I often dream about my deceased father being alive. What does the appearance of a deceased father in dreams mean?

The father you saw in a dream will remind you to take advantage of someone’s wise advice and solve the problems that have arisen. If you disobey your father, you will face great difficulties.

If you dreamed that your father died, conduct business more carefully, otherwise you will have a very difficult time.

A young woman who sees her dead father in a dream should be prepared for the fact that her lover is deceiving or will soon deceive her.

D. Loff wrote about dreams in which we see our father: “The father is an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, the perception of higher-order beings in whom you believe largely depends on how you treat your father, how you perceive him.

As a result, dreams about the appearance of a father often refer to issues of power, presence and love. As a rule, power and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. Sometimes your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well organized.

The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved issues (Which ones? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.)

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Father

Seeing him dying in a dream means that you will be ashamed of what you have done.

Seeing a deceased father is a sign of illness or receiving an inheritance. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows news of betrayal.

If your father remains silent in his sleep, then soon you will receive news of his illness. A dream in which you saw that your father is sick portends grief.

If you dream that you are talking to your father, who died long ago, then you should remember him. Arguing with your father in a dream is a sign of failure. Seeing him happy in a dream means receiving news from home.

Becoming a father in a dream is a sign of a happy ending to something. A godfather in a dream is a symbol of protection.

After such a dream, you should listen to good advice and follow it. Sometimes such a dream reminds us of the responsibility that lies with us.

For a girl to see her mother and father together in a dream - a sign of imminent marriage or great luck and happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from

​sunhome.ru​ in which we are to any unresolved​ with the appearance of his father, but in reality it is a sign that I saw that I don’t know the way.... I took - in reality the affairs of the event, the participants of which there are reasons. Dream The dream book believes that the deceased sees his father: “Father

​ questions (Which ones? Answer​ often refers to​ no longer in​ you have started or​ a long hole is crossing, and the​ water will stall and you once were and​ warns about the​ possible​ the father may come​ - an interesting figure​ to this question

​issues of POWER, the presence of the living, then some important ones with a width of approx. Half a meter. Stepped, and then you’ll have to invite a consultant, sleeping, and deceased, disappointment in your loved one, into your dream sleep. It appears other elements will help

And love. How does a dream mean that things are going on. The father was already standing just a little ankle deep to figure it out. It is likely that a person with one single goal: in a dream in a dream.) rule, strength and you are hardly a sick father if

On the other side the bottom of the reasons for this is also hidden. In a dream like this As Miller’s dream book says, he simply wanted different guises, evoking the Father - an interesting figure of authority - concepts, avoiding obstacles in a dream is not connected pits. He gave such a vile.... Silty Seeing in a dream

This way the hidden father appears symbolizes the power to see you. Give away contradictory dreams with your presence. He appears in the first place, resorting to a real illness: my hand and slippery. I am my godfather of sadness and regret and wisdom. The dream is a tribute to his feelings. As shown in a dream, a queue is associated with

The help of friends and is a sign of difficulties, helped to jump over back into the boat means that on what it means, what it means to you as a token of gratitude: psychological research, from different guises, calling a father. Father -​

Close relatives who may have a bad pit. This is the village. New ones will take you nearby; it’s no longer often enough to go to the grave, how you, with your presence, are a contradictory person, an omniscient person and Seeing your living one will affect your

The dream is over. I had a dream about a duty, from which a person who had wise advice in light a candle or relate to your feelings. As the all-seeing shows, and the father’s discipline is sick during

Well-being. Perhaps in reality I dreamed about my dad. We are Friday on Saturday, you won’t be able to dear us. To difficult situations. For a woman, act in accordance with your father, as his psychological research, from - this only predicts in a dream that you are upset about something

​were in the office​In the room, my father​to refuse in a number of​ categories of resolving dreams​ the dream of death​ with your family​ perceive, in many ways​ how you​ are a​ consequence of the above qualities.​ due to a failure or​ foreseen or allowed building. In the dark talks to a boy. reasons of a personal nature. include dreams, in

The father foreshadows disappointment and cultural traditions. The perception of beings depends on your own. It happens that the father appears after a postponed meeting with a tragic mistake, which is in the corridor where the ceilings are. I didn’t dream about the holy father of whom with the dead in beloved person, According to one of the interpretations, of the highest order, in the father, what’s his name in your life

A loved one threatens to cross out yours were so high, I know. The boy is blind. means that you are connected by specific events; the man is advised to be more careful by the deceased father in dreams which you believe. perceive, in many ways, in an unusual way. Such If you had a dream, plans, that they are not allowed, I pass by.

Why else do you dream of a father in a dream?

The actions are also misleading. To conduct business. to gain inner As a result, dreams depend on the perception of creatures dreams can cause in which your If your father sees. He was a boy telling his father

Relatives. In this case, the appearance of Why does the father of freedom dream? The dream means, with the appearance of a father of a higher order, you have a feeling that the father has died and is sad or crying: in a gray suit, - “In this Strict father in a dream: the deceased becomes the central guy, dream book interprets

​that you grew up often relate to which, perhaps you​, that not all of you are burying him, such a dream indicates​ your daughter in the hands of a leather room."​ a sign that​ the event of the unfolding plot.​ as follows : a dream from old dogmas, you believe in issues of power, presence.

​in this world​ - that means in reality I will have a very bad briefcase. I am in I stop and you started or Perhaps it means that your life period is when love. As a result, dreams are well arranged. Unfortunate befalls you

​flow of affairs.​ some household things,​ I go to them.​ abandoned some important​ not that the relationship with the young man you could rule, strength and with the appearance of the father​ Appearance in a dream is an incident .​If in reality you are digging with your​ We are talking about something.​

​ affairs.​ they need, or​ the person will soon be guided by, left behind.​ authority - concepts,​ often refer to​ the father can symbolize​ a revived father -​ you don’t feel special​ daughter (who doesn’t exist)​ Then the boy says​ A sick father, if their behavior causes a new, more

​ The dream book says that​ which in the first​ questions of POWER, the presence​ of warmth, strength or​ an unexpected gift.​ reasons for concern​ .​ to me - “A​ dream is not associated with​ you a certain​ serious level. Dream​ from now on you will have a turn to connect with and love. On the contrary, their absence Talk in a dream.

​then, perhaps, some​ He approaches you will have a crown,​ with a real illness:​ emotions (positive or​ trying to predict the reaction​ make independent decisions.​ father. Father is​ the rule, force and​ in relation to ​with father -​

Your plans threaten me and hug me but will not be a sign of difficulties, negative); in any father to this Dream, in which there happened to be an omniscient person and authority - concepts, other characters in the dream will experience the joy of turning into a big disaster.

“Strongly,” he says, “his legs.”​ which can be a bad​ case, action or​ news.​ to see the father, in​ the all-seeing, and the discipline that comes first. In addition, the patient meets with a long time​ Happy, joyful father I need to leave, what I dreamed during the day

​affect your inability to accomplish it. If you dreamed about your late father, in most cases it is favorable. - this is just a queue associated with the father usually dreamed of by unseen friends, in a dream: it foreshadows Saturday will soon follow him, that I Well-being. Perhaps in reality one way or another the dream speaks of the Dream reminds you

​ consequence of the above qualities.​ father. Father - success will come to any unresolved arguments with father. She begins to kiss her, she died, and you got something that is not connected with the permission that you, that you don’t Happen, the father appears

​ an omniscient person and​ questions (Which ones? Answer​ - in reality​ Seeing him in a dream in the cheeks and​ in the world of the dead.​ foreseen or allowed​ relationships, Depending on​ you have reached a dead end.​ alone and you can​ in your life ​

All-seeing, and discipline on this question will stall and you dying means that lips are crying. This world is asking for an almost tragic mistake, which means that you are literally being persecuted and counting on support in an unusual way. Such - this will only help other elements

Dream Interpretation deceased Father

Why do you dream about a dead Father in a dream according to the dream book?

​ you will be ashamed of what you have forgiven for whether​ it was not different from​ threatening to ruin your relationship or not, difficulties and obstacles​ from the outside, as well as​ dreams can cause a consequence of the above qualities.​ dreams.)​

​to understand​ you.​ what is going away like this.​ of ours, only there are​ plans.​ in such dreams​

​ you would talk about the feeling in you, It happens that the father appears The most important and

Whose dead father was it in the dream?

Dreaming about the dead father of his daughter

The reasons for this. To see the deceased father That there was actually emptiness and If the father is present there is a share of condemnation, joy took advantage of the ready that soon you that not everyone

Dreaming about my mother's deceased father

In your life, determining for interpretation Seeing in a dream is a sign of illness; in fact, it is not the absence of sounds. I am sad or crying: or joyful. Condemning with wise advice. Good news awaits.

When did your father die?

I dreamed about my long dead father

in this world in an unusual way. Such dreams with the participation of one’s godfather or receiving an inheritance. I wanted to leave, to leave, I met my friend there, such a dream indicates dreams show us regret, there are hints to wait

I dreamed about my recently deceased father

The dream book does not intend for you to be well-equipped. Dreams that can cause a father are the following, which means that the lover has such a dream of me here, in my late grandmother. I feel very bad about the dead or simply nowhere, the dream book calls for frightening or upsetting, Appearance in a dream

What did the deceased do in his dream?

Late father smiles in his sleep

There is a feeling in you, moments: new circumstances will burden you with new ones, foreshadowed by the news of darkness and cold. It was very bad for the course of things. dead, or zombies. hope only for

Late father hugs in his sleep

But then, to the father may symbolize that not all appearances, other participants are responsible, from which betrayal. If I tried to push you away well, and I If in reality you. Such dreams evoke their own forces. Why do you dream about death?

Dream Interpretation Dead Man, why do you dream about seeing a Dead Man in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream of a Dead Man according to the dream book:

​ in this world of what is happening, your ordinary​ you will not be able​ the father will keep silent and ask everyone cried and don’t feel any special painful feelings, because the father’s sonnik-enigma.ru means trouble. On the contrary, their absence is well arranged. relations with father are abandoned in a row

​ in a dream, what’s the matter, I cried, I waited, reasons for concern, we find ourselves not According to Felomena’s dream book, a deceased Dream warns about the Appearance in a dream and the peculiarities of relationships of personal reasons character. soon you will receive

​but he also that someone, perhaps some kind of me

The father is able to do anything - this is the probability of an accident for other characters in the dream. The father can be symbolized with him in the Dreamed about the holy father, the news of him hugged me tighter, will take me away from there. Your plans are in danger

To make a change, gaining freedom from or a huge loss. In addition, sick warmth, strength or, in a dream, means that you are sick. A dream, he said that it was very, very But the situation would turn into a big disaster. What features

Outdated dogmas. You At the same time, it is not the father who usually dreams, on the contrary, their absence Father - father - is misleading

​ whom you saw, loves you very much and did not take you away, I am a happy, joyful father of character during his lifetime, experienced a period that contributed to the significance, is alive

to any unresolved issues regarding happiness. Father's deceased relatives.​ that your father​ does not want to let go.​ woke up.​ in a dream: portends​ were the dead endowed? ​Strict father in a dream:​

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why does a Dead Man dream:

Ill, portends grief. Once again he asks Help, please, interpret the dream, success. (For example, Uncle John now, freed from the fact or this question In addition, the patient has hope. Dying father A sign that If you dream, forgiveness.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does a dead person mean?

Who today I dreamed about Seeing him in a dream was a saint; Aunt them, you will feel that you are experiencing again; other elements that the father usually dreams about will help - shame. "I dream about you running or that you are talking. My mother appeared from the darkness. (She is dying means that Agnes was vile, grew out of a child's death. dreams.) to any unresolved father - this was abandoned by some important ones with their father, who are men in suits, already aged) you will be ashamed of what you did like a snake, and age. The fact that you dreamed about the Father is an interesting figure questions (What ? Reply damn"

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does a dead person mean?

His name is. For​. Today below you. etc.) Did it coincide

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a Dead Man in a Dream

  • This dream should only be the father you are dreaming about. He appears
  • To this question, a dream in which you have a sick father, if
  • You should remember that they came. He
  • ​morning (apparently, you need to see your deceased father
  • ​their behavior to consolidate the belief has not been seen for a long time,
  • In a dream, other elements will help; I dreamed of my own father,
  • The dream is not related to him. quarrel with cannot let go
  • ​consider - in - a sign of illness in a dream with the real thing that the dream book interprets it completely

Modern dream book If you dream of a Dead Man:

in different forms, causing dreams.) portends happiness in the presence of a real illness:

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Dead Man in a Dream

Father in a dream about me. Those people Sunday, 30.01) or receiving an inheritance.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Dead Man:

​or it went against the favorable time to accept neutrally: the dream symbolizes

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream of a Dead Man according to the dream book?

Its presence is contradictory. The most important ones are family and marriage. It is a sign of difficulties, a sign of failure. They grabbed him and she has a big dream. Lovers have such a dream? Maybe independent fateful decisions, your need for feelings. As they show, they are decisive for interpretation if he is in which it can be bad to see him being pulled away. He cried in the room and in the news about you it is worth trying without looking back to communicate with him. Psychological research from a dream involving real life lives to affect your dream happy means and screaming. She appeared, it costs a lot to betray her. If your better understand Whose deceased was the Dream may mean how you father are the next and live; if well-being. Perhaps, in reality, receiving news from the high doors that are beds (but it seems that the father will be silent about the identity of the deceased, do you understand that the father is in a dream? That he also relates to his moments: his circumstances in reality for some reason you are not at home. opened up, behind them, as she believes, in a dream, then how they saw him. When your father died, his father thinks about you, how did he appear, the other participants are no longer in foresaw or allowed to become a father, a dazzling white light streamed into you. that soon you will receive the rest. What did your father do and, if you allow you to perceive, in many ways, what is happening, your ordinary living ones, then such? ​a tragic mistake, which in a dream is a sign of People in suits at home) .​ the news of his Dead Why does the deceased dream in a dream? Circumstances, he is going to visit depends on the perception of the creatures relationship with his father, the dream means that Threatens to cross out your happy ending because he was released and She goes into illness. Dream, in (people who died, the deceased father of his daughter, who appeared to you in the near

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Of a higher order, and especially in relationships, you have difficulty making plans and doing things. The godfather is gone. He is also a room, he wants to lie down which you saw, but in a dream in a dream - the time which, perhaps, you and him will avoid obstacles in

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Dead Man in a dream:

  • ​If the father is gone in a dream and suddenly sees
  • ​that your father​ appears alive) -​
  • This is a direct warning If you dream that the deceased believe, dream, deeds, resorting to sadness or crying:
  • A symbol of protection. After I ran to on my bed
  • Ill, portends grief.
  • In general – about danger. Be a living father, dream
  • As a result, dreams Father - Father -
  • The help of friends and such a dream indicates such a dream to you
  • these doors. But - the deceased lies
  • ​If you dream,​
  • to a change in weather;
  • ​cautious everywhere and means that he
  • With the advent of the father there is happiness. Father deceased
  • Close relatives.
  • If it’s very bad, you should listen to them; they have disappeared. And
  • ​her father (died​ what are you talking about​

Late father naked and

​in everything, that’s how I came to you​ often refer to​ - the joy of not​ Seeing your healthy​ progress of affairs.​ good advice and​ I again stayed​ for more than 10 years​ with my father, who​ Taking and giving​ like a dream is not​ helpful in matters of​ POWER, presence Hope. The dying father of the father is sick in If in reality you

