What are housing and communal services in the receipt and what is included in the list of services? Housing services.

Every living space should be well-equipped so that a person feels comfortable in it. But he must pay for utilities provided by housing and communal services and resource supply organizations. He is responsible for the use of common property owned by residents.

General provisions

The wording “housing and communal facilities” refers to objects of external improvement of settlements and local areas.

These include green spaces, pedestrian roads and elements of their improvement, street lighting, equipped areas and parking lots located in the local area, plots, and engineering structures.

What it is

The expression “utilities” means the activities of relevant organizations to provide buildings and structures with certain resources. They are supplied by specialized enterprises that are performers. Their activities are aimed at creating favorable and safe conditions in residential and non-residential premises.

Each of them must meet technical and sanitary standards established by the legislator. It provided for a number of rules for the operation of buildings and structures, including residential buildings and the Moscow Ring Road.

Utilities include:

  • supply of cold and hot water;
  • wastewater disposal;
  • supply of electrical energy;
  • delivery of domestic gas;
  • maintaining a set temperature that meets established standards.

The list of the above services was established by order of the Federal State Statistics Service No. 147.

It is a state executive body that carries out the functions of generating official static information about the social, economic, demographic and environmental situation of the country.

Who does it apply to?

The obligation to pay utility bills is assigned to the owners of residential premises and tenants occupying them under a social tenancy agreement.

As for the provision of resources, the fulfillment of this responsibility is entrusted to housing and communal services enterprises, including the management company and resource supply organization.

What's included in the list

The company managing the apartment building, in accordance with the provisions of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, is responsible for violations of the safety rules for cohabitation.

The norm is laid down in the act “Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building” No. 491. If the UP does not fulfill its duties, then it is held accountable in accordance with the instructions of Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Responsibilities of housing and communal services

Owners and tenants of apartment buildings elect members of the management company during the meeting. She carries out maintenance of a residential building in accordance with the form of services established by the contract. The MKAD management company must maintain common property in proper condition.

It includes:

Indicators Description
Separate parts of the building space the purpose of which is to service residential and non-residential premises
Staircases and landings
Shafts for elevators
Technical floors and basements where are utility networks and communications located?
Special purpose premises for placement of boiler houses and boiler installations, elevator units and other types of engineering equipment
Attic spaces including roofing and roofs
Enclosing building structures walls, coverings and ceilings
Technical means ensuring unhindered access of persons recognized as disabled to residential premises
Transformer substations and heating points servicing the building and creating normal conditions for its operation
Vehicle parking areas and parking spaces, garages
Places equipped for children's and sports grounds
Land plot on which the building and its surrounding area are erected

The production activities of the management company are ensured by a number of constituent documents regulated by the requirements of State standards and instructions of regulations.

What does it say on the receipts?

Some citizens are interested in what is included in the payment for utility services provided by the RSO.

Payment for utilities is made on the basis of a payment receipt, which contains a list of them and the amount payable. It is calculated according to the actual volume of services consumed, measured by metering devices.

The payment receipt contains:

Indicators Description
Information about the payer including the number of family members living with him
Address of the residential premises, its area engineering structures located in it
Utility provider details
Payer's personal account number
Calculation table indicating utility tariffs and volume of resource consumed including drainage and expenses for maintaining residential premises in proper condition and carrying out major repairs of a residential building
Bank details of the performer
Final score indicating the amount of debt, the amount of the advance and the last date for payment
Background information
Data for recalculation
Proposals for deferred payment its restructuring
Consumer Memo

Important nuances

Each resource provider, in accordance with the instructions of regulations, opens an individual account for residents of apartment buildings, residential buildings and private houses. It is a public document that contains information about the volume of resource consumed for which a fee is charged. For example, for the supply of hot water.

The procedure for making payments by residents is explained in the act “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.” Regular non-payment creates the preconditions for the formation of debts and their accumulation. In such a situation, a measure of punishment is applied to the tenant for allowing delays in payment of utility bills.

The final amount is calculated based on the data provided by the service provider and the consumer. He can personally double-check the amount of payments and compare their compliance with the meter readings.

The receipt indicates not only the total amount, but also the amount paid in the current year. If metering devices are not installed in the residential premises, then the calculation is based on the rate of resource consumption.
If redevelopment was carried out in a common building without permission from the relevant authorities, then the construction work performed should be legalized.

Video: what does a receipt consist of?

As a rule, the housing commission satisfies the applicant’s request if the norms and rules of construction law are not violated during their production.

