The icon of the Mother of God, the quick to hear, protects from what. “Quick to Hear” icon of the Mother of God

Icon of the Mother of God Quick to Hear

The heavenly face of the Mother of God is considered the oldest miraculous icon, which is kept in the Dokhiar monastery on the sacred mountain hill of Athos. This icon was created with the good parting words of the Elder of Athos, the creator of the Dochiar monastery, in the tenth century, and this name was given to the icon only in the seventeenth century, after the first miraculous act was performed. On the face itself the Virgin Mary is depicted with a child who sits on her left hand. And little Jesus Christ holds a parchment in his right hand, and with the other he baptizes the people. This icon has one unique feature, it is the child’s heel, it is constantly turned towards the asking people.

Temples where the icon is kept

The real face of the Most Pure Mother of God is located in sunny Greece in the Dochiara Church, but in addition to the original icon, there are no less miraculous copies. For example such as:
Icon of Olives, a copy of the miraculous Image of the Holy One, which is kept in the Holy Ascension Church of Olives for women, located in Jerusalem;
Since 1990, the Petrozavodsk copy of the miraculous face has been considered the main Holy relic of the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross;
In the capital of Russia, there are also many praised images of the Mother of God, for example, one of them is kept in the Cathedral of St. Gabriel of the Antioch Patriarchal Metochion. The most expensive face is located in Biryulyovo in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
Miraculous icons of the Most Pure Virgin Mary exist in many Russian villages, such as: Arkhangelsk - the Cathedral of the Venerable Confessor Martin, where the miraculous revered face of the Most Pure Virgin Mary is located, and also in the village of Doropeevich in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, in Chelyabinsk where the Cathedral Church of Svyato-Simeonovsk is located , as well as in the Belopesotsky Holy Trinity and Pechersk Mother of God monasteries for women.

Days of veneration of the icon

The Mother of God is honored in November on the 9th according to the new style (November twenty-second according to the old style). The divine image helps every believer with a pure heart who needs help and protection. The holy face also serves the venerable fathers as a means of delivering the believer from possession by the unclean. And in ancient times, prayer requests were submitted in front of the icon when troubled times came, in the name of saving lives.


The role of this holy face of the Mother of God and the evidence of its veneration, like many other icons, lead us to the understanding that miraculous icons must be venerated with great respect, because the icon is a visible projection of the Divine face depicted on the Holy Face. This state of affairs reminds people that forgiveness and prayers are necessary in life. After all, the submitted petition always reaches the Divine addressee and is generously rewarded, and the prayer addressed to the Mother of God will soon be heeded and the prayer will be fulfilled, however, it is very important that the prayer is sincere, saturated with the truth of faith and comes from a person with pure and good thoughts, and also with confidence that people are remembered, heard and protected. You just have to hope to believe and make petitions.

In what cases does prayer before the face of the Quick to Hear come to the rescue:
Girls who are pregnant and want the delivery to end successfully and the child to be born healthy, ask for the help of the Mother of God. And also such a prayer can help preserve breastfeeding of a child over a long period of time.
Women also submit a petition to the Holy Face of the Mother of God to save their children from many troubles and misfortunes, problems, and also to save them from all sorts of diseases
A lot of people submit prayers to the icon of the Most Pure Mother of God, so that it will help in finding the right answers and for making the right conclusions in difficult, vital cases. Heavenly forces push a person in the right direction of life’s path, and also help to put his thoughts in order.
Another quite important thing is that the icon also helps in getting rid of most ailments. There are many facts when the Holy Image was approached with a request for help in treating cancer, lameness, and blindness, and the Quick Hearer heard all those who asked and granted healing.

Miracles performed by the “Quick to Hear” icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Getting rid of the disease.

One woman could not come to church, and they helped her come to church, taking her by the arms - since she had a very painful and severe form of rheumatic disease. The worshipers showed her, a sinner, and her relatives what petition to submit and what prayer book to read. While the service was going on, they sprinkled the woman with sacred water and anointed her with miraculous oil from the lamp hanging in front of the “Quick to Hear.”

In a half-bent position, at the limit of her weak strength, the ailing woman stood through the service, her family held her on both sides. And at the end of the service, the woman turned her gaze to the Holy Face of the Mother of God and refused the help of those escorting her. Then the woman independently approached the face of the Most Pure One. I kissed her. The family of the weak and the people, having seen all this, lost their voice from the miracle that took place.

What are they asking for?

Before the miraculous image, petitions are submitted in various life events, when help is simply very urgently needed, for example, if a person has a problem. And in ancient times, prayers were said to the face during accidents on a ship, natural bad weather, for example, such as a flood or fire, that is, in all cases of life when heavenly help can save a person’s life.

How to pray

When a petition is submitted through an icon, it is necessary not only to think about how to find a way out of the current situation, but more importantly to approach with prayer in your heart, with pure thoughts, to tell about your mental suffering. Place a lit candle in front of the miraculous image of the Holy Candle and begin reading the akathist or prayer service.

Prayer before the icon

“Oh, Most Pure Mary, Mother of our Most High, Quick to Hear, patroness of all who bow to You with hope! Hear from your Heavenly Kingdom the unworthy me who bowed to Your holy face, do not immediately despise my unworthy ardent prayer and lift it up to Your God's Servant: ask the Lord to sanctify my sad spirit with the flame of His Most High mercy and save my mind from idle thoughts, may will give peace to my suffering heart and deliver me from heart wounds, may he guide me to good deeds and strengthen me to serve the Lord with trepidation, may he omit all my sinful acts, may he save me from long torment and will not leave me without the Lord’s Rule. O Most Holy Mother of God: you have become incarnate and shown everyone your holy face, Quick to Hear, commanding everyone to bow to your icon with hope: hear me, unworthy and sad, do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sinful deeds. In You, Mother of God, all my faith and hope for protection, and also to Your holy amphora and representation, I give myself for centuries. Amen".

Church candles should be lit before the photograph of the Mother of God. Women are advised to cover their heads with a scarf as a sign of submission to the will of the Lord. The “Quick to Hear” icon is known for the fact that the original painting had sufficient power to blind the monk who insulted her. However, his persistent prayers softened the heart of the Mother of God and she healed the offending servant.

  1. A kneeling position will better demonstrate your humility. You can place a thin blanket or rug under your knees.
  2. The hands should be folded in a prayer gesture in front of the chest. Before you start reading the holy text, make the sign of the cross.
  3. They turn to the “Quick to Hear” for help in difficult times: during wars, natural disasters and serious illnesses. Don't ask her for something unimportant.

