Fun broom game. Competitions for children in kindergarten in the summer


As you know, mothers often dress their babies, but what happens if they change places?

For this competition you need to prepare a bag or basket with things. The funnier things are, the more interesting they are - T-shirts with funny designs, huge pants, ridiculous hats, scarves, holey socks, and so on.

Several couples are called - mothers with children. The children need, while the music is playing, to collect items of clothing from the bag and put them on their mother, who does not help in this process. Mothers can be blindfolded so that they do not get scared ahead of time. Then the rest of the mothers and children choose the most “stylish” mother.


What happens if suddenly mom refuses to eat on her own? We'll have to feed her. And to make it fun to watch, you need to blindfold the children. Yes, yes, mothers have plates of porridge in their hands, and children have spoons and are blindfolded. The team that has the least amount of porridge smeared on its face wins.


Our mothers have many talents, and, of course, they can draw beautifully. Moms are given inflated balloons and markers. Within a certain time, mothers must draw their beloved sons or daughters on the balloons. The jury chooses the most similar portrait.


Moms can do everything, and let them prove it. For this competition you need to prepare a pair of boxing gloves. Mom must unwrap the candy in them. If one mother fails, another mother comes to her aid. And if you prepare several pairs of gloves, you can hold a speed competition.


A light large ball or balloon is placed in the middle of the hall. Children take turns, blindfolded, walk a few steps forward and hit the ball.


Children are divided into pairs - a boy and a girl, representing father and mother. On several tables, teachers lay out dolls, doll clothes and combs in advance. The winner is the couple that manages to “get the baby ready” for kindergarten faster than others - to dress and comb their hair.


For this competition, handbags, mirrors, lipsticks, beads, scarves and clips are laid out on the tables. At the signal, the girls must put on makeup, put on jewelry and, putting everything in their purse, run to “work.”


The presenters hide all the mothers behind a screen. Mothers only show their children their hands, by which they should be guessed.


And now this is the case:
We need to hang up the handkerchiefs
To dry before night.
Therefore, to help you
Let's call mom soon.

2 teams. Each team has 1 mother and 2 girls. Mothers hold a long rope, one girl carries 1 scarf of a certain color from a common basin, the other attaches it to the rope with a clothespin. The other team does the same, but the girls hang up handkerchiefs of a different color. The team that hangs the handkerchiefs first wins.)


2 teams take part in the game - 4 grandmothers and 4 children. Between the set pins you need to hold a balloon with a broom. Whoever is faster is the winner.


Children stand in a circle and quickly pass a ball or a broom to each other. We decorated the broom and hung a bow on it.

You roll a funny ball (broom)
Quickly - quickly hand over hand,
Who has a funny ball (broom),
He will dance with his mother for us

The child who happens to have a broom invites his mother to dance.


Number of players: any. Additionally: cups and saucers according to the number of players, matches, peas

On the table in front of the mothers there are cups and saucers, next to each cup there are 2 matches. There are 12 peas on each saucer. Mothers must use matches to transfer the peas from the saucer to the cup.


To the accompaniment of music, easels are brought out. They have paper attached to them. Children draw their mothers with markers as quickly as possible. Then the drawings are given to mothers and grandmothers.


A table is placed in the center, with strings with a stick at the end tied to its legs. There is candy on the table. Players on command begin to wind the string around the stick. The one who got to the candy faster won.


2 girls participate in the game. They sweep “garbage” with paper “brooms” - balloons scattered around the hall, each into its own hoop.


Props: four small multi-colored balls of thick woolen threads with a tail of 5 meters.

In the hall there are four chairs on which lie balls of thread with tails 5 meters long. Two grandmothers and two grandsons (granddaughters) are called. Two (grandmother and granddaughter) sit on chairs on one side of the hall, two other participants in the game sit on the other side of the hall. Participants in the game take balls from the chairs. At a signal, the participants in the game begin to wind a tail of thread around their balls. The team whose members are the first to wrap the threads around the balls wins. The game is played 2 times.


For the game: 3 yoghurts, 3 spoons, 3 napkins, 3 bibs. Who will feed grandma faster?


Blindfolded, put clothes on the child - a hat, coat, scarf, mittens, boots.


There are 5 multi-colored flowers on the floor; children collect petals of the same color while listening to music.


Children are divided into two teams: boys - “Gingerbread”, girls - “Sweets”, stand in two lines, near each team there is a bucket of water. Music is playing. The child scoops up water from the bucket with a wooden spoon and, trying not to spill it, carefully carries the water into a transparent plastic cup, then returns and passes the spoon to the next player. When the music ends, let's see who has more water in their glass?


Children invite their parents and everyone stands in a circle. The presenter says a gentle word about mom and passes the balloon to the person standing next to her. He says a gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever does not say the word leaves the game. The remaining 2-3 people win and are awarded balls.


First the girls play with their mothers, then the boys. Children are the inner circle, mothers are the outer circle. To the music, everyone walks in a circle (mothers in one direction, children in the other), and at the end, the children look for their mother. 1 time - children look for mothers, then mothers look for children.


Number of players: 2-4. Additionally: balloons according to the number of participants.

Each person is given a balloon. At the signal, the children begin to inflate them. The player who inflates the balloon the fastest wins.


Various jewelry, cosmetics, and a mirror are laid out on the tables in front of the girls. The task is to portray your mothers.


Mothers sing a children's song to the soundtrack, the sound is periodically turned off. The task is not to lose the tempo and continue singing. Mothers are awarded “Most Musical” medals.


Moms often have to go shopping and make purchases. And sometimes there are a lot of purchases. But our guys are happy to help their mothers. Let's see how they do it.


A rope is attached between two chairs, and balls are tied to the rope by strings. You need to tie scarves on these balls. Whoever does it faster wins. You can make the game more difficult by giving out mittens.


2 teams are selected, each with seven people, and two dads are called. Dads are seated on a chair from each team, and the fastest children wear clothes for dads.
1 - socks
2 - cap
3 - bib
4 - feeds porridge
5 - drinks from a bottle
6 - gives a pacifier
7 – rattle


2 teams of 5 people each participate. They line up one after another. Each participant holds some part of the flower - core, stem, 3 petals. On the other side there are clearing hoops. At the signal, the children take turns running to their clearing and laying out a snowdrop. Whose will bloom faster? You can organize 3 teams.


