Another category of pronoun. Decimal number system, classes and ranks of natural numbers

You already know that nominal parts of speech can be replaced with a pronoun if necessary. But this must be done very carefully. Despite the fact that pronouns only indicate objects and signs, they carry a certain meaning. You will learn in this lesson what categories of meaning pronouns are divided into.

1. Let's remember what we've learned

Pronoun is an independent part of speech that indicates objects, signs or quantity, but does not name them. Pronouns include: different words, How we, any, who, your, several, that etc. There are more than 50 pronouns in the Russian language.

2. Places of pronouns

The number of pronouns is quite large, and many of them have common features, for example, similar meaning or same type of declination. Based on this, it is possible to combine pronouns into groups based on similarity, or, in other words, ranks. Splitting large number words into small groups will help organize knowledge about pronouns.

All pronouns can be divided into 9 digits, combining words that are similar in meaning. This lesson discusses each of them briefly. In the following lessons, each of the categories will be discussed in more detail.

Personal pronouns. These include words that indicate participants in the dialogue ( me, we, you, you), to persons not participating in it, as well as those who point to objects ( he, she, it, they).

Consider an example of the use of personal pronouns.

I couldn't You tell to me a little about him?

Pronoun You indicates the person with whom the dialogue is being conducted,

to me(n.f. - I) - on the speaker himself,

about him(n.f. - He) - either to a person not participating in the conversation, or to an object.

The next category is unique in that it includes only one word - pronoun myself. It, like the discharge itself, is called return. Pronoun myself indicates who is being spoken about, as well as the fact that the action is directed at the person performing the action. Consider examples of its use.

She doesn't regret it at all myself!

Take it to myself assistant

The children only thought about to yourself.

All examples use the pronoun myself in various cases.

Possessive pronouns. This category includes words indicating that an object or objects belong to a certain person or certain persons. Possessive pronouns answer questions whose? whose? whose? whose? These include words mine, ours, yours, yours, his, hers, theirs And mine.

Consider an example.

- This is yours pencil?

- Not no my. Most likely this is her pencil.

Possessive pronouns are used in this dialogue yours, mine, hers. All of them indicate that the object belongs to one person or another - the interlocutor, the speaker or a person not participating in the conversation, and answer the question whose?

Interrogative and relative pronouns. They contain the same words, but their functions are different, so they are traditionally divided into two different groups.

Interrogative pronouns indicate objects, characteristics, quantity, serve to express a question and are used in interrogative sentences. These are the words Who? What? Which? whose? which? what? How many? Consider examples.

Who called?

Which hour?

How many will people come to the party?

These sentences use interrogative pronouns Who? which? How many?

Relative pronouns, like interrogatives, indicate objects, characteristics, quantity, but at the same time serve to connect parts of complex sentences. This category includes the same words as the category of interrogative pronouns: who, what, which, whose, which, which, how many. They are also called allied words. Consider examples of their use.

Brother doesn't know Who called.

Say please, which hour.

These sentences use the same pronouns as in the previous examples - who, which, how much. However, here they serve not to express questions, but to join subordinate clauses to the main ones.

Indefinite pronouns. This is the most numerous of all pronominal categories. What these pronouns have in common is the meaning of uncertainty.

Indefinite pronouns indicate indefinite objects, characteristics or quantity. These include a fairly large number of words that have specific morphemes, by which you can easily recognize indefinite pronouns: -something, -either, -something, -, as well as a shock attachment Not-. The category of indefinite pronouns includes someone, something, some, something, someone's, somebody, several, some and others.

Somebody knocked quietly on the door.

We need to discuss some question.

It was on the table some apples

In these examples there are indefinite pronouns someone, some, several, which indicate an indefinite person, an indefinite attribute of an object and an indefinite quantity.

Negative pronouns. Words of this category unite general meaning. They express the absence of an object or sign. There are two types of negative pronouns - with the prefix Not-(these are words no one, nothing) and with the prefix neither- (nobody, nothing, none, no one's).

Please note: negative pronouns no one And nothing do not have a nominative case form. Words someone And something belong to the category of indefinite pronouns.

Let us give examples of the use of negative pronouns.

The day until the evening is boring, if you do nothing.

They dont have no pets.

Here we see negative pronouns nothing And no.

Demonstrative pronouns. As you can guess from the name of the category, such pronouns indicate something, namely an object, attribute or quantity. These include the words: this, that, such, such, so much, as well as less common pronouns this, this one, such, sort of.

Who doesn't work That doesn't eat.

