Erogenous points of Aquarius. What erogenous zones excite a Libra woman? Who reminds whom

What does he or she like about sex? Which part of the body is better to caress so that your partner gets maximum pleasure, especially when you don’t know each other well enough yet?

Nerve endings are especially sensitive in Aries on the head and face. Aries will respond to a gentle stroking of the forehead or combing through the hair on the head. This can be done by combing your hair or gently stroking the crown of your head. Lightly run your fingers over Aries's temple or hair - and you have already achieved the beginning of a sexual friendship. Ear biting will get the desired response from a man, and a woman will simply go berserk if you blow into her ear. Biting your lips produces results, and a light kiss from closed eyelids will send shivers and spasms of pleasure throughout Aries's spine. Kisses from a bearded man make an Aries woman very excited. One touch of the soft hair of a man's beard is like a thousand other sensations that bring pleasure to her nerve endings. If you don't have a beard, don't worry. Simply touching her lips with your fingertips will cause intense arousal. Lightly run your fingers over the lips of an Aries man, from edge to edge, using circular motions. The results may be stunning - but don't say you weren't warned!

The sensitive area of ​​Taurus is the throat and neck. Start with light stroking with your fingers and gentle touches at the base of the head, then the neck. Move on to kissing the neck and Taurus will soon feel aroused. The possibilities for “accidental” touches of this kind are endless. For example, when straightening a man's tie, caress his throat or lightly slide your nails along it. You will be surprised by his quick response. On the beach, lightly touching your bare neck or shaking off sand from it will make a Taurus woman tremble with pleasure. The neck and throat should be the target. Passionate kisses and light love bites of the neck from the back especially ignite Taurus. But remember - he likes things to happen calmly and slowly, your approach should be carefully prepared, do not try to force things.

The palms and arms up to the shoulders are the most sensitive areas of their body. Gemini women are responsive to hand kisses. Gemini men like to have their fingers kissed slowly, one at a time. Try running your palm lightly over Gemini's hand. The slightest touch will cause “goose bumps” to appear, as if the nerve endings are trying to respond by touching back. A casual caress of your fingertips can send a shiver of pleasure down your entire spine. Kissing the inside of a Gemini's hands will bring them special pleasure. For a fun (and provocative) experiment, lightly swipe your lips and tongue from your elbow to your armpit. You will immediately feel the desire flaring up in response.

One of the most powerful stimulating techniques for both sexes born under the sign of Cancer is the “French kiss,” long, with maximum use of the tongue and teeth. There are cases when Cancers experienced an orgasm while kissing! However, the most sensitive area of ​​the body is the chest. Both sexes will respond to oral and manual nipple stimulation. Caressing the underside of the breast with a pad and fingertip causes intense sexual sensations. Cancers also like the “twisting” motion, where the nipple is held between the thumb and forefinger and “wound” like a clock. Even at the end of foreplay, lightly tugging on your breasts or nipples will provide additional pleasure. A little trick for a woman making love to a Cancer man: move your hand over his chest, barely touching the skin. The hair on your body will rise as if to touch your fingers. If you continue this, he will become extremely excited!

So, let's say you've lured Leo into a suitably regal setting. Where will the action begin? Start with the bathroom. Try rubbing Leo with a washcloth until his skin turns pink. The back is a particularly sensitive area. Work gently along the spine from top to bottom, then pause a little on the lower back. The lion will purr and will likely invite you to share aquatic foreplay with him. When making love to a Leo man, try lightly scratching his back with your nails. You will excite him to greater effort and more confident actions. Excite a Leo woman by running the tassels of a shawl (preferably cashmere) from the shoulder to the lower back. Then do the same with a prickly brush, like a hairdresser would use to apply talc. Swipe over the same area, pausing briefly on the sensitive lower back. After this she will be a passionate lioness. Helpful tip: During foreplay, watch for signs of sexual arousal, manifested by redness of the skin that begins in the stomach area and slowly spreads to the chest, throat and neck. The intensity of redness will be directly proportional to the level of arousal. When the skin becomes the right shade, the Leo woman is yours!

When you're looking for particularly sensitive areas to excite a Virgo, and things have progressed to the point where you can play with touch and feel, don't forget about the belly. In Virgo, the entire area from the perineum to the chest is very responsive to the touch of the tongue, a slight transverse movement of the fingers, gentle stroking or the lightest touch of the hair. Virgo is turned on by washing off the abdominal area with a sponge, soap and warm water. A particularly pleasant sensation is caused by the shower jet directed there. Don't forget this if you're enjoying some water treatments together before a sexual encounter. (This is a great idea since Virgo is sensitive to cleanliness.) If the bathroom has a small seat, have the Virgo woman sit on your lap and penetrate her from behind while you do it; how the shower would caress her belly and breasts. While lying in bed, use a light circular massage towards the navel. To achieve climax, place the tip of your tongue directly on the navel and continue the same circular movements. The results will exceed all your expectations!

The most sensitive area for Libra is the sacrum and buttocks. In a normal setting, while dancing or even walking, gently touch your fingers to Libra's waist. In more intimate moments, place your palms on your bare buttocks and, pressing lightly, massage them in a circular motion, and then, moving from bottom to top, along your back along the spine, then return your palms to their original position. The scales will literally climb on the wall with pleasure! If we are talking about a Libra man, try pressing your nipples to your lower back - and he won’t need any other encouragement! For all Libras, the buttocks are a highly active erogenous zone. Libra women love it when this area is stroked, caressed, patted and playfully pinched, which makes them excited. She also really likes to make love in positions where she is completely accessible to her lover from behind, such as during intercourse in the anus. Libra women and men also react positively to more aggressive influences - sharp spanks with the palm of the hand or spanking with a whip. By the way, Libras can often be recognized by their well-defined, rounded buttocks.


The most sensitive area for Scorpios is the genitals. Even a light touch of fingers to the genitals of a Scorpio man will turn him into a volcano of passion. Why not? He gets excited just by putting on tight-fitting swimming trunks over his “house” panties! A woman of this sign can get herself into an excited state by crossing her legs and moving them slightly. Nothing in this world gives a Scorpio man greater pleasure than light, quick touches of a woman’s tongue on the head of his penis. Need I add that a Scorpio woman especially enjoys cunnilingus? When you caress a Scorpio's genitals, you literally have your partner in your hands!

The lower back and hips are a special erotic zone for the ninth sign of the Zodiac, but for the Sagittarius woman it is also the hair. Play with them, pet them, comb them, run a brush over them, tug lightly. She will purr like a kitten. And if you continue the hair exercises long enough, it will be enough to rekindle her dormant passions. The Sagittarius man has an erogenous zone near the genitals. A kiss on the inside of your thighs or a light touch of your tongue from your knee to your crotch will delight him. Also gently run your fingers along your thighs. If he is homosexual, he likes it when his male lover rubs Vaseline on his inner thighs. If you then place his penis between your legs tightly pressed together, where it rubs against your thighs, and lightly push his testicles. Sagittarius will experience an orgasm. Try rubbing warm oil. Use circular movements on the lower back, and vertical strokes on the hips. Draw very lightly rounded areas with your fingernail - erotic sensations will instantly rush up the Sagittarius spine. And don't be surprised if you never have to finish the massage.

A Capricorn man likes it when a woman's nipples slowly slide over his face, chest, stomach and groin. It might drive him crazy. The passion of a Capricorn woman will reach hurricane force if her partner kisses her navel or the bend of her knees. The skin around the navel is especially sensitive in women born under this sign. And the skin on the back of the knee reacts just as strongly as the inner side of the upper thigh in other women. Both men and women of this sign will respond to a massage that starts from the lower back with light strokes upward, along the spine on both sides; stimulation can be increased by slowly moving the tongue in a circular motion around each vertebra. During my work as a consultant, I have found an unusually high percentage of Capricorns who claim that they experience intense arousal when they experience Achilles. This is a type of friction in which the armpit serves as a source of sexual pleasure. You can start here!

Aquarius' calves and ankles are the most sensitive. Any position that touches these areas will significantly stimulate desire. Rub them with your palm, moving upward. Do it affectionately, almost accidentally - you will be satisfied with Aquarius' reaction. Try making love standing up, with the woman placing her calves behind the man's knees and locking her ankles and feet around his calves. Natural movement during intercourse will cause friction between these erogenous zones. (Especially effective in the pool.) Any positions that provide contact with your calves and ankles will always increase sexual satisfaction. Aquarius is receptive only to a gentle touch. Otherwise, it will have the opposite effect.

