Virgo and Aquarius: comfortable compatibility in personal relationships. Compatibility of Virgo and Aquarius in love and marriage

The union of an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man is not very successful. Aquarius shocks the cautious and prudent Virgo; Virgo irritates Aquarius with his stinginess and lack of hospitality towards strangers. They both need to work hard to make their couple strong and happy.

Aquarius-Virgo compatibility: how to seduce a Virgo man?

You can find many approaches to a Virgo man. It is easiest for a woman of the Aquarius sign to act through his intellect. Virgo loves to reason, analyze, and draw conclusions. Aquarius is a storehouse of stories and situations that cannot be solved according to a template. The man will have something to puzzle over. The strength of the Virgo-Aquarius union is their sexual compatibility. Virgos do not like aggressively sexual women, and they will like the friendly romanticism of Aquarius. In addition, neither Virgo nor Aquarius put sex first in their value system, so over the years the couple develops a moderate intimate life, which suits both of them. What should you not do in the process of conquering Virgo? Virgo loves to be taken care of in everyday life. An Aquarius woman cannot do this. I want to write this word in capital letters. IT IS FORBIDDEN. The Aquarius woman’s ideas about everyday life are more reminiscent of a disaster to Virgo. Do not visit him - he will closely look at whether you are ready to help around the house and how exactly you manage things. Invite him to visit you, he still won’t understand how your life works, or meet on neutral territory.

What does an ideal couple look like: Aquarius woman – Virgo man?

There are few snow leopards, but, nevertheless, no one doubts their existence. It’s the same story with couples of Aquarius and Virgo - you rarely see them, but at least from a statistical probability they exist. Let's talk about how to make an ordinary, not exemplary couple of Aquarius and Virgo ideal and what you will get from it. In an ideal couple, people can understand each other perfectly or be a mystery to their partner, burn with passion all their lives or lead a moderate intimate life, accumulate wealth or live in poverty. The main thing is that everyone feels comfortable in an ideal couple. For comfort, an Aquarius woman needs nothing to restrict her freedom, and at the same time support her and protect her from her own impracticality. Great, the Virgo man can do this! Just don’t expect him to become your devoted ally in your active lifestyle and search for truth. He will always be a little aloof, busy with his own affairs. In return, the Virgo man would like not to be forced to take risks and lead a disordered life. Don't disrupt his schedule, don't put him in dangerous or awkward situations, and he won't have any complaints against you.

What are the difficulties in a union between an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man?

The difficulty that the couple will face from the very beginning is the question of how to spend their time. First meetings Aquarius is interested in the measured life of Virgo. Yes, and Virgo, as an experiment, can break into one of her escapades together with Aquarius. But as soon as the first passions subside, everyone will want to return to their usual leisure time. Aquarius needs a kaleidoscope of impressions, communication with friends, active work to help others. Virgo loves her cozy home and quiet, peaceful evenings. It would seem that it would be as easy as shelling pears to agree that they will spend their leisure time separately, as is convenient for each. But it was not there! A woman will sincerely try to “infuse” Virgo into her circle of friends - it’s so interesting! And Virgo will begin to suspect Aquarius that she is doing whatever she wants behind his back, and from time to time she will ironically wonder why the top of his head itches so much—whether horns are breaking through. Such hints, even in jest, offend a sincere and decent Aquarius woman.

The Virgo man is smart and will not change his beloved. Sometimes he will awaken in him a desire to teach her, to “improve” her, to make his interests her interests too, and sometimes he may petty but aptly criticize her way of relaxing. But by and large, he understands that it will not be possible to change either himself or her and calmly accepts the fact that different types of leisure are suitable for them. The main thing is not to disturb him, not to disrupt his plans, not to make a mess in the apartment before rushing off to adventure, then Virgo will calmly go about her business. The Aquarius woman’s task is to learn not to be offended by Virgo’s comments, criticism and jokes. That's the kind of person he is. Aquarius has incredible humor, subtle and not understandable to everyone, has a good sense of the poetry of the absurd, is ironic and cold-blooded. Remember these traits of yours and use them in response to comments. But not out loud: Virgo loves to criticize and be sarcastic, but does not tolerate this addressed to her. However, an internal humorous attitude will help Aquarius not to be offended.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man at work

The business union of an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man is most often unsuccessful. They are so different that they seem to speak different languages. Virgo is not able to appreciate the flight of thought of Aquarius, Aquarius cannot work in the measured and planned schedule of the boring Virgo.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man - colleagues or partners

They will work well only in one case, if they have different responsibilities. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that a lot of Aquarius and Virgo work in television journalism, and their presence there ensures the good work of the department. But still, they rarely have friendly relations or work on a common project.

