Energy value of foods table for 100. Learn to count calories and lose weight wisely

We lose weight without stress and harm to health - a table of calorie content of foods and ready-made meals. An effective method with lasting results!

Counting calories is a very effective way to lose weight. The main advantage of this method is the stability and longevity of the result obtained -
By sticking to your recommended personal daily calorie intake, you will not gain weight again.
The advantage is also the opportunity to eat your favorite food, limiting yourself only in quantity, thus maximizing the variety of your diet without driving yourself into stress.

Determine your norm and eat in accordance with this figure, using the table of calorie content of food and ready-made meals.

Formula for calculating the average daily personal norm.

We multiply the result by the individual indicator of physical activity.

  • 1.2 – minimum movements, sitting work, driving a car, no additional physical activity;
  • 1.3 – low physical activity, the need to walk a lot every day or jog, ride a bike, team sports games, light physical labor 1-2 times a week;
  • 1.5 - visiting a fitness club 3-5 times a week, active physical labor;
  • 1.7 - high physical activity, regular hard physical labor or daily long-term sports;
  • 1.9 – very high level of physical activity. Typically, athletes live in this mode before competitions.

If you want to lose weight, subtract 20% from the total, if you want to build muscle mass, add 20%. Your goal is to maintain weight, leave the number unchanged, this will be your daily requirement.

When planning your menu, distribute the bulk of your food at lunchtime, and don’t forget 1-2 snacks between meals.

We add, record, save information.
We calculate everything once, remember it, and then spend a pleasant time at a party or in a restaurant, rather than wasting it on mathematical calculations. You will definitely need a kitchen scale, if the calculations are inaccurate, there is a risk of overeating and then the body will not have time to spend the energy received, will continue to accumulate reserves, or undereat, which is even worse, since, having gotten used to a small amount of food, the body will slow down the metabolic processes and the weight will be gain even faster.

It is important to take into account some nuances.

1. The amount of kcal in frozen foods does not change significantly.

2. When calculating first courses with meat, we take the total of all components, taking into account the broth. If the meat is removed, only the 20% that goes into the broth is taken into account.

3. Boiled meat, poultry, fish, vegetables are considered raw, minus 20% loss for broth. When frying, about 20% of the fat is absorbed.

4. The calorie content of finished pasta, cereals and legumes is the same in dry form. They swell in water, which has no calories, and increase in weight and volume due to its absorption.

Calculation examples.

100 g of dry pasta contains 338 kcal. After boiling, the weight of the pasta increased to 200 g, but the nutritional value decreased by 2 times. Thus, 200 g of ready-made pasta contains the same amount of kcal.

For 100 gr. cereals account for 300 kcal, which means that ready-made porridge weighing 300 g contains a similar amount.

The numbers are approximate, everyone likes porridge in their own way: some are crumbly, others prefer viscous.

Added milk, butter and various sauces increase the nutritional value of the dish.

5. Salted, marinated fish contains 2 times more calories than raw fish. Fruits and vegetables do not lose their nutritional value after pickling.

6. Calories in smoked meat, poultry and fish prepared at home are considered raw according to the table. In factory conditions, “liquid smoke” concentrate is used, so this product is about 40% more nutritious than homemade.

7. Do not eat fruits and berries in compote - consider only 30% of their calorie content. Dried fruit uzvar contains 0 kcal. The calculated final nutritional value of the compote along with fruits and berries is distributed by the weight of the entire liquid.

Calorie content of products table per 100 grams.

The calorie content of the products in the table per 100 grams is taken from open, verified sources.

Counting calories is not just another diet, but a way of life. This does not mean at all that you can lose weight by continuing to regularly eat fast food and lie on the couch. Choose natural, healthy food. Your menu should be as varied as possible and must include the proper amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. Rationally distribute the daily amount of food throughout the day, eat in small portions every 2-3 hours, do not overeat at night! Move more, walk in the fresh air.

Convenient complete table of calorie content of foods and ready meals. It's a pity that there is no calculator on the site. I'll print it out. I’ve heard a lot about this technique, they say it’s really effective, I’ll try it :)

Caloric value, or energy value, is the amount of energy that is released when nutrients are oxidized during metabolism.

Calorie content of ethyl alcohol 96% alcohol amounts to 710 kcal/100g. Of course, vodka is alcohol diluted with water and therefore The calorie content of vodka ranges from 220 to 260 kcal/100 g. By the way, manufacturers are required to indicate this on their products!

