Iso in the preparatory group. Open lesson on fine art in a preparatory school group

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1 Work program of the fine arts circle “Rainbow Palette” by Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Podstreshna for the school preparatory group of the State Budgetary Institution “Children's Pulmonological Sanatorium “Salut” 204.

2 Explanatory note. P.L. Kapitsa spoke about art and the harmonious development of personality: “People have the opportunity to influence a person’s emotional activity and organize this activity. Art does this most effectively. Music, for example, accompanies the main emotional stages of a person’s life. Fine arts and literature have a particularly strong influence on the development of the spiritual culture of society. They influence emotions that influence the establishment of morality and ethics both in personal relationships between people and in social ones. And art is an artistic summary of the processes occurring in the lives of people and society.” The “Rainbow Palette” club is held on the basis of the preparatory school group of the sanatorium. Every child from two years old to adolescence draws complex multi-figure compositions, draws everything that he sees around, hears, knows and remembers. For an adult, the result of creative activity is important, but for a child, the process is of paramount importance. If a little artist is already able to express his emotions through color and line, he can, by drawing, throw out his emotions and experiences: joy, love, fear. By splashing them out on a piece of paper, the child, as it were, frees himself from them, releases them into the wild, and this is the psychotherapeutic drawing effect. In the pre-school group, children are introduced to various types of fine art available to their age. Using the best examples of folk art and works of great masters, the teacher cultivates in children interest and the ability to aesthetically perceive paintings, sculptures, objects of folk art, illustrations in books, forms the basis of children’s aesthetic taste, and the ability to independently evaluate works of art. While engaging in visual arts in lessons, students have the opportunity to express their impressions, their understanding and emotional attitude to the life around them in artistic creativity: drawing and appliqué. In the preparatory group for school, the teacher sets himself and implements a whole range of tasks: Introducing children to works of various types of art of world artistic culture (painting, graphics, architecture, folk and decorative arts); Encouraging children's interest in contemplating beautiful objects and phenomena in the world around them; Learning to convey your idea of ​​the historical past of your homeland through the depiction of interiors, costumes, household items that correspond to their time, as well as the creation of fairy-tale characters (The Little Mermaid, Pinocchio, Goblin, Moomins, etc. ); Encouraging children to independently choose artistic images, subjects of compositions, materials, tools and methods of conveying their ideas; Continuation of learning to depict objects of the real and fictional world from life or from representation, conveying the proportions and movements of objects, animals and people; Continued acquaintance with various techniques of drawing with gouache, watercolors, colored pencils and wax crayons; Learning to coordinate hand movements when working with a brush and paints, as well as when working with appliqué.

3 As a result of joint productive activity: - creative abilities are revealed; - the child learns new techniques and techniques of depiction; - the child learns to correctly arrange the depicted objects on the sheet of paper in a compositional manner: - learns to work in the correct sequence; - develops imaginative thinking, imagination and visual memory; - there is an introduction to world artistic culture, as well as the accumulation of initial knowledge about art; - education of aesthetic taste occurs. UMC. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Preparatory group for school. I.A. Lykova. Moscow: “KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS”, Art and pedagogy: From the cultural heritage of Russia in the 19th and 20th centuries: Reader, M.A. Verb. - Pskov, POIPKRO, Model curricula of MDOD DSHI recommended by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation from / Fine Arts. class: Lesson plans based on the textbook by V.S., Kuzin, E.I. Kubyshkina. O.V. Pavlova. Volgograd: “Teacher”, 200.

