Yesenia is a name day according to the Orthodox calendar. Autumn and winter Yesenia

If on this moment If you are looking for a melodic and original name for a girl, pay attention to the name Yesenia. Origin and meaning determine powerful energy that influences the formation of the character and fate of the owner of the name. In addition, it can affect the career development and personal life of a girl.

Origin of the name Yesenia

The name in question has become widespread throughout the world. In this regard, there are many versions of the origin of the name Yesenia. Here are just a few of them:

  • Translated from Arabic, the name means “beautiful like a jasmine flower.”
  • In Greek, the name means “foreigner”, “coming from afar”.
  • A beautiful flower of the same name grows in Spain.
  • IN Slavic tradition The name is associated with the Old Russian word "even", which meant "autumn". Yesenia was the name given to girls born at this time of year.

In Russia, the name gained popularity thanks to the poet Sergei Yesenin. But it became truly widespread after the release of the Mexican melodrama of the same name.

Astrological characteristics

When studying the origin and meaning of the name Yesenia, it is worth paying attention to astrological characteristics. Namely:

  • Patron planet - Saturn.
  • Suitable sign zodiac - Gemini.
  • Patronizing element - Air.
  • The talisman stone is emerald.
  • The totem animal is a monkey.
  • Favorable day of the week is Tuesday.
  • Happy time of year is spring.

Name day

Name day - important point when studying the origin and meaning of the name Yesenia. In Orthodoxy there is no saint with that name. The most consonant is the name of Saint Xenia of Petersburg. Her memory is honored on February 6, March 20, June 6, August 26, September 15 and January 31.

The character of little Yesenia

The origin of the name Yesenia determines a certain energy and traits. The girl has the following characteristics:

  • cheerfulness and activity;
  • undeniable leadership in the company of peers;
  • the desire to always be in the company of friends;
  • mischievous behavior and tendency to play pranks;
  • desire for new knowledge and good learning ability;
  • realism and age-inappropriate wisdom;
  • creative talent and developed imagination.

Features of adolescence

To some extent, the origin and meaning of the name for a girl is fateful. Yesenia in adolescence has the following main features:

  • unpredictability and impermanence;
  • refined sense of humor;
  • optimistic outlook on life;
  • courage and determination;
  • ability to continuously generate ideas;
  • inability to concentrate on one thing for a long time;
  • dependence public opinion;
  • need for approval and praise.

Character of an adult girl

The meaning of the name Yesenia and the character of its owner are closely interrelated. These are the traits an adult girl is endowed with:

  • obsession with material well-being;
  • the ability to choose friends and make friends;
  • determination and perseverance;
  • a clear awareness of your life purpose;
  • the desire for complete independence and independence;
  • leadership abilities and leadership talent;
  • exceptional creative talent;
  • ability to understand people;
  • iron character and strong will;
  • increased demands on yourself and others.

The influence of the season

To say more precisely what the female name Yesenia means, you need to rely on the girl’s date of birth. Characteristics vary somewhat depending on the time of year. Namely:

    Winter Yesenia is very hot-tempered and emotional. At the same time, she is extremely self-confident and even selfish. She always insists on her point of view and loves arguments in which she has to convincingly prove her point of view. Shows himself to be tough and persistent in the professional field. But in Everyday life Winter Yesenia is very soft and kind-hearted. She always strives to establish justice and tries to help everyone who needs it.

  • Vesennyaya Yesenia is a very purposeful and independent girl. She clearly understands what she needs from life and does not get distracted by unimportant activities. But for all her apparent strength, the girl is very soft and vulnerable. She constantly feels the need for support from loved ones. Betrayal loved one can make Yesenia unhappy. At the same time, she does not know how to forgive at all.
  • Summer Yesenia is distinguished by sophistication and dreaminess. She is an idealist, constantly trying to make the world around her better. For this purpose, Yesenia carefully selects people who will be included in her close circle, and also pays close attention to the beauty and quality of things. People around are surprised how, with a frivolous attitude towards life, a girl manages to avoid trouble. Nevertheless, if something does not go according to plan, summer Yesenia loses heart and takes a very long time to come to her senses.
  • Autumn Yesenia is a moral and principled girl who puts forward high demands on herself and others. She is very strong in spirit, therefore, weak and weak-willed people irritate her. The girl does not tolerate lies and ingratiation, as she acutely senses insincerity. Weak side winter Yesenia - fixation on the past.

