If the phone's data transmission does not work. Reasons: why the Internet does not work on the phone

It's rare that someone hasn't encountered a similar problem. It seems that everything should be in order: the phone is working, the SIM card is inserted, the contract with the provider has been concluded - but there is no access to the Internet. Moreover, one moment he was still there, but a minute later he was gone. A familiar situation, isn't it? If the Internet does not work on your phone, then do not despair and rush headlong to the service center.

With very little effort, you can actually cope with the problem without the help of others. The Internet on a phone is configured slightly differently than on a regular personal computer, and this often causes difficulties for users. Which interface elements are responsible for setting up the connection? What are the possible reasons for network access being denied? We will consider all these questions in our article. The most banal reasons are the ones that get the least attention. And completely in vain. Here is a short list of them:

  • The Internet on the phone is disconnected for non-payment. That is, you have a negative balance in your account.
  • The phone does not connect to the Internet because you are outside the network coverage area.
  • The data transfer option has failed.
  • In all other respects, a normally working mobile phone did not go through the automatic registration procedure.

The likelihood of the above is quite high. It is by checking these options and eliminating these problems that we will begin our fight against the disappeared network.

The simplest tests

First, we check the balance status. Each provider offers its own method. Read the instructions or dig through your contacts list - usually there is a corresponding number there. To obtain account information, dial *, then a certain three-digit code (unique for each operator), followed by the # symbol and press the call button. In response, the display shows the amount available to pay for calls. If the wallet is empty or there is an overspending of cash, top up your account and the Internet will appear.

We will assume that everything is OK with the balance. What to do next? We look at the network connection indicator. If it is deactivated, it means you are out of range. There is only one cure for this - get away from this place.

All modern smartphone models have a special option. It's called "Data Transfer". To get to this parameter, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the connection settings menu.
  • Click on the “More” item.
  • Click on the “Mobile network” item.
  • On the screen that opens, check the “Mobile data transfer” checkbox. The picture below will serve as a good illustration:

What to do if there is still no Internet? You can try turning off your smartphone and turning it on again. Sometimes it helps. The fact is that 3G networks often stop pinging after leaving the subway and in other cases entering the access zone from places where there is no network. In this case, the machine is unable to connect to the network without rebooting.

Restore settings automatically

It happens that the device’s network settings have been lost. Restoring them is not difficult and can be done in two different ways: obtain the settings from the operator or perform the configuration manually. Of course, the first method is preferable. Simply because it is simpler. There is no need to bother yourself with all sorts of technical details. For some time now, this service has become available from every mobile operator. To download settings from the provider's server, you need to call a specific number or send an SMS to the number. For Beeline this is a call to number 06503, for MTS - an SMS to number 1234, Megafon receives SMS to number 5049, and Tele2 is waiting for your call to 679.

In response, the operator will send a settings package to your phone, which will be automatically registered in your phone’s operating system - that is, you won’t have to do anything manually. If you don’t know the “magic” number of your operator, then go to their website - this information should be there.

Restoring settings manually

Theoretically, anyone can set parameters manually, but not those who are not at all familiar with the OS of their smartphone. Here is a brief guide (it should be sufficient for more or less experienced users):

  • We get to the APN access point settings. Usually through the items “More” => “Mobile network” => “APN access point”.
  • Create a new access point by clicking on the plus sign. A form will open with fields to fill out. Here you will need to set the connection name, user name, APN parameters and password to log into the network.
  • We take the field values ​​from the following table, which contains data for each operator:

Enter the values ​​in the fields, save and reboot the phone. If after switching on the network is still absent, it means that things are bad and you will have to go to the specialists. That’s basically all you need to know about why the Internet doesn’t work on your phone.

It’s strange to start the instructions with this, but if you already have mobile Internet, then there is no need to get into the jungle of your smartphone’s settings and tweak anything there. This text is for those for whom, suddenly, something went wrong.

If your smartphone is connected to the MTS network (you see MTS at the top of the smartphone screen), but you cannot load the page in the browser, or the mobile application reports that there is no Internet access, let's look for a solution. Just in case, first of all, make sure that you have connected the “Mobile Internet” service, which provides access to... mobile Internet. If your tariff includes a certain mobile Internet package, make sure that the amount of traffic allocated to you is not exhausted - this can be done in your personal account on the MTS website or using a free SMS to the number 5340 . You can also try going to the internet.mts.ru page from your smartphone and see everything there. If the packages are in place, or something just didn’t work out for you, let’s play some magic with the settings of your gadget.

Why do we need any settings at all?

The set of certain parameters that a smartphone “remembers” to access the Internet is akin to a set of keys to your apartment. Let's say your front door has two locks. In order to get inside, you need to have two keys, one is not enough, and any third is superfluous. You, all your household members, and also your kind neighbor Baba Zoya, who kindly waters the flowers when you go on vacation, have the necessary set.

It's about the same with the Internet. The first required key to access the network is the SIM card of a specific operator, which is installed in your smartphone. In addition, you also need a suitable set of setting keys.

