Where is Buinov Alexander? Alexander Buynov - biography, personal life, photo of the singer

Alexander Nikolaevich Buynov. Born on March 24, 1950 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian singer, actor, musician, composer. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2010).

Alexander Buinov was born on March 24, 1950 in Moscow (previously, the place where he was born was a military town at an airfield).

Among his ancestors, the emphasis in the surname was on the first syllable.

Father - Nikolai Aleksandrovich Buinov (b. 1911), from the family of the dispossessed blacksmith Alexander Buinov, owner of one of the two forges that existed in those years in the city of Efremov, Tula region. He was a pilot and a good athlete.

Mother - Klavdiya Mikhailovna Buinova (born 1912) (nee Kosova), musician, studied piano at the conservatory and graduated with honors.

In addition to Alexander, there were three more brothers in the family - Vladimir, Arkady, Andrey. All received primary musical education.

Vladimir, a jazz pianist and improviser, died in an accident in the 1980s before he turned 40.

Arkady - worked in the conducting group of the Military Academy. Frunze, a radio correspondent, then switched to television, collaborating with Svyatoslav Belza. Over 20 years of work, he became a producer of music programs on the Kultura TV channel. Now a pensioner, he is a singer in the choir of the Church of the Archangel Michael in the village of Zagornovo, Ramensky district, Moscow region.

Andrey is a music teacher, founder of a jazz club in the Moscow Tekstilshchiki district.

As a child, Alexander Buinov lived for a long time with relatives in the city of Efremov, Tula region.

In the 1950s, the family settled in a communal apartment in Moscow, on Bolshoi Tishinsky Lane.

In his youth he suffered an eye injury and his vision dropped to minus five. As the artist said, he and his friends loved to play with carbide bombs. Once Buinov lit one such bomb, but at some point something went wrong, and the future performer received a burn to the cornea.

A meeting with Alexander Gradsky during his school years turned out to be important for Buinov. He made his debut as a keyboard player in the group created by Gradsky "Buffoons", where he announced himself as a composer. Left the group due to joining the army. He served in the missile forces in the city of Aleysk, Altai Territory.

After demobilization he played in a band "Araks", in ensemble "Flowers".

From 1973 to May 1989 - keyboardist of the ensemble "Funny boys", in which for 16 years of work he gained all-Union popularity. As part of the ensemble, he recorded many popular songs, took part in the pop music festival “Yerevan-1981”, in the international competition “Bratislava Lyre” (1985) (Grand Prix).

He participated in the recording of records by the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”: “Love is a huge country”, “We need to be friends”, “Musical Globe”, “Disco Club-2”, “Just a minute!!!”, the magnetic album “Banana Islands”.

As part of the ensemble, he traveled abroad several times; they toured in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Finland, Cuba and other countries.

Since May 1989 he has been engaged in a solo career. Performs with his own band "Ciao".

The most famous songs: “Two Lives”, “Leaves are Falling”, “Empty Bamboo”, “Bitter Honey”, “Let It Go”, “Captain Katalkin”, “My Finances Sing Romances”, “Airborne Forces - Greetings from the Sky”, “In Paris at night."

At one time he was distinguished by extravagance in his stage appearances.

“At one time, I freaked out worse than the guys of the “blue” orientation. That time has passed, but everything remains in our dressing room. I had dresses, then pink jackets! Pants with frills, even a crazy women’s swimsuit, in which I once performed. Borya Moiseev was jealous of me and said: “Sanya, what a cool swimsuit you have!” In “Merry Guys,” we played the fool! I was the first to wear a dress on the song “Wandering Artists.” I also had a white wedding dress!” he said.

Alexander Buynov - Leaves are falling

On June 28, 2005, he signed a “Letter in support of the verdict against the former leaders of YUKOS.” In February 2011, he stated that he was ashamed of this act.

Member of the All-Russian political party "United Russia", member of the political council of the Moscow organization of the party "United Russia". Member of the Public Council of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region.

People's Artist of Ingushetia (2004). People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania. In 2010, he was awarded the title People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Buinov's disease

In 2011, Buinov was successfully cured of cancer. He was diagnosed - prostate cancer. He received treatment without interrupting his concert activities.

In the fall of 2015, the media reported that Alexander Buinov was hospitalized in one of the Moscow clinics for the purpose of conducting a full examination. It was reported that the musician was again under the close supervision of doctors, who suspected the famous actor of the possibility of a relapse - the tumor could metastasize in other organs and tissues.