We note the time using the hourglass, during which time dad must write a recipe for borscht. Then the dads take turns reading. At the end, the presenter says: “Moms won. How will you cook soup without water?”


2 commands from dads are called. They take turns singing lines from songs that contain a woman's name. The team that sings the song last will win.


The teacher collects beads, watches, handkerchiefs, etc. in advance, in secret from the children. During the game, he asks: Whose mother’s thing is it?


Moms stand in a circle. Children scattered in the center of the circle. Music is playing and children are dancing. When the music ends, children squat down and cover their eyes with their palms. At this time, mothers change places. At a signal, the children open their eyes and... “Who will find and hug their mother faster?”


Before the holiday, tie 14 ribbons onto a rope 6-7 meters long so that two ends hang. Tie the 15th ribbon in a bow in the center of the rope. They call 2 dads, who stand to the right and left of the rope. On command, each dad begins tying bows, moving towards the center of the rope where the bow is tied. The winner is the one who quickly ties lush bows and gets to the center.


Who can sew buttons faster and better? The difficulty is that the buttons are cut out of cardboard and have a diameter of 20 cm


Mothers are invited to visit a beauty salon, where young hairdressers will create extraordinary hairstyles for them. Mothers (any number) sit on chairs and hold in their hands a piece of paper, size A-3, in which a hole for the face is cut out and the outline of the neck is drawn. Children use a marker to draw hairstyles. Then there will be a defile of fashionable hairstyles.


Mothers sit on chairs with a basket on their laps. The presenter scatters fake candies throughout the hall. Children must bring one candy to their mother, for each candy the child kisses his mother on the cheek. Whoever brings the fastest and most wins!


Two mothers must put clothespins on their children and remove them blindfolded, who is faster. Children are quietly changed places, mothers remove clothespins from someone else's child.


Two are called: mother and child pairs. Mothers and children stand at opposite ends of the hall. Mom is blindfolded. The children shout, “Mom, I’m here.” Mothers must find their child by voice.


Boys are invited, they are future men and can already help their mother hammer nails. (The hammer is small. The nail is already slightly nailed on the piece of wood.) It is important to pay attention not to the speed of driving, but to accuracy, thoroughness and caution. The teacher insures the child. There is a desire to help mom, and a desire to do the work efficiently, without rushing.


2 grandmothers and 2 grandchildren are called.

Medical supplies are laid out on the table: thermometers, tablets, warm scarves, jars of honey, jam, medicinal herbs. As well as distracting objects: any (baby pacifier, toys, etc.). The grandson must choose those items with which he can cure his sick grandmother.


For this competition you need blanks: pictures cut out from magazines with eyes, noses, mouths, hair, ears and so on.

Several boys are called (the number depends on how many cut out parts are prepared). On a piece of paper you need to “assemble” a portrait of your mother (or a beautiful lady) using parts and glue. The parts can be immediately distributed equally, or you can, by including an element of competition, leave them on one tray - let them find them at speed.


Every mother knows her child very well - this is a fact. But this fact needs to be checked once again. Two mothers with children are called. Mothers come out and are blindfolded. In children, something changes in their appearance - a button is undone, a belt is removed, their hair is combed differently, and so on. Then moms have to find what has changed. The mother who finds all the changes faster wins.


Competition for mothers or girls. There is one or more toy babies on the table. You need to dress the doll in a blouse, pants and a hat, and then swaddle it. An important condition of the competition: everything must be done with one hand!


Two teams are organized: mothers and daughters. You need to prepare a rope, clothespins and a few rags. The first team members are blindfolded and given a clothespin and a cloth. They go looking for a rope to hang a rag on. The other players suggest how to get to the rope. Having found the rope, you need to attach a cloth with a clothespin, remove the bandage and return to the team. Then the second players of the teams hang up the cloth and so on.


Hanging on a string on strings are pieces of paper on which are written the names of different products (as inappropriate as possible to each other - for example, on one physalis, on another - herring, on the third - bagels, and so on). Each mother in turn is blindfolded, spun and released - she must reach the rope and cut off three pieces of paper. Then, after removing the bandage, the mother must quickly come up with and tell what dish she can prepare from these products and what she will call it.


Two teams are selected, and the first players are given scissors. There are colorful napkins on the chairs. On command, players run to the chairs and cut out a flower from a napkin, then use glue or plasticine to attach the flower to a large Whatman paper. All players do the same in turn. After this, the most beautiful bouquet is selected for March 8 in kindergarten.

I wish you creative success!

Game » “Funny monkeys” (Selfie with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)

Children stand with Santa Claus and other holiday heroes and read poems in chorus:

We are funny monkeys
Naughty little girls,
We deftly jump through the trees,
And we don’t cry at all,
We make faces for you,
Take a look at us!

children grimace, make faces, the click of a camera or smartphone sounds...

Game “Show me what toys are hanging on the Christmas tree?”

Father Frost:
I see they decorated the Christmas tree,
And the toys were selected:
Low, high,
Thin, wide,
Emitting light
What is my game's secret?

Santa Claus: I will look at the Christmas tree and tell you what toys I see on it. If I see “high” ones, then you raise your arms up together, and if you see “low” ones, you simply squat and lower your arms down. “Wide” - the handles are to the sides, and if “thin” - we move the handles close to each other. And if I say: “And they all sparkle!” - you raise your hands up, open your fingers like a fan and pretend to shine. All clear?

Father Frost.
Are you ready, guys?
Low, high,
Thin, wide.
Low, wide,
Thin, tall.
Tall, wide,
Low, thin.
And they all sparkle
The Christmas tree is being decorated!

(A fairy-tale hero, a holiday character can confuse the children and do everything at the wrong time).

Game “I’ll Freeze Now”

Father Frost.
There's a game for you now.
I will freeze you.
Feel free to put out your hands.
And repeat with the hero.

Monkey, (or any holiday character)
Santa Claus, Santa Claus!
Freeze our hands!

(Santa Claus walks inside the circle and tries to “freeze” the children’s hands by touching them with a mitten or staff)

Santa Claus, Santa Claus!
Freeze our nose!