Pisces feet will respond to light massage and caressing of the heel and arch of the foot, gentle stroking with a feather, or sucking on each toe. Starting at the ankle, use circular motions with your fingertips to the top of your leg and then down to your toes. If you put your toes in your mouth, biting them softly, you will drive the Fish crazy! The Pisces woman loves to masturbate her lover with her feet. She does this gently, rolling the penis between her feet. The Pisces man gets extra stimulation by inserting his toe into the woman's vagina or rubbing his foot in the woman's crotch. Wetting your feet before sexual exercise makes Pisces more sensitive.

Each woman, in whose bed several men have been, will confirm that lovers born under different zodiac signs react differently to caresses and tenderness. For example, even a light touch of a woman’s fingers on the genitals of the sophisticated Scorpio turns him into a real volcano, and in order to excite the romantic representative of the sign of Libra and gentle Pisces, you need to try very hard. Of course, every man who is a womanizer knows well how and where to caress a woman born under different zodiac signs. But for those who do not have much sexual experience, we advise you to arouse your loved ones, taking into account where they are located.

1. Aries. Both Aries men and women love it when they are gently stroked on the head, playing with their hair. The most sensitive areas are the head, face and ears. By caressing them, Aries can be brought to ecstasy. Biting the lips, earlobes and kissing the eyes of Aries, you will understand how all this causes pleasant spasms in his back. In bed, Aries imagines himself as a participant in a combat battle and is determined only to win. To get a powerful release from sex, he can deliberately heat up the situation. A banal quarrel can serve as a reason for him to have a good start to intimate pleasures. Aries women are crazy about kissing bearded men. Gently pinching a man's face with his hair gives him an incredible feeling of pleasure.

2. Taurus. If you have ever cared for a calf, then you probably know how these animals love to stretch their heads forward and close their eyes with bliss when their neck is stroked. So it is with Taurus, they get the highest pleasure when they get a massage of the neck and throat area. Start gently stroking the Taurus with your fingers at the base of the head, then move on to kissing the neck.

Passionate kisses and light bites to the neck make Taurus incredibly inflamed. But you shouldn’t expect quick reactions from representatives of this sign; they like to make love slowly and indulge in long foreplay. If your goal is to seduce a Taurus, then invite him to tie a tie. If he agrees, you will have the perfect opportunity to lightly touch his throat and gently stroke his neck with your fingers. Within a few minutes you will feel how Taurus is trembling with pleasure and desire to be in the same bed with you.

3. Twins. Representatives of this sign are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything that is new. Any experiments on the part of loved ones make a strong impression on Gemini and cause enthusiastic trembling. All Geminis, regardless of gender, respond well to hand kisses. Gently run your fingers over his hand, gently caressing his fingertips and palms. Kissing the inside of the hands, each finger, and sucking them can cause pleasure throughout the Gemini's entire spine. As an experiment, try running your tongue along the inside of a Gemini's arms, first to the elbow and then to the armpit. Such caresses will give him the highest pleasure and will arouse in him a reciprocal desire.

4. Cancer. Cancers are very touchy and vulnerable, so you should not show them tricks from the Kama Sutra. Be gentle and kind with them, tell them more words about love. They need it to get excited. Cancers can experience orgasm already during a passionate kiss, but they get the greatest pleasure when they are gently caressed on the chest. Caressing the chest area and biting the nipples causes strong sexual desire in Cancers.

Surrendering to love pleasures, Cancers love to kiss long and passionately, using not only their lips, but also their teeth and tongue. If you want to seduce a Cancer man, do not miss the moment when he strips to the waist. As if by chance, touch his chest with your fingers, and you will immediately notice how the hair on his body “stands on end,” which indicates that he wants you to continue caressing his body, without stopping in the same place.

5. a lion. The king of beasts, Leo, will not wait for you to finally guess where his erogenous zones are. He will lie on his stomach and ask you to massage his back. This is where Leo's cat nature comes into play; he loves to have his back scratched, stroked and massaged. Whatever you do with Leo’s back, everything will be to his taste. Kiss his back, gently stroke along his spine and lightly scratch with your nails. And if you put Leo in the bath and rub his back until his skin turns red, and at the same time kiss him passionately, biting his lower lip, then this proud predator will forever lose his head from passion and love for you.

6. Virgo. Virgo, compared to other signs of the Zodiac, is quite cold, and therefore it is not at all easy to bring her to the temptation of “tasting the forbidden fruit.” To melt external coldness, kiss her on the cheek first. Virgos love to be kissed on the face. But don’t forget to brush your teeth and make sure your breath is fresh beforehand. Virgos are obsessed with cleanliness, so they only completely relax in the shower. Virgo likes it when a stream of water from the shower hits her stomach and crotch area.

They excite her by stroking her body from the crotch to the chest with a sponge, soap and warm water. To seduce a Virgo man, hug him from behind and run your nail along his stomach from the front. This will create a strong desire in him, and all you have to do is invite him into the bathroom, turn on the aroma lamp and soft music. Very soon you will be surprised to discover a passionate and fiery nature behind the outer cold shell of Virgo.

7. Scales. A distinctive feature of Libra's physique is round and attractive buttocks. This is Libra's most highly active erogenous zone. If you want to give pleasure to a man of the Libra sign, then learn to dance a striptease. Libras love to lie on silk sheets, drink expensive wine and enjoy their beautiful buttocks. If, in intimate moments, you begin to massage their lower back, then Libra will receive the highest pleasure. Libra women are aroused by playful pinching, patting and stroking of the buttocks. Many Libras react positively to spanking with a whip and sharp spanks with the palm of the hand in a soft place during love games.

8. Scorpion. Be careful if you accidentally find yourself on the beach next to a Scorpio man walking around in tight-fitting swimming trunks. Even from the touch of the fabric of swimming trunks to the genitals, Scorpio can become very aroused. Nothing in the world gives Scorpio so much pleasure as the gentle touch of a woman's hands, lips or tongue on the head of his penis. A Scorpio woman becomes very aroused by gentle touches to her clitoris. Any manipulation of the genitals turns Scorpios into a volcano of passion, and they can even become aroused by the touch of their feet to the genitals when crossing them.

9. Sagittarius. For women and men of this sign, erogenous zones are located in different parts of the body. A woman will purr like a kitten if you comb her hair and stroke her head. Any manipulation with hair can rekindle dormant passions in female Sagittarians. But to excite a Sagittarius man, you need to caress the inside of his thigh, from the groin to the knee. A light massage with aromatic oils, kisses and tongue touches from the knee to the perineum will delight him and make him forget about everything in the world.

10.Capricorn. Capricorn will not go to bed with just anyone. He must be sure that his partner truly deserves his trust. Therefore, do not expect that Capricorn will agree to have sex with you after the first date. You will have to look after Capricorn for a long time and slowly bring him to the conclusion that he will not find a better lover than you. Once convinced of this, Capricorn will show you what hurricane force his passion can have. The erogenous zones of the Capricorn woman are the navel and the bend of the knee, and the Capricorn man is driven crazy by caresses and stroking of the abdomen, chest, face and groin area. Capricorns of either sex get aroused by a back massage and slow circular movements of the tongue around each vertebra.

11. Aquarius. Any pose during which you touch an Aquarius's calves and ankles will cause an immediate reaction from him. It is in these parts of the lower extremities that the erogenous zones of Aquarius are located. But Aquarians prefer to make love not in bed, but in water. Prepare a fragrant bath, light candles and stroke the feet and ankles of Aquarius, then gently run your tongue along the calves of the legs. Aquarius will not be able to remain indifferent to such caresses and will give you a sea of ​​pleasant sensations.

12. Fish. The sensitive area of ​​Pisces is the legs. Foot massage, gentle stroking of the back and lower back incredibly excite Pisces. Pisces men become tireless and tender lovers from such caresses, and the Pisces woman is easily aroused by rubbing her legs in her partner’s crotch. Regardless of gender, all Pisces love warmth and water.

Therefore, before making love with Fish It is best to find a comfortable bathroom, a swimming pool, a place on the beach or a warm bed next to a large aquarium. In such an environment, Pisces’ excitability increases significantly and he will show you where heaven on earth is.

Video presentation on the erogenous zones of men

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Everyone should know the erogenous zones of the zodiac signs! After all, giving pleasure to a loved one is one of the most understandable and laudable desires. However, not everyone knows how to do this, especially if the partners know each other very little or are embarrassed to talk about intimate topics.