4 Educational and thematic planning of a drawing circle “Rainbow Palette” Teaching the basics of drawing from life, the basics of conveying shape, proportions, volume, and light and shade in drawing. Autumn still life with flowers 2 Gifts of autumn. Still life with vegetables, mushrooms and berries. 3 Autumn landscape. Autumn in the park. Teaching the basics of drawing from life, the basics of conveying shape, proportions, volume, and light and shade in drawing. Introducing warm and cool paint colors. Learn to position the sheet depending on the image, select colors and shades. Develop imagination and memory. 4 My favorite toy Teach how to construct images of toys, learn to position the sheet depending on the object being depicted. Develop imagination and memory. 5 Butterflies Teach the basics of drawing butterflies. Learn to position the sheet depending on the object being depicted. 6 Autumn still life with flowers (applique) Team work. Learning the basics of creating a picture using the dry felting technique. Learning to combine colors with each other, give the concept of the color wheel, warm and cold colors. 7 My favorite pet presentation; the basics of conveying in drawings the shape and volume of the depicted animal. 8 The winged swing is flying, flying. Games on the playground. Learning to convey in drawing your impressions of your favorite pastimes and entertainment while walking. Teaching the basics of conveying the form of the image. 9 Bookmark for the presentation book; the basics of conveying in drawings the shape, proportions, volume of the depicted animal and plant patterns. 0 Russian patterns. Khokhloma painting. Teaching the basics of Khokhloma painting. Learning how to paint fine elements and curls with a brush. Teaching composition and arrangement of objects and ornaments on a sheet. Drawing a tree. Spruce. Continue to introduce visual materials: watercolors and whitewash. Aesthetic development of children in visual arts. Develop artistic taste, creative abilities, observe phenomena and conditions of the surrounding nature. 2 Winter forest (applique). Teamwork. Learning the basics of creating a picture using the dry felting technique. Learning to combine colors with each other, give the concept of the color wheel, warm and cold colors. Composition training. Pencil, watercolor, gouache. crayons and a sheet of felt, wool of different colors, a frame for decoration. wax crayons watercolor, gouache. Watercolor, whitewash, water, brushes, graphite pencil. Sheet of felt, wool of different colors, frame for decoration.

5 3 My favorite Russian cartoon character; the basics of conveying in drawings the shape, proportions, volume of the depicted object. Development of imagination and memory. 4 Winter landscape. Fixing the names of colors and shades. Learning to build a compositional image, learning to position the sheet depending on the object being depicted. Develop memory and imagination. 5 Image of ground transport 6 Fairytale castle, fortress. presentation of transport; the basics of conveying shapes and proportions in drawing. presentation of fairytale castles. Learning to draw buildings of various shapes. 7 New Year holiday Promote the development of cognitive processes. Develop artistic taste and creative abilities. 8 Snowflakes a friendly round dance representing snowflakes of various shapes. Encourage children to come up with different patterns. 9 Wintering birds Teaching the basics of drawing from life, proportions, volume, light and shade. Learn to draw birds. 20 Defender of the Fatherland Day 2 “Over the mountains, over the valleys” Teach the basics of composition. Introduce the concept of silhouette. Give the concept of a compositional center. Training in compositional image construction. Reflection of your ideas of natural mountain landscapes in the drawing. Image of a mountain landscape. 22 At the bottom of the sea Training in creating a compositional image. Reflection in the drawing of your ideas of underwater sea landscapes, as well as marine inhabitants and scuba divers near coral reefs. 23 My dad (grandfather) and I are watching a man; the basics of conveying shapes, proportions, and parts of the face in drawings. Pencil, watercolor, watercolor, gouache. watercolor, watercolor, watercolor, watercolor watercolor watercolor

6 24 Me with my mother (grandmother) Continue teaching the basics of drawing a portrait of a person; the basics of conveying shapes, proportions, and parts of the face in drawings. 25 Still life with spring flowers. 26 Painting Easter eggs Learning the basics of drawing from life, proportions, volume, light and shade. Learn to draw flowers. Teach the basics of visual arts: depict objects on a plane using various graphic means: line, stroke, spot. Introduce Russian folk patterns of painting Easter eggs. 27 Cosmonautics Day Teach the basics of composition. Training in structural and compositional solutions; the first and second planes in the composition. 28 Drawing a human figure 29 Portrait of a man and a woman in Russian national costume Teach the basics of drawing a human figure; the basics of conveying shapes and proportions in drawings. Continue to teach the basics of drawing a portrait of a person; the basics of conveying shapes, proportions, parts of the face and body in drawings. Fostering interest in folk culture and history. 30 Drawing an animal Learning the basics of conveying in drawings the shape, proportions, and volume of the depicted animal. Introduce gouache to the visual medium. 3 “It’s spring outside” Spring landscape. Teaching the basics of visual literacy, promoting the development of artistic creativity, and cultivating aesthetic taste. 32 Primroses Teaching the basics of drawing from life; proportions, volume, light and shade. 33 Victory Day Introducing students to artistic culture, teaching the basics of visual literacy, cultivating aesthetic taste. 34 Spring Thunder Introducing students to artistic culture, teaching the basics of visual literacy. Training 35 River lilies and water lilies proportions, volume depicted. Learning to create a plot composition. Learn to paint with wet watercolors. Develop visual-figurative thinking. gouache pencils. watercolor, wax crayons, watercolor, gouache, watercolor, watercolor, wax crayons.