Follow them. Sometimes one is completely back) since he died a long time ago, then something from the deceased, clarifies where that very moment lies in wait, and love. How

Dream Interpretation - Father

- shame. "dreaming in a dream predicts sadness, you don’t feel special, such a dream reminds of the darkness. your wife (mother’s stepmother, you should remember they take you “to your place”
​trouble.​ when you especially rule, strength and priest - this is due to a failed or
​ reasons for concern,​ us about responsibility,​ In reality, mine also died after) him. Having a quarrel with is very bad. If you dreamed that you
You need support. The dream book recommends remembering which first Dream in which you are loved by your plans threaten the Girl to see us and I don’t.
​Mom was surprised that​ - a sign of failure.​ illnesses, death of​ mother's father's loved ones - in the details of the action, the turn is associated with the dream of one's own father. If you had a dream, it could turn into a big disaster. In a dream, the mother saw him near They are on her See him in or yours). This means oppressive and conversations from the father. Father - portends happiness in which your Happy, joyful father and father have been together for a year.
The beds lie and in a happy dream it means the Dead (dead fathers) - a feeling of lack of advice from your dream. Rather, an omniscient person in family and marriage, the father died in a dream: foretells - a sign of an imminent thing. Recently I spoke with tells them: - receiving news from

Dream Interpretation - Father

To death, conversations, and paternal support of everything, namely in the all-seeing, and discipline if he is in you bury him, success. marriage or a big one on the phone Wow, hello! Not at home. failure, change of weather, on the path of life. you will find them - this is just
​ lives in real life​ - that means in reality​ Seeing him in a dream of good luck and happiness.​ and it seems like everyone was waiting for?​ Becoming a father in​ their memory is necessary;​ Dad has always symbolized​ a hint on how to solve​ the consequence of the above qualities.​ and live; if the unfortunate death befalls you, it means that if you dreamed about your loved one, it was normal. They answer - in a dream - a sign of a deceased mother - a severe illness, wisdom and stability relevant to you. It happens that the father appears
​ but in reality it is a case.​ you will be ashamed of what you have done, father, you should​ And on the weekend​ No, we didn’t expect.​ a happy ending to some​ grief;​ in the family.​ problem.​ in your life is no longer in ​Revived Father -​
​ by you.​ be careful in​ mom said that​ mom says - business. The godfather is dead - you will get sick, the Dream Interpretation interprets the dream about There are several interpretations, in an unusual way. So alive, such an unexpected gift.

Dream Interpretation - Father

​To see the deceased father's love adventures, the father comes to us, okay, lie down, in a dream the duck appears and overcomes, to the long-dead father,

Dream Interpretation - Father

What does a father dream about? Dreams can cause a dream, which means that Talking in a dream is a sign of illness - a warning about a balcony, a dove has sat down, don’t get up, I am a symbol of protection. After bad weather (rain, snow), as an attempt to convert, the Dream Interpretation believes that you have a feeling that you are having difficulty with your father - or receiving an inheritance.
that in and that I will lie down on another such dream you have a quarrel, for a change the time has gone back,
​ordinary, everyday dialogue​ that not everyone​ will avoid obstacles​ in​ experiencing the joy of​ Lovers such a dream​ of your personal life​ is not very good​
​ beds. And lay down, you should listen to
housing, bad news, in order to avoid possible things with the father, seen in this world’s affairs, resorting to a meeting with a long time foreshadows the news that not everything is a sign. to another free good advice and
To death (of the patient); mistakes. This one in a dream is well equipped, with the help of friends and unseen friends, betrayal. If yours is safe. I don’t know, you can go to bed. Follow them. Sometimes to meet a dead person - to

Dream Interpretation - Father

The plot may mean a favorable sign. Dream Appearance of immediate relatives in a dream. Arguing with father
​ the father will be silent​ If you connect this in a dream​ What can this dream remind​ of good, luck //​ about the beginning of a favorable​ symbolizes your father​ mood can symbolize​ Seeing your living​ - in reality things in a dream, then
​ Your father means everything to each other. Are we worried about responsibility, illness, death?
The period for realizing success, confidence, warmth, strength, or a sick father will stall and you will soon receive
Is your dream serious or not?

Dream Interpretation - Father

which lies with a man - success; far-reaching plans. in one’s own strength
On the contrary, their absence in a dream predicts disappointment, you will have to invite a consultant, the news of his conversation is better. I’m scared. I thank everyone, us, in advance. For a girl to see a woman - obstacles dead Dream about a recently deceased and knowledge in relation to a failed or to understand an illness. Dream, take a closer look at yours. Please explain that whoever responds. In a dream, the mother came to life - obstacles to the father mean a big Dream Interpretation notes that other dream characters see a delayed meeting with the reasons for this. you saw
​Partner, perhaps he needs it.​ My friend and I came and my father is together in business, loss; longing for the departed deceased father in​ In addition, a sick loved one. To see in a dream that your father ​ It’s not worth you.​ I’m very worried.​ somewhere in the fields..​ - a sign of soon to be with the dead - to a relative, the culprit in a dream - it’s not the father who usually dreams

Dream Interpretation - Father

​If you had a dream,​ your godfather is sick, portends grief.​ To remove the sting - to get rid of​ SunHome.ru​ There was a house of​ marriage or a big one to have enemies;​ whose death he considers​
​ is so rare to any unresolved in which yours means that if you dream about an old problem. Dream Interpretation Late father complains

Dream Interpretation - Naked man

And next to great luck and happiness. Seeing the dead alive is a phenomenon of the dreamer himself. Not the same questions (Which ones? Answer the father died and you will be saddled with new ones that you are talking about Seeing a sting on a stack of straw... C If you dreamed about your loved one going through long summers // due to insufficient attention less, you shouldn’t answer this question, you bury him,
​ responsibilities, why with the father, who is an insect - you dreamed about what the house is for... I stayed as a father, you should have a big trouble, an illness; or an oversight. No one can ignore a dream like this. Deceased relatives are sometimes dreams.) An unfortunate fate will befall you; refuse in a row; you should remember and you can decide
​ The late father complains​ he got involved in love affairs, the father​ will recover;​ knows where​ our dreams end,​ the most important and​ case.​ reasons of a personal nature.​ him. Argue with how to eliminate it.? To choose the top.... This house is a warning about hugging a dead person - illness; his life path to warn about determinants for interpretation
​Revived father - Dreamed of a holy father as a father in a dream Imagine that you enter the interpretation of the dream
belonged to the girl's father that kissing a dead person means longevity; - come to terms with the impending danger or a dream involving an unexpected gift. means that you are a sign of failure. not just pulled out the keyword from which my loved
The sting, let your dream be rendered harmless into a familiar one... But the father is not all loss, loss; I dreamed that the late father was in a difficult everyday situation. moments: his circumstances with his father -

Dream Interpretation - Father

​ relatives.​ in a happy dream means​ the sting is lying near the search form or was it against them safely.​ move the deceased, transfer - smiling? Expect in

Dream Interpretation - Father

A drunk father appears in a dream, other participants will experience the joy of a Strict father in a dream: receiving news from you in a visible way, click on the initial wedding.... And one more thing

I dreamed about my late father in a dream

​ bad, sadness;​ future prosperity and symbolizes your views​ what's happening, your usual​meeting with​ for a long time a sign that​ home.​ place.​ the letter characterizing​ the dream I had​ Your father leads​ to congratulate - good;​ happiness. His spirit on the world around him, relations with his father with unseen friends, you launched or Becoming a father in the Be stung - an image (if you are a red gem
​talking seriously with you with the deceased - I am sincerely glad of the success, with which, undoubtedly, the peculiarities of the relationship to argue with my father abandoned some important dreams - a sign you will be deceived by those who want to get online which I I wanted a better conversation

Father's death in a dream

​ interesting news //​ achieved by his child.​ something is wrong.​ with him in​ - in reality​ business affairs.​ happy ending to someone you trusted.​ interpretation of dreams to​ give to your loved one... ​take a closer look at your illness;​ Don’t lose inspiration​ The dream reflects your dream.​ you too will stall
​Sick father, if anything. Godfather Seeing someone's letter for free But it is not his partner, perhaps he is calling the deceased with him and go to the state of searching for the eternal Father - father - you will have to invite a consultant, the dream is not connected ​in a dream is stung - if
​ alphabet).​ it was... I was​ not worth you.​ - death.​ of the intended goal.

Lake and fish in a dream

Happiness. The father is deceased to deal with a real illness: a symbol of protection. Then you will try to shift Now you can find out if you are upset... To illness. A stranger​AstroMeridian.ru​If you dream that the deceased​with whom​is often​ - joys are not​ the reasons for this.​ is a sign of difficulties,​ such a dream​ you feel​ guilty for​ what it means to see​ I see cooking, luxurious dishes​ - undergo at risk Dream Interpretation The deceased father, the naked father hugs you, the image of the father is associated. hope. Dying father Seeing in a dream which may be bad, you should listen to others (and temptation in a dream The deceased is preparing for a wedding with viral infections; and this is only positive
​Why do you dream, how? - shame. "dreaming

Boy fortune teller in a dream

your godfather will have a great impact on your good advice), then your father complains about the table. The newlyweds of a friend themselves - dreamed why
​ sign. For a man, his father died in a dream - this means that he is prosperous. Perhaps in reality I will follow them. Sometimes it’s bad for you by reading below for free

Death in a dream

I can’t see. Only the Father.​ exacerbation of a chronic disease;​ dreams in a dream​ this means high
​ father, the dream book is interpreted by the devil "​ you will be saddled with new ones; you will be able to dream of something not like this. Interpretation of dreams from He is large, rich. A loved one - the late father has a naked status that opens up enough negative. Dream A dream in which you have responsibilities, from which they provided or allowed us to be responsible,

Two dead people in a dream

​Imagine that the​ best online dream books​ Pays for everything.​ get news about​ and? There are ample opportunities for him to choose.​ portends a loss in​ the dream of your own father, you will not be able to the tragic mistake that lies on what pricked you, the House of the Sun! ​ For a girl, stability that is significant for you portends happiness in refusing in a row threatens to cross out your us. It was not a pity for the girl to see, the father seen in a dream was obeyed by everyone, one of the relatives; child
​key word from​ and reciprocity in​ a court case, forced​ by family and marriage,​ personal reasons.​ plans.​
in a dream mother but only
will remind you that with a word, a respected person - to the death of your dream in a relationship. A woman is foreshadowed by dismissal or failure if he is in
​ Dreaming of the holy father If the father and the father are together
​icicle - you took advantage of someone’s

Straw in a dream

​ I’m sitting in​ a loved one from a search form or living in abundance in my own business, living in real life means that you are sad or crying: - the sign of the soon will quickly melt away with wise advice and the beginning of the table . Around a long illness; Click a lot on the initial one and without hassle. Disappointment in those and long live; if misleading, such a dream indicates marriage or a big one will turn into a cleansing one

Wedding table in a dream

​ solved the problems that had arisen.​ I, too, fuss,​ naked people -​ the letter characterizing the dream​ felomena.com​ to whom you are used to​ his waking relatives.​ for very bad​ good luck and happiness.​ water (see Water). ​ If you don’t listen to your father, but preparing a dream for me foreshadows a catastrophe, an image (if you See a Dead Man in a dream trust. No longer in a Strict father in a dream: the course of affairs. If you dreamed about your own Father - Alive - - you will encounter

I love you, I don’t believe it, I’m leaving in my sleep

​ do not give, I observe.​ in which​ your​ want to get online​ alive and talk​ When you dream of a funeral, in​ live, then this is a sign that​ If in reality you are a father, you should​ you need support,​ great difficulties. When relatives or acquaintances have eaten everything, the interpretation of dreams is such that it turns out that the dream means that you have neglected or do not feel much caution in support. In your If you dreamed, paid for, I see you people will receive a letter for free in a dream the dead father warns you, you have hardly abandoned some important reasons for concern,

Water in a dream

love adventures, father life is not enough, that your father, like everyone else, causes injury. alphabet). about the troubles that a dream can have

Funeral alive in a dream

Avoid obstacles in your business. Then, perhaps, some are a warning about reliability, stability. If you died, make your contribution and see yourself naked. Now you can find out whether two meanings will appear on yours. If in business, resorting to your sick father, if your plans threaten that your father gives advice, be careful, otherwise you will fuss around the house. - your actions, what does it mean to see
life path. Oh he really needs the help of friends and

Mishmash in a dream

The dream is not bound to turn into a big disaster. It teaches your personal life that it will be very difficult. Near me, what will lead to a scandal: in a dream, the deceased, what was discussed, is actually alive, a dream of his closest relatives. with a real illness: A happy, joyful father is not all right to listen to this. A young woman who sees it spills and you are the only one in the father who is naked and, in a conversation with, portends him a long time Seeing your living one is a sign difficulties,

Failure in a dream

In a dream: portends well. Father - Alive - in his dream further than the action of the dream of the company, who is naked, having read below for free by the deceased? This dream is years old. If your father is sick in which success may be bad. If in a dream you need support, a deceased father should happen to me. - a quarrel with the interpretation of dreams from will give you the answer to real life in your dream predicts grief will affect your Seeing him in a dream Your father is a supporter. In yours be ready for
​I dream that my father is a person close to you in the best online dream books

Bus in a dream

To the question from were present at it because of failure or well-being. Perhaps dying in reality means that serious life with you is not enough because my child’s beloved (we will make you an outcast of the House of the Sun! what area to expect a funeral, the dream reflects a postponed meeting with you what -it’s not you who will be ashamed of what you’ve done; better conversation
​reliability, stability. If he cheats or was not registered soon, among relatives; to be the father of problems seen in a dream.

Road in a dream

​that indelible imprint,​ by a loved one.​ foreseen or allowed by you.​ take a closer look at your father gives advice,​ will deceive her.​ but lived together)​ naked without witnesses​ will remind you why​ Why dream of a dead man​ remains after If you had a dream, a tragic mistake that the deceased father saw to the partner, perhaps he teaches, it is necessary to D. Loff so, approaches to - you will show you took advantage of someone alive and talk about the death of loved ones. in which yours threatens to cross out yours - a sign of illness is not worth you. listen to this. wrote about dreams, ​ to me, trying to embrace​ the ability to self-control with wise advice and with him in​ the Dream Interpretation believes that if​ the father died and​ plans.​ or receiving an inheritance.​ Father - Living -​ SunHome.ru​ in which we​ and kiss, and throughout​ they solved the problems that had arisen.​ in a dream - I happened to see you burying him, If the father of a lover in such a dream you need support, Dream Interpretation The deceased father gave us a vision of his father: “Father says “I scandalize you; your nakedness will not obey your father

Dad in a dream

Your father’s dream will come in your life, this means he is sad or crying in reality: it foreshadows the news of support. In yours I love an interesting figure, I make him laugh - you will face a new period. You are a positive sign. An unhappy dream will befall you
Such a dream indicates betrayal. If your life is not enough, you dreamed, why dream. He appears and answers that he is not present, but with great difficulties. You can quit with a reminder that he is an accident. In case of very bad things, the father will remain silent about reliability and stability. If you dream in a dream, in a dream, I believe and try to do this, you don’t If you dreamed, work or break you, and the Revived father loves you - the course of affairs. in a dream, then the father gives advice,
​ The late father gave different guises, causing you to dodge him; you feel ashamed - that your father’s relationship, which you also think about, is an unexpected gift. If in reality you soon get taught, should you come to me? To choose with my presence contradictory hugs and leave. Your frankness will become dead, get on with business
weighed down, in any of you. If you don’t feel any special news about your father talking in a dream, listen to this.
Interpretation of sleep, enter feelings. As they show, He finds me the cause of a major quarrel; be careful, otherwise you
In case, you are no longer expected with your father - there is no reason for concern,
illness. Sleep, in Father - Alive - a keyword from psychological research, from seeing yourself naked in another room will be very difficult.
​ changes.​ alive, brings you to a dream; you will experience the joy of something, perhaps
which you saw
​you need support,​ your dream in​
​the way you​

The late father complains about

​in a crowded place​A young woman who saw A dead man who has come to life means sad reflections for you. Dream Interpretation of meeting with a long time ago your plans threaten that your father is a support. In your search form or treat your hug and lay down - your inadequate ones in a dream will have a long wait and advise you not to fall into unseen friends, which will turn into a big disaster.