How to pray to the icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem

The original of this miraculous image was lost at the beginning of the 19th century during the war with the French Empire. There are two effective prayers addressed to this image of the Mother of God, which help with bodily suffering, various disasters, grant family well-being and help conceive a healthy child.

  1. Before prayer, calm your soul by reading the Lord's Prayer and other neutral texts. Refresh your memory of the Gospel.
  2. It is recommended to visit church the day before for confession and communion. Consult with a priest about how to offer prayer correctly.
  3. Filled with humble motives, ask the Virgin Mary to intercede for you before the Lord. Believe in your words. Banish even a drop of doubt about the effectiveness of your actions.
  4. It is better to read holy texts in front of photographs of icons in the absence of those painted on wood or paper. The greatest effect will come from visiting the temple where the blessed images are kept.

The presence of such blessed images in the house protects the home and its inhabitants from the evil forces and machinations of Satan. The Mother of God will protect young Christians from demonic possession, as well as from the temptations of youth. The regularity of prayer should be at least twice a week. Morning time is the best time to read such texts. However, prayer can ensure a good night's sleep, so choose a part of the day to pray to the Virgin Mary as desired. “Quick to Hear” and Jerusalem will help you focus on prayer and will more quickly convey your requests to the Lord.

The prototype of this icon, located on Mount Athos, in the Dokhiar monastery, was painted in the 10th century. A legend has been preserved about the first miracles performed by this icon. One of the monks, Neil, heard the voice of this icon, but did not heed it, not believing in the possibility of a miracle revealed by the Mother of God, for which he was blinded. But after fervent prayers, the Mother of God restored his sight, announcing: “Tell the brethren, from now on I am their cover and protection of the monastery. Let them and all Orthodox Christians come to Me in their needs, and I will not leave anyone. And My icon will be called “Quick to Hear,” because I will show mercy and quick hearing to all who come to it.” Since then, the Mother of God has shown many miracles through this image. The blind received their sight, the lame began to walk, were saved from captivity, and many other miraculous phenomena and healings of those who flowed to this image took place.

The St. Petersburg list of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” differs in iconography from the Athonite prototype. It depicts the Mother of God without the Infant God, with her right hand outstretched in prayer. Such an image has not been known before and represents a new iconographic type of the “Quick to Hear” icon. In fact, a new icon of the Mother of God became famous on the banks of the Neva. Two images of the Mother of God began to exist under one name. In connection with the veneration of this image and in order to distinguish it from the Quick to Hear Hodegetria, Patriarch Alexy II, by his decree in 2004. assigned the name of the Neva Quick to Hear to the icon.

The image, now located in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Lavra, was originally painted for the Nikolsky Bargradsky metochion in St. Petersburg, located at the intersection of 2nd Rozhdestvenskaya and Mytninskaya streets. This type of icon is not found either in Greece or in the Orthodox East, which is why the image is also called the “Neva Quick to Hear”.

The St. Petersburg copy of the icon became the contribution of Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovich and his wife Elizaveta Feodorovna (later glorified by the Church) to the temple under construction. For the icon in the temple, an icon case was carved in the image of the icon case of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin in order to emphasize its special significance for St. Petersburg and all of Russia. Very soon the image became famous for its miracles and began to be highly revered by St. Petersburg residents. He was especially revered by Emperor Nicholas II and his Family, who offered their prayers to the holy icon until the last days of their lives. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna wrote to A.A. Vyrubova in December 1917, while in Tobolsk exile: “Pray for us and for those we love, and for our dear Motherland, when you visit the “Quick to Hear”; I love Her wonderful face terribly.”

After the closure and destruction of the temple, the miraculous icon was transferred to the Holy Trinity Lavra Cathedral, where it remains to this day.

Nevskaya Quick to Hear - Blockade Intercessor. Much has been written about the help and miracles of the Kazan Intercessor during the war. About "Quick to Hear" - less. However, it is enough to remember that it was on the day of the “Quick to Hear” - November 22, 1941 that the first trucks with food went to the besieged city, and thus the famous “Road of Life” was opened, to understand that it was the prayers of the “Quick to Hear” that saved the lives of thousands of residents besieged city. The Mother of God, in her image “Quick to Hear,” guarded this road, the only thread connecting the city with the rear. In the story of "The Road of Life" there are things that are inexplicable at first glance. How could German aviation allow vehicles with provisions to pass along the “Road of Life”? Why was the defenseless road not bombed - after all, the power of German air bombs was quite enough to turn Lake Ladoga into an icy crumble? These things can only be explained by the miracle of the Mother of God. In memory of this intercession of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” to the besieged city on November 22, 1997, in the village of Zaborye of the Tikhvin deanery, from where semi-trucks departed for Ladoga to Kobon and then followed the “Road of Life” to the besieged city, a temple was founded in honor of the icon of God Mothers of the "Quick to Hear". It became the first church in honor of the Nevsky “Quick to Hear” in the St. Petersburg diocese. Within five years the temple was built. In 2002, on the patronal feast day, the first Liturgy was served there.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, called the “Quick to Hear”, is located in the Dochiar Monastery on Holy Mount Athos. The holy image was painted in the 10th century, during the life of the abbot of the monastery, the Monk Neophytos.

Many centuries later, in 1664, the refector Nile, walking into the refectory at night with a lighted torch, heard a voice from the image of the Virgin Mary hanging above the door, calling on him not to walk there in the future with a lighted torch and not to smoke the image. However, the monk ignored this warning and continued to go to the refectory with a smoking torch, for which he was punished with blindness.

Day and night he prayed before the image of the Mother of God, in repentance asking for forgiveness and healing. The merciful Mother of God heard the prayer of the repentant monk and announced to him about forgiveness and the return of sight, commanding him to tell all the brethren about this mercy: “From now on, this icon of mine will be called Quick to Hear, because I will quickly show mercy and fulfillment of petitions to all who come to Me.” .

Neva Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear".

Through this holy icon of the “Quick to Hear”, the Most Holy Theotokos performed many healings in subsequent times: she gave sight to the blind, and raised the paralytic. Particularly noted were cases of healing from epilepsy and demonic possession. The Mother of God saved many from shipwreck and freed them from captivity.

The Most Holy Mother of God still fulfills Her promise - she shows quick help and consolation to everyone who resorts to Her with faith.

In Rus', copies of the miraculous Athonite icon “Quick to Hear” have always enjoyed great love and veneration. Many of them became famous for their miracles.

Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”

The icon of the Mother of God, called “Quick to Hear”, is an ancient miraculous image, located on Holy Mount Athos, in the Dokhiar monastery. Monastic tradition dates the time of its writing to the 10th century, to the time of the life of the abbot of the monastery, St. Neophytos (commemorated on the same day). In 1664, the refector Nil, walking into the refectory at night with a lit torch, heard from the image of the Mother of God hanging above the door a voice calling on him not to walk here in the future and not to smoke the icon. The monk thought that this was a joke of some brother, ignored the sign and continued to go to the refectory with a smoking splinter. Suddenly he went blind. In bitter repentance, Nile prayed before the icon of the Mother of God, begging for forgiveness. And again I heard a wonderful voice, announcing forgiveness and the return of sight and ordering it to be announced to all the brethren: “From now on, this icon of mine will be called Quick to Hear, because I will quickly show mercy and fulfillment of petitions to all who come to it.” The Most Holy Theotokos fulfilled and is now fulfilling Her promise - she provides immediate help and consolation to everyone who flows to Her with faith.

In Rus', copies of the miraculous Athos icon “Quick to Hear” have always enjoyed great love and veneration. Many of them became famous for their miracles. Particularly noted were cases of healing from epilepsy and demonic possession.

In 1938, the Athos monastery of Dokhiar donated a copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” to the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem.
Celebration N. 9

Russian Orthodox Church

Sunday, November 9 (old style) November 22, 2009 (new style)


Icon of the Mother of God Quick to Hear

This name is touching and significant!
It doesn’t take long to call on the Mother of God to be heard by Her... The groan of the heart quickly reaches Her, just as an earthly mother guards the groan of a sick child...
On Mount Athos, in the Dokhiar monastery, there is a prototype of this icon, painted according to legend during the life of the founder of the monastery, the Monk Neophytos. The icon is placed in a niche on the outside of the wall, in front of the former entrance to the monastery refectory.
Once the monastery’s refector Nile walked at night with a lighted torch past the icon so close to it that the soot from the torch fell on the holy face. He heard a voice from the icon: “In the future, do not come here with a lighted torch and do not smoke My image.”
Neil was at first frightened by these words, but then he explained to himself that one of the brethren had spoken to him; He calmly returned to his cell and continued as before to walk past the icon with a lit candle and unintentionally smoke the image. Then for the second time a voice was heard from the icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”: “Monk, unworthy of this name, how long have you been so carelessly and shamelessly smoking My image.”
At these words the eater became blind. Only then did he understand whose words he had paid so little attention to, and he accepted the punishment as his due. In the morning the brethren found him prostrate before the icon and learned from him about the mysterious voices and the punishment that had befallen him. They paid veneration to the image, lit an unquenchable lamp in front of it, and the newly chosen celebrant was instructed to burn incense before the icon every evening. Neil, shedding tears every day, prayed to the Mother of God for forgiveness and decided not to leave the icon until he received healing.
And his prayer was heard. When he once cried before the shrine, a quiet and merciful voice was heard: “Nile, your prayer has been heard. I forgive you and give sight to your eyes again. Tell the brethren of the monastery that I am their protection and protection of the monastery dedicated to the archangels. Let them and all Orthodox Christians come to Me in their needs, and I will not leave anyone. I will be the Representative of all who call upon Me, and at My intercession My Son will fulfill their forgiveness. And My icon will be called “Quick to Hear,” because I will show mercy and quick hearing to all who come to it.”
The Nile received his sight, and the rumor about everything that happened before the icon quickly spread throughout Athos, attracting many monks to worship the shrine. The monastic brethren established a special and constant honoring of the famous icon. The passage to the meal in which the icon was located was closed, so that a kind of chapel was formed, and to the right of the icon a temple was built in the name of the “Quick to Hear.” Then a special monk was chosen to constantly remain in front of the icon. He had to monitor the unquenchable lamps, perform prayers before the icon in the morning and evening, and monitor the cleanliness of the chapel and the temple of the “Quick to Hear.”
Many miracles flowed from the “Quick to Hear” icon. By the grace of the icon, the blind were able to see, the lame and paralytic walked, they were saved from captivity and remained intact during a shipwreck.
In Moscow, the copy of the Athos Icon was in the chapel of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, on Nikolskaya Street, transferred here on November 14, 1887.
At this time, a widow from the district town of Ruza, Moscow province, the demoniac Anastasia Frolova, who had suffered from seizures for 20 years, which recurred with her every holiday, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, received healing from the icon. She screamed and fought furiously, so that several strong men could not hold her, and everyone was horrified. The same thing happened to her during church services and when people started talking about something sacred in her presence. Her relatives advised her to visit the “Quick to Hear” icon. When she arrived in Moscow, the icon was just being transferred from Polyanka, from the house of the Athos courtyard, to the chapel of Panteleimon. The woman’s suffering stopped when a prayer service was served.
In January 1889, Moscow peasant woman Marfa Stepanovna Palkina received healing from epileptic illness, accompanied by fits of demonic possession.
In the chapel of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, prayer singing with akathists was performed in front of the “Quick to Hear” icon all year round, and on the eve of November 9, a solemn all-night vigil was celebrated.
Copies from the “Quick to Hear” icon are distributed throughout Russia. One of the revered lists was located in the Buttercup Monastery, not far from the city of Przemysl. The miraculous help from this icon was repeatedly manifested during fires.
The origin of the icon is as follows. An 18-year-old peasant from the village of Troitsky, Alexander Frolov, went to Mount Athos and began to monk in the Russik Monastery. In 1872, he sent the priest of his native village a beautifully painted icon of the “Quick to Hear” with a bright, touching face, which he asked to put in the church, and to send him the money necessary to pay the icon painter. Since the church did not have the necessary money, Frolov asked the icon to be transferred to the Trinity Lyutikov Monastery and to send to Russik the money that would be raised during the first three days of the icon’s stay in the monastery. On the temple holiday of the monastery, Trinity Day, the icon was brought into the monastery, and then several women from the village of Trinity received healing from it. Rumor about this attracted many surrounding people to the icon. A continuous service of prayers began, and the collection reached 150 rubles in three days. This money was sent to Alexander Frolov in Russik, on Mount Athos.
In 1873, an 18-year-old young man, who had been subjected to terrible seizures and was brought to the monastery in chains, was healed by the icon.
In the summer of that year there was a terrible fire in the village of Korekozovo. The monastic brethren took the icon to the place of the fire and, when they stood near the houses that stood next to the burning one, the fire stopped. All the lanes where the icon stood survived. On June 20, in the same village, in the absence of the peasants, a fire occurred that consumed up to 70 households. Both the roof of the church and the priest's house caught fire several times. But when the monks carried the icon around the church and the priest’s house, the fire no longer touched them, and these buildings survived.
On July 10, 1897, a girl from the village of Troitsky, who did not know how to swim, began to drown while swimming in the Oka and fell into a deep hole. While drowning, she remembered the “Quick to Hear” icon and with all her soul called on the Mother of God for help. People in a boat arrived and pulled it out of the water with an oar.
There is also a known copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” in Kozmodemyansk, Kazan province. This list constituted the shrine of the Trinity Kozmodemyansky women's monastery of Cheremis and was located in its home church.
The Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” is celebrated on November 9/22.

