A quick fluffy sponge cake. Classic biscuit recipe in the oven

  1. The recipe for sponge cake at home is ridiculously simple. First of all, you need to separate the chicken whites from the yolks and put the former in the refrigerator.
  2. Add all the sugar to the egg yolks and begin to beat them in a bowl until they reach a light, slightly viscous foam. Don't be alarmed. This is fine.
  3. Now, understanding the science of how to make a sponge cake at home, let’s sift the flour twice into a separate bowl. Along with the flour, sift all the other bulk ingredients (baking powder, cocoa or citric acid. In general, everything you want to add to baked goods to change its taste and color). Add the bulk products to the yolk mixture and gently mix everything with a mixer at low speed until all the lumps of flour are kneaded. It's literally 2-3 minutes.
  4. Now it’s the turn of the proteins. For those who do not know how to bake a sponge cake at home, we hasten to inform you that its fluffiness and fragility depend precisely on the quality of the whipped egg whites. Therefore, let's start whipping the egg whites at high mixer speeds and achieve strong, stable protein peaks.
  5. In order for a simple sponge cake at home to turn out unsurpassed and airy, you need to carefully mix the whites into our dough. Moreover, this must be done carefully, without disturbing the dough again. Add the whites with a spoon in small portions, stirring the dough from bottom to top.
  6. It is best to bake a fluffy sponge cake at home in a springform pan. We recommend lining it (the mold) with baking paper and greasing it with butter. Pour the dough into the mold and place in a hot oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Biscuit preparation time is 35-40 minutes. Sometimes a little more or less, depending on the features of your oven.
  7. And finally, how to bake a fluffy sponge cake at home and cool it properly. Do not rush to remove baked goods from the oven. Let the biscuit rest for a while in a hot but turned off oven with the door slightly open. And only after 15-20 minutes can you remove the product from the oven and release it from the mold.

Homemade biscuit with photo is ready.

For preparation, use a dozen eggs, equal amounts of flour and sugar (one glass each), vanillin (2 teaspoons) and starch (tablespoon). To prepare the roll, you need to add another 0.5 kg of butter, which should be melted and cooled beforehand. To obtain a chocolate cake, add 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, mixed with flour. To add airiness, you can add soda.

There are different ways to prepare a sponge cake, among them the simplest is the following: beat sugar together with eggs and increase the volume of the mixture several times. The bottom and edges of the mold must first be greased with butter. After this, lay out pastry paper and pour the dough into 3/4 of the mold so that there is room for rising. The oven is heated to 180-200 degrees, at which the biscuit is baked.

To obtain a fluffy and soft confectionery product, you must first separate the whites and yolks. Both are beaten separately. Beat the yolks and powdered sugar to double the mass. Add flour, stir until smooth and pour in the whites whipped until foamy.

The biscuit serves as the basis for many rolls, cakes, pastries and various desserts.

The easiest biscuit recipe

If you need to quickly and easily prepare a sponge cake, take the following:

      • sugar - a little less than a glass (1 tbsp.)
      • eggs – 3 pcs. (4 things.)
      • flour - a glass with a slide (1.5 tbsp.)
      • soda – 0.5 tsp. (not necessary)

The first quantity of ingredients is designed for a round springform pan with a diameter of 22-24 cm, and the one in brackets is for a rectangular baking sheet with high sides 21 by 28 cm (along the inside).

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:French
  • Type of dish: sweet pastries
  • Cooking method: in the oven
  • Servings: 8-12


      • Grease the mold, you can simply line the baking sheet with paper. Turn on the oven to preheat at 180-200°C.
      • Measure out the required amount of flour. If you plan to use baking soda and/or cocoa, mix them with flour.
      • Break the eggs into a clean bowl, add sugar, beat at maximum speed until the mass increases 3-4 times. It will become almost white, fluffy, and in thickness it will resemble medium-fat sour cream. The sugar should completely dissolve.
      • Using a spoon, quickly and gently stir the flour into the airy mass from bottom to top. As soon as it becomes homogeneous, place it in the pan, level it and bake. Do not stir for a long time.
      • Check readiness with a toothpick or wooden stick.

Divide the finished cooled sponge cake into two layers. If you want to make a tall cake, bake another one so that you get four layers.

A good cake is made with custard. Due to the fact that it is quite liquid and not cloying, the cake has a delicate, pleasant taste (you just need to let it sit in the cold for several hours). If you also grease the top with cream and sprinkle with coconut flakes, you get a light coconut aroma.

Follow certain rules for creating this delicious dish:

  • Before cooking, you should be in a positive mood so that, as they say, you can feel the dough itself.
  • Be sure to take clean dishes and prepare fresh food.
  • It is necessary to provide for the availability of a split form in advance.
  • An important rule for making sponge cake is to use warm eggs.
  • Products must be added to the dough in a certain order. Eggs come first, sugar comes next, and wheat flour comes last.
  • To obtain a plump biscuit, you need to sift the flour through a sieve, and then mix it with starch.
  • A mixer or whisk is used to beat eggs, which makes the work easier and faster. Mixing should be continued until the dough doubles in size. Its consistency should be similar to whipped cream.
  • Then mix sugar with vanilla and add everything to the eggs in small parts. All this is whipped for 10 minutes. The mixer speed is set to minimum and the flour is added gradually. At this stage, knead the dough for 2 minutes so that the sponge cake does not end up being too dense.

Another important rule: when kneading the biscuit, move your hand in the same direction.

While preparing the dough, you can add lemon zest, nuts or raisins. Stir everything, fill the mold and place in a preheated oven. It is worth noting that the product does not like sudden movements and blows of cold air. For this reason, do not open the oven, knock or slam the door for half an hour.

If the dough begins to bulge in the oven, this means that the air inside it is heated unevenly. To prevent this, next time place another baking sheet on top. If the biscuit burns, place a container of water underneath it.

When the cake is ready, keep it in the oven for 15-20 minutes. After this, you can remove and carefully remove from the baking container.

You need to check whether the dough is ready in the following way: it should have a browned appearance, when pressed in the center it will spring back, and when pierced with a toothpick or other stick it will remain dry.

Cut the biscuit with a kitchen string or a large sharp knife. The cut is made in one motion.

When baking a sponge roll, the dough is thinly laid out on a baking sheet, which is first covered with pastry paper. The baking process takes 10 minutes. Next, you need to remove the dough without cooling, then fill it and roll it into a roll. The paper is gradually removed.

You can prepare different creams and decorate the sponge cake in all sorts of ways, depending on your imagination. It can become the basis for a cake or pie. Different creams are prepared for sponge cakes: chocolate, custard (as for Napoleon cake), vanilla, coffee, strawberry, cream with prunes.

This is how a sponge cake is prepared, and you should try it too: the cooking process will seem completely easy and enjoyable.

As children, we all loved our mother's cakes. There was certainly a recipe that was prepared exclusively on holidays. Now we've grown up and We can bake any delicacy for all family members.

The variety of culinary masterpieces is so great that it won’t take long to get lost in it. To decide what to actually choose, think about what you want?

1. To make it delicious , no, not just delicious, but so that a piece of delicacy melts in your mouth.
2. So that you can don't worry too much about calories .
3. To be the ability to use almost the same ingredients to get a new treat every time .
4. To there were no difficulties with preparation so that the dish is not capricious.

The French are exquisite connoisseurs of sweet pastries, and we express our gratitude to them for the fact that the world knows the recipe for such a delicacy as sponge cake.

Is it possible! The French are exquisite connoisseurs of sweet pastries, and we express our gratitude to them for the fact that the world knows the recipe for such a delicacy as sponge cake. This treat fits all of the above requirements perfectly.. You may argue that baking it will require some fiddling, that Only an experienced housewife can prepare a biscuit.

With our tips, you will delight your loved ones, guests and yourself with your culinary skills.

Homemade biscuit recipe (simple): proven options

We offer for your consideration several proven options.

Biscuit "Classic". What do you need to make this dessert?

1. Six pieces eggs;
2. Wheat flour 150 grams;
3. Granulated sugar 200 grams;
4. Baking powder 10 grams;
5. Vanilla-10 grams;
6. Pinch salt.

Let's start the cooking process.

Ingredients for the cake.

Take the eggs and break them into a clean container. and using improvised means beat until foam appears . Then in the portions indicated in the recipe add salt, granulated sugar and vanilla to a bowl. After repeat the beating procedure for about three to four minutes . In a special container mix flour and baking powder. Slowly combine the contents of two bowls adding the mixture to the eggs.

And again beat for about twenty-five minutes. As a result of the completed manipulations, you should get dough having a medium consistency . If the beating process begins to bore you with its monotony, you can cheer yourself up with the thought that the longer you beat the ingredients, the fluffier the sponge cake you will get at the end.

Next, take a tall form, cover it with special parchment paper and carefully pour the finished dough onto it. Now it's your turn place the future biscuit in the oven. The homemade sponge cake recipe is so simple that before you know it... in twenty-five minutes you will have cakes ready for him .

Next, take a tall form, cover it with special parchment paper and carefully pour the finished dough onto it.

The temperature in the oven should not exceed one hundred and eighty degrees.

When you are sure that the cakes are already browned and look appetizing enough, do not rush. IN Turn off the oven, but do not take out the pan, let the biscuit stay there for another ten minutes. After the specified time Spread a clean towel on a hard surface and turn the cakes over onto it.

Now the cakes are ready to create the most delicious pastries and cakes. Apart from its other advantages, the biscuit is also good because it promotes the development of imagination. And the secret lies in the cream. The cakes themselves come out quite dry, so they must be soaked in syrup, fruit juice or cream.

You will need two glasses of cow's milk, one glass of sugar and four chicken yolks.

Since childhood, custard remains a favorite for many connoisseurs of the sweet life.

Yolks are ground with sugar , Meanwhile bring the milk to a boil on the stove . And then reduce the heat and add the yolks into the milk in small portions while mixing thoroughly. The cream is on the stove until it thickens.

Then you just have to wait for the resulting mass to cool down before applying it to the finished cakes.

The homemade sponge cake recipe is so simple and delicious that it’s very often used in preparation for children's parties. Boys and girls will love this non-greasy and moderately sweet treat. But if you are trying to please older gourmands, then You can refer to the recipe for a sponge cake called “Elizabeth” .

The preparation of the Elizaveta sponge cake includes the following steps:

The cream here is prepared from the following products: two packs of fresh butter, one can of condensed milk, two yolks, a bag of vanilla. Add to all of the above half a glass of water.

The eggs are mixed with water and condensed milk and gradually heated over low heat. At the same time, the oil is ground with vanilla.

After combine both masses and beat until fluffy. The cream is ready. When it cools down you can apply it to the cakes on both sides, adding chopped nuts . The masterpiece is decorated with grated chocolate, berries or marshmallows on top.

Another delicious delicacy is biscuit with cottage cheese. You need to bake the cake, divide it into 2 parts and soak it in syrup.

Then start filling. Take half a glass of juice. It's better if it's grape or apple, and dissolve one pack of gelatin in it. Then Mix five hundred grams of cottage cheese with half a glass of sugar, beat everything and add juice with gelatin. Now you will again need the form in which the sponge cakes were baked.

The masterpiece is decorated with grated chocolate, berries or marshmallows on top.

Now you have seen how simple the recipe for making sponge cake is at home. Next post layer the cake layer on top of each other, then the filling, again the biscuit, then the rest of the filling. Place a treat in the cold for three hours .

When the specified time has expired, you can begin decorating. Here give complete freedom to your imagination, you can use whatever you like and whatever is in the refrigerator: fruits, berries, marmalade, chocolate, caramel, ice cream.

The main thing is that the appearance of the dessert is as magnificent as its taste. If you want the cakes to be soaked more strongly, then they can be cut into 3 components rather than 2. During the cooking process, it happens that the cake does not want to keep its shape, it breaks, do not put it in the trash bin.

If it is crushed, then such waste can be used for decoration. And if you break the cake into several small pieces and then soak it in cream, you will get a slightly different dish, but also not a little worse than a sponge cake.

To decorate the cake, use everything you love and everything you have in the refrigerator: fruits, berries, marmalade, chocolate, caramel, ice cream.

Another trick for those who have little time. If guests arrive unexpectedly, and there are no conditions for baking the cakes, then you can purchase them at the nearest store, and grease them with cream and decorate them yourself.

To enjoy a simple recipe for making sponge cake at home, check out our recommendations.

1. Both the appearance and taste of the dish depend on quality flour., especially for such a finicky biscuit. Flour must have a high gluten level , and to enrich it with oxygen, first pass it through a sieve. Let the flour breathe.

2. If you are impatient, then this item is for you. Once the biscuit is placed in the oven, it must not be opened. If you look into the baking cabinet in the first fifteen to twenty minutes, the dough will fall and you will have to forget about the fluffiness.

3. Eggs also require attention. You need to beat them without being lazy. If you save time on this process, then When baking, the sponge cake will rise, but as soon as you take it out of the oven, it will immediately fall and turn out flat.

4.Sugar should only be white , brown in this case cannot replace it.

5. The saying says that you can’t spoil porridge with butter, and this also applies to biscuits. It is preferable that the oil had a high fat content, then the baked goods will differ in both taste and splendor.

Both the appearance and taste of the dish depend on high-quality flour, especially for such a finicky biscuit.

6. If you decide to pamper your loved ones with a treat, then approximately

A lush sponge cake will definitely become the main decoration of the holiday table and will win the hearts of the most fastidious guests, and it is quick and easy to prepare. A noisy holiday feast or family celebration is a good occasion for the hostess to show off her culinary skills.

Every housewife has a culinary notebook for such occasions, where a very tasty and simple recipe for sponge cake is carefully stored. After all, for dessert on major holidays, there is certainly a gorgeous cake on the table, covered in aromatic chocolate or snow-white glaze.

Biscuit: types and methods of preparation

There are many types of cake dough - puff pastry, shortbread, stretch pastry. None of them can compare with a sponge cake - juicy, fluffy, tender. Biscuit is a special type of dough; professional chefs do not always succeed in making it. It is even more difficult for beginners, because it is necessary to strictly observe the amount of ingredients, preparation processes, and the duration of baking the biscuit dough.
There are many popular biscuit recipes:

  • fluffy sponge cake in the oven;
  • simple classic sponge cake;
  • delicious biscuit with berries, fruits, jam;
  • chiffon sponge cake.

Prepare a delicious sponge cake:

  • in a slow cooker;
  • bread machine;
  • in the oven.

Biscuit dough is prepared:

  • on kefir;
  • on sour cream;
  • no eggs;
  • with cottage cheese.

Readers will be able to get acquainted with each of these biscuit recipes on the pages of the section, where they are presented in simple, accessible language, without complex culinary terms unfamiliar to most housewives. Each guide is presented step-by-step with photos, which is important for those who like to spend all their free time near the stove.

Recipes with photos and videos

Young cooks will not have any difficulties or problems if they listen to the advice of experienced cooks. There are a lot of tricks and secrets for making sponge cake at home on the pages of this section; professionals will be happy to help you avoid common mistakes and simplify the process. And they will tell you a secret, very tasty and simple recipe for sponge cake. Making a delicious biscuit always starts with kneading the dough. Few people know that the structure of the finished treat depends on how the eggs and sugar are beaten. There are many ways to correctly carry out this difficult process; readers can find out in what order to add the ingredients on the pages with biscuit dough recipes.
The success of baking depends on the success of the dough and the decoration of the finished pie. Those with artistic talent and limitless imagination will have no difficulties; they will do an excellent job decorating a sponge cake. For those who have never decorated a cake, colorful photos next to each sponge cake recipe will help. The illustrations show in the smallest detail every detail that will help sponge pies and cakes turn into an original work of culinary art. Step-by-step photos will also help novice confectioners cope with preparing biscuit dough, because questions will certainly arise, and numerous illustrations will help you find the answers.
Increasingly, cake layers for sponge cakes are being prepared not traditionally, in the oven, but in a slow cooker. The process is greatly simplified, there is no need to monitor readiness, and the biscuit dough grows by leaps and bounds. Baking in this useful kitchen appliance turns out tender and tastes delicious.

Composition of biscuit dough

A traditional classic biscuit consists of only a few components, but more and more often unusual additives are added to it - cottage cheese, honey, kefir. Lenten sponge cake recipes that do not contain eggs will come in handy during Lent. You can enjoy amazing baked goods even on a diet, if you exclude especially high-calorie ingredients. All these guides will certainly be found on the pages; readers will only have to choose the appropriate recipes and go to the kitchen to create the next delicious miracle.
There is a lot of information on how to make sponge cake at home on the Internet, in fascinating culinary magazines, and in television programs. But it’s unlikely that it contains the number of recipes that awaits readers of the column! There is everything here - from the simplest manuals to complex combinations; all you have to do is compare the availability of products in the refrigerator, your capabilities and skills. The end result will certainly delight everyone at home or guests, especially if the hostess tried hard and created a huge cake!
There is no need to be afraid to express yourself in new types of baking, even if sponge cake at home seems like an impossible task. Simple, detailed biscuit recipes, accessible ingredients, colorful photos, useful comments and tips will help you overcome any obstacle!

A little history

History does not mention who invented this complex and delicious type of baking, but the first records of biscuit can be found in the ship logs of the first sailors. Delicious pastries were dried, sent to boxes and used for the table during the long voyage. The biscuit was stored for a very long time without being subject to the appearance of the ubiquitous mold.
During one of his voyages, a courtier of the French king decided to treat himself to simple sailor food. His amazement knew no bounds, because the baked goods turned out to be nourishing, tasty and enjoyable. After this tasting, the sailor's delicacy turned into an exquisite delicacy, first supplemented with cream, decorations and glaze, and it was served only to the table of the monarch.

The classic sponge cake recipe is used for pastries and cakes. The traditional method of preparing the dessert involves cutting the sponge cake into two cake layers and soaking them with different types of cream. Thus, by preparing the cakes according to the same recipe, but using different fillings, you get a wide variety of desserts.

Classic sponge cake in the oven

This is the easiest recipe for a classic sponge cake in the oven.


  • egg – 4 pcs.;
  • vanilla – 0.5 pod;
  • salt;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • premium flour – 150 g;
  • butter for lubricating the surface.


  1. Divide the eggs into yolks and whites.
  2. Salt the whites. Turn on the mixer at minimum speed, beat, gradually adding sugar and vanilla.
  3. Stir the yolks.
  4. When the whites turn into a fluffy foam, pour in the yolks, spoonful at a time.
  5. Sift flour through a sieve. Stir gently with a spoon from bottom to top.
  6. Grease a 24cm diameter mold with butter and lightly dust with flour. Fill with dough.
  7. Leave in the oven at 200 degrees.
  8. After half an hour, carefully remove and cool. Transfer to a plate.

Cooking chocolate cake - step by step recipe

This is a doughy sponge cake that melts in your mouth. It will not leave any sweet lover indifferent. And after soaking it in truffle cream, which has a consistency similar to mousse, you will get a real culinary masterpiece.


  • flour – 130 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • instant coffee – 1 teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil – 6 teaspoons;
  • heavy cream for whipping – 300 g;
  • sugar – 110 g;
  • chocolate – 120 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar – 2 teaspoons for cream;
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • vanillin – 1 packet;
  • cream – 300 g for cream;
  • cocoa – 4 teaspoons;
  • water – 125 ml.


  1. Set the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Separate the egg. Beat the yolk with half the amount of sugar. Pour in the oil. Mix.
  3. Combine cocoa and coffee, pour boiling water. Keeping the air bubbles, combine the two masses.
  4. In a bowl, mix baking powder, remaining sugar, and flour.
  5. Combine with liquid mixture.
  6. Whip the cream.
  7. Mix with dough.
  8. Line the pan with parchment and carefully pour in the dough.
  9. Place in the oven. Carefully check the degree of readiness with a skewer; it should be dry.

Preparation of cream:

  1. Heat the cream, do not bring to a boil.
  2. Add the amount of sugar for the cream.
  3. Break the chocolate, add to the pan, stir. The tile should completely dissolve. Cool.
  4. Beat.
  5. When the biscuit is ready, take it out. Cool.
  6. Cut lengthwise to make four layers. Lubricate each part. Lay out in layers. Sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Delicious sponge cake for 4 eggs in the oven

Using a minimum of products, you get a delicacy that is consumed as an independent dish, or smeared with cream, you get a cake.


  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • wheat flour – 110 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 15 g;
  • granulated sugar – 170 g.


  1. Break an egg. Place the yolk in a separate container.
  2. Take a sieve. Add flour. Sift.
  3. Add half the amount of sugar to the yolks. Beat with a mixer. The mass will turn white and become larger.
  4. Pour the whites into the mixer bowl and turn on medium speed.
  5. Do not turn off until the whites become fluffy and soft.
  6. Add sugar while continuing to beat.
  7. Divide the protein mass into three parts. Transfer one to the yolks. Mix with a spatula.
  8. Add flour. Stir.
  9. Add the rest of the whites and stir gently. You cannot mix the dough for a long time, the air bubbles will be destroyed and the biscuit will not rise well. During cooking, the dough rises greatly, so you only need to fill the mold 2/3 of the way.
  10. Pour the mixture into the mold.
  11. Place in an oven with a temperature setting of 180 degrees.
  12. Cook for half an hour. Do not open the oven door during cooking, otherwise the biscuit will fall off.

A simple honey treat recipe

In the usual sense, a honey cake is a lot of thin cakes soaked in cream. But this delicacy will be no less tasty with prepared sponge cakes.


  • granulated sugar – 200 g;
  • flour – 375 g;
  • chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • honey – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Turn on the oven to preheat, setting the temperature to 180 degrees.
  2. Place baking soda in a saucepan and add honey. Turn on the minimum setting on the stove.
  3. While stirring, wait until the mass increases.
  4. Add sugar.
  5. Turn on the mixer. Beat.
  6. Pour the darkened honey mixture into a bowl with the eggs. Beat.
  7. Add flour. Stir.
  8. Pour into mold. Place in the oven.
  9. Cut the finished sponge cake and soak it in any cream.

Quick cakes in 5 minutes

This biscuit will definitely work for everyone and very quickly.


  • flour – 120 g;
  • cocoa powder – 4 teaspoons;
  • sugar – 125 g.
  • butter – 110 g;
  • soda – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • vanillin.


  1. Melt the butter, you can use the microwave.
  2. Pour sugar into a bowl. Pour in the eggs. Beat.
  3. Pour in slaked soda and vanilla. Stir.
  4. Pour in the oil. Mix.
  5. Add sifted flour. Beat.
  6. Add cocoa.
  7. Pour the dough into a heatproof bowl.
  8. Place in the microwave.
  9. Enable maximum mode.
  10. Leave in the switched off oven for another three minutes.
  11. You can pour chocolate on top and a quick delicious treat is ready.

On boiling water

Easy to prepare, delicate sponge cake will help you prepare a delicious treat.


  • egg – 4 pcs.;
  • boiling water – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour – 150 g;
  • oil – 6 teaspoons.


  1. Line a mold with a diameter of 24 cm with baking paper.
  2. Place the eggs in a container and add sugar. Beat.
  3. Add baking powder. Mix.
  4. Add flour.
  5. Add oil. Beat.
  6. Pour in boiling water. Stir.
  7. Pour into mold.
  8. Place in the oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees.
  9. After half an hour, check readiness using a toothpick. Its dry surface ensures the baked goods are ready.

With sour cream

Delicate and dense sponge cake is used to make muffins.

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