(He freezes his nose; whoever manages to freeze it goes out into the circle.)

Santa Claus, Santa Claus!
Freeze our ears!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus!
Freeze our cheeks!

(Santa Claus tries to “freeze” his cheeks)

Game "Snowflakes, wind and frost"

Rules of the game: (when Santa Claus says snowflakes– children swing their arms in front of them, wind- shake their hands above their heads, freezing– hug themselves by the shoulders.).

Game "Sharp Shooter". (Hit a snowflake)

Rules of the game: children line up in a column one after another. Ahead, at some distance, a large “snowflake” is suspended on a fishing line in a hoop with a bell. Children players take turns throwing a snowball at a target - a snowflake. When the target is accurately hit, a bell rings.

Game "Happy Broom"

Rules of the game: Baba Yaga or any character, accompanied by cheerful, lively music, together with the children, try to quickly pass a broom to each other.

You roll a cheerful broom
Quickly - quickly hand over hand,
Who has a funny broom
He will dance for us

The music suddenly stops, and whoever has a broom in his hands goes to the center of the circle and dances to the applause of the audience.

Game "Grandmothers and Yagushki"

Rules of the game: divide the children into 2 teams. Each player runs on a broom (or broom) between the pins placed in a zigzag pattern on the floor. The winner is the team that was the fastest and knocked down the fewest pins.

Game "Tricks of the Bag"

A bag is placed in front of the tree (it has no bottom). Santa Claus calls children who want to ride in a sack. He puts the children in a sack and carries them around the tree. Santa Claus walks around the Christmas tree, but the children, it turns out, remain in place. Santa Claus returns and is very “surprised”. The game can be repeated several times.

You need to pull the candy towards you by winding the cord around a pencil, or you can use a chopstick.
Material: ropes, Chinese chopsticks at one end, candy at the other end or any items of your choice.

Jump at speed on a children's ball with horns.

Children are divided into 2 teams. There is paper laid out on the floor, A4 halves, and maybe white napkins. At the signal, the children must quickly crumple the snowball and throw it into the basket. At the end, we count - which team will have more snowballs in the basket?
Option 2: characters in the show can catch snowballs thrown at him by members of his team with a bucket.

Children remember winter-themed words starting with the letter “C”. Santa Claus, in turn, takes pictures from the bag of the words guessed by the children and shows them to the guests. Snowflake, snow, icicles, snowfall, snowballs, snowman, snowdrift, snowmobile, snowmobile, sled, sleigh, cold, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus...

Fun game "Santa Claus Jokes"

Father Frost:
Hey, guys, stood up together, put their hands to their belts.
Now let's cross all our legs and swim like octopuses.
Hands up and hands down, let's all clap for an encore.
And then sneeze together, and now you need to laugh.
Now listen to the command: grab yourself by the ears!
And - tongues out, and - wider than the elbows.
And now we will all jump on the spot together.

Game with Santa Claus “Who is the fastest?”

We put a big drum in front of the tree and show two sticks.

Father Frost.
Who will play with me?
Come forward boldly.
I need to run around the tree,
Knock on the drum!
(S. Podshibyakina)

Santa Claus calls one child, pretends to run and play with him, and he himself, being cunning, comes back and knocks on the drum. The presenter notices the trick and playfully shakes her finger at Santa Claus.

Game "Guess who it is?"

Santa Claus conceives of an animal and names several characteristics that characterize it. Children must determine who we are talking about.

They jump through the trees deftly,
They make faces, they love to eat bananas (monkey)
Gray, angry, toothy, hungry... (Wolf)
Small, gray, cowardly, long-eared... (Hare)
Small, short-legged, hardworking, prickly... (Hedgehog)
Fluffy, red-haired, agile, cunning... (Fox)
Big, clumsy, brown, club-footed... (Bear)

Game "Finish the sentence"

The presenter says quatrains, and the children say in chorus the end of the phrase.

Looks good in her outfit
The kids are always happy to see her,
There are needles on its branches,
He invites everyone to a round dance... (Christmas tree)

Beads, colored stars,
Painted miracle masks,
Squirrels, cockerels and pigs,
Very sonorous... (Flapperboards)

A monkey will wink from the tree,
The brown bear will smile;
The bunny hangs from cotton wool,
Lollipops and... (Chocolates)

Old Boletus Man,
Next to him is a snowman,
Red fluffy kitten
And the big one on top... (Cone)

There is no more colorful outfit:
Multi-colored garland,
Gilding tinsel,
And shiny... (Balls)

A bright foil flashlight,
The bell and the boat
Train and car,
Snow-white... (Snowflake)

The tree knows all the surprises
And he wishes everyone fun;
For happy children,
Light up... (Lights)

Relay race “Carry the coconut in a spoon”

At one end of the hall there are two chairs, on each of them we place a bowl of coconuts. At the other end of the hall we place two chairs with empty bowls.
Rules of the game: At a signal, members of each team use a spoon to transfer coconuts from one bowl to another. Bottom line: who is faster?

Game “Dress up the Christmas tree for the New Year”

To play, you need to prepare two artificial Christmas trees and two identical sets of toys (unbreakable). Children can split into teams or play for themselves. At the command of Santa Claus, couples or teams take one toy each and run to their Christmas tree, decorate it. An important condition: not just finish first, but also decorate the Christmas tree so that it is decorated evenly, on all sides.

Game “Mysterious chamomile petals”

Santa Claus holds a flower in his hands - a daisy made of paper. Funny tasks are written on the back of each petal. Children tear off the petals and begin to perform them: they pretend to be animals, walk in single file, crow, jump on one leg, sing a song, repeat a tongue twister... etc.

New Year's game "Santa Claus is coming to us.."

This game can be played immediately before the appearance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and involve all the guests in it. The host invites the guests to stand so as not to disturb each other and call Santa Claus in an unusual way: not by shouting, but by an unusual New Year’s dance.
Rules of the game: you must depict the text of the New Year's poem in sign language.

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,
Santa Claus is coming to us!
And we know that Santa Claus
He brings us gifts! Hooray!