This The car is always parked in our yard.

So many We have never seen snow before.

Demonstrative pronoun That from the first example indicates an object, this from the second sentence - to the attribute of the object, so many from the third - by quantity.

Determinative pronouns. These pronouns indicate the generalized quality of the subject. These include the following words: each, every, most, himself, all, different, other, any, as well as outdated everyone And all kinds.

Every of you knows what a pronoun is.

All the room is illuminated with an amber shine(A.S. Pushkin).

This shirt will match any trousers.

In these examples we came across attributive pronouns every, all, any.

To summarize the knowledge gained about pronouns of all categories, you can study this table.

Table 1. Classes of pronouns ()


  1. Russian language. 6th grade / Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. ().


Task No. 1

Fill in the missing pronouns, determine the categories, and add the missing punctuation marks. If you have any difficulties, please refer to the material for help.

Antipych somehow looked especially at ………., and the dog immediately understood the man: ………was calling ………. out of friendship, out of friendship, not for ………, but just like that, to joke, to play. The grass waved its tail, began to descend lower and lower on its legs, and when it crawled up to the old man’s knees, it lay on its back and turned its light belly up. Antipych just extended his hand to stroke………. , ……..when he suddenly jumps up and puts his paws on your shoulders - and smack, smack………….. : and in the nose and in the cheeks and in………..lips.

Words for reference: what, her, his, most, she, her, he

Task No. 2

Fill in the missing letters, as well as appropriate pronouns. Underline them, as well as the words in place of which these pronouns are used, as parts of the sentence. Indicate the case of all pronouns: friend is Masha. I've been friends with _______________ for a long time. Masha is very kind... In the... autumn holidays, _____________ and I went on holiday to the camp. ____________ was very heavy.

According to its meaning and grammatical features pronouns in Russian are divided into several categories: personal, reflexive, possessive, interrogative, relative, negative, indefinite, attributive and demonstrative.

Table “Dispositions of pronouns”

To correctly determine the category of pronouns, we will find out what meanings they have in speech and highlight their main grammatical features.

ExamplesSyntax function
Personal I, you, we, you, he, she, it, they I went to the window.
My phone rang.
Returnable myself Look at yourself in the mirror.
Cats are capable of living on their own.
Possessivesmy, yours, ours, yours, yours I know your opinion.
His face became sad.
Interrogative Who? What? Which? what?
which one? whose? how much?
Who's knocking on the door?
At whose window are the pigeons sitting?
How many apples are on the table?
Relative who, what, which, which, which, whose, how many I can’t understand what could have delayed them so much.
This is the house within whose walls I spent my childhood.
Negative no one, nothing, no one,
nothing, nothing,
nobody's, not at all
Nobody answered me.
There is no one to ask about this now.
There is no mistake here.
Undefined someone, something, some,
someone, how many,
anything, someone,
some, any,
some, someone's, somebody's
Someone was singing a song.
Someone's voice was heard in the yard.
Mark the seedling with something.
Definitive himself, most, everyone,
any, everyone, whole,
different, all, different
Another path lies ahead of us.
Tomorrow everything will seem different.
Index fingers this, that, such,
such and such, such and such,
so much, so much
Behind that house is a cafe.
There was so much joy in her eyes!
The essence of the issue is that it is better to solve it together.

In the table we got acquainted with the categories of pronouns with examples of their use in the Russian language. We previously learned.

Personal pronouns “I”, “we”, “you”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “they” point to a person or object.

Pronouns "I", "we" refer to the first person; "you you"- to the second; "he she it"- to the third.

I climbed a tall pine tree and began to scream (K. Paustovsky).

We followed the elk trail (K. Paustovsky).

Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region? (K. Simonov)

Have you seen how a saffron milk cap walks under a pine roof in morocco boots? (A. Kovalenko)

At pronouns "he she it" determined by masculine, feminine and neuter gender.

He sang, and from every sound of his voice you smelled something familiar and vastly wide, as if the familiar steppe was opening up before you, going into an endless distance (I.S. Turgenev).

After Masha rummaged through her works, she settled on novels (A. Pushkin).

To the left, from the edge of the village, a field began; it was visible far to the horizon, and throughout the entire width of this field, flooded with moonlight, there was also neither movement nor sound (A. Chekhov).

Personal pronouns have a singular and plural category.

Let's compare:

  • I, you - we, you;
  • he, she, it - they.