Why are many people surprised, “I eat almost nothing, I just drink vodka, but I’m getting fatter by leaps and bounds!”? -And all because few people know that vodka is a high-calorie product and gives a lot of energy to the body, and that half a liter of vodka contains the daily calorie intake of a skinny person, and a 0.75 container contains the daily calorie intake of an average person! For comparison: 100 grams of vodka is 100g. pancakes with butter, 100g. beef meatballs or 100g. stewed meat.

There is an opinion that alcohol calories are “empty” because they do not contain nutrients, which means they cannot be stored as fat and therefore alcohol calories do not make you fat. It's a delusion! This just means that the calories from alcohol cannot be stored directly into fat. Alcohol calories, the so-called “empty” calories, are pure energy that the body needs to expend. You've probably noticed that people become more active under the influence of alcohol. 🙂?

The body, receiving a dose of such empty calories, immediately adjusts itself in such a way as to get rid of them first. those. first, the body burns alcohol calories, and then all the others, if there is still such a need for it. The body cannot transfer alcohol, this harmful product in large quantities, into reserve, therefore it strives with all its might to remove it as soon as possible, and switches to alcoholic fuel, ceasing to burn fat, protein and carbohydrate reserves, and natural fat reserves prepared for burning are simply deposited for later.

Therefore, despite the fact that alcohol calories are called “empty”, because... they do not contain nutrients, they still provide a lot of energy to the body, and the body needs to spend this energy received. And if you not only drink alcohol, but also eat something else on the same day :), then the body receives much more energy than from food without alcohol. And since large quantity It is more difficult for him to spend energy, then calories from alcohol, as already mentioned, are burned first, and calories that come from food are simply not consumed, but having a nutritional basis, they are deposited as fat in fat depots.

In addition, alcohol provokes cell insensitivity to insulin. (insulin is a hormone that forms adipose tissue). More insulin is produced, and therefore more fat is formed. It should also be remembered that alcohol is a toxin that affects the liver and leads to the development of alcoholic fatty liver disease, fatty liver disease.

Therefore, do not believe “scientifically proven facts” when they say that the calories in alcohol are “empty” and these vodka calories do not make you fat. They're getting fatter!

  1. Nastya :
  2. Denis S. :

    Thank you very much for the food calorie tables, I will also support Nastya - it would be great to add the ability to download them in Word or PDF format.

  3. Julia :

    What a useful sign. I didn’t know that corn flakes were so high in calories, but I eat them every day and wonder why the extra pounds don’t go away. Now I'll review my diet. I'll remove some products.

  4. Pauline :

    Everything needs to be detailed. It's strange that I've never seen anything like this before. But this is very convenient, especially for those people who monitor their health and their weight. I’ll probably save it in my bookmarks too.

  5. Alina :

    What a great and detailed plaque! I want to print it out and hang it in the kitchen, because sometimes I want to eat something forbidden, but at least I’ll know how many calories there are in something and I’ll think twice about whether to eat it.

  6. Dina :

    Tell me, in the morning I eat oatmeal with milk, nuts and dried fruits, and I want to lose weight... I stick to a diet. Maybe I should replace my breakfast with something else, as I understand it, based on the table, it’s quite high in calories?

  7. Julia :

    How do I know your calorie chart is correct? For example, I have slightly different data on the number of calories in foods, and I took my table from a site where they also said that they have the most correct table, and that using it, many people have lost weight. So who to believe? Or should I try, first that one, and then yours, or vice versa?

  8. Valeria :

    For some reason I always thought that mayonnaise had a lot more calories. A clear table, now it’s easier to control your diet. I immediately found my mistakes and will take them into account for the future. And I won’t give up my favorite bananas, you can afford one a day!

  9. Olya :

    I only monitored calories for the first 3 days of the diet, then I stopped, since it was already clear how many calories were in my breakfast, lunch or dinner. Moreover, there are a lot of applications that calculate everything themselves.

  10. Sonya :

    I look at such tables quite often, naturally the number of calories turns out to be approximate, not exact, but at least I know that I ate a little and my lunch or dinner did not affect my figure.

  11. Dasha :

    Sometimes you just wonder how many calories are in a particular product. During the diet period, you generally need to print out that table and hang it on your refrigerator, highlighting the most high-calorie foods.

  12. Sasha :

    Knowing the calorie content of foods is necessary, especially if you are trying to watch your figure. You need to at least approximately understand what part of the daily requirement you have eaten.