Love and family

Considering the meaning and origin of the name Yesenia, it is worth assessing its influence on the girl’s personal life. By nature, she is quite reserved, and in communication with men this quality manifests itself even more strongly. The girl is reluctant to make contact with representatives of the opposite sex. She tries to be extremely polite even with those she doesn't like, but keeps men at arm's length. Allows you to approach only those whom you sincerely love.

Yesenia's goal is a single marriage for life. However, she will not suppress her love of freedom and career ambitions in order to earn the approval of her husband. After marriage, Yesenia remains herself and demands respect from her husband. Nevertheless, her waywardness does not prevent her from being a good housewife. Her home is always clean and comfortable. She is an excellent cook and takes the issue of raising children seriously.

Compatibility with male names

For a woman, the origin and meaning of the name Yesenia can become fateful. The fact is that not with every man she will be able to build a strong union based on love and mutual understanding. The best compatibility is noted with the following male names:

  • Sergey - the relationship with him is both romantic and passionate. The couple turns out to be very harmonious and has many common interests. The spouses' passion for each other does not fade over time, but only grows. But all this becomes possible only if Sergei and Yesenia learn to give in to each other, without leading disputes to conflicts, because they are both leaders by nature.
  • Alexander - the relationship with him turns out to be very harmonious. The owner of this name can give Yesenia a feeling of security and confidence in the future, which she so needs. There is a strong attraction between the owners of the names Yesenia and Alexander, which is immediately felt and lasts for life.
  • Evgeniy is simply the ideal life partner for Yesenia. They are united by the desire for financial well-being and continuous self-development. Partners subtly sense each other’s mood, so conflicts almost never arise between them.
  • Dmitry - like his chosen one, he approaches the choice of a life partner very carefully and responsibly. Having found each other, Dmitry and Yesenia will carefully take care of each other, share joys and problems. Throughout life together they are constantly working to improve their relationship.
  • Andrey - the relationship with him will be happy and harmonious, because he holds the same views on life as Yesenia. They are not just lovers. At the right moment, they become each other's best friends and support. Serious conflicts there is no such thing in these relationships; they resolve any disagreements easily and painlessly.
  • Alexey - the union with him is based on a mutual desire for communication. They love to talk and debate on any topic. Therefore, they are never bored together.
  • Egor trusts Yesenia unconditionally, just as she trusts him. There is no place for jealousy and suspicion in their life. Thus, this union turns out to be very friendly and harmonious. They feel for each other true love and tenderness.
  • Ilya - the relationship with him will not be too passionate. Nevertheless, the couple has many common interests and similar views on life. Ilya and Yesenia do not idealize each other, but accept and love each other with all their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, as a rule, they have no reason for serious quarrels and mutual reproaches.
  • Konstantin - relationships with him will be bright, emotional and passionate. Yesenia and Konstantin are two leaders. Their union is something of a struggle for primacy. However, this rivalry takes the form of a game that is interesting to both.

The influence of a name on a career

The origin and meaning of the name Yesenia determines the career prospects of its owner. From an early age, she shows extraordinary learning abilities and is well versed in all subjects. But, despite her diverse talents, Yesenia is not at all lost in her choice of profession. Ever since school, she clearly knows who she wants to become, and confidently moves towards her goal. As a rule, owners of the name Yesenia successfully realize themselves in medicine, pedagogy, cooking, transport or art.

No matter how much a girl loves the work she does, her first place will always remain material well-being. Therefore, if the earnings are low, Yesenia, without hesitation, will quit and go in search of a more lucrative position. In addition, the owner of this name has the potential to become a successful businesswoman.

Health status

You should approach the choice of a name with special responsibility. Description female name Yesenia, also includes such a point as its effect on health. As a child, Yesenia rarely gets sick. At an older age, she tries with all her might to maintain good health. Yesenia is one of those people who, at the first unpleasant symptoms, runs to the doctor. Therefore, as a rule, she manages to avoid serious illnesses. If a girl eats right and leads an active lifestyle, she long years You will be able to maintain good health and a beautiful figure.

