Games for girls dance battle. Dancing games

As we know, the open war between ballet and hip-hop for control of neighborhoods and audiences has been very brutal for the last 30 years: shootouts, score settling, organized crime... all to prove who dances the biggest and the best who wears the best clothes or who poses the best in an Instagram photo to get more likes.

Do you prefer Tchaikovsky or Wu-Tang Clan? Work hard for your team!

Now you can take part in this battle from the comfort of your iOS device because Dance Battle - Ballet vs Hip Hop has arrived on iPhone and iPad, an exciting game that is further evidence of the tension between both styles and in which you will have to prove that you are a better dancer than your nemesis.

Is this really necessary?

These exaggerated words only intend to try to bring some excitement to the game with a silly and crazy plot: dress up, choose a nice dress, do your hair and hit the dance floor to compete. If you choose ballet, you will need to dance better than hip-hop dancers; if you choose hip-hop, you will have to dance better than ballerinas. A pile of garbage.

The games developed by Coco Play By TabTale, the studio behind this beast, are all about the same thing: dull women and therefore men and all humanity. They give their characters sexist roles where girls are expected to look pretty, be princesses, plan their perfect wedding, or spend the day at the mall.

So if you want to turn your daughter into the weakest link in the chain, you can download this game for her. And yes, I'm talking to you, Mom or Dad, because I can't imagine a grown woman downloading this game for herself.

Among the various features of the game we must note the following:

  • Create your own choreography.
  • Wear your best clothes...looking good is important. Even if you are only 8 years old.
  • Go to the hairdressers. Also a very big problem for little girls.
  • Decorate your Wednesdays.
  • Keep fit at the gym. All little girls want to go on a diet.
  • If you are injured, consult a doctor.
  • Calm your nerves at the spa.

So, when will there be games about kicking a persistent pursuer in the shin, or destroying offenders, or about burning down the houses of entrepreneurs offering low-quality and unreliable work? For boys and girls, unisex.

Dance Battle: Ballet vs Hip Hop– the most long-awaited competition of dance talents on the planet. Are you ready to compete with the most professional choreographers? Will you follow the path of gentle ballet or will you open up in hip-hop style? It all depends on which side you choose; the further plot will be shaped according to your preferences. Perform your homework to the maximum and win the People's Choice Award.

Please note that any team has pros and cons. For example, ballerinas are sophisticated and graceful, but their style of dance is unique and cannot be confused with anything else. Hiphoppers have a different approach to creativity, they perform in wide clothes with caps on their heads, they look better on the city streets. But only those who rehearsed more worthily and were not afraid to experiment will be able to take first place.

Come up with your own unique dance so that the panel of judges will be stunned by what they see. Prepare thoroughly for live broadcasts on television. Depending on the type of dance, choose a suitable outer bow.

But before you go to training camp, hire good dancers from the school. Don't sign strangers, arrange a casting and choose the best. Remember, don’t forget about physical training, go to the gym to keep your body toned.

In the game Princess HipHop Battle you will go to a unique concert, which will take place only thanks to your intervention. Princesses: Jasmine, Ariel and Rapunzel became interested in a new musical genre - hip-hop. Disney princesses are very inquisitive, they try themselves in many modern trends, they want to find their place in modern society and become its full-fledged representatives, and not ephemeral fairy-tale characters. By participating in different events, changing styles, the princesses become closer to their fans and do not allow themselves to be forgotten along with the book collecting dust on the shelf or the disk on which the cartoon is recorded. Today the girls in the Princess HipHop Battle game will truly surprise you and you will help them. The musical genre called hip-hop is something similar to rap, but using vocals. Unlike rap, where it is enough to speak quickly to rhythmic music, in hip-hop you need to have a voice and sing in between the recitatives. Our beauties are endowed with vocal abilities and will easily perform any composition, and in order for the debut concert with their participation to attract more spectators, we will organize a musical battle on stage. But first, in the game Princess HipHop Battle, you should prepare the singers and choose concert costumes for them. Then decorate the stage in the appropriate style: with graffiti, aggressive colors, and luxurious lighting. Without a doubt, you will succeed and the show will take place.