  13. Rita :

    Once again I’m going on a diet and this time everything will be serious, I downloaded and printed out calorie tables, hung them on the refrigerator and will count calories, once again I am convinced that diets do not work, only counting calories, when they are deficient, fat begins to melt .

  14. Eve :

    For convenience, I advise everyone to download a calorie counting app. There are a huge number of them. You don’t need to keep everything in your head, carry a cheat sheet with you. You bring in groceries, for example lunch, and everything is ready.

  15. Christina :

    Thank you for such high-quality and detailed tables, now it will be very easy for me to calculate the correct diet in order to effectively begin to reduce my excess weight!

  16. Maria :

    I was surprised that there are no carbohydrates in meat, nor in fish. And what fatty caviar!!! You definitely shouldn’t get carried away, it’s also salty – it can retain water. With such a useful table I learn a lot of new things about products.

  17. Anna :

    I didn’t know before that counting calories is so important for losing weight. I thought I should go on a diet and try to fast. And the greater effect is just with proper nutrition - this tablet is now helping me.

  18. Angelica :

    From my own experience, I will say that losing weight should begin by studying the tables of calorie content of foods, or even better, print it out and put it on the refrigerator. Sometimes it seems to us that there are few calories in a product, we eat without measure, in the end it all gets stored in fat, since I started counting calories, the weight has gone down and all this without dieting, I just eat in moderation, observing the recommended calorie intake.

There is probably no person now who has not heard the word “calorie”. But not everyone understands what exactly it means. The term was first introduced by Swedish physicists back in the 18th century and was used to determine the heat of combustion of fuel. Now the concept of “calorie” is used in utilities and energy, as well as to indicate the value of products. The word gained the greatest popularity in the latter meaning. Calories in foods are the amount of energy entering the body during their digestion and complete absorption. A person spends it on maintaining the functioning of his body, on daily activities, and spends it constantly, even in his sleep. This energy is usually defined in kilocalories (abbreviated as kcal). It is also possible to calculate in kilojoules (kJ), which are similar units of measurement.

Calories in foods

The energy contained in food products is of greatest interest. In production, their exact value is measured in a special device, a calorimeter, by burning it in a sealed chamber. The amount of heat released during this process is the energy value. This is how the manufacturer determines how many calories are in the food. To inform buyers, this value is applied to the packaging in which the product will be sold. The number of calories in foods is usually indicated per 100 grams of weight.

Food and weight

Having found out that calories in foods are energy entering the body, it is not so difficult to understand that its excess can lead to excess body weight gain. But nutritional value is also important, that is, the amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These concepts are interconnected. It is not without reason that it is believed that excessive consumption of fatty and sweet (high-carbohydrate) foods leads to excess weight gain. Just look at the calories in foods. The 100 gram chart for carbohydrates, fats and proteins is given below.

That is why the labels indicate not only the energy value, but also the nutritional value of the products. Knowing how many calories are in foods, the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, it is easy to lose or increase body weight. It is enough just to determine your correct weight and the dose of energy and nutrients necessary for the body.

Calories in foods, table per 100 grams

Monitoring your nutrition and the energy value of your diet is a good habit for a person who leads a healthy lifestyle and watches their figure. Counting calories in foods is easy, and you don't have to memorize the information on each product's label. It is enough to use the knowledge already accumulated. They can easily answer the question of how many calories are in foods. A table of basic food products with average values ​​is given below. The number of calories per 100 g of product is given in the second column, proteins in the third, fats in the fourth, carbohydrates in the fifth.

Unsweetened baked goods

Simple loaf

Bran loaf

Unsweetened bun

Borodino bread

Whole grain bread

White wheat bread

Bran bread

Rye bread

Confectionery and baked goods

Sugar dragee (“Sea pebbles”, etc.)

Zephyr white

Caramel (lollipops)

Caramel (with filling)

Fudge candies

Chocolate candies


Cookies with glaze

Cookies with nuts

Butter cookies

Chocolate cookies

Puff pastry

Sponge cake


Yeast baked goods (buns)


Flour products and sweets, especially those with filling or soaked in fatty cream, have the highest energy value. Avoiding them is enough to maintain normal weight. Sweet carbonated drinks and juices are in second place in the ranking of harmfulness. Calories in foods, table per 100 grams with the list continued below.

