Budget training. How to enter a university or college on a budget place

If you want to get a higher education completely free of charge, then you need to submit applications to universities with budget places. It is important to remember that the number of such places in each educational institution is limited. It is for this reason that Moscow universities with budget places for 2017-2018, passing scores, benefits and admission rules are one of the pressing problems for graduates and their parents.

It is already officially known that the list of such universities for 2017-2018 will be significantly reduced compared to last year; most likely, this figure will reach 40%. Every student, after graduating from school or another educational institution, has a completely legal right to continue his education.

That is why, in order to avoid getting into a dead end, experts and specialists strongly advise and encourage current graduates to find out all the points of interest about admission and budget places in the admissions committee.

But, in order to somehow make the task easier, let's look at the most popular higher education institutions in Moscow.

List of universities in Moscow.

  1. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The number of budget places for this year is 4,893, the minimum tuition fee per year is 8,000 rubles, the minimum passing score is 265.
  2. Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov - 127 budget places, minimum admission score 199, payment per year - 26,600 rubles.
  3. Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnessins - number of budget places - 197, minimum fee per year - 160,000 rubles, passing score - 263.
  4. Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. The number of free budget places is 3,536, the minimum score is 263, the payment per year is 187,200 rubles.
  5. Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry named after S.G. Stroganov. Number of budget places – 186, minimum passing score – 161, payment per year – 76,000 rubles
  6. Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after. V.Ya.Kikotya. This information is provided only at the time of receipt.
  7. Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov. Budget places - 1342, payment per year - 97,000 rubles, minimum passing score - 155.
  8. Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy). Also, all information is only at the time of receipt.
  9. Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture by Ilya Glazunov. The number of free places is 63, payment per year is 97,500 rubles, the minimum passing score is 276.
  10. School-studio named after Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater named after. A.P. Chekhov. The number of budget places is 45, payment per year is 220,000 rubles, the minimum passing score is 276.
  11. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I.M.Gubkina. The number of budget places is 611, the cost of training is 78,000 rubles, the minimum passing score is 160.
  12. Moscow State Academy of Choreography. The number of free places is 30, the minimum passing score is 30, payment per year is 95,000 rubles.
  13. Russian International Academy of Tourism. There are no budget places available here, and the minimum tuition fee per year is 72,400 rubles.
  14. Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev. The number of budget places is 1028, the minimum cost of training is 63,400 rubles, the minimum passing score is 177.
  15. Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after. M.A. Litovchina. The number of budget places for this year has not yet been established, the minimum passing score is also unknown, but the payment is 73,800 rubles.
  16. Russian State Humanitarian University. The number of budget places is 902, payment is 82,000 rubles, passing score is 175.
  17. Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics. Budget places - 70, minimum tuition fee - 57,000 rubles, passing score - 156.
  18. Moscow State University of Culture and Art. Budget places – 1017, payment – ​​74,900 rubles, minimum passing score – 160.
  19. Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism. Passing score – 129, budget places – 183, payment per year – 96,000 rubles.
  20. Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke. Information becomes known at the time of application.

State Classical Academy named after. Maimonides. Budget places - 255, passing score - 124, payment - 115,600 rubles.

  • All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. Budget places – 270, payment – ​​160,000 rubles, minimum passing score – 253.
  • Moscow City Pedagogical University. Budget places – 2059, payment – ​​107,000 rubles, passing score – 60.

    Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. Budget places – 617, minimum passing score – 141, payment – ​​62,000.

  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Budget places - 1366, payment per year - 35,370 rubles, minimum passing score - 146.
  • As you can see, even from this small list the number of budget places in many educational institutions is minimal, and the payment is quite high. That is why, in order to become a student at a Moscow university, graduates will have to work hard.

    Some people know from childhood that they want to become a doctor or a miner. Others have no idea what to work with. For some, finances and school results allow them to enter any department, while others choose from what is available. What if you don’t yet know which university is best to go to? Depends on what is preventing you from making a choice.

    You don't know which university is better

    A good university is a vague concept. To understand which university will turn a student into a cool specialist, you need to dig through a bunch of data.