The management company must take appropriate measures if damage has been caused to common property. She sends a notification to the housing inspection so that it can check the quality of the work performed.

If damage to load-bearing structures is detected, the management company can file a claim with the judicial authority at the location of the residential building.

If the owner received residential premises during a donation transaction, but does not live in it, then the obligation to pay utility bills is not removed from him. In any situation, he must pay the payment on time. Otherwise, a penalty will be applied to him, and a penalty will be charged for late payment.

The new owner must take part in covering the costs of maintaining the common property.

Violation of the deadline for payment of utility services entails the application of sanctions. They begin to apply to citizens who have debts to housing and communal services or RSO from 2 months of delay in payment.

What is regulated

Regulation of issues related to the provision of heat to buildings and structures during the cold season, regardless of their purpose, is carried out by a number of legislative and by-laws.

These include:

Indicators Description
the federal law "On the protection of consumer rights." The act was issued on February 7, 1992 under number 2300-1. Articles 15, 28-29, 31
Housing Code of the Russian Federation articles 154-157, 161-165. The act was issued on December 29, 2004 under the number 188-FZ
GOST R 51617-2000 “Housing and communal services. General technical conditions". The normative act was issued on June 19, 2000
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the reform of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation.” The act was promulgated on April 28, 1997 under number 425
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings.” The act was issued on May 6, 2011 under number 354
Act “Rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building.” The act was issued by the legislator on August 13, 2006 under number 491

In conclusion, it should be noted that errors are often made in the payment receipt. One common reason is a program failure in the system that generates the receipt.

The concept of “housing services” is very capacious. Despite the fact that in receipts for payment of housing and communal services almost all of them are taken into account in one line “maintenance and repair of housing”, in reality there are many such services. And it is important to be able to understand how well (and whether in full) organizations fulfill their obligations to residents.

You can often hear from management company employees: “We are not in the business of ridding your home of rats and mice, call special services!” Meanwhile, cleaning the garbage chute, carrying out disinfestation and deratization is one of the direct responsibilities of management companies.

What is included in the maintenance of the house?

There are special requirements for the technical and sanitary-epidemiological condition of common property, in accordance with which it must be maintained. This is stated in clause 10 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of May 14, 2013.

According to these requirements, any residential building must be reliable and safe for the life and health of residents. Residential and non-residential premises, as well as common areas and land must be accessible for use. All utilities, collective metering devices, etc. must work properly. In addition, the maintenance of common property in an apartment building must ensure the maintenance of the architectural appearance of the building.

The minimum list of works that are included in the concept of “maintenance of common property”:
  1. Inspection of common property. It is carried out by property owners and representatives of management companies or HOAs, who can identify possible inconsistencies that threaten the life and health of residents.
  2. Inspections and maintenance of readiness of in-house cold water supply, hot water supply, drainage, and electricity systems.
  3. Maintaining temperature and humidity in hallways, staircases, etc. in accordance with the norm.
  4. Cleaning entrances and yards.
  5. Garbage removal. Management companies or homeowners associations are required to set up a special place where residents can throw away used mercury-containing light bulbs. Transferring them to special organizations that have the right to dispose of this kind of waste is also the responsibility of management companies.
  6. Caring for trees, flower beds and shrubs in the yard.

The management company or HOA should really monitor the cleanliness and technical condition of the house. But this does not mean that they are responsible for absolutely all breakdowns that may occur in the house they service.

Paragraph 15 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building specifies what kind of work should be carried out by the owners of the premises themselves:
  • repair of apartment doors, as well as windows and interior doors in apartments or non-residential premises that are not common property (for example, in shops on the ground floor);
  • insulation of window and balcony openings (if we are talking about apartments and other premises that have an owner), the management company is not obliged to also replace glass in apartments;
  • cleaning and cleaning of land that is not part of the yard. This is also the responsibility of the owners of this land.

The above list is only a minimum set of obligations of the management company. Owners of premises do not have the right to order the management company to do less work than is reflected in the specified list, and the management company or HOA does not have the right to refuse any of the above work.

By agreement with the management organization, owners can order additional services and work (for example, home security, maintenance of on-site parking, etc.), however, it should be remembered that you will have to pay more for an increased level of comfort. The amount of payment for services and work on the maintenance of common property is established at a general meeting of owners, taking into account the list of services based on the proposals of the management organization for their cost. Owners do not have the right to set the amount of fees unilaterally. If the owners are not satisfied with the list of services for the maintenance of common property or their cost offered by a particular management company, and if it is not possible to reach an agreement, then it is necessary to consider the proposals of other management organizations and select the appropriate one.