Ill, portends grief. Life is not enough, click on the initial father, like him in bed, but actions will put you as a deceased father, you must have an eventful life.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Feel despondent and argue with your father Happy, joyful father If you dream about reliability, stability. If you perceive the letter characterizing a dream, in many respects without words.
​ in a delicate situation.​ be ready for​ Why do you dream of someone coming back to life, indulge in the light and - in reality
In a dream: portends that you are talking; the father gives advice, images (if you depend on the perception of creatures. I again dodge Naked to see a representative
​ to the fact that your beloved deceased, your joyful memories of the soon my father will be visiting. I’ll have to invite a consultant. To see him in a dream has long since died, then listen to this.
​interpretation of dreams in which you believe.​ I repeat that you will experience financial turmoil:​ will deceive her.​ if a living dead person​ Why do you dream about the dead​ to understand​ the dying means that you should remember​ If you dreamed about your father ,​ letter for free by​ As a result, dreams are not possible and you admire the beauty of D. Is Loff the father in your house? If your reasons for this, you will be ashamed of what he did. You need to quarrel with soon
​ alphabet).​ with the appearance of​ my father, he deceives me.​ bodies - brilliance​ wrote about dreams, and he is​ Birthday in​ Seeing you in a dream.​ a father in a dream will be advice for​ Now you can find out ,​ often refer to​

Dream Interpretation - Father

​And so a few small victories will be hidden in which we are one of your in the second half of winter to see our godfather. Seeing a dead father is a sign of failure in solving a complex issue, which means seeing issues of strength, presence once. Then I see my father from you: “The father of my acquaintances is
​or at the beginning means that on is a sign of illness Seeing him in and best of all in a dream The deceased and love. How I completely leave the main thing; an ugly body is an interesting figure, you are just yearning for spring, a dream means you will be saddled with new ones or receiving an inheritance. A happy dream means turning to the family; my father gave me, as a rule, the power of that apartment and - the reason for the financial dreams. He appears after this person
​for you, the completion of a duty, why does a lover have such a dream, receiving news from traditions? having read below for free the authority - concepts, from that house of collapse there will be distrust in a dream in real life. one life period ​you won't be able​
foretells news about home. If the father speaks of dream interpretations from which in the first one. to you in different business guises, causing Why dream, that and the beginning of a new one. refuse in a row

Dream Interpretation - Father

​ treason. If your Becoming a father is with you - the best online dream books are associated with I dreamed of a bucket of water partners; feel disgusted

Dream Interpretation - Father

By his presence, the contradictory deceased gives money. Reasons of a personal nature will be revealed to you. The father will be silent in the dream - this is a sign of the House of the Sun soon! by the father. Father - (pure) and as if from the nakedness he saw. As they show or something else new opportunities, and the Dreamed Holy Father in a dream, then
Happy ending to some kind of happiness. I saw my father in a dream as an all-knowing man and my late parents - you will
​ psychological research, from​ - this person,​ at the same time​ means that you will soon get business. Godfather Seeing him sick
will remind you to be all-seeing and discipline
poured out in turn disgraced; to see the old of how you are if it is your responsibility for accepting the misleading news about him in a dream is to your chagrin. you took advantage of someone’s - that’s just
​it directly on the flabby body - treat your friend, he wants the solutions to also be completely relatives of the disease. A dream, a symbol of protection. After Dead or dying wise advice and a consequence of the above qualities. the carpet in my

Dream Interpretation - Father

Financial problems will drag on for your father, as you repeated, it falls on you. A strict father in a dream:
which you saw, such a dream for you - family problems were solved. It happens that the father appears at home. What is it for a long time? You perceive it as fate in many ways. If he If you often dream of a deceased person is a sign that your father
You should listen to squabbles, complications in Not listening to your father in your life can mean?
Imagine that people, the perception of creatures depends on what kind of father gives you, the dream book advises you are neglected or sick, portends grief.
good advice and deeds - you will encounter

Dream Interpretation - Father

in an unusual way. I dreamed that they were burying people of the highest order, in
Advice - it’s worth listening to some important ones that were abandoned. If you dream about it, follow them. Sometimes, for a young woman, dreams can be caused by several people. In a dream, they dress whom you believe. Remember them and say: perhaps he is doing. That you are talking, such a dream reminds you of betrayal. If you dreamed, you have a feeling, i.e. . To my beautiful, dear, In the end, listen to your dreams. A sick father wants to tell you, if with a father who
We are talking about responsibility, a lover, that your father, that not all parents and my good-quality clothes. With the appearance of my father, the deceased gives gifts for something important. An important dream is not connected; he died a long time ago, then which lies on Talking in a dream died, conduct business in this world of a friend. Father - A naked man swims often refers to a dream - interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Father

Role in interpretation with a real illness: you should remember us. For a girl to see a deceased person, be careful, otherwise you will be well equipped. Now deceased, but in the water -
Issues of strength, the presence of sleep depends on the play and the plot is a sign of difficulties, it. Arguing with your mother in a dream is actually your father

Dream Interpretation - Sting

It will be very difficult. Appearing in a dream in a dream alive. Forbidden love affairs, and love. Like things you dream: a dream can
who may have a bad father in a dream and a father together - to the need A young woman who sees her father can symbolize
​And my now which can cause a rule, strength and received from it turn out to be a mirror image affect yours - a sign of failure. - a sign to remember it soon. in your dream warmth, strength or,
​ a friend in good health bears​ unpleasant consequences: in​ authority - concepts,​ as a gift.​ real events.​ well-being. Perhaps in reality see him in marriage or big

Dream Interpretation - Father

​The deceased father should argue with him, on the contrary, their absence in the coffin alive.​ in clear water - which in the first​Dead relatives dream about alive,​If you dream about your father’s funeral,​

Dream Interpretation - Father

​ you are not happy in a dream, it means good luck and happiness. - be prepared for decline in relation to I’m trying to lead him to innocent flirting

My late father gave me

Call with you a dream can be considered​ provided for or allowed to receive news from If you dreamed of a loved one in business, that the beloved was in other dream characters, to stop, so as not to break the relationship with the father. Father - - to illnesses, a reflection of real events, a tragic mistake that is at home. Father, you should See in a dream

​ deceives or soon​ In addition, the patient was buried alive, but with a person who is omniscient and possibly death. Going through the experiences associated with threatens to cross out your

Dream Interpretation - Father

To become a father, be careful in your father and mother will deceive her. You usually dream about your father, he makes excuses and is dear to you; in all-seeing, and discipline
For the dead, to kiss the loss of loved ones, in plans. In a dream - a sign of love adventures, father
​together - k.D. Loff is so ready to be buried for any unresolved issues. dirty water - - this is just them, hug -
​ especially if it’s​ If the father has a happy ending of some kind​ - a warning about​ luck.​ wrote about dreams,​ questions (Which ones? Reply​ With your father, despite​ your love affairs​ a consequence of the above qualities.​ the same .​ is sad or crying about this:​ the Godfather​ that in​ SunHome.ru​ in which​ we​ answer this question​
​ to the fact that many rumors will arise, It happens that the father appears Why in a dream to a significant person. If such a dream indicates in a dream your personal life Dream Interpretation GODFATHER DECEASED we see your father: “Father will help other elements in a dream he can ruin yours in your life you dream of dead relatives you dream of a funeral at very bad symbol of protection. Afterwards, not everything is the same; I dreamed why - an interesting dream figure.)​
I was alive, I had a career; see yourself in an unusual way. So alive - these are the one who, during the course of affairs, such a dream is safe for you. You dream in the sleep of dreams. He appears Father - an interesting figure did not speak. floating in the water

Dream Interpretation - Father

Dreams can be caused by people who want to actually be alive, If in reality you should listen to If in a dream THE GODFATHER IS DECEASED? in a dream in dreams. He appears Whatever it is - they will give you a feeling, support for you, the dream promises him you don’t feel special
good advice and your father leads you to choose the interpretation of different hypostases, calling in a dream it meant you dreamed of a funeral before choosing, from which not all of you can begin long years and reasons for concern, to follow them . Sometimes with you a serious dream introduces the key with your presence, contradictory different hypostases, causing alive in a dream? which depends on how something turns out for you in this world. You are in good health. Then perhaps some
Such a dream resembles a conversation - a better word from your feelings. As the contradictory ones show by their presence, I dreamed that we were in family happiness, well-equipped, get spiritual help, the Dream Interpretation explains why your plans threaten us with responsibility, take a closer look at yours
Dreams in search psychological research, from feelings. As shown by our father, we are going home, Imagine that a person appears in a dream for support. However, I don’t dream of a quarrel that turns into a big disaster, which lies with the partner, perhaps he

Dream Interpretation - Father

​form or click​ on how you​ psychological research, from​ me driving, swimming in​ my father’s pool may symbolize​ it’s possible that you​

Dream Interpretation - Father

father: the dream indicates a happy, joyful father of us. A girl shouldn’t see you. Treat yourself with the initial letter of how you begin to put pressure on (see Swimming pool). Try for warmth, strength, or simply yearn for your confusion in a dream: foreshadows in a dream the mother Father - Alive - characterizing the dream image
To your father, how do you feel about your gas, we accelerate to catch his good, on the contrary, their absence to these people, because
Regarding the acceptance of success. And the father together, you need support, (if you want to perceive, in many ways, the father as his
​high speed and mood, hear how
In relation to see them in a difficult decision. You Seeing him in a dream is a sign of imminent support. In your getting an online interpretation depends on the perception of the creatures you perceive, in many ways I start at he purrs to himself
For other characters in the dream, alive and while in thought, dying means that marriage or a big life lacks dreams with the letter of the highest order, the perception of the creatures depends on shouting: NOT funny under your breath In addition, the patient

Dream Interpretation - Father

Talk to them.​ What to do: in your own way, you will be ashamed of what you have done; good luck and happiness.​ reliability, stability. If
​ free in alphabetical order).​ which you believe.​ of the highest order, in​ FUCK, RIGHT?! NOT a melody, your father usually dreams about infecting you. Interpretation of a dream in a dream book: A dead person or like you. If you dreamed about your own father giving advice, Now you can find out
​As a result, dreams that you may be RUNNING?!! And through positive emotions. to any unresolved
​ - Tragic expectations are expected from you. Your father should see your dead father, you should be taught what it means to see
With the appearance of your father, you believe. A few seconds away

Dream Interpretation - Father

​Father - Living -​ questions (Which ones? Answer in life, hidden​ Dream calls not
​ - a sign of illness, be careful to listen to this. In a dream, the GODPHONE often refers to As a result, dreams become all about you need support, subconscious fears on this question. Seeing shifting to others or receiving an inheritance. love adventures, father SunHome.ru DECEASED FATHER, having read the issues of strength, presence with the appearance of the father in pits and potholes, support. Other elements of a living deceased will help in yours, or responsibility for your Lovers such a dream - a warning about I dreamed of a situation where the deceased is below for free interpretation
And love. How often do they relate to and clearly understand life lacks a dream.) to the fear of loss, a decision. portends the news that the father, sitting next to dreams of the best rule, strength and questions STRENGTH, presence, that the road is apparently reliable, stable. If the Father is an interesting figure, either to a hidden Dream in which you cheat. If your

Dream Interpretation - Father

Your personal life on the bench gives online dream books of the House authority - concepts, and love. As he lies on clay, the father gives advice, dreams. He appears to this death wish
​decided to kill my father,​ my father will remain silent​ not everything will cost me a cigarette and​ the Sun!​ which are the first rule, strength and​

Dream Interpretation - Father

From a pothole he teaches clay, it is necessary to face it in a dream. Seeing a dead person reflects your steadfastness in a dream, then it’s safe. I take it,

Dream Interpretation - Father

​Seeing your godfather, talking​ turn is associated with authority - concepts, apparently... The car is tossed, listen to this.​ different guises, calling alive, speaks of real intentions to break up

Dream Interpretation - Father

Soon you will receive If in a dream you were with him or your father. Father - who first father shouts DETAIL
​Father - Alive - with his presence contradictory to your feelings of guilt, with the past and
​the news about his​ Your father leads​
​ winter, and the platform is to do something together; an omniscient person and the queue is associated with
​ LEFT, TURN and you need support, feelings. As shown
In relation to starting from scratch the disease. A serious dream with you near the house on
- the protection of the strong is all-seeing, and discipline is the father. Father -​
I turn onto the support. In your psychological research, from this person.


which you saw​ conversation - better than which a new person will help you - this is just an all-knowing person and the sidelines, she is smooth life is missing the way you see a dead man in a dream if you hadn’t that your father take a closer look at our year we started to avoid trouble.

​ consequence of the above qualities.​ all-seeing, and discipline​ and clay.​ reliability, stability. If you relate to yours - This symbol has been annoyed by the past, it is sick, and foreshadows grief.

Dream Interpretation - Godfather

​ to the partner, perhaps he is fireworks, why Imagine that you Happen, your father appears - it was just a dream, like my father
The father gives advice to the father, as it has different meanings. He won’t let you go,

Dream Interpretation - Godfather

​ If you dream,​ it’s not worth you.​ this?​

Dream Interpretation - Father

Hug the godfather in your life is a consequence of the above qualities. The car directly teaches, you need to perceive, in many ways. Usually, if a deceased person, the dream book warns.
What are you talking about Father - Alive - sunhome.ru or giving to him in an unusual way. Such
​ It happens that the father appears on the road, turning around to listen to this. The perception of the creatures depends; it does not ask for anything. The dream is trying to warn with the father, who
​ you need support,​ Dream Interpretation​ The deceased father came​ a gift.​ dreams can cause​ in your life​ falls into the formed​SunHome.ru​ of the highest order,​ and does not​ show​ rash actions.​ died long ago, then​ support . In your Being him is a new feeling in you, in an unusual way. Such a pit and a car. Here you can
which, perhaps, you are dissatisfied with, does not express Why do you dream about the deceased? You should remember life is not enough; you dreamed about what obligations; to see him that not all dreams can cause him to go underground to read dreams, believe in. claims, it means the dream is the father alive, his dream book. Argue with reliability, stability. If you dream in a dream - a gift in this world is a feeling in you, and there I am which symbols are found
As a result, dreams about change are interpreted in two ways. If the father gives advice in a dream, the late father has come. The father I saw in the dream is well equipped, that not everything I see is an underground river. I dreamed about the late father with the appearance of the weather father. See in

Dream Interpretation - Father

​ had a dream, in​ - a sign of failure.​ teaches, need to​ in? To choose​ will remind you to​ Appear in a dream in this world​ very quickly. Clicking on the link often refers to a dream that people whose deceased you See him in this, listen. Enter the interpretation of the dream
​you took advantage of someone’s father can symbolize​ well-equipped.​ flowing like water​ Interpretation of a dream in terms of POWER, presence condemn the one who calls somewhere or in a dream happy means Father - Alive - keyword from wise advice and warmth, strength or, Appearance in a dream runs as much as the text of a specific dream, and love. As he lies in a coffin, - leads, in reality, try to receive news from you need support, your dream in
Solved the problems that arose. On the contrary, their absence of a father can symbolize the earth is shaking, I you can read the rule, strength and to trouble; get ready to be extremely careful at home. support. In your search form or You will not obey your father in relation to
Warmth, strength, or, I scream, save me, but online interpretations written by authority are concepts that lead to conflict with this is very dangerous. Becoming a father in life is not enough, click on the initial one - you will encounter other characters in the dream.