Knowing the Zodiac sign of your loved one, and having studied the erogenous zones of the Zodiac signs, you can surprise and give unearthly pleasure to your lover or beloved.

In this article we will look at the signs of the Zodiac and what you need to do to ensure that your partner has pleasure.

The head and face are the areas with the most sensitive endings for Aries. Stroking the hair, sorting through the curls, stroking the forehead, kissing the eyes, Aries’s desire will only intensify.

You can start with simple strokes, which at the very beginning should be light and unobtrusive, and then you can move on to more intense and confident touches.

The earlobes are also erogenous zones for both Aries men and women. By biting your earlobes, licking them, and even blowing, you will please your partner. This will greatly excite not only the man, but also the woman whose sign is Aries.

Aries ladies adore men with facial hair, as they can be wildly delighted by the touch of a beard. Soft men's hair will add a little spice. The cheeks are considered the strongest erogenous zones for Aries men. Aries men will be captivated by one touch of a woman's eyelashes on their cheeks. And if you end such a touch with a kiss, then a hot night is guaranteed.

The erogenous zones of the Taurus zodiac signs are mainly concentrated in the neck area. If you want to awaken the sensitivity of Taurus, then you should pay attention to the neck and throat. You can start love play by stroking the base of the head. Slowly and deliberately move your fingertips over the area, burying your fingers in the hair.

For a man, touching a tie will be a sensual moment if a woman gently touches the skin and then kisses just above the collar. The Taurus woman will be delighted with light nipping of the neck from the back.

At the beach, simply applying cream to your back may be sufficient. After just a few seconds, lights will flare up in the eyes of the representative of the fair half of humanity.

When starting sexual play with a Taurus, remember that everything should develop slowly and gradually. There is no point in forcing things and rushing.

The most sensitive areas of Gemini are the palms, arms, shoulders, fingers. You can start sexual play with a Gemini by simply taking his hand and running your finger in a circle in his palm. Already this cute and light movement will make him a little excited.

Next, you can start playing with the brush, making stroking movements. Running your index finger along the inside of your arm can cause goose bumps. For more intimate moments, try kissing the inside of your elbow and licking each finger, which will delight your partner.

You can also run your tongue from the elbow to the armpit - this will cause a shiver of desire. Also a good start to a night of love is a shoulder massage, which often ends with a huge awakened desire.

The erogenous zones of the Cancer zodiac signs are mainly concentrated in the lips. The most effective way to awaken Cancer's passion is a long, French kiss. And this will work with both women and men born under this sign. In this kiss you can use lips, tongue, and teeth.

A long and passionate kiss will delight Cancer. After the kiss, you can pay attention to the breasts, especially the nipples.

Men and women of this sign will appreciate stroking, light biting and even touching the nipples of the partner's genitals. So, a man, in order to excite a Cancer woman, can place his penis between her breasts. A woman will awaken passion if she touches her partner’s nipples with her nipples.

You can also twist, pull, or clasp your nipples with your lips. Any manipulation of this area will cause goosebumps.

You should begin love games with Leo only in an appropriate, regal environment. This could be a bedroom or a bathroom.

You can start rubbing the royal body from the back, since this area is considered very sensitive. You should linger on the lower back, and from there slowly move to the buttocks, and then return to the back.

Men may enjoy the touch of a woman's claws in the lumbar region. You can finish playing with your back with your tongue, drawing a thin line to the buttocks and biting your partner’s skin.

Among sexual positions, preference should be given to the following:

  • with a woman - when she is on top,
  • with a man - when he is behind.

It is these poses that will help Leo feel like a conqueror and a king, which will only excite him even more.

For Virgo, the place that triggers desire when touched is the stomach. You can touch, stroke, kiss the entire area from the chest to the perineum.

A man will especially enjoy light kisses that end with the girl's hair touching the man's chest.

Women can be delighted by taking a bath together when a fan walks through this area with a sponge and shower gel.

By the way, both men and women born under this sign will enjoy taking a shower or bath together. This is associated with the desire to always be clean, and with special sensitivity to water.

Representatives of this sign prefer to have sex in a standard position, when the partner can kiss on the lips.

For Libra, sensitive areas include the neck and buttocks. At the very beginning of love play, you can accidentally touch your waist and pretend that you are removing something from your neck. This will prompt your partner to have intimate thoughts.

You can start the kiss from the neck, adding piquancy and pulling your loved one by the waist. In moments of intimacy, you can stroke the buttocks; this is best done in a circular motion. You can also pinch, bite and pat this place a little - any touch will give Libra unearthly pleasure.

Women choose positions where their partner is behind them and can place their hands on their buttocks. By the way, anal sex can be a huge discovery for her. Libra men love a little harsh movements when a woman hugs them tightly or helps them have sex by placing her hands on his buttocks.

The erogenous zone of Scorpio is the genitals. Any touch, even the most insignificant and light, will turn a calm and balanced man into a passionate and frantic one. And if you consolidate this touch with a pleasant whisper in your ear about how sexy he is, then Scorpio will not be able to resist.

This sign simply loves oral sex and any manipulation: kissing, sucking, licking will give him unearthly pleasure. With a Scorpio woman, everything is also very simple: using fingers and tongue at the same time, cunnilingus will be simply amazing and will bring her to a quick orgasm.

For Sagittarius, the sensual zone is considered to be the lower back and hips, in particular the inner thigh. With a Sagittarius woman, love play can begin with her hair: lightly stroking and fingering her hair, you will give her relaxation. Then you can kiss her on the neck - this will make her eyes light up.

For men of this sign, the areas near the genitals are considered erogenous: you can easily stroke the very base of the leg, repeating the movements with your tongue. A slow but steady touch of your thighs will delight him. You can also place his penis between a woman’s thighs, simulating sexual intercourse - this will turn him on in earnest, and he won’t be able to stop.

With this sign, you can try rubbing warm oil into the lower back, buttocks, and thighs. You can finish this massage with a light play of your nails; both men and women will like it. As a rule, such massages cannot be completed.

Capricorns are most excited when a loved one caresses their navel, stomach, and chest area. If a woman runs her nipples all over a man’s torso, he will simply groan with passion. A Capricorn woman can be kissed on the navel or touched with the tip of her tongue to the bend of her knees.

You can start the love game with a light massage of the lower back: first, use your palms, then your fingertips, and then you can run your tongue, which usually makes your partner turn over and respond to the kiss.

The erogenous zones of the Aquarius zodiac signs are the calves and ankles. By touching these zones, you can stimulate Aquarius's desire, excite and play with him. This applies to both women and men.

You can start by touching your ankle with your palm: pay attention to the reaction, this cannot be faked. With an Aquarius woman, one of the best positions is when she is on her knees and her partner enters from behind. This position gives her the opportunity to connect her feet behind her partner's legs.

Any position in which the partner can touch his calves is suitable for a man. Ideally, he lies on his back, and the woman is on top, facing his feet, and with her hands she clasps his calves. In this position, you can use your nails a little, leaving a small love mark.

For Pisces, the most sensitive places are the arches of the feet and heels. By giving a light foot massage, you can greatly excite your partner. Stroking the heel with a feather, sucking each toe, and gentle kisses are also great.

You can start with the ankle, running your fingers in a few circles, then you can kiss lightly and naturally.

It is not at all difficult to drive a man and a woman whose sign is Pisces crazy: to do this you need to lick each finger, biting a little - this will awaken a great desire. You can surprise your partner by having sex and gentle foreplay in the bathroom or in another place where there is water.

A woman will become very excited if she is given the opportunity to play with her partner’s penis. She will be excited, exciting her loved one. The Pisces man will enjoy running your foot along his ankle.

Erogenous zones of the Zodiac signs - VIDEO

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Leo erogenous zones - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

In order to win a Leo, you need to pay great attention to behavior during sex. This is an important part of the life of any man and especially Leo, who is considered a good lover. The impact on Leo's erogenous zones will allow him to receive unforgettable pleasure, for which he will certainly be grateful to his partner and will not be able to forget her.

Erogenous zones of Leo - where?

The concept of erogenous zones came into use from sexology through the media, which often distort reality. In fact, erogenous zones include areas of the body, touching which causes strong tactile sensations, stimulates sexual activity, enhances erections in men and allows for greater pleasure during orgasm.