Perhaps the only thing weakness Yesenia is nervous system. She is highly susceptible to internal experiences and reacts sharply to events outside world. Therefore, she should develop the habit of positive thinking.

Many people believe that rare name Yesenia is related to the heroine of an old Mexican film. This is not entirely true, since its meaning allows for the most different interpretations. The gentle and melodic sound of this name determines the extraordinary character traits of its bearer.

Where did it come from and what does it mean?

Experts have not yet reached a consensus on what it means unusual name Yesenia, his origin also remains unclear. The heroine of the film of the same name, which was successfully shown on the screens of our country back in 1975, would be called Hesenia in Spain. This name has Jewish roots, and its translation means “she who sees.” However, there is an opinion that the word Yesenia has a Slavic basis. This consonance is reflected in the surname of Sergei Yesenin and can mean “clear”, “spring” or “esen” (autumn). Moreover, they claim that in Russia such a female name was given in honor of a famous poet.
There are versions about its origin from the Greek Xenia (foreigner), the Turkic Isan (healthy), and the Arabic Hassan (good). Thus, the origin and meaning of this name are not definitively determined. Since it is not very common, there are few celebrities among its bearers. First of all, we can name two athletes - track and field athlete Yesenia Vologzhanina (Latvia) and rhythmic gymnast Yesenia Butorina (Russia).

Name options

In the Russian language there is one full form - Yesenia and several short, diminutive and affectionate forms: Asya, Yasya, Yesya, Yesi, Enya, Senia, Senya, Senechka, Yesenya, Yesenka. This name is also known abroad. Its most common variant is Yesenia (Yesenya), there are forms Yasenia, Yezenia, Yessenia, Jessenia (correctly pronounced as Hesenya), etc. When our citizens issue a foreign passport, the designation of this name looks like ESENIIA.

When to celebrate name day?

According to the traditions of Orthodoxy in church calendar Yesenia is not included. Most often, the baby is named Eugenia at baptism. You can choose another patron saint for the girl, for example, according to the day on which she was born. If you want to baptize your baby with the most consonant name, then it is recommended to choose the beautiful and rare Yesiya. A student of the hieromartyr Bishop Pankratius lived at the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd centuries. and was burned by the pagans for her faith. Her memorial day is July 20.

Childhood and youth

It is believed that Yesenia inherits her appearance from her mother and is very close to her throughout her life. The main quality of her character is early years- this is friendliness. Cheerfulness and sociability allow her to feel great in kindergarten, and at school. And even such a feature of a child as an indefatigable imagination allows her to quickly find mutual language with peers.

But Yesenia’s main feature is her rejection of deception and a heightened sense of justice, because of which she can intervene in any situation without fear of trouble.

All these qualities allow the girl to lead among her peers. She studies well and attends willingly extracurricular activities, various sections. Yesya is active, loves outdoor games, goes in for sports and dancing, and can reach great success in these directions. Thanks to such hobbies, girls named Yesenia good health, besides, they know how to keep an eye on him. She will not miss the first symptoms of illness and will immediately seek help, and as she grows older she will prefer healthy eating and an active lifestyle. True, with excessive stress, neuroses may appear already in adolescence.

Personality Features

Yesenia's characteristics and her relationships with others practically do not change as she grows up. She harmoniously combines goodwill and an innate sense of justice with determination and the ability to achieve her goal and at the same time looks very feminine. In most cases, her fate is happy. From her youth, a woman with this name can judge practically everything sensibly and knows how to clearly define her goals and ways to achieve them. However, behind the external well-being lies the secret of her soul. It lies in the fact that Yesenia has too soft a character and often judges people better than they deserve. Therefore, her desire to come to the aid of those who consider themselves offended can be used for selfish purposes. But even having revealed the bitter truth, the bearer of such a name is inclined to forgive those who tried to manipulate her, however, they should no longer count on her help.