Natural juices and carbonated drinks

Apricot juice

Pineapple juice

Orange juice

Grape juice (with apple)

Cherry juice

Pomegranate juice

Grapefruit juice

Pear juice

Peach juice

Beetroot juice

Plum juice

Tomato juice

Apple juice

Coca-Cola and Pepsi

Gas water with sugar

At first glance, the numbers seem small, but since the calories in foods are given per 100 grams, and the consumption of drinks occurs in much larger volumes, it’s worth thinking about.

Next come butter products and sausage products. Their energy value is also alarming.

Mayonnaise, oils, fats

Cooking fat

Mayonnaise "Provencal"

Low-calorie mayonnaise 20% fat


Peanut butter

Sunflower oil

Olive oil

Sweet butter

Prepared meat products

Smoked bacon

Natural ham

Ham sausage

Chicken sausage

Doctor's sausage

Boiled-smoked sausage

Raw smoked sausage

Sausage "Milk"


Milk sausages

Sausages with cheese

Creamy sausages

In general, all sausages are rich in fat, and, as a rule, its amount prevails over protein. When choosing products from meat processing plants, you should pay special attention to this. The healthiest choices would be chicken and beef sausage. The carbohydrate group, cereals and pasta are quite useful, as they guarantee long-term saturation. It is important to cook them correctly, without excess fat, taking into account the calories in the products (the table per 100 grams for cereals and pasta is presented below). The weight of raw products is taken into account.

Cereals, pasta


Corn (groats)

Pasta made from durum wheat

Pearl barley

Natural meat, fish and milk are the healthiest foods in the human body. They are rich in protein, which means they fill you up for a long time, promote muscle development, and strengthen bones and tissues.

Vegetables and fruits are also beneficial. Their calorie content is low, and their taste is attractive. By making these types the main products in your daily menu, you can maintain your health for many years and forget about excess weight.

The number of calories in the products of the listed categories is given below.


Milk 0.5%

Milk 1.5%

Milk 2.5%

Milk 3.2%

Sour cream 15%

Sour cream 20%




Beef liver

Chicken liver

Pork is fatty

Lean pork


Beef tongue


Goose carcass

Turkey carcass

Chicken liver

Chicken heart

Chicken stomach

Duck carcass

Chicken thigh

Chicken drumstick

Chicken breast

Chicken carcass

Egg, white

Egg, yolk

Chicken egg (1 piece)


Lean herring


Horse mackerel

Sea trout



White cabbage

Ripe potatoes


Green onion


Bulgarian pepper

Radish red

Celery root

Green beans






Now you know more about the energy value of foods. Choose the right foods for your diet and be healthy!

Diets are always associated with dietary restrictions and prohibitions. Daily calorie counting is a method of losing weight, in which it is not prohibited to eat your favorite foods, but you must follow their strict dosage. Thanks to the established calorie norm, you can either lose unwanted pounds or simply maintain your weight at the optimal level.

The essence of the diet

The principle of losing weight on a calorie diet is that during the day the body should receive fewer calories than it burns. Thus, energy will begin to be wasted from fat deposits.

This method is considered the safest, since the kilograms will disappear slowly.

“Nothing tastes better than feeling thin”
Kate Moss


To achieve maximum results, the following principles must be observed:

  • Diet variety
  • Predominance
  • Compliance with the daily intake of fats (80 g) and carbohydrates (100 g)
  • Limiting simple carbohydrates
  • Avoiding sweet drinks and strong alcohol
  • Reducing salt intake
  • Drinking large quantities of water (at least 1500 ml per day)
  • Small meals 5-6 times a day

Calorie calculation

The opinions of nutritionists on this issue are divided: some are convinced that the calculation is individual for each person, others offer average options.

By formulas

The most common weight loss options are based on the number of calories per day, which depend on the height, weight and age of the person wishing to lose weight. There are several formulas for calculating optimal calorie content:

Option #1

(1.8 height, cm) + 655 + (9.6 weight, kg) – (4.7 age, years)

The resulting figure is the amount of energy required to maintain the body’s systems.

The second stage of calculations will be to determine the physical activity coefficient. You can determine it by assessing your lifestyle:

  • Passive lifestyle (sedentary) – 1.2
  • Low-intensity activity (physical exercise 1-2 times a week, walking) – 1.4
  • Moderate level activity (exertion more than 3 times a week) – 1.5
  • High-level activity (work on the legs, systematic sports) – 1.7
  • Excessive activity (heavy daily long-term exercise) – 1.9

The number after the first stage is multiplied by the selected coefficient.

The result obtained is weight stability. In order for weight to begin to decrease, you need to subtract another 400-500 kcal.

