of three mirrors and wonder while standing in front of them, then in reality you will be seriously disappointed in yourself, you will understand that you are not able to cope with the task that you have taken upon yourself. For women, this dream is especially dangerous, since what they see in these nine mirrors will come true within nine days.
  • Fortune telling using nine candles shows that you spend too much time on work and forget about home. If the candles are white and long, then in the near future things will go very well for you and you can take a vacation from work, but if the candles are black or small and crooked, then expect trouble.
  • If all nine candles are lit, then you will withstand any tests that will fall on your head in the coming days. Smoking or extinguished candles symbolize your defeat in the fight against competitors.
  • Broken candles indicate that over a certain period of time you or your family will have health problems; the number of broken candles determines how many months the illness will last.
  • If after fortune telling on nine candles you throw them all away, then in real life you will receive a lucrative offer or get rid of an old enemy.
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