Later, the artist himself announced that everything was fine with him.

Alexander Buinov called his illness a punishment for sins. “I accept everything that fate has in store with gratitude. If God punishes me physically for something, then there is something for it. I have accumulated enough sins throughout my life, so when I was diagnosed, it didn’t occur to me to feel sorry for myself. I always I remembered some sins and misdeeds, and my soul became lighter. And those around me were even more worried than I was. I generally wanted no one to know about this. My father, a front-line pilot, always said: “I only believe. "If something was cut out, it means you were cured." I’m sure everything will be fine,” he said.

Took part in a TV show. For example, in 2012 he participated in the project “Battle of the Choirs” (channel “Russia-1”). He has experience working in films; as a rule, his vocals are heard in films.

Alexander Buinov's height: 180 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexander Buinov:

Married three times

First wife - Lyubov Vasilievna Vdovina (1953-2006). We met during Buinov’s service in Altai. They were married in 1970-1972. In 2006, she died in a fire.

Lyubov Vdovina - the first wife of Alexander Buinov

Second wife - Lyudmila. They were married from 1972 to 1985. Buinov, according to his admission, entered into this marriage because his girlfriend was pregnant. He later regretted this. On July 5, 1973, the couple had a daughter, Yulia Buinova. His daughter gave him a grandson, Alexander (born in November 2005), and granddaughters Daria and Sofia (born in 2006), all of whom bear the surname Buinova.

Third wife Elena (Alena) Rafailovna Buinova (nee Gutman; born June 19, 1960), cosmetologist, producer.

Alexander Buinov met Alena when he was in his second marriage - his future third wife came to a concert of the “Jolly Fellows” ensemble.

“When we started dating, many people told her: “Why do you need him? There are so many handsome men around - find someone else.” But during our marriage, we proved our love. What could be better when your girlfriend wakes up and says: “I love you! » This is real happiness,” said the artist.

Has an illegitimate son, Alexei (born 1987), from a Hungarian friend - their short holiday romance took place in Sochi.

How, one day he became a victim of an encephalitis tick and as a result he suffered from paralysis of the upper limbs. “I feel my arms hanging. I don’t feel them. There is no pain, but there are no arms either,” he recalled. As a result, Alexander was diagnosed with tick-borne encephalitis. You need to take a puncture. Buynov spent almost a month in the hospital. Through friends, the artist learned about the healer and turned to her for help. She gradually restored the artist.

Filmography of Alexander Buinov:

1988 - Primorsky Boulevard
1988 - Primorsky Boulevard (vocals)
1997 - Anastasia (Grigory Rasputin, voice acting)
1998 - Old songs about the main thing - 3 - singer at the Munich disco
2000 - The Good and the Bad - Police Colonel
2000 - Bremen Town Musicians & Co (vocals)
2001 - Old songs about the main thing. P.S
2007 - And the snow falls - cameo

Discography of Alexander Buinov:

1991 - “Ticket to Copenhagen”
1992 - “Yo-mine”
1993 - “Hotel Razgulnaya”
1994 - “Wow, life has brought it!”
1995 - “I Knew Love”
1996 - “I am Moscow!”
1997 - “Islands of Love”
1999 - “Finance sings romances”
2000 - “Love for two”
2001 - “No words”
2003 - “Catch”
2004 - “Everything”
2006 - “Into the Clouds”
2006 - “Adult Songs”
2010 - “P.R.O. Love"
2012 - “Two Lives”

His first marriage ended in tragedy, the second was a mistake from the very beginning, and only in the third did Alexander Buinov make a mistake either with the choice of the bride or with the decision to spend his whole life with her.

Army romance

There were four children in the Buinov family, all boys. The mother, who graduated from the conservatory, insisted that her sons receive a musical education, and all four eventually connected their lives with music. But if Alexander Buinov had been told about this as a child, he would not have believed it.

Leaving the house in ironed trousers and with a folder for music, he returned in a completely different form: disheveled, dirty and often beaten. But the yard “punks” still attracted Buinov much more than an hour in the company of a piano.

He nevertheless graduated from music school and immediately created his own rock band, Anti-Anarchists. But serious music studies began after a meeting with Alexander Gradsky: he invited Buinov to perform piano parts in his “Skomorokhs”.

