St. Nicholas Day: history, traditions and signs of the holiday. Church Orthodox holiday of December

Every year on December 19, believers glorify the memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker - the great saint of God, famous for his many good deeds, mercy and compassion for others, selflessness and righteousness. The miracles created by the saint did not stop even after the completion of his life’s journey.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in Rus'. His memorial day is celebrated twice a year: on August 11, the church glorifies his birth, and on December 19, the church honors the day of his death. The saint received the nickname “Wonder Worker” because the prayer addressed to him had miraculous power: the sick found healing, the suffering found peace, and seekers were guided on the true path. Christians to this day receive confirmation of the life-giving power of prayer words. Requests are sent to the saint for recovery, assistance in business, good luck on trips and travels, peace in the family, and protection of children from misfortunes.

Orthodox Christians often call Nicholas “the Pleasant” - for his greatest righteousness and godly deeds. The saint is zealously revered in the Western world: in the minds of Catholic Christians, the image of St. Nicholas was combined with a folk hero and embodied in the form of Santa Claus - good spirit Christmas bringing gifts to children.

history of the holiday

Nicholas the Wonderworker was born into a wealthy but righteous family: his parents sought to help everyone in need, allocated a lot of funds for charity and fervently believed in Christian teaching.

Even as a child, the saint determined his future path: from an early age he studied the Holy Scriptures, often attended church, and spent many solitary hours in prayer. Having reached maturity, he was made a reader and then took the post of priest. After the death of his parents, Saint Nicholas distributed all the wealth he had inherited to those in need, and he himself retired from worldly life and devoted himself entirely to worship. It was a difficult time when Christians suffered frequent persecution at the hands of the Roman rulers. Nicholas the Wonderworker was not afraid of difficulties: despite all the dangers of such an act, he ascended the throne of bishop.

Responsiveness, mercy, willingness to help with deeds and advice - all this earned Nicholas the Pleasant the love of his parishioners. The saint was merciless towards only one thing - towards the pagan faith and heretics. He destroyed the sanctuaries of the pagans and tirelessly denounced the liars who distorted the teachings of Christ.

Many miraculous events happened thanks to the power of Nicholas’ prayer. Was saved from hunger the whole city: The Higher Powers heard the saint’s prayers, and people were granted salvation. Sailors emerged unscathed from terrible storms, and those unjustly imprisoned were freed from their shackles.

The exact year of death of Nicholas the Wonderworker is unknown. The world knows only the date - December 19, which is revered as the day of remembrance of the saint.

The Orthodox world has a special love for Nicholas the Ugodnik. Many temples, churches and monasteries are dedicated to the saint. People called his memorial day, December 19, “Nikola the Winter.” Behind for a long time Many traditions associated with this date have appeared. Many have been known since ancient times.

Traditions of the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

On the day of St. Nicholas the Winter in Rus', it was customary to gather all relatives under one roof. The celebration lasted for several days, to which everyone was invited. Everyone contributed what they could, and there was a great feast. Required attribute there were pies - they greeted Nikola Zimny ​​with them and “appeased the winter”. And in some areas they even slaughtered a common bull, which had previously been fattened by the entire village for several years. Part of the meat was given to the church, and from the other part they prepared food for the holiday.

Young boys and girls on St. Nicholas Winter began to prepare for Christmastide: they looked for a hut, prepared firewood for the hearth, sewed outfits and masks for the mummers. In some settlements, matchmaking began on St. Nicholas the Winter.

It was believed that Nikolai Ugodnik walked around the earth on December 19, dispersing all dark spirits. To cleanse their home, people made a special candle: after praying to the saint, the whole family chewed honeycomb, from the wax of which a candle was subsequently made for St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Every year, with love and respect, believers honor the memory of the saint, praying for protection and help. Bright dates of the calendar always remind us that the Higher Powers do not leave a person without their protection. Turn to the light more often, take care of yourself and don’t forget to press the buttons and

16.12.2016 06:10

On October twenty-eighth, believers will traditionally venerate the miraculous icon Mother of God“The Breadwinner,” asking her for...

*** Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, wonderworker (c. 345).
Saint Maximus, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus' (1305). Martyr Nicholas Karaman (1657).

Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, wonderworker

On December 19, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of travelers and sailors. And he is one of the most revered saints in the entire Orthodox world.

Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, wonderworker, became famous as a great saint of God. He was born in the city of Patara, Lycian region (on the southern coast of the Asia Minor Peninsula), and was the only son of pious parents Theophanes and Nonna, who vowed to dedicate him to God. The fruit of long prayers to the Lord of childless parents, the baby Nicholas from the day of his birth showed people the light of his future glory as a great wonderworker. His mother, Nonna, was immediately healed of her illness after giving birth. The newborn baby, still in the baptismal font, stood on his feet for three hours, unsupported by anyone, giving honor to Holy Trinity. Saint Nicholas in infancy began a life of fasting, took his mother’s milk on Wednesdays and Fridays, only once, after evening prayers parents.
From childhood, Nikolai excelled in the study of Divine Scripture; During the day he did not leave the temple, and at night he prayed and read books, creating within himself a worthy dwelling of the Holy Spirit. His uncle, Bishop Nicholas of Patara, rejoicing at the spiritual success and high piety of his nephew, made him a reader, and then elevated Nicholas to the rank of priest, making him his assistant and instructing him to speak instructions to the flock. While serving the Lord, the young man was burning in spirit, and in his experience in matters of faith he was like an old man, which aroused the surprise and deep respect of the believers. Constantly working and vigilant, being in unceasing prayer, Presbyter Nicholas showed great mercy to his flock, coming to the aid of the suffering, and distributed all his property to the poor. Having learned about the bitter need and poverty of one previously rich resident of his city, Saint Nicholas saved him from great sin. Having three adult daughters, the desperate father planned to give them over to fornication to save them from hunger. The saint, grieving for the dying sinner, secretly threw three bags of gold out his window at night and thereby saved the family from fall and spiritual death. When giving alms, Saint Nicholas always tried to do it secretly and hide his good deeds.
Going to worship the holy places in Jerusalem, the Bishop of Patara entrusted the management of the flock to Saint Nicholas, who carried out obedience with care and love. When the bishop returned, he, in turn, asked for a blessing to travel to the Holy Land. On the way, the saint predicted an approaching storm that threatened to sink the ship, for he saw the devil himself entering the ship. At the request of desperate travelers, he pacified with his prayer sea ​​waves. Through his prayer, one ship's sailor, who fell from the mast and fell to his death, was restored to health.
Having reached ancient city Jerusalem, Saint Nicholas, having ascended to Golgotha, thanked the Savior of the human race and walked around all the holy places, worshiping and praying. At night on Mount Zion, the locked doors of the church opened by themselves in front of the great pilgrim who came. Having visited the shrines associated with the earthly ministry of the Son of God, Saint Nicholas decided to retire into the desert, but was stopped by a Divine voice, exhorting him to return to his homeland. Returning to Lycia, the saint, striving for a silent life, entered the brotherhood of the monastery called Holy Zion. However, the Lord again announced a different path awaiting him: “Nicholas, this is not the field in which you should bear the fruit I expect; but turn and go into the world, and may My Name be glorified in you.” In a vision, the Lord gave him the Gospel in an expensive setting, and the Most Holy Mother of God - an omophorion.
And indeed, after the death of Archbishop John, he was elected Bishop of Myra in Lycia after one of the bishops of the Council, which was deciding the issue of electing a new archbishop, was shown in a vision the chosen one of God - Saint Nicholas. Called to shepherd the Church of God in the rank of bishop, Saint Nicholas remained the same great ascetic, showing to his flock the image of meekness, gentleness and love for people. This was especially dear to the Lycian Church during the persecution of Christians under the emperor Diocletian (284 - 305). Bishop Nicholas, imprisoned along with other Christians, supported them and exhorted them to firmly endure the bonds, torture and torment. The Lord preserved him unharmed. Upon the accession of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine, Saint Nicholas was returned to his flock, who joyfully met their mentor and intercessor. Despite his great meekness of spirit and purity of heart, Saint Nicholas was a zealous and daring warrior of the Church of Christ. Fighting against the spirits of evil, the saint went around pagan temples and temples in the city of Myra itself and its environs, crushing idols and turning the temples to dust. In 325, Saint Nicholas was a participant in the First Ecumenical Council, which adopted the Nicene Creed, and took up arms with Saints Sylvester, Pope of Rome, Alexander of Alexandria, Spyridon of Trimythous and others from the 318 holy fathers of the Council against the heretic Arius.