In essence, dance is body movements to the rhythm of music. But this definition cannot describe all its versatility and diversity. Even wild tribes have their own dance, albeit primitive, for every occasion, and in our world choreographers constantly come up with new movements that become fashionable at a certain period of time. There is a classification of dances:

  • Folk
  • Ritual
  • Ballet and sports ballet dancing
  • Acrobatic
  • Swing
  • Variety
  • Street
  • Club
  • Modern

Each era had its own fashion for dancing, and the nobility were specially trained in complex steps. In Soviet times, dance floors were organized for those over 30, 40, 50 years old. People met during the waltz and some even started families later.

Nowadays everyone dances to the best of their ability, and the clubs are full of young people jumping to the repeated chords. To learn original movements and just have fun, go to the dancing games - it will be fun!

Dance floor around the clock

All dance games online for free are collected in a section so that you can have fun. Choose a character and repeat his movements to a cheerful melody. The funny Gangam captivates horses with its simple but fiery dance. He jumps with his arms crossed over his chest, but his legs move quickly, and to get into the rhythm, press the arrows in the right direction.

For brave girls, the developers have created pole dancing options. Don't worry, there are no exotic movements here, and the pole will only serve as an entourage. Everyone is dancing - Monster High, the little mermaid Ariel, Barbie doll, little ponies, Bloom and Puss in Boots. With little Stitch you will learn Hawaiian dance moves and jump with cute Krosh to the music.

You will also find yourself at a ball in the palace, waltzing with the handsome prince. And when dreaming of a future wedding, practice waltzing in a luxurious outfit with the groom.

Even those who are more used to fighting dance - ninja turtles, cowboys and pirates, robots and aliens. Presidents, old men and monsters cannot resist dancing. As soon as the first notes of music begin to sound, the characters begin to move to its rhythm.

You can first come up with outfits for a dance group, and then go through several rehearsals with it, honing every movement, so that you can then go on stage and receive applause. It is especially interesting to create costumes for ballroom dancing. These are always airy fabrics and stylish accessories. With their help, you can emphasize the main narrative line of the plot by depicting villains and their innocent victims.

Another direction is related to this topic - you can play dancing games by designing a dance floor. Install rotating lights around the perimeter, place a glass ball in the center, and let the floor also play with lights to the rhythm of the music. Designate a DJ area, hang sparkling accessories on the walls that will reflect the light, sparkling beautifully in the backlight.

Oriental dances are amazing and you can learn how to move smoothly by following our lessons. Michael Jackson will show you how to do his famous moonwalk, and cheerleading will be your first step into a real school cheerleading team.

Each dance has its own language

With the help of facial expressions and plasticity, movements and poses, tempo and rhythm, composition, costumes and props, you can tell a whole story and create a mood. Dance can be a declaration of love or an expression of aggression. This is an ancient art, but it is impossible to say exactly when it arose. After all, even ancient people tried to make rain or appease the gods with the help of rhythmic movements.

Since ancient times, man has used dance as a way to express his deepest feelings. In primitive tribes, with its help, messages were transmitted about everything: about birth and death, rain and harvest, wild animals that appeared in the vicinity, and even war. With graceful movements, our ancestors tried to appease the spirits, gaining divine favor and providing themselves with protection from daily adversities. Of course, the Dances offered to you in our online games section are far from the ritual dances of the Neanderthals, but no less informative and expressive. Most of them consist of elements of the most popular styles today.

By the way, you can test your own attentiveness and knowledge of dance history by trying to sort the online steps offered to you by area: breakdancing, quickstep, contemporary, and so on. Or try on the role of a choreographer and create your own unique composition from the proposed movements. Dancing games for girls are good because they almost always offer the gamer a choice: create it yourself or use already proven “blanks”.

However, the first does not exclude the second, and you can first learn the dance presented by the developers, and then come up with your own to the same tune, then compare both options. We advise you not to be lazy and regularly repeat the movements you have mastered virtually in front of a real mirror. Then, when you find yourself at a disco in real life, you will amaze everyone present with your amazing sense of rhythm and grace. As you can see, with the right approach, dancing games can become not only pleasant entertainment for you, but also an opportunity to learn something new. And this, you must admit, is never superfluous.

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