The career that had just begun was interrupted by a summons to the army. Alexander went to serve, and somehow managed to arrange his personal life there. His Lyubov lived in a settlement, to which it was necessary to walk 11 kilometers from the unit - but for the loving Buinov this did not seem to be a serious obstacle. So he went on dates with a 17-year-old girl.

The young people rushed to get married, but they were not destined to be together for a long time. Lyuba died very young in a fire. Alexander Buinov does not like to remember and talk about this.


From the army he returned straight to the stage: first to the group “Araks”, then to “Flowers”, until he finally found “his” team. These were the “Jolly Fellows”, with whom Buinov recorded many songs and gained his first popularity. They toured a lot and enjoyed the adoration of fans. It was not easy for the artist to remain a faithful husband.

A year before joining “Merry Guys,” Buinov married his friend Lyudmila - as he himself admits, because of her pregnancy. Almost immediately he realized that he had made a mistake, but he could not leave his wife and child. But my conscience allowed me to have short-term affairs on the side.

This continued until Buinov fell in love seriously. He calls that novel “office,” but does not name his beloved—she, too, was not free.

“I had a long affair, real passion. Lived in two houses. I repeatedly returned to my wife’s apartment to pack my things, but then my daughter Yulia came up and begged me to stay. As a result, I broke off relations with that other woman, but within a day or two I was with her again,” the singer recently admitted in the “Secret to a Million” program.

The sense of duty to his daughter still won. And two years after breaking up with his mistress, Buinov met someone whom even his conscience could not resist.

Passions of the Buinovs

Alena Gutman fell in love with the keyboard player of “Merry Guys” in absentia after seeing his photo on the poster. The director of the group was an acquaintance of hers, so she soon came to the group’s concert and met Buinov backstage. The moment was inopportune: he was a modest married musician with a child; she is an employee of the Beauty Institute, and moved in the circle of “golden youth”.

But Alena spat on the prospects and plunged headlong into a new relationship. It took the couple a year to sort everything out: Alexander divorced his wife, Elena confronted her loved ones with a fait accompli, and they reconciled. The wedding took place in 1985 - and since then there has been only one woman left in Buinov’s life.

The only thing that the Buinovs’ circle never got used to was the style of their family life. They quarrel so violently and make up so passionately that it seems as if they got married yesterday, and not more than thirty years ago.

“You understand, I like all this! There are couples where everything is quiet and peaceful, they loved each other and died on the same day, but this is not for me. I don’t like it when family relationships are like a quiet swamp. Everything is overgrown with mud, covered with duckweed, but people are still together. And Alena and I are constantly in a storm,” admits the musician.

They never had children together, but Yulia Buinova, who had long ago forgiven her father for breaking up with her mother, gave him three grandchildren, in whom the artist dotes. In 2011, thanks to the support of his family, he was able to defeat oncology - and since then he has especially appreciated everything that life has given him. And any quarrel in the Buinovs’ house inevitably ends in reconciliation.

The famous singer was born in Moscow in March 1960. His father belonged to the hereditary blacksmiths Buinov, and he himself was a pilot, an athlete, and a very strong man. Alexandra’s mother belonged to the world of art, having graduated from the conservatory in piano. But with the birth of four sons, I had to give up my musical career.

Despite the fact that the mother tried to instill in her sons a sense of beauty, little Sashka spent time with the yard hooligans with much greater pleasure. Together with them, he climbed many construction sites and basements, and performed various pranks.

One day, with friends, he created a carbide explosive, during the explosion of which his eyes were damaged. Since then, Alexander was forced to wear glasses almost all the time. After graduating from music school, Buinov first played in various rock bands, and in high school, together with his classmates, he created his own group called “Antianarchists.”

In 1966, Alexander met the aspiring composer Alexander Gradsky, who was able to discern great creative potential in the young musician.

He invited Buinov to join his musical group and participate in tours. So Alexander began working in a group called “Skomorokhi”, but soon he had to temporarily stop his musical activities due to conscription into the army.

After demobilization, Alexander decided to return to music and began performing in musical groups. At first it was the ensemble "Araks", then - "Flowers". Buinov gained the greatest popularity while performing in the group “Jolly Fellows” from 1973 to 1989.

Participation in “Jolly Fellows” prepared fertile ground for the musician’s solo career. The peak of his fame came in the 90s, when the name of Alexander Buinov thundered not only in the countries of the post-Soviet space, but also in neighboring countries. He organized his own group called “Rio”, and often acted not only as a performer, but also as a composer of his own songs, as well as as a director of his own performances.