In the heat of denunciation, Saint Nicholas, burning with zeal for the Lord, even strangled the false teacher, for which he was deprived of his holy omophorion and put into custody. However, it was revealed to several holy fathers in a vision that the Lord Himself and the Mother of God ordained the saint as a bishop, giving him the Gospel and an omophorion. The Fathers of the Council, realizing that the boldness of the saint was pleasing to God, glorified the Lord, and restored His holy saint to the rank of hierarch. Returning to his diocese, the saint brought her peace and blessing, sowing the word of Truth, cutting off at the very root wrong-thinking and vain wisdom, denouncing inveterate heretics and healing those who had fallen and deviated through ignorance. He was truly the light of the world and the salt of the earth, for his life was light and his word was dissolved in the salt of wisdom. During his lifetime the saint performed many miracles. Of these, the greatest glory was brought to the saint by his deliverance from the death of three men, unjustly condemned by the self-interested mayor. The saint boldly approached the executioner and held his sword, which was already raised above the heads of the condemned. The mayor, convicted by Saint Nicholas of untruth, repented and asked him for forgiveness. Three military leaders sent by Emperor Constantine to Phrygia were present. They did not yet suspect that they would soon also have to seek the intercession of St. Nicholas, since they had been undeservedly slandered before the emperor and doomed to death. Appearing in a dream to Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine, Saint Nicholas called on him to release the military leaders unjustly condemned to death, who, while in prison, prayerfully called on the saint for help. He performed many other miracles, long years striving in his ministry. Through the prayers of the saint, the city of Myra was saved from severe famine. Appearing in a dream to an Italian merchant and leaving him three gold coins as a pledge, which he found in his hand, waking up the next morning, he asked him to sail to Myra and sell grain there. More than once the saint saved those drowning in the sea, and brought them out of captivity and imprisonment in dungeons.
Having reached a very old age, Saint Nicholas peacefully departed to the Lord (+ 345 - 351). His venerable relics were kept incorrupt in the local cathedral church and exuded healing myrrh, from which many received healings. In 1087, his relics were transferred to the Italian city of Bar, where they rest to this day (May 9).
The name of the great saint of God, Saint and Wonderworker Nicholas, a quick helper and man of prayer for all who flock to him, has become glorified in all corners of the earth, in many countries and peoples. In Rus', many cathedrals, monasteries and churches are dedicated to his holy name. There is, perhaps, not a single city without St. Nicholas Church. In the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker he was baptized by the holy Patriarch Photius in 866 Prince of Kyiv Askold, the first Russian Christian prince (+ 882). Above the grave of Askold there is a saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga(July 11) erected the first church of St. Nicholas in the Russian Church in Kyiv. The main cathedrals were dedicated to St. Nicholas in Izborsk, Ostrov, Mozhaisk, Zaraysk. In Novgorod the Great, one of the main churches of the city is the St. Nicholas Church (XII), which later became a cathedral. There are famous and revered St. Nicholas churches and monasteries in Kyiv, Smolensk, Pskov, Toropets, Galich, Arkhangelsk, Veliky Ustyug, and Tobolsk. Moscow was famous for several dozen churches dedicated to the saint; three Nikolsky monasteries were located in the Moscow diocese: Nikolo-Grechesky (Old) - in Kitai-Gorod, Nikolo-Perervinsky and Nikolo-Ugreshsky. One of the main towers of the Moscow Kremlin is called Nikolskaya. Most often, churches to the saint were erected in trading areas by Russian merchants, sailors and explorers, who revered the wonderworker Nicholas as the patron saint of all travelers on land and sea. Sometimes they were popularly called “Nikola the Wet”. Many rural churches in Rus' are dedicated to the wonderworker Nicholas, the merciful representative before the Lord of all people in their labors, sacredly revered by the peasants. And Saint Nicholas does not abandon the Russian land with his intercession. Ancient Kyiv preserves the memory of the miracle of the saint’s rescue of a drowned baby. The great wonderworker, having heard the mournful prayers of the parents who had lost their only heir, took the baby out of the water at night, revived him and laid him on the choir of the Church of St. Sophia in front of his miraculously. Here the rescued baby was found in the morning by happy parents, who glorified St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with the multitude of people.
A lot of miraculous icons Saint Nicholas appeared in Russia and came from other countries. This is an ancient Byzantine half-length image of the saint (XII), brought to Moscow from Novgorod, and a huge icon painted in the 13th century by a Novgorod master. Two images of the miracle worker are especially common in the Russian Church: St. Nicholas of Zaraisk - full-length, with a blessing right hand and the Gospel (this image was brought to Ryazan in 1225 by the Byzantine princess Eupraxia, who became the wife of the Ryazan prince Theodore and died in 1237 with her husband and baby - son during the invasion of Batu), and St. Nicholas of Mozhaisk - also full-length, with a sword in right hand and the city on the left - in memory miraculous salvation, through the prayers of the saint, the city of Mozhaisk from the attack of the enemy. It is impossible to list all the blessed icons of St. Nicholas. Every Russian city, every temple is blessed with such an icon through the prayers of the saint.