The owners of the premises have the right at any time to request from the management company a list of works and information about the frequency with which they were carried out. The organization is obliged to provide this information within 5 working days (by concluding an agreement, this period can be made shorter).

Owners have every right to check the quality of work of the management company. And, of course, they have every reason to demand that the defects be corrected, and then check again whether the fault is really a thing of the past.

Maintenance of the land plot of an apartment building

When working on the contract that you will sign with the management company, pay attention to the points related to garbage removal: the management company will be obliged to act exactly according to the scheme that you document in the contract.

The management agreement must also stipulate what area of ​​the land plot is subject to cleaning, with what frequency, in which cases mechanized cleaning is required, and in which manual cleaning is sufficient.

Snow removal can become a major headache for residents if in winter the management company wants to save money on a janitor. As in the case of garbage removal, the law does not have clear standards regarding how quickly and to what extent the yard must be cleared of snow. Therefore, when concluding an agreement, do not forget to clearly state this clause.

Snow removal is often mechanized: light tractors drive into yards and quickly clear roads and sidewalks.

If there is ice on the street, employees of the management organization must treat the road with a sand-salt mixture.

Icicles and ice on the roof often cause conflicts between building residents and the management organization. Remember that knocking down icicles and ice from the roof of an apartment building, as well as monitoring the condition of the equipment that prevents their formation, is the direct responsibility of the management organization chosen in the building. This is enshrined in the minimum list of works and services necessary to ensure proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2013 No. 290.

Although balcony canopies are the personal property of the persons who purchased premises in an apartment building, the organization managing the apartment building is also obliged to remove ice from these objects. The managing organization by virtue of Art. 161 of the Housing Code is obliged to ensure the safety of living in such a house.

Apartment building management services

Along with the maintenance of common property, housing services include the provision of management services for an apartment building. They include:
  • reception, storage and transfer of technical documentation for an apartment building;
  • collection, storage and updating of information about owners;
  • maintaining an electronic passport of an apartment building;
  • preparation of proposals on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building;
  • other services provided for in the management agreement.

Payment for services and work on the maintenance of common property

One of the most pressing issues is how much to pay for housing services. In houses maintained by a management company, the cost of housing services is determined by the owners at a general meeting. True, there is an essential condition: the owners can vote on the amount of the fee, taking into account the proposals of the management organization with which they are going to enter into an agreement. If the proposals of the management organization do not suit the owners of the premises, then they should consider the prices of other management companies that are ready to work with this building.

In houses where a homeowners association, housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative operates, the amount of payments is determined by the governing bodies of the partnership or cooperative - in accordance with its charter. The fee is set for a period of at least 1 year.

Who is obliged to pay for housing services and from what moment?
  1. Tenants of premises or apartments under a social tenancy agreement - from the moment the agreement is concluded.
  2. Tenants of premises or apartments (state or municipal) - from the moment the lease agreement is concluded.
  3. Members of a housing cooperative - from the moment the premises are provided by the cooperative.
  4. Owners of residential premises - from the moment ownership rights arise.
  5. Persons who accepted the premises from the developer under the transfer deed - from the moment of transfer.

If the owner of an apartment is required to repay the debts of its previous owner, this is absolutely illegal! A separate situation arises regarding the payment of contributions for major repairs. The new owner is obliged to pay the debt of the previous owner.

How to place an order for routine repairs?

It should be remembered that in order to carry out repair work not specified in the decision of the general meeting of owners as necessary for the maintenance of common property and not specified as such in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/03/2013 No. 290, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of owners of premises and vote regarding the implementation of such work. For example, this could be work on cosmetic repairs of entrances (plastering, whitewashing, painting).

To carry out such repair work, the owners of the premises of an apartment building must also decide at a general meeting where the work will be financed from (for example, from funds collected for routine repairs of common property; it is possible to approve an additional targeted fee from the owners).

Very often, owners of premises in apartment buildings complain that the work performed by the management company in relation to common property was carried out at a price significantly higher than the average market cost of such work. Moreover, they find out this only when the time comes to sign the certificate of completion of work.