This is easily explained from a physiological point of view. The fact is that in these zones there are nerve endings that respond to touch, as well as to exposure to cold or heat.

The fact that everyone’s erogenous zones may be different is explained by the different structure of the body and sensitivity. The reaction can also be influenced by banal fatigue, health status, mind and mood, as well as the environment around.

Depending on the listed factors, sensitivity in the area of ​​​​the zones is not stable, it can either increase or decrease. Over time, some zones lose their qualities, while others, on the contrary, gain increased sensitivity and become a new erogenous zone.

From an astrological point of view, each zodiac sign is characterized by its own erogenous zones.

How to find erogenous zones in a Leo woman

Leo's erogenous zones are primarily the back, along the spine and the area above the buttocks. To awaken the sexuality of a Leo woman, simply run your nails along the spine or give a stroking massage to the back. The area above the buttocks, along the waist, is especially sensitive and worth lingering on. The hollow of the buttocks will help awaken sexual energy even in the absence of desire.

How to find erogenous zones in a Leo man

For Leo men, you can practice a special erotic back massage, which allows them to increase excitability and experience unforgettable sensations during sex. The back is not only the erogenous zone of the Leo man, but also the place where all the tension accumulates during the day. The following massage method will help Leo relax - the palms should be placed at the top of the back, and the thumbs should be exactly on the spine.

Use the heel of your palm to make circular movements, moving from top to bottom towards your lower back, then repeat the movements back to your shoulder blades. The procedure is repeated until the entire back is massaged.

Leo woman in sex

Without a grain of irony, we can say that the Leo woman in sex and in life is a real piece of jewelry that every man dreams of. She was born to shine, charm everyone with her beauty and evoke admiring glances from those around her, but despite her presentation, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

The Leo woman needs high-ranking men who are able to “buy” her love for praise, for elevating her above others. She desperately needs the attention of the opposite sex, so that they value her and fall at her feet, because she is very vain and simply perishes when she does not feel in demand by men. Love is not the main priority for building relationships for such women; she may well be next to someone who can surround her with luxury, shower her with gifts, and promise her a beautiful life. But she does not tolerate restrictions on her freedom; it is important for her to remain with a free hand and a free heart, so that she can flirt and go out hunting for new hearts. But she will demand fidelity from her partner, since she considers herself beyond competition, so she will not tolerate a man who will look to the left, but this depends more on how comfortable she is with him.

The Leo woman is more of a consumer, both in sex, in relationships, and in life. She prefers to dominate everyone, look down on her, and rarely takes other people's problems to heart, as she cares more about her own situation than anyone else. Hundreds of contradictions struggle in her character, so even she does not always understand her mood; she can enjoy life and in a moment, already hate everything that surrounds her. In a relationship, I am ready to take, but not give. A representative of this sign does not know how to adapt to people, obey someone’s requests and is more prone to superficial feelings, which is why she encounters love extremely rarely. A beautiful and charismatic Leo woman becomes more pragmatic in sex over time, stops trying to bring something new and surprise her lover, so often the passion begins to subside. A lot is expected from her beautiful shell in bed, but if she does not feel initial admiration, if her partner does not praise her, such a girl gradually cools down and she stops liking such relationships.

The Leo woman really needs change, she cannot be a hostage to the situation, because it is too burdensome for her, hence the frequent problems with everyday life, which simply eats her up. If she finds her love, then she completely devotes herself to the relationship; she is devoted, but only as long as the partner really interests her. However, very often she perceives falling in love as love, so she often leaves men and starts new romances while still in a relationship. Love triangles are frequent stories in her novels; they feed her vanity and allow her to assert herself, prove her superiority, her ability to win the hearts of men. If something doesn’t go according to her script, she can easily act out a couple of dramatic scenes in order to be in the spotlight again, to show off her creative inclinations, although very often she even begins to believe that her imaginary problems are the worst thing that can happen happen in life. In short, she very often creates and invents her own problems, making them out of thin air.

It is safe to call the Leo woman an idealist and maximalist in everything. She is demanding of the people around her, and especially of those who are close to her. Often chooses the wrong person as a partner, preferring material benefits to sincere feelings. She loves money, knows how and loves to spend it, believes that the best investment of money is in herself, so she buys herself expensive jewelry and clothes. She can make a good interior designer, as she knows how to decorate a home and create a cozy atmosphere in any place where she lives. He loves to invite guests and greets them to the maximum, so that everyone leaves with a good mood and a lot of impressions, praising the hostess who created the perfect evening. In clothes she prefers furs and bright outfits; jewelry should only be with natural stones; the more shine, the more she will like this thing. Her appearance is her greatest asset, so she is ready to spend a lot of money on cosmetic procedures, on nails and hairstyles, and does not mind correcting her appearance in order to become even more desirable, beautiful, as if she had stepped off the cover of a glossy magazine.

Often, other girls feel jealous of her, believing that she can achieve any man and this is absolutely true. But in fact, flirting on the part of a Leo woman is not a confirmation of her passion, she can simply seduce and woo those men who arouse her sympathy in order to put another tick on herself, to assert herself and prove to herself that she has not lost her dexterity, still delights the opposite sex. The man who is next to her must definitely accept her for who she is, turn a blind eye to her passion, her pride and never stop idolizing her alone; if she notices that her partner is beginning to cool off in the relationship, he will most likely bring it to naught , quickly finding a replacement for his admirer.

It is very fun and easy to be with a Leo woman; the main thing is to put her on a pedestal and not take your eyes off her, then the relationship will be rich and interesting. She can truly make a man happy who is ready to make many sacrifices and concessions for her sake, the main thing is to constantly prove his love to her and not give any reason to doubt that she is needed. She cannot live without adventures, in particular love ones, so she often attracts third parties in order to create a stir, improve herself in the eyes of her partner and prove to him that he can lose a lot by breaking up with her. And this is true, because this lady is a beautiful adornment for any man, an object of pride and envy of others who do not know what complex character is hidden behind her attractive appearance.

A very talented Leo woman is capable of building a good career, but this does not happen often, because she only agrees to be in a leadership position, where she will not be commanded, but only listened to. She simply cannot tolerate criticism; routine makes her bored. She loves traveling and dreams of seeing the whole world, she doesn’t mind moving frequently, but only so that the conditions are ideal, she values ​​herself and those who try to turn her life into a fairy tale.

Sexuality of a Leo woman

If you decide to connect your life with such a girl, then you must realize that she is a consumer and is not ready to compromise. Considering herself the best, she will not try for her man only because she is sure that she turned her attention to him and is next to him, and so great happiness for the chosen one, but otherwise she does not owe anyone anything.

To some extent, she is quite lazy, especially, this is expressed in relation to men, whom she treats with a certain contempt, believing that it is enough for her to simply beckon and everyone will want to be at her feet. She strives to be desired by everyone, loves to be in the center of attention, loves flattery and seeing with what desire representatives of the opposite sex look at her. Therefore, her partner will have to put up with everything; this side of her character cannot be taken away from her, and she will not be ready to give up her fans even when she decides to start a family.

Every man believes that sex with a Leo woman will be stunning, unforgettable and expects something unimaginable from her. But in fact, she is too proud to try to please her partner, she dictates the rules, she indicates how she wants and where, everything else must be done by the partner, try his best not to disappoint his Lioness.

Her self-confidence is so great that she believes that any man would be happy to do for her everything she asks him to do. And this is practically true, because having disappointed her once, the man is rejected by her irrevocably, she begins to despise him and no longer wants to return to her former relationship. But she knows what she wants from life, so she won’t throw away those who do too much for her, who are ready to do things not in words, but in deeds. With such a partner she will be cheerful and bright, if he is ready to solve all her problems, is ready to follow her lead, then there will always be an attractive, stunning beauty nearby.

Such a woman makes a good wife, a wonderful housewife, but only if the man is ready to take on all male responsibilities on his shoulders. She will create coziness in the house, choose dishes for the weekly menu, look after the children and their upbringing, and have an amazing sense of style, so the representative of this sign always surrounds herself with beautiful things and enjoys life without restrictions. Despite the fact that her wardrobe is full of extravagant things, she does not intend to seduce men with their help, it is just a small trick, a way to admire her body and manipulate those who fall for her trick. During sex, the Leo woman prefers traditional positions, when the man dominates and this is perhaps the only place where she is ready to give way to the alley of superiority. She is simply confident that her beautiful body and passionate nature are all that her partner needs to get pleasure, but the Lioness expects a lot from him; in order to satisfy her appetite, her partner will have to try very hard.