Saint Nicholas became famous as a great saint of God, which is why people usually call him Nicholas the Pleasant. Saint Nicholas was considered “the representative and intercessor of all, the comforter of all the sorrowful, the refuge of all those in trouble, the pillar of piety, the champion of the faithful.” Saint Nicholas is also known as the defender of the slandered, often saving them from the fate of those innocently condemned. He also became famous for his prayers for sailors and other travelers. Christians believe that even today he performs many miracles to help people who pray to him.

Nikolai Ugodnik

The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of travelers and sailors. And he is one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox world.

Saint Nicholas, who lived in the 3rd and 4th centuries, became famous as a great saint of God, therefore People usually call him Nikolai Ugodnik. Saint Nicholas was considered “the representative and intercessor of all, the comforter of all the sorrowful, the refuge of all those in trouble, the pillar of piety, the champion of the faithful.” Christians believe that even today he performs many miracles to help people who pray to him.

While making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Nicholas the Wonderworker, at the request of desperate travelers, calmed the raging sea with prayer. Holding the executioner's sword, Saint Nicholas saved from death three husbands who had been innocently condemned by the self-interested mayor.

Not only believers, but also pagans turned to him, and the saint responded with his constant miraculous help to everyone who sought it. In those he saved from physical troubles, he aroused repentance for sins and a desire to improve their lives.

During his earthly life, he performed so many good deeds for the glory of God that it is impossible to list them, but among them there is one that belongs to the number of virtues and to what served as the basis for their accomplishment, what moved the saint to the feat - his faith, amazing, strong, zealous.

Saint Nicholas died in the middle of the 4th century at a very old age. According to church tradition, the relics of the saint remained incorrupt and exuded miraculous myrrh, from which many people were healed. In 1087, the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant were transferred to the Italian city of Bar (Bari), where they remain to this day.

The Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Nicholas and (according to the new style), as well as weekly, every Thursday, with special hymns. In Russia there are a large number of temples and churches dedicated to the Saint.

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Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in other calendars

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St. Nicholas Day is the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, celebrated on December 6 (19). In the Roman Catholic Church the commemoration is celebrated on December 6th. Gregorian calendar, in the Orthodox Church on December 6 according to the Julian calendar (in the XX and XXI centuries- December 19 according to the Gregorian calendar). The holiday was established in memory of the repose of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, one of the most revered Christian saints in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Who was Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker? history of the holiday

Unlike most saints, whose lives are learned from beliefs and legends, Saint Nicholas is historical figure. The years of his life are considered to be 270 - 345. AD According to legend, Nikolai was the only son of rich and pious parents Feofan and Nona. They begged him from God, because long time were childless, and for this they promised to dedicate their child to religion. Saint Nicholas was orphaned early and lived isolated from everyone, immersed in the world of science.

Already as a youth he was made a reader in the church, as a young man ordained a priest, and as a young man he received the episcopal staff. His church career began during difficult times for Christians. Emperor Diocletian issued a decree according to which preaching Christianity on the territory of the Roman Empire was punishable by death.