    Please note that university rankings vary. Simple lists like “100 best universities in the world” are not suitable: what they evaluate is not always necessary for a future profession. Look for ratings that reflect the employment of graduates: how many specialists found a job after studying, how quickly they got a job, and whether they work in their specialty at all.

    Food for thought:

    1. Ratings of the Expert RA agency: starting from the abstract “best university” and ending with a list of the most sought after by employers.
    2. Monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the employment of graduates.
    3. Rating of the quality of educational activities (also according to the Ministry of Education).
    4. An example of a salary rating for the SuperJob portal. Look for similar collections for other professions.

    If you are planning to enroll, but your educational institution does not appear on any list, ask the university representatives whether it is easy for graduates to find work. Perhaps the university does not track the fate of all graduates, but at least it cooperates with employers and helps in finding employment. Ask about such programs: whether they operate and under what conditions.

    Chat with Alumni

    1. How do employers react to a university diploma?
    2. Was the knowledge from lectures and seminars useful in your work?
    3. How do your colleagues rate the university?
    4. Are graduates satisfied with the salary level? How quickly do they move up the career ladder?

    Go to all the open days

    Universities hold meetings with applicants to promote themselves. Come and listen. Ask how to find a job after university, whether it is possible to transfer to another faculty and how to do this.

    Find out more about opportunities for studying and traveling abroad. Ask questions about the equipment in the labs and even the quality of the food in the cafeteria.

    You don't know who you want to be

    Don't worry if you don't know what you want to do yet. You have time to choose your dream business. But if you want to enroll now (in order not to waste time or for other reasons), try to find a suitable option.

    Look for professions you don't know about

    Open the directory of professions (the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation has one and another) and see who you can work with. Just read the job descriptions in order. If you like something, go to any job search portal and consider vacancies. Analyze what requirements are imposed on applicants and what you will need to be able to do.

    Sometimes such a free search gives more than all career guidance tests.

    Choose a university with a large number of directions

    If after a year or two you realize that you want to do something completely different, you can find a suitable specialty within your university. Then it will be easier to transfer to another faculty and take additional subjects.

    Stop at the hardest part

    If you have no idea what you want to be, but you still need to study (your parents are pushing you or you are afraid of the army more than the exam), then choose a difficult specialty.

    Firstly, there is less competition in difficult areas. Secondly, if you decide to change your faculty or specialty, after difficult studies, everything else will seem like paradise. Thirdly, the skills of self-discipline and overcoming difficulties are the best that a modern university can provide.

    Choose a practical specialty

    Such that you can start immediately after studying or even during it. Otherwise, after university you may find yourself with a diploma that neither you nor your employer needs.

    It’s better to earn money in a position you don’t like and save money for a new business than to spend several years on jobs that won’t be useful at all.

    You have no money

    Training is expensive. Or not?

    Don't get hung up on a big name

    Roughly speaking, if you want to become a mathematician, you need to become a mathematician, and not a student at the best mathematics university. Therefore, look for the desired specialty in other universities and in other cities. Maybe you will find an option many thousands of kilometers away, but with a scholarship.

    Don't stop at Moscow and St. Petersburg: they are not the only places where there are good universities. A HSE study on the accessibility of education in 2016 will help take a fresh look at the geography of education.

    Go to college

    Colleges are cheaper. They complete the program faster. And in a few years, you will have a ready-made specialty, a job and the opportunity to study by correspondence or evening classes, without thinking about how your parents will pay for your studies.

    Choose a university that pays good scholarships

    Many universities encourage active and talented students by paying them additional scholarships. The region can also help with money.

    Find out if the university you are going to has such scholarship holders. Ask how they achieved it. The only small thing left is to become one of the best students at the university.

    Try Target Set

    Targeted recruitment is when an enterprise pays for your training, and after studying you must work at this very enterprise. Sometimes an agreement is concluded not with an enterprise, but with municipal authorities. In fact, this is a type of educational loan, but you have to repay the debt not with money, but with work.

    Find out if the university you are interested in has a targeted enrollment, ask what companies they work with. Take the contacts of the departments that conclude contracts - and go ahead, study the conditions and features of training.

    Please note that orders for enrollment of target students are signed earlier, and applications must be submitted in the spring. The best time to do everything is during spring break.