To complete the description of the character of the woman whose name is Yesenia, it should be noted that she is often a sincere believer. Visits to the temple, helping those in need - all this comes from the needs of her soul and is never advertised. Bearers of this name are often inclined to delve into their own mistakes and criticize themselves unnecessarily, which is carefully hidden from others. In attempts to achieve perfection, for example, in work, Yesenia can put her own hobbies, including love ones, in the background, and identify herself in the eyes of others as a rather mercantile person. IN general view The main traits of her character are distributed as follows:

Personal and family life

Yesenia takes relationships with men very seriously. She does not need fleeting romances without obligations, she will not jump recklessly into a love whirlpool and can spend a lot of time choosing a serious and reliable partner. The girl will look for in him the kindness and affection inherent in her, and only then will she be able to fully reveal her feelings. Yesenia subconsciously strives for submission, but only to that person in whom she has complete trust.

Such searches can take a lot of time, so early marriages are uncharacteristic for women with this name. The only exception may be an unfavorable situation in parental home and the desire to get rid of it. Often Yesenia is ready to devote herself entirely to her family, for this she can sacrifice work and does not even allow the thought of adultery. She gives all her energy to her husband and children, but despite trusting relationship, shows her inherent tendency to lead. At the same time, a woman can eventually return to her career aspirations. If the husband can come to terms with this, their marriage will be long and happy. To a large extent it depends on what his name is. Name compatibility can be indicated using the table below.

Profession, career, work

Most often, Yesenia makes her professional choice during her school years. She loves animals, is interested in needlework and design, and with all the gentleness of her character, she proves herself to be an excellent organizer. In addition, the girl understands the need good education. Therefore, when choosing any direction of activity, she approaches it very thoughtfully and tries to prepare for the start of her career as best as possible.

Among the professions in which Yesenia can express herself primarily are: physician, teacher, lawyer, journalist, psychologist, architect, art critic. Thanks to their innate organizational abilities and communication skills, girls with this name make good managers and business woman. In addition, they often become professional athletes or dancers.

This name sounds exotic. Nevertheless, many researchers consider him Russian! By naming your daughter this way, you are guaranteed to make her stand out from the crowd... But is it worth doing? What kind of “dowry” does a girl with this name receive? What kind of life awaits her?

It is a real mystery for linguists! There are many versions of its origin, and philologists are not 100% sure of any of them.

  1. Slavic version No. 1. This is an option male name Yesenya, which meant “born in autumn”, “autumn”, since the word “autumn” in those days sounded like “autumn”.
  2. Slavic version No. 2. On the contrary, it is a shortened version of the female name Vesna (“Spring”).
  3. Russian. At the beginning of the 20th century, at the height of communist innovation, many names were coined. Children were named after mechanisms and tools (Gear), party leaders (Lenin, Vilen), loud slogans (Kim: “communism, international, youth”). On this wave, a name could have appeared, created from the surname of the poet Yesenin.
  4. Arabic. This is the female version of a male name (translated as “handsome”, “good man”).
  5. Turkic. This is a variant of another name - Isania, which stands for “healthy”, “alive”.
  6. Greek. Some linguists believe that this is a variant of the name, the meaning of which is “stranger”.
  7. Mexico (Spanish). Despite the Slavic versions of the interpretation, this name is considered popular in Spanish-speaking countries. Proof of this is the film released in Soviet theaters in 1975. The Mexican melodrama tells the story of a gypsy woman, Yesenia, who falls in love with an officer. After the release of this picture, the name became especially popular in our country.

Friends can call Yesenia: Senechka, Enya, Yesya, Yasya.

What character will it bestow on its owner?

Virtues to be proud of. Yesenia - good friend who will not betray and will always help. She is prone to mutual assistance and compassion, she can pick up a kitten or a sparrow and bring it home, and always gives it to the poor. She is a practical person, prudent, and if necessary for business, with character. Senya can also be very religious. She is distinguished by beauty and femininity.

Weaknesses of character that need to be worked on throughout life. When communicating with frivolous people, the girl behaves frivolously - she quickly forgives mistakes, gives second and third chances (for which she pays more than once). Yesenia can be a bit of a thrift (even as an adult she doesn’t throw away her children’s toys).

It is interesting that the character of a girl largely depends on the season in which she was born. “Summer” Senya is very gentle, shy, and diligent. “Winter” is hot-tempered, quickly “ignites” from one crooked word.