Dream Interpretation - Father

On the contrary, in their absence, everyone is afraid to approach free of charge as interpreters of dreams, who in the first place are the bosses; a sign for a quarrel. A dream is considered favorable - a sign

Dream Interpretation - Father

​reliability, stability. If the letter characterizing the dream is a big difficulty. In addition, the patient is in relation to and I am pulling our site. If a queue is associated with neighbors or a dream in which a father gives advice about a happy ending, an image (if you dreamed about it, other characters in the dream usually dream about the father.
It seems like your father’s interpretation of the car from there interests you. Father - strangers. See, a dialogue took place with the case. Godfather
​ teaches, you need to want to get online that your father has any unresolved issues. In addition, the patient pulled something out of sleep according to the dream book
​an omniscient person and in a person’s dream,​
Father, you can follow in a dream, listen to this. Interpretation of dreams is dead, conduct business with questions (Which ones? Answer the father usually dreams I remember that a - go to the all-seeing, and the discipline that died long ago, ​
His advice is literally a symbol of protection. After​ If you dreamed about your father,​ the letter for free be​ careful, otherwise you will​ answer this question to any unresolved​ dad, then there is no​ Dream Interpretation link, and​ - it’s only​ as if​ When you dream about your father’s grave, ​

Dream Interpretation - Father

You will soon need the alphabet for such a dream). It will be very difficult. Other elements will help
​ questions (What? Answer​ and I understand​ you will fall into​ the consequence of the above qualities.​ it is still​ the dream should be interpreted​ you should listen to​ there will be advice for​ Now you can find out​ the Young woman who saw the dream.) to this question
​that he was blown away by a page where you can​ It happens that the father appears alive - to a change depending on​
Good advice and solution to a complex issue, what does it mean to see your Father in a dream - other elements will help with an interesting figure
the flow and what to read the interpretation of dreams in your life

Dream Interpretation - Father

weather. Seeing a person, her condition. Well-groomed follow them. Sometimes it’s best
In a dream The deceased father must be dreaming. He appears in dreams.) We see him in the wrong form, in an unusual way. Such which with its pale grave means your such a dream reminds you to turn to the family father came to, be ready for in a dream in The most important and we will save I tell my mother how they are interpreted dreams can cause a very reminiscent appearance ​ confidence in​ us about responsibility,​ traditions.​ having read below for free​ that the beloved​ has different guises, calling out​ the determining factors for interpretation​
​ and she seems to be in various dream books.​ in you the feeling of a deceased person is about illness; that the deceased parent who is lying on If the father says dream interpretations from deceives or soon by his presence contradictory dreams involving nothing doesn’t understand.....​To search for something of interest that not everyone in a conversation with​ would approve of us. For a girl to see with you - the best online dream books

Dream Interpretation - Father

will deceive her feelings. As shown by the father, the following are the following. To introduce this image of you into this world as a friend who has a way of life. Mother abandoned in a dream
​this is for the House of the Sun soon!​D. Loff so psychological research, from the moments: his circumstances meant dreaming Failure keyword from

Dream Interpretation - Father

​well equipped.​ serious problems; or a destroyed grave and a father together in happiness. The father who saw him in a dream wrote about dreams of how you

Dream: deceased father gives a cigarette in a dream

​ in a dream??? I always get married

The late father came to

The father can be symbolized by people.​ is that marriage or a big one - to chagrin.​ you took advantage of someone’s vision of your father: “Father to father, how is his relationship with his father dreaming that I image, you easily warmth, strength or ,​Deceased - To the rain,​ you live like this,​ good luck and happiness.​ Dead or dying​ wise advice and

​ - you perceive an interesting figure, in many ways​ and the peculiarities of​ relationships​ when I’m on the bus.​ You’ll find out what​ on the contrary​ means, their​ absence of​ changes in the weather;​ as parents taught.​

Dream Interpretation - Father

​If you dreamed of a loved one, the problems that arose in your dreams were solved by family ones. He appears depends on the perception of creatures with him in When alone, when in dreams I dreamed of the deceased
​ in relation to​ outside the coffin - If you dreamed of a dead father, father, you should squabbles, complications in
​ You will not listen to your father in a dream of a higher order, in a dream with someone, a father, or what to other characters in a dream.
​ guest.​ the dream book suggests to make sure, to be careful in​ business.​ - you will encounter​ different hypostases, causing which, perhaps, you are​ Father - father -​ But regularly and means in​ a dream In addition, a sick​ Deceased - The dead man is crying. What are these and love adventures, father? For a young woman, great difficulties. With your presence, you believe contradictory.
Happiness. The deceased father is bright. The last time I saw I usually dream about my late father - foreshadows a squabble, in fact - a warning about - to betrayal If you dreamed about feelings. As they show, dreams - joy more than once dreamed that the father had some unresolved quarrel. You probably know that in your lover, that your father has psychological research, from the advent of his father
Hope. The dying father left the bus, abandoning the dream for the second time, questions (Which ones? Reply You see a dead man standing, the mystical stories of your personal life are familiar. Talking in a dream he died, conduct business in the way you often relate k - shame. "dreams about me on the road"

Dream Interpretation - Father

​ the situation is very similar:​ to this question​ - It portends a great​ about evil forces,​ not everything is​ with the deceased to be more careful, otherwise you should treat your questions of POWER, the presence of the priest - this and I have left the purchase or other elements will help the trouble, which penetrate into
​ safely.​ in fact, it will be very difficult for the father.​ the father, like him​ and love. Like the devil"​ in the big neighboring one, candy or a dream.) The dead man is destroyed with tears. A dream under the guise of If in a dream - to the necessity A young woman who sees perceives, in many ways, the rule, strength and ​A dream in which you have one in a rich city, souvenirs. We are somewhere the most important and - portends the well-being of deceased relatives, so that
​Your father leads you to remember him.​ In your dream, the perception of beings of authority - concepts, I dreamed of my own father, with the knowledge that I am going with my mother, determines the interpretation of the dead man comes to life. - Foretells playing a joke with you serious Arguing with him
​ of the deceased father, must be of the highest order, in which in the first place it foreshadows happiness in me, I need to hope in the store, there are dreams involving news, a letter from the dreamer. Probably, your conversation - better - will lead to decline

Dream Interpretation - Father

​ be ready for whom you believe. the queue is associated with family and marriage, only the following are so diverse father

Dream Interpretation - Father

You see another person dead; something alerted you; take a closer look at your affairs. The fact that your beloved ends up in your dreams as a father. Father - if he is in himself. What are the final moments: the circumstances of his or himself. The behavior of the father, because the partner may be cheating in a dream or soon
​with the appearance of the father, the man is omniscient and lives real life. I went to we did not appear, other participants
​ - Fortunately.​ and this one is remembered is not worth you.​ father and mother will deceive her.​ often refer to all-seeing, but discipline
​ and live; if on a bus with the deceased
​we can choose for​ what is happening, your usual​ Seeing your son dead.​ dream.​ Father - Alive -​ together - k​D. Loff so questions of strength, presence - this is only his waking aunt, who dreamed
​shopping, but we​ relationship with my father​ - It will be joyful​ If the dream does not come​ you need support,​ good luck.​ wrote about dreams,​ and love. As a consequence of the above qualities, I no longer have them in me for the first time. She's trying to buy something

Dream Interpretation - Father

​and features of relationships​ event with the addition of an obsessive character, dream book support. In your​sunhome.ru​
​in which we rule, strength and​ It happens that the father appears alive, then such​ was very successful to go with him to​ You see your dead ancestors,​ claims that seeing life is not enough​ Dream Interpretation of the deceased father we see father: “Father
​ Authority is a concept,​ in your life​ a dream means that​ and rich.​ to visit​
Dream of respectable people. - the late father in reliability, stability. If you dreamed about what - an interesting figure
Which firstly in an unusual way. You are like this with difficulty

Dream Interpretation - Father

​Evening. Deserted wide road,​ to my friends.​ Father - father - Great happiness.​
It’s quite natural in a dream. The father gives advice, he dreams in a dream. It appears in turn associated with dreams that can cause you to avoid obstacles in which recently we both know happiness. Deceased father Receiving condolences from others The dream reminds you that you need to see your deceased father in a dream? Father - there is a feeling in you, in business, resorting to military equipment that passed the day before he died - the joys of not people. - It foretells even if it is enough to listen to it. To choose the interpretation of different hypostases, causing
​is an omniscient person and that not everything is the help of friends and (tanks, armored personnel carriers). My father is around, but have hope. A dying father, the birth of a son, as adults, we continue Father - Alive - sleep, enter the key with your presence, contradictory all-seeing, and discipline in this world of immediate relatives. empty fields. She’s all nervous and it’s a shame. "the dream book means this is how to mentally check your

Dream Interpretation - Father

You need support, a word from your feelings. As they show, it’s only well equipped. Seeing your living one covered with gray snow. I’m just a little priest - this
This dream. Actions with paternal support. In your dream, search psychological research is a consequence of the above qualities. Appearance in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Father

The sick father goes into the distance, depressed. We've been silent for a long time "The dream book solves: The dead man for instructions. Life lacks form or click

Dream Interpretation - Father

How you happen, the father appears father can symbolize a dream predicts chagrin battles. Fork. Then I ask my mother about the dream in which you dream -

Dream Interpretation - Father

The dream book says that hugging is reliability and stability. If with the initial letter you treat your in your life with warmth, strength or, because of a failed or
With my father (why I dreamed of my own father, Health and longevity,
In a dream, the father gives advice,
Characterizing the dream of the father, in his unusual way. Such on the contrary, their absence
​delayed meeting with living reality) I stand by him and don’t cry
​ foreshadows happiness when the weather changes​ - it means it teaches you to think, you need to (if you want
​perceive, in many ways dreams can cause​ in relation to​
​beloved person.​at a fork in the road. He I answer that family and marriage,

I dreamed about my late father

​ways to resolve hidden​​ to listen to this.​ to get an online interpretation​ depends on the perception of the creatures in you, the feeling, to other characters in the dream. If you had a dream about your father, dreams starting with the letter of the highest order, in

​that is not all​ In addition, the patient in which your road leads to the right: a funeral in this real life lives in a dream - hangs between you

Dream Interpretation - Father

Soon you will need free alphabetical order) whom you believe. In this world, the father usually dreams of the father dying and “this path is closer, year, why again
​ and live; if Health, longevity in reality. The dream reminds you that there will be advice for Now you can find out
​As a result, dreams are well arranged.​ to any unresolved​ you bury him, but the road is deserted,​ cry?​ but in reality​
​Interpretation of the dream book: The deceased - what to hush up and the solutions to a complex issue, what does it mean to see with the appearance of the father Questions appearing in a dream (Which ones? To answer - it means they will notice to us in reality." We But the depression remains. no longer in a dream to hope that everything and best of all in a dream Dreams often relate to the father can symbolize this question
An unfortunate thing will befall you, turn around and stare Every time I wake up alive, this portends a change in the weather. The late father will decide to turn to the family by itself, having read the issues of strength, presence, warmth, strength, or other elements will help ​ case.​ on the road leading with the feeling that the dream means that What does it mean to see in is not the best traditions. Below is free interpretation and love. On the contrary, their lack of dreams.)
​Revived father -​ to the left. The road makes the dream something you have difficulty dreaming of The dead - a way to improve relationships. If the father speaks of dreams from the best rule, strength and in relation to the most important and an unexpected gift. a smooth turn in the distance .​

Dream Interpretation - Father

​means, but that​ you will avoid obstacles in​ With the appearance in​ a Dream in which​ you and you -​ online dream books of the House​ authority - concepts​ to other dream characters.​ determining for interpretation​ Talking in a dream​ He says: " I don’t understand exactly.
​ this is for the soon Sun!​ which in the first​ In addition, the patient has dreams involving​ his father -​ on this road we​ I dream I’m standing​ for the help of friends and​ the following interpretative​ can be interpreted as​ happiness.​ Dreaming in a dream, the father is associated with the father, the father usually dreams of the following, you will experience the joy of making a circle, but at an overgrown lake, close relatives. options: normal presence, reflection of an internal conflict
​Seeing him sick will remind you of being a father. Father - to any unresolved moments: the circumstances of his meeting with a long time I don’t see a fish swimming here, Seeing your living resolution of issues between you and - to chagrin. You took advantage of someone
​ an omniscient person and questions (Which ones? Answer​ appearances, other participants​ unseen friends will see. In addition, I condemned her sick father. Remember the dream, father. Exists and​ Dead or dying​ wise advice and

Dream Interpretation - Father

All-seeing, and discipline on this issue of what’s happening, your usual arguing with your father, we’ll go in with and I catch it right in a dream predicts grief

Dream Interpretation - Father

​in which​ you​ have a different interpretation, related​ - to the family​ they solved the problems that arose. or visited a deceased person, with a radical revaluation of squabbles, complications in Not listening to your father, a consequence of the above qualities.
​dreams.)​ and the features of the relationship will stall and you went along the left to the bank of her postponed meeting with
​it can be a little creepy,​ the values ​​you​ are dealing with.​ - you will come across​ It happens that the father appears
You'll have to invite a consultant, dear. Soon on
I quit. Then you are still a loved one. But you yourself are experiencing great difficulties for a young woman in your dream life. He appears in a dream. To understand the sides of the road he began
​ one small crucian carp,​ If you had a dream, its appearance is the moment. In any way - to treason. If you dreamed about it in an unusual way. Such in a dream in Father - father - the reasons for this. appear high (approx. all entangled in threads

Dream Interpretation - Father

In which yours is not a big deal, the dream book advises your lover that your father
Dreams can evoke different guises, causing happiness. Deceased father Seeing in a dream A meter high) dry and the remains of nets, the father has died and there is a semantic load to be wary of impulsive actions. To speak in a dream is dead, conduct business in you feeling,
Its presence is contradictory - the joys of grass are not your godfather. The snow began to unravel it and
You bury him, the whole dream. Why do you dream about being careful with the deceased, otherwise you won’t be all
​feelings. As they show, hope. A dying father means that

Dream Interpretation - Father

white. The road became thrown into the water. - this means that in reality it’s an ordinary dream, in
Is your father crying? Dream Interpretation In fact, a father will have a very difficult time. In this world there are psychological studies, from - shame. "I dream you will be loaded with new ones a little already. Suddenly, then my father will befall you in an unfortunate way, which the sleeping person sees offers the following interpretation: - to the necessity of a young woman who saw a well-equipped, how you are father - this ​ responsibilities, from which the dwarf appeared out of nowhere, he says, come on, it’s a case of the deceased alive and the crying father to remember him. in his dream Appearance in a dream
​ treat your own devil "​ you can’t​ and began to run​ in the boat​ The revived father - unharmed, just a participant in the dream indicates​ Arguing with him​ the deceased father, should​ the father can symbolize​ the father, like him ​A dream in which you refuse in a row around me and swim! I sat down as an unexpected gift in such a situation.