    School graduate checklist

    If you are confused about what to do right now, check yourself with these short instructions:

    1. Decide who you want to be.
    2. Make a list of universities that offer the required specialty.
    3. Cross out schools that you can't afford.
    4. In different ratings, check the position of the remaining ones.
    5. Choose several universities that are worth working hard for and passing exams.

    Since the exam period has already passed, we can summarize and understand with what scores applicants should expect to be admitted on a budget basis. Thus, the results of the unified state exam in 2017 in some subjects turned out to be significantly better compared to the year before. This trend continues in almost all subjects. This fact makes competition among applicants tougher, especially for budget places. It can be stated that schoolchildren began to approach the preparation and selection of the subject to be taken more systematically, which contributed to the improvement of exam results and, as a result, an increase in passing scores in higher educational institutions. Therefore, this year applicants often face a problem - it is difficult to find budget places in universities with passing scores equal to last year’s level. Let’s say that at RGSU the passing score for the budget has increased by 6 points on average and is now 72 points.

    Institutes with low passing scores on a budget

    The universities in which the passing score for the budget turned out to be the lowest in the country were most often regional institutions or branches of capital universities. However, in some universities in the capital, it is quite simple to enroll on a budget-funded basis. In general, the following Russian higher education institutions can be noted:

    1. State Classical Academy named after. Maimonides (60 points in one subject)
    2. State University of Water Communications (58 points in one subject);
    3. Forestry Academy named after S. M. Kirov (58 points in one subject);
    4. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. THEM. Gubkin (56 points in one subject);
    5. Military Institute of Railway Troops and Military Communications (55 points in one subject).

    It is also worth noting that passing scores for budget places vary depending on the specialty and direction. Most often, there are a large number of budget places with low passing scores in areas such as “Geology”, “Informatics and Computer Science” and other technical and highly specialized fields.

    Universities in St. Petersburg with budget places - passing scores

    Educational institutions of the Northern capital for the most part are prestigious universities with high quality education, and, accordingly, with high passing scores for the budget. But even in a city like St. Petersburg there are a number of institutes that are not difficult to enter. Passing scores for the St. Petersburg budget range from 65 to 95 points in one subject. By the way, at St. Petersburg State University the passing scores for the budget were not the highest in the city. First, let's analyze universities with the highest threshold:

    1. SPBAU (95 points in one subject)
    2. St. Petersburg State University (85 points in one subject)
    3. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg Mining University" (72 points in one subject)
    4. St. Petersburg State Economic University (71 points in one subject)
    5. Stieglitz Academy (70 points in one subject)

    These universities are included in various education quality ratings at both national and international levels, have qualified teaching staff, as well as international connections. All this, of course, affects the required basic level of applicants. Also, universities such as Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University can, at their discretion, increase the minimum entry threshold for points, which makes the fight for budget places much more difficult.

    On the other hand, in St. Petersburg there is an opportunity to study for free, even if your Unified State Exam results are not so high:

    1. National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after. P.F. Lesgafta (average score: 57)
    2. St. Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I (average score: 56)
    3. St. Petersburg State Agrarian University (average score: 55)
    4. St. Petersburg University State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (average score: 54)

    Of course, the level of education in some specialties here is in no way inferior to the universities from the list above, but studying at these universities is not so interesting and the possibilities for subsequent employment are much narrower. It is worth remembering that the level of education and the passing grade do not always correspond to each other. In some cases, educational institutions have a narrow profile orientation, which determines the number of budget places and points.

    Universities in Yekaterinburg with budget places: passing scores

    In Yekaterinburg the situation with budget places is easier. The highest score at UFU named after. B.N. Yeltsin - 70 points in one subject. Next comes USGU - 64 points. By the way, these universities have a fairly strong scientific and teaching base in the humanities, so residents of the Urals should not go to Moscow or St. Petersburg for a high-class education, with the exception of some technical specialties, the study of which requires a certain specialization and equipment of the university. Otherwise, universities in Yekaterinburg have an average passing score in one subject from 55 to 64, the gap is quite small compared to St. Petersburg.

