The history of the creation of Alyonushka Vasnetsova’s painting is brief. The fairy-tale world of Viktor Vasnetsov

Viktor Vasnetsov - Alyonushka. 1881. Oil on canvas. 173 × 121 cm
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The plot was based on the fairy tale “About Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.” Alyonushka, tired of the fruitless search for her brother, sits in a lonely pose on a large stone by a gloomy pond, bowing her head to her knees. Anxious thoughts about brother Ivanushka do not leave her. Alyonushka is grieving - she couldn’t keep track of her brother - and the nature around her is grieving along with her...

The artist began work on the painting in 1880. At first he painted landscape sketches on the banks of the Vori in Abramtsevo, near the pond in Akhtyrka. 3 sketches from that time have survived.

Pond in Akhtyrka 1880

Alyonushkin Pond (Pond in Akhtyrka), 1880

Sedge, 1880
In Vasnetsov’s painting Alyonushka, the landscape is very beautifully painted in which Alyonushka is closely interconnected with nature, which is also saddened, like our heroine Alyonushka.
In the picture, not a single fragment distracts the viewer from the main thing, at the same time, every detail of the picture is material for thoughtful reflection.

Victor Vasnetsov. Sketches for the painting “Alyonushka”, 1881
Initially, Vasnetsov called the painting “Fool Alyonushka,” but there is nothing offensive or ironic in the artist’s attitude towards his heroine. The fact is that the word “fool” in those days was used to describe holy fools or orphans. Let's remember the fairy tale - after the death of their parents, Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka are left alone, and despairing of finding a naughty brother, Alyonushka feels like an orphan, lonely and abandoned.

Some critics insisted that this is not a fairy-tale image, but the embodiment orphan's share poor peasant women, such as could be found in every village. An old sundress with faded flowers, disheveled hair, rough bare feet give Alyonushka a non-abstract character fairy tale character, but a very real girl from the people.

The work was completed in the winter of 1881 in Moscow, after which Vasnetsov sent it to the Traveling Exhibition. Critic I. E. Grabar called the picture one of best paintings Russian school.
Vasnetsov himself spoke about his painting like this:

“Alyonushka” seemed to have been living in my head for a long time, but I really saw it in Akhtyrka, when I met one simple-haired girl who captured my imagination. There was so much melancholy, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes... Some special Russian spirit wafted from her.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov
Russian artist-painter and architect, master of historical and folklore painting.
Born on May 15, 1848 in the Russian village of Lopyal, Urzhum district, Vyatka province, in the family of an Orthodox priest Mikhail Vasilyevich Vasnetsov, who belonged to the ancient Vyatka family of Vasnetsov.
At first I was going to follow in my father’s footsteps. But in his last year of theological seminary he left his studies and went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts.

At first, Vasnetsov wrote on everyday subjects. Subsequently, he developed the so-called “Vasnetsov style” - epic-historical at its core with a strong patriotic and religious bias.

Vasnetsov performed in all kinds: he was a historical painter, a religious painter, a portrait painter, a genre painter, a decorator, and a graphic artist. In addition, he was an architect - the church in Abramtsevo, the facade were built according to his designs Tretyakov Gallery, Tsvetkovskaya Gallery and his own house with a workshop in Troitsky Lane.

Viktor Vasnetsov died in Moscow on July 23, 1926, at the age of 79. The artist was buried at the Lazarevskoye cemetery, after the destruction of which the ashes were transferred to the Vvedenskoye cemetery.

Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” is familiar to every Russian child from childhood: it is the one most often used to illustrate the fairy tale about brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka. It is interesting that initially the artist himself called his painting not “Alyonushka”, but “Fool”. Probably, if the picture had retained its name to this day, it would hardly have been studied in school during a speech development lesson. But the artist, fortunately, changed his mind: he renamed the painting, although the word “Fool” at that time only meant “holy fool” or “orphan.” What is the story of Vasnetsov “Alyonushka” did not appear by chance. In 1880, he was engaged in landscape paintings in Akhtyrka, but the image of a fairy-tale girl lived in his head: sad, big-eyed, sorrowful. The image did not want to come together until one day the artist met a bare-haired unknown girl. Vasnetsov was struck by how Russian she was, what a Russian spirit she exuded.

A meeting with a stranger led to the long-nurtured image finally being embodied in a picture. In 1881, Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” was first presented at the Traveling Exhibition. There she received the highest, most enthusiastic reviews.

