The history of the origin of the Apple logo. APPLE Logo: History and Meaning

In our turbulent times, people do not have enough time to sleep, let alone remember all sorts of different brands. However, even in such conditions, there are several logos that almost every inhabitant of the Earth knows. For example, you can recall the ideal Mercedes star, the well-known Coca Cola inscription, the design of the Nike symbol, the white and blue circle of BMW. Among these leaders we can highlight the Apple logo. Many people often wonder about the history of the origin of the Apple logo, and how it has changed over the decades.

When did the Apple logo appear?

Apple owes its first logo to Ron Wayne. Now the name of this man has almost been forgotten and it is unlikely that people well versed in the history of Apple remember him. Although this man was the third co-founder of the tiny Apple company. But no one remembers him for a very simple reason, this loser, what else can you call a person who got rid of the shares of a young company just 11 days after its founding. He sold them for $800. Imagine how much money he would have now. After all, he had 10 percent of the shares, and in modern times this is a cosmic amount.

The symbol that Wayne came up with for his company has nothing in common with the current emblem. It was a carefully designed picture in which Isaac Newton occupied the main place, with an apple on top, symbolizing insight. Much later, Apple will remember Newton when it begins to develop the first PDAs.

The first Apple logo has small words written on it, if you look closely you can read " Newton… A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought… Alone", which can be translated into Russian as " Newton...The mind always sails through many seas of thought...alone". This paragraph was borrowed from a fairly well-known poem in the West by William Wordsworth called “The Prelude.”

And indeed the symbol turned out to be very sensible. All these mysterious references to Isaac Newton gave the logo a certain air of mystery. However, this logo was very unsuitable for modern business. It is for this reason that a year after the founding of Apple, Steve Jobs decided to find a completely new symbol. So he went to a wonderful designer named Rob Janoff. Steve Jobs gave the task to create such an emblem so that it would look modern and at the same time be perfectly recognizable among many others like it.

For a week, this graphic designer was completely occupied with the task at hand. Many years later, he was interviewed in which he revealed the secret of how he came up with this logo. Rob went to the store where he bought apples of various shades, then he put them in a vase and began to draw. Gradually removing various elements. He drew that very bite quite deliberately, because his task was to depict such an image of the fruit so that it would be firmly associated with an apple, and not, say, with berries, vegetables or fruits. Moreover, in English the word byte and bite off are written almost identically (byte/bite), this added even more meaning.

Myths of the appearance of the Apple logo

The first legend. Rob depicted the company logo with rainbow colors. Subsequently, many people began to slander that this coloring was somehow very similar to the symbolism of gay minorities, and, speaking in Russian, to the symbolism of homosexuals. Although this is fundamentally wrong, because that famous emblem began to be used a whole year earlier than the buggers invented their logo in the form of a rainbow.

Second legend. It is believed that the apple painted in rainbow colors is a kind of tribute to A. Turing. This man is famous for being able to hack Enigma and Kriegsmarine code, and after the war had a strong influence on the development of information technology. For example, he came up with a special intelligence test, which later became known as Turing test.
However, there were some buggers here too. In the West, there is no escape from this, total pederasty. So, it turns out that Turing was gay and the authorities began to persecute him for homosexuality, and a not very bright future awaited him. After all, serving two years in prison, where every prisoner knows about your inclinations, is not very similar to a walk through a flowery meadow. As a result, he was forced to undergo a course of hormone therapy, as a result of which many women develop breasts and experience infertility. Moreover, the tolerant authorities forbade this talented pederast to do his favorite thing. No, in this case we mean not love games with men, but cryptography.
This was a cruel blow to the fragile and tender soul of the gay scientist. As a result of mental anguish, he committed suicide some time later. Yes, being a homosexual in the West is a thankless task, and sometimes even dangerous for the psyche. What does an apple have to do with it, you ask? The thing is that Turing decided to leave this life that was disgusting to him in an unusual way. After all, homosexuals are creative people. So he bought an apple at the store and injected it with a lethal dose of potassium cyanide, after which he bit into it with gusto. However, alas, he did not have time to chew this juicy piece.

However, Rob Yanov has his own opinion on these legends. He believes that there is no double bottom in the Apple logo. The company's rainbow symbol was supposed to represent the fact that their company is engaged in the development and production of computers, and specifically with color monitors. At that blessed time, the Mac computer screen had the ability to transmit six shades. It was these colors that were included in Apple logo. Moreover, all the shades were installed in random order, and only the green color was specially placed first by Rob.