The Leo woman loves foreplay very much, but she is more willing to receive it than to give it. She is not against kisses covering her entire body, passionate and tender biting, oral sex in the form of cunnilingus. She loves to have sex in an intimate setting, with perfectly thought-out conditions and with dim lighting, so that her partner can enjoy her beautiful body, praise and extol her, which excites the Lioness no less strongly than foreplay. She doesn’t mind being on top of her partner, but not because she likes to be active during sex, but to give an additional field of view for a man, to once again make him admire her, show off her beautiful breasts and touch them to hot male lips, teasing , taking it to the limit.

Preparing for sex for a Leo woman means carefully selecting underwear, beautiful, sexy, lacy and perhaps even very erotic. She doesn’t mind wearing something extremely provocative, panties with slits in a secluded place, perhaps some kind of suit that will turn on her partner and highlight all the charms of her body, or maybe only elements in the most intimate places, just for more excitement, first of all for herself, from the awareness of her divine beauty. She is sure that every man dreams of being in her bed, so she never worries before sex, which cannot be said about men who are afraid of not living up to the expectations placed on them by this beautiful creature.

With age, she often pays attention to partners who are much younger than her, because she loves to command, loves to be admired and idolized. They literally adore her, try to fulfill any desire, and she simply allows them to love her and makes them ideal lovers, molded according to her needs, who know what she wants and how to achieve it.

Erogenous zones of a Leo woman

The most erogenous zone of a Leo woman is her back and buttocks, so in order to seduce this woman, you should pay attention to these areas of the body. A light erotic massage, gentle stroking and even biting her back will delight her, and touching the buttocks with a man’s penis can lead a lioness to a full orgasm.

She is very sensitive to any kind of touch. I don’t mind playing role-playing games and adding a little heat to intimacy, in the form of rough sex. She is ready to both dominate and obey her partner, but here you need to be especially correct, since in no case should you humiliate the Lioness or try to bring her to her knees, because in this case the sexual act will never take place.

Every time the Leo woman wants to discover something new in sex, so the partner should think through his behavior in detail so as not to disappoint his passion. She is very passionate in the process, capable of not only moaning and screaming when she is at the peak of her sensations, but can also show her claws and dig into the skin of her partner, who must be ready for such a turn. Lionesses make excellent lovers, but for this it is the man who should try, because she will only take care of herself, her appearance, and the situation, the process and everything else are the concerns of the one whom she has given the honor of being in the same bed with her and enjoy her company.

Sexual compatibility of a Leo woman with other signs

Leo woman in sex with Aries man. A suitable match for both in sexual terms, but there is a problem with the characters, since the eccentric and stubborn Aries is unlikely to be ready to obey the whims of the Lioness. But if the love attraction is too strong, even a marriage based on equality is possible. Leo woman in sex with Taurus man. At the very beginning, the relationship promises to be beautiful, romantic, but only until the moment when they begin to get to know each other better. Her inconstancy and desire to be the center of attention everywhere will irritate the balanced Taurus, on this basis conflicts will arise and the realization that they are too different natures, not ready for self-sacrifice. Leo woman in sex with Gemini man. Both signs are quite easy-going and freedom-loving, but here she may not like the frivolity of Gemini, their desire for change and the search for something new. The Lioness is attracted to Gemini, who are capable of bringing some zest to the relationship, and if she sometimes agrees to listen to her partner’s demands, then even a very successful marriage is possible. Leo woman in sex with Kak man. He is ready to give her stability in a relationship, he will admire and idolize his Lioness, surround her with care, but only if he is sure that she is not playing with his feelings. Cancer is very constant in his sympathies, so the Lioness will have to give up unbridled flirting. If she is ready for this, then the marriage can turn out to be very strong and the relationship will be based on respect. Leo woman in sex with Leo man. In this case, relationships can only be built on compromises. The sexual relationship is simply ideal, since both know what they want and are ready to both yield and dominate. But in life, the desire to be first will either consume their relationship, or they will learn to share their glory between two and enjoy the victories of their partner. If you learn to give in, you will get a very pleasant union and strong love. Leo woman in sex with Virgo man. The relationship between them is doomed to failure from the very beginning. These are two completely different personalities, and despite the fact that Virgo will blindly follow the lead of the Lioness, he is absolutely incompatible in bed. Virgo’s frigidity and laziness will simply reduce intimacy to mechanical actions, which will turn out to be the main reason for the collapse of this relationship. Leo woman in sex with Libra man. Harmonious Libra is a good match for a Lioness who lacks confidence, because Libra will be a real support and support for her. But Libra should not forget about her pride; she needs to learn to hide the truth and show constant flattery to her partner. If she learns to control her inconstancy and changes in mood, then it is possible to create an interesting and stable relationship. Leo woman in sex with Scorpio man. This couple may come together on the love of a luxurious life, on the love of the details that surround them, but their characters will not allow them to live without worries. Scorpio is very jealous and has the makings of an owner, and she is unlikely to agree to give up innocent flirting and allow herself to be put on a short leash. Relationships are possible, but rather impulsive until someone weakens their position. Leo woman in sex with Sagittarius man. An ideal balance of characters promises a strong and happy life together. Both signs love adventure, love sex and everything connected with it, are not against flirting, but will never go beyond what is permitted. She can find an object of inspiration in Sagittarius, and he will be endlessly devoted to his Lioness for his care and ability to be near. Leo woman in sex with Capricorn man. Capricorn is too pragmatic and simple for the loving Leo; he will not be able to understand her desire to be constantly in the spotlight and will not put up with flirting on the side. She will run away from the inherent inclinations of Capricorn, from attempts to rein in and limit her freedom. Relationships can only be short-term, because even in sex the Lioness is more romantic, so nothing will bring the couple together. Leo woman in sex with Aquarius man. For her, who is confident in her superiority, criticism from the constantly analyzing Aquarius is simply unacceptable. They will get along well in an intimate sense, but in everyday life, it is unlikely that the Lioness will be able to tolerate the moral teachings of Aquarius, which will undermine his self-confidence and act repulsively. Long-term relationships are practically unrealistic, only short-term ones based on passion. Leo woman in sex with Pisces man. The shyness of Pisces will play against them in alliance with the Lioness, because they are not able to give much to their partner, and are also weaker in character, which, of course, will not please her, who wants to see a strong nature next to her. She is not ready to carry him on her both in life and in bed, so she will run away at the first opportunity, leaving Pisces in thoughts and inner experiences. Such a connection can result in a rather bland and boring relationship that will burden both partners.

The dependence of our sensitive points on the horoscope

To easily remember the erogenous zones of the zodiac signs, you don’t need to study thick books. Imagine what the sign is associated with and use your imagination.

Who reminds whom?

Aries (introducing a lamb or ewe). What can bring pleasure to a lamb? Combing the fur. Representatives of this sign, of course, do not have fur. But if you want to ignite desire in an Aries, it's worth paying attention to the head and face. Run your fingers through your partner's hair.

Taking the strands between your fingers, gently massage the scalp. Sometimes pay attention to your ears. At the same time, caress your face with your lips. Aries women are delighted with men with facial hair.

Taurus (bull, heifer). When meeting someone, this charming animal stretches its neck. A Taurus partner will not be able to resist you if you touch his neck. To seduce Taurus men, you can, for example, adjust your collar and run your hand along your neck.

A Taurus woman will not resist you if, under the pretext of smelling perfume, you accidentally touch her neck with your lips. But representatives of this sign do not tolerate haste. So don't attack too quickly.

Twins (babies holding hands). The sensitive area for representatives of this sign is on the hands, from the fingertips to the armpit. You should start with a gentle kiss on your fingertips, gradually moving to your wrist. Lightly run your tongue along the inside of your elbow. You will be surprised how much pleasure these caresses will bring to your Gemini partner. Gemini men are relaxed by a palm massage.

Crayfish (freshwater shell-covered). The most sensitive area for Cancers is the chest. Pay special attention to your partner's nipples. Stroking and gently biting this area can ignite unbearable desire in both men and women.

Therefore, you should not neglect passionate kisses. Pull your partner out of the shell and he will show you where Crayfish spend the winter.

Lion is the king of the animals). Like any feline, he loves to have his back stroked. But, being a royal person, he will not wait for you to guess where his erogenous zone is. The lion will lie down on its stomach and require a massage.