Painting “Alyonushka” by Vasnetsov. Description

Today it is included in the Russian language program. Using her example, schoolchildren become familiar with the concepts of “painting,” “composition,” and some other terms, learn to express their thoughts, and choose the right words. What did V.M. Vasnetsov depict? Alyonushka, bare-haired and barefoot, sits on a stone by the water. The girl is probably cold, because autumn has already arrived. This can be seen from the black water, several yellow leaves on its surface, along the tree branches beginning to turn yellow in the background.

The girl’s hands with thin, tightly clenched fingers lie on her knees. Alyonushka put her head on them and looks longingly into the pond. What is she thinking about? Does he long to see his brother? Does she think about what awaits her? The artist reflected the grief and hopelessness in the girl’s eyes with such force that even the viewers’ eyes well up with tears. Alyonushka’s loneliness, her confusion and defenselessness are emphasized by the landscape: behind her is an impenetrable forest wilderness, beginning immediately beyond the clearing. Ahead is a black, eye-catching pool. Both the forest thicket and the pool seem especially black against the background of greening spruces, sedges, and trees beginning to turn yellow. But it is these trees that fence off, as if protecting Alyonushka from the dark forces of the forest. Even from the black pool green sedge grows. Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” evokes a slight feeling of sadness, but it is not sad at all. After all, if the trees turn green and the grass grows, does that mean life goes on? And sad Alyonushka can also become happy? Isn't this what she dreams of? At one time, Igor Grabar called the painting one of the best in the entire Russian school of painting. Perhaps precisely because Vasnetsov was able to convey in the image of Alyonushka not only the image of a Russian girl, but also the soul of a Russian man, capable of being sad, but not capable of despair. Some people think the picture is gloomy, sad and hopeless. Others, looking at it, feel a little sad, because the end of the fairy tale is well known. How do you feel?

An essay based on a painting by V.M. Vasnetsova "Alyonushka"

The sun set in the thicket.

Gloomy forest around like a wall.

Alyonushka became sad:

How can she live alone now?

There is no dear mother with her,

Neither birth father

Tears are dripping onto the stones

At the forest lake.

Who will dispel bitter thoughts,

Who will help her in trouble?..

Only one reed with sedge

Reflected in the water.

And a darling side

It's getting sadder and sadder.

It’s a pity, Alyonushka doesn’t know,

The girl will meet happiness

And he will find his love...

Oh, how fun it is to hope

Knowing the fairy tale in advance!

    Artist V.M. Vasnetsov and his paintings.

    Description of Alyonushka (pose, appearance, clothes, face).

    Nature sympathizes with Alyonushka.

    What techniques and means allowed the artist to express the content of the painting?

    How do I feel about the picture? (What did you like and why, what does the picture make you think about, what feelings does it evoke?)

The painting “Alyonushka” testifies to Vasnetsov’s great love for his people.

E.I. Golubeva

Questions to help you prepare for your essay

Description of Alyonushka

    Who do you see in the center of the picture?

    Why did Vasnetsov depict Alyonushka in the center, in the foreground of the picture?

    Where is Alyonushka?

    Describe the girl's pose.

    Why did she take this pose?

    What is Alyonushka’s mood?

    What do you think is the reason for Alyonushka’s sadness?

    What words can describe Alyonushka’s grief?

    How did the artist show that she has a bleak fate?

    How does Viktor Mikhailovich feel about his heroine?

    With the help of which artistic techniques does the artist draw attention to Alyonushka’s face?

Description of nature (empathizes with the main character)

    What can you say about the nature surrounding Alyonushka?

    Describe everything you see in the foreground and background.

    What time of year is shown in the picture?

    What details indicate this?

    Why do you think the artist chose autumn?

    By what means did the artist show that nature is sad with the poor girl?

    Who else in the picture sympathizes with Alyonushka’s grief? Why do you think so?

    What colors does the artist use to create a sad, inconsolable mood?

Epithets for description

Alyonushka: sweet, lonely, depressed, joyless, sad, pensive, sad, sad, barefoot, bowed head, sad look, frozen pose, difficult fate, old torn sundress, worn things, faded faded jacket.

Osinki: thoughtful, subtle, tremulous, anxious.

Water: motionless, dark, frozen, cold.

Sky: inhospitable, dreary, gloomy, gray, cloudy, unkind, gloomy.

Forest: gloomy, dense, deaf, gloomy, mysterious.

Pool: deep, cold, dark, sad.

Paints: yellow, dark green, brown, cold dark tones, dim, dull.

Using words

Near, far, right, left, next, above, here, in the foreground, in the background.

We write without speech repetitions

Alyonushka, sister, heroine, she, girl, orphan.

Artist, painter, brush master, landscape painter, author.

Create, write, depict, create.

Painting, canvas, reproduction, canvas, work, creation.

Brief information about the writer.

IN Ictor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov(1848-1926). Russian artist-painter and architect, master of historical and folklore painting. V.M. Vasnetsov was born in the village of Lopyal, Vyatka province. His father, a priest, was a passionate lover of nature; he instilled this feeling in his sons, the future artists Victor and Apollinaris.

It was impossible not to love the nature of the Vyatka region, not to become attached to it with all my heart. From childhood, Vasnetsov heard epics and fairy tales about Russian heroes, lingering sad songs sung by girls. All this could not but have an impact on the development of talent.

From 1868 to 1875 Vasnetsov studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. His first works were drawings and paintings on household topics. However, only in Moscow did he fully find himself as an artist. It was in Moscow that Vasnetsov worked on his extensive famous paintings: “Flying Carpet”, “Alyonushka”, “Bogatyrs”, “Ivan Tsarevich on Gray wolf", "The Knight at the Crossroads". Historical origins and poetic fiction are closely intertwined in these paintings. Vasnetsov opened up a rich and vibrant world of images of folk poetry for Russian art.

I have always been convinced that [...] in fairy tales, songs, epics, dramas, the entire integral image of a people, internal and external, with past and present, and perhaps even the future, is reflected.

V.M. Vasnetsov

An essay based on a painting by V.M. Vasnetsova "Alyonushka" (sample)*

The plot of “Alyonushka” was inspired by the artist from a Russian folk tale about sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka. In this picture, Vasnetsov showed us the image of a simple Russian girl and expressed his attitude towards her.

In the foreground, the artist depicted Alyonushka, who is sitting on a gray stone near a deep pool. She is very sad. Apparently, the girl is sad about her hard life and is sad. Alyonushka is poorly dressed: she is wearing an old sundress, a faded jacket, and she is barefoot.

Her face, although sad, is beautiful and kind. Quiet autumn nature complements touching image orphan peasant girl. Young birch, aspen and spruce trees froze sadly around. The trees are fragile and thin, like the heroine herself. They seem to protect her from the evil world. Nature is in tune with Alyonushka’s mood: it seems that she is grieving along with the heroine.

Reflected in the deep pool dark forest. Yellowed leaves lie motionless on the surface of the water. There is not a single ray of sun in the forest, and Alyonushka has nothing joyful and bright in her soul.

The coloring of the picture emphasizes its sad content. It is no coincidence that the artist resorts to soft, deep tones of dark green, blue, yellow, red-brown colors of nature. In this modest color scheme Vasnetsov introduced different tones, contrasting ones. This pink flowers on a sundress, the delicate blue of a jacket, the lush green of sedge. Bright colors enhance the emotional impact of the picture and better help to understand the mood of the heroine.

Artist with great love showed us Alyonushka, her feelings. He believes in the girl's future happiness. With his painting, Vasnetsov evokes our sympathy for the fate of poor orphans. She touches us and excites us, makes us worry along with the heroine.

“Alyonushka” is one of the first paintings in Russian art, where the poetry of folk tales is inextricably fused with the poetry and sincerity of native Russian nature.

* Do not copy the essay (and do not retell it in your own words - this is not an exposition).

Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" is a work that most of our compatriots know today. An essay on it is required school curriculum. You may have also written a story based on Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” at one time. However, we will still recall the plot of this painting.

Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" can be briefly described as follows. Tired of the useless search for her brother, the heroine sits on a large stone in a lonely pose by a gloomy pond. The head is bowed to the knees. Alyonushka is haunted by disturbing thoughts about his brother. She's sad - she didn't keep track of him. Seems, surrounding nature around shares these feelings... Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" will be described in more detail in this article.

How it all began?

The idea of ​​this work was inspired by the author in the same way from a Russian fairy tale called "About sister Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka." The prototype for this picture was a real girl. The artist met her when he was at the Okhtyrka estate in the summer of 1880. Vasnetsov saw in a random girl, in his own words, a sea of ​​loneliness, melancholy and purely Russian sadness. The first sketch was made from it. Vasnetsov almost immediately decided on the concept of his future work. Despite the fact that the plot was simple, interesting story has Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka". The artist's self-portrait is presented below.

Stages of working on a painting

In 1880, Viktor Mikhailovich began work on this canvas. The history of the creation of the painting “Alyonushka” by Vasnetsov is as follows. Several sketches made by the author during this period, which preceded the creation of the work that interests us, have survived to this day. These are “Sedge”, “Alenushkin Pond”, “Pond in Okhtyrka”. Viktor Vasnetsov also made several full-scale sketches in paint, which depict a girl sitting on a stone.

The artist admitted that when creating the image of the main character on the canvas, he peered into the facial features of Savva Mamontov’s daughter, famous philanthropist from Moscow. This girl's name was Vera Mamontova. In the winter of 1881, the work was completed, after which Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov sent it to the exhibition of Itinerant artists held in Moscow. The painting "Alyonushka", however, was not very popular at first. She acquired it a little later.

What was the original name of Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka”?

The canvas was given a slightly different name - “Fool Alyonushka”. According to some sources, the word “fool” was used at that time to refer to holy fools or orphans. Vasnetsov did not immediately mention that his work has fairy tale plot.

How was the painting completed?

The history of Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" includes several modifications. It is known that the artist corrected it several times, changing some details. Experts took x-rays of this work. As a result, it was possible to establish that the girl’s shoulder, neck and face, as well as the overall color scheme of the picture, were redesigned. In the first version, apparently, “Alyonushka” provoked many critical comments from the artist’s colleagues and acquaintances. Kuindzhi's portrait of Vasnetsov is presented below.

Where is "Alyonushka" (artist Vasnetsov) kept?

The painting "Alyonushka" is currently on display at the Tretyakov Gallery. But Tretyakov, during the first exhibition at which this work was presented, did not honor it, despite Vasnetsov’s efforts, with attention. Mamontov bought this painting for five hundred rubles.

The general mood of the canvas

Today is one of the most famous works Vasnetsov, written based on folk tale, is this one. A reproduction of Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” is presented below.

A young girl sitting on a stone on the river bank is attracted by her natural beauty and simplicity. In the sad eyes of the heroine you can read deep emotions. This is sadness, but at the same time it is also a dream about that happy time that will come someday, girlish dreams and, of course, longing for the missing younger brother. The artist masterfully managed to convey general mood in the picture, sad and peaceful, enhanced by images of nature - clouds floating slowly overhead, motionless trees.

The role of canvas fragments

The master in his work perfectly reflects the relationship that exists between ordinary Russian people and nature. She seems to be as sad as the girl in the painting. Not a single fragment of the canvas distracts the viewer from the main plot. On the contrary, he emphasizes and strengthens it. Viktor Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" is completely focused on the image of a girl. Every detail of this painting evokes sad reflections.

What was Vasnetsov’s merit?

Many fairy tales, passed down from generation to generation, were written by Russian writers and the Russian people. Vasnetsov's merit lies in the fact that he created, using the means of painting, convincing images that are imbued with the Russian spirit.

The artist, working on the plot of his painting, decided to place the young defenseless girl in a truly perilous place. Apparently, Vasnetsov in this way sought to cause a lasting pang in the hearts of the audience. The artist successfully used a fairy tale plot. Painting by V.M. Vasnetsov's "Alyonushka" is not accidentally based on him. Although Vasnetsov does not literally follow the plot - in the fairy tale on which the picture was written, there is no description of a barefoot girl yearning by the forest pool. Viktor Mikhailovich in his work sought to reveal the emotional character and meaning folklore image. This plot serves to fully reveal the complex and ambiguous Russian character.

Alyonushka's image

child with difficult fate issues appearance the girl shown in the picture. She has red unkempt hair, a plump scarlet mouth and dark eyes. In fact, the appearance of this girl completely lacks the fantastic and fabulous. The only detail in the composition emphasizes the fabulousness of the plot - a group of swallows sitting above Alyonushka’s head. It is known that these birds have long been a symbol of hope. The artist used this unusual technique to balance the image of the main character, full of melancholy, and to bring into the plot the hope that the fairy tale will end happily.

It seems that Alyonushka finds solace by the pond. She seems to dissolve in the colors of the picture, becoming part of the landscape. The heroine's humility and her wounded legs attract and fascinate. This is a pure girlish image. This girl has very adult sadness. In her eyes, sadness borders on despair.

The forest surrounded her on all sides and did not want to let her out of captivity. Alyonushka's tears fall straight into the pond. What did the artist want to say with this? Most likely, this is a warning about a danger that may happen or has already happened to Ivanushka. Alyonushka thinks that Baba Yaga could turn her brother into a little goat. Every detail of this picture provides rich food for thought...