Is it really true that in the 21st century they haven’t come up with anything so that the subscriber doesn’t have to think about settings?

They came up with it, of course. Firstly, as soon as you change your phone by installing a SIM card in the new device, the necessary settings will come to you in the form of messages that you only need to save. Secondly, there is a free “Access without settings” service, which allows you to use the mobile Internet even if the gadget is for some reason not configured or configured incorrectly.

But I don’t have such a service!

If the services " Access without settings“you don’t have it, you can connect it yourself - dial the command on your phone in dialing mode *111*2156# and press the call button. This same service, by the way, is also responsible for the correct transmission of MMS.

No, I want to have correct settings and understand what and how.

You can “order” automatic settings in two ways. Fastest: send a blank free SMS to a special number 1234 (what happens next is a little lower). Another way to request settings is through the MTS website, which will have to be discussed in more detail. We remember that the Internet does not work on your smartphone, so use a desktop computer.

Click the "Submit" button.

Regardless of the method in which you requested the settings, two special messages will arrive on your smartphone very soon.

This is what the first one looks like for setting up mobile Internet:

This is the second one, for MMS:

By clicking “Ok” on each of them, you will automatically configure everything as it should. That's all.

Well, let's not languish. Smartphones from different manufacturers have everything arranged differently, and therefore a very small deviation. If your gadget runs on Android, then find the “Settings” item in the menu, in it - the “Wireless Networks” section: usually it is at the very top. In this section we need the “Mobile networks” item (if you don’t see it, click on “More”). Inside we make sure that data transfer is turned on at the very top. And after that, go to the “Access Point (APN)” item.

If you have an Apple gadget, go to “Settings” and select “Cellular Communications”. On the tab that opens, make sure that the “Cellular Data” option is turned on at the top. If you need to manually select between 3G, 4G and GSM networks, go to “Data Settings”, and then to “Voice and Data”.

The window for manually setting network parameters is hidden in the “Cellular data network” item. Here is the full path to the window where this item is: “Settings” - “Cellular” - “Data Settings”.

We'll describe what follows using Android as an example. For Apple gadgets, the setup is the same (remember about different but identical sets of keys).

So, if you go to the “Access Point (APN)” item and inside you have nothing except the “New access point” line, that’s where you go. If there are access points there, but there is no point called MTS Internet, too.

If you already have an access point called MTS Internet, go there and check if everything is configured there as in the screenshot below. When creating a new access point, fill in all fields according to the same screenshot. In the password field you need to enter mts, that is, the login and password are the same.

If you use MMS, then for this service to work correctly you need another access point, in the same place where we just set up the mobile Internet. If it doesn't exist, create it. You need to configure it as shown in the screenshot:

Honestly, we don't know why you had to configure everything manually, but since you managed to do it, we're really proud of you. It's time to start using the mobile Internet. Check if anything interesting has appeared on VKontakte - with a sense of accomplishment.

The other day, one of my friends was faced with the fact that his brand new Samsung Galaxy J5 phone was losing the network after several hours of inactivity. For example, after lying down overnight, the device has no network in the morning. Only a reboot helps, and then not for long, until the next night. The phone was sent to the service for testing and, after a couple of weeks, it was returned as fully functional. I scoured the Internet and came across one similar case, where the Samsung Galaxy S7 loses the network under approximately the same conditions. Thanks to him, we managed to find a solution to the problem! And now I will share it with you.

As it turns out, the LTE/4G standard is to blame for everything. Or rather, not so much it as the base stations of the telecom operator. In our case it was Beeline. For some reason, probably known only to the manufacturer, the Samsung Galaxy phone loses the network if the 4G/LTE mode is active. As soon as you turn it off, leaving only 3G, the problem disappears and the “No network” message no longer appears, everything works like a clock.

How to disable 4G Internet on Samsung

Perhaps later, with the release of new firmware, the problem will be solved, but for now we have to look for workarounds like these. So, to disable 4G Internet on a Samsung Galaxy, you need to go to your phone’s settings and select the “Mobile networks” section:

By default, all available modes are active there - LTE (aka 4G), 3G and 2G. If your Samsung Galaxy loses the network, try setting the option 3G/2G:

After that, restart your phone and check. In our case, this helped and the problem went away.

Note: If you vitally need the high-speed 4G standard, then you should think about changing your telecom operator. Moreover, now it is possible to do this while maintaining the number.

Today, the problem of the Internet not working on phones is very common. Why is this happening?

This problem is popular among all operators in the Russian Federation - Megafon, Tele2, Beeline and others. But the problem may lie in the smartphone itself.

This problem is more common on Android OS. And we will provide several options to solve the problem.

1. Reasons

Let's start with the most standard reasons for the Internet not working.
Here is the list:

- Zero, or not at all negative account balance. To exclude this option, you need to check how much money is left in the account. The check is performed differently on each operator. In order to find out the status of your account, you need to contact the operator using a special number. Today, SIM cards contain numbers for checking the balance.