Option No. 2

30 (height, cm – 105)

The resulting number is to save weight. To reduce it, we take away another 300-600 kcal, depending on the activity of our lifestyle.

On average

Weight loss methods from this group do not imply individual calculations, but consist of following a diet of a certain calorie content.

These include diets of 800, 1000, 1200 calories per day and other options.

What is possible and what is not

A low-calorie diet is not strict regarding the names of products. But still there are both more and less suitable foods.

Ideally, the diet should include:

  • Buckwheat and pearl barley porridge
  • Lean meat, poultry and fish
  • Cutlets, steamed meatballs
  • Egg white
  • Mushrooms
  • Vegetable soups with light broth
  • Rye bread, bran bread or wholemeal bread
  • Vegetables, raw or steamed
  • Low calorie fruits (oranges, etc.)
  • Unsweetened tea, coffee, fresh
  • Fermented milk products (yogurt, cheeses)

Unwanted Products

If you wish, you can create your own diet and count calories. But it is important to remember that there are prohibited foods. If there are any, then the weight loss process will be slowed down. Among these:

  • Preservation and salinity
  • Smoked meats
  • Sausages
  • Fatty meat, poultry and fish
  • Potatoes in any form
  • Egg yolk
  • Nuts
  • Pasta
  • Baking
  • White bread
  • Margarine, butter
  • Cocoa
  • High-calorie fruits and dried fruits
  • Sweets (except marshmallows and marmalade)
  • Sauces

You can create a menu by combining products taking into account their energy value and portion size.

Calorie content of individual products

For the convenience of calculating acceptable food combinations, you can use the table of caloric content of permitted foods.

Calorie content is indicated for the product in its raw form.

Calorie content of dishes

It is impossible to create a high-quality menu for every day without knowing the calorie content of already prepared dishes.

Calorie table for ready meals:

On a note. For convenience, it is better to print the tables and keep them for quick access.

Rules for creating a menu

One of the principles of the effectiveness of the diet is to eat small portions, but often. It would be optimal to split the daily diet into five times. An important point is the correct percentage of calories between meals.

Regardless of whether the calculation is based on 1000 calories per day or according to any other option, the correct ratio is considered to be:

  1. 25% – breakfast
  2. 10% – second breakfast
  3. 35% – lunch
  4. 10% – afternoon snack
  5. 20% – dinner

It is advisable to include in different combinations at each meal:

  1. For breakfast: porridge, fruit, eggs, cottage cheese, tea or coffee
  2. For second breakfast: fermented milk products, fruits
  3. For lunch: broths, soups, meat, bread, vegetables, fish, salads
  4. Afternoon snack: dairy products, fruits
  5. For dinner: meat, vegetables, fish, salads, tea

If you have a desire to eat something from the list of not recommended foods, then you don’t have to deny yourself this. The main rule is not to go beyond the daily energy value.

A person who decides to lose weight in calories, first of all, must decide on the value of the diet. The safest option is considered to be an individual calculation of the daily requirement. This is due to the fact that the personal characteristics of a particular person are taken into account.

If you like diets with a set calorie content, it is important to consider the following points:

  • To lose weight without stress, it is better to alternate a week with critical caloric intake with a week of weight stabilization.
  • It is not recommended to immediately set the bar low (800 calorie diet), as this can lead to exhaustion.
  • Without harm to health, it is better not to lower the bar below 1200 kcal.
  • As an exception, you can vary your daily calorie intake based on physical activity. If the day is spent passively, then you can do a fasting day and reduce the value of the diet. If the day is physically difficult, then it is appropriate to increase the calorie content to 1400 or even 2000 kcal.
  • It is not advisable to be on a low-calorie diet for a long time (more than a month).
  • The exit should be smooth, gradually increasing the daily calorie content by 300-500 kcal.
  • Ideally, the weekly menu should include a variety of foods to get all the vitamins and minerals.

The most correct decision on choosing both the diet itself and calculating the optimal daily caloric intake is consultation with specialists. A gastroenterologist will indicate whether there are any contraindications, and a nutritionist will competently describe the nutritional scenario.


This food system is contraindicated for children. There are no absolute contraindications for adults. But in the presence of chronic diseases, especially those related to digestion, the menu should be drawn up taking into account the advice of a doctor.

A calorie diet is an effective way to lose extra pounds. Its great advantage is the ability to arrange products yourself and create a menu. Thanks to calorie tables and kitchen scales, your desire to lose weight is sure to be crowned with success.

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