    It is worth saying that places on a budget basis are a very attractive thing, but in the whole country there are a sufficient number of them. It can be noted (and this is quite obvious) that the general level in the capitals is significantly higher than the regional one. This is explained by the tendency to come to Moscow and St. Petersburg from the periphery, but this choice may not always be successful. Some universities have an unreasonably high passing grade with a low quality of education. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to regional educational institutions or, as a last resort, to branches of metropolitan organizations that guarantee fairly easy admission and a diploma corresponding to the parent university.

    In modern society, specialists with specialized education are becoming more and more in demand. Even in high school, students and their parents begin to become interested in the question of how to enroll on a budget and get an education with minimal financial costs. It is worth noting that the process of admission to higher educational institutions in the country has been significantly simplified in recent years. The decline in the birth rate at the end of the last century lowered the threshold of required knowledge, and even poorly prepared applicants have the opportunity to enter not the most prestigious educational institution. Competition for admission to a university exists only in the most popular higher education institutions in the capital.


    When wondering whether it is possible to enroll on a budget, every student should understand that the success of this event depends entirely on the number of points received when passing the Unified State Exam. Serious and responsible work at school, especially in the last years of study, will allow each applicant to choose a specialty in accordance with his vocation and interests. Practical advice on how to apply for a budget job does not guarantee success with average USE scores.

    It is necessary not only to complete and understand the school curriculum, but also to improve your school knowledge by attending specialized courses. Having chosen the direction of study and the desired specialty, the student must also decide on the selection of specific subjects for more in-depth study. For example, if you want to enter a university with a mathematical focus, you should pay special attention to studying mathematics and attend preparatory courses in this particular subject.

    Desires and possibilities

    If you want to enter a university on a budget, you should understand that the number of places is limited, the choice will be made from the most prepared applicants. A large army of all kinds of tutors and assistants is always ready to provide their knowledge to prepare yesterday's schoolchildren for admission. They can explain how to enter the budget with the least financial costs. A thorough study of the answers to exam questions and training to successfully pass various tests when passing the Unified State Exam is the primary task of preparatory courses and individual tutors.

    Choosing a university that provides budget places may not always coincide with the student’s wishes, but when choosing where to go on a budget, you should use every opportunity and every chance. You can decide on your specialization and choice of subsequent specialized education later. There is an opportunity after completing the first year of study to transfer to another university and continue studying in a different specialty.

    Training courses

    Having made a choice of a university and decided on a future specialty, you need to enroll in preparatory courses. Usually their classes are paid, but the price is usually quite affordable. Preparation, therefore, is an investment in the future; you should not spare money on it. Classes can take place several times a week - on weekdays or only on weekends.

    Some universities count the results of final exams in preparatory courses for admission. That is, the applicant has the opportunity to make a second attempt in case of failure. Based on the results of passing exams in courses, about 80% of applicants enter a higher education institution. This opportunity should not be ignored.

    Benefits for applicants

    When looking for an answer to the question of how to apply for a budget, we should not forget about the advantages that participation in some specialized Olympiads provides. Many higher education institutions take into account the high results obtained at Olympiad competitions and immediately assign their holders a passing 100 points. Particularly prestigious are the grades received at All-Russian Olympiads.

    For a limited circle of people, the question of whether it is possible to enroll on a budget is resolved even more simply. There are significant benefits for people with disabilities and orphans when entering a university. But unscrupulous applicants sometimes obtain false certificates and receive free education without having any right to it.

    You can apply to 5 universities at the same time. But admission to the most prestigious educational institutions requires passing an entrance exam in a core subject.

    Benefits of budget training

    Why are applicants so eager to enter a college or higher education institution on a budget? Free training attracts many people not only because of saving money and significant cost reduction. Some employers are not particularly fond of graduates of paid faculties. The ability to pay for education does not always indicate the brilliant abilities of an applicant for a vacant position. Receiving an education at the expense of one’s basic knowledge and development abilities indicates the university graduate’s disposition to learn and his ability to think independently.

    In addition, students who successfully complete the program receive a scholarship throughout their studies. Its size, as a rule, depends on current performance. This not only supports the student financially, but also increases his self-esteem.