The fate of Yesenia

  • Early childhood years. This is a friendly baby who does not give her mother any trouble. She doesn’t climb fences, but knits bows for dolls, and in general, she tries to be like her mother in everything (and she succeeds). He happily runs to kindergarten and is friends with most of the children there.
  • School. The girl's friendliness only grows. She is very kind, but does not like injustice - she can even argue with a teacher if she believes that he deliberately underestimated her (or another student) grade. He studies well, does not refuse to conduct concerts and organize school holidays. She also loves clubs, including active ones (dancing, where she does better than other girls, or sports).
  • Youth. In addition to good nature and a keen sense of justice, personal opinion is added, as well as determination. The girl knows exactly what she should strive for. Moreover, those around her note that she thinks like an adult, serious person.
  • Mature years. As a rule, she enters the university she chose at school, and after receiving a diploma, she gets a job in her specialty, improving the profession she likes over the years. Only adventurers who take advantage of the girl’s gullibility can poison her life. But realizing that she was deceived and used, Yesenia removes the scoundrel from herself and stops helping him (or her).

What will bring good luck?

  • Ideal zodiac sign: Gemini (birth period from May 21 to March 20).
  • Patron planet: Mercury.
  • Name color: there is no one specific color. Anyone will suit Senechka bright color- green, blue, scarlet, sunny yellow.
  • Lucky number: 8.
  • To become a talisman, Senya's jewelry must be inlaid with emeralds or agates.
  • Totem animal: this is a bird, a lark.
  • Lucky plant: the humble garden celery.

Does the owner of this name have an angel day (name day)? No, because in our calendar the name does not have a patron saint. However, at baptism the priest may offer you church name Ksenia. In this case, your name day will be February 6th.

This is how Yesenia reveals herself in different aspects of life

  • Relationship. If she gets a husband who will not hurt her with stupid jokes and taunts (Senya is very sensitive, a stupid comparison, a compliment with a hint can hurt her), she will be happy in her marriage, since she can easily get along with most men. But no matter how much she loves her husband, a woman will always try not to depend on him financially.
  • Family. She may get married early - but not out of passion, but in order to quickly leave her parents' nest and make her own. However, she can also put off marriage, striving first to study, get a job and “get on her feet.” She loves her family and children; she can quit her job for them. She doesn’t have time to do much housework because she loves to sleep, but she cooks very tasty food and her house is always tidy.
  • Friendship. She is very picky and will not call just anyone her best friend. An important point For a girl there will be a community of interests, and even a financial issue. However, having started to be friends with someone, she will maintain contact for years - as they say, from kindergarten to retirement.
  • Career. A girl can become a good entrepreneur. She will also succeed in medicine, cooking (she is especially good at sweets) and teaching activities. A strong character helps her not to give in to difficulties, achieving what she wants. If a girl is appointed as a leader, she will perfectly organize her subordinates.
  • Health. Thanks to her activity, Senya almost never gets sick as a child (sports clubs, which the baby can attend almost from the first grade, contribute to especially good health).

Compatibility with male names

A bright future awaits Yesenia and: Alexey, Andrey, Anton, Dmitry, Denis, Vladimir, Ivan, Mikhail, Egor, Roman.

And these guys are simply not made for Senya: , (with the latter there can be a bright, short love, but not marriage).

Famous namesakes

  1. Yesenia Volzhankina (1983) - track and field athlete from Latvia.
  2. Yesenia Butorina (2003) - gymnast from Russia.
  3. Yesenia Centeno Sosa (1971) - athlete from Cuba.
  4. Yesenia Valencia - actress, Cuba.
  5. Gil Yesenia Hernandez Escobar (1983) is a beauty from Chile who won the Miss Earth 2006 contest.
  6. Yesenia (1982) - modern singer in the chanson genre, Russia.
  7. Yasenia (1992) is the creative pseudonym of her colleague (real name Nana Arakhamia). The girl was born in Abkhazia, lives and performs in Russia. It is interesting that at first she signed herself as Yesenia, but then she changed one letter in the spelling of her name so that there was no confusion with another singer.