When an Aquarius woman is a boss and a Virgo man is a subordinate

This is not the worst balance of power. The Aquarius woman does not like to command, but the Virgo man has great responsibility and hard work, so he can work without constant supervision. Although he will be offended by Aquarius’ inattention to his zeal.

When an Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and a Virgo man is a boss

Most often this is a disgusting combination. The Aquarius woman does not like control over herself and is capable of using not even business, but purely feminine techniques so that she is left alone. And you cannot find a more meticulous, meticulous boss who delves into all the details than Virgo. It will be difficult for them to work together.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Virgo man in friendship

The relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man would most correctly be called friendly. The Virgo man is not interested in female friends, and certainly not ready to be as sincere, reliable and devoted to friendship as Aquarius. He will be interested in seeing her from time to time on neutral territory (Virgos invite to their home reluctantly and only those who, by their standards, are quite predictable and neat). They have different views on the same situation. Therefore, most often Aquarius and Virgo are united by common business interests or long-standing, childhood friendship (both are true to their memories and respect the past). Cheating on the part of unfree people of these signs is very unlikely: Aquarius does not have such a level of sexual magnetism as to make the prudent Virgo, who does not like scenes of jealousy, forget herself.

Virgo and Aquarius are different in everything, but these zodiac signs are peaceful enough to find a common language. Despite the difference in characters and habits, they respect each other’s positive qualities. There is no pressure, conflict or aggression in this relationship.

VIRGO man and AQUARIUS woman

It cannot be said that it will be easy for these people to work together, but if they are interested in each other, they will be willing to compromise. Great sacrifice is characteristic of a virgin; next to him, his companion will feel like a real lady. The Aquarius woman is more sociable and emotional; thanks to her temperament, this relationship will not be boring, and the Virgo man will appreciate it.

♍ + ♒: In love

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— From the outside, these relations look calm and measured. They do not have violent passion, insane jealousy, or loud quarrels. In fact, a Virgo guy's feelings can be very deep, but he will never flaunt them. The Aquarius girl, although more open to the world around her, is also balanced and does not like to discuss her personal life.

Lack of conflict is perhaps the only thing that unites these people. An Aquarius girl will always strive for new acquaintances and knowledge, her lover is more conservative and does not need adventures and big campaigns. A girl will most often come to meetings with friends alone; a Virgo guy prefers to spend his leisure time differently. On his part, jealousy towards his beloved is not excluded. Since he rarely accompanies her, his idea of ​​​​her communication with people is based only on her words, and virgins are not the most trusting people. If an Aquarius girl values ​​this loving and reliable man, it is in her interests to be as open as possible with him and not provoke him to jealousy.

♍ + ♒: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— In family life, the relationship of this couple is somewhat more complicated than in free life. For a Virgo man, home and family are the most important things, and he will do everything possible to strengthen the marriage and create comfort. The Aquarius woman is not so strongly attached to the house; her husband will voluntarily take on most of the household responsibilities. She spends a lot of time outside the home and does not always consider it necessary to explain to her husband the reasons for her absence, thereby provoking him to unnecessary thoughts. From mental torment, a Virgo man can move on to controlling his wife, but Aquarius will not tolerate restrictions on freedom.

The material side of this marriage will be stable thanks to the Virgo’s ability to manage money wisely. The Aquarius woman is characterized by frivolity; thoughts about tomorrow do not bother her. The spouses will not quarrel over this, but the Virgo man will control his wife’s expenses.

In intimate life, at first everything will be fine, but when Aquarius wants to experiment, she may encounter the conservatism of her husband and be unpleasantly surprised. If the basis for marriage was the sexual attraction of partners, it will not last long. In other cases, this couple has a chance for a long and quiet life.

♍ + ♒: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— A strong friendship between a Virgo guy and an Aquarius girl will be the biggest exception to the rule. Most often, this couple does not have to hope for more than friendly communication. They are too different, and their concepts also differ. These people will not irritate each other and conflict, but they are unlikely to want to get closer.

AQUARIUS man and VIRGO woman

At the beginning of their acquaintance, these people are very attractive to each other, but as they get closer, it becomes clear to them how different they are. It is better for a couple of Aquarius and Virgo to immediately tune in to constant compromises, or go in different directions, so as not to complicate life for themselves and their partner. But they do not always agree to choose between these two options, and often prefer to stay together and each follow their own line.