The most popular compositions by Buynov include:

  • "Leaves are Falling";
  • “My finances sing romances”;
  • “Dance like Petya”;
  • "Love for two";
  • "Do not interrupt";
  • "Captain Katalkin."

Being at the peak of his fame, Alexander Buinov decided to get additional education and entered GITIS in the directing department. The graduate’s graduation project was his own concert “Captain Katalkin,” which was successfully held in St. Petersburg.

The knowledge gained was useful to Buinov when organizing tours - “Wow, life has brought it!” (1994), “I Knew Love!” (1995). The artist also had a joint program with the famous composer Igor Krutoy and a concert tour organized in support of Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Currently, the degree of popularity of Alexander Buinov has noticeably decreased. However, this does not prevent him from being a welcome guest at various musical events. He continues to record new songs and delight fans of his work with regular tours of major Russian cities.

Interesting notes:

Alexander Buinov also contributed to the development of the domestic film industry. The artist played in the films “Primorsky Boulevard” and “The Good and the Bad,” and also voiced Rasputin in the animated film “Anastasia.”

Alexander has received many prestigious awards and prizes, among which the most significant are Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Order of Honor for his contribution to the development of the national stage.

Alexander Buinov, having a tall stature and a slender figure, has always enjoyed increased attention from the opposite sex. It is not surprising that the artist gained the reputation of an experienced womanizer: the musician never hid his love affairs, and was officially married three times.

Alexander’s first wife was Lyubov Vdovina, whom he met during his military service. The marriage, committed at such an early age, quickly fell apart. The couple had no children together.

For the second time, Buinov married his beloved Lyudmila, who by that time became pregnant. Later, the artist admitted that he made a big mistake by agreeing to get married only because of his girlfriend’s “interesting position.” However, this marriage, in which daughter Julia was born, lasted 13 years.

In 1985, the musician linked his fate with Elena Goodman, who became the greatest love of his life. The couple did not have children together, but after a while it turned out that in 1987 Buinov had an illegitimate son, Alexei, who was born as a result of the musician’s holiday romance.

In 2011, Alexander Buinov had to go through a difficult period - he was diagnosed with cancer. After the operation, the artist’s health improved. According to him, such diseases are given by heaven for a reason, and one must endure the punishments sent down with dignity.

Alexander Buynov is a famous and popular singer and musician. He is well known in Russia and beyond. After all, it’s hard not to pay attention to this extravagant and bright man who always looks as if with irony, cunning and condescension. But all this is supported by such charm that it is simply impossible to resist. Alexander Buinov gives all his strength to music and his career, it is clear that this is important to him, he puts his soul into what he does.

But how did he manage to get on the pedestal, which many dream of, but only a few achieve? How did it all begin, how was he able to conquer the demanding public? We will talk about this in this article, and start with the basic facts about the Russian singer and musician.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Buinov

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Buynov? Such questions are often asked by fans who want to know as much as possible about their favorite singer. Buinov looks more than good, not counting his natural abilities and inner charm, he also carefully ensures that he is always in good shape, does not forget to smile, move forward, and generally always be positive. He claims that you won’t survive in show business otherwise. Whether this is true or not, Alexander really looks quite young for his age. Now he is 67 years old, height is 180 centimeters, and weight is 80 kilograms. Thousands of women dream of him, many envy him, but what is really going on in the singer’s soul? In order to answer these questions, you need to follow his life starting from his first days.

Biography of Alexander Buinov

The biography of Alexander Buinov dates back to March 24, 1950. It was on this day and year that a boy was born who was to become a famous musician and singer. His father was a military pilot by profession, and his mother was a musician. In addition to little Sasha, the family raised two more brothers. Mom dreamed that her beloved sons would follow in her footsteps and begin to play music. Therefore, in addition to regular school, children were forced to also go to music school. Why are you forced? Yes, because Alexander himself hated playing musical instruments, not to mention his brothers. Even sometimes it was necessary to chain disobedient children with a dog leash to the leg of the piano so that they would do their homework.

I must say that Sasha grew up as a little hooligan. The family lived in an area of ​​the city where there were a lot of so-called “punks”. Here Alexander found friends who were not allowed to show himself in the beret and pressed trousers that his mother loved to put on him. Therefore, after he left the school walls, he immediately tore off his hated headdress and rushed to his “homies.” But then the guys had fun to the fullest. However, entertainment deserved little respect. The hooligans damaged the windows, painted obscene language on the walls, and even created explosives themselves. During the next “fun”, the future artist almost lost his eye. As a result, I had to wear glasses because my retina was damaged.

But be that as it may, he graduated from music school, where he studied for seven whole years. Then his family moved to a quieter and calmer street. During this period, his career as a singer began, he began to play in various rock bands, some of which he assembled on his own. At the same time, the young man became interested in hippie ideology and began visiting themed places. In the second half of the sixties, he suddenly met Alexander Gradsky, and this greatly influenced his future fate. He decided to leave school to go on tour with Gradsky’s group, where he played the piano. But on New Year's Eve in the early seventies, the young man was arrested on charges of being AWOL.

After which the army began in his life. He ended up in the engineering troops that were sent to Altai. The young soldiers did not waste time, running to local girls from nearby villages. The guys were not stopped by the fact that the “close” village was not so close. There he met his first wife, but we’ll talk about that a little later. It only needs to be said that for him, his first love was the fact that he was constantly punished for going to his beloved in the village, ignoring the service. But for Alexander, nothing can be an obstacle if he wants to achieve something, and he has repeatedly proven this.

It’s worth adding that Alexander Buinov’s life is far from boring. One day a story happened to him that could be called criminal. The artist saw that someone was trying to steal his car. He rushed after her, managed to jump into the car, but when he saw that the gun was pointed at him, he jumped out of the car again. He then miraculously survived without breaking his legs. But the expensive car was still stolen. But let us now return to the singer’s work. He left his first musical group because he had to join the army.

But after Alexander was mobilized, he again took part in other groups. He became most famous thanks to his work in the groups “Flowers” ​​and “Jolly Guys”. At one time they simply thundered throughout the entire Soviet Union. They recorded more than one hit, participated in various festivals, received awards and prizes. During his singing career, Alexander Buinov recorded about twenty records, the last one was published not so long ago, a couple of years ago.

Buinov also tried himself in cinema, although he does not have many films to his credit. The film “And the Snow Falls” deserves special attention. But, in principle, this is not so important, because he is not an actor, but a singer. But he has countless singing and musical awards; he has long been an Honored Artist of Russia. As for the cinema, the musician did not particularly strive to appear on the screen, but at the same time he tried it. After all, it is important for him to learn something that he has not done before. So the great musician and singer can confidently be called an actor, although not of the first plan. But with his vocal abilities this is not so important.

Later, information appeared that Alexander Buinov was preparing for surgery. Doctors diagnosed him with cancer. Oncology is common in the 21st century, unfortunately. The artist underwent the operation well.

Personal life of Alexander Buinov

The personal life of Alexander Buinov is bright, eventful and unpredictable. This extravagant man is not one of the overly moral representatives of society. He is used to not denying himself anything, including in his personal life, because he has more than one marriage behind him. Alexander met his first wife while he was still serving in the army. As mentioned above, the soldiers made it a habit to visit girls from the nearest village. There, a young soldier, Alexander Buinov, met a girl with the beautiful name Lyubov. More precisely, not specifically in the village, the girl came to the military unit for the New Year, along with her friends. That's when everything started to turn around. She was only seventeen years old, then Buinov was punished for visiting his beloved too often. They got married, but, most likely, due to their youth and inexperience, they soon separated.

In the mid-seventies, Buinov married a second time and had a daughter, Yulia. But since he was constantly carried “to the left,” this marriage fell apart quite quickly. In the same marriage, when he was twenty-five years old, he fell passionately in love with a woman who was much older than him. The result was a banal but complex love quadrangle. If only because they both had families. The singer believes that this was one of the brightest and most unforgettable periods in his life. A whole flurry of emotions, passions, bitterness, tears and everything else. They constantly rushed around the city, thinking about how to be alone. Alexander says that he remembers each of his beloved, he retained tender feelings and respect for each.

In the very mid-eighties, he marries for the third time. His chosen one was the woman Alena, who worked as a cosmetologist. You can often see them if you search for photos of Alexander Buinov and his wife in a search engine. But the fact that he is married did not stop him from having a son on the side, whose name is Alexey. This happened when the musician was vacationing at a resort, the so-called “resort romance,” which usually passes without consequences. But in this case, there were consequences, but they did not bother Alexander; it is even impossible to say exactly what kind of relationship he has with his illegitimate son.

Family of Alexander Buinov

Today, Alexander Buinov’s family consists of himself and his beloved wife Alena, whom he married, already having two marriages under his belt. He has a daughter, Yulia, from his second marriage, as well as an illegitimate son, Alexei. It is impossible to say exactly what Alexander Buinov thinks about this, since he does not comment in any way on the presence of children outside the boundaries of today’s marriage. He is happy with his wife, he says that she is the most desirable woman in his life, but he has no children in his third marriage. It is impossible to say with certainty whether this is true or not, because there may not be children for various reasons, but Buinov himself says so.

Children of Alexander Buinov

The children of Alexander Buinov are a separate issue. His first daughter came from his second marriage, in which the man was in the seventies. Alexander claims that the woman’s pregnancy was the reason for the marriage, and that he himself did not want it. Consequently, the marriage could not last forever, but his daughter Julia gave him several grandchildren, making her father a grandfather. There is also an illegitimate son, whose name is Alexey. He was born from a casual romance; it is impossible to even say whether he communicates with his father or whether they do not want to know each other. Buynov generally tries to avoid this topic; he is now happy with his current wife, whom he found after a long time.

Daughter of Alexander Buinov - Yulia

The daughter of Alexander Buinov, Yulia, was born in his second marriage in 1973. Perhaps it was her birth that caused the marriage between her parents. Today she is married and has long given her father several grandchildren. All of them bear the surname Buinova, from which we can conclude that Yulia is very loyal to her flighty father, she accepts that the marriage with her mother did not last so long, because her father went on the side too often. But now, as an adult, she knows that sometimes it happens that parents cannot be together for various reasons, everyone has the right to build their own happiness as they can.

Son of Alexander Buinov - Alexey

The son of Alexander Buinov, Alexey, was born in 1987, as a result of a short affair between Buinov and his Hungarian girlfriend. The musician simply went on vacation to Sochi, and so another romance began, which was supposed to be just a temporary hobby. But the result of his hobby was a boy who was named Alexei. It is unknown exactly what Buinov’s son is doing now. Most likely he has been married for a long time and has children of his own. He may not even know his father. But since the name of Alexander Buinov is everywhere on the Internet, Alexey is most likely aware that his father is a celebrity, but it is impossible to say how much this changes something.

The ex-wife of Alexander Buinov - Lyubov Vdovina

Alexander Buinov’s ex-wife, Lyubov Vdovina, appeared in his life when Alexander was in the army. They met at a military New Year's party and realized that they did not want to part. As a result, the young people got married, believing that they had found each other and eternal love. But as often happens in life, it turned out that this was not the case. After some time, they separated, Alexander left, and she stayed at home. Unfortunately, Lyubov's life ended tragically. In 2006, she died in a fire. It is unknown how Buinov himself reacted to this, but most likely this news upset him, because first love, one way or another, leaves a mark on our soul.

The ex-wife of Alexander Buinov - Lyudmila Buinova

The ex-wife of Alexander Buinov, Lyudmila Buinova, became his second chosen one. The story of their acquaintance is unknown, but Alexander himself claims that he had no desire to connect his life with her. That, they say, this is all because the woman turned out to be pregnant, so she had to get married. But, at the same time, Alexander did not forget to look for happiness on the side, which he succeeded in doing. At the same time he had a mistress much older than him. Most likely, regular infidelity caused a break between the spouses, which the singer did not particularly regret. From this marriage he has a daughter, Yulia, who is already an adult woman, living her own life.

Alexander Buinov's common-law wife - Alena Rafailovna

Alexander Buinov’s common-law wife, Alena Rafailovna, has become his third wife today, with whom he lives to this day. The singer claims that his third wife is exactly the woman he has been waiting for all his life, she is loved and desired. They got married in the mid-eighties and have been together for a long time.

And although the wife has sometimes caught her husband cheating, she is patient and understanding about this. Apparently, she understands that some men cannot be corrected, but Buinov himself really appreciates this quality in her. It must be said that Alena managed to do something that no other woman has managed to achieve before; she managed to keep her husband for a long time.

Photo by Alexander Buinov before and after plastic surgery

It would be very interesting to look for photos of Alexander Buinov before and after plastic surgery, given that his life was very turbulent and included health problems. After all, the singer has repeatedly admitted that there were times when he literally spat out his teeth on the asphalt. True, this is not what we are talking about now. Fans are interested in whether Buinov used the services of surgeons to rejuvenate himself, get braces, and so on.