Traditions on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Winter St. Nicholas is the day of death of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, celebrated on December 6 (19). The name of the day comes from the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In Slavic folk Orthodoxy, the day ends with a three-day holiday complex: Varvarin, Savin, Nikolin days.

St. Nicholas Day 2017 begins a string of Christmas holidays.

On St. Nicholas's Day, everyone usually gathered together in church to pray to him for health, patronage, protection, and so on. Also, villages and hamlets often practiced the custom of lighting a large joint candle in the church for St. Nicholas, and for this the whole village collected money. The whole village also collected funds in order to organize a holiday.

There was usually kutya, uzvar, wheat beer and other dishes on the tables, and the children were always presented with “Nikolaychiki” (ordinary cookies), telling the children that St. Nicholas had been preparing them for the children all day. Also on this day it was customary to perform as many good deeds and deeds as possible. On St. Nicholas Day they tried to help the poor, the infirm and the homeless.

Signs for the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

It was believed that Nicholas the Wonderworker is not only the patron saint of sailors, but he also helps to make peace and forget all quarrels. Therefore, on this holiday they tried to make amends for all grievances, ask for forgiveness and forgive their offenders themselves.

If the weather was sunny and warm on St. Nicholas Day, then this indicated that the harvest would be meager and poor. Our ancestors also believed that the more snow there was this year, the more greenery and grass there would be in the summer.

If the weather on St. Nicholas is cold and frosty, then the whole winter will be like this, but if the weather is warm on this holiday, then, accordingly, the winter will not be cold.

It was believed that Nikolai’s day also brings Nikola’s frosts with it: “Praise winter after Nikola’s day,” “Nikola would come, and winter will come for him on a sleigh,” “We took winter on a sleigh to Nikola, here’s the thaw.”

On the holiday of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, the peasants of the entire village gathered, brewed beer, lit a candle in the church as a whole and said a prayer service for the sending of all good things, so that next year There was a harvest for wheat and fruits. After which all the villagers began to be treated to mash, beer, pies and a merry ride with songs: “We said hello to the snowy winter by driving around the village three times on a sleigh.” The leftover food was distributed to the poor. And in sayings this day was described as follows: “Nikolshchina is beautiful with beer and pies,” “Invite a friend to Nikolshchina, call your enemy, both will be friends.”

What to give for St. Nicholas the Wonderworker's Day

Gifts for St. Nicholas the Wonderworker's Day depend on the age and hobbies of the children. For example, older children will not be as pleased with sweets as they are with new gadgets or a warm, fashionable sweater.

Therefore, we decided to create a list of the most best gifts for St. Nicholas Day: The first thing, of course, is sweets, but they are more suitable for small children. However, don’t stop at traditional sets. You can cook it yourself, you can buy it, but let it be decorated in an interesting and colorful way. Curious and inquisitive children give educational games. After all, their activity is in full swing and their energy needs to go somewhere. And such a game will interest him and, importantly, will help in the development of the child’s intellectual abilities. But clothes, such as warm sweaters or cardigans, jeans, blouses, ties and shirts, are best given to older children who want to show off their new clothes in front of friends and classmates. You can also give toys, but this type of gift is more suitable for kids. If you want to give such a gift to adult children, then it is better to choose for girls Stuffed Toys, and for boys something more interesting, for example, a radio-controlled helicopter (whether it’s a boy or a man, but at any age they dream of such a toy). A gift-impression is suitable for any child - this can include tickets to the cinema, theatre, circus, performance, excursions and more. Believe me, he will remember this day for a long time.

We can say that St. Nicholas Day is the last big holiday of the outgoing year. It is celebrated exactly one month before Epiphany. People have always believed that in 12 months a year “lives” through a full life cycle - one is born in January, grows, matures and ages, and by the time winter solstice dies.

On December 19, the folk Christian holiday of St. Nicholas the Winter is celebrated, and Orthodox Church honors the memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker. According to Orthodox traditions, on this day you cannot do hard work, and it is better to spend time with family and friends.