All words are replaced with gestures: “coming” - walking in place, “Santa Claus” - placing a hand with outstretched fingers to the chin (representing a beard), the combination “to us” - with a gesture pointing to oneself. To show the word “we know” we put a finger to the forehead, the word “we” is a gesture pointing to all the guests, the word “carries” is like a bag over the shoulders, and with the word “gifts” - everyone depicts what they dream of. "Hooray!" - everyone is stomping and clapping
For greater interest, it is better to change words for gestures gradually: first one word, then two, until the last word disappears, and only gestures remain with cheerful musical accompaniment.
And when they start clapping (meaning “hurray”), Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear,

Musical game “Let’s not let Santa Claus out”

Santa Claus stands near the Christmas tree, and the children quickly, holding hands, walk in a circle and sing a song to the accompaniment of the music director:

So he got into our circle,
Stay here
You won't be able to escape the cold, no matter how hard you try.
Santa Claus, seeing this situation, sings:
Let me go, dear children,
After all, I know how to dance, better than anyone in the world,
Legs shake, don’t stand still,
So, friends, let's dance together...

The children begin to dance with Santa Claus, who is trying to outwit and run out of the circle.

Relay race “Felt boots, and felt boots...”

You need very large felt boots (2 pairs). Children are divided into 2 teams and line up one after another. On command, the first player puts on felt boots and quickly runs around the tree (or something else) and returns to the team. Having taken off his felt boots, he passes them on to the next one, and so on until all the players have completed the distance. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Game “It’s boring, it’s boring to sit like this...”

Rules of the game: It is necessary to place chairs in a circle. Children sit on chairs and repeat the following words:

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,
Everyone looks at each other.
Isn't it time to stretch your legs?
And change places?

Cheerful music plays, children perform free movements, and when finished they run to the chairs to take their seats. But there are one fewer chairs than players. Those who don't have enough are eliminated. The winner is the one who occupied the last chair.

Preparatory group


1. DANCE "SAMOVAR"- made of cardboard.

2. Competition "Table Setting"

3. Dance with scarves - for everyone

4. Game: "Drying"

(to the music, you need to put on a dryer on a string, whoever is faster)– prize pack of tea

5. Game "Cheerful broom" kitchen utensils and words

6. Competition "Define the taste"

Music accompaniment:

1. Song "Mother's day"



4. Competition "Table Setting"

5. Dance with scarves by A. Evtodiev

6. Competition "Drying"

7. song "Tea Song"

8. Fairy tale "Teremok in a new way"

9. Competition "Define the taste"

10. Boys dance

11. SONG “Mom, I want to congratulate you”, by Alla Evtodieva

Music for a fairy tale:

1. “I am a cucaracha...


3. There was a birch tree in the field.”

4. "Twist" or "rock'n'roll"

The guys enter to the rhythmic music and stand in three rows.

We want to congratulate you on spring, -

May she bring joy and light!

And with a drop so mischievous,

It couldn't be more fun!

We want to wish you well,

Happiness, joy, live to be a hundred years old.

So that you never ever

They did not know misfortunes and troubles.

Roll call

1 child:

Hello, mommies!

Hello, grandmothers!

We tell you, without hiding,

You are our best

The kindest ones,

The closest friends in the world!

2 child:

Pies smell delicious

and the fun is here for a reason.

We are our mothers today

invited to the samovar!

How many tender smiles there are here,

kind and beloved eyes:

Children in chorus:

Congratulations on the wonderful Women's Day, mothers!

Today we will congratulate lovely women on Women's Day!

We will sing and dance, talk about this and that.

What should we talk about today? Answer me guys

3 child:

Well, of course about moms!


Mommy's holiday is always spring,

We are looking forward.

Let this holiday not be ours, it doesn’t matter,

Soon we will grow up too!

5 child:

Mom will warm you with the warmth of her hands,

Gives us joy and laughter.

Mom is always our most faithful friend,

Mom is the most beautiful of all!

Children perform a song "Mommy's darling."

Here our pot-bellied samovar puffs and lets off steam.

He gathered us all together and stocked up on boiling water.

He wanted to please us so that they would forget a hundred things,

So that we can relax over a cup of tea without getting bored.

Maybe it’s new for you to come to our party?

Our party is not casual, not simple, but what kind of party, children?

5 child:

As always at the party, dancing until you drop.

We are happy to perform the dance with cups for you.

The samovar hums, makes noise,

He just looks angry.

Steam is blowing up to the ceiling,

Our handsome samovar

PERFORMED Dance "Samovar"

You danced wonderfully, and now it’s time to show your skills.

Steam is already flowing, the samovar is boiling! Well, what would tea be without ditties!

Hey, laughing girls, start singing ditties!

And you guys, don’t yawn, help the girls too

Now tell me, guests.

Isn't it time for you to warm up?

I'm announcing a new competition

The game begins.

Contest "Table Setting"

(set the table for the tea ceremony)

Performance of the song

“Stay like this, grandma”

Mother's love

No one can replace us

Don't try, don't, friends.

Only mom's heart

Will warm you with love,

He will hug and caress you.

Performing a dance with scarves by A. Evtodiev

The samovar puffs, the samovar shines,

Looks, smiles -

The holiday continues!

Mothers used to have children

And they loved to play

I suggest you remember your childhood,

And enter the game again!

A game: "Drying"

(to the music, you need to put dryers on the string,

Whoever is faster) gets a prize - a pack of tea.

How wonderful it is when we are together

Everyone gathered at the table.

We took a little rest

and now, friends, let’s sing!

Singing a song "Tea Song"

I announce a tea break

I invite you to drink some delicious tea. (drinking tea)

A game "Cheerful broom"

Cheerful music is playing. Mothers stand around kitchen utensils and say

“You fly, cheerful broom, further, hand over hand. Whoever has a broom left will show us the fairy tale.” They pass the broom to each other. When the music ends, the mother, holding a broom, takes one of the objects. This is how participants are selected.

Fairy tale dramatization"Teremok in a new way"

(Poems to be said to mothers are attached to the bottoms of the dishes.)

There is a miracle - a tower,

He is neither short nor tall.

Who lives in it?

He is reputed to be an assistant.

To gather helpers

We need to play out the fairy tale.

As if across a field, a frying pan runs

She, cast iron, is in a hurry to the tower.

She can't wait to become an assistant

She began to knock insistently on the door.