7 36 Blooming May Introducing students to artistic culture, teaching the basics of visual literacy, promoting the development of artistic creativity, and nurturing aesthetic taste. Continuing to learn how to paint with wet watercolors. watercolor, wax crayons. Total: 36 Conditions for the implementation of the program Classes are organized in the form of circle work and complement the content of the main educational program in the preschool educational institution in the sanatorium. The fine arts club is composed of children aged 5-7 years. Classes are held in the first half of the day. Number of classes per week - 4 per month, 36 per year. The duration of one lesson is 35 minutes. Opening hours for the Rainbow Palette club. Monday

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2 2 EXPLANATORY NOTE 3 The fine arts program for grade 7 is compiled on the basis of: the Federal component of the state educational standard for basic general education in fine arts;

EXPLANATORY NOTE By drawing, fantasizing, playing, a child can imagine any situation, lose it, live it and, having accumulated positive experience, develop an internal position, reveal himself as a person, and be creative.

Gabdulkhanova Ruzilya Danisovna
Educational institution: MBDOU Kindergarten "Alyonushka"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-10 Outline of an art lesson in a preparatory school group Drawing using the ebru technique Gabdulkhanova Ruzilya Danisovna MBDOU Kindergarten "Alyonushka" Outline of an art lesson in a school preparatory groupDrawing using the ebru technique

Outline of an art lesson in a preparatory school group Drawing using the ebru technique

Outline of an art lesson in a school preparatory group

Drawing using the ebru technique

"Space trip"

Target– creating conditions for the development of children’s creative abilities through non-traditional drawing.
Training tasks:

– introduce unconventional drawing
– consolidate children’s knowledge about space.
Developmental tasks:
– develop the ability to work with drawing sticks using the ebru technique
– develop children's creative abilities.
Educational tasks:
– to develop an aesthetic attitude towards space
Preliminary work : reading riddles on the theme “Space”, looking at illustrations, photographs of astronauts, rockets, etc.

Progress of the lesson:

(The teacher appears with a picture depicting space. The children approach the teacher)

Educator: Hello children! I found this picture today. What do you think is drawn here?

Child: Space!

Educator: Yes. Right. Have you ever dreamed of going to space?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Let's go on a space journey today. To do this, you need to take seats on my spaceship. So, is everyone ready?

Children. Yes!

Educator: Closed your eyes. Let's fly! (Music is playing)

Educator: Here we are! First, to get used to the space atmosphere, let's play.

Physical education break.

And now we are with you, children,

We all exit the rocket.

Get up on your toes,

And then get down.

Turn left, turn right,

Hands up, hands down

And sit down quietly.

Educator:Here we are in deep space. How interesting everything is here: we see different planets, meteorites, comets, etc. (slide show). How interesting everything is here, not usual. How will we tell our parents about this? We cannot describe all this beauty in words!

Children: can we draw?

Educator:Yes exactly! We can transfer all this onto a piece of paper and take it with us to show our parents later!

Children, pay attention, there is a sheet of paper in front of you, and you need to draw space, but not in the usual “Ebru” way. To begin with, I will show you a video on how to work with this technique:

To begin with, we will also prepare a tray of water and pour in a special liquid, the water is ready for use! Now we take a stick, put a special paint on the tip and, depending on what we have planned, we begin to paint with paints on the water. (dots, stripes). Now that our drawing is ready, we take a sheet of paper and carefully place it on the surface of the water and wait a few minutes. Take the edges of the sheet and lift it. Here, the Moon is ready.

“Look how many small stones fell onto the surface of the planet from outer space. These rocks are called meteorites. I want to give them to you as a souvenir of our space journey.

Guys, the time has come to return to Earth, close your eyes, “one, two, three, we have returned to Earth.

Attendants may clean workplaces.

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Natalya Samokhina

Summary of an art lesson in the preparatory group« Sunset»

TARGET: Introduce artistic techniques; develop a feeling

composition and color and stimulate interest in visual creativity.

TASKS: 1. Learn to understand the expressive means of painting (color,

line, color, rhythm) Strengthen the ability to distinguish between types of landscape.