There are cases when consumers try to challenge the cost of work performed in court, but the management company very often confirms that it spent exactly the amount charged to the owners on the work in question. To prevent such situations from arising, it is necessary to clearly state in the management agreement the procedure for ordering work on routine repairs of common property.

Ask the management company to draw up not 1, but 2–3 estimates: economical, average, maximum (with the highest quality and durable materials) - this way, at a general meeting of owners, it will be easier to decide which option to choose.

When it becomes necessary to carry out routine repairs, the house council or the chairman of the house council contacts the management company to draw up an estimate for the work, as well as to determine in what time frame the company can complete the work.

The estimate can be firm and approximate. The fixed estimate cannot be further increased or decreased at the request of the parties (Part 2 of Article 33 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”). In relation to the approximate estimate, the parties should also agree by what percentage of the cost deviations are possible. There may be several estimates (for example, one is an economical option, the other is an option for performing work with higher quality materials).

The contract must specify in as much detail and clearly as possible all the procedures and conditions that the owners are required to approve when ordering work. Then the management company will not be able to impose additional (often unnecessary, but expensive) work on them. If this happens, the residents will be on the side of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (parts 2, 3 of Article 16).

After this, the house council or its chairman has the right to initiate a general meeting of premises owners, where the latter will be asked to vote on the completion of work, their estimated cost, and deadlines (in accordance with the proposals of the management organization).

If the owners are determined by the specified positions, then the company has an obligation to complete the specified work within the approved time frame. Accordingly, if this obligation is violated, then the owners have the right to make demands in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

If the owners do not approve the work under the proposed conditions, then they have the right to either contact the management organization for other proposals, or independently carry out actions to repair the common property. It is also possible to change the management organization to another that offers conditions for performing work that suit the majority of owners of premises in an apartment building.

For each of the housing services there is a frequency of execution, which is indicated in the management agreement. If your home is being cleaned or redecorated less frequently than required, this is a reason to apply for a recalculation.

Failure to perform or improper performance of the service. What is the consumer's right to?

Management companies (or homeowners associations) do not always work efficiently. They can either, in principle, refuse to carry out repairs (cleaning, deratization, garbage removal, etc.), or do it very poorly, or too rarely. In all cases where the service is provided to residents untimely and of inadequate quality, the management company or HOA must reduce the amount of fees for maintenance and repairs.

The same situation can arise with direct management of the house. A similar scheme also applies here: those responsible for the service reduce its cost.

When recalculating, each calendar day of delay is taken into account.

The only case in which the fee is not reduced (even if the service was not provided to you on time) is if it was associated with eliminating a threat to the life and health of citizens, if at the same time the employees of the management company or HOA had to save the property of residents from possible damage, or if circumstances arose force majeure (for example, flood, tornado

How to record the fact of inadequate quality of services and work?

The first and most important action is to draw up an act of providing housing services of inadequate quality or with interruptions exceeding the established frequency or duration.

It can be compiled in free form, but in order for this document to be as effective as possible, it is better to first read Section 10 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354. This section describes in detail the procedure for drawing up an act. Moreover, the specified rules governing the procedure for drawing up the act apply to both utility and housing services.

Be sure to ask the employee who took your phone call to dictate to you his last name, first name and patronymic, the number under which he registered your message, and the time of registration.

It is this act that residents will then refer to, demanding a recalculation of the cost of housing services.

Before drawing up a report, you need to call or write a letter to the emergency dispatch service and report that the janitor, for example, did not clean the local area properly. Your message must be recorded by the emergency dispatch service. Do not forget to provide your last name, first name and patronymic, the exact address of the house where you discovered the violation, and what, in fact, is the essence of the problem.

After this, the emergency dispatch service employee must agree with you at what time specialists will approach your home in order to record the fact of the violation together with you. They must arrive at 2 o'clock, but if this time is inconvenient for you, you can ask to come later (but responsible employees do not have the right to ask you to postpone the time of their visit).

Have you been unable to reach the emergency service? The emergency workers promised to come and didn’t come? In this case, you have every right to draw up an act without them. The act is signed by at least two disinterested persons and the chairman of the council of the apartment building. What needs to be indicated in the act:
  • date and time of the inspection;
  • composition of the commission;
  • identified violations;
  • the tools you used to identify these violations;
  • a description of the violation and its consequences, which are perceived through the senses (visible leaks, audible leaks of water, the smell of dampness, mold, etc.).

If during the inspection it became obvious to everyone that there was no violation and there was no violation, this still needs to be recorded in the act so that the matter is brought to its logical conclusion.