    With free education, there is always a real possibility of being expelled prematurely. In case of chronic academic failure or violation of behavioral norms, students are expelled from the educational institution very quickly.

    Correspondence studies

    Not every applicant has the opportunity to study during the day; there is a real opportunity to enroll part-time on a budget. To do this, you need to choose a university that teaches the chosen specialty and find out whether it offers distance learning. When submitting an application, you should indicate that the applicant is entering the university for the first time and has not previously had a higher education. Admission to the correspondence department is usually based on the results of entrance exams. If they are successfully passed, the applicant enters the university and will study on a budgetary basis.

    Passing the entrance exam

    When entering some universities with a special profile, an additional exam in the major subject is required. This type of entrance test is used especially often when trying to enroll in a budget program in Moscow. The exam, as a rule, is difficult, and the examinee will be required not only to have excellent knowledge of the subject in which the applicant’s knowledge assessment procedure will take place, but also a sufficient amount of resourcefulness and ingenuity, and a high level of resistance to a stressful situation.

    In this case, every little detail is of great importance - the place where the applicant will be, his appearance and the ability to quickly mobilize and concentrate. It is best to sit in the middle row and not attract attention to yourself. Clothing should be clean, modest and not offensive. A classic business style would be quite appropriate.

    Help and cheat sheets

    Preparing for the exam requires writing cheat sheets. There is no need to take them with you. When compiling cheat sheets, the material is usually filtered by importance and presented clearly during the exam - this is their benefit. The risk that they will be noticed in the exam is very high.

    You shouldn’t rely on your overeducated neighbor and prepare to cheat from him. Applicants, as a rule, come to the exam with the same pre-university preparation; you can easily additionally include your neighbor’s mistakes in your own exam paper.

    In some cases, examiners can also help. They will always answer a sensible question with great readiness. A sincere desire to get a high mark on an exam from a good teacher always arouses respect and affection for the applicant.

    Budget education at a private university

    Since 2012, it has become possible for applicants to enroll in education at the expense of budgetary funds and in private educational institutions. Not only universities, but also secondary vocational institutions accept students through government funding. Distribution of places for applicants occurs on a competitive basis. Strict selection is made in accordance with normal admission rules. More than 4,500 people were able to receive specialized education in this way without spending their own money.

    Students at private universities have the same rights and responsibilities as those at public educational institutions. The scholarship will be awarded during your studies in the same way. The amount of the scholarship received and the methods for calculating it are in accordance with the general rules for organizing payments to students.

    This year it will be easier for school graduates to enter universities.

    For future first-year students, the number of budget places in bachelor's and specialty programs has been increased. If this academic year (2017-2018) universities received 298 thousand places for bachelors and 70 for specialists, then in 2018-2019 bachelor’s will receive 315 thousand places, and specialty – 75 thousand. 208 thousand budget places were allocated to master's programs, which is 3 thousand more than a year earlier.

    The largest number of free places on the budget will be received by pedagogical faculties and pedagogical universities, IT areas, agricultural and medical universities. Which specialties will have the fewest budget places? "Nursing", "Weapons and Weapon Systems", "Art Studies", "Theology", "Performing Arts and Literary Creativity".

    The Ministry continues to support engineering, paying special attention to IT technologies, mining, production of aviation and rocket and space technology, light industry, nanotechnology and management of technical systems, emphasized Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva at the investment forum in Sochi.

    According to her, 45 thousand people will be accepted into teacher education programs this year.

    A feature of recent years is interest in agricultural and veterinary specialties. Rector of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after. Skryabin Fedor Vasilevich told RG that school graduates are especially attracted to new areas related to genetics, genomics, and biotechnology.

    A new specialty has appeared at the Faculty of Zootechnology and Agribusiness - nutriogenomics, where the molecular mechanisms of the effect of food on changes in animal genes are studied. The academy has created a laboratory of molecular genetics and genomics of birds, which meets European standards, explained the rector.

    A new direction in “commodity research of veterinary and biological drugs” has appeared in the bachelor’s degree, and a module “furriery” is offered. Academy graduates receive knowledge that allows them to work in the field of genetic engineering, creating transgenic organisms with new properties, and monitoring changes in heredity in animals. These are areas in demand today. As well as research into the creation of immunobiological preparations - vaccines and serums common to humans and animals.