However, we mean that pronouns "I" And "We" , "you and "You" are not singular and plural forms of the same word. Pronouns "We" And "You" do not indicate "I'm a lot" or "you are a lot". They indicate the speaker or interlocutor along with other persons participating in a conversation or in a particular action.

All personal pronouns change by case. When they are declined, completely different words appear in oblique cases:

  • I - me;
  • you - you;
  • she her;
  • they are theirs.

As soon as I touch mathematics, I will again forget everything in the world (S. Kovalevskaya).

Reflexive pronoun "myself" indicates the person being spoken about.

Will you look into yourself? There is no trace of the past there (M. Lermontov).

I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands (A. Pushkin).

This pronoun does not have a nominative case form, grammatical categories of person, gender, or number. It changes only by case:

  • i.p. -
  • r.p. myself
  • d.p. to myself
  • v.p. myself
  • etc. yourself
  • p.p. About Me

horse (im.p.) (whose?) his (r.p.).

The nightingale happened to fly to their noise (I.A. Krylov).

The noise (whose?) of them- inconsistent definition.

Possessive pronouns "his", "her", "their" do not change.

Words that nouns answer ( Who? What?), adjectives ( Which? whose? what? which one?) and numerals ( how much?) are interrogative pronouns.

Who's knocking at the gate? (S. Marshak).

What will I do for people? - Danko (M. Gorky) shouted louder than thunder.

Suddenly he turned to his mother: “Avdotya Vasilyevna, how old is Petrusha?” (A. Pushkin).

“What don’t you understand?” - Pavel Vasilyevich asks Styopa (A. Chekhov).

What news did you receive yesterday?

What is the answer to my question?

Which math lesson will it be?

The same pronouns, only without a question, serve to connect simple sentences as part of a complex sentence and are called relative:

Look how many flat-bottomed scows lie on my shore (A. Kataev).

A hundred paces from me there was a dark grove, from which I just left (A. Chekhov).

He was not at all what Konstantin (L. Tolstoy) imagined him to be.

It was already getting dark, and Vasily could not understand who was coming (K. Paustovsky).

I often wanted to guess what he was writing about (A. Pushkin).

I also thought about the person in whose hands my fate was (A. Pushkin).

Indefinite pronouns

Indicate unknown objects, signs and quantities:

“someone”, “something”, “some”, “several”, “someone”, “something”, “someone”, “anyone”, “anyone”, “someone” ”, “some”, “any”, “any”, “someone’s”, “someone’s”, “someone’s”, “how much”, “as much”.

Someone was playing the violin...the girl sang in a soft contralto voice, and laughter could be heard (M. Gorky).

It became scary, as if in this silence some danger was silently lurking for him (V. Kataev).

In the living room, something small fell from the table and broke (A. Chekhov).

You are unable to act from any motives (K. Fedin).

But, perhaps, he was right about something (M. Sholokhov).

Negative pronouns

Negative pronouns “nobody”, “nothing”, “no one”, “nothing”, “none”, “nobody”, “not at all” serve to deny the presence of some object, attribute or quantity or to strengthen the negative meaning of the entire sentence.

I don’t want to sadden you with anything (A. Pushkin).

Nobody really knew anything (K. Simonov).

Vladik stood silently, not bullying anyone and not answering anyone’s questions (A. Gaidar).

They are formed from interrogative (relative) pronouns using an unstressed prefix neither- or shock attachment Not-.

Pronouns “no one”, “nothing” do not have a nominative case.

They were silent because there was nothing to tell each other (I.A. Goncharov).

There is no one to ask when it is your own fault (proverb).

Pronouns “nobody”, “no one”, “nobody”, “no one”, “nothing” can be used with a preposition that comes after the prefix:

not from anyone, on anything, under no one, behind anyone, not from anyone, not because of anything, etc.

In nothing does the national character manifest itself so freely as in song and dance (A. Fadeev).

I don’t want to think about anything, interfere in anything (M. Prishvin).

An attempt to intercept Masha on the road did not lead to anything (A. Fadeev).

“that”, “this”, “such”, “such”, “so much” serve to highlight a certain object, feature, or quantity among others.

I would strictly forbid these gentlemen to approach the capitals for a shot! (A. Griboyedov).

All this would be funny if it weren’t so sad (M. Lermontov).

There are as many heads as there are minds (proverb).

In the dark, I climbed into such a windfall, from which it would be difficult to get out even during the day. However, I managed to get out of this labyrinth (V. Arsenyev).

Determinative pronouns - “all”, “everyone”, “himself”, “most”, “everyone”, “any”, “different”, “different”, “whole”.