If during the inspection process a dispute arises regarding the existence of violations, then either party has the right to initiate an examination.

The inspection report is drawn up in as many copies as there are interested parties (that is, according to the number of participants in the inspection). Each of them (or their representative) signs this document, one copy remains with the owners of the premises, another one must be given to the company that performed the poor-quality service, the rest are taken by representatives of other companies and organizations that participated in the inspection.

If one of the inspection participants refuses to sign the act, at least two uninterested persons sign instead.

After the act is drawn up and signed, the residents of the house can send a written appeal to the organization that performed its work poorly.

Services cover:

Provision of residential premises for use under a social tenancy agreement or a rental agreement for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock;

Major repairs of common property in an apartment building for homeowners;

Removal of solid household waste;

Removal of liquid household waste from apartment buildings..."


Order of Rosstat dated July 23, 2009 N 147 “On approval of the Instructions for filling out the indicator “” in federal statistical observation forms

Official terminology.


    2012. See what “Housing services” are in other dictionaries: Housing legal relations

    - (see: Contents of housing legal relations) a general, generic concept that covers various types of relations arising regarding housing: ownership, use and disposal of residential premises, provision of residential premises to those in need... ... Housing Encyclopedia SERVICES IN THE WORLD MARKET

    - services entering the external market, that is, use values ​​that primarily do not acquire a materialized form. They form a global market for services, which breaks down into narrower markets: licenses and know-how, engineering... ... Large economic dictionary

    Housing and communal services- these are services delivered to consumers living in housing stock to ensure comfortable living conditions. Contents 1 General 2 Provision of services ... Wikipedia MUTUAL HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS

    - MUTUAL HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS MHAs Non-profit organizations that are created and supported by cooperatives. The idea of ​​such associations originated in Europe, and in the United States, two types developed after 1979. The first type includes... ... Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance AUSTRALIA

    - (Australia) General information The official name is The Commonwealth of Australia. It is located on the continent of A., the island of Tasmania and a number of small coastal islands. Area 7,692,024 km2 (including the island of Tasmania, 68,400 km2). By… … Encyclopedia of countries of the world Income

    - (Income) The concept of income, types of income, income of the organization Information about the concept of income, types of income, income of the organization, tax income Contents Contents What is Real National profit Types of benefits Real profit Nominal ... ... Official terminology

    Investor Encyclopedia- (HOUSEHOLD) a collection of persons living in one residential building or part thereof, both related and unrelated, jointly providing themselves with everything necessary for life, fully or partially pooling and spending their funds.… …

    Honorary citizens of Izhevsk - This is an article about the title awarded to residents of the city of Izhevsk, about persons awarded the class title “Honorary Citizen of the Izhevsk Plant”, see here. Breast badge of the Honorary Citizen of the city of Izhevsk Honorary Citizen of Izhevsk distinctive title ... Wikipedia

    Honorary citizens of Izhevsk- a small group of people living in the same dwelling, pooling part or all of their income and assets and consuming certain types of products and services together, mainly housing services and food... Social statistics. Dictionary


  • , A. N. Ryakhovskaya, F. G. Tagi-Zade. Current issues of pricing for housing and utilities are considered. The tariff policy of the former USSR, based on command principles of economic management, has been studied, its... Buy for 594 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Tariff and pricing policy in the housing and utilities sectors, Ryakhovskaya A., Tagi-Zade F.. Current issues of pricing for housing and utilities services are considered. The tariff policy of the former USSR, based on command principles of economic management, its…

Activities to create comfortable living conditions for the population of apartment buildings and other buildings (water supply, wastewater disposal, supply of electricity, gas and heating) are housing and communal services. What is included in their list and what requirements they must meet is vital information for consumers.

New rules

In 2012, new rules related to the provision of services in the public utilities sector were introduced. The Decree on the procedure for their provision provides a precise definition of public utilities (CS). The executors of the CG are legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. They acquire resources, carry out work and are responsible for the serviceability of all intra-house communications. Residents of apartment buildings and other residential buildings are faced with a number of conditions spelled out in Section 2 of the new rules. You have the right to use CU:

  • owners of residential premises together with their families;
  • persons who received housing from a cooperative organization;
  • tenants of premises;
  • persons who have rented an apartment or room.

What is included in the concept of “utilities”? These are the following benefits: electricity, drainage, access to hot and cold water and others. According to the rules, they are supplied continuously, and heating is provided around the clock during the season. In residential complexes, accidents and irregular supply of heat or water are possible, but within the framework of strictly regulated standards related to the quality of the heating system.