To make a Leo man inflamed with desire, you need to alternate between “carrot and stick”. Lightly scratch your partner's back and immediately kiss him tenderly. The Leo woman will submit if you stroke her with a little pressure in your fingers. The skin may turn red, but this will only “add a degree.”

Needs of body and soul

Virgo (young lady). Despite the romantic nature of the representatives of this sign, Virgo can turn out to be a piece of ice in bed. This sign prefers rather moral foreplay. If a representative of this sign does not feel spiritual closeness, then it is not easy to excite her. This can be compared to starting a fire without matches: difficult, but possible. But if a Virgo woman is morally satisfied, then the whole body becomes a continuous erogenous zone. Virgo men can be compared to a fire: at first it smolders, but once it flares up, it does not go out until it burns out completely. However, Virgo's erogenous zone begins at the perineum and ends at the top of the head.

Libra (equilibrium, balance). For Libra to balance, you need to find the perfect middle ground. The erogenous zone for Libra is the middle of the body, namely the lower back, buttocks and genitals. Libra women are delighted with a gentle slap on the butt. And they prefer penetration from behind, so that the partner can admire the rounded forms of a woman. In Libra men, the erogenous zone is located in the lower back and buttocks. Try to move your nipples across your partner’s buttocks, and all barriers will be destroyed by a powerful surge of excitement.

Scorpion (a species of terrestrial arthropod). The name of the species itself speaks about the preferences of this sign. The most sensitive area for Scorpios is the genitals. Accidentally touching your penis with your hands can arouse desire in your partner. Representatives of this sign receive special pleasure from oral sex. Sex with this sign does not always end in intercourse.

Sagittarius (hunters). The most valuable part of a hunter's catch is the animal's thighs. Sagittarius men need to be “tamed” by caresses in the area of ​​the hips and thighs. A light massage from the groin to the knee will inflame an unbearable desire. But Sagittarius women will arch their backs with desire if you play with their hair. It is enough to stroke or comb your partner, and she will become wet with desire.

Capricorn (goat). This sign does not obey associations. Representatives of this sign have a great variety of erogenous zones: from the knee bend to the neck. The Capricorn woman will melt from the touch of the tongue from the knee bend to the navel area, including the perineum. Male caresses in these zones can turn a partner into an insatiable fury. Capricorn men prefer oral sex from the groin to the neck. Representatives of this sign are insatiable in bed.

Aquarius (watering can). The zodiac sign Aquarius also does not fall under the association. The erogenous zones of this sign are below the knee. Lightly rub your partner's ankle with your foot, and Aquarius' reaction will please you. Aquarius loves to experiment in bed. Choose positions in which your Aquarius partner touches your calves and ankles as much as possible. This additional stimulation of the erogenous zones will reveal Aquarius as a passionate lover. Aquarius men have a sensitive groin area.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Cancer erogenous zones - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Cancer loves kisses - passionate, long and heartfelt. It follows from this that the erogenous zones of Cancer are located on the lips and tongue. He likes the sensual “French kiss.” Many Cancers get an orgasm from just one kiss. In Cancer, the chest area is sensitive. This applies to both women and men. They like it when their nipples are caressed – with their lips and hands. Especially if you touch the chest from below with your fingertips. The sensations of Cancer after such caresses are indescribable! During intimacy, you can gently twist the nipples, gently kiss and even bite. Cancer likes to have his nipples pulled back slightly during foreplay to sex. The erogenous zones of a Cancer man are located above the chest. If a woman carefully runs her fingers in this area during intimacy, Cancer will experience unearthly pleasure. Even small hairs on the body will react to this light touch.
horoscope for January 2018
  • Horoscope for 2018

Erogenous zones of the zodiac sign Cancer

It also happens that many years of marriage do not guarantee that partners know everything about each other’s erogenous points and pleasure zones. So why not find out about it today to begin to understand your soulmate more? And astrology will help with this, which will accurately indicate all the erogenous zones of a particular zodiac sign. Many signs in the Zodiac are perfectly compatible, but knowing which affection is a priority will help here too. Today the focus will be on people born under the zodiac sign Cancer. Where are the most sensitive points on the Cancer body?

It must be said that Cancer can rightfully be called one of the most sensual, erotic and alluring astrological signs. All this is successfully combined with a subtle mental organization and a rich inner world. This makes Cancer incredibly romantic, but also passionate and exciting. Such qualities are due to the influence of the Moon, which is the patroness of Cancer. It’s hard to even imagine what’s going on sometimes in Cancer’s soul. And this is connected with the ebb and flow of the moon.

As for sexuality, Cancers are fully endowed with this. They do nothing without soul and feelings, they do not play or pretend. This applies to a greater extent to women under the zodiac sign Cancer. Men of this constellation behave somewhat differently in intimate life, for example, more cheekily.

Erogenous zones of Cancer Woman

As for erogenous zones, women of the Cancer sign have several of them. The main ones are breasts and nipples. Surprisingly, it even happens that they can get an amazing orgasm just from stimulation of the nipples and breasts. However, if orgasm is far away, then Cancer women can be seriously aroused by such caresses. This is the best option for foreplay.

Another weak point of the Cancer woman is the neck. Kisses on this part of the body will bring her into indescribable delight. And it’s not worth talking about the goosebumps from caresses on the neck. The Cancer woman will immediately lose her composure and control. But only with the man you love. Representatives of this constellation are turned on by caressing their earlobes. But you shouldn’t kiss the ear itself. Still, this is not very pleasant for any person.

Erogenous zones of Cancer Man

Where are the cherished points for men of this astrological constellation? So, they just love touching the upper back. To warm up before a romantic night, you can massage this area. Cancer will be in seventh heaven.

Cancer men also love head massages. Moreover, they go crazy when, during sexual intercourse, the partner runs her hands over their head and runs her fingers through their hair (if, of course, there is a head of hair).

And finally, it’s time to talk about the most unusual erogenous zone of Cancer, which you can hardly find in any other man. And these are the toes and feet. The caresses of these zones lift Cancer to the pinnacle of bliss, leaving no chance of being left without satisfaction.

Let today's knowledge help you find those most cherished places on the body of your loved one. This will certainly make him happier!

Erogenous zones of Cancer

Finding them is not that difficult - they are one of the most sensual signs of the Zodiac, as they are ruled by the Moon. People born under this sign are very sensitive, so even slight stimulation can arouse in them a strong sexual desire. Let's look at the erogenous zones of Cancer.

Erogenous zones in Cancer - where?

Both give great pleasure to kisses - deep, passionate, with the participation of the tongue. Cancers can even experience orgasm from kissing. The most sensitive part of the body in both men and women is the chest.

Their nipples instantly respond to caresses. Lightly stroking the nipples with your fingertips makes Cancers very excited, and they also love gently pinching the nipples with two fingers.

But the strongest factor for Cancer, which contributes to the manifestation of the full depth of his sensuality, is a trusting relationship. The longer the relationship between a man and a woman, the more pleasure Cancer will get from sex.

These people do not like casual relationships, because they cannot completely trust their partner and relax. And with a permanent soul mate, it is very easy for Cancer to tune in to the desired wave: just take a shower together, preferably in a romantic setting.

How to find erogenous zones in a Cancer man

One of the most powerful arousing techniques for Cancers of both sexes is the “French kiss,” a long kiss with maximum use of the tongue and teeth. It happens that Cancers experience an orgasm while kissing!

However, the most sensitive area of ​​the body is the chest. Both sexes will respond to oral and manual stimulation of their nipples. Caressing the underside of the breast with the pad and tip of the finger, as well as “twisting” movements, when the nipple is held with the thumb and forefinger and “winded up” like a clock, cause strong sexual sensations in Cancers.

How to influence the erogenous zones of a Cancer man

The Cancer man is exactly the partner who can appreciate all the beauty of female caresses. He loves them to bits. The tender hugs and touches of his beloved woman drive him crazy and give him the highest pleasure. He is able to respond to the slightest touch on his skin.

Particularly sensitive erogenous zones for male Cancer are his nipples. You can lightly grab them with your teeth and bite them, but do this extremely carefully and gently.

Another proven way to give a man born under the Moon sign pleasure is by kissing, sucking and tickling his earlobes with your tongue. In general, the Cancer man is quite conservative. He rarely accepts positions other than the good old missionary position.

How to find erogenous zones in a Cancer woman

Women born under the sign of Cancer have very sensitive skin. Especially on the chest, lower back and under the hair on the back of the head.