A little history

Nicholas the Wonderworker (aka Saint Nicholas, or Nicholas the Pleasant) lived in the 3rd-4th centuries. in Byzantium. The world knew him as Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, or Nicholas of Myra. In life he became famous as a great saint of God; he was considered, and is considered, an intercessor in all troubles. He performed many miracles during his lifetime, and Christians believe that even today he accomplishes the impossible by answering the prayers of believers.

Saint Nicholas is revered as a miracle worker, the patron saint of sailors, merchants, travelers and children. His biography describes one case in which Nikolai, while still very young, was heading from Myra to Alexandria to study. On one of these sea voyages, he resurrected a sailor who had fallen to his death. While making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Nicholas calmed the raging seas with prayer. Saved three innocently convicted men from death.

Not only Christians, but also pagans turned to him, and the saint was always ready to come to the aid of any person.

During his life, the Saint accomplished many good deeds, but his main feat was his amazingly strong and zealous faith. Nikolai Ugodnik died in the middle of the 4th century, being already quite old. According to church tradition, his relics remained incorrupt and exuded myrrh, from which many people received healing. In 1087, the saint’s relics were transported to the city of Bar (Italy), where they remain to this day.

What do children have to do with it?

It is known that on St. Nicholas Day, children find small gifts under their pillows (in European countries gifts for children are placed in shoes that stand near the bed). This tradition has ancient roots. The biography of Nicholas the Wonderworker describes one interesting fact.

While still a child, he filled a bag with food and clothes and walked the streets at night, leaving provisions near the doors of low-income families. In many of them there lived many children, who, one might say, did not let this fact be forgotten.

Traditions and rituals on the day of St. Nicholas the Winter

In Rus' it was believed that Saint Nicholas helps those slandered and innocently convicted. In addition to sailors and merchants, farmers also turned to him for help. Nicholas was considered the second intercessor after God. Even the poor, asking for alms, turned to this saint.

Many peasants set this day as the deadline for completing transactions. It was believed that:

“Nikolsky bargaining is a decree for everything.”

On this day, merchants set fixed prices for a long time in advance.

On “Nikolshchina” (December 19), brotherhoods were organized, people went to church in the morning, and afterwards they set large tables together. No one should be sad on this day; it is believed that this can bring severe frosts.

A little about the weather

St. Nicholas Day is celebrated twice a year: May 22 and December 19. These holidays are connected and predetermine each other:

Winter Nikola will drive the horse into the yard, spring Nikola will fatten the horse.
There are two Nikolas a year: one is herbal, the other is frosty.
Whatever the day is on winter Nikola, it will be the same on summer Nikola.

Usually on the day of December 19th comes very coldy. But in general, the weather on this day is determined by the preceding holidays: Michaelmas Day (November 21), St. George's Day (December 9), Varvara's Day (December 17) and Savva's Day (December 18).

Early frosts on Michaelmas often turn into thaws on Nicholas Day.

From this day on, a sleigh path was laid in the villages, people began to prepare for the transportation and sale of bread, wheat and other grains. Fairs opened and prices for goods were set.

Nicholas Day in the regions of Russia

In Karelia, the Nikolskaya fair was called the reindeer fair, because reindeer herding products were sold there.

In the Middle Urals, starting from December 19 and until February 15 (Candlemas), timber was harvested for construction.

This day is considered important in Pomorie. By this holiday, they finished catching flounder and cod, and the fishermen returned home. On December 19, the time for marine hunting began.

Children in Ukraine were especially looking forward to St. Nicholas Day. They wrote letters to the saint in advance, asking for help in something and for some gifts. In the morning, the children found sweets under their pillows. In Russia, many people do not know about this tradition, but in Lately In schools, they are increasingly beginning to celebrate the holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and giving children gifts.

Folk entertainment

Nikolshchina is a holiday for old people, but there is also a place for young people. Usually on this day there are fun folk festivals with round dances, games and fortune telling. True, by Nikolshchina we should understand not exactly December 19, but the days that precede and follow it church holiday. The people celebrated these days cheerfully and always by sharing. Tables were set up on the streets, and each housewife brought something specially prepared for this holiday. Usually the tables were full of beer and pies.

From this period, young people gathered for evening gatherings. In some places, it was time for matchmaking, and those who planned to get married ordered a prayer service in the church on December 19.

How will you celebrate St. Nicholas Day?

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