    One of the large companies selling fertilizers, pesticides and seeds clarified that they need general agronomists, specialists in the maintenance and repair of equipment, including robots. Salary is discussed with each individual individually. Livestock specialists needed. They are offered 25-30 thousand rubles a month. There are offers, for example, in the Smolensk region, for 70 thousand rubles plus office housing. At the large Bryansk meat processing enterprise, veterinary paramedics and doctors, animal engineers, and feed preparation section engineers are very welcome.

    Universities offer new programs: “Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems”, “Sports Diplomacy”, “Medieval Studies”

    Information for future teachers: two new divisions are opening at the undergraduate level of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPGU) - the Institute of International Education and the Higher School of Education. What programs will be the most popular at the university this year?

    Firstly, all programs related to inclusive education. For example, primary education and special education; preschool education and special pedagogy; Russian language and inclusive education; Typhlopedagogy and others. Secondly, programs related to family values, including family education, the psychology of child-parent relationships,” Olga Knyazeva, head of the department for organizing admissions at Moscow State Pedagogical University, told RG.

    Infographics "RG" / Mikhail Shipov / Irina Ivoilova

    As before, applicants are willing to study foreign languages, including Chinese. Enrollment for the program "Fundamental Physics (in English)" will continue.

    In 2017, we accepted 84 thousand applications for all forms of education, of which three and a half thousand applications for teacher education. This year, I think, there will be no less,” Olga Knyazeva is sure.

    This year, the Moscow City Pedagogical University offers about 200 undergraduate and graduate programs. According to Vice-Rector Dmitry Agranat, the biggest competition usually occurs in programs related to foreign languages. The competition for history and mathematics has grown. Pedagogical specialties with two training profiles are in great demand. This year, 254 budget places have been allocated for them.

    In addition to traditional areas, the university offers, for example, the specialty “Organization of Work with Youth,” “Adaptive Physical Education,” and “Socio-Cultural Activities.” Future freshmen need to know: starting from this year, in many university programs, students will be able to choose the modules to study themselves. For example, a future political scientist may choose economic or psychological modules. A student can have up to 30 percent of such elective classes.

    What kind of teachers are needed most in schools? Philologists are teachers of Russian and foreign languages, mathematics, physical education, and primary school.

    New programs in master's programs at universities:

    "Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems" - HSE

    "Medieval Studies" - HSE

    "Languages ​​and Cultures of Africa" ​​- St. Petersburg State University

    "Urban real estate and territorial development" - St. Petersburg State University

    "Sports Diplomacy" - MGIMO

    "Industry marketing of goods and services" - MGIMO

    "International humanitarian cooperation and external relations of regions" - MGIMO

    Infographics "RG" / Mikhail Shipov / Irina Ivoilova


    Students named the best and worst universities. Among the leaders are MEPhI, Law University. Kutafina and MGIMO.

    The results of a study of universities based on the opinions of students and their reviews on the Internet (the so-called Internet leaks) have become known. MEPhI and Moscow State Law University named after MEPhI received the most positive reviews. Kutafin, MGIMO, St. Petersburg State University, RANEPA, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkina, Financial University under the Government, MSLU, LETI.

    The most negative reviews from students were received by MAI, St. Petersburg State Economic University, UrFU named after. Yeltsin.

    So, what do students like most about their university? Professionalism, interest of teachers, rich student life, good hostel, justified expectations from the university, good practice, high reputation of the university and position in the ranking. By the way, the new ranking “Three Missions of the University” includes 13 Russian universities in the top 200. Including those that students called the best.

    But this is why the university receives negative feedback from students: boring, useless lectures, weak students, corruption, problems with the dormitory, incompetence of the dean’s office staff.

    What worries students most? In the first place - the professionalism and interest of teachers, in the second - the quality of lectures, seminars, the availability of master classes, practices, in the third - student life and the atmosphere at the university, in the fourth - the quality and comfort in the hostel, in the fifth - the location of the university. In the last positions (18th, 19th and 20th places) are canteens, scholarships and the cost of studying.

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