♒ + ♍: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The relationship of this couple can be relatively smooth, as long as they are not sealed by marriage and are not burdened by living together. If an Aquarius guy has chosen this girl, he should think carefully about whether he can get along with her character. Virgo is a practical woman, neat in everything, guided not by feelings, but by common sense. For an Aquarius guy, these qualities of hers will seem attractive at first, but as soon as he is faced with the exactingness of his chosen one, who is also trying to control him, his opinion about his beloved will change dramatically.

Virgo sees Aquarius as an unreliable person, she does not fully trust him, she believes that she cannot count on him. If this couple has serious feelings, it is better for them to test their relationship with time and not rush into marriage.

♒ + ♍: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION“In this marriage, the relationship between the spouses is very far from perfect. Constant clarification of relationships, resentment and presentation of mutual claims is an everyday matter for this couple. Virgo, although practical, is seen by Aquarius as boring and grumpy, and she sees him as childish and irresponsible. The wife will communicate with her husband like a mother with a naughty teenager, but Aquarius loves freedom and will defend her rights to independence.

The spouses will spend their free time separately; they do not and cannot have common friends. Aquarius would be quite happy with this state of affairs, but Virgo believes that the spouses must while away their leisure time together, and she will not remain silent. As a result, there will be more quarrels in the family over this issue.

Most often, such marriages end in divorce or turn into a cold war. Relationships in this family can be relatively strong if the spouses are of sufficiently mature age. Early marriages are usually doomed to failure.

♒ + ♍: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— Friendship between a Virgo girl and an Aquarius guy is almost impossible. In the general campaign, even if they intersect, they do not notice each other point-blank, and they will have nothing to do alone. They are not interested in each other, there is no trust between them. These people simply do not need to get closer, so if they spend a lot of time together, then this is no longer a matter of mutual interest.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign


Virgo man


Aquarius Woman

It cannot be said that it will be easy for these people to work together, but if they are interested in each other, they will be willing to compromise. Great sacrifice is characteristic of a virgin; next to him, his companion will feel like a real lady. The Aquarius woman is more sociable and emotional; thanks to her temperament, this relationship will not be boring, and the Virgo man will appreciate it.

The Virgo man is the most economic sign in relationships. They are very decent in relationships, but it is difficult for them to get into the flow of fun, and they appreciate it when someone takes them out of everyday monotony. Virgos do not know how to disconnect from their affairs and thoughts, which sometimes makes them boring. They need help to relax.

Aquarius woman - in relationships there is an inherent desire for perfection, often excessive, reaching the point of sterility. She wants to surpass herself, in love this sometimes leads to pretense. Virgo approaches marriage rationally, even despite its own feelings, which this sign tends to neglect.

Unfortunately, the prospects for such a union are far from the most rosy: it is very difficult for an Aquarius woman, with her unpredictability and love of freedom, and a conservative Virgo man to get along together. The fact is that they both have complex and very strong characters, so this couple’s braid can turn out to be a stone soon enough. In everyday life, this can result in conflicts and resentments: the Aquarius woman is inclined to blame Virgo for an insufficiently interesting, monotonous life, but it is difficult for him to come to terms with her desire to spend as much time as possible outside the home, which is why they are both dissatisfied with each other. If this relationship is dear to Virgo and Aquarius, they should accept their partner as he is, without trying to change him. If it makes sense for them to “remake” anyone in order to stay together, it’s only themselves.

At first they are attracted to each other, but the further fate of this union depends in almost everything on the mutual desire to overcome the absolute incompatibility of temperaments. The Virgo man and the Aquarius woman, thanks to the warm feelings that have arisen between them, are able to find common ground and mutual understanding. Each of them should try to show interest in their partner as often as possible and be ready to compromise - then the family has a chance to stay together for a long time. Otherwise, they cannot avoid problems, since everyone is inclined to believe that his lifestyle is the only correct one, and does not allow criticism. In this case, their coexistence becomes a difficult test. The Virgo man can appreciate his chosen one’s desire to assert herself, her creative impulses, just as the Aquarius woman is, in principle, impressed by his punctuality, commitment and practicality. They can be united by the desire for self-improvement and cooperation to strengthen the family’s wealth. But even mutual respect will not help make this union unbreakable. They are at completely different positions in life, so developing relationships is very difficult.

Virgo man - Aquarius woman - one thing can be said for sure about this couple: a lifelong Contract will not be concluded until there is true love between them, due to the special relative position of the Moon and planets in their horoscopes. It is difficult for the earthly (Virgo) to master the air element (Aquarius). And he is often annoyed that the air is in the clouds, considers him a superficial person. His pragmatism presses the air. And on this basis they conflict. Air considers earth neither refined nor romantic. And the earth is irritated by the fantasies of the air. Air stimulates the intellect of the earth, and the earth is able to realize the fantasies of its air partner. Here you need to learn to understand and respect your partner’s feelings.