2. Develop graphic skills (select a color scheme that corresponds to a certain time of day; use various painting techniques when depicting the sky)

3. Promote the education of the individual, cultivate a reverent attitude towards native nature.

EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: Image sunset, reproductions of paintings with landscapes, musical accompaniment, paper, wax crayons, watercolors, brushes.

Course of classes:

Guys, we have something unusual today class, we will go on an excursion to our unusual museum. Guys, have you been to museums where paintings are displayed, raise your hands, who has been? Let's imagine that we are in a museum where paintings by different artists hang. Who are these artists? That's right guys, this is a man who draws pictures. The artist is like a wizard, a magician who admires the beauty of nature in his paintings; he depicts the splendor of the expanses of fields, meadows, lakes and rivers; he can show in a drawing the beauty of a blooming garden or the majesty of a mighty oak tree, various animals, people, the sea and sunsets. Look how many paintings we have here and they are all different, but what unites these paintings. I'll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you.


Katya was very surprised

Looking out the window -

For some reason on sunset

It turned red.

Today we continue working on the landscape. But first, let's repeat what landscapes are (urban, maritime, rural):- all the pictures on my board are mixed up... Help me put them in their place. So today we will draw like real artists sunset, and we will draw with wax crayons and watercolors. We have already drawn with wax crayons more than once, so we know various techniques for drawing with wax crayons. But first, let's see what different there are sunsets....Look at pictures from sunsets sunshine and listen to poetry


Sunset dazzling sun,

Playful with a radiant pattern,

It's amazing to watch in silence

Golden spill on the sea.

The crimson sky sparkles,

A million lit lights

It's in a new color every time,

It amazes with its palette.

A fireball in a bright train,

Plays in the seething wave,

Golden shimmering light,

The sun is reflected in the water.

Instantly the luminary sets,

Just touching the water with the disk,

The lightning disappeared from the horizon,

The rays go out in the abyss.

Flocks of seagulls circle over the sea,

The waves caress the surf,

On a wonderful evening, a huge sea,

Filled with blue again.

Maria Gordeeva 2

Sunset on the river

Having finished the day of the past accomplishment,

To give the earth a little rest,

Lord Sun with fiery glow

Beyond the horizon the path ends.

Painting the sky with bright strokes,

And saying goodbye to the passing day,

The golden ball melted in the stream of waters,

Leaving only memories of him.

Having accepted sunset into cool arms,

And dissolving his fire in the waves,

The river caresses the horizon with a kiss,

Spilling out tenderness to the skies.

IN sunset for an hour everything is shrouded in mystery,

Everything froze in anticipation of miracles,

And a shadow approaches unnoticed

In almost extinct sunset forest.

River… Sunset. … endless spaces….

And the sky is covered in fluffy clouds,

The sun tiredly disappeared from the horizon...

The Night has come, the Day has calmed in dreams....

We will draw with wax crayons on thick paper. Drawing a landscape with wax crayons is done using chalk of the same color as the sun. The teacher showed several ways to draw the sun, paint over it, leaving white gaps. Then, when working with paints, these gaps will be filled in, and a beautiful effect will be obtained. It is better to apply strokes according to the shape. First, light colors, then gradually darken in the right places, creating volume with shadows.

Next we continue to paint with watercolors in several ways of tinting. sky: in a raw way, when paints carefully pour color into color, you can depict contrasting color transitions, you can paint the sky with separate strokes. Do not forget that the sky in our drawing is not separate in itself. It is reflected in the water, its reflections will be present everywhere, so do not forget to add the appropriate reflexes to your work. The teacher invites students to remember what they saw the sunset, observed in nature and draw it. Children work to music.

Everyone has their own unique sunset.

Let's look at what expressive works you have produced.

You worked well today class. This is our class is over.