Buinov himself only laughs at such guesses. After all, what plasticity can there be for a typical “yard hooligan”. And in general, there are no significant changes in his appearance. So, most likely, if Alexander turns to doctors, it is only to solve problems with knocked out teeth or a black eye. But this is precisely what makes him unique.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Buinov

If any of the fans wants to know as much as possible about the famous singer and musician, you can always look at his personal page on Wikipedia (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buinov,_Alexander_Nikolaevich). It contains general facts about his life, career, creative growth, personal life and much more that played a role in his development as a singer. But if you want to hear news from him personally, then check out his Instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/buinovofficial/?hl=ru). There, Alexander Buinov posts photos, shares moments from his life, and talks about future plans. Although he is no longer so young, he still has plenty of these same plans, because the singer and musician is used to living an active life.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Buinov are always ready to tell more about their favorite idol to those who want to know. And I must say that if you love Buinov’s work, it will be very interesting to learn about what happened “behind the scenes” of the stellar life of a man with a wonderful voice, extraordinary creative abilities and an obstinate, unbridled character. That fiery character that, from his youth to this day, continues to manifest itself in Alexander, allowing him to create, enjoy life, and declare himself again and again as a great creative person who really knows his business.

The biography of the People's Artist began in Moscow. It was here that on March 24, 1960, Sasha was born into the family of a military pilot and athlete. The boy was not the only son; he also has three brothers.

The boys' mother studied music; she graduated from the conservatory in piano. In her firm belief, children also had to receive a musical education. Although little Alexander didn’t want to go to classes at all. He learned to draw with much greater interest.

The Buinov family lived in a far from prosperous area, so at first the future star had to defend his interests with his fists. Over time, he found a common language with the yard boys, and joint fun began. Sometimes completely unsafe, this is how the future singer got injured. A homemade bomb exploded right in front of his face, damaging his retina, and from then on Alexander had to wear glasses.

Creativity and career

Buinov studied at a music school for seven years, its completion coincided with the beginning of his creative career. At first he played in various rock bands, and when he was in ninth grade he created his own ensemble, “Antianarchists.”

1966 was a special year for the aspiring musician. He met the composer Alexander Gradsky, who noticed the talented young man and invited him to tour with his band. In the group “Skomorokhi” Buinov performed solo parts on the piano.

After returning from the army, Alexander continued his musical career. He played keyboards in a variety of groups, including “Araks”, “Flowers”, “Merry Guys”.

Popularity overtook Buinov in the 90s. Tickets for his concerts sold out in a matter of days, and the clips were shown on leading channels. The years of performing with the “Jolly Fellows” were not in vain; the artist not only traveled throughout the Soviet Union and many other countries, but also gained musical and organizational experience.

Having spent several years as a soloist-vocalist in various groups, Alexander decided to create his own group of musicians and ballet “Rio”. At the same time, he became not only an artistic director, but also a songwriter, performer, and director of his performances.

In 1992, the singer graduated from the directing department of GITIS, and offered his own solo concert as his graduation work. The “Captain Katalkin” program took place in St. Petersburg in the “Oktyabrsky” hall.

Personal life of Alexander Buinov

Alexander has always been a favorite of women; his many love affairs are no secret to anyone. Officially, the man was married three times.

His first wife was Lyubov Vdovina. The singer met her during his military service. The young family lasted only two years; no children were born from this marriage.

Alexander himself recognized his second marriage as unsuccessful, because... He married only because his future wife was pregnant. In this family, which lasted from 1972 to 1985, a daughter, Julia, was born.

The singer considers his third wife Elena Gutman to be the main love of his life. Their marriage took place in 1985.

In 1987, the performer had an illegitimate son. Alexey was born by a Hungarian girl, whom the singer met while at a festival in Sochi.

2011 was a difficult year for the performer; he was diagnosed with cancer. However, for him this did not become a reason for self-pity; the man is sure that everything in life happens for a reason. As a result, a successful operation was carried out, and the performer began to recover.

Today, Alexander Buinov is certainly not as popular as before. But he can rightfully be called a classic of the Russian stage. He continues to be creative, releases albums, tours, and the performer is still a welcome guest at any concert. The artist has 18 prestigious awards and honorary titles in his arsenal.

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