The problem of Cancer women in bed is that they strive to keep everything under control, so they are afraid to liberate themselves. However, if you help her cope with her tightness, she is able to show strong sensuality.

Where are the erogenous zones on the body of Cancers (zodiac sign)?

Cancer people they really love attention from the opposite sex, they are very sexy, charismatic - and the opposite sex always likes this. They know how to speak beautifully, take excellent care, and then show quite vivid activity in bed. Passionate, hot and temperamental - this can rightfully be said about Cancer people. The stars consider them experimenters and researchers. Cancers skillfully find the most sensitive areas of their partner and use them effectively. They are gentle, even caring, but if their partner needs something else, then Cancers are always ready to please.

Cancers themselves are not demanding people. They love attention to themselves, they love to see their partner’s interest in their body. Even the passionate and hot gaze of another person can excite them.

According to astrologers, Cancer women have a very sensitive back and neck, especially the area under the hair. Kiss your partner more often, stroke the skin of her back, give her a relaxing massage. Even such a massage will warm her up, and you will simply have to continue what you started, but in a completely different way). For both men and women born under the Cancer zodiac sign, the nipple area is the erogenous zone - you should never forget about this if you want to give your Cancer partner true sexual pleasure. Cancers love beautiful and long courtships; foreplay is very important to them, which makes relationships with Cancers uniquely wonderful.

Try not to forget that kisses decide everything in this case. Cancer's favorite kiss is the French kiss. But it is important to understand that giving back is important not only through actions, but also morally. Reciprocity is very important.

zodiac sign cancer erogenous zones

Each woman, in whose bed several men have been, will confirm that lovers born under different zodiac signs react differently to caresses and tenderness. For example, even a light touch of a woman’s fingers on the genitals of the sophisticated Scorpio turns him into a real volcano, and in order to excite the romantic representative of the sign of Libra and gentle Pisces, you need to try very hard. Of course, every man who is a womanizer knows well how and where to caress a woman born under different zodiac signs. But for those who do not have much sexual experience, we advise you to arouse your loved ones, taking into account where their erogenous zones are located.

1. Aries. Both Aries men and women love it when they are gently stroked on the head, playing with their hair. The most sensitive areas for Aries are the head, face and ears. By caressing them, Aries can be brought to ecstasy. Biting the lips, earlobes and kissing the eyes of Aries, you will understand how all this causes pleasant spasms in his back. In bed, Aries imagines himself as a participant in a combat battle and is determined only to win. To get a powerful release from sex, he can deliberately heat up the situation. A banal quarrel can serve as a reason for him to have a good start to intimate pleasures. Aries women are crazy about kissing bearded men. Gently pinching a man's face with his hair gives him an incredible feeling of pleasure.

2. Taurus. If you have ever cared for a calf, then you probably know how these animals love to stretch their heads forward and close their eyes with bliss when their neck is stroked. So it is with Taurus, they get the highest pleasure when they get a massage of the neck and throat area. Start gently stroking the Taurus with your fingers at the base of the head, then move on to kissing the neck.

Passionate kisses and light bites to the neck make Taurus incredibly inflamed. But you shouldn’t expect quick reactions from representatives of this sign; they like to make love slowly and indulge in long foreplay. If your goal is to seduce a Taurus, then invite him to tie a tie. If he agrees, you will have the perfect opportunity to lightly touch his throat and gently stroke his neck with your fingers. Within a few minutes you will feel how Taurus is trembling with pleasure and desire to be in the same bed with you.

3. Twins. Representatives of this sign are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything that is new. Any experiments on the part of loved ones make a strong impression on Gemini and cause enthusiastic trembling. All Geminis, regardless of gender, respond well to hand kisses. Gently run your fingers over his hand, gently caressing his fingertips and palms. Kissing the inside of the hands, each finger, and sucking them can cause pleasure throughout the Gemini's entire spine. As an experiment, try running your tongue along the inside of a Gemini's arms, first to the elbow and then to the armpit. Such caresses will give him the highest pleasure and will arouse in him a reciprocal desire.

4. Cancer. Cancers are very touchy and vulnerable, so you should not show them tricks from the Kama Sutra. Be gentle and kind with them, tell them more words about love. They need it to get excited. Cancers can experience orgasm already during a passionate kiss, but they get the greatest pleasure when they are gently caressed on the chest. Caressing the chest area and biting the nipples causes strong sexual desire in Cancers.

Surrendering to love pleasures, Cancers love to kiss long and passionately, using not only their lips, but also their teeth and tongue. If you want to seduce a Cancer man, do not miss the moment when he strips to the waist. As if by chance, touch his chest with your fingers, and you will immediately notice how the hair on his body “stands on end,” which indicates that he wants you to continue caressing his body, without stopping in the same place.

5. a lion. The king of beasts, Leo, will not wait for you to finally guess where his erogenous zones are. He will lie on his stomach and ask you to massage his back. This is where Leo's cat nature comes into play; he loves to have his back scratched, stroked and massaged. Whatever you do with Leo’s back, everything will be to his taste. Kiss his back, gently stroke along his spine and lightly scratch with your nails. And if you put Leo in the bath and rub his back until his skin turns red, and at the same time kiss him passionately, biting his lower lip, then this proud predator will forever lose his head from passion and love for you.

6. Virgo. Virgo, compared to other signs of the Zodiac, is quite cold, and therefore it is not at all easy to bring her to the temptation of “tasting the forbidden fruit”. To melt the outer coldness of a Virgo, kiss her on the cheek first. Virgos love to be kissed on the face. But don’t forget to brush your teeth and make sure your breath is fresh beforehand. Virgos are obsessed with cleanliness, so they only completely relax in the shower. Virgo likes it when a stream of water from the shower hits her stomach and crotch area.

They excite her by stroking her body from the crotch to the chest with a sponge, soap and warm water. To seduce a Virgo man, hug him from behind and run your nail along his stomach from the front. This will create a strong desire in him, and all you have to do is invite him into the bathroom, turn on the aroma lamp and soft music. Very soon you will be surprised to discover a passionate and fiery nature behind the outer cold shell of Virgo.

7. Scales. A distinctive feature of Libra's physique is its rounded and attractive buttocks. This is Libra's most highly active erogenous zone. If you want to give pleasure to a man of the Libra sign, then learn to dance a striptease. Libras love to lie on silk sheets, drink expensive wine and enjoy their beautiful buttocks. If, in intimate moments, you begin to massage their lower back, then Libra will receive the highest pleasure. Libra women are aroused by playful pinching, patting and stroking their buttocks. Many Libras react positively to spanking with a whip and sharp spanks with the palm of the hand in a soft place during love games.

8. Scorpion. Be careful if you accidentally find yourself on the beach next to a Scorpio man walking around in tight-fitting swimming trunks. Even from the touch of the fabric of swimming trunks to the genitals, Scorpio can become very aroused. Nothing in the world gives Scorpio so much pleasure as the gentle touch of a woman's hands, lips or tongue on the head of his penis. A Scorpio woman becomes very aroused by gentle touches to her clitoris. Any manipulation of the genitals turns Scorpios into a volcano of passion, and they can even become aroused by the touch of their feet to the genitals when crossing them.

9. Sagittarius. For women and men of this sign, erogenous zones are located in different parts of the body. A Sagittarius woman will purr like a kitten if you comb her hair and stroke her head. Any manipulation with hair can rekindle dormant passions in female Sagittarians. But to excite a Sagittarius man, you need to caress the inside of his thigh, from the groin to the knee. A light massage with aromatic oils, kisses and tongue touches from the knee to the perineum will delight him and make him forget about everything in the world.

10.Capricorn. Capricorn will not go to bed with just anyone. He must be sure that his partner truly deserves his trust. Therefore, do not expect that Capricorn will agree to have sex with you after the first date. You will have to look after Capricorn for a long time and slowly bring him to the conclusion that he will not find a better lover than you. Once convinced of this, Capricorn will show you what hurricane force his passion can have. The erogenous zones of the Capricorn woman are the navel and the bend of the knee, and the Capricorn man is driven crazy by caresses and stroking of the abdomen, chest, face and groin area. Capricorns of either sex get aroused by a back massage and slow circular movements of the tongue around each vertebra.