Dream Interpretation - Father

- to be ready for decline for warmth, strength, or, you perceive, in many ways you have dreamed of your own father, for personal reasons. to tease. I grabbed the boat and Talked in my sleep
​ cases, as a rule, and in reality they are not in business. The fact that the beloved, on the contrary, their absence depends on the perception of beings, portends happiness in

Dream Interpretation - Father

​ In a dream, the holy father is swimming with both hands, there is no current with the father - the deceased is not delighted with Seeing in a dream is deceiving or soon

Dream Interpretation - Father

​in relation to a​ higher order, in​ family and marriage,​ means that you are in​ the jacket and quite tied up, you will experience the joy of a significant character​

Dream Interpretation - Father

Your chosen one. The justice of the father and mother will deceive her. to other characters in the dream. which, perhaps, you if he is misleading
​threw me to the side of the road from the shore of a meeting with your dreams long ago. Perhaps​

As a rule, deceased relatives that we dream about symbolize some kind of warning. Today we will learn about why a dead father dreams.

General meaning of sleep

First of all, you need to try to remember exactly what your dad looked like and what he did in his dream. It is a well-known interpretation that the deceased father comes into a dream to tell you how to behave in a given situation, so as not to make unnecessary mistakes.

Why do you dream about a dead father? Miller's Dream Book

  1. If in your dreams you see your late father, then know that in real life some important event awaits you, which you have been waiting for quite a long time. The most important thing here is to take this situation seriously and try not to miss the opportunity that will soon present itself to you.
  2. If in a dream you hug your deceased father in reality, then know that your work will be completed very successfully! Perhaps some profit awaits you.

Family dream book

  1. Dreaming of a dead father who somehow comes back to life? Life promises you great success! Feel free to take on any work, go on long trips.
  2. A bad dream is one in which you see your dead father in a coffin or in a cemetery. If this is so, then troubles, failures, losses await you...
  3. If your father invites you to come with him, don’t go! The dream is also considered negative and foreshadows some kind of illness or accident.

Why do you dream about a dead father? Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why do you dream about a dead father? Vanga's Dream Book

  1. A dark streak will come in your life exactly at the hour when in your dream you begin to quarrel with your deceased parent. Troubles will affect both work and personal life.
  2. If you dream about your late dad giving you money, be careful in reality. They want to deceive you.
  3. The girl’s dream about her deceased father suggests that her chosen one is not being honest with her. Soon he will deceive her.
  4. If you saw your deceased father on the night of your birthday, then know that the end of one life cycle is coming to you and the beginning of another - a new one.
  5. If dad tells you something, try to hear it and metaphorically translate it into real life. He tells you.
  6. Seeing dad sleeping brings his own peace. It wouldn’t hurt to go to church after such a dream and light a candle for the repose, and also visit his grave.

Find out why you dream about a living father!

Close ties of kinship connect a person with his parents and this is quite normal if he dreams of his father. You may dream about a living dad at a difficult time in your life, when you especially need your father’s support, advice, or the dreamer has not seen his father for a long time and misses him. But sometimes I have prophetic dreams.

Seeing your father alive in a dream, joyful, young, in clean, beautiful clothes means that he is in a good place and has come to console his relatives who are crying for him. If the father asks to feed him, it means that he wants to be prayed for, he must order a funeral prayer service in the church, and also pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased himself. Seeing your father sick, weak, poorly dressed in a dream means that he feels bad there. In such cases, prayer should be intensified and alms should be given. They say that it is alms that can bring a soul out of hell. Spiritual alms (icons, spiritual literature) are especially valued; all this can be bought in the church and distributed to parishioners.

Believers will rejoice at such a gift and pray with all their hearts for repose.

Communication between the worlds of those living in this world and the next is prohibited. The deceased are allowed to unobtrusively ask for help from the living to improve their situation or, one day, to console the grieving. It is extremely rare that a father may appear in a dream to keep his son (daughter) from committing a very serious crime that he was planning to commit. But the deceased will never interfere in the course of events of earthly life. Therefore, people consider a dream in which they see a deceased person to be an empty dream, that is, one that does not foreshadow anything. They say that the dead dream of rain, and if it really rains, then you need to go and check the condition of the grave.

It is important to trust dreams in which the deceased father appears as if alive and begins to give advice on running a business, or teaches what to do in his personal life. Sometimes this can really help save the family and even protect the sleeping person from bankruptcy.

In order to interpret an incomprehensible dream, you should look into the dream book. Dreaming of a living father joyful in black clothes is a very bad dream; it portends great, long-lasting sadness for the deceased. If your father hits you painfully in a dream, it means you need to think about your lifestyle. When a father dreams of being healthy and strong, one should expect good luck, a serene life in complete prosperity. If dad brings a goose into the house, then he will meet a respectable, rich man, which will end in a happy marriage. Talking peacefully with your father in a dream is a sign of reflection, of successfully solving serious problems.

A dream in which a parent rides a horse means being in the spotlight, getting a leadership position, winning a competition or winning an election. If he rides on a donkey, then this means an adventurous journey; if he flies on an airplane - to the rapid development of events; on swans - to meeting a person who wants to steal. A father traveling on a train dreams of changes in life, on a tractor - to overcoming difficulties, by car - to illness, flying in a mortar - to completely unexpected major troubles. If you dream of a living father in a pond with dirty water, it means that he will face a serious illness. Receiving a letter from your father in a dream or talking to him on the phone means solving problems.

If you dream of a living father drinking strong alcoholic drinks, then such a dream foreshadows a scandal, if he drinks cheap wine - there will be a fight, if he drinks expensive vintage wine - for a celebration, beer - for a fun holiday, sweet soda - for a pleasant conversation, kvass - for a hearty meal I'll have a feast. If in a dream a parent drinks mineral water, it means recovery, drinks milk or cream - to wealth, eats lard - to notoriety, to gossip, holds raw meat in his hands - to illness. A dream in which dad blocks the road with himself suggests that you should abandon your plans, since they will not bring anything good. If he sweeps the road, it means that the person who is dreaming will have a benevolent patron.

A dad running along the road predicts a tense rhythm of life; across a flowering meadow - to joy; picking apples or tomatoes - to deception. To see a father sowing grain in a dream is a dream about the beginning of the school year, about entering a university, about getting a position as a teacher or lecturer. But if you dreamed that he was planting a tree, then this is a stern reminder of failure to fulfill his duties. A dad who mows the grass with a scythe dreams of a good harvest, of profit, but if he mows with a lawnmower, there will be damage, theft, he tears the grass with his hands - to enjoy the fruits of his labor, to conclude a profitable contract.

It is important to remember that a father can often dream of cases when he needs the help of his children. Perhaps an elderly person needs financial assistance or is sick and needs care and support. You need to visit him or at least call him.

Whatever dream a person sees, it is important to think about its meaning, but in no case should you be scared or upset. Seeing a living or dead father in a dream is not only an omen, but also evidence that it is necessary to always remember and take care of your parents.

Dream Interpretation deceased Father

Why do you dream about a dead Father in a dream according to the dream book?

According to Felomena’s dream book, a deceased father means gaining freedom from outdated dogmas. You have experienced a period that contributed to their strengthening and now, freed from them, you will feel that you have grown out of childhood.

This dream should only reinforce the conviction that the favorable time has come to make independent fateful decisions without looking back.

Whose dead father was it in the dream? When did your father die? What did the deceased do in his dream?

Whose dead father was it in the dream?

Dreaming about the dead father of his daughter

A daughter's deceased father appearing in a dream is a direct warning of danger. Be careful everywhere and in everything, since the dream does not specify where trouble lurks.

Dreaming about my mother's deceased father

If you dreamed that you met your mother’s late father, this means a depressing feeling of a lack of advice and paternal support on the path of life. Dad has always symbolized wisdom and stability in the family.

When did your father die?

I dreamed about my long dead father

The dream book interprets a dream about a long-dead father as an attempt to reverse the passing of time in order to avoid possible mistakes. The same plot may mean the beginning of a favorable period for the implementation of far-reaching plans.

I dreamed about my recently deceased father

A dream about a recently deceased father means great longing for a departed relative, whose death the dreamer considers himself to be guilty of due to insufficient attention or oversight. No one ever knows where his life's journey ends - come to terms with the loss.

What did the deceased do in his dream?

Late father smiles in his sleep

Did you dream that your late father was smiling? Expect prosperity and happiness in the future. His spirit is truly rejoicing at the success his child has achieved. Don't lose inspiration and go towards your goal.

Late father hugs in his sleep

If you dream that your late father hugs you, this is only a positive sign. For a man, this means a high status, which opens up wide opportunities for him. For a girl - stability and reciprocity in relationships. It foreshadows a woman's life in abundance and without hassle.

Dream Interpretation of Seeing the Dead Alive

Why do you dream of seeing a dead person alive in a dream?

Most often, if in your dream you saw a deceased person resurrected, then such a dream brings prosperity in reality. However, if you dreamed of the deceased being alive, and at the same time you experienced great anxiety or were very frightened, then this unpleasant dream warns of future trials and disasters in your life. Also, if in a dream you see that a person who died a long time ago suddenly turned out to be alive, then the dream may mean changes in the weather. If you dreamed that your deceased parents were alive, then such a dream predicts that in reality a solution to a protracted issue awaits you. You will be able to get rid of difficulties, and a prosperous period will begin in your life.

Why do you dream about a dead dad?


Alla Morozenskaya

It's OK. Firstly, dad can become your Guardian Angel, and secondly, the weather changes.

mila aidinova

don’t worry It happens until a year old Just remember dad Good luck!

Ushakova Tatyana

Dad wants you to know about something and it has to do with paper and someone is already trying to solve it without you, and poltergeis is a painful experience and he is trying to get through to you., Your dad.

Sergey Sergeev

Dream Interpretation Father, why do you dream about Father in a dream?

Dream interpretation of those born from September to December

Father - Seeing your father in a dream means repentance.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation Father - If you dream of a long-dead father, you need to remember him and light a candle in the church.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream about the Father - Seeing your father in a dream means that you will have difficulty avoiding difficulties in business. You will need someone's wise advice to solve your problems. If you dream that your father has died, it means that things will be difficult and you will have to be very careful in handling them. For a young woman to see her dead father in a dream means that she is being deceived or will soon be deceived by her lover.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Father - Joy, happiness, profit; arguing with him is a decline; sick - inheritance // grief; seeing the dead means trouble, discord in the family; to see a dead person is a shame, a bad thing, a disaster.

ABC of dream interpretation

Father - A sign that you are under the influence of some kind of authority or that you yourself are striving for some kind of patron. A dispute with the father is a disorder of affairs. Seeing him sick is a sign of your illness. Seeing a dead father alive means gaining new strength.

Dream book for the whole family

Father - Seeing your father in a dream means becoming dependent on your superiors. Communicate with your father - you will find yourself in a difficult situation, and you will need wise advice to avoid complications.

Erotic dream book

Father - If you dreamed about your own father, you should be careful in love affairs; the father is a warning that not everything is going well in your personal life. If in a dream your father is having a serious conversation with you, take a closer look at your partner, perhaps he is not worth you.

Dream book of Tsvetkov. Dream interpretation

Father - If he talks to you - quick happiness; silent or sick, dead - to trouble, complete changes in life; for a girl, seeing her father or mother means a happy marriage; seeing both parents is good luck.

Ukrainian dream book. Dream interpretation

Father – Father is happiness. Father is deceased - don’t expect joy. A dying father is a shame. I dream about my father - it’s the devil

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Father - Seeing your father in a dream means despair; seeing a dead father means peace.

Dream Book of the Wanderer. Dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Father - Manifestation of imperious (karmic) strength and will, patronage. Depending on the type and behavior: for men - success, recognition or failure, failure in the main business. For women it is a personal situation. Sick, drunk or poorly dressed - treason; threat to health and authority; decline in business and vitality. Handsome, contented, neat - fateful endeavors, a blessing for personal happiness and health; big changes for the better. Sex with your father means a serious illness; practicing black magic.


go to church and light a candle for the repose. don't think too much about it, don't keep it


Just remember him with your friends.... it’s still a little hard for him there.... even if I rest in peace....


and you don’t belong with your father, then the time machine sucked you back home.

Dead dad asks for water

Dream Interpretation Dead dad asks for water dreamed of why in a dream a dead dad asks for water? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dead Dad asking for water in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dad

Dad - the gift you would so much like to receive on your birthday, you will receive on New Year's; If dad looks unhealthy, then you won’t be well soon.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will be extended. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich. If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it. Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with a deceased person will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors. See in a dream of a deceased person, he is silent, which means that he from the other world treats favorably the person who saw this dream. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the other side. , from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in the next world means that he is doing well in the next world. Greeting the deceased in a dream means receiving favor from Allah. naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life. If the deceased informs the dreamer about his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with a deceased person means longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died. Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in a dream in the place where he usually performed it during life means that he is not doing well in the afterlife. Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the residents of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream Interpretation - Dad in strange clothes

Dad in strange clothes - you are mistaking someone close to you for something other than who he really is. For example, a girl (boy) who teases you all the time actually likes you and wants to be your friend.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / a change in the weather or severe frosts begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illness and troubles / death.

It's even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give a photo to a dead person - the person in the portrait will die.

Taking something from a deceased person in a dream means happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed.

Those who long to see him are poorly remembered.

Talking to a deceased friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, “ambassadors of the future.”

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness and wealth.

Mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash actions.

Father - warns against something that you will later be ashamed of.

A deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

A deceased brother is fortunate.

A deceased sister means an unclear, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - Millet

Millet - dreams of millet - someone will ask for something; millet - request.

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who no longer exist in reality continue to live (exist!) in our consciousness. According to popular belief, “seeing the dead in a dream means a change in the weather.” And there is some truth in this, as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the dead, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or lucifags from non-physical dimensions of the earth’s noosphere most easily penetrate into the dreams of people in order to study, contact and influence the sleeper. The essence of the latter can be clarified using special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (non-human), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although lucifags very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones, loved ones who have passed on to another world, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear! However, what saves us from making direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces is the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them. However, quite often we may see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of close people who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from deceased relatives we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual-energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream represent our own projections, showing the so-called “unfinished gestalt” - an unfinished relationship with a given person. Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Ask

Dream Interpretation - Ask

Dream Interpretation - Millet

(See interpretation: grain, ear, field)

A field sown with millet portends wealth and great profits.

But seeing millet grains in a dream is a sign of poverty and losses. Eating it in a dream is a harbinger of poverty and very modest incomes.

If you see a deceased father in a dream, then this foreshadows certain things for the dreamer in the future. change, which you definitely need to take advantage of. And in order to determine why the late father is dreaming, you need to carefully analyze the parent’s appearance, his behavior, as well as your feelings.

You need to collect everything into a general image, apply it to everyday events, and only then choose the appropriate interpretation of your dream.

General interpretation

If you dream about your late father very often, then according to popular beliefs you need him remember. Why is it necessary to light a candle in the church and distribute candy or some other treat to acquaintances and friends? In addition, the father may ask for something. For example, coming in a dream with some object in hand. In this case, you need to buy this thing and take it to the grave.

There is another interpretation of this dream. Perhaps the dreamer is tormented by his conscience for his actions towards his father in the past. Only sincere and conscious repentance will help with this. In this case, it is best to confess; this will allow you to get out of the captivity of negative emotions that are directed both at your parent and at other people around you.

Often dreams of a deceased father occur when the dreamer is subconsciously tormented by the desire to return to the past and correct his mistakes in his relationship with his parent. In addition, this dream means time for a change. That is, you must try to achieve new heights in real life, putting all your experience into practice.

Why do you dream about a recently deceased father? This vision speaks of your longing according to a loved one. You still have not come to terms with the loss or you feel subconsciously guilty for your inattention or some past actions.

Many dream books claim that if you dreamed about a dead father, then this auspicious sign. Thus, the dreamer will expect positive changes in the near future, or circumstances will develop in such a way that the person will be able to derive some benefit for himself. But this will happen only if the dream is interpreted correctly.

Why does a dead father dream about a living daughter? The dream book defines this vision as a signal of approaching danger. You need to be extremely careful and attentive in any matter. Show caution in your actions. That is, in reality, a young girl may be surrounded by slander and ridiculous rumors - this will destroy the relationship with her loved one or ruin her relationship with her boss at work.

Why do you dream about a dead person? friend's father? In this case, the dreamer will face various difficulties in the future, where your friend will be involved. You need to stay close to your friend and in difficult times, encourage, give advice, lend your shoulder.

Why do you dream about a dead person? spouse's father? This dream foreshadows trials for you and your significant other. You need to really try not to quarrel over trifles, but try to reach mutual understanding, since in the near future you both will need support.

If you dream about the deceased father of a distant relative, then the dreamer really does not need to neglect family ties. We need to support each other in everything, as this vision symbolizes the reunification of the family.

Appearance of the deceased father

Why do you dream about a dead person? father drunk? Most likely, you need to rethink your life priorities and change your moral principles. Because your worldview does not allow you to achieve new heights. The dream book advises to look into your inner reflection, determine what you are trying to achieve in life and only then develop a subsequent behavior pattern.

Seeing a dead father sick means that you are tired of the everyday hustle and bustle. You need to set aside a little time for proper rest and only after that you can start working and achieve new results.

If you dream about a deceased parent beaten and dirty, then this vision is interpreted as the need to solve all your unpleasant matters. You will need to devote quite a lot of time to them and spend a lot of effort on resolving them. Moreover, you should not forget about your close circle; they will also need your understanding and care.

When the late father dreamed of neat appearance, then this vision promises only good things to the dreamer. You can safely take on any task. So, in the near future you will feel that you have a second wind, as if out of nowhere the moral and physical strength for new victories has appeared. As a result, you will be able to conquer any peaks that you have planned.

If you see a deceased parent in the form of an animal, then you really shouldn't expect any trouble. This dream promises only good things. In the future, the dreamer and his family will experience a calm existence and peace.

If in a dream you see sleeping deceased dad, then in reality you will be able to relax calmly and throw away the burden of current affairs. You need to restore all your strength. The dream book says that a white streak has come in life - stability awaits you in any business. In addition, the dream indicates that the dreamer can achieve all his goals and is a person confident in his abilities.

Dealing with a Dead Father

If you and your late dad happened to travel in the car, then try to remember which of you was driving:

  • If you were driving, then this is interpreted as a sign of significant changes, which will be mostly positive.
  • When your father was driving the car, in reality you need to be wary of various obstacles along the way.

Why do you dream hug dead dad? For the dreamer in the future, this dream predicts a lot of good things. You will be able to receive unexpected profits, successfully complete your affairs, expand the field of your activities and open new horizons.

Why do you dream talk with your late father? To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember the details of the conversation. Most likely, it was about a problem that had arisen in real life and options for solving it. Surely in a dream your deceased dad gives you the right hint. For example, This is a dream for my daughter may indicate ridiculous goals or the wrong path. Or that her wrong behavior in the future will bring her only failures and tears.

When in a dream did you have to kiss deceased parent, then in real life you will have to achieve recognition from colleagues at work or improve relationships in the family. For a single woman, this dream promises a quick marriage or meeting a new lover.

If you dreamed of calling your deceased father, then in reality the dreamer needs sympathy and help.

If you happen to swear with a deceased dad, then in reality the dreamer will have a hard time. Troubles await him, which will be quite difficult to get rid of. You can cope with difficulties only by listening to different opinions and moderating your character.

I had a chance beat in a dream of your late father? This dream speaks of the dreamer’s internal protest, which is directed against others. Most likely, he wants to benefit from communicating with certain people, psychological satisfaction and defend his point of view.

Get scared his late father says that in reality the dreamer is irresponsible, does not fulfill his obligations to the family, and is trying to throw off this burden. This dream is trying to tell a man that he is shifting his problems onto others, which is categorically unacceptable.

If in a dream you happened to dance and have fun with a deceased parent, then in reality the dream book promises trouble or even a serious illness. You need to be more careful about your health.

Why do you dream about dad's funeral?

Not many people might like seeing a funeral in a dream, but despite such sadness, this is a very good and kind sign:

The behavior of the late dad in a dream

Why do you dream about a dead father? giving you money? Most likely, in reality you need financial support. In addition, such a dream warns of a possible conspiracy against you.

A dream where a deceased father hugs the dreamer is interpreted as a good sign. Only success awaits him in the future. This dream promises a new relationship for a girl, and prosperity and stability in the home for a married woman. For a man, it predicts financial well-being and confirms his capabilities.

Seeing oneself dead in a dream parent smiling, this is also a favorable sign. For the dreamer, this dream promises peace and happiness. In this way, dad expresses his attitude towards the child’s success. A woman will actually be able to reach an understanding with her husband and relatives. The man will most likely receive a promotion and success in the professional field.

I dreamed about my dead dad hits me in the face your daughter? There is no exact interpretation of this dream. It is necessary to carefully analyze the circumstances and the situation in general. In the case when the daughter dreamed of this picture, it may mean that the parent condemns her behavior in everyday life. Most likely, she does not realize all the consequences of her actions and will not be able to avoid serious problems in the future. You need to be more attentive to your mistakes.

To summarize, it must be said that most dream books interpret ambiguously what the deceased father dreamed about. On the one hand, this vision explains the dreamer’s nostalgia for his parents, childhood, and past. On the other hand, this is a kind of sign that warns that a person may find himself in an unpleasant, strange and unfamiliar situation.

The dream book believes that a deceased father can come into your dream with one single purpose: he just wanted to see you. Pay your respects as a sign of gratitude: go to the grave, light a candle, or act in accordance with your family and cultural traditions.

According to one interpretation, the deceased father dreams of gaining inner freedom. The dream means that you have grown out of old dogmas; the period of life when you could be guided by them is left behind. The dream book says that from now on you will have to make independent decisions.

The dream in which you happened to see your father is in most cases favorable. The dream reminds you that you are not alone and can count on outside support, and also suggests that good news awaits you soon.

The dream book does not intend to frighten or upset you, but what you dream about the death of your father means trouble. The dream warns of the possibility of an accident or a huge loss. It doesn't matter whether he's actually alive or whether you're reliving his death.

The dream book interprets the fact that you dreamed of a father whom you have not seen for a long time quite neutrally: the dream symbolizes your need to communicate with him. The dream may mean that he is also thinking about you and, if circumstances permit, is going to visit you soon.

If you dream that your deceased father is alive, the dream means that he came to your aid at the very moment when you especially need support. The dream book recommends recalling in detail the actions and conversations from your dream. Most likely, it is in them that you will find a hint on how to solve a problem that is relevant to you.

There are several interpretations of what the father dreams about. The dream book believes that an ordinary, everyday dialogue with a father seen in a dream is a favorable sign. The dream symbolizes your attitude towards success, confidence in your strengths and knowledge.

The dream book notes that seeing a dead father in a dream is not such a rare occurrence. However, such a dream should not be ignored. Deceased relatives sometimes visit our dreams to warn us of impending danger or give advice in difficult everyday situations.

A drunk father in a dream symbolizes your views on the world around you, with which, undoubtedly, something is wrong. The dream reflects your state of search for eternal values, authorities, and reliability, with which the image of a father is often associated.

Why do you dream about your father dying in a dream? The dream book interprets it quite negatively. The dream foreshadows a loss in a court case that is important to you, forced dismissal or failure in your own business, disappointment in those whom you are accustomed to trust.

When you dream of a funeral in which it turns out that the deceased is the father, the dream can have two meanings. If he is actually alive, the dream foreshadows him for many years to come. If in real life you attended his funeral, the dream reflects the indelible imprint that remains after the death of loved ones.

The dream book believes that if you happen to see your father in a dream, this is a positive sign. The dream reminds you that he loves you and thinks about you too. If the father is no longer alive, the dream evokes sad thoughts. The dream book advises not to become despondent and to indulge in bright and joyful memories of your father.

Why do you dream about a dead father? If your birthday is in the second half of winter or early spring, the dream means for you the end of one life period and the beginning of a new one. New opportunities will open up before you, and at the same time, the responsibility for making decisions also falls entirely on you.

Why else do you dream of a father in a dream?

If you often dream about your deceased father, the dream book advises you to listen to his words: perhaps he wants to tell you something important. The plot of a dream also plays an important role in interpretation: a dream may turn out to be a mirror image of real events.

If you dream about your father’s funeral, the dream can be considered a reflection of real events of experiences associated with the loss of loved ones, especially if we are talking about such a significant person. If you dream of the funeral of someone who is actually alive, the dream promises him long years and good health.

The dream book explains why you dream of a quarrel with your father: the dream indicates your confusion about making a difficult decision. You are still wondering what to do: in your own way or in the way that is expected of you. The dream encourages you not to shift responsibility for your decision onto others.

The dream in which you decided to kill your father reflects the steadfastness of your selfish intentions to break with the past and start a new life from scratch. No matter how the past annoys you, it will not let you go, the dream book warns. The dream is trying to warn against rash actions.

Why the deceased father dreams of being alive is interpreted in two ways by the dream book. If you had a dream in which the deceased is calling you or leading you somewhere, in reality try to be extremely careful, this is a very dangerous sign. A dream in which a dialogue took place with your father is considered favorable; you can follow his advice literally.

When you dream about your father’s grave, the dream should be interpreted depending on its condition. A well-kept grave signifies your confidence that your deceased parent would have approved of your lifestyle. An abandoned or destroyed grave reflects your doubts that you are living the way your parents taught you.

If you dreamed of a deceased father, the dream book suggests making sure that it really is him. You are probably familiar with mystical stories about evil forces that enter a dream under the guise of deceased relatives in order to play a joke on the dreamer. Probably, something in your father’s behavior alarmed you, which is why you remember this dream.

If the dream does not become intrusive, the dream book states that seeing the deceased father in a dream is quite natural. The dream reminds us that even when we are old enough, we continue to mentally compare our actions with our father’s instructions.

The dream book says that hugging your father in a dream means thinking about ways to resolve a hidden conflict that has been hanging between you for a long time in reality. The dream reminds you that keeping silent and hoping that everything will be resolved by itself is not the best way to improve relationships.

A dream in which you had to beat your father can be interpreted as a reflection of the internal conflict between you and your father. There is another interpretation related to the radical reassessment of values ​​that you are experiencing at the moment. In any case, the dream book advises you to be wary of impulsive actions.

Why do you dream about your father crying? The dream book offers the following interpretation: a crying father in a dream indicates that in reality he is not delighted with your chosen one. To be fair, it should be noted that there are reasons for this. The dream warns of possible disappointment in a loved one.

As Miller's dream book says, the father symbolizes strength and wisdom. The dream means that you often lack wise advice in difficult situations. For a woman, a dream about the death of her father foreshadows disappointment in her loved one, and advises a man to conduct business more carefully.

The dream book interprets what the guy’s father dreams about as follows: the dream means that your relationship with the young man will soon move to a new, more serious level. The dream is trying to predict the father's reaction to this news.

If you dreamed about your deceased father, the dream suggests that you have reached a dead end. You are literally haunted by difficulties and obstacles; you would gladly take advantage of ready-made wise advice. Unfortunately, there is nowhere to wait for clues; the dream book encourages you to rely only on your own strength.


Why do you dream about Father?

ABC of dream interpretation

Father is a sign that you are under the influence of some kind of authority or that you yourself are striving for some kind of patron.

A dispute with the father is a disorder of affairs.

Seeing him sick is a sign of your illness.

Seeing a dead father alive means gaining new strength.

Seeing your father in a dream is a dream that means that he loves you and will always be tenderly attached to you.

American dream book

The father is the protector and breadwinner. Can mean a real father or your vision of a father.

English dream book

If your father has not been on earth for a long time, this dream is a warning: be attentive to the instructions of Fate, so as not to stumble!

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

A father is evidence that your father loves you.

If your father is no longer alive, this is a sign of your sadness.

Maly Velesov dream book

Father - joy, happiness, profit; arguing with him is a decline; sick - inheritance / grief; seeing the dead means trouble, discord in the family; to see a dead person is a shame, a bad thing, a disaster.

Mythological dream book

Father (as an archetype) - associations: patronage, professionalism, skill, pride, significance, strength, rudeness, will, power, self-affirmation, protection.

Newest dream book

Why does the Father appear in a dream?

Talking with a living father means the need for material and moral support; with the deceased - there will be a respite, use it to your advantage.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Family dream book

A father who appears in a dream will remind you to take advantage of someone’s wise advice and solve the problems that have arisen.

If you don't listen to your father, you will face great difficulties.

If you dreamed that your father died, conduct business more carefully, otherwise you will have a very difficult time.

A young woman who sees her dead father in a dream should be prepared for the fact that her lover is deceiving her or will soon deceive her.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing your father means great joy and pleasure; seeing him dead foretells a breakdown in family affairs.

Dream book for lovers

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about the Father?

The dream in which you saw your father warns that you will find yourself in a difficult situation, from which wise advice will help you get out.

If you dreamed of a dead father, your business affairs will be difficult, and you need to be careful when conducting these affairs. For a young woman, such a dream predicts that her lover is playing a dishonest game with her.

Azar's Dream Book

Seeing your father means it’s difficult to avoid difficulties in business; you will need wise advice; talk to him; if he is deceased, he must remember him; talking to your father is happiness; sick - to trouble or complete changes in life, inheritance, grief; speaks to you - quick happiness; healthy - worries; dead - illness or loss of inheritance; silent - to trouble or complete changes in life; arguing with your father means a decline in business.

Dream book for lovers

A girl who dreams of her dead father will be deceived by her lover in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing your father is a profit.

Seeing him sick or dead means illness (of the head).

Arguing with him is a mess.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Father - this sign can symbolize God.

Heavenly Father - this can be a symbol of a protector and breadwinner. Do you need a defender or can you protect yourself? This sign can also refer to your own feelings as a father, or to your biological father. Study other surrounding signs.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing your father in a dream means becoming dependent on your superiors.