informational portal

Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”
November 9 (22)
Back in the 19th century, icon painters from the Greek Dochiar monastery created a copy of the miraculous image of the Virgin Mary “Quick to Hear.” In 1938, Abbot Serapion brought her to Transcarpathia. The history of this copy, which later became a locally revered miraculous icon, is closely connected with the tragic history of Orthodoxy in Carpathian Russia.
Before the First World War, this land was part of the Kingdom of Hungary, where the Orthodox religion was considered almost as high treason. So, for example, when in 1903 the peasants of the village of Iza renounced Uniatism and accepted Orthodoxy, the village was flooded by Hungarian gendarmes, many peasants were arrested, some were brought to trial, sentenced to 14 months in prison and a large fine. However, more and more people were inclined to the patristic faith.
Finally, in 1910, the long-suffering Ugric Rus' received its Orthodox leader in the person of Hieromonk Alexy, who in the late 20s oversaw the construction of the Holy Dormition Convent near Dombok, where Abbot Serapion brought a copy of the icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear.” Fr. was born. In 1877, in the family of a lumberjack, Alexy entered a Uniate monastery as a novice, but did not reconcile himself with the lies of the union and found refuge in the Athos St. Panteleimon Monastery. From there he was sent to Russia, where he became a novice at the Yablochinsky Monastery in the Kholm region, then ordained as a hieromonk. Rumors about him reached the village of Iza, and the peasants there turned to Fr. Alexy with a request to become their priest. This is how he began his pastoral ministry.
In Iza, in one day he baptized 200 children, then 400 peasants from neighboring villages. In the Marmoro region alone, 14,000 people converted to Orthodoxy that year. Company. Alexy began a real hunt, and he was forced to flee to America, and when he returned to the flock again, he received 4 years and 6 months in prison. Coming out of prison, Fr. Alexy remained until the end of his life in the St. Nicholas Monastery in the village of Iza, which he founded, from where he successfully led Orthodox life in Carpathian Russia. In 1946, a year before his death, he led the movement to join the Russian Orthodox Church. In 2001, Fr. Alexy was glorified among the saints.
But let's return to the icon. The first miracle revealed by her occurred in 1945, when the Dombok Holy Dormition Monastery and the surrounding area
Katyushas were fired upon. Army General Petrov, who carried out this operation,
They reported that not a single shell exploded on the territory of the monastery. He was extremely
I was amazed and decided to check it out myself. When, during an inspection, the general entered
temple and saw the image of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear,” he fell on his knees in front of it and began to cry, exclaiming: “And I wanted to destroy such beauty!” Since then the icon
became famous for many miracles and healings. One day a boy of 4 and a girl
5 years old recovered through prayer in front of the image. The boy grew up and became an archimandrite of one of the Transcarpathian monasteries. A woman who suffered from infertility for 10 years was healed by praying before the holy image of the Mother of God
"Quick to Hear."

Quick to Hear Icon BM

The icon “Quick to Hear” was located in the Dokhiara Monastery on Mount Athos. She became famous in 1664 as follows. It was located against the wall in front of the fraternal refectory, and the refector passed by it, as usual, with a lighted torch. Twice he heard the words coming from the icon: “Do not smoke My image with a lighted torch.” Trapezar, deciding that this was a joke from one of the brethren, did not heed these words. The third time the monk was punished with blindness at the same words. However, after some time, his sight was restored through prayers in front of the same icon and at the same time it was said that the Most Holy Theotokos is the patron of this monastery, and stands before Her Son for all Orthodox Christians, whose prayers are fulfilled by the Lord for the sake of Her intercession, and that from that time the icon will be called “Quick to Hear.” This icon became famous for many miracles.
Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her icon “Quick to Hear”

Kontakion 1
To the Mother of God and the Queen, chosen from all generations, who quickly obediently listens to the prayers of the humble, and pours out healing currents to the faithful from Her holy icon, we offer thanksgiving singing. But you, all-merciful Intercessor, bow down graciously to our voice of praise, and free us from all troubles, calling to You:

Ikos 1
The faces of angels reverently serve You, and all the heavenly powers with silent voices please You, Virgin Mother of God, as she gave birth to the Angels of the King Christ God, but we are sinners, we dare to imitate them, and it is worthy to praise You in bewilderment, humbly crying out to You:
Rejoice, village of the impregnable Divinity;
Rejoice, Angelic unceasing surprise.
Rejoice, holy Table, who feeds us with the bread of life;
Rejoice, fruitful olive tree, anointing our hearts with the oil of mercy.
Rejoice, inexhaustible treasury of God's gifts of grace;
Rejoice, ever-flowing river of miracles.
Rejoice, intercessor of the offended;
Rejoice, sad comforter.
Rejoice, helper of the needy;
Rejoice, healer of the sick.
Rejoice, strengthener of the weakened;
Rejoice, liberator of the captives.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 2
Seeing Your innumerable mercy, O Lady, and the many miracles You have revealed and revealed through Your holy icons, in whose image You have adorned the entire Christian world like God-bright stars, we magnify You, who has magnified our race with Your favor, and with love we worship Your most pure image, calling to Thy Son Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
Opening your heavenly mind, O Theotokos, You deigned in Your earthly lot, holy Mount Athos, to glorify Your icon with many miracles, which You Yourself called Quick to Hear, with the Divine voice that came from her, and all who know Your good will towards her cry out to You in song:
Rejoice, Mother merciful to us all in Christ;
Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, manifestation of God's love for man;
Rejoice, rise of the human race.
Rejoice, bright chamber of God the Word;
Rejoice, great Holy of Holies.
Rejoice, thou who gave birth to the Divine Lamb;
Rejoice, you who have increased the quality of our belly.
Rejoice, all-golden beast of the indestructible;
Rejoice, nourisher of the nourisher of the universe.
Rejoice, for through Your intercession we hope to be saved;
Rejoice, for through Your prayers you will receive the heavenly inheritance through tea.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 3
By the power of God, who walked irreverently before Thy holy icon of the Dochiarsky monastery of the refectory of the Nile, You punished with blindness and weakening of the body, Virgin Mother of God, and the rest would not dare to insult You in Your most pure image, which You mercifully granted as a pledge of Your favor to the entire Athos Mountain, and all the nuns Her venerable voices cry out to the Word God born of You: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having great love for people redeemed by the Blood of Your Son and God, the All-Blessed Lady, You mercifully accepted the repentance of the table of the Nile and You granted healing to him from blindness and weakness, so that You may continually serve You and bring You unceasing prayers before Your multi-healing icon, crying out to Your face:
Rejoice, Holy Vegetation of Joachim and Anna;
Rejoice, who gave birth to the One who crushed the head of the ancient serpent.
Rejoice, Most Blessed among Women;
Rejoice, thou who gave birth to the incorruptible Savior of our souls.
Rejoice, you who wonderfully combined virginity and Christmas;
Rejoice, preserving both Yourself immaculately.
Rejoice, great miracle of the whole universe;
Rejoice, surprise of all earthly generations.
Rejoice, correction of those who sin;
Rejoice, affirmation of those who repent of virtue.
Rejoice, unforgettable punisher;
Rejoice, compassionate understander.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 4
Those who have escaped the storms of life, and have flown to the quiet haven of salvation on Mount Athos, find here grace-filled consolation and Divine help from Thy holy icon, O Theotokos, from whom Thy rays of miracles are emitted, and the currents of Thy mercy are poured out endlessly. Moreover, all who want to reap salvation in the deserts of Athos, magnifying the mother of Thy generosity, sing gratefully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Hearing the Divine voice from Thy holy icon, O Lady, the refectory Nile recognized Thee, Quick to Hear, to be all who flow with faith and love to Thy miraculous image, and having received from it admonition for one’s ignorance and insight for one’s blinded eyes, cry out to Thee in gratitude from the heart:
Rejoice, making the ignorant wise by temporary punishment;
Rejoice, you who graciously accept the repentance of sinners.
Rejoice, guide on the path of correcting the erring;
Rejoice, you who graciously heal the wounds of sin.
Rejoice, lovingly reproaching those who are obdurate in their negligence;
Rejoice, thou who deliverest the sorrow of bodily suffering from eternal torment.
Rejoice, thou who calmest the turmoil of passions;
Rejoice, extending Your helping hand to the perishing.
Rejoice, hopeless hope;
Rejoice, consolation to those who mourn.
Rejoice, robe of the naked;
Rejoice, charity for the orphans.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 5
The monks of the monastery of Dohiarsk, having heard Thy divine words, have built a temple for Thee, the Divine Quick-to-hear, at the table, where Thy miraculous icon abides, the Most Pure Virgin, and all the faithful are comforted by the banners of Thy mercy, and do not deprive us, humble in our duty, of praising Thee and crying out miracles to the Creator To God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Having seen the currents of miracles flowing from the holy icon of Thy Quick Hearer, all the foreigners of Mount Athos flocked to her to worship. But You, Mother of God, You unsparingly bestowed upon everyone, according to their needs, the gifts of Your mercy from Your miraculous image, struggling to cry out to You with gratitude:
Rejoice, Mother of mercy and generosity;
Rejoice, animated One at the Throne of the Almighty.
Rejoice, thou who lentest flesh to the Son of God;
Rejoice, devil of seedless disgrace.
Rejoice, Thou who embodied the Bodiless One;
Rejoice, thou who united God with man.
Rejoice, all-desirable vision of the saints;
Rejoice, fasters, Divine joy.
Rejoice, quiet joy of the desert dwellers;
Rejoice, strong hope of the monks.
Rejoice, conqueror of the demonic armies;
Rejoice, disgracing enemies of human salvation.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 6
Mount Athos preaches Your mercy and miracles, Most Blessed Mother of our Lord, and brightly flaunts many of Your miraculous icons, in the midst of which Your icon, Quick to Hear by You, like the full moon, shines unwaveringly with the rays of miracles, enlightening our souls with the light of God’s grace, and striving us laudably cry to the Triune God who glorified You: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
Thou hast shone in Thy most pure icon, Mary Theotokos, the light of salvation for all wandering in the darkness of sins and passions, and Thou hast called this the Quick to Hear, praying before her with faith and reverence from the soul, giving Thy quick help to those crying out to Thee like this:
Rejoice, lightning, enlighten souls;
Rejoice, thunder, tempting and frightening one.
Rejoice, sweet refuge of those weary of the troubles of the sea of ​​life;
Rejoice, calm haven of passions overwhelmed by waves.
Rejoice, teacher of chastity to young people;
Rejoice, protection and protection of virginity.
Rejoice, softening the hardness of the heart;
Rejoice, the coldness of the soul graciously warms.
Rejoice, instructing the faithful on the path of salvation;
Rejoice, you who remove those who stumble from the paths of destruction.
Rejoice, our Helper to Your Son and God;
Rejoice, everlastingly beseeching Him for mercy on us sinners.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 7
Wanting to show everyone Your great love for the Christian race, O Mother of God, You chose Mount Athos as Your earthly lot, and in it You multiplied the monastic settlements, so that everyone overwhelmed by worldly vanity could find here a quiet and comfortable refuge for salvation and, through You, They will be worthy of the heavenly inheritance and sing with the saints to the Most Holy Trinity: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
You showed a new sign of Your mercy, Lady, in the miraculous glorification of Your holy icon of the Quick to Hear, not only by the monks of Mount Athos, but also by all Orthodox Christians, in whom this image of Your icon is reverently honored, and everyone calls to You:
Rejoice, Mother of our God;
Rejoice, at Christmas and after Christmas, Virgin.
Rejoice, for you are blessed by all;
Rejoice, for the Mighty One has done great things to You.
Rejoice, for the Lord has respected Your humility;
Rejoice, for the King of kings desired Your kindness.
Rejoice, blessed daughter of the Heavenly Father;
Rejoice, inexperienced Mother of the Eternal Son.
Rejoice, immaculate friend of the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, mystery of Divine grace.
Rejoice, decoration of the heavenly world;
Rejoice, intercession of the world below.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 8
We are strangers and strangers on earth and, according to the words of the Apostle, are not the imams of the city that resides here, but to whom shall we resort, O Lady, in the sorrows of our journey, if not to You, O All-Good One? Do not reject us, Mother of God, do not say to us: “We do not know your sins for your sake!”, but have mercy on us, orphans and helpless, and take us into eternal shelter. Our patroness, let us joyfully cry out in the glory of heaven to the King of glory, Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
It is a comfort to all the faithful to look at Thy holy icon, Lady, in which we see Thee, in Thy hand holding the Eternal Child of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who we worship divinely as the Creator and our God, to You, the true Mother of God, we tenderly say:
Rejoice, overjoyed by the Arkhangelsk Annunciation of the Ever-Virgin;
Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.
Rejoice, Mother of the intelligent Light, enlightening all souls;
Rejoice, Throne of the Creator, animated by heaven and earth.
Rejoice, gentle dove;
Rejoice, immaculate lamb.
Rejoice, cup that draws joy;
Rejoice, inexhaustible vessel of animal water.
Rejoice, worldmaker of the fragrance of Christ;
Rejoice, even the stench of our passions will be driven away.
Rejoice, having known the Son of God;
Rejoice, because we have learned to worship the Triune God.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 9
All generations bless Thee according to duty, blessed Mary Theotokos, from the east to the west Thy name is praised, but the monks call Thee their patroness, especially Mount Athos, who labors in Thy lot, over whom Thou hast overshadowed Thy special favor, performing many miracles in her and Those who are rich in Thy mercies are shown by her inhabitants, so that they may cry out to God with gratitude for You: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
The superstitious spirits are perplexed to know the mystery of Your ever-virginity, Mother of God, below they can explain the miraculous power that flows from Your icons for the healing of the sick, and for all mental and physical benefit to man. We Orthodoxy and undoubtedly confess You as the Ever-Virgin, we faithfully venerate Your holy icon, and cry out to You:
Rejoice, doubtful hearing of the unbelievers;
Rejoice, well-known praise for the faithful.
Rejoice, you who gave birth to Christ incorruptibly from a pure side;
Rejoice, thou who didst not harm the keys of virginity at Thy Nativity.
Rejoice, Most Blessed Mother and Virgin;
Rejoice, most glorified Mother of God.
Rejoice, virgin magnification;
Rejoice, mothers everlasting joy.
Rejoice, only one immaculate and kind among women;
Rejoice, thou who gave birth to the promised Crusher of the head of the serpent.
Rejoice, you who delivered the fallen ancestors of the ancient condemnation;
Rejoice, Eden, closed by man, opened by Your Nativity.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 10
Arranging salvation for the people named after Christ, You, O Mother of God, deigned to designate Your earthly lot, Mount Athos, as a monk for the population, and You advertised in a vision to the first desert dweller of Athos, St. Peter, that this mountain would be a monk in his dwelling, comforting him with good promises, as if You would be a Helper and the Patroness of all who labor in her in a godly manner, supplying them with the gifts they need, and saving them from all troubles, so that they may sing to God without restraint: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
You are the wall of intercession, O Virgin, Orthodox monk, and all ascetics of virginity and purity. In the same way, You have made Your earthly lot, Mount Athos, inaccessible to women, so that foreigners may dwell in it without the temptation of sin, placing their hope of salvation on You alone, according to God, and calling to You:
Rejoice, unfading flower of virginity;
Rejoice, village of purity.
Rejoice, luminous heavenly hay, overshadowing the zealots of purity;
Rejoice, switch of the wisdom of God, making wise the guardians of chastity.
Rejoice, monk who labors well, the Intercessor of salvation;
Rejoice, protection and protection of the desert dwellers of Mount Athos.
Rejoice, you who pour out gracious joy into God-loving hearts;
Rejoice, you who give spiritual consolation to distressed souls.
Rejoice, nurse of virgins and motherless orphans;
Rejoice, thou who delightest the virgin face with the love of the immortal Bridegroom.
Rejoice, strong helper in the difficult struggle with the attacks of the carnal passions;
Rejoice, vigilant guardian of monastic monasteries.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 11
Our humble singing, offered to You out of the fullness of love and zeal, do not despise, O Pure One, and do not turn away from us, defiled by many sins, but help us, O All-Blessed One, to be cleansed from the filth of sin by repentance, and to succeed in a pure and God-pleasing life, Your heroic hero and helper in this matter, so that we may worthily and righteously cry out to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
With the bright rays of miracles, Your holy icon shines unwaveringly, O Virgin Mother of God, and gracefully illuminates the whole world, driving away every enemy action by the power of God emanating from it; We, sinners, rejoice in the same way, having such a guarantee of Your favor towards us, and we cry out to You, Quick to Hear our prayers:
Rejoice, day of the unsetting Sun;
Rejoice, dawn of the day without evening.
Rejoice, thou who hast dawned upon us the morning of salvation;
Rejoice, you who gave birth to the immortal Bridegroom of human souls.
Rejoice, fulfiller of our godly desires;
Rejoice, thou who graciously quickest to help us in sorrows and circumstances.
Rejoice, mental paradise, filled with all spiritual consolation;
Rejoice, from Your fulfillment you also shed drops of consolation for us.
Rejoice, cooling the heat of our passions;
Rejoice, you who diligently bestow grace-filled dispassion on those who seek it.
Rejoice, you who dearly love all who live in purity of chastity;
Rejoice, you who visit God’s chosen ones in dreams and visions.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 12
The grace of God inherent in Your holy icon, the Quick-to-Hear One named by You, the Lady of God, draws to her all those who mourn and are burdened, and they do not in vain depart from this source of Your mercies and bounties: in sorrows there is joy, in adversity protection, in illnesses they endlessly receive healing from Your miraculous image, O All-Good One, and they cry out in gratitude to the Giver of good things, God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing Your miracles, O Lady, and Your great mercy to the Christian race, we know that we are dissatisfied with the worthy glorification of You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, both hoping for Your unconditional mercy, O All-Good One, we humbly offer You the following songs:
Rejoice, calm haven of ascetics of piety;
Rejoice, sweet interlocutor of the silent ones.
Rejoice, blessed joy for those who wander in the deserts and mountains;
Rejoice, secret admonition to the hidden servants of God among the world.
Rejoice, reconciliation of sinners who repent with God;
Rejoice, supreme ruler of Mount Athos.
Rejoice, you who illuminated the desert-loving Peter here with your visit;
Rejoice, Athanasia, who has been blessed here by Your appearance with God's wisdom.
Rejoice, thou who glorified many saints of Athos with heavenly glory;
Rejoice, you who sow your special love among the inhabitants of the mountain.
Rejoice, free healer of our bodies;
Rejoice, guide of our souls to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, All-merciful One who is quick to hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.

