Android remove system programs. How to remove google apps without root

If you are the happy owner of a smartphone with the Android system installed, then you have probably thought more than once about how to clear the phone’s memory, erase standard applications (apk files), which not only take up excess internal memory, but also loom on desktop icons. With each new version of Android, there are more and more programs and services installed by default on the phone. Each program takes up space in the phone’s internal memory, loads the processor, and uses battery power. But is everything really as bad as it might seem at first glance?

In this article we will tell you in detail how to remove standard or unnecessary system applications on Android and what is needed for this!

It’s worth noting right away that standard applications are all those that are installed on your phone by default, even if you buy it from scratch in the store.

We will consider 2 methods:

  1. Standard removal with root rights and Root Explorer software
  2. Using the software – “Root App Delete”

1. Removing standard applications with root rights and Root Explorer

To remove standard applications and programs, your smartphone must have Root rights - a super user. Recently, many manufacturers have built in root for the phone by default, but some models require setting up permissions. A large number of additional articles and materials have been written about this, in particular on our website.

Let's say that you already have root rights on your smartphone by default. All applications classified as “standard” are saved in the following path: /system/app. Just keep in mind that access to this folder through the standard Android file manager is not available. Download the Root Explorer program to your device and go to this directory.

The process of removing standard services and applications using Root Explorer:

  1. In the Root Explorer program, activate the R/W mode.
  2. Find the apk file of the selected application and delete it.
  3. In order for the program to be completely removed from the device, you must also erase the odex file for the selected application. Some system programs are stored not only in the /system/app directory, but also here: /data/app, so be sure to check for similar files by name.

After completing these operations, the application will be completely removed from your smartphone. This is a standard uninstall algorithm that allows you to erase the default applications on your device. We strongly recommend that you create backup copies before deleting. Otherwise, errors may appear, even the device may turn off completely.

2. Removing system or standard applications using Root App Delete

Go to the Google Play service and download the Root App Delete program on your smartphone.

Attention! You, as in the first case, must have the root user profile activated. This program simplifies the process of uninstalling programs. Now you don’t need to search for directories or go through several tabs to find all the system files of a particular program. You will see a complete list of system applications.

The removal process is as follows:

  1. Just open the Root App Delete program.
  2. Go to System Apps.
  3. Select the application to uninstall.

Special differences of the program:

  1. High speed, especially if you have an older version of the phone
  2. Supports Android 1.6 and higher, including 4.4 Kit Kat
  3. Over 1,000,000 downloads
  4. Ability to “freeze” system applications, view the load of each process

This is just a small list of the program's capabilities! The only negative is the interface is in English, but even a novice user can figure it out.

Which system applications can be deleted on Android and which cannot?

Even if you already know how to remove system applications on Android, you still need to be able to distinguish between the so-called “important” and “not important” programs. You probably know that the Android system is built on the Linux kernel, and all processes are interconnected. And even if not all, then most of it for sure.

  • “Vending.apk” - The root file of the Google Play program (if you delete it, the Market will be unavailable)
  • “wssomacp.apk” - Required for sending text messages (for any cellular operators)
  • “AccountAndSyncSettings.apk” - Full synchronization with all existing Google services (Calendars, Mail, cloud services, user settings and much more)
  • “ApplicationsProvider.apk” - Required for installing and uninstalling any applications on Android (in this case, all user programs, games installed from Google Play)
  • “BluetoothOpp.apk” - Receive and transmit files via Bluetooth wireless communication.

This is just a small list of programs that should never be removed from your smartphone, otherwise some functions will not work correctly and stably. In the latest versions of Android, new system files are constantly being added, which are strictly prohibited from being deleted!

Here is a small list of applications that you can permanently delete:

  • "AccuWeatherDaemonService.apk" - Automatic weather update
  • "AnalogClock.apk" - Analog clock for Android
  • "Chrome.apk" - Google Chrome Browser
  • “DSMForwarding.apk” - Program for automatic notification of SIM change

For complete lists of software products that can and cannot be deleted, look on the Internet specifically for your model and version of Android, because a certain percentage of programs on each device differs, depending on the firmware, manufacturer, Android version, and downloaded updates.

If you decide to erase all or some system applications just to clear the internal memory of your phone, then (both games and any programs) from the internal memory to an external SD card, and also additionally clear the cache of programs, for example, browsers, applications that require access to the network, games. In OS Android you can view statistics about each application!

Smartphones, tablets and telephones are gadgets that more than one person on earth cannot do without. And every owner of such a gadget knows perfectly well what the Play market is, what applications are, how they need to be installed and what they are needed for.

But, in addition to installed applications, when purchased, any device contains system or pre-installed applications. And sooner or later, users have an insatiable desire to remove unnecessary and unnecessary programs that were installed along with the system. But, how to remove pre-installed applications on Android? This is exactly what I will tell you about now.

Before we begin deleting pre-installed applications, we need to get root rights, in other words, access to view and edit system ones. It is thanks to these rights that many different problems with the smartphone are corrected; they can also be used to replace the phone’s built-in memory with an sdcard, and also run various applications that require administrator rights for the device.

Afterwards, to remove system applications we will need to download and install one of the file managers that support access to system directories. For example I use Total Commander or Root Explorer you can also use ES conductor. You can find and download these utilities on the Play Market, I won’t describe how to install them, I think you can handle it without me.

IN instructions I provided, I will use Total Commander, if you use any other file manager, for deleting pre-installed applications is not a big deal, as the principle of deletion is quite similar. Differences can only be noticeable in the appearance of the program interface.

Uninstalling system applications on Android using Total Commander

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not mindlessly delete everything by going to the system folder, since there will be quite a lot of system applications there that should not be deleted. Remove only those pre-installed programs that were visible in your device’s menu, and do not forget to pay attention not only to the icon, but also to the name of the application that you are going to remove.

Removing pre-installed applications on Android using Root Uninstaller

So, what to do if you were unable to remove pre-installed applications on your Android device or you simply don’t want to go into system folders for fear of harming your smartphone. For this case I have Plan b", it lies in the fact that to remove a system application, you will need to install a program with the name from the Play Market and select the application to be deleted there, and the utility will do the rest for you.

We launch Root Uninstaller and immediately give it the right to use root access, the procedure is similar to the one I considered in the example with Total Commander.

Now we select the one we need from the list of system applications.

We will be transferred to the next menu, where we should click on the “ Delete" A few seconds will pass and the utility will ask you to restart the device for complete removal.

It should be noted that the application provides quite a lot of other useful things. For example, you don’t have to delete a standard program, but only freeze it, so it will turn off and disappear from the main menu, but the files will remain in place in the system and you can turn it back on without any problems if you wish.

Another interesting point is that you can make the selected application custom; by doing this you can later delete the application directly from the device menu or you can move it to a memory card.

In general, try using this program and you will see for yourself.

There are a lot of ways to remove pre-installed applications on Android, but here I showed what I use directly. By the way, there are many analogues of Root Uninstaller in the market, so you can use them if you wish. There is simply no point in describing them all here as they are very similar to each other.

Articles and Lifehacks

Each user of a device on a “green robot” should know how to remove unnecessary programs on Android. After all, they not only clog up the memory of your phone or tablet, but often also “eat up” battery energy and “steal” speed. As a result, the equipment may freeze, which will probably soon begin to irritate the owner of a phone or tablet computer. And the user may even suspect that it is necessary, without realizing the true reason for the freezes. In addition, these unnecessary programs can be “registered” in the cache. And this again affects the operation of the device. Therefore, you should get rid of such rubbish.

How to remove a program from Android

The whole process is crazy simple. Having completed the removal procedure just once, you will certainly be able to clean your phone/tablet of accumulated programs on your own in the future without any tips or instructions. In the meantime, here's a short plan of action. Follow all the points in order - and everything will work out.

1. Find “Settings” on your device. Press.

2. Now in the settings, find “Application Manager”. Click again and go into it.

3. Have you decided that you will delete it from Android? Search for this program by name. Found it? Then you are ready for the next step.

4. Select the application you need (but no longer need) and click on it. You will be prompted to “force stop”, “clear cache” and “delete”. You understand what you need to press, because your goal is to get rid of “junk” that you do not use and takes up space. Click "Delete". In a word, the actions are similar to those required when removing them.

5. As always, a warning will pop up that the program will be removed and whether you are sure of your actions. You, of course, confirm that you do not need the application, so “delete, Andryusha, delete.” Agree by clicking “Yes”.

6. That's it. The application has permanently left your device.

On some devices, you can simply delete by dragging it into the virtual trash can. However, this way not always all the “tails” are cleaned up. Sometimes a trace remains somewhere in the very depths, it takes up space and slows down processes.

Therefore, if you cannot decide how to remove unnecessary programs correctly on Android so that not a trace remains, then choose the first method through the “Application Manager”. It turns out safer and cleaner.

What cannot be deleted from Android

Even if it seems to you that you don’t need this program, but it is a system/utility/was installed initially, you cannot touch it. This can lead to the "death" of Android. Even if you have never run it and have no idea why it was installed at all, this does not mean that it should be removed. In addition, many Android devices that are still under warranty service lose their entire warranty after removing such “built-in” programs. As soon as you receive root rights necessary to remove such programs, manufacturers “wash their hands”, refusing you further free warranty repairs and maintenance. You will pay for all further “jambs” yourself.

So remove only what you yourself installed, so to speak, extraneous.

Android device users regularly wonder how to remove standard (system) applications preinstalled by the manufacturer. Such applications are mostly useless, and often only harm the smartphone or tablet, taking up RAM and permanent memory.

Standard applications accompany most devices, both from well-known companies and not so well known. The problem is that you cannot remove a pre-installed application simply by going to the Android settings. To remove an unnecessary program you will have to make a little effort. Well, let's find out.

Which Android system applications can be deleted and which cannot?

Many users, not fully understanding how the Android system works, when they get to the point of deleting applications, they simply send important services into oblivion, without which the smartphone or other device will stop working altogether or will function with errors. To avoid undesirable consequences and possible flashing, you should first figure out which standard Android applications can be deleted and which ones are better left alone.

As a rule, you can remove pre-installed shell applications (installed on top of Android) without harm to the system. For example, Meizu smartphones come with a proprietary Flyme shell, into which third-party tools are embedded. Removing them will not affect the operation of the system - you will simply lose the application.

But when deleting Android system applications, you need to be much more careful. The operating system works as a single organism, and the removal of at least one “organ” will affect the performance of others. So, if you accidentally or deliberately delete the standard clock application, you may not be able to set up an alarm clock and many other features in the future.

It would take an entire article to list applications that can be removed without harming Android, especially since on the well-known forum users have already compiled a list through their own trial and error.

  1. Go here.
  2. Expand the spoiler “Description of stock programs”.
  3. You will see a fairly extensive list of system programs for various versions of the Android OS.

Those applications that can be removed without affecting system functionality are highlighted in green. The names of programs that are best left alone are highlighted in red. In addition, for each application, users added a brief description of the consequences of its removal.

Getting rid of factory Android applications: disabling

You shouldn’t immediately resort to deleting an annoying and unnecessary application that hangs in the background all the time. To save precious RAM, you can simply disable it in the Android settings.

After disabling the application, it will remain on the device and will continue to take up storage space, but will not be active, without draining the battery or using up RAM.

Disabling applications in Android does not require special knowledge or third-party software. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps:

  1. go to the “Settings” of the device;
  2. look for the “Applications” item;
  3. From the list of installed applications, select the one you want to disable;
  4. on the page that opens, click the “Stop” button (different versions of the Android OS may have different names, for example, “Stop”, “Disable”, etc.).

Please note that not every application can be disabled. If you do not see the “Stop” button or it is gray and cannot be pressed, then the system needs this program, and it can only be deactivated by uninstalling it using third-party software and ROOT rights.

Removing Android system applications using ROOT

It is important for any manufacturer that its application is used by the user, so they prevent their removal from the device by simply removing this feature. However, users quickly found a way to remove unnecessary programs through third-party software. And the first thing we need to remove Android system applications is superuser rights.

Superuser rights, or ROOT rights, give the user access to many system features that are not available to ordinary users. Please note: by obtaining ROOT rights, you may lose the manufacturer's warranty on your device.

Obtaining ROOT rights is not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance. Today there are a lot of programs that allow you to become a superuser literally in one click, in addition, many manufacturers from China equip their smartphones with ROOT rights straight from the factory. The only problem is that there is no universal means of obtaining ROOT rights for each device. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you explore forums where rooting of devices is discussed.

If we talk about the easiest ways to obtain ROOT rights, then the “KingRoot” application has proven itself to be the best. You can download it absolutely free, it automatically detects your smartphone model and very quickly installs the necessary files.

When deleting Android system applications, do not forget about backups

Perhaps the main mistake that beginners usually make is neglecting to create backup copies. Having spent very little time creating a backup, you can be sure that in case of problems, the device will be restored in a matter of minutes.

To create a backup copy of your data, you can use special programs, of which there are plenty today.

For example, Titanium Backup, which has wide functionality and a clear interface, performed well. The program is distributed free of charge.

Removing standard Android applications using Root Explorer

Having obtained ROOT rights and made backup copies of your data, you can proceed directly to removing unnecessary programs. Now that you have become a superuser, you can access the directories where system applications are stored. However, you cannot get to them without using a file manager that supports working with ROOT rights. The most suitable option would be a small utility Root Explorer.

So, if everything you need is installed, do the following:

  1. launch Root Explorer;
  2. go to the /system/app folder (data from all standard Android applications is stored in it);
  3. from the list presented, select the applications that need to be removed;
  4. we confirm the actions.

We remind you once again: do not delete applications whose purpose you do not know. Find out what they are for and only then proceed with removal.

It is not necessary to delete applications. For them to stop functioning, it is enough to move them, for example, to a memory card. If problems arise with the performance of the device, you can easily return the application data to its place.

Removing factory Android applications using

The KingRoot utility, which we recommended just above as the simplest way to obtain superuser rights, has quite extensive functionality. Possibilities include deleting both custom and built-in applications. Moreover, this process is as simple as possible:

  1. launch the application;
  2. On the main screen, select “Uninstall programs”;
  3. from the two tabs “Built-in” and “Custom”, select the first;
  4. we remove programs, confirming the actions.
Uninstalling Android system applications using a personal computer

There are many file managers and applications for Android, which in their arsenal have the ability to remove standard applications. But these methods do not help some users. If you are one of them, then the Debloater program can come to the rescue. So:

  1. download the program to your PC;
  2. We look for ADB drivers specifically for your smartphone on thematic forums and install them;
  3. go to the smartphone settings, where we look for the “For Developers” tab and check the box next to “USB debugging”;
  4. now we launch KingRoot (you can’t do without the utility);
  5. in the “Root Rights Management” tab, opposite “ADB Program”, click “Request”;
  6. in the line that appears, click “Allow”;
  7. we return to our PC and the Debloater program, where we see that it recognized the smartphone;
  8. At the top left, select “Read Device Packages” and wait for the process to complete;
  9. a list of installed applications will appear in the program window;
  10. Check the boxes next to unnecessary programs, click the “Remove” button, then “Apply”.
How to get back deleted stock Android apps

Quite often, users, without thinking, disable or delete applications important to the system, after which the device begins to work with errors, and some features become completely unavailable. The problem is small if you simply disabled the application: just go to “Settings” - “Applications”, select the one you need and reactivate it by clicking the “Run” button.

As a last resort, resetting the settings to factory settings will help.

The situation is worse if you permanently deleted Android applications. However, there is no need to despair. If you followed the advice above and backed up your data, then you just need to restore it by returning the files to the /system/app folder. If you ignored the advice and don’t have copies, then you have two options:

  • find files from other users;
  • reinstall the operating system.

In the first case, you will have to seek help on forums, where users will easily share copies of files with you. All you have to do is put them in the desired folder. In the second, you will have to start flashing the device.


Not all applications preinstalled by the manufacturer are needed. Most of them simply hang in the background, taking up memory and annoying the user with regular updates and alerts. Fortunately, there are a great many ways to get rid of them today. We tried to select the simplest and most effective ones, which we hope will help our readers. The main thing is not to delete applications whose names you see for the first time.

There are more and more smartphones and tablets running Android OS every day. They occupied all sorts of price categories - from several thousand rubles to several thousand dollars. It is also noteworthy that Android is an open operating system and can be easily customized, including user customization. But often the obstacle to this very customization is gadget manufacturers - they install their own shell and a number of standard applications that come with the kit. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of them without intervening inside the system, but has this stopped anyone else? Let's figure out how to remove applications from Android that cannot be deleted. You should start with the standard and most common methods: from the simplest to the most complex.

How to remove apps from Android that won't uninstall

You can get rid of applications downloaded from the Google Play Store and some built-in ones using system tools. Yes, at first glance, this is not so difficult, but inexperienced users often encounter similar problems, and therefore we simply have to tell you about everything in as much detail as possible.

Standard applications are those downloaded to smartphones and tablets by the manufacturer or distributor themselves. But first you need to understand the applications that were installed by the user. How to remove them so that no traces of their presence remain?

There are only three ways. All of them are equally popular, simple and easy to implement.

Removing Android applications through Settings

The program or game will be erased from the device’s memory, and all additional files related to it in one way or another will also be lost. Of course, the method is truly simple, however, not all applications can be removed so easily.

Removal by pinching

You've probably noticed that you can drag any application icons if you hold your finger on them for a while.

So, you can also remove them using the same method. Go to the menu where all applications are located or right on the desktop, hold your finger on the game or program you want to uninstall.

Do you see a basket appearing on top? Drag the icon into it without releasing your finger. Confirm deletion with your consent.

If this method does not work, move on to the next one.

"Control" to the head

We are often asked to explain how to remove applications that do not want to be removed using the first two methods. Fortunately, there is a solution - use third-party utilities to erase a capricious program or game.

The most popular among them is Uninstaller:

It happens that programs, games or standard applications are not removed even in this way, then you can try the Market itself to uninstall.

Google Play as a way to remove applications

How to remove system applications on Android?

Perhaps this is truly the most difficult method. The fact is that most manufacturers block the ability to remove programs and games built into the shell. In this case, it will not be possible to do without obtaining Root rights.

And you are lucky if you have a Chinese brand device. These often already have them built-in and only need to be activated by going into the accompanying application. Each gadget has its own, so see the instructions specifically for your device.

If you are sure that Administrator rights are activated, download the Root App Delete program. It acts similar to the Uninstaller app and has a similar interface, so the instructions are similar. You just have to choose not the downloaded game, but the standard application. Therefore, be extremely careful not to uninstall anything unnecessary.

If you do not have Superuser (Root) rights, you will have to reflash the device to obtain them. Here you won’t be able to get away with just two wasted minutes. Think carefully about whether it’s worth reflashing your gadget because of some applications?

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