This rainbow logo has existed for twenty-two years.. After the “prodigal son” Steve Jobs returned to the company in 1998, who had previously been expelled in disgrace, positive changes began. In those distant times, this corporation had very big problems with cash. Most of Apple's competitors slept and saw that this company was about to go down. In order to survive it was necessary to radically change the company's policy.
And you ask, what miracle helped bring the dying company back to life? And everyone was saved by a wonderful designer named Jonathan Ive. He created the latest case for the brand new IMAC G3.

This Mac pulled Apple out of the financial abyss and opened new horizons for it. In addition, from that moment on, this company was noticed at the highest level; its logo began to be used in glossy magazines, TV series and films.
It became clear that the "rainbow apple" logo would look very strange on the Macintosh g3. Therefore, reluctantly, the company’s managers decided to rebrand and make a new design. Therefore, starting in 1998, instead of the color “bitten apple” emblem, a monochrome logo appeared. So the company crossed the threshold of childhood and became mature and strong, and it seems that nothing can shake its unshakable confidence, except perhaps the “Financial Apocalypse”.

The evolution of the Apple logo

The evolution of the Apple logo

History of the origin and development of the company Apple interests many. Many books have been written and films have been made about this “two Steves” phenomenon, but the riddle of the logo remains unsolved.

There is an assumption that the sign depicted on the Apple logo is nothing more than a “symbol of sin”, which Adam accepted from the hands of Eve in the Garden of Eden, having learned the taste and sweetness of vice. The second, most common, says that a bitten apple is the fruit of knowledge, and every person, “biting” science, learns something new and keeps a little for himself. The third, most unexpected version of the origin of the logo is at the same time the most shocking: a bitten apple means death.

The death of the man who was at the origins of the invention of the computer, who was the first to create an “automatic computing device” in 1947 and came up with the theory of artificial intelligence - Alan Turing(Alan Turing).

Dubbed the “Da Vinci of the computer world,” the genius scientist committed suicide in 1954 by biting into an apple doped with cyanide. The one-bite fruit was found on his bedside table the morning after his death.

In search of the truth, I plunged into the network and found an interview with the designer Rob Yanov(Rob Janoff), who designed the company logo, in which he shed some light on the mystery of this fact.

Rob Yanov. The designer who created the Apple logo

“I bought a whole bag of apples, put them in a bowl and painted them for a week, trying to simplify the details. Biting into the fruit was part of the experiment, and by complete accident " byte"("bite" - author's note) turned out to be a computer term, and it is not true that it symbolizes the "fruit of knowledge." I cut apples, quartered and cut out shapes, biting from different sides, but I thought the best idea was a monochrome apple with a one-sided bite on the right side.”

I would like to note that, according to Rob Yanov, for the work done, which was ordered to him by the advertising agency Rigs McKenna, he did not receive a single word of gratitude: “They didn’t even send a greeting card,” complained the elderly creator of the rainbow logo.

Initially the logo was one color, but Steve Jobs I decided to decorate it with a rainbow. The bright version existed for 23 years, until 1998, until it again became the usual monochrome.

Whatever the original idea for the company symbol was Apple, we already accept all the facts of its creation as a given and another fact of history, since love for the logo is born from love for their products. And already in every bitten apple, carelessly left on the table, we notice something familiar: the Apple logo, and not vice versa. [reverttosaved]

website The evolution of the Apple logo The history of the emergence and development of Apple is of interest to many. Many books have been written and films have been made about this “two Steves” phenomenon, but the riddle of the logo remains unsolved. There is an assumption that the sign depicted on the Apple logo is nothing more than a “symbol of sin”, which Adam accepted from the hands of Eve in the Garden of Eden, having tasted...

The origin of logos and names of famous companies is sometimes very simple, and sometimes quite mysterious. Any person who is close to the automotive theme knows that the French co-owner proposed to name the Mercedes company in honor of his daughter. Some concerns don’t bother with any clever ideas and put a word on the logo that completely repeats the name - take Coca-Cola, for example.

And there are icons used for the logo, which at first glance have nothing to do with the product or the founder. For example, Apple: how is the fruit related to mobile phones or computer programs? And I was not noticed to have a particular passion for apples.

A little history about the name and logo

The company was originally named "Apple Computer" - the concern in the early years was engaged only in the production of home hardware and programs for it. It was Steve Jobs who proposed this combination of words, and later he again insisted on a joint decision with his namesake and co-owner to leave only “Apple”.