Mom with a frying pan in her hands knocks on the teremok. (music “I am a Cucaracha”)

Frying pan:

I am a frying pan, let me into the mansion.

I am of excellent quality

I bake pancakes very well.

Come on in, let's try your pancakes.

Mom with a frying pan in her hands sits on a chair next to the tower.

Noise on the path: The pan is rushing towards us.

She rattles her lid loudly.

Mom with a saucepan in her hands approaches the tower.

(music “Oh, my box is full.”


Look at me

Let me into the mansion.

I will serve you with faith and truth

Cook soups, cabbage soup, and porridge for everyone.

Come visit us soon

We are glad to have such guests.

Mom sits down next to the tower with a saucepan in her hands.

Across the field on a thin leg

The little boy is jumping briskly.

Mom with a ladle in her hands approaches the tower. (music “There was a birch tree in the field.”)


What kind of tower is this tower?

I knock on it once - it knocks

Let me into the mansion

And use it in the kitchen.

Can't do it without you,

Come into the mansion and sit down.

Mom sits down next to the tower with a ladle in her hands.

The sieve is in a hurry and running across the field.

He stopped at the door and screamed.

Mom with a sieve in her hands approaches the tower.

(music "Twist" or "rock'n'roll")

I don't sit still.

I'll sift everything and strain it.

Let me into the little mansion.

Mom sits down next to the tower with a sieve in her hands.

All assistants are in place.

So let's all get together

We will fry and cook,

And feed your guests.

Our tea is not simple, but with medicinal herbs. Drink, don't spill. Yes, determine the taste. (Parents name what the tea is brewed with.)

We're starting a new competition, let's play with us.

“Taste what is added to the tea” (tea with lemon, tea with jam, tea with milk, tea with honey, tea without anything, tea with sugar. As well as various teas - lemon, raspberry, currant, rosehip, with mint)

We are also very happy to congratulate

All women kindergarten workers!

Who gives attention, love and care,

He always comes to work with a smile.

Happy spring holiday!

With joyful excitement

In this bright hour!

Our dears,

Kind, good,


We know a lot of dances! We love to dance them!

Our boys decided

Show you my dance.

The dance “But I don’t notice toys” is performed.

performed by boys

My mom and I are friends!

Where my mommy is, there I am!

If he cooks soup, I help:

I sort out the cups and pots.

Mom washes the floor - I'm next to her,

I spill it on the floor harder.

If there is laundry in the house, I’m not shy

I sprinkle the powder and don’t regret it.

Well, what if mom is on the Internet?

Here I am more needed than anyone on the planet!

I help mommy a lot:

I press the buttons with diligence!

Mom looks at me. Sighs.

All clear. Apparently he approves!

This is how mom and I are Friends:

Where my mother is, of course I am!

How - I want, sometimes

Place mom next to her

And, with warmth

Reveal all the secrets to her!

There won't always be time

We are all in a hurry to get somewhere.

You stop, just a moment

For confessions from the heart!

THE SONG "Mom, I want to congratulate you" is being PERFORMED

Alla Evtodieva

The snow is melting on the street, drops are dripping,

May everything come true for you on this bright day.

Let the beautiful spring knock on the door,

He will give you happiness and a smile and laughter.

Happy holiday, happy holiday,

Happy wonderful, beautiful women's holiday.

Scenario dedicated to International Women’s Day “Which mother is better”
For the preparatory group

Author: Elkina Nadezhda Aleksandrovna - music director of the MBDOU "Komsomolsky kindergarten" Kungur district
Description: Scenario dedicated to International Women's Day for the preparatory group, in concert form, with the involvement of parents
Goals and objectives:
Cultivating a respectful attitude towards parents (mothers, for their care and attention, a desire to help the elderly (grandmothers).
Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards music; the desire to actively participate in preparations for the holidays, the desire to congratulate on the holiday, to present gifts, not only made with one’s own hands, but also musical and literary gifts, a festive mood. Children enter the hall to the music and line up in a semicircle
Let the sun shine tenderly,
Let the birds meet the dawn!
About the most wonderful thing in the world,
I'm talking about my mother.

There are so many of them, kind and gentle,
Today it's time for the holiday.
For them the snowdrop blooms,
And the sun gives warmth.

Today all the songs are for mom,
All dancing, smiling and laughing.
You are dearer and more wonderful than everyone else
Dear, golden man!

We are your kind smiles
We'll put it together in a huge bouquet.
For you, dear mothers,
We will sing songs today.
Song about mom
1st boy.
We continue today's holiday,
We congratulate our girls!
We would sing separately for each one,
We just eat very unimportantly!

2nd boy.
If we teased you offensively,
Honestly, we are very ashamed.
And not out of anger, but out of habit
They often pulled your pigtails!
3rd boy.
The boy can even hit.
It hurts, of course, but not too much.
We are all badasses, you know it yourself
But we won’t offend you anymore!
4th boy.
The girls are taller than us,
It's not so easy for us with them.
Sometimes we don't notice
How we offend girls
And we take away the toys,
And we drag them by the bows.
5th boy.
And for everything that we are guilty of
Forgive us, girls!
Don't hold a grudge against us -
Anyway, we love you!
The song “From what?”

Presenter: A story happened
Recently or long ago.
Interesting story
There are plenty of them.
This is a joke, there is a hint in it,
If you think about it - a lesson!
Don't be offended by us,
Try to understand the topic!

The scene begins. Dad is sitting in a chair with a newspaper, mom is on a chair by the phone. A boy plays alone on the floor with blocks. Phone call.

Mom (picks up the phone).
Hello, Lyubochka, friend!
You haven't called me for a long time!
Maybe visit today
Would you like to run in for a minute?
Lots to do? Yes, a lot
Trouble awaits us at home,
We need to prepare dinner
Wash, cook compote.
Boy (approaches with a book).
I'm tired of playing
Can you read a fairy tale?
Wait, don't buzz,
Better come to dad.
(The boy groans, tries to take and look at the cosmetics, but his mother easily hits him on the hand).
What you? Did you buy a blouse?
You say it's a beautiful color?
Ruffles, bows, frills -
Wonderful, no words!
Yes? Is the heel that high?
Can you wear this?
Oh, how I want it too
Buy these shoes! (Hangs up).
Mom, I'm bored standing.
Maybe you and I together
Play trains?
Oh, I have no time, son,
I ran to do the laundry
There's dad sitting on the chair,
Ask him to play! (Runs away).
Boy (comes up to dad and pulls his sleeve).
Dad, dad, don't read it,
Better play ball!
I've been asking you for a long time,
Take me to the cinema!