And at the end - three minutes for the soul. We invite you to listen to the song I wrote contemporary performer inspired by this beautiful name with a gypsy character. If your parents have already given you the name Yesenia, consider that the song was written for you. If you want to call your little daughter that, you can play it for her as a lullaby:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The origin of the name Yesenia has several versions. Among the Slavs, it is assumed that it could be formed from the male counterpart Yeseniy. And also its basis cannot be excluded from the word “autumn, autumn.” After playing a little with rearranging the letters, we got such a beautiful feminine name. It was believed that the name Yesenia was given to a girl born in the autumn period. Further, a completely opposite option is considered, where Yesenia is referred to as “spring”.

There is also a variation in the formation of the name Yesenia from the surname for everyone famous poet Sergei Yesenin. The name also has Greek roots, according to which it is interpreted as “a foreigner who came to stay.” There is also an Arabic version of education, the meaning of the name Yesenia is interpreted as “beautiful, good,” and it is based on a transformation from the male name Hasan. On the territory of the village. In the Soviet space, the name became widespread in 1975, when a film of the same name “Yesenia” was released.

What the name Yesenia means for a little girl is that she stands out sharply from the bulk of children. At the same time, our heroine does not scream, does not play mischief, does not have fun, but simply observes the games of other children from the sidelines. In the process of such contemplation, Yesenia stands detached, and her thoughts are occupied with something completely different.

Little dreamer often dreams, her dreams are quite lofty and practically unrealizable. The growing up of a girl named Yesenia happens quickly and it happens not because of her transformation into a woman, but because our heroine is inquisitive and not childishly sensible and smart.

The wisdom of her judgment sometimes surprises not only parents, but also teachers. The girl knows how to make friends, her peers are drawn to her. Over time, she becomes a leader both in the class and in the company.

Such circumstances in no way affect the academic performance of the bearer of the name Yesenia. But with her knowledge and skills she gives impetus to other friends to study. In addition to school, the girl attends various sections and clubs.

You can rely on Yesenia, she will always come to the rescue. There is also a small minus in the girl’s characterization, this is the quick forgiveness of insults to her offenders. But at the same time, Yesenia does not feel disadvantaged in any way, because she is practical and a little nosy.

Full description of the name

The internal state of the name Yesenia is calm. She will not be hysterical and cry, be it a trifle or a more significant problem. Balance and endurance do not leave our heroine, under any circumstances. You rarely meet people who perceive even negative information so calmly and calmly.

Our heroine has plenty of intelligence and talent, and she not only uses them, but also constantly develops and improves them.

  • In all kinds of situations, Yesenia’s reason prevails over impulse and feelings.
  • Before implementing anything, she will weigh the pros and cons.
  • A girl named Yesenia is reliable and responsible, you can always rely on her.
  • In disputes she always tries to find a compromise; wisdom and calmness help her in this. Such characteristics accompany Yesenia throughout her life.
  • After the first minutes of meeting our heroine, the interlocutor begins to feel the warmth emanating from Yesenia.
  • She is friendly and kind, smiling even at people who are unpleasant to her. This behavior is not at all the result of our heroine trying to present herself and embellish herself, this is her natural state of mind.

Yesenia can be called good psychologist. Her powers of observation and intuition allow her to highlight the shortcomings and subtleties of people. Based on them, she draws a conclusion and, based on it, looks for an approach to everyone. There is also uncertainty in Yesenia’s characterization, but this happens extremely rarely.

Our heroine is a selective person in relation to her friends. She has many female acquaintances, the girl gets along well with them, but she will only allow one in her heart.

The long-term choice of her friend is justified; our heroine acquires a sincere person with whom she can share both sorrow and joy.

Professional affiliation and career

More from school years a girl named Yesenia begins to understand the importance of a good education, so she begins to strive for it from school. Her desire in life is independence. It is she who pushes our heroine to start earning money while still studying.

By the end of the university, Yesenia completely supports herself, thereby removing the burden from her parents’ shoulders. Our heroine begins to move smoothly, step by step. career ladder, experiencing all the pros and cons of workers at different levels.