Impeccability and decency are what makes Virgo and Aquarius compatibility almost perfect. They have so much in common that there is no point in even doubting their strong alliance. Business-like, serious, neat and slightly old-fashioned when it comes to family and traditions. Virgo and Aquarius are sensitive to personal space and spiritual comfort. Virgo and Aquarius are similar to absolutism and separation from the imperfections of everyday life. These are the two most infertile signs, the common fault of which is coldness: their feelings are like disciplined water, in which even germs do not arise. Together it is extremely difficult for them to come to any productive results. But in theory they are much stronger than in practice, and therefore the sphere of their joint application of forces must be completely ideal.

There is no desire to understand each other, the union is fragile

The attraction of this couple is very contradictory. Usually the life of a Virgo man develops in such a way that from a very early age he was not successful with the opposite sex. For Earth signs, this is justified by the fact that in order to be confident, they first need to get on their feet. And then the Virgo man stood up to them, years later. Now he appreciates the attention of women. Among whom there may be an Aquarius woman - she is also the “rabbit” that beckons him. This is what will force him, wise and experienced, to embark on this adventure for the sake of new sensations.

Continuing to assert himself in his and her eyes in the material sense, the Virgo man will create a strong rear for his woman and provide all the benefits. After this, he will consider that he has the moral right to demand from his chosen one tenderness, devotion and the desire to admire his successes. His calmness and rationality will arouse the sympathy of the Aquarius woman, who will not accept even the slightest manifestation of rudeness. She will happily try to become a holiday woman for him, capable of filling every day with bright emotions. And while the Virgo man has not become acquainted with the real carefree nature of his chosen one, he will be completely satisfied with her.

Compatibility horoscope. Virgo Man and Aquarius Woman

There are relationships that at first glance do not bear any logic. A classic example is the union of a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman, whose compatibility under certain circumstances is very favorable. Under what conditions - you will find out right now.

It’s possible that stars are also sometimes not averse to joking and playing pranks on people. After all, how can you explain that the chances of building a couple between an Aquarius man and a Virgo woman are practically zero, and at the same time, when these two are of a different gender, the picture looks much more optimistic?

The compatibility of a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman in a love relationship is favorable enough for the couple to at least make big plans for the future. The fact is that Virgos are practical, organized and prefer to do more than just talk. Haven't these traits been rightfully considered classic masculine qualities since ancient times?

And the Aquarius woman is charming, sociable and capable of inspiring almost anyone, and even more so her lover. Are these not the qualities we expect from ladies, especially in times of testing? So it turns out that when the classics of the male and female genres come together, an excellent tandem emerges that can win many joint victories and overcome many obstacles.

Virgo will undoubtedly be captivated by the fact that his girlfriend is very easy-going, prefers a non-conflict way of communication and generally very often compromises. She is sociable, friendly and capable of truly charming anyone if she wishes. And in a virgin, she will be attracted by strength of character, which is felt almost from the first date. And attentiveness to detail, prudence, a balanced position are the undoubted trump cards of a man of this zodiac sign.

It is not surprising that they will get a good impression on the first date. It often happens that sympathy arises very quickly, and the rest of the time they literally enjoy spending time together. True, one should not expect Brazilian passion on either side.

The point is not that Virgo and Aquarius are dry, cold people (by the way, sometimes it may seem like this, but this is definitely a misconception). They are simply very critical of the world around them and prefer to weigh their every step, calculating the consequences of this or that action or inaction.

And from the looks of it, it seems like both are procrastinating. But they both like to play this kind of game: when everything develops rationally, when there are some pleasant understatements, and officially they are just pleasant acquaintances. And at the same time, they are doing what they are discussing behind their backs, who and how they behaved at the last evening - the girl will probably begin to think about why she dressed so pretentiously. And Aquarius will not be able to sleep because he does not know what that call the day before could have meant.

You see, it’s just that the girl of this sign loves everything mysterious, and the Virgo guy is secretive and cunning enough to immediately take and reveal all his trump cards.

So it turns out that although in fact their interest in each other in the first months will be simply colossal, neither one nor the other will show their true colors. Otherwise, what is the point of this game that they are so interested in playing?