– Introduce photocopy drawing techniques.
– Formation of skills in the technique of drawing with a candle.
developing attention by observing frost patterns in winter;
fostering interest in winter natural phenomena;
instilling accuracy in execution.
Equipment: patterns samples, album sheet; additional sheet, piece of candle; watercolor paints; wide bristle brush; a glass of water, napkins, a letter.
1. Organizational moment.
Psycho-gymnastics: “Ray”
Reaching for the sun
They took the ray
Pressed to my heart
And they gave it to each other.
Report the topic of the lesson.
Guys, today the topic of educational and organizational activities is “Frosty Patterns”, and not just an activity, but drawing with a candle
Surprise moment.
Guys, what time of year is it now? Children answer winter
It's winter now. Winter is a wonderful time of year! Various miracles happen in winter! So I received a small parcel. Who sent it to us?
Let's see what's in it, maybe we'll find out who it's from.
Reading the piece of paper attached to the parcel
Guys, here is a snowflake with a riddle poem. Listen carefully to guess it. Whoever guesses it will raise their hand:
Stars fall from the sky and fall on the fields.
Let the black earth hide under them.
Many, many stars, thin as glass;
The stars are cold, but the earth is warm.
What artist put this on the glass?
And leaves, and grass, and thickets of roses. Children answer that these are snowflakes because they cover the ground with snow and look like stars.
Well done guys, you are very observant, so you guessed the riddles correctly.
Introduction to the topic.
And who is winter’s faithful and irreplaceable helper? Children respond to frost
Right. With the onset of winter comes cold weather. Frost is knocking on every house. He leaves his messages to people: either the door will freeze - they are poorly prepared for winter, or he will leave his art on the windows - a gift from Frost. Let's see what kind of messages he sent us
I take out pictures from the parcel - depicting frosty patterns
What is shown in the pictures? Children answer Twigs, snowflakes, ice flowers, curls and hooks of cold
That’s right, there are kids here and the spruce branches are decorated with frost.
This is how Frost painted our windows without brushes or paints.
Guys, how do you think Moroz draws these patterns? Children make their own assumptions. Blows cold air on the glass, magically throws snowflakes onto the windows, and they stick to the window.
In fact, from the cold, frosty air, droplets of water that are present in the air settle on the cold glass, freeze and turn into pieces of ice - needles. During the night, many, many of them are formed, they seem to build on each other. And as a result, we get different patterns that we just saw.
Guys, do you think we could draw patterns in such a way that at first they were invisible, and then suddenly appeared, like Frost’s? No.
But it turns out it is possible. And now I’ll introduce you to this method of drawing - it’s called “photocopy”.
2. Practical part.
Take the pieces of the candle in your hands and try to move them along a sheet of paper.
Does the candle leave visible marks? Children answer No
Now cover the top with any watercolor paint. What did you get? Lines appeared under the paint, which we drew with a candle.
Guys, why do you think the lines made with the candle weren’t colored? Children express their opinions
The candle consists of wax, which repels water, so a design made with a water-repellent material appears after applying watercolor paint diluted with water. Today we will try to create a miracle - we will draw frosty patterns using a candle.
Where do we start drawing? Children answer by drawing from the top, going down.
That's right, in order to ensure that the drawn elements do not overlap each other, it is best to draw the pattern from top to bottom. Cover the finished drawing with watercolor paint. I would advise choosing blue or purple. To prevent the sheet from getting wet, apply the paint evenly over the entire sheet, but do not apply it over the same place several times.
3. Independent work of children.
I provide individual, dosed assistance

4. Summing up
What guys is the name of the painting technique we used to create such beautiful works? Children answer photocopy
What else do you think can be drawn using the photocopy technique? Children respond with flowers, patterns, sun.
Our lesson has come to an end, I am very pleased with you and I really want to know what surprised you today? What did you especially like today?

Summary of an art lesson in the preparatory group on the topic “Let’s decorate a sundress for a nesting doll.” Plasticineography.

Purpose of work: This summary is intended for preschool teachers, primary school teachers, additional education teachers, and parents.
Target: Acquaintance with the history of the creation of the Russian nesting doll.
- Learn to reflect the characteristic features of the design of a nesting doll using an unconventional technique - plasticineography.
- To consolidate an understanding of the relationship between decorative and applied arts and Russian folklore.
- To consolidate the methods of working in the “plasticineography” technique: rolling, flattening, making decorative elements, painting with plasticine.
- Strengthen the ability to mix plasticine of different colors to obtain the desired shade.
- Cultivate interest in folk toys
- Using this type of work as a source of joy not only for the child, but also for the people around him.

Material for work:

Silhouettes of nesting dolls, cut out of thick multi-colored cardboard with painted faces.
- A set of colored plasticine.
- Stack
- Napkin
- The toy is a matryoshka doll made of papier-mâché, 50 centimeters high.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational part.
Children sit in a semicircle.
There's a knock on the door.
Educator: Who came to visit us? Let's see…
He brings in a huge matryoshka doll.