Kontakion 13
O All-Singing Mother, Who was called Quick to Hear in Your holy icon, Theotokos Mary! Mercifully accept this little prayer of ours, brought to You out of our zeal with faith and love, and beg the ever-worshipped Trinity to deliver us from fiery Gehenna, unlighted darkness and eternal torment, so that through Your intercession we will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and be worthy with the saints to sing to God: Alleluia.
This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “The faces of the angels are reverent...” and the 1st kontakion “To the chosen one from all generations...”.

Icon of the Mother of God "Neva Quick to Hear"
The image of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” was brought to the banks of the Neva in 1878 by the hieromonks of the Athos Russian Panteleimon Monastery oo. Athanasius and Barsanuphius, who arrived in Russia to raise funds for the restoration of the ancient temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Myra Lycia (in Turkey).
The icon brought from Athos differed from the famous image of the “Quick to Hear”. On it, the Mother of God was depicted without the Child - mainly, with her right hand outstretched in prayer. This image was painted, as the legend says, “from a dream vision of a monk of the Holy Mountain” (Memoirs of Anna Igovskaya).
The monks stopped at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, which became the first place to meet the icon in St. Petersburg. (It is significant that it will become, a century later, the permanent location of this shrine).

In front of this icon they pray for spiritual insight, for various infirmities, for cancer, for help in childbirth and for feeding with milk, for children.

And first of all, they pray to the Quick to Hear when they do not know how best to act, what to ask for, in confusion and bewilderment.


The Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called “Quick to Hear.”

First prayer


pregnant women about safe
permission and birth of healthy children

The Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon “Quick to Hear”

Most blessed Lady, Ever-Virgin Mother of God, who gave birth to God the Word more than any word for our salvation, and who received His grace more abundantly than all others, who appeared as a sea of ​​Divine gifts and miracles, an ever-flowing river, pouring out goodness to all who come running to You with faith!

To Your miraculous image, we pray to You, the all-generous Mother of the humane-loving Lord: surprise us with Your rich mercies and our petitions brought to You, Quick to Hear, speed up the fulfillment of everything that is arranged for the benefit of consolation and salvation for everyone. Visit, O Blessing Thy servants, with Thy grace, grant to the sick healing and perfect health, to those overwhelmed by silence, to those captivated by freedom, and to the afflicted by various images of comfort. Deliver, O All-Merciful Lady, every city and country from famine, plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and other temporary and eternal punishments, by Your maternal boldness turning away the wrath of God; and from spiritual relaxation, overwhelm by passions and falls, free Thy servants, so that, without stumbling in all piety in this world, we may be honored with the grace and love of Thy Son and God in the future of eternal blessings,
To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

With a lack of milk

They also pray before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Quick to Hear.”

Second prayer

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Quick to Hear the Intercessor of all who come running to You with faith!

Look down from the height of Your heavenly majesty upon me, the indecent one, falling before Your icon, hear quickly the humble prayer of the less sinful me and bring it to Your Son, beg Him to illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind from vain thoughts, and soothe my suffering heart will heal its wounds, may it enlighten me to do good deeds and strengthen me to work for Him with fear, may I forgive all the evil I have done, may I save eternal torment and not deprive the Heavenly One of His Kingdom. Oh, Most Blessed Mother of God: You have deigned to be named in Your image, Quick to Hear, commanding everyone to come to You with faith: do not despise me, who is sorrowful, and do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins. According to God, all my hope and hope of salvation is in you, and I entrust myself to Your protection and intercession forever.

Prayer 3

O most holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord on High, quick to obey intercessor of all who come running to You with faith!
Look down from the height of Thy heavenly majesty upon me, the indecent one, falling before Thy holy icon, quickly hear the humble prayer of me, a sinner, and bring it to Thy Son, beg Him to illuminate my dark soul with the light of the Divine grace of His and cleanse my mind from thoughts vain things, may he pacify my suffering heart and heal its wounds, may he enlighten me to good deeds and strengthen me to work for Him with fear, may he forgive all the evil I have done, may he deliver me from eternal torment and not deprive me of His heavenly kingdom. O most blessed Mother of God! You have deigned to be named in Your image, Quick to Hear, commanding everyone to come to You with faith, do not despise me, the sorrowful, and do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins, in You, through God, all my hope and hope of salvation, and Your protection and intercession I entrust it to myself forever and ever.

Prayer 4

To the Mother of God we are the father of those who are in trouble, and to Her holy icon let us now fall,

calling with faith from the depths of the soul: soon hear our prayers.

Virgin, like the Quick to Hear, was named.

Because Your servants have a ready Helper for your needs, the Imam.


In diseases in general:
Before the icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear"

(9/22 November).

One day, a monk, praying in front of the icon, heard the words:
“I will be the Representative of all who call on Me, and through My intercession My Son will fulfill their requests.
And My icon will be called Quick to Hear, because I will show mercy and speedy hearing to all who come to it.
The icon performed many miracles: it gave sight to the blind, the lame to walk, it strengthened the paralytic, and to this day it works miracles through the sincere prayer of a believer.

Before the icon of the Mother of God Quick to Hear

Troparion, tone 4
To the Mother of God we are the father of those who are in troubles, / and now let us fall to Her Holy Icon, / calling with faith from the depths of our souls: / soon hear our prayer, O Virgin, / as the One who is quick to hear: / For you, Thy servants, are ready helpers in your needs, imams.


Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Quick to obey the intercessor of all who come running to You with faith!
Look down from the heights of your heavenly majesty on the indecent me, falling to your icon, hear the humble prayer of the less sinful me and bring it to your Son: beg Him to illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind from vain thoughts and calm may my suffering heart heal its wounds, may it enlighten me to do good deeds and strengthen me to work for Him with fear, may He forgive all the evil I have done, may He deliver eternal torment and not deprive Him of His heavenly kingdom. O Most Blessed Mother of God: You have deigned to be named in your image as Quick to Hear, commanding everyone to come to You with faith: do not look upon me as sorrowful and do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins. In You, according to God, all my hope and hopes of salvation, and I entrust myself to Your protection and intercession forever.


Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Quick to Hear.”

Troparion, tone 4
Let us now fall down to the Mother of God as a father figure in troubles, and to Her holy icon, calling with faith from the depths of our souls: soon hear our prayer, O Virgin, who was called Quick to Hear. For Your servants need a ready Helper, the Imam.
Kontakion, tone 8
In the sea, we are overwhelmed by everyday life, we are overwhelmed by passions and temptations. Give us, O Lady, a helping hand, like Thy Son Peter, and speed up the deliverance of us from troubles, so that we call Thee: Rejoice, All-Good One, Quick to Hear.



The Quick Hearer is an image of the Mother of God who became famous thanks to a miraculous incident on Holy Mount Athos. Today she is revered by all Orthodox Christians for the fact that those who pray certainly receive immediate support and help from the Blessed Virgin Mary in difficulties and illnesses.

What is the history of this shrine, why do people love it so much and where to go to worship it?