The logo was first a tree from which, according to a well-known myth, a fruit fell on Newton’s head, then it was replaced by a multi-colored apple, then the coloring was changed, leaving only a gray background. Now the silver apple proudly flaunts on desktop computers, phones and tablets all over the world.

Apple's success is a constant phenomenon

The company still, despite the ups and downs over its long history of existence, firmly holds first place in market capitalization (prices of all shares) - a staggering figure that has exceeded $530 billion.

Troubles in the life of Apple owners, 1981 for Steve Wozniak almost became the last in his life due to an accident, or recent events when a huge number of products did not survive the warranty period - nothing could undermine the triumphant path of the concern to victory over competitors. Apple, like a ruthless shark, has swallowed up many serious companies, a striking example of this is 2014, when Beats Electronics was almost forcibly merged into the company for a ridiculous $3 billion.

Even the death of Steve Jobs, which caused panic in the global electronics market, could not deal a strong blow to the concern. Neither Microsoft nor Google, Apple's most implacable enemies, although they are nipping at Apple's heels, can overtake the company in popularity and number of products sold.

Several versions of the origin of the logo

During his lifetime, Steve Jobs was, on the one hand, a rather boring person (no high-profile scandals and skeletons in the closet), on the other hand, the tabloids, greedy for scandals, constantly tried to debunk this “dullness” and get to the bottom of something in order to dispel the ideal image of his father - founder of Apple. The origin of the name and logo is still especially tormenting the minds of those hungry for sensation.

Jobs himself added fuel to the slowly smoldering fire of secrecy. One of his official answers to the question about the origin of the logo is that he chose this fruit as a tribute to Jeff Raskin, the head of Macintosh, whom he replaced in the 80s of the last century (Jeff himself named the concern after his favorite apple variety).

Another version, voiced by Jobs, is very banal, although it coincided with the first picture of the Apple logo: an apple landing on his head and prompting him to discover the famous law.

There were other suggestions by those wishing to decipher the mysterious Apple icon, funny or funny. For example, an anonymous source leaked information to the media that Jobs loves cheap apple juice in a paper bag with a large image of the fruit on the label, but is embarrassed to admit it.

There were rumors that Steve had permanent vitamin deficiency, and his doctors prescribed him to eat at least one apple a day, and that he constantly carried them in his pocket, periodically taking them out, biting off a piece and putting them back.

Any of the versions looked plausible, but far-fetched. The owner of Apple actually told both his loved ones and the media why he chose the apple, but he really didn’t like it when attention was focused on this option, even the question of the origin of the logo was regularly removed at press conferences.

Why a bitten apple?

The genius of computer technology, Steve Jobs, never hid the fact that his choice of activity was most influenced by the talent of an English mathematician who died under tragic and mysterious circumstances.

According to Jobs, his idol was undeservedly convicted and actually killed, and even a posthumous recognition of his innocence does not atone for the guilt of the British before world science. It is Turing who most likely owes Apple the fact that the apple is now recognizable throughout the world.

It is difficult to describe in a nutshell what a huge contribution this man made to the field of mathematics, logic and cryptography. The "Turing machine" is an abstract computing device, officially recognized as the predecessor of the desktop computer.

While working in the secret branch of British Intelligence during World War II, Turing studied and broke German codes. What was the cost of the blow to the German Enigma encryption system - it was developed in Germany in 1918, was first used in banks, and during the war it began to be used to encrypt messages of the naval fleet. Before Turing, Enigma was considered ideal in terms of security - it was believed that it was impossible to break it. Even when the Germans realized that Enigma had been broken and improved the codes, Turing made them easy to read again within a couple of months.

Although the scientist was deeply apolitical, despite working in intelligence, he was not spared by the Cold War after the end of the First World War. It was rumored that the bastions of Soviet ciphers, which Turing had begun to work on declassifying, were about to fall. Successful at work, Alan was very secretive and modest in everyday life; nothing was known about his personal life until a stupid incident in 1952 when his house was robbed.

It turned out that Alan's house was broken into... by a friend of his lover. It turns out that the talented mathematician is a homosexual, a disgrace for highly moral, prim England! Now it is not surprising when the queen awards the title of lord to people of non-standard sexual orientation (for example, a singer), but in those years the laws of the great empire were merciless: arrest, complete deprivation of titles and rights.