That's all later, my dear,
You should go for a walk.
I need it very urgently
Read the entire advertisement.
And there will be football today!
I am a Spartak fan!
We'll play Indians
Tomorrow night. Bye!
(Running away).
And going for a walk... About this, by the way,
Ask your sister Katya.
Katya looks in the mirror and paints her eyelashes.

Katya, you can do it today
Finish the plane,
Or the boat will be in the bathroom
You and I will launch.
Say it too! Me today
You have to be at the institute
The lecture will start soon
It's time for me to go out.
And yesterday my friend Slava
He invited me to the cinema.
Not a minute free
Everything has been planned for a long time.

Runs out of the hall. The boy is left alone, he shrugs his shoulders in bewilderment.
What should you do alone?
He can’t sit, he can’t lie down, he can’t go for walks!
Mom, dad and sister,
Have pity on the child.
Draw, read,
And play Indians.
Know: poor him
It's boring to be alone at home.
The baby will grow up, perhaps
Will it ever help you?
(Addresses the boy).
What will you do now?
Nobody is at home.
Silence, I sit, yawn...
What should I do? Don't know.
I have one idea.
Maybe you should look for a new mother?
Boy (thinks).
At least now I'm ready to start
Look for a new mother.
You just need to love
Like me, play all day.

Well, then you need to go to the Good Offices Bureau. A lot of different mothers come there, maybe you can find them there?

The boy walks around the hall. The children who played the roles of mom, dad and sister sit on chairs.
While the boy walks around the hall to the music, the presenter hangs up a sign “Bureau of Good Services.” Two girls - administrators - go out to the middle of the hall.

1st administrator.
Sensation! Sensation!
Presentation today!
Today they smile
And everyone around is joking,
Opens today
"Service Bureau" for you.

The administrators sit down at the table.
2nd administrator.
So come on in
We will be glad to see you
And your smiles
We will be rewarded!
Boy (approaches the administrators).
Nobody needs me at home.
Find me a new mother.
1st administrator (calls on the phone).
Call the governess girls here.

Girls run out with dolls.
If you need to leave
By their own business,
If you can't find a nanny -
Call us.

I'll rock your baby to sleep
Katya, Masha and Alenka.
And with Natasha and Svetlana
We are going to walk.

I give Lena a bath
I'll teach everyone to dance.
At least go around half the world -
You won't find a better nanny!

"Dance with Dolls"
I don't need a nanny
And I need my mom!
The girls run away.
2nd administrator (opens the album).
Here's mom the cook
He will reveal kitchen secrets to you.

Cook: (comes out with a saucepan)
I cook cutlets, borscht, vinaigrettes.
And I cook porridge, it’s just great!
Try my porridge now.

Boy (tastes porridge from a saucepan).
Delicious porridge
There are no lumps in it.
But I don't want to eat porridge for lunch!

1st administrator.
Then I’ll offer you a mother - a model!
Tall, slender, like a gazelle.
She doesn't cook, doesn't sew, doesn't wash,
And she tries on new dresses all day.

"Model Show".
Girls - models:
According to foreign magazines
We chose the style.
In these unusual dresses
Let's look from all sides.
Mom will be a top model
She will be as slim as a gazelle.
Will live abroad
How can we live here without our mother?

1st administrator.
Don't be hard on this mom.
Mothers who are cleaners: not bad either
Cleaning woman:
I'll put things in order
A mop and a broom are my relatives
And now kids
There's a fun game
Game "Spot the ball in the goal."
Such a mother is of no use to me
I'll put things in order myself.
2nd Administrator
This look is learned and strict,
This mom is a teacher!
Teaches children how to play
Also sing and dance.

Mom - teacher and boy are dancing
Mom-teacher will teach
And he will torture you with lessons.
Look in the album,
Suggest something easier.

1st administrator.
Here is the designer, the storekeeper,
There is a painter and a saleswoman.
I will offer you from the SES -
And there are such mothers!

No, don't! I am well,
I can do without doctors.
There are many different mothers on the list,
Look there again.
I need attention
I was glad to listen.

2nd administrator.
Grandma is just a treasure,
She raised a hundred grandchildren.
I have been prescribed a diet -
No flour, no candy.
I need to keep in shape
I don't want to gain weight.

Everyone sings “The Song about Grandma.”
Boy (defiantly).
She needs to keep her form,
She can't gain weight!
gallops in the morning,
I lost a hundred kilograms.

1st administrator.
Do you want me to take my mother from the gypsies?

I'll teach you to dance,
Songs to sing and dance
Let's start by the fire
There is no house, no yard.

"Gypsy Dance" is performed.
No, no, no, gypsy mother
I refuse to take it!
I don't want to wander
And I want to go home again!

Runs out of the hall. Change of scenery, the table and the “Bureau of Good Offices” sign are removed. Mom comes out and sits in a chair.

I hear someone's voice.
(Son runs in).
This is my star!
Where were you running, son?
(Hugs him).
I missed you.
Dad asked, little sister,
We lost a child.
Mom, I'm now...
(Puts finger to lips).
I'll tell you one secret.
There is no dearer mother than mine!
I won't change her
After all, I am hers, she is mine.

Presenter: The hour of fun has come,
Everyone, hurry up and start dancing!

Host: Now we’ll play,
Let's entertain our mothers
May their smiles make them bright
You will be happier!
The game "Funny Broom" invites mothers and children to stand in a large circle, announces that a broom is not only used to sweep the floor,
but it can be fun to play with. He says: “You fly, cheerful broom, further, further, we guarantee that whoever has the broom left will show us a fairy tale.” A broom is passed along to the music; the one who has the broom in his hands when the music stops goes to the center of the circle and dances.
Children line up in a semicircle and read poetry
Our dear mothers,
We declare without embellishment:
This holiday is the most
Wonderful for us!