The image of the Mother of God Quick to Hear is considered one of the most revered. It was written ten centuries ago in the Dohiara monastery, located on Mount Athos .

The ancient prototype is a wall fresco of the Virgin Mary of the Quick to Hear.

There is a copy of it, which is venerated and carried out during the religious procession. However, the shrine received its name only in the seventeenth century, when the next significant event occurred.

Monk Neil, who then lived in the monastery, treated the image carelessly. It was located near the entrance, and soot constantly fell on it. Tradition says that one day, while passing by the shrine, the monk heard a voice asking him to treat the image with due respect.

He ignored the request, and from that moment on he gradually began to lose his sight.

Repenting of his sin, he asked for forgiveness and began to pray fervently in front of the shrine. Help came from the icon immediately, the monk again heard a voice that said that the icon of the Mother of God located in the temple should be called Quick to Hear.

This was the voice of the Mother of God, which also said that she would be the cover and protection of this monastery. Well, whoever calls on the Representative will definitely receive help from the miraculous icon of the Mother of God Quick to Hear.

After all, it is she who will be our intercessor before the Son. This unique event happened on November 9, 1664. Soon Neil's vision was completely restored.

What does the Quick Hearer look like and what does it mean? This question interests every Christian. The Shrine depicts the Virgin Mary with a baby sitting on her left hand.

Important! How to correctly observe the evening rule: read the upcoming one

With one hand He blesses, and with the other He holds a scroll. What attracts attention is the fact that one heel of the Divine Infant is turned to the praying people.

The holy face has its own unique meaning. Each of us must reflect on the fact that we must treat the types with respect and reverence. It is imperative to attend services on the feast of the icon, and not only when we need help.

Who does it help?

The meaning of the Quick Hearing icon and how it helps is a must-know for those people who are waiting for help, protection from negative influences and support.

Previously, peoples experiencing tragic events and disasters offered prayers in front of the image. Help definitely comes to those who are struggling with misfortune and difficulties.

What do believers pray to the Quick Hearer for? About imminent intercession in case of natural disasters, floods, fires, shipwrecks. That is, when emergency assistance is required to save human lives.

Informative! Who is he and what do believers ask him for?

What else does the Quick Hearing icon help with?

  1. In conception and successful childbirth. Women who cannot become mothers for a long time appeal to the help of the Mother of God. She is the main intercessor of motherhood. Pregnant women ask the Blessed Mary to grant an easy birth and a long period of breastfeeding. Children born under the protection of the Patroness grow up strong and healthy.
  2. To protect children. Parents turn to the holy image, knowing what the icon of the Quick to Hear means and what its value is. Sincere prayer will help protect your child from unforeseen problems, serious illnesses, and troubles. Fathers and mothers who ask the Mother of God for help can have no doubt that the lives of their children will turn out well.
  3. Looking for the right solution. They resort to the icon of the Quick to Hear (in the photo you can see what she looks like) when there is uncertainty and doubts that arise along the path of life. A person who has pure thoughts will definitely clear his mind and find the answer to his question. When looking for the right direction or difficulties in choosing, the shrine will definitely help.
  4. In the fight against illnesses. Another thing the shrine helps with is getting rid of many diseases, even incurable ones. There are known cases of miraculous recovery of cancer patients. Blind people gained sight, and lame people began to walk.
  5. In the fight against sins. Sincere prayer will protect you from the fall and give you strength if despair sets in. If passions are overwhelming, there is a feeling of an approaching breakdown, you definitely need to turn to the Lady for help.
  6. For spiritual insight. The holy image has been used by clergy for many years to exorcise demons. The evil spirit that has taken possession of people instantly stops tormenting the unfortunate if you make a sincere request to the icon of the Quick to Hear (you can see what she looks like in the photo).

Important! Spiritual insight sometimes comes instantly, but some cases, by the will of God, require more diligence, time, and patience. That is why you should not be disappointed, you need to constantly pray and not lose heart.

How to pray?

You need to pray in front of the image not only on the feast of the icon; Orthodox Christians offer petitions and prayers daily, hourly. The main thing is that they come from people with pure intentions.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to glorify the icon of the Quick to Hear on the day when her memory is celebrated. It must be said that the feast of this great icon of the Quick Hearing is celebrated by Orthodox Christians on November 22, according to the old style on November 9.

And, of course, in order for a prayer to be heard, it must be read with sincere faith that it will be fulfilled.

In dialogue with the Most Pure Mother of God, there is no need to think about ways to resolve difficulties. It’s better to “bare” your soul, talk about your feelings and thoughts, about what’s troubling you now. Then you need to light a candle in front of the face as a gift to the Most Holy One, read a prayer or akathist.

Still, we need to remember that forgiveness is what brings us closer to God. That is why, if your heart is heavy because of a quarrel with a loved one, then before prayer you must make peace with him.

Peace will surely settle in the house and in the soul if you glorify the Great Patroness with the following words: “Rejoice, All-Blessed Quick to Hear, who fulfills our petitions for good.”

Where are the revered icons?

We know when the day of the miraculous face is celebrated, but where to go to worship it?

The original is kept at the place where it was written - the Dochiar Monastery, Greece. However, there are copies distributed all over the world that are also miraculous.

Pilgrims can go to one of the following Shrines:

  1. Olivet Spaso-Voznesensky Monastery for women, Jerusalem. The List of Olives is kept here.
  2. Holy Cross Cathedral, Petrozavodsk. A copy of the shrine has been kept since 1990.
  3. Church of St. Nicholas, Biryulev. The face located here is especially revered.
  4. Temple of the Archangel Gabriel, Moscow.
  5. Church of St. Martin the Confessor, Arkhangelsk.
  6. Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary with the no less revered icon of the Mother of God, village of Doropeevich.
  7. Cathedral of St. Semenovsky, Chelyabinsk.
  8. Holy Trinity Belopesotsky or Pechersky Mother of God convent.

The Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God, dedicated to this image, can be found in many cities of Russia.

Important! Miraculous healings with the help of the shrine from the most serious illnesses are known. The sick, epileptic, and demon-possessed were brought to the sanctuary - the Mother of God hurried to everyone’s aid.

Useful video: Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God Quick to Hear


The Orthodox Church has always revered the image of the miraculous icon. Believers even in Rus' worshiped copies of the original icon of the Mother of God kept on Holy Mount Athos. She patronized peoples undergoing sorrowful torment - pestilence, disasters, captivity.

It will heal wounds, relieve you of vain thoughts, enlighten you, and strengthen you for fruitful work. A contrite heart, a humble mind, pure thoughts - this is what those people who resort to the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary need to arm themselves with.

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