11. Aquarius. Any pose during which you touch an Aquarius's calves and ankles will cause an immediate reaction from him. It is in these parts of the lower extremities that the erogenous zones of Aquarius are located. But Aquarians prefer to make love not in bed, but in water. Prepare a fragrant bath, light candles and stroke the feet and ankles of Aquarius, then gently run your tongue along the calves of the legs. Aquarius will not be able to remain indifferent to such caresses and will give you a sea of ​​pleasant sensations.

12. Fish. The sensitive area of ​​Pisces is the legs. Foot massage, gentle stroking of the back and lower back incredibly excite Pisces. Pisces men become tireless and tender lovers from such caresses, and the Pisces woman is easily aroused by rubbing her legs in her partner’s crotch. Regardless of gender, all Pisces love warmth and water.

Therefore, before making love with Fish It is best to find a comfortable bathroom, a swimming pool, a place on the beach or a warm bed next to a large aquarium. In such an environment, Pisces’ excitability increases significantly and he will show you where heaven on earth is.

Horoscope of erogenous zones by zodiac sign

Nerve endings that are especially sensitive in Aries men and women are located on the head and face. Aries respond to a gentle stroking of the forehead or playing with the hair on their head. You can comb or gently caress the top of the head. Touch your hand lightly to Aries's temple or run it through his hair, and you will have the beginning of a sexual friendship.

The earlobes are extremely sensitive, and women get a strong desire if you blow in her ear. Biting your lips gives good results, and lightly kissing your closed eyes for some reason causes pleasant spasms in your back.

Kisses from bearded men drive Aries women crazy. The soft hair of a man's beard is a thousand wonderful sensations received by its nerve endings. If you don't have a beard, don't worry. Simply touching her lips with your fingertips will create incredible sensations.

If you communicate with an Aries man, then you will be amazed by the result when you lightly touch his lips with your fingers - but don’t say then that you weren’t warned!

The sensitive area of ​​Taurus is the neck. Start with light touches and stroking your fingers at the back of the head, slowly moving down to the neck. Keep kissing the throat and soon Taurus will ignite. There are unlimited possibilities for “accidental” touches. For example, when straightening a man's tie, you can stroke his neck or gently run your nails along it. You will be surprised at his quick reaction.

On the beach, gently touch a woman's bare neck, shake off the sand, and this will serve as a signal to her. When alone in a room, the neck should be the center of attention. Sensual kisses and tender loving bites of the neck will especially excite Taurus. But do not forget that Taurus prefers leisure and naturalness. Therefore, behave with restraint and do not force things.

Particularly sensitive places are the hands. Gemini women respond well to hand kisses. Gemini men love it when they kiss their fingers one at a time, sucking them.

Try to carefully “run” your fingers along your hand, regardless of the Gemini’s gender. This will make a strong impression, it will seem to you as if the nerve endings are trying to touch you. An accidental caress of the fingertips can cause an enthusiastic shiver. Special treatment for Geminis is kissing the inside of the hand. A more provocative option is to lightly sweep your lips and tongue from the elbow to the armpit. You will simply feel the desire signals that arise.

Both men and women born under this sign will find the greatest pleasure in deep kisses involving the tongue and teeth. It is known that they are even able to experience an orgasm!

However, the most sensitive part of the body remains the chest. Both sexes respond acutely to oral and manual stimulation of the nipples. Gently stroking the breasts with your fingertips evokes strong sexual desire. They also enjoy pinching their nipples with their thumb and forefinger. Even in the final part of foreplay, gently pinching the breasts or nipples can increase their desire.

Advice for women making love to a Cancer man: run your hand over his chest, gently touching it. If you do this repeatedly, you will be able to greatly excite him.

So, let's assume that you have placed Leo in the appropriate setting for the moment. How to start?

You can go to the bathroom. Rub the Lion with a sponge until his skin turns pink. The back is especially sensitive. Slowly go down your back from top to bottom, perhaps. Leo will invite you to climb into the bath too.

If you are dealing with a Leo man, while making love, gently scratch his back. This will have an exciting effect on him.

Take a shawl (cashmere is best) and touch its fringe to the naked female body - from the shoulder along the entire back. Then do the same with a brush, like the one hairdressers use to apply powder. After this, your lady will turn into a passionate lioness.

TIP: When engaging in foreplay with a Leo woman, look for the degree of her sexual arousal in the redness of the skin, which begins in the abdomen and then slowly spreads to the chest and neck. The intensity of the color will be directly proportional to the degree of stimulation. As soon as the desired shade appears, it’s yours!

When you have reached the point of outright affection in your relationship, do not forget about the belly.

For Virgo, everything - from the crotch to the chest - reacts to the touch of the tongue, light stroking with the fingers or barely noticeable touches with the hair. Run your nail horizontally across your body - this will cause extraordinary sensations.

Stroking the abdominal area with a sponge, soap and warm water is a good stimulation. Virgo really likes it when the stream of water from the shower gets there. Don’t forget about this if you first find yourself in the shower (which is very fortunate, since Virgo has a “fixed idea” - purity).

If the bathtub is narrow, place the Virgo woman on your lap to enter her from behind, while caressing her belly with the shower.

While lying in bed, do a light massage in the navel area. Finish it by touching the tip of your tongue to the navel itself. You will see how quickly it works.

The most sensitive places for Libra are the lower back and buttocks. In a social setting, at a dance, or even while walking together, lightly touch Libra's lower back with your fingers. For a more intimate moment, place your hands on Libra's bare buttocks and make small rotational movements with your palms, gradually moving up the back and back down again. Real Libras will go into ecstasy.

If a Libra man is a Libra man, he will go crazy with the soft touch of your nipples on his lower back. You don't have to repeat this twice.

For all Libras, the buttocks are an extremely erogenous zone. Women love having their buttocks stroked, patted, and playfully pinched and become sexually aroused. They also prefer positions where their buttocks are clearly visible to their partner, as, for example, happens when they enter her from behind. Libras of both sexes react to blows to the buttocks with a hand, a whip or other objects. By the way. Libras can be easily identified by their round, well-shaped buttocks.

The most sensitive places for Scorpios are their genitals. Even a light touch of your fingers can turn a man into a volcano. Why not? A woman of this sign can become aroused by simply crossing her legs and in this position rubbing her “lips” together. (Some other approaches to Scorpio's sensitive spots have already been discussed.)

Nothing brings a Scorpio man such pleasure as lightly touching the tip of his penis with her tongue. Need I add that women experience special delight in cunnilingus?

When you play with a Scorpio's genitals, you can literally tell that you have your partner in your hands!

For the ninth sign of the Zodiac, the most erotic zones are the hips and thighs. But for Sagittarius women, this also includes hair. Play with them, stroke them, comb them. She will purr like a kitten. If it lasts long enough, it can awaken her sensuality.

His vulnerable area is near the genitals. Kissing the inside of your leg or lightly touching your tongue from your knee to your crotch will give him pleasure. The same can be said about gently stroking the thighs. Homosexuals like their partners to smear Vaseline on the inside of their thighs. After this, just inserting the penis between tightly clenched legs can lead to orgasm.

Rubbing with warm oil has the same effect on Sagittarius men and women. On the hips this should be done with rotational movements, on the thighs - with vertical strokes. Lightly run your nails along the curves and this will awaken an erotic feeling throughout your body.

And don’t be surprised if you never manage to complete the massage.

Capricorn men love a woman to touch his face, mouth, chest, stomach, groin with slow sliding movements with her nipples. It drives him crazy.

A Capricorn woman's passion will turn into a hurricane if her partner kisses her on the stomach or under the knees. The skin around the navel is especially sensitive in women born under this sign. And the skin under the knees is easier to stimulate than the thighs of other women.

Both the Capricorn man and woman will respond to a massage from the lower back to the top if the tongue is slowly touched to the body in a circular motion.

An unusually large number of Capricorns prefer to replace the vagina (as a source of pleasure) with the armpit. Don't agree.

Sensitive areas are calves and ankles. Any position in which you touch these areas will significantly increase desire.

As if by chance, stroke your leg from the ankle before playing, very carefully. You will be happy to see Aquarius's reaction.

Try making love while standing, with the woman wrapping her legs around the man's knees, touching his calves. During the act, natural friction of the erogenous zones will occur. (Particularly effective in the pool.) Other positions that allow contact with the calves and ankles will always increase sexual satisfaction.

Aquarius is receptive to gentle touches.

When it comes to the moment that requires the perfect setting for lovemaking, consider the following: Pisces enjoys a warm place and moving water. So try a heated blanket and waterbed, or look for a bathtub that's comfortable enough for two.

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