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece
I will make it out of him
Little flower.
Gift for mom
I'll cook
The most beautiful
I have mom!
I love my mom very much!
I will always help her.
Can I sweep the floor?
Take the chair to the kitchen
Wipe off dust from all things
And pour some cabbage soup for the kitten.
I can wash the dishes
But I won't wash it today.
I'm ready to help mom -
I'll bake her pancakes!
I’ll definitely help my mom,
I love pancakes myself!

When I become an adult -
I will allow everything to my son:
Eating sour cream from a jar
And jump on my back
Lying on the sofa
Draw on the wall
Keep the beetle in your pocket,
Do not wash your face.
Screaming, running through puddles,
Sawing the legs of a chair,
Don't sleep and don't have lunch,
Ride on a cat.
Twist the spring in the clock,
Drink water from the tap,
I will allow everything to my son,
When I become an adult!

This is a day of love and affection,
A day that will last forever.
This day is like a day from a fairy tale,
Goodbye, bye!
Everyone tried not in vain,
Everything ended perfectly!
Well done! Thank you!
Congratulations to your moms!

Children give mothers and grandmothers gifts made with their own hands.

Funny Games

on the holiday


Milk the cow

To play you need rubber gloves; make small holes in your fingers.

Progress of the game

Times are difficult now, in the village you can’t do without a cow, let’s see how our mothers know how to milk a cow (a glove filled with water).

Child holding a glove

And mom “milks” into a basin or bucket. Who will need more?

It will be even more interesting if you involve dad.


Props: There are 8 cups (or small bags) on the table near the central wall.

with any juice. There are straws in cups (bags).

Purpose of the game: quickly but carefully drink the juice through a straw.

Progress of the game.

Two teams are called: each with a mother and father, as well as their two children.

They sit on the chairs. The presenter gives everyone a glass of juice with a straw.

The team that empties the cup (bag) faster wins.


And now this is the case:

We need to hang up the handkerchiefs

To dry before night.

Therefore, to help you

Let's call mom soon.

(2 teams. Each team has 1 mother and 2 girls. Mothers hold a long rope,

One girl wears 1 scarf of a certain color from a common basin,

the other attaches it to a rope with a clothespin.

The other team does the same, but the girls hang up handkerchiefs of a different color. The team that hangs the handkerchiefs first wins.)


We'll have fun playing and sweeping, too.

(2 teams take part in the game - 4 grandmothers and 4 children.

Between the set pins you need to hold a balloon with a broom.

Whoever is faster is the winner.)


Children stand in a circle and quickly pass a ball or a broom to each other.

We decorated the broom and hung a bow on it.

You roll a funny ball (broom)

Quickly - quickly hand over hand,

Who has a funny ball (broom),

He will dance with his mother for us

The child who happens to have a broom invites his mother to dance.


Number of players: any

Additionally: cups and saucers according to the number of players, matches, peas

On the table in front of the mothers there are cups and saucers, next to each cup there are 2 matches.

There are 12 peas on each saucer.

Mothers must use matches to transfer the peas from the saucer to the cup.


To the accompaniment of music, easels are brought out.

They have paper attached to them. Children draw their mothers with markers as quickly as possible. Then the drawings are given to mothers and grandmothers.


A table is placed in the center, with strings with a stick at the end tied to its legs.

There is candy on the table. Players on command begin to wind the string around the stick. The one who got to the candy faster won.


(2 girls participate in the game.

They sweep away “garbage” with paper “brooms” - balloons,

Scattered around the hall, each in its own hoop)


Props : four small multi-colored balls of thick woolen threads

With a tail of 5 meters.

Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills of the hands and increased dexterity.

Progress of the game.

In the hall there are four chairs on which lie balls of thread with tails 5 meters long. Two grandmothers and two grandsons (granddaughters) are called. Two (grandmother and granddaughter) sit on chairs on one side of the hall, two other participants in the game sit on the other side of the hall. Participants in the game take balls from the chairs. At a signal, the participants in the game begin to wind a tail of thread around their balls.

The team whose members are the first to wrap the threads around the balls wins.

The game is played 2 times.


(for the game 3 yoghurts, 3 spoons, 3 napkins, 3 bibs)

Who will feed grandma faster?


Blindfolded, put clothes on the child.

(hat, coat, scarf, mittens, boots)


(5 multi-colored flowers lie on the floor; children collect petals of the same color to the music)


Children are divided into two teams: boys - “Gingerbread”, girls - “Sweets”,

stand in two ranks, next to each team there is a bucket of water. Music is playing. The child scoops up water from the bucket with a wooden spoon and, trying not to spill it, carefully carries the water into a transparent plastic cup, then returns and passes the spoon to the next player.

When the music ends, let's see who has more water in their glass?


Children invite their parents and everyone stands in a circle.

The presenter says a gentle word about mom and passes the balloon to the person standing next to her.

He says a gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever does not say the word leaves the game. The remaining 2-3 people win and are awarded with balls.)


to the performance of the song “The Sun Is Laughing” (“Music Director”).

First the girls play with their mothers, then the boys.

Children are the inner circle, mothers are the outer circle.

Everyone walks in a circle to the music (mothers in one direction, children in the other),

at the end - the children look for their mother..

1 time - children look for mothers, then mothers look for children.


Number of players: 2-4

Additionally: balloons according to the number of participants

There can be 2-4 people playing.

Each person is given a balloon.

At the signal, the children begin to inflate them.

The player who inflates the balloon the fastest wins.


(Various jewelry, cosmetics, and a mirror are laid out on the tables in front of the girls.

The task is to portray your mothers.)


(Moms sing a children's song to the soundtrack, the sound is periodically turned off.

The task is not to lose the tempo and continue singing).

Mothers are awarded “Most Musical” medals.


Ved: Moms often have to go shopping and make purchases. And sometimes

There are a lot of purchases. But our guys are happy to help their own

Moms. Let's see how they do it.


In units:

And for moms, I have one more task (calls moms). Here I have

Threads, needles and beads. Your task is to plant as many as possible in 1 minute

Beads on a string. Who will have the longest chain?


A rope is attached between two chairs, and balls are tied to the rope by strings.

You need to tie scarves on these balls. Whoever does it faster wins.

You can make the game more difficult by giving out mittens.


2 teams are selected, each with seven people, and two dads are called.