What is included in the list of utilities?

Services included in the list of utilities are presented in the table below.

  • Drinking cold water
Supply is carried out to supply residents around the clock via a central or intra-house network. Proper quality and volume necessary for life’s needs are the main requirements for water. In the absence of a water supply system, the supply is carried out to the street water pump.
  • Hot water
It is supplied around the clock through centralized networks to all areas of the house in order to provide consumers.
  • Water disposal
What is included in municipal wastewater disposal services? Wastewater disposal is carried out around the clock through centralized networks and in-house systems. Sewage systems should be present in most living areas of the house.
  • Electricity supply
Electricity is uninterrupted, supplied to houses and apartments around the clock through the power supply network in the required volume.
  • Gas supply
Gas is supplied to houses and apartments through gas supply networks around the clock. Supply also includes the sale of gas cylinders.
  • Heating
Centralized networks and heat supply systems supply thermal energy to houses, apartments, and non-residential premises to maintain the proper temperature.

The list of what is included in utilities depends on the level of comfort of the house. If a sewerage system is not installed in a residential premises, then it should not be counted as a utility service.

Housing services

Any consumer, studying receipts for accommodation, pays attention to consumable items related to general household needs. These are housing services. What is included in the utility costs for this area? What does the consumer pay for? Residents of apartments, unlike residents of private houses, pay the following expenses arising from the maintenance of property that is public:

  1. Lighting, maintaining optimal temperature according to legal rules.
  2. Cleaning, cleaning, creating sanitation for public areas and areas within the house.
  3. Costs of waste discharge and transportation (solid, liquid). Organizations and entrepreneurs located in a residential building are also required to pay these expenses.
  4. Fire safety.
  5. Maintenance of landscaping and landscaping of the land, which is part of the property of the house.
  6. Repair costs (capital and current).
  7. Activities to prepare for seasonal use of the house.
  8. Costs of maintaining public property.
  9. Inspection activities for common areas.

About the provision of utility serviceson power supply

According to the rules that came into force back in 2012, the changes affected the order of power supply. In some cases, enterprises that supply electricity to homes may be executors of utility services. What is included in electricity utilities?

Firstly, resource supplying organizations are not obliged to maintain the internal electrical system and are not responsible for the level of its quality inside the house. Secondly, they are responsible only for the proper provision of services up to the boundaries separating the elements of the system.

The new requirements include the right of the consumer to take readings every month from the 23rd to the 25th and transfer them to the energy sales organization by the 26th of the same month. If the data has not been received, Energosbyt has the right to calculate the volume of consumption according to the standards. The consumer must give Energosbyt representatives the opportunity to check the condition of the devices and the accuracy of the data.

Everyone knows that touching seals, removing meters, interfering with their operation so that the meter does not “wind” is prohibited. Such actions will lead to the fact that the payment will increase significantly: they will charge “kulibin” taking into account the power of the devices for their round-the-clock operation for all residents.

The changes also affected the procedure for calculating the volume of provided household electricity. It is paid separately as part of the CU, monthly. So, if you went on vacation, do not live in an apartment, or are absent for other reasons, then you are still required to pay for the general house electricity consumption during this time. The volume of common house utilities is calculated and divided among residents, taking into account the space occupied by each. In the absence of a common house meter, the calculation is made on the basis of standards. They are different for each region, but are developed according to a general methodology. In addition, the organization that supplies light has the right to turn it off for a tenant who is in debt for three months of consumption. The absence of a counter will not play any role in this case.

New standards

In 2013, changes were approved regarding the rules for the provision of corporate governance. What is included in the concept of "utility fees"? How is it calculated under the new rules? Payment for utilities (except for heating) is divided into personal and general house and is signed separately on the receipt.

The innovations also affected standard coefficients. They should “encourage” the population of apartment buildings to install individual meters. For those who have the technical ability to supply devices that keep house-wide and individual records, but have not done so, increased standards have been introduced for all types of utilities. For example, after the new year, payment increased by 10%, six months later - by another 10%, and so on until the excess reaches 60%! As a result, those who do not install meters will have to pay in two years 60% more than those who did.

The advantage in this situation is that this overpayment for the utilities should be spent by the management organization on energy saving and increasing the efficiency of power systems. A question arises regarding the president’s demand not to allow the cost of corporate capital to increase above 6% per year. How will this instruction be implemented for those living in apartments and houses without meters?