Of course, sooner or later this situation will be resolved and the masks will fall off. And then the Virgo man will discover in the Aquarius girl a whole world, hitherto unknown. And she will be surprised to discover that the virgin, despite all the opposite personality, loves to analyze words, behavior, and views. Virgo is generally incredibly fixated on all sorts of little things, because he does not consider them as such.

Conflicts in a couple will begin at the moment when Virgo tries to begin to put some pressure on Aquarius, criticizing her character, her friends, her truly reckless actions. Moreover, the Virgo will try to capture the lady’s entire attention, because he approaches any business thoroughly and demands a lot not only from others, but also from himself.

Here a man gets to know the other side of Aquarius - his fanatical love for inner freedom. The fact is that Aquarius can hardly be corrected until he himself realizes the need and, if you like, the inevitability of change. And this girl will reject external pressure purely instinctively. It is simply impossible to come to an agreement with her using the language of threats, banging your fists on the table and firm words: “I decided - so be it.” You will need to look for an approach, both one and the other.

And he may not like the fact that his partner has a bunch of strange friends who simply demoralize her and distract her from everyday problems. Virgo wants her wife to always be there, so that she can rely on her and count on her at any moment, which is unlikely to happen from Aquarius.

There is only one piece of advice from the stars: if you want to achieve favorable compatibility in love, you should enhance the advantages of your tandem. And, believe me, there are a lot of them. The Virgo man cares about his career and will do everything to provide for his future family. And the positive influence of Aquarius on his beloved will allow him to literally move mountains. Use such a strong combination to the fullest and do not focus on the annoying little things that happen in abundance in the life of any couple.

Marriage compatibility: everything on the shelves

Convincing an Aquarius to live like everyone else, basing their judgments on what is simply accepted, is a blank shot. We are talking about going to the registry office. This requires a special talent - a natural one. Therefore, try to come from the other side, the stars advise pragmatic Virgos. Aquarius is freedom-loving and does not strive for marriage. Such a girl would just like to live, without being bound by any cliches. Then you can try to charm her with dreams of a future wedding - after all, almost any girl harbors such dreams. True, even in this case it is better to give the event a completely unusual scenario. And be sure to listen to Aquarius, try to take into account all her wishes, otherwise you know what she will do?

He'll be offended. And the resentment of an Aquarius does not last long if she is convinced that her legitimate interests and personal freedom have been infringed. Virgo should always remember this and not go too far.

So, when the deed is done, and two interesting people have become real spouses, a long period of adaptation begins. It certainly won’t be boring in an Aquarius house, but in terms of self-organization, this beautiful lady is a little behind. Although a Virgo man can compensate for such a lag and stand at the stove himself, go to the store himself, take out the trash himself - in the end, what’s so terrible?

And indeed, he will carry out his household duties for a long time - he’s just a real hard worker. But here’s some advice for Aquarius: don’t abuse the Virgo’s patience, it’s great, but not endless. Help your husband with everything - he will appreciate it. Then the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe. You, in essence, free yourself from routine by helping your spouse from time to time. And he receives the necessary confidence that his beloved wife is always at hand and will help if anything happens. In this case, compatibility in family relationships will be quite high.

By the way, feel free to put all financial management in his hands. Believe me, in this case you will play a game in which every next move you make leads to victory. The fact is that Virgos are born accountants. They are constantly looking for ways to save money and increase family income. Wonderful qualities, right? Don’t stop your natural talent from expressing itself - and you will be happy!

Sexual compatibility: a rational approach

Do you think there are no men who are not obsessed with sex? You are mistaken. And tell me, are you sure that all ladies need hot nights? Past again. Yes, sex plays a big role in a relationship, but not a key one - this can be said about a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman, whose compatibility in bed is in perfect harmony against the background of similar temperaments of the partners.

You see, a Virgo simply loves moderation in everything. Why passions and thunderstorms? Better slowly but surely. And Aquarius may even forget that it’s been several weeks since she’s been with her man at one o’clock in the night. And oddly enough, such a rational approach works like clockwork. Essentially, each partner gets what he needs, and that is quite enough.

Compatibility at work: when an idea becomes a real plan

Aquarius's ability to constantly bring original ideas into drab workdays can please the practical Virgo man, if only he sees real benefit in them. It’s certain that no one else can implement bold initiatives as well as he can.

And Aquarius, having seen the real, and not imagined, fruits of his idea, will simply be stunned: and how well everything turned out! True, it is worth noting to be fair: the compatibility of a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman at work reaches its highest point if their responsibilities are clearly divided. Then they complement each other well, and the matter only wins.

Virgo and Aquarius: different, interesting, very different. Meanwhile, the stars give them good chances to be together.

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