Yesenia Butorina ( young gymnast, showing great promise)

  • Our heroine takes a leadership position at a young age. Management begins by freeing their subordinates from unnecessary responsibilities and adding necessary elements to the process itself.
  • The gentleness in the character of the named Yesenia does not at all interfere with managing and organizing, but on the contrary, brings her closer to the team.
  • Restraint and leisurely decision-making leads to the fact that everything produced under the signature of our heroine becomes successful and brings profit.
  • The presence of intelligence, supported by education, will bring a girl named Yesenia success in any professional field.
  • She will make an excellent entrepreneur; all projects started by Yesenia are doomed to success.
  • Medicine and education are also her path. In them she will show her professionalism and leadership qualities.
  • Yesenia also successfully organizes holidays and celebrations. In them she will be able to express herself and introduce new elements into the style.
  • If he has talent, he can become a dancer or choreography teacher.

Love and family relationships

The meaning of the name Yesenia is revealed by the seasons, spring and autumn. This is how our heroine is characterized, warm, but at the same time cold-blooded. Early marriage is unacceptable for her. Only after her financial situation is at its best will Yesenia think about marriage.

Early independence prevents a girl from adapting and getting used to her chosen one. At the same time, she will never sit at home and live at the expense of her husband. Financial independence remains important to him. The name Yesenia suggests order in everything, this also applies to the home. Her apartment is always clean and tidy.

Our heroine is an excellent housewife, wife and mother.

After the adjustment with her husband occurs and the storm subsides, fate will give the woman named Yesenia a happy family life. But she will never give up on her only and faithful friend, and will continue to maintain a close relationship with her.

Without a doubt, the name Yesenia is very sonorous, beautiful, and has a rich history. In Russia, such a female name became popular due to the appearance on the TV screen of a melodrama with Mexican actors with a similar name, which told about the fate of young Yesenia. Today Yesenia, the meaning of whose name will be described, is not so popular.

There are several theories related to the appearance of the name Yesenia. According to Dahl's dictionary, the name “esen” is characterized as “autumn,” in other words, Yesenia was the name given to girls born in the fall. According to the 2nd theory, which is opposite to the 1st, this name is a derivative of the female name Vesna, very popular among Slavic peoples. Most likely, girls with this name were called “spring”, which is similar to the name Yesenia.

According to historians, the name Yesenia is a modified form of the male Arabic name Hasan, translated as “beautiful.” The following theory states that the name Yesenia is a phonetic type of the ancient Turkic tribal name Isania, translated as “unharmed, healthy.”

There is another, most unusual, bold theory of the appearance of the name, which is associated with famous poet Soviet Union Yesenin Sergei, from whose surname the name Yesenia was formed. Among famous women, who are called by this affectionate, gentle name, we should highlight the famous athlete from Latvia Volzhankina Yesenia, the very young rhythmic gymnast from Russia Butorina Yesenia.

Characteristics of the name

Today Yesenia, whose name’s meaning is described, despite the beautiful sound and tenderness of the name, is a very determined and self-sufficient woman in achieving her goals. It is difficult to lead a woman named Yesenia off the path laid out for her, to impose her own interests, since she is a single, strong nature.

Sometimes the people around this woman are capable of abusing Yesenia’s sense of kindness and gentleness. This is explained by the fact that such women are always happy to help others, even to the detriment of their own interests. It should be noted that almost all Women bearing the name Yesenya are believers who strive to live according to the Laws of God.

However, Yeseni is characterized by adventurism, she likes everything unknown and new. She is distinguished by her amazing ability to captivate a person with her. This is due to the fact that Yeseni’s actions are always justified, motivated, without any criminal inclinations. A woman bearing the name Yesenia is characterized by the presence of the highest moral traits. Yesenya is honest in all situations, fair not only to her own self, but also to strangers.

The majority of people close to me and acquaintances consider Yesenia to be sincere, sweetest woman, without even realizing the hidden amount of strength, the tenacity of her character. Throughout her life, Yesenya practically does not make mistakes, since absolutely all the goals and actions of this woman are decisive and balanced at the same time, and rash, spontaneous actions are not hers.

The name Yesenia is characterized by amazing energy, for this reason, even if she is deprived of her beauty by nature, not a single person will see this, because Yesenia is internally pretty. A woman named Yesenia has a penchant for managing the household, painting, various sciences, and much more. Yesenia knows how to use her talents perfectly, while at the same time regularly improving and developing them.