Everyone who is young, give us your hands - join our ranks, friends! (L. Oshanin).

Every work of a master is praised (proverb).

Learn to control yourself; Not everyone will understand you like I do; inexperience leads to trouble (A. Pushkin).

To the right the whole village was visible, the long street stretched about five miles away (A. Chekhov).

These pronouns change in gender, number and case, like adjectives.

Video lesson on the Russian language for 6th grade students “Pronoun. Pronoun grades"

Because decimal number system place number, then the number depends not only on the digits written in it, but also on the place where each digit is written.

Definition: The place where a digit is written in a number is called the digit of the number.

For example, a number consists of three digits: 1, 0 and 3. The place, or digit, notation system allows you to create three-digit numbers from these three digits: 103, 130, 301, 310 and two-digit numbers: 013, 031. The given numbers are arranged in order increasing: each previous number is less than the next one.

Consequently, the numbers that are used to write a number do not completely define this number, but only serve as a tool for writing it.

The number itself is constructed taking into account ranks, in which this or that digit is written, i.e., the desired digit must also occupy the desired place in the recording of the number.

Rule. Places of natural numbers are named from right to left from 1 to the larger number, each digit has its own number and place in the number record.

The most commonly used numbers have up to 12 digits. Numbers with more than 12 digits belong to the group of large numbers.

The number of places occupied by digits, provided that the largest digit is not 0, determines the digit capacity of the number. We can say about a number that it is: single-digit (single-digit), for example 5; two-digit (two-digit), for example 15; three-digit (three-digit), for example 551, etc.

In addition to the serial number, each of the digits has its own name: the units digit (1st), the tens digit (2nd), the hundreds digit (3rd), the units of thousands digit (4th), the tens of thousands digit (5th ) etc. Every three digits, starting from the first, are combined into classes. Every Class also has its own serial number and name.

For example, the first 3 category(from 1st to 3rd inclusive) - this is Class units with serial number 1; third Class- This Class million, it includes the 7th, 8th and 9th ranks.

Let us present the structure of the digit construction of a number, or a table of digits and classes.

The number 127 432 706 408 is twelve-digit and reads like this: one hundred twenty-seven billion four hundred thirty-two million seven hundred six thousand four hundred eight. This is a fourth grade multi-digit number. The three digits of each class are read as three-digit numbers: one hundred twenty-seven, four hundred thirty-two, seven hundred six, four hundred eight. To each class of a three-digit number the name of the class is added: “billions”, “millions”, “thousands”.

For the class of units, the name is omitted (implying “units”).

Numbers from 5th grade and above are considered large numbers. Large numbers are used only in specific branches of Knowledge (astronomy, physics, electronics, etc.).

Let us give an introduction to the names of the classes from the fifth to the ninth: the units of the 5th class are trillions, the 6th class are quadrillions, the 7th class are quintillions, the 8th class are sextillions, the 9th class are septillions.

According to their meaning and syntactic functions, pronouns are divided into the following categories.

1. Personal pronouns me, we (1st person), you you (2nd person), he, she, it, they (3rd person) point to a person, an object and answer the questions “who?”, “what?”.

2. Reflexive pronoun myself indicates that the action being performed is directed at the actor himself, is performed for a given person, etc. This pronoun does not have gender, number and form Im p., in a sentence it is an addition. Word to myself can also act as a particle: Get past it!

3. Possessive pronouns my, yours, ours, yours, yours, his, hers, theirs indicate that an object belongs to someone and answer the question “whose?”

Pronouns my, yours, ours, yours, yours vary by gender (my, my, mine; yours, yours, yours), numbers ( our - ours, yours - yours) and cases, while they are declined like adjectives: my, my, my, mine etc. In a sentence they are used as agreed definitions.

4. Demonstrative pronouns that" this, such, such, so much, this, that (the last two are obsolete) indicate objects or their qualities, quantity. They usually define the name of a noun, with which they agree in gender, number and case, while inflecting like an adjective: that number, that angle. Pronoun that's how it is has only gender and number forms: such, such, such, such . It is used much less frequently than such , and usually acts as a nominal part of a compound predicate: The cheese fell out - with it was cheat that's how it is .

Pronoun so many combined with a plural noun, therefore it changes only by case, while maintaining the emphasis on the first syllable when declensing: so many books, so many books etc.

5. Interrogative pronouns who, what, which, which, whose, which, how many used in interrogative sentences to express a question about an object, attribute or quantity: "What time is it now?"