Turing was taken into custody and charged with obscenity (this is the name given to homosexuality in the English procedural code). The accused himself had to choose the punishment - long-term prison or freedom, but with the condition of forced castration. Turing chose the latter.

Unemployed, completely separated from science, broken physically and morally, Alan, who was not very sociable before, renounced the outside world and lived alone, communicating only with his mother. Just two years after his release from custody, he was found dead, and next to him lay on the floor a bitten apple, laced with a lethal dose of cyanide.

The official version is suicide, but why such a clever way to commit suicide? The mother of the deceased tried to get the case reviewed, claiming that her son shared interesting information with her shortly before his death: supposedly the “long arm of Moscow” offered him a move to the USSR and work there. Alan, according to his mother, refused immediately, and his death is the “Reds’” revenge for intractability.

In 2009, Alan Turing was exonerated by the British government, and Prime Minister Gordon Brown even made a public posthumous apology to him. Steve Jobs told friends and family many times that the premature death of this genius dealt an irreparable blow to science, and that the cyanide apple set back the development of computer technology for a long time. Jobs was never known to be gay, but he was liberal towards people like Turing.

Here is a fact that also speaks in favor of the fact that it was the apple that brought death to the English homosexual mathematician that was taken as the prototype for the Apple logo: at first it was multi-colored. It’s beautiful, but there’s only one embarrassing nuance – the combination of these particular rainbow colors is still the emblem of homosexuals.

At the insistence of his colleagues (“We are losing the market among opponents of homosexuality!”), Steve Jobs first agreed to the black version. From 1998 to 2001, the famous apple was charcoal in color, but looked a bit gloomy, and it was decided to repaint it in a silver shade.

Today Apple is a leading manufacturer of mobile phones, software, players, and tablets. The history of Apple is certainly connected with Steve Jobs. Today, the equipment produced by the corporation is highly valued for its impeccable quality. Currently, the total value of the corporation is estimated at more than 500 billion US dollars. The company carefully monitors trends in IT technologies and implements them into the production process. Surely readers of the site will be interested in the history of the creation and development of the company.

History of the name

The official date of birth of the organization is April 1, 1976. It was on this day that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built their first computer by hand. It was called Apple Computer. You should understand how the company got the name Apple.

First Apple Computer

There are several versions. One of them is Jobs' desire for the name to be more conveniently located in the telephone directory. So the “name” of the company occupied a line immediately below the name of the Atari organization, which was developing computer games. In addition, the apple symbolizes the fight for the preservation of nature and the environment, and the corporation was the first in the world to use old consumables to produce new equipment.

History of the logo

The history of the creation of the Apple logo is quite interesting. Its original symbol was a man sitting under a tree with a falling apple above his head. It becomes immediately clear that this picture depicted the great scientist Isaac Newton. Most likely, there were also references in the Bible, because a bitten apple symbolizes temptation. It is worth noting that the Macintosh computer models were named after a variety of apples that the developer of this product line was very fond of.

Apple's first logo

However, the original logo was not memorable and was not suitable for mass sales. Then the story of the creation of the Apple logo moves into a different direction. The company's designer (Rob Yanovu) was walking down the street when he stopped by a local supermarket and bought some apples. Arriving home, he began to cut them and examine them from different angles, after which he depicted one monochrome fruit. True, for some reason he drew the apple slightly bitten.

Jobs liked Rob's sketch, but decided it would be better to color the apple. The head of the advertising agency was against this decision, because at that time printing using color ink was many times more expensive than it is now. However, Steve insisted on his own, and soon the apple that everyone knows today appeared on computers.

The evolution of the Apple logo

The colors for this were chosen in random order. The only thing Jobs insisted on was that a green tint should decorate the design at the top. The type of fruit did not change until 1998. However, then logos painted in black, white and silver began to be placed on the devices. This is the history of the Apple logo.

First computers

In the spring of 1976, the Apple Computer I model appeared in American hardware stores, costing $666.66. Over the course of several months, its creators collect and sell 175 products. Outwardly, it looked like a motherboard with no sound, no case, no keyboard. The following year, Michael Scott began to occupy the post of director of the company.

A new model appears, which was called the Apple II. It was the first PC equipped with color graphics. At this stage, the history of Apple's development takes a new turn. The equipment had special commands for working with sound, as well as a small built-in speaker. In addition, a power supply and keyboard were available. At that time, the computer became a real breakthrough, and its sales for the first time in the history of PCs exceeded a million units. It is only worth mentioning that until 1993, more than 5 million models were assembled and sold. Initially, options with an 8-bit operating system were developed, and a little later 16-bit computers appeared on sale.