Payment procedure for communal housing utilities

The new Rules for the provision of utility services contain a modified formula for calculating heating standards. In the old version, the total consumption of thermal energy was divided into the total squares of premises (residential + non-residential + public). In the new version, they are divided into total squares of residential and non-residential premises without common areas. Thus, the standard has increased.

I am glad that residents have been waived from paying for common heating costs. Now residents will not have to pay for heating the entrance where there are no radiators. Water management and drainage systems have also been excluded from general house standards: you will not have to pay for the drainage of water that was used to water the lawns. The new rules for the provision of utility services propose to calculate the general house metering of hot and cold water taking into account the norms: 90 liters per person per month.

Organizations managing utility companies are now motivated to reduce general house losses. The volume of services provided must be within the standard; if it is still exceeded, then the difference is paid by the management company itself, and not by consumers. The exception is houses where at a meeting of owners it was decided to divide the excess between residents. If the CG performer is not a company, but a resource supplier, then the difference is divided between consumers, taking into account the space they own.

How to establish the fact of improper provision of CG?

What to do if there are no light bulbs in the entrance for several days or the window panes are broken? If the CG is provided of poor quality, and there is no way to call the contractor or he does not respond, then the consumer can establish the fact of a violation of his rights. The tenant draws up an act with the participation of two neighbors and the chairman of the HOA (house council). The period of improper provision of corporate governance will be counted from the moment the act is signed (an example is given below).


about improper provision of public services


city ​​Vereshchagino, st. Pochtovaya, building 34, apt. 2

start of compilation “10-30”

end of compilation “11-00”

Prepared by a commission consisting of:

Chairman of the HOA Petrov S.S., apt. No. 25.

Members of the commission: Maslyakov A.D., apt. No. 36.

Starkova T.I., apt. No. 40.

This act was drawn up in connection with the improper provision of heat supply services and leaking heating pipes. Compiled on September 3, 2014. The report states that the system is in working order. During a visual inspection, a leak in pipes and a radiator was discovered in the second entrance on the third floor.

Conclusion: the violation is associated with wear of the radiator. The commission decided on the need to offset the amounts contributed for the repair of the heating system.

What to do if utility services do not organize cleaning of the local area for months or do not carry out repair work in the entrances? After all, these are also utilities. What is included in measures to protect the rights of tenants?

  1. Preparation of a collective claim with the full name, address and signature of all residents addressed to the management company. The main requirement is to eliminate service deficiencies within a reasonable period.
  2. Personal and written appeal to the Housing and Communal Services Department of the city or district. List in writing the shortcomings in the provision of utility services and ask that measures be taken to eliminate them, and bring those responsible to justice.
  3. If the first and second steps do not produce results, file a claim in court.

Contract for the provision of utilities

CG are provided under a paid written agreement with provisions on the procedure for their provision according to the new rules. It must take into account the provisions of the Rules and contain the necessary conditions regulating public services. What is included in the contract, what is the procedure for its conclusion?

The organization providing CG has the right to conclude a written agreement if the tenant is already using CG or intends to consume them. An agreement with provisions for the provision of services when these actions are performed by the consumer is considered concluded. The rules establish a period within which the contractor must provide services and demand payment.

For any form of ownership, the management organization must provide the necessary utilities and cannot refuse residents to include in their contractual obligations the provision of services that the level of improvement of the house allows them to provide.

For employers and tenants, a rental or lease agreement is drawn up. If a written contract does not comply with these innovations, then it is still considered that it was concluded in accordance with the new requirements and taking into account all their conditions. If the consumer does not have a contract on paper, the management organization or supplier does not have the right to refuse to provide services to him.

Six ways to reduce your rent

How to find out what is included in public services and where to go to protect your rights? With a few steps you can reduce utility costs and influence utility companies:

  1. Formally requesting your rates by line item will help you see what your utilities include, what you have to pay for, and what services you're not receiving in full.
  2. To draw up an act for services not provided within a month, you need to invite an employee of the housing cooperative of your management company to visit you. The act must be prepared by the 20th of the current month.
  3. Together with a housing cooperative employee (or without him), draw up a claim act. Collect signatures from residents (the more, the better).
  4. In the first days of the month, submit an application to the housing cooperative for recalculation of payment for the utility bill; the acts must be attached.
  5. If utility companies refuse to recalculate, file a complaint with the consumer protection department of the region, region, or the city housing and communal services department.
  6. In addition, the consumer has the right to refuse such services as cleaning staircases.