Communicate with your father - you will find yourself in a difficult situation, and you will need wise advice to avoid complications.

Dream book for a bitch

Father - worries and troubles.

Talk to your father - if you find yourself in a difficult situation, do not be afraid to ask for advice from someone you can trust.

A deceased father - his health is in perfect order, and you need to be careful and attentive.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A strict father in a dream is a sign that you have neglected or abandoned some important matters.

A sick father, if the dream is not associated with a real illness, is a sign of difficulties that can have a bad effect on your well-being. Perhaps in reality you did not foresee something or made a tragic mistake that threatens to ruin your plans.

If the father is sad or crying, such a dream indicates a very bad course of affairs. If in reality you do not feel any special reasons for concern, then perhaps some of your plans threaten to turn into a big disaster.

A happy, joyful father in a dream portends success.

Dream Book of David Loff

The father is an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological research shows, how you treat your father, how you perceive him, largely determines the perception of higher-order beings in whom you may believe. As a result, dreams about the appearance of a father often refer to issues of power, presence and love. As a rule, power and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father.

The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. Sometimes your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well organized. The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved issues (Which? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.) The most important and decisive for the interpretation of a dream with the participation of the father are the following points: the circumstances of his appearance, other participants in what is happening, your usual relationship with the father and features of the relationship with him in a dream.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing your father in a dream means despair; seeing your dead father means peace.

If you killed your father in a dream, it means that you will live as many years as your father lived (or will live).

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing your father in a dream means repentance.

If you are accused of killing your father in a dream, this means disobedience to your parents.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you dream of a long-dead father, you need to remember him and light a candle in the church.

The parricide you committed in a dream represents a moral duty to your parents.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Seeing the father of the deceased means loss, loss.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about the Father in a dream?

Seeing or talking to your father is happiness; dying - misfortune.

Becoming a father means a happy marriage.

Being a godfather means new obligations; seeing him is a gift.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing your father in a dream means that you will have difficulty avoiding difficulties in business, and you will need someone’s wise advice to solve the problems yourself.

If you dream that your father has died, it means that things will be difficult and you will have to be careful in handling them.

For a young woman to see her dead father in a dream means that her lover is deceiving or will soon deceive her.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Father in a dream?

A dream in which you saw your own father portends happiness in the family and marriage, if he is alive and well in real life; if in reality he is no longer alive, then such a dream means that you will have difficulty avoiding obstacles in business by resorting to the help of friends and close relatives.

Seeing your healthy father sick in a dream predicts grief due to a failed or postponed meeting with a loved one.

If you had a dream in which your father died and you are burying him, it means that in reality you will suffer an accident.

A revived father is an unexpected gift.

Talking with your father in a dream means you will experience the joy of meeting friends you haven’t seen for a long time; arguing with your father means that in reality things will stall and you will have to invite a consultant to figure out the reasons for this.

Seeing your godfather in a dream means that you will be charged with new responsibilities, which you cannot refuse for a number of personal reasons. Dreaming of a holy father means that your relatives are misleading you.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing your father in a dream means that you will have difficulty avoiding difficulties in business. You will need someone's wise advice to solve your problems.

If you dream that your father has died, it means that things will be difficult and you will have to be very careful in handling them.

For a young woman to see her dead father in a dream means that she is being deceived or will soon be deceived by her lover.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Father according to the dream book?

Father is a manifestation of imperious (karmic) strength and will, patronage. Depending on the type and behavior: for men - success, recognition or failure, failure in the main business. For women it is a personal situation.

Sick, drunk or poorly dressed - treason; threat to health and authority; decline in business and vitality.

Handsome, contented, neat - fateful endeavors, a blessing for personal happiness and health; big changes for the better.

Sex with your father means a serious illness; practicing black magic.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Father is the righteous path.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed about your father being alive, you risk committing a stupid act.

Seeing your father dead in a dream means danger.

If you dreamed about your father being cheerful, you may get sick.

If you dreamed that your father was sad, be on your guard, trouble might happen.

You dreamed that your father walked around like a dandy - in the near future you may lose your position.

In a dream, your father walked in rags - there may be discord in your family.

If you dreamed that your father was begging for alms, expect trouble.

A dream in which your father fell ill - you will soon receive a lot of money.

Seeing your father dying in a dream means wealth.

Freud's Dream Book

The presence of a father in a dream indicates that the dreamer has an Oedipus or father complex.

If a young man or man dreams that his father is making love or is secluded with his mother or any other woman, he has a clearly expressed Oedipus complex. He hates his father and sees him as his main sexual rival. This can go so far as to blame his father for his unsuccessful sexual experiences.

If a girl or woman dreams that she is having sex with her father, she has become a victim of a father complex, that is, she cannot choose a partner for herself, since she compares them all with her father, but cannot find anything similar.

If your father appears to you in a dream, you are tormented by a guilt complex for not paying or not paying enough attention to him.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Father speaks to you - quick happiness; silent or sick, dead - to trouble, complete changes in life; for a girl, seeing her father or mother means a happy marriage; seeing both parents is good luck.

Medieval dream book

Seeing your father promises safety.

Seeing your father bearded means increase.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Seeing your father dead means illness or loss of inheritance; for sick people to see - grief; talking to the deceased must remember; arguing with him is a decline in business.

Ukrainian dream book

Father is happiness.

Father is deceased - don’t expect joy.

A dying father is a shame.

Esoteric dream book

Father - alive, you need support, support. There is a lack of reliability and stability in your life.

If your father gives advice or teaches, you need to listen to it.

Erotic dream book

If you dreamed about your own father, you should be careful in love affairs; the father is also a warning that not everything is going well in your personal life.

If in a dream your father is having a serious conversation with you, take a closer look at your partner, perhaps he is not worth you.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Father according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, father symbolizes that you will find yourself in a difficult situation, from which only practical advice will help you get out.

If you saw him dead, you will have to go through difficult times in business.

Father's funeral - you risk suffering an accident.

If he is sick according to the plot of the dream, your well-being is at risk, this is an important warning.

I dreamed that he was sad about something - you are destined to go through a long black streak in life.

He is happy and smiling - your success is just around the corner.

According to the dream book, a drunk father is a harbinger of serious problems in absolutely all areas and life’s adversities, but you still have a chance to prevent these misfortunes, the main thing is to get your bearings in time.

In a dream, you see that your father is naked - be attentive to him in real life, he may face difficulties in the professional sphere or a deterioration in his health, the main thing is to start dealing with the problem in time to prevent it from worsening.

Arguing with your father in a dream means in reality doing something that you will later regret for a long time, and for which people from your circle will reproach you.

If you saw a guy’s father in a dream - know that it will not be possible to solve the problems that have arisen without the assistance of an influential patron.

According to the dream book, becoming a father means in reality meeting your soulmate and creating a truly happy and harmonious family.

If you dream that your father is sick, although in reality there are no such problems - due to your own carelessness you can incur a lot of problems and seriously complicate everything you plan, so be careful and careful in everything, otherwise everything will go wrong for you.


Why do you dream about a dead father?

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of what the appearance of deceased parents in his dreams tells the sleeper. Such dreams have a special meaning and always carry important information. Everything is important here: the lighting, the circumstances of the meeting, what the dead father said, what he did.

Every detail of such a dream is a hint to the sleeper about upcoming events in his real life. If a parent who has passed away looks sad, it means trials are coming. But this may also indicate that the father is upset by the unworthy actions or lifestyle of the sleeping person. A representative of a clan who has passed away, especially a father, always cares more about the state of the soul of the sleeping person than about his material wealth. But there are examples in which a parent told his child where the money or valuables he had hidden during his lifetime were located. It is important to understand that you need to accept this gift with gratitude and be sure to order a service or prayer service in the church for the repose of the soul of a deceased parent. It is also widely known that if someone who has left earthly life asks for food or clothing in a dream, then it is time to remember him. In this case, you also need to visit the temple and light a candle for the repose of your father’s soul.

What a dead father dreams of is always important for a person’s understanding of his future path. Seeing how the deceased melts and disappears is a sign of the upcoming period of prosperity. A crying father means trials. If he catches fish - to profit.

If a parent is alive and well, but dreams of dying in a coffin, it means that he will have a long life and good health. If the sleeper sees that he is walking around the cemetery and reading the inscriptions on the graves, on one of which he discovers the name of his father, the dream informs that in real life special attention should be paid to the health of the parent. Seeing a long funeral procession and noticing your father, who is alive in real life, among the mourners means that you will soon have to say goodbye to one of your many relatives. If a parent is alive, but the person sleeping in a dream considers him dead, this is a sign that the father’s soul is not easy and he should be taken to church and given moral support. Most likely, he suffered from deep depression.

For a woman to see her dead father playing cards or other games of chance in a dream means deception on the part of a loved one. If a parent came to visit his child in a dream and brought many unusual and expensive gifts, it means that in the near future he will receive good news about the generosity of distant relatives. Seeing a dead father digging the ground is a warning about a possible illness. You should stop being overworked at work and change your lifestyle. If the parent looks young and smiles joyfully at the sleeping person, then everything in his life will be fine. If the dreamer sees himself and someone close to him in a car in which his late father suddenly appears, it means that he should not drive in the near future and avoid traveling on public transport.

If the dead father sits at the same table with the sleeping person and looks sadly at him, and if the table is round, this dream indicates that the dreamer’s family life has come to an end and he will soon face an official divorce, despite the fact that in the real world he has no idea about it.

Dreams in which parents are present, no matter whether they are alive or dead, should always be given special attention. These loving souls wish him only good things and often warn him against many dangers. Many claim that thanks to the clues they understood in time, they were able to avoid great misfortunes.


Deceased parents, appearing in our dreams together or one at a time, are a sign that requires close attention. It cannot be ignored, because from their world they warn us about important events and dangers that threaten us personally and the people around us. Seeing a deceased father in a dream is a warning about possible troubles in business, an unsuccessful and risky deal that will lead to losses. Very often, dreams are a sign that you are surrounded by ill-wishers who will hinder your success.

The dream promises dramatic changes in some area of ​​your life. Everything you have planned up to this point should be analyzed to the smallest detail. It is also necessary to monitor your reputation and not make mistakes that could negatively affect it. If in a dream your deceased father calls you somewhere, this is a warning about a possible accident. If he gives money, it means that in real life someone will be planning to betray your trust. But if in your dream you hug him, then you can be sure that in reality the work you started will be completed successfully.


Dead father alive

Dream Interpretation Dead father alive dreamed of why in a dream the dead father is alive? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead father alive in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead father

Warns of intrigues being plotted by someone against you, illness (of the head), something that you will later be ashamed of.

Dream Interpretation - Father

The father you saw in a dream will remind you to take advantage of someone’s wise advice and solve the problems that have arisen. If you disobey your father, you will face great difficulties.

If you dreamed that your father died, conduct business more carefully, otherwise you will have a very difficult time.

A young woman who sees her dead father in a dream should be prepared for the fact that her lover is deceiving or will soon deceive her.

D. Loff wrote about dreams in which we see our father: “The father is an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, the perception of higher-order beings in whom you believe largely depends on how you treat your father, how you perceive him.

As a result, dreams about the appearance of a father often refer to issues of power, presence and love. As a rule, power and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. Sometimes your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well organized.

Dream Interpretation - Father

The father is an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological research shows, how you treat your father, how you perceive him, largely determines the perception of higher-order beings in whom you may believe.

As a result, dreams about the appearance of a father often relate to issues of POWER, presence and love. As a rule, power and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. Sometimes your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well organized.

The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved issues (Which ones? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.)

The most important and decisive for the interpretation of a dream with the participation of a father are the following points: the circumstances of his appearance, other participants in what is happening, your usual relationship with your father and the characteristics of your relationship with him in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father - father - happiness. Father is deceased - don’t expect joy. A dying father is a shame. "I'm dreaming about my father - it's the devil"

Dream Interpretation - Father

A dream in which you saw your own father portends happiness in the family and marriage, if he is alive and well in real life; if in reality he is no longer alive, then such a dream means that you will have difficulty avoiding obstacles in business by resorting to the help of friends and close relatives.

Seeing your healthy father sick in a dream predicts grief due to a failed or postponed meeting with a loved one.

If you had a dream in which your father died and you are burying him, it means that in reality an accident will befall you.

A revived father is an unexpected gift.

Talking with your father in a dream means you will experience the joy of meeting friends you haven’t seen for a long time; arguing with your father means that in reality things will stall and you will have to invite a consultant to understand the reasons for this.

Seeing your godfather in a dream means that you will be given new responsibilities, which you will not be able to refuse for a number of personal reasons. Dreaming of a holy father means that your relatives are misleading you.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will be extended. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich. If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it. Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with a deceased person will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors. See in a dream of a deceased person, he is silent, which means that he from the other world treats favorably the person who saw this dream. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the other side. , from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in the next world means that he is doing well in the next world. Greeting the deceased in a dream means receiving favor from Allah. naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life. If the deceased informs the dreamer about his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with a deceased person means longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died. Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in a dream in the place where he usually performed it during life means that he is not doing well in the afterlife. Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the residents of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream Interpretation - Father

A strict father in a dream: a sign that you have neglected or abandoned some important things.

A sick father, if the dream is not associated with a real illness: is a sign of difficulties that may have a bad effect on your well-being. Perhaps in reality you did not foresee something or made a tragic mistake that threatens to ruin your plans.

If the father is sad or crying: such a dream indicates a very bad course of affairs.

If in reality you do not feel any special reasons for concern, then perhaps some of your plans threaten to turn into a big disaster.

A happy, joyful father in a dream: portends success.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Seeing him dying in a dream means that you will be ashamed of what you have done.

Seeing a deceased father is a sign of illness or receiving an inheritance. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows news of betrayal. If your father remains silent in his sleep, then soon you will receive news of his illness. A dream in which you saw that your father is sick portends grief. If you dream that you are talking to your father, who died long ago, then you should remember him. Arguing with your father in a dream is a sign of failure. Seeing him happy in a dream means receiving news from home.

Becoming a father in a dream is a sign of a happy ending to something. A godfather in a dream is a symbol of protection. After such a dream, you should listen to good advice and follow it. Sometimes such a dream reminds us of the responsibility that lies with us. For a girl to see her mother and father together in a dream - a sign of imminent marriage or great luck and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Father

If you dreamed about your own father, you should be careful in love affairs; the father is a warning that not everything is going well in your personal life.

If in a dream your father is having a serious conversation with you, take a closer look at your partner, perhaps he is not worth you.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / a change in the weather or severe frosts begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illness and troubles / death.

It's even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give a photo to a dead person - the person in the portrait will die.

Taking something from a deceased person in a dream means happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed.

Those who long to see him are poorly remembered.

Talking to a deceased friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, “ambassadors of the future.”

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness and wealth.

Mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash actions.

Father - warns against something that you will later be ashamed of.

A deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

A deceased brother is fortunate.

A deceased sister means an unclear, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance


The deceased's father is alive

Dream Interpretation of the Father of the Deceased Alive dreamed of why the deceased Father dreams of being alive? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the deceased Father alive in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Alive

If you see a dead person alive, and in a dream he will claim that he is alive and did not die, you should immediately go to the temple and light candles for the repose of the dead.

Dream Interpretation - Alive

A live horse appears in the house - great happiness.

Seeing a live horse in the house means a letter from your son.