Apple II model

Lisa and Macintosh

Beginning in 1979, Apple brand employee Jeff Raskin began working on a new PC, which was named Macintosh. In fact, this was the first technology whose monoblock contained everything an average user needed to work. At the same time, in 1983, another model appeared on the household appliances market. She was named Lisa - that was the name of Steve Jobs' daughter. However, unfortunately, it did not become popular and in demand.

Model Lisa

The beginning of the 80s turned out to be quite a difficult time for the company. Due to regular absenteeism, Steve Jobs was forced to fire forty company employees. At the same time, Apple Computer was launched for an initial IPO and the owners began to sell shares on one of the largest financial exchanges in the world - NASDAQ. However, this step did not have the desired effect and articles began to appear in newspapers reporting the imminent decline of the corporation.

The situation began to change in 1983, when a talented top manager named Scully John became the president of the organization. Before working at Apple, he successfully managed the affairs of PepsiCo. True, friction immediately began between him and Steve Jobs.

On January 22, 1984, the first Macintosh was introduced to the public, radically changing the way ordinary people viewed personal computers. This event became a new milestone in the history of Apple Corporation. By the way, an advertising clip, filmed specifically for the release of the Macintosh based on the plot of D. Orwell’s work, was awarded the Grand Prix in Cannes. Even today, it is considered one of the most original commercials in history.

First Macintosh

The model received the prefix 512K and began to be sold at a price of 2,495 US dollars. Its creators try to make a technique that any user who does not have the proper qualifications can master in a matter of minutes. True, the first Mac OS microprocessors were not very powerful and efficient. They lacked such things as, for example, the ability to simultaneously solve many problems and protected memory. However, over time, developers eliminated these shortcomings, and the Macintosh was able to compete with other similar technology.

Time passed, and the need arose to create a new operating system. Having carefully considered all the nuances, the company's owners decided to use modern developments from a company called NeXT in their new computers. It used an operating system under the general name UNIX. The next system was called Mac OS X and was designed so that users could smoothly migrate from older models to new ones.

The departure and return of Steve Jobs

In 1985, Apple's history was at a turning point. It was at this time that the President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan, awarded Steve Wozniacki and Steve Jobs a medal for a powerful breakthrough in IT technology. At the same time, Jobs, who is the ideological inspirer of the corporation, leaves it, having quarreled with members of the board of directors. At the same time, sales of personal computers and the value of the company's shares plummet. Experts attribute this precisely to the departure of Jobs, because he was able to advertise the technology he was creating in a very original way. Many believe that this will be the end of Apple's development story.

Ronald Reagan presents Steve Jobs with a medal for a powerful breakthrough in IT technology. 1985

In the period from 1995 to 1997, the development, assembly and sale of equipment began to cause serious losses. At the end of the 90s, their amount tended to 2 billion US dollars. The board of directors decides to ask Steve Jobs to return to the corporation.

Revolution in the 2000s

In 2001, the iPod audio player appeared on the computer market. Thanks to its capabilities, this compact media player instantly gained well-deserved popularity. In 2003, an online store opened online that sold music and listened to it in the players of this manufacturer. The newly opened supermarket was called the iTunes Store. In 2007, the corporation demonstrated a new development - the company's first mobile phone, called the iPhone. Since then, the popularity of the device has been growing every year, and its sales have broken all records. Since 2008, another online store has appeared on the network. It's called the App Store. The principle of operation and payment system of the resource is not much different from iTunes.

The first iPod audio player

Appearance of the first iPhone

As of 2010, the company has unquestioned authority among computer equipment manufacturers. It was at this time that the first tablet computer, called the iPad, went on sale. In the first month of its release, more than 1 million copies were sold. From this moment on, the corporation's success story leaves no doubt about the genius of the brand's creators.

This is what the first iPad looks like

Since 2011, Apple has become the most valuable commercial organization in the world. True, its owners failed to establish themselves at this peak for a long time. In 2013, its factories began producing 64-bit chips designed to work with ARM architecture. The company produces a 2-core microprocessor, which was named A7. In 2014, compact portable Apple Watch devices appeared on the electronics market.

Apple Watch

Acquisition of companies and appearance in Russia

Naturally, such a large giant as Apple acquired shares of smaller organizations. So, from 1996 to 2012, the corporation absorbed such companies as NeXT, P. A. Semi, Quattro Wireless, Siri, Anobit Technologies.