Landscape painting by Vasnetsov

The surrounding nature is especially important in the picture. Basically it is natural, also created in Abramtsevo. Reeds, stones, birch trunks, autumn leaves falling into the water seem to be animated by the author. It’s as if nature echoes the heroine’s sad complaints. Thin branches of aspens bent over the girl, the leaves of the water grass drooped in the same rhythm with her figure. The dark surface of the pool is full of alarming secrets; the forest is wary in the darkness. The swallows touchingly perched on a branch above Alyonushka’s head, as if conferring on how to help her. This landscape is real, but at the same time filled with soft sincerity and mysterious alertness. Vasnetsov here anticipates the “landscape of mood” of M.V. Nesterov and I.I. Levitan.

Atmosphere of silence and sadness

The description of Viktor Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” would be incomplete if we did not note general atmosphere canvases. The artist skillfully filled the landscape with silence and sadness. In his work, Vasnetsov perfectly succeeded in depicting the motionless water surface of a pond, spruce and sedge. Calm and silence are present in everything - even the pond barely reflects main character. The young trees tremble slightly, the sky frowns a little. The dark green shades of the surrounding landscape contrast with the gentle blush on the girl’s face, and the autumn sadness contrasts with the bright flowers painted by the artist on Alyonushka’s old sundress. According to the legends of the Russian people, at the end of the day nature comes to life and acquires an amazing ability to experience in sync with humans. Such a magical talent to exist in resonance with her was inherent in Vasnetsov himself. That’s why Alyonushka’s feelings in the picture are so consistent with the state of the forest surrounding her. The viewer peering at the canvas has the feeling that the fairy tale will continue in a moment... This is the description of Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka”, based on the general impression of the painting.

"Alyonushka" today

The artist was inspired to create this masterpiece by the lyrical image of a Russian girl from the people with a sad look. This work is distinguished by its simplicity and sincerity. Today she is very famous. Google search engine in 2013 home page In honor of Vasnetsov’s anniversary (165 years old), she changed her usual logo to a doodle, which is based on the plot of “Alyonushka”. On background the bushes were transformed in such a way that the company name was made up of them.


Written based on Russian folklore, the picture looks like the personification of the melancholy and sadness of the people. This is not so much Alyonushka, who lost her brother Ivanushka, as all women fairy tale images, who, according to the plot, had a test.

Nature is both a place of events and an active participant in them. Vasnetsov’s landscape is psychological, it is a mirror of the heroes’ souls. Alyonushka, frozen on the stone, seemed lost in this tall grass. Her skirt looks like it was made from meadow flowers, her hair is like sand, and her shirt is like stones.

The forest is young, but dark - it is clear that it is easy to get lost and disappear in it. Or accidentally meet other heroes of the Russian epic. The pond is mirror-smooth, as if no one lives in it: not a fish, not a frog, not a bird. Deadly silence and melancholy.


Vasnetsov worked on the painting in Abramtsevo on the estate of Savva Mamontov. By the way, there were many who found similarities between Alyonushka and the philanthropist’s daughter Vera - the same famous “Girl with Peaches”. The artist denied this and told a story about meeting a peasant woman: “Alyonushka seemed to have been living in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka, when I met one simple-haired girl who captured my imagination. There was so much melancholy, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes... Some special Russian spirit wafted from her.”

Pond in Okhtyrka, 1880

Having made several sketches and sketches on the banks of the Vori and near the pond in Akhtyrka, Vasnetsov returned to Moscow, where he completed work on the painting in the winter. Its original title - “Fool Alyonushka” - contained the very melancholy that the artist wrote about. A fool, that is, an orphan, abandoned by everyone, destitute. But even without this word, everything is felt, everything is clear.

The fate of the artist

He was born into the family of a Vyatka priest and at first intended to follow in his father’s footsteps. But in his last year of theological seminary he left his studies and went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts.

At first, Vasnetsov wrote on everyday subjects. Subsequently, he developed the so-called “Vasnetsov style” - epic-historical at its core with a strong patriotic and religious bias.

Vasnetsov, 1891

Vasnetsov was a religious man, a portrait painter, a decorator, and a graphic artist. In addition, he was an architect - according to his designs, the church in Abramtsevo, the facade of the Tretyakov Gallery, the Tsvetkovskaya Gallery and his own house with a workshop in Troitsky Lane were built.

During his lifetime they began to call him the hero of Russian painting. IN to a greater extent this is due to the volume of cultural layer that he raised in his work. The breadth of themes and forms of implementation, genre diversity and skill delighted contemporaries.

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