Innovations in the procedure for providing CG were made to make their receipt simple and transparent. In general, they streamline the relationship between the population and housing and communal services. But there are a number of ambiguities in the new rules. Whether this reform will be effective will become known over time.

Utilities are represented by activities that provide citizens with comfortable living conditions. The list of provided utility services must be reflected in the agreement between residents and the housing and communal services, management company, HOA or other responsible body. However, not every person has such a copy of the house, so many people ask the quite logical question of what is the responsibility of the house manager and what exactly needs to be paid for.

Over the past years, some changes have been made to Russian legislation regarding the public utilities sector. According to government regulations, utility service providers can be either a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. This person is responsible for acquiring the necessary resources, carrying out the agreed work, and the serviceability of all communication systems.

According to the latest changes, the right to use public services has:

  • The owner of an apartment or other residential premises with his family;
  • Citizens who received living space from the cooperative;
  • Tenants of housing in an apartment building;
  • Tenants of apartment building premises.

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Main points

First of all, it should be noted what is included in the list of provided utilities: Name of communication
Explanation Cold water supply
24-hour supply from a central or intra-house network in quantity and quality appropriate for domestic needs. If there is no water supply system, there must be a water supply to the street water pump. Hot water supply
24-hour supply through the central water supply network. Sewage drainage
Disposal of domestic wastewater through the intra-house and central sewer system. Most of the existing premises of an apartment building are equipped with such systems. Electricity supply
Uninterrupted round-the-clock supply of electricity in sufficient quantities Gas supply
24-hour supply via the gas supply network. Supply using gas cylinders is acceptable. Heating

Supply of heat energy through centralized networks, as well as heat supply systems, maintaining proper temperature conditions during the heating season.

Of course, utilities cannot include an item that does not actually apply to a specific home. For example, if there is no sewerage system or hot water supply, they should not be included in the payment and, accordingly, are not included in the agreement with the management company.

General household needs that are satisfied by management companies, housing and communal services and other relevant structures are also included in the cost of utilities. Every resident should know what exactly he is paying for and whether he is getting what he is paying for. General utilities include:

Additionally, there may be other clauses that are included in the contract individually. If you need to find out exactly what additional utilities these are and what else they include, you can contact the management company or housing and communal services. Often such a need arises from overly vigilant citizens or in cases of unscrupulous performance by governing bodies of their duties.

Current standards

The changes that affected the rules for the provision of utility services include not only the division of responsibilities into items, but also the procedure for calculating and paying for receipts. Not counting heating, payment is divided into a common house payment and individual payment for each apartment owner. Receipts also arrive separately.

Innovations also affected regulatory coefficients. This was done in order to encourage citizens to install individual meters in their apartments. The principle turned out to be very simple: for those who have the technical ability to install a meter, but did not do so, an increased standard was introduced for all types of public services. Further, for the same category of the population, the tariff increased every six months by ten percent to a limit of sixty percent. In other words, further refusal to install meters is fraught with an overpayment of sixty percent just two years after such an innovation, which was approved back in 2013.

The only advantage of such a change is the fact that this percentage overpayment is aimed at saving energy and increasing the efficiency of existing systems.

Improper fulfillment of contract terms

If the management company still demands payment in full from residents, taking into account all the corresponding tariff increases, but at the same time fulfills its obligations in bad faith or does not fulfill them at all, then the law provides for certain actions. For example, if garbage is not removed in a timely manner, the surrounding area is not cleaned, there are no lamps in the entrance and windows are broken, then this and other violations must be recorded in an appropriate act. It can be drawn up by any resident of a given building, together with two neighbors and the chairman of the homeowners’ association.

It is worth considering that the reference period for the provision of low-quality utility services will be the date when the act was signed. In case of identified violations and mass discontent of residents, it is necessary to prepare a collective complaint with specific claims. The complaint must contain the last names, first names, patronymics, residential addresses and signatures of each resident participating. Such a document is submitted to the management company or housing and communal services. The complaint should clearly indicate the date by which the tenants demand that the deficiencies be corrected. You must keep a copy of it for yourself.

Next, a similar letter is sent to the Housing and Communal Services Department of the locality with a request to take appropriate measures and bring violators to justice. This is done if the first complaint has no effect. Next, if the second option does not work, you should go to court.

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