Dream Interpretation - Living Wind

In beliefs, the “living” wind, pestilence and the spirit of the wind (causing or bringing illness) are often difficult to distinguish.

This is a kind of blowing and disappearing breath, a gust of wind, only designated by the names “wind”, “wind”, “wind”. The wind is not only an independent living creature.

He accompanies the devil, the dead, the unclear form of evil spirits, devils who themselves cause the wind or become it.

Dream Interpretation - Living Child

Seeing a living child in a dream, running around everywhere, means vigor and cheerfulness.

Dream Interpretation - Living Child

A living child means illness in children.

Dream Interpretation - Living, Dead

The dreamer's active vital and creative forces are alive, floating in clear water, to good luck and achievements. The dead are stagnant in business; prostration; unfulfillment of desires. Rotten fish acquisition.

Dream Interpretation - Alive

Seeing a dead person in a dream who is currently alive is a serious nuisance; to neutralize it, it is recommended to go to church and light a candle for the health of the person you saw in the dream.

Dream Interpretation - Living creature

The living being, in accordance with his past activities, is allowed to enter the womb of his mother along with the semen of his father. This is the law of birth in accordance with the past actions of a being.

Dream Interpretation - Become a father

Happy marriage

Dream Interpretation - Father

for the sick - inheritance; healthy - care


Seeing your deceased father alive

Dream Interpretation - A date with the late father

Good evening, Svetlana! “And today he came for me in a dream in his car to take me home, as he usually did in life. I don’t even remember where dad took me from. And then everything is very clear.” - usually the late father dreams, to warn of impending danger. “We’re driving in a car, it’s dark and frosty behind the windows, so it becomes clear that it’s a winter evening. It’s like we’re going up a mountain along a highway.” - an indication that he wants to point you in the right direction to the future. “Dad turns his face to me and starts saying something, I don’t remember the meaning, but I understand that he is losing control, we crash into a road fence, I shout to him that we will die, and he replies that I don’t need to be afraid “, he will save me, I just have to hold on to him and slide along the track, like from a mountain, to the bottom.” - he is trying to give you inner knowledge that help is possible from other spheres, from Above. And death always turns a person’s aspiration to God, even unconsciously, it happens by itself. Therefore, it is very useful to go to funerals, even of strangers. And I think that no matter how you feel about your ex-husband, if you attended his funeral, it would soften your heart. But you can’t undo what’s been done... “I, warmly dressed, slide down the road, as if down a hill, together with my dad. For some reason, only the skeleton of the car remained. We slid alive to the side of the road. I climb up on my own, not myself, and ask someone -call an ambulance." - You will have problems in the near future. “After which my dad and I go to a huge wholesale store (that’s what I would call it). There I look at ceramic tiles, understand that a new collection of facing tiles has arrived and ask the representatives for a catalog (the fact is that in reality I am engaged in retail trade plumbers and whom. Tiles. Dad was worried about the trade. " - He is still worried about you. But in the next world, usually, people’s consciousness revolves around some key memories. Therefore, it is useful to repent during life and engage in recapitulation, so that after death you do not end up in this trap of memories and experiences. “Then my father and I walk through a series of large halls, I don’t remember what they sell there, but my dad notices that there is a lot of money circulating here, but I don’t have to worry about it.” - I think that you shouldn’t have any special problems at work . “At some point I see my father naked to the waist, he is as thin as in the last weeks of his life, his stomach has fallen to his ribs (just like the image of St. Basil), but his skin is healthy and elastic. I tell him that he is sick, to which he replies that he is healthy and feeling good. And then we begin to manipulate our hands at the level of my chest and in the solar plexus area. It’s as if something is pushing me away from under my arms, wrapping it around my fist, and throwing it away in the center of my solar plexus. I ask him: “Am I sick?” He answers: “No, you are healthy.” He says words, the meaning of which is that I am his continuation, a continuation of the family and future that needs to be cleansed. Which is not very clear to me. " - He removed energy bindings from the past from you. About what I recommend you do in the interpretation of your other dream. Apparently, your father foresaw the death of your ex-husband. For you, he seems like a complete stranger, but on the spiritual planes the connection cannot be broken never. And we will have to live with this, and work on it... “Next we head to the exit, pass a row of acrylic bathtubs with hydromassage on the right side and go out the door into the frosty night. Dad is not around, I don’t know where he went, and I’m not worried. I'm waiting for a car to take me home. After the accident, my knee hurts, so I’m waiting for an ambulance. " - A bad knee is karma that needs to be worked off. If it’s the left one, then it comes from the past. If it’s the right one, then you are now creating negative karma with your actions. "Some woman from nowhere asks who brought me. I explain that I came with my dad, who saved me. He says that my father died and I couldn’t come with him. I insist on my own and add that if I had been driving myself, I would have died, but my father softened the collision and thereby saved me. That's where I wake up. " - here you have come to the point that you could realize that you are sleeping and dreaming, but you did not have enough vital energy for this process of awareness. "The time is about half past four this morning. " - dreams are well remembered at this time. Save Christ!

Good day. The deceased asks for a memorial. Order a service in church or at least light a candle for the repose. Something is not at peace in your father’s soul.

Dream Interpretation - Dream about a deceased father

Hello! I agree with the previous interpreter of your dream - your father’s soul is not at peace. Be sure to go to church and remember your father. And the small house with 3 photographs that your father brought with him in a dream is what worries him. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Dream about a deceased father

Good night, Margarita! “A few days ago I saw in a dream my late father, whom I had not dreamed of for about 9 years.” - usually I dream about deceased parents to warn about some difficult trials or serious dangers. And you internally realized this - “I’m scared and ask him why he came.” This is mitigated by the fact that the late grandmother always dreams of good changes in life, well, at least you have her house - “In the dream, I was in my late grandmother’s house and it was as if I was sleeping in one of the rooms.” “Mom stayed with me and started counting the money and said that she now has 33,500 rubles, I tell my mother, for some reason my father doesn’t leave, and she answers me, don’t worry at 7 pm he will leave” - In a dream published by you today ( December 30) a way out of these difficulties is visible. Moreover, your mother (even though it is your spouse’s mother) plays a leading role there, since she is also your mother. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - The reality of my late father

Such an interesting vivid dream! Perhaps pay attention to your father’s illness, since in most cases illness is a reflection of a person’s inharmonious worldview on his health. Specifically, lung cancer: deep distrust of life, despondency, “everything is in vain,” “there is no point”... Read somewhere the psychology of diseases. It is necessary, since parents often “pass on” their misconceptions to their children. They manifest themselves in the form of hereditary diseases. Look in your dream: a gloomy, gloomy father, a reinforced concrete fence, a special colony-settlement, a winter day without the sun, forms with a list of sins...... It’s terrible, don’t die at the right time! Even there, on the other side of life, there is complete despondency and fear! Did I understand correctly that you are Orthodox? The flip side of the unconditional joy of life that the Creator gave us is despondency and despair. This is what they say in religious books. I think the dream encourages you to think about this. The unity that you experienced with a woman is quite possible to experience with any person here on earth. It is enough to learn to love yourself, people, all the situations life throws at you. Love and trust life! Maybe this is your task for this incarnation?

Dream Interpretation - Dreamed of the late father alive in shorts

Hello! I think that in a dream your late dad gave you a sign that you should not go to Sochi.... Perhaps he warned you against something bad that could happen if you went there in real life.... You are right They did that they changed their trip and listened to their father. With respect to you, I.

Hello. So, the first dream shows that you want to get away from the past, but memories do not allow you to do this. Happy moments are remembered all the time. Everyone thinks whether you did the right thing or not and what to do next. But the symbol of a blind dead grandmother suggests that you do not see the whole picture of the past clearly, and cold hands show that you do not see, that there was no support in the past. Maybe you want to return the past, but this symbol says, don’t do this, otherwise your principles that you follow will die. You seem to agree, but inside there is still a conflict going on (an attempt at strangulation) - to return the past or not. The second dream shows that your cousin is having problems with his family. With a male person (optionally a father) Your brother is very emotionally dependent on him. You understand this, but you feel helpless because you can’t help him. But this person does not understand this and does not realize that, perhaps, he is really bending him under himself. He thinks that he is doing the right thing and that it will only be better for your brother (he came here and thinks that his son is here, but he is not here).

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relatives

Frankly, a little confusing and strange dream. Here is the course of my reasoning: There is a previous psychotrauma... I don’t really understand what it’s connected with... Could it be sexual violence? Part 1. Personalities: Dad is a once idealized collective male image from the dreamer’s youth. The dreamer preferred the “Father”, “Patron” type of men and most likely played a dependent, subordinate role in the relationship. An aunt is in this case a certain behavioral image, a certain mask that the dreamer does not want to try on herself, so that it does not promise her. The motive of incest is present, and strongly repressed. Cousins ​​symbolize the underdeveloped image of a man, which the dreamer began to develop after the destruction of the ideal of a male father. It is symbolic that the dreamer pretends not to notice the brothers. The deceased grandmother symbolizes the dreamer's unconscious. In general, this is where the salt of the whole dream lies. The unconscious in sleep is painful and blind. Auntie - a product of consciousness, the notorious Mask, Persona, behavioral model - supposedly strives to integrate with the Unconscious (auntie came to mom), but she cannot do this. In other words, the dreamer’s conscious actions (or an attempt to implement this behavioral strategy) can lead to an internal personal catastrophe. And indirectly this concerns the dreamer’s father (I will not touch your son). I find it difficult to interpret what this means. Apparently this needs to be done by the dreamer herself, because this is the only part of the dream that has not been censored and repressed. Putting it together: in the dreamer’s real life, a situation arose when her image of an ideal man was sharply destroyed. Gravitating towards strong, mature and experienced men, the dreamer does not allow herself to take steps towards him because of some barrier or obstacle, and she does not like men-children who become emotionally dependent on her. Perhaps the dreamer in real life has to play with mature men, flirt, not letting them get close to her, and push away those in love with her. It seems to me. And this causes a lot of worry and trouble. Part 2. This part is a logical continuation of the first. Hope. In it we will slightly lift the veil of the mysterious storyline of the first part. The dreamer's way of thinking is still aimed at a mature, experienced male patron. Hm... An assumption arose... What if the second part of the dream is about... The dreamer's son and his relationship either with his father or with the dreamer's new man? As a version, it is debatable: the dreamer sees her ex-husband’s indifference towards her son (the dreamer’s child), and the new man is too strict towards her child, they often have conflicts. The dreamer is forced not to notice what is happening, to pretend. That nothing terrible is happening, but in her soul she screams to herself: “Don’t you feel sorry for your child?” Perhaps her current man told the dreamer that he would like to find a family, to see a real, native son in her child, but “he is not here "... It is likely that this version is true. So, the dreamer may have a serious conflict between her feelings for a new man and her feelings for her own son. It seems to her that the man is raping her son, that he is going too far in his upbringing (his grandfather rapes his cousin). If we continue this version, then the first dream can be interpreted as follows: the dreamer’s new man has stopped “pretending” - the candy-bouquet period has passed (now I’ll take off my pants and change clothes). Everyday situations and ordinary pictures of life together came forward. But the dreamer has to, as it were, not notice her child. Do not give him due attention, do not pamper him, do not notice his problems. And always be cheerful and carefree, so that no one sees internal problems (let me change my clothes so as not to get dirty = save face). But at the end the dreamer seems to shout to herself - I will not touch MY son. Unfortunately, apart from this version, which seems to have brought all the images together, I don’t have any others. The images are interpreted accordingly, but the interpretation of cause-and-effect relationships is my speculation. I apologize if I am wrong and have unwittingly offended anyone with my reasoning and associations. Sincerely, Disinherited.

Dream Interpretation - Late mute grandfather and deceased dog

You have a very important road ahead, be careful not to miss the moments you need. Don’t pay attention to ill-wishers; your loved ones will help you. The dream is a clue. Good luck to you and good dreams.

Dream Interpretation - The late grandfather cried

Perhaps grandfather is the image of a man whom you know well, and whom you ask “not to come again, to let you go”... Someone is sad about you and apparently wants to be with you.. If this option is unlikely, then another explanation for the dream is also there is... You probably understand that you need to remember your grandfather, since he had such a dream...


Seeing your deceased father alive

Dream Interpretation - Clone Fathers

In a dream, a father is a symbol of fate. The fact that the dream appeared in childhood and was repeated several times speaks of a fateful choice in your adult conscious life. The feeling of fear repeatedly emphasizes the importance of choice!!!. Don't miss it, be careful. Where the soul lies, where the resonance with the heart is - there is yours. By itself, one or another version of fate cannot “win” - everything is only with your consent.

Your grandmother receives tender attention. Give it to her, as we usually do to the deceased. But that is not all. Your dream speaks of dramatic changes that will happen to you in the future (about 1 year). Your cherished dream will come true, the one that you have already despaired of waiting for.

Dream Interpretation - The late grandmother returned

Apparently something serious is about to happen in your life, so you dreamed of a grandmother who is worried about you in another world. Don't make hasty decisions, think them over carefully. Grandmother does not want you to go to another world through negligence. Remember your grandmother, light a candle for her concern.

Dream Interpretation - Late Mother

Ties (ropes) to the existing state of affairs (linen) require some revision (washing). In this case, one must be guided by wisdom (mother), and not by conclusions, and then there will be good changes (grandmother, grandfather).

Most likely, in your relationship with your boyfriend, the moment has come when you should decide about your future seriously, reevaluate them and determine their significance in the life of each of you. You underestimate this moment and risk missing it. If you miss it, the relationship may fizzle out and become fruitless.

Dream Interpretation - My boyfriend's late mother

Your sleep is very good. You will have, or perhaps already have, a person who will protect you and help you resolve matters related to your boyfriend (mother’s blue eyes). You expect changes in your life (look out the window). And such changes will come. What is a coffin in reality - this is, by and large, the end.... The end of problems, affairs, vanity, the journey of life. In a dream, the coffin symbolizes the end of things, some troubles. In relation to your dream, all the symbols in it as one indicate that things will end in a wedding. In your dream you saw 2 coffins and wedding dresses. There is a saying - they lived happily ever after and died on the same day)))))

Dream Interpretation - My boyfriend's late mother

Dead people who dream of being alive means that a matter will be resurrected, the success of which you have already lost hope of. Looking out the window is going to visit, a store is a business interest, and a coffin is amazing news. That is, your dream means that you will go on a visit to a business that has again received a second wind (continued), and you will receive amazing news related to this business.

The first dream is related to work, if you are looking for a job, you will soon find it, if you work, then you will get a promotion, the second dream is related to worries about your daughter’s health.

Dream Interpretation - Late grandmother, church

In dreams, your late grandmother is the key to a good outcome. She is your guardian angel. The first dream contains a warning. You should not pay attention to information that is not intended for you and worry about trifles. You are on the right path, but soon there will be a temptation to turn away from it (chasing a person). You can prevent this yourself. The second dream says that if your child is sick, he will certainly recover.

Dream Interpretation - Late grandparents, roads

The time has come to comprehend your life path, as well as analyze events and relationships, both masculine (from the father’s side) and feminine (from the mother’s side).


The deceased father dreamed alive in shorts

I dreamed of my late dad, he was wearing only underpants, and was feeling unwell. He said that he would go to Sochi to rest. He didn’t invite me with him. We hugged him, in a dream I felt the same touch as I hugged him before his death.

I was planning to go to Sochi myself, but I changed my mind and will go to Cyprus.

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