The success story of the concern in Russia begins in 2005, when the first Russian Apple Center store opened. Just two years later, in 2007, the company’s official representative office was opened in the country. In 2012, the owners of the corporation registered the Apple Rus company, which to this day is engaged in retail and wholesale sales of electronic equipment.

The first Apple store in Moscow

How is the company doing today?

During the development of the company, it experienced both successes and severe failures. Today, in order to manage such a giant, its own corporate culture has been specially developed. Before starting to create new device models, management clearly defines the responsibilities and roles of each employee. Any product of the company is developed in an atmosphere of strict secrecy.

The company also has its own sales concept. It clearly describes how stores should be decorated. For managers and sellers, principles of trading equipment and psychological techniques used on buyers have been compiled.

Sellers are dressed in blue uniforms. Before starting their duties, they must complete a 14-day training course. During their work, managers undergo additional training. In addition, they are trained to use services to diagnose devices.

While still alive, Steve Jobs independently developed the company's advertising strategy. Today, tablet computers, mobile phones, audio players, and watches come out of Apple assembly lines. In addition, specialists are constantly working to improve the software.

In 2016, the company's management made an interesting statement that soon the concern's technology would operate on the principle of end-to-end encryption. Its essence lies in the signal transmission algorithm: data will be encoded on users’ gadgets, then transmitted to the receiving equipment and decoded. This innovation is connected with the fact that people are increasingly talking about tracking citizens by the US government.

But few people know that Apple is a Freemason company. Let's look at this with facts and Apple symbols.

Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak is a Freemason. He is one of the co-founders of Apple. Wozniak joined the Masonic lodge in 1980. Alice, his wife, encouraged him to do this by joining the Order of the Eastern Star, and Wozniak followed her.

Apparently Wozniak is a Scottish Rite Freemason

This information is not particularly advertised, although Wozniak himself does not hide it. Everyone has watched films about Apple, read biographies, and nowhere is there a strong emphasis on this fact.

Apple App Store (application store). The App Store logo is a stylization of the symbols of the Freemasons (compasses).

Apple computer cost

Price of the first computer; It is believed that Wozniak invented it. The price of the Apple 1 computer was $666.66. Strange, isn't it? Why couldn't the price be set at $444.44, $777.77, or $888.88?


Coins issued in 2013 in Ukraine in honor of Jobs and called iCoin. Symbols - the all-seeing eye on a compass, the compass itself, a triangle, the letter S in the form of a snake. S can mean either "Steve" or "Serpent" (snake). The snake is the ancient serpent-tempter who tempted Eve to taste the forbidden fruit.

Phi number

Another interesting detail on iCoin is the visual representation of the number Phi. Freemasons are obsessed with geometry. They call the Creator the Great Architect. They revere and respect geometry; This secret knowledge was inherited from time immemorial. Phi is a universal number in geometry. This number is constantly found in nature and in the Universe in general.

The number Phi can explain the pattern of a sunflower, the shape of our Galaxy, etc. Phi number is 1.618.

“The key to the physics of the cosmos,” this is what Plato once said, referring to the phi proportion. We see a visual representation of this proportion on the iCoin coin, in the place where the clock and circles are depicted.

Apple logo

Apple logo. The company says that their logo is associated with Newton, who, according to legend, an apple fell on his head. But in fact, a bitten apple could hardly fall on Newton’s head.

Another version seems more plausible. Namely: Eve bit the apple and gave it to Adam to try. Although nowhere in the Bible does it say that the forbidden fruit was an apple, in the Christian tradition for some reason it is generally accepted that this is so.

Thus, for biting the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise. We see that the object of temptation was the forbidden fruit, the apple, and therefore the Apple logo can be regarded as the idea of ​​seducing its customers.


The word "i" (I) in English sounds the same as the word "Eye" (eye). The eye can simply be regarded as an all-seeing eye, which is of great importance in the symbolism of Freemasonry. Based on this, we see a completely different reading and meaning of the familiar ones: i(eye)Tunes, i(eye)Phone, i(eye)Pad, i(eye)Mac and so on.

For example Apple symbols, we see that corporations with Masonic roots or influence are actually operating in the world. There is no need to repeat that, in fact, every major corporation or world-class company is associated with the Illuminati or Freemasonry. This is an indisputable fact. This is the reality today.

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