- Out of range. This is also a common problem. To exclude this option, pay attention to your smartphone's network. The solution to the problem is to find the place where the net catches best. Poor network quality may be the reason for slow internet loading on your phone.

Clue: If the device, even close to the signal itself, does not pick up the network, then the problem is in the phone, and the problem should be looked for in it itself.

Disabled " Data transfer" Modern smartphones are all equipped with this option. The settings suggest turning it on and off with one tap.

But the location of this option is different, it is completely different. For example, in smartphones running Android OS “Data transfer” can be found as follows:
- go into settings;
- “More” item;
- item “Mobile network”;
- item “Mobile data transfer”.

The location may be different, it all depends on the OS and its version.

- Automatic registration did not occur. This phenomenon occurs after the subscriber has left the metro or returned from where there was no network coverage. In this case, there is only one way to fix the problem: reboot the device.
Calling a device to reboot occurs in different ways.

2. The settings are lost or were not set initially

To eliminate this problem, there are two possible options for fixing the problems:

The first option is less labor-intensive. In order to request these settings, you need to contact the operator or log into their website. Information on the most popular of them can be found below:

Speaking of additional settings, you need to call your operator and find out how to manually or automatically configure the Internet. Most often, the settings are installed automatically.

3. Manual network setup

Setting up a network manually is difficult, but possible.
An example of settings on Android OS is provided below:
1. In the settings, go to the “More” item, select the “Mobile network” item;
2. Find and open the “APN access point” item;
3. Add a new access point, usually this is done using the “+” sign;
4. Fill in the required fields: “Name”, “Username”, “Password”, “APN”.

The values ​​of these fields need to be clarified with the operator, because each network has individual values. Below is a table of meanings of the most popular operators:

Items may vary. It all depends on the gadget itself. There are other reasons why the Internet does not work or does not work well.

If all of the above did not help you solve the problem, then it would be best to send your smartphone for repair or to the service center of your mobile operator.

We all use the World Wide Web, and it is not uncommon to see queries on the Internet: there is no Internet connection, why is there no Wi-Fi on the phone, why is the Internet not working on the phone, etc.

All of us have had problems connecting to the Internet on our mobile device and sometimes it ended in failure and sometimes in success. Therefore, these tips will be relevant for any model of your mobile device. And also for any type of Internet to which you want to connect this device.

You can connect your mobile device to the Internet in two ways. They are very simple. The first is to call the operator and, following his advice, follow the algorithm of actions to connect to the Internet on your mobile device.

The second method is to connect to the Internet manually. To do this, go to Settings and select More..., then Mobile network. In the window that opens, select APN access point, add a new access point that suits you, then fill in the fields name, apn, username and password. After which you can freely use the benefits of the Internet.

There can be many reasons why a mobile phone, Android or tablet cannot connect to the Internet. We will look at six main reasons that you can fix yourself. Let's start:

  1. You don't have internet on your phone, check your account. Maybe you've run out of money and that's why you can't.
  2. Your mobile device itself has not registered with the network. Then you need to register it and reboot your mobile device yourself.
  3. Data transfer is in the shutdown stage, you need to call the operator, and according to his prompts, connect this mobile device to the Internet.
  4. Mobile Internet does not work, you may simply be outside the operator’s coverage area. Therefore, it is worth looking for a location where the signal will be picked up better and stronger. Also, the reason may be a failure or malfunction in the mobile operator itself, which can be quickly resolved.
  5. If the mobile Internet is disconnected. You need to go to Settings, find Wireless networks, and in the Advanced item, find the line Mobile networks (depending on the version of your mobile device), and turn on Data transfer on your phone.
  6. If the access point is not configured correctly. You need to contact the provider's access point, obtain the settings data and manually connect your device to the Internet as described above.
  7. Your mobile device does not support an Internet connection.

If the Internet has stopped working on your smartphone, Android or other mobile equipment and none of the above tips help. It is suggested to cancel all settings and go to the original ones, which is not advisable.

To do this, you will need to contact a technician at a service center, or reflash your mobile device yourself. In order to independently return the settings of your mobile device to the original ones, you need to find on the Internet how to do this and repeat according to the suggested instructions.

Viruses are attacking!

Also, the reason for the lack of Internet may be a virus. Which has leaked into your device and prevents it from working fully. To do this, you need to get rid of it using an antivirus program. Which you need to download to your mobile device, check it for viruses and neutralize them.

Also, the mobile Internet may not work on the mobile device due to a bad APN signal. This may be due to incorrect settings. To fix this problem, you need to contact an employee of the provider who can fix everything.

Pinched wires may also be the cause. Those that got under the sofa, closet, or were squeezed by the door. Which can lead to internet shutdown. You need to monitor the cable that is in your apartment so as not to damage the Internet delivery to your home. The Internet may be disabled by the provider. When they break down or during bad weather conditions.

If you have problems connecting to the Internet, check all the methods described in our article. We hope that our advice will help you. Good luck!

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