- Children, what kind of doll came to us with such an elegant look?
Children: Matryoshka!
Educator: I know a riddle about a nesting doll, listen carefully
Like a turnip, it's steep-sided,
And under the scarlet scarf on us
Looks fun, smart, wide
A pair of black currant eyes.
Scarlet silk handkerchief,
Bright sundress flower,
The hand rests on the wooden sides.
And there are secrets inside:
Maybe three, maybe six.
Got a little flushed
Our Russian (matryoshka)

Educator: That's right, the most favorite toys among the people, children were nesting dolls. Listen to another riddle
Friends of different heights
But they look alike
They all live together
And just one toy.

Teacher's story: The figurine of a nesting doll is carved from a wooden block, it can be divided into two parts and so there can be up to 10-12 dolls in it. First, they make the smallest figurine and sand it down.
-Children, why do you think the figurine is sanded?
Children: To make the surface smooth and easier to paint.
- Absolutely right, and they are varnished.
The most famous is the Semyonovskaya nesting doll, which is the ancestor of modern nesting dolls.

There were Zagorsk nesting dolls and Polkhov-Maidan dolls, they all differed in painting, but they were dressed the same: a painted sundress, half shawl, an apron. Let's look at our matryoshka.

Children: Matryoshka is dressed in a Russian sundress, with a shawl and an apron on her head.
Educator: What patterns do you see?
Children: Flowers, leaves, twigs, berries, buds.
Educator: Matryoshkas are funny people and they invite us to dance.
Physical education moment.
Clap your hands
Friendly nesting dolls,
There are boots on my feet, nesting dolls are stomping.
Lean left, right,
Bow to everyone you know,
The girls are naughty
Painted dolls.
In your colorful sundresses
You look like sisters.
Okay, okay
Funny nesting dolls.
Movements are carried out according to content.
2. Practical part.
Educator: Look, our nesting doll came not alone, but with friends. But why are the girlfriends so gloomy and sad?

Children: Their sundress and scarf are not decorated.
Educator: Yes, children, they are sad, they want to be dressed up, but let us help and decorate the outfit?
The children happily agree.
- How are we going to decorate? What can we sculpt?
Children: Flowers and berries, leaves.
Educator: Let's remember how we made a flower and leaves in previous lessons?
Children: Roll a sausage out of plasticine, divide into equal parts, roll into balls, place around the middle and flatten each into a pancake, the leaves are ovals, which are also ivy.
Educator: I want to introduce you to a new element - this is a strawberry. Take a red ball, flatten it with your fingers to make a flat cake, slightly flatten it on one side and attach it to a branch, roll out small peas of yellow plasticine - these are the seeds and the berry is ready! We also drew with plasticine, pinch off a small piece of plasticine of the color we need and pull it apart into parts.
The teacher shows the process and clarifies it with the children as the lesson progresses.
If children want to have a different color, then you can use the technique of mixing plasticine, for example, take one part red and two parts white and mix thoroughly and knead with your fingers, so that it is more convenient to maintain the proportions, roll out one long sausage of white color and a short sausage of red.
The matryoshka “distributes” its friends to the children, the teacher asks the children to come up with their own pattern for the nesting dolls and get to work.
While working, the nesting doll “walks” and watches the task being completed, and can give advice or praise to the child.
Gymnastics for tired fingers.
For a long, long time we sculpted,
(hands clasped and wrists rotate in a circular motion)
Our fingers are tired
(shaking hands)
Let them rest a little
(stroking each finger in turn)
And they will start sculpting again.
Let's raise our hands together
(spread arms to the sides)
And let's start sculpting again.
(clap hands)
3. Final part.
The children make an exhibition of crafts, and the matryoshka praises them.

Educator: You have made real Russian nesting dolls, we will decorate our group room and admire them, and now we will say goodbye to our guest. Goodbye, matryoshka, come again!
The children wave and say goodbye.
- What toys were popular among the people?
- What are the most famous nesting dolls in Russia?
- What costumes did the nesting dolls wear?
- What mood arises when looking at a matryoshka doll? What do you like about this toy?
Matryoshka on the window
Under a bright sundress.
And the whole family is in a nesting doll
Like in a wooden house.
Open it and you will see a miracle:
Matryoshenka is a baby.
And there's more! Where?
And there again...Foundling!
Hands and feet washed
Each one has a nesting doll.
Clothes ironed
Boots cleaned...
Matryoshka dolls sing in the choir.
They live without knowing grief,
And amicably and happily,
And amazingly fun!
V. Prikhodko.

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