Child Yesenia

In general, Yesenia, the meaning of the name for the girl whose name is being considered, in childhood is a big fidget, an inventor, who stands out greatly from the rest of the group of children. She is always in the center of attention thanks to her warmth and unusualness, which are felt in Yeseni even in such at a young age, and only intensify with age.

Girl Yesenia with her own wise sayings makes both his parents and teachers wonder. The girl attracts her peers, which subsequently makes her the leader of the entire class, everyone’s favorite.

Yesenya is an excellent student and takes an active part in absolutely all school events. Yesenia categorically does not recognize deception, lies, and strives for justice at any cost. It is precisely such categoricalness that can sometimes bring a significant amount of trouble to a teenager, however, such is its nature.

Health, sexuality of Yesenia

Today the name Yesenia, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is described thanks to such character traits as prudence and practicality, ensure good health for a woman bearing the name Yesenia. Such individuals never neglect even the most insignificant symptoms of the disease; they take their own health quite seriously, while at the same time accurately following all the advice of the attending physician.

Yesenia's woman leads active life, which along with positive thinking provides her with the opportunity long time keep beautiful body and youth. Concerning personal life, then Yesenia does not strive to have light novels that are not binding to anything. Yesenya prefers exclusively reliable, serious relationships.

Yesenya is liked by the stronger sex due to his charm, attractiveness, energy and kindness, felt by both other girls and men. Yesenya is not the type of girl who is able to plunge into the pool of love completely, without thinking about possible consequences. Own versatile inner world she will give it only to a truly loved one.

The Yesenya woman is gifted by nature with a soft, affectionate character, for this reason she values ​​precisely such character traits in a partner. She does not admit that she needs a tough, strong man who can subjugate Yesenia to herself. This really turns Yesenya on intimate life, prefers the role of the victim. However, this is only available to the partner whom she trusts.

Compatibility, marriage, family

In general, the name Yesenia, the origin and meaning of which is ambiguous, suggests that such a woman will be very careful about everything related to marriage, for this reason early marriage is rare here. Divorces in her family are just as rare; usually the majority of Yesenias live married with their spouse until old age.

In family life, Yesenya is characterized from the best side, since she gives all her warmth and spiritual power to her family. With your significant other, strive to build relationships on a sense of respect and trust, while trying to be a leader. Her other half can have no doubt about Yesenya’s honesty, who will not allow betrayal even in her thoughts.

However, the husband of a woman named Yesenia will have to accept her powerful, rebellious character, and also with the fact that her career also does not occupy the last place in her life.

Beautiful family life Yeseni is possible with Peter, Sergey, Vsevolod, Pavel, Eduard, Philip, Victor, Andrey. There is no need to connect your life with Yuri, Oleg, Ivan, Konstantin, Fedor, Alexander.

Career, business

A woman who bears the name Yesenia, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is amazing, is a careerist in the good sense of the word. Even at a young age, she comes to realize the value of receiving higher education. For this reason, when becoming an adult, a woman named Yesenya understands perfectly well that she needs to have an excellent profession, as well as specific goals.

Yesenia is distinguished by her high efficiency, conscientiousness, and responsibility, which makes every profession accessible to her. Such a woman is capable of becoming a leader at a young age, which she will do remarkably well. The team appreciates Yesenya for his professionalism, honesty, and non-conflict nature.

Thanks to such traits as entrepreneurship, farsightedness, as well as an analytical mind, they provide the opportunity to be an excellent businessman, since this woman gives the material side of life great importance. Business partners trust Yesenia due to her honesty and significant moral principles not allowing you to earn income through illegal means.


At the end of the article, we can say that Yesenya, despite the fact that today girls are rarely called by it, has strength and significant will, which allow these women to become good businessmen or occupy leadership positions in the future. Thanks a lot developed sense fairness and honesty are highly respected by colleagues.

The child Yesenya is very restless, dreamy, showing his leadership qualities from an early age. Thanks to his natural intelligence, he studies well, which pleases both his parents and teachers. In marriage, it is impossible to find a better wife, someone who is loving, faithful, but who puts her career on a par with family life.

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