Dads are seated on a chair from each team, and the children who are fastest are dressed for dads

1 - socks

2 - cap

3 - bib

4 - feeds porridge

5 - drinks from a bottle

6 - gives a pacifier

7 – rattle


2 teams of 5 people each participate. They line up one after another. Each participant holds some part of the flower - core, stem, 3 petals. On the other side there are clearing hoops. At the signal, the children take turns running to their clearing and laying out a snowdrop. Whose will bloom faster? You can organize 3 teams.


We note the time using the hourglass, during which time dad must write a recipe for borscht.

Then the dads take turns reading. At the end, the presenter says: “Moms won.

How will you cook soup without water?” (usually no one includes water in the recipe).


2 commands from dads are called. They take turns singing lines from songs that contain a woman's name. The team that sings the song last will win.


The teacher collects beads, watches, handkerchiefs, etc. in advance, in secret from the children.

During the game he asks: Whose mother's thing is it?


Moms stand in a circle. Children scattered in the center of the circle. Music is playing and children are dancing.

When the music ends, children squat down and cover their eyes with their palms.

At this time, mothers change places. At a signal, children open their eyes and...

“Who will find and hug their mother faster?”

TIE BOWS - for dads

Before the holiday, tie 14 ribbons onto a 6-7 meter long string like this:

so that two ends hang. Tie the 15th ribbon in a bow in the center of the rope.

They call 2 dads, who stand to the right and left of the rope.

On command, each dad begins to tie bows, moving towards the center of the rope,

where the bow is tied.

The winner is the one who quickly ties lush bows and gets to the center.


Who can sew buttons faster and better?

(The difficulty is that the buttons are cut out of cardboard and have a diameter of 20 cm)


Mothers are invited to visit a beauty salon, where young hairdressers will create extraordinary hairstyles for them. Mothers (any number) sit on chairs and hold

In your hands is a piece of cotton wool, size A-3, in which a hole is cut for the face,

and the outline of the neck is drawn.

Children use a marker to draw hairstyles. Then there will be a defile of fashionable hairstyles.


Dads or boys play. (2-3 pairs each)

At the distance of the hall there are two chairs for each couple.


then he comes back, takes it all off, the next son puts it on....etc.


Mothers sit on chairs with a basket on their laps.

The presenter scatters fake candies throughout the hall.

Children must bring their mother one piece of candy for each piece of candy.

child kisses mother on the cheek. Whoever brings the fastest and most wins!


1. Mother and child are at opposite ends of the hall.

The child has “footprints” cut out of cardboard

Throwing one footprint on the floor and stepping on them one by one, he gets to his mother.

Who is faster? Here you can choose three or four children.

2. Both mother and child participate.

They move along alternate tracks towards each other.

3. The same... but dad gives them traces, running from one to another...

All three must meet. two families are playing. All this to the music of "Songs of the Baby Mammoth"


Place 2 grandmothers on chairs, give them one beautiful box each,

a bowl... where new striped children's socks lie.

Two children of these grannies are near the central wall.


Grandmother began to knit colorful socks,

Only suddenly her balls fell apart.

The presenter scatters balls of 4 colors on the floor

Each child is asked to collect 2 specific colors for grandma.

(blue, white, etc.)

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children collect one ball at a time and take it to their granny in a bowl. Then they quickly take off their shoes, the grandmother quickly puts them on her granddaughter’s feet

new striped socks.


Two mothers must put clothespins on their children and remove them blindfolded, who is faster. Children are quietly changed places, mothers remove clothespins from someone else's child.


Two are called: mother and child pairs

Mothers and children stand at opposite ends of the hall. Mom is blindfolded.

The children shout, “Mom, I’m here.” Mothers must find their child by voice.

Find the child 2nd option.

Mother and child stand at opposite ends of the hall.

Skittles are placed on the way to the child, and the mother is blindfolded.

The child calls his mother.

The mother must find the child without knocking over the pins (at this time the pins are quietly removed).

“We bake pancakes” - relay race.

In the child’s hands there is a children’s frying pan, there are pancakes on it,

(pancakes can be cut from thin foam rubber),

They run to the table, put the pancake on a dish, each participant has their own, and return. pass the frying pan to the next team member, whose team will “bake” more pancakes.

"Pickling cucumbers" -

On two children's tables there are 2 three-liter transparent containers, on command,

a child fills jars with cucumbers or tomatoes or assorted

(Does anyone have any plastic dummies of vegetables or berries, fruits, etc.)

Whoever fills the jar the fastest will help his mother or grandmother the fastest.

"Flower of love and tenderness"

Children stand in a circle and pass a flower to gentle calm music,

who has a flower in his hands. he speaks an affectionate, kind word about his mother.

"Know Your Mother"

They call mothers, show the child before blindfolding

where the mother stands, the child begins to look for his mother,

And at this time the mother changed places with the mother of another child.

"Know your son" -

Several boys are called, they stand in one line,

they call the mother of one of the boys, blindfold the mother, quietly spin her around, let her go (at this time the real son quietly sits down with the children)

Mom continues to look for her son in the remaining boys,

And my son laughs quietly along with all the guys.

"Have a nail" -

Boys are invited, they are future men and can already help their mother hammer nails. (The hammer is small. The nail is already slightly nailed on the piece of wood.)

It is important to pay attention not to the speed of driving, but to accuracy,

thoroughness and caution. The teacher insures the child

There is a desire to help mom, and a desire to do the work efficiently, without rushing.

"Treating Grandma"

2 grandmothers and 2 grandchildren are called.

Medical supplies are laid out on the table:

thermometers, tablets. Warm scarves, jars of honey, jam, medicinal herbs.

As well as distracting objects: any (baby pacifier, toys, etc.)

The grandson must choose those items with which he can cure his

sick grandmother.

Try "COLLECT A BOUQUET" Family game.
Scatter cardboard flower petals (daisy-shaped, but different) everywhere on the floor, windowsill, piano.
Mom finds the central circle.
Dad and children (preferably one from the group, and the other a brother or sister) collect a piece of paper around mom.
Whose flower is the first?
Children are familiar with this game, but parents “rush” around the hall in search of it - it’s hilarious! Especially if hidden in unexpected places...

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