Pronouns who, what, how much change only by case (who, to whom, by whom etc.), which, which, whose - by gender, number and case: which, which, which, which; what, what, what etc.; which - by gender and number: what, what, what are. When pronoun declension How many the emphasis remains on the basis: how many, how many, how many etc.

Pronoun which used when asking about the order of a count or one of several items: What time is it now? When asked about the quality of an object, the pronoun is used Which : What color do you like?

6. Relative pronouns who, what, which, which, whose, which, how many differ from interrogatives in that they are used only to connect parts of a complex sentence: Relative pronouns change in the same way as interrogatives.

7. Determinative pronouns all, everyone, each, himself, most, different, different have different functions. For example, pronouns everyone, everyone point to an object taken from among many, have meaning "every possible, every single one". Pronoun all has a generalized collective meaning: Determinative pronouns have gender forms (all, all, everything) numbers (every, all sorts) and case (everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone etc.).

8. Negative pronouns no one, nothing, no one, nothing, none, no one's, not at all indicate the absence of an object, sign: no one came, nothing to say. They are formed from interrogative pronouns using prefixes not-, neither- and therefore change in the same way as the words from which they are derived: no one, no one, no one, no one etc.; no, no, no, no etc.

Pronouns no one, nothing have no Im case forms.

If negative pronouns are used with a preposition, it is placed between no, neither and pronoun: no one, no one.

9. Indefinite pronouns someone, something, some, some, someone, something, anyone, anything, any, some, several and others are formed from interrogative pronouns using prefixes no-, some - and postfixes -this, -either, -something . They are used to indicate uncertain objects, characteristics and quantities, to indicate approximately an object, characteristic or quantity. Pronouns some, some, some, any, any, someone's and others answering questions “which?”, “whose?”, vary by gender (some, some, some), numbers ( ka- anyone, any ), cases (some, some, some etc.).

Pronoun someone used only in the form Im p, something - in the forms Im and V P.



Morphology: (no) what? discharge, what? category, (see) what? discharge, how? discharge, about what? about the category; pl. What? ranks, (no) what? ranks, what? discharges, (see) what? ranks, how? discharges, about what? about ranks

Atelier of the highest level. | In the classification of sciences, work on artificial intelligence has been transferred from the category of theoretical to the category of applied science.

2. When they say that something from the category something, then this means that some event, incident, etc. can be attributed to some stable type.

Her secret was one of those that women prefer to take with them to the grave.

3. If anything is done first class, then this means that someone arranges something with the best of possible ways.

Have a first-class wedding.

4. Discharge The level of someone's qualifications in any profession, specialty, sport, etc. is called.

Fifth class mechanic. | Raise the rank of an experienced employee. | Receive the highest rank. | Third junior category in fencing.

5. In mathematics discharge is the place that a digit occupies when writing a number.

Senior rank. | Zero value of the left digit. | Two decimal places.

bit adj.

[energy] noun, m., used infrequently

1. Discharge is called the transfer of energy by the battery to the consumer.

The battery is completely discharged. | Time, battery discharge rate.

2. Electric discharge called the instantaneous flow of current through a gaseous medium, which is accompanied by a flash and a loud sound.

Arc discharge. | Atmospheric, lightning discharges. | Lightning strike. | Powerful, strong discharge.

bit adj.

Discharge current.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev.

D. V. Dmitriev.:



    See what “discharge” is in other dictionaries: Derived from the verb “to discharge” or from the verb “to thin out”, it has many meanings in various areas. Contents 1 Division 2 Management 3 Physics ... Wikipedia DISCHARGE- (1) battery mode, reverse (see) of the battery, determined by its electrical capacity and consisting in a long-term return of the accumulated electrical energy

    when the payload (external circuit) is turned on. Acid R. should not be allowed... ...

    Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary 1. Rank 1, category, male. 1. who what. Department, group, genus, category in some division of objects, phenomena that differ in one way or another. Plant category (bot.). "All yours when the payload (external circuit) is turned on. Acid R. should not be allowed... ...

    old life led you to the conclusion that people...

    Row, layer, genus, breed, species, subspecies, division, order, analysis, family, group, variety, category, series, class, type, genre; party, order, sect, section, school. Wed. . .. See degree... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under … Synonym dictionary

1. DISCHARGE, a; m. 1. Group, genus, category of which l. objects, people, phenomena that are similar to each other in one way or another. Belong to the category of strong-willed people. To fall into the category of those letters that are not answered. Atelier of the highest level.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary