Alexander Greek name meaning. Alexander name meaning - character and fate

Origin: Alexander is a very common male name, which, moreover, is international. This name appeared in Ancient Greece and its original meaning was “protector” (Ancient Greek alexo - to protect and andros - husband (meaning “man”). Thus, the name Alexander literally means “one who protects”).

Short forms of the name Alexander- Sasha, Sanya, Sanya, Shura, Shurik, Sashko, sometimes there is a collective from Sasha and Shura - Sashura.

Foreign forms of the name Alexander(most common) - Alex, Lex, Sandro, Lexa, Lyaksandr (gypsy), Sano.

Alexander's name day: in January - the 7th; in February - 7; in March - 3, 8, 22,26, 28, 29; in April - 9, 23, 30; in May - 3,4,26,29; in June - 1,2,5,8,22,23; in July - 16,22,23; in August - 7,11,14,24, 25; in September - 12; in October - 5,11,30, in November - 4,22 and in December - 6 and 25.

Characteristics of the name Alexander

Positive traits of the name

The psychological portrait of the bearer of the name Alexander largely corresponds to the meaning of this name. Alexander has a developed sense of care and guardianship over his loved ones. Moreover, this quality is expressed not only in the protection of parents, spouses and children. One of Alexander’s main goals in life is to provide a decent future for the people close to him. Character traits such as perseverance and determination help him in this.

Negative traits of the name

Sometimes Alexander does not calculate his strength, because he is characterized by excessive self-confidence. A turn of events in the wrong direction could unsettle Alexander for some time. At the same time, he rarely admits his mistakes, preferring to attribute negative results to circumstances or the fault of others. Because of this, Alexander almost never engages in self-analysis, which hinders his personal growth. However, those with the name Alexander can boast that they are fate’s favorites - very often they are simply lucky and achieve some benefits simply due to a successful coincidence of circumstances.

The impact of a name on business

Alexanders are also lucky to have outstanding organizational skills - the bearer of this name can stand at the head of a large team, skillfully coordinating its actions and at the same time not morally oppressing any of his subordinates. At work, Alexander can be a leader whom others are happy to follow. True, this only applies to those cases when work brings Alexander pleasure. Owners of this name have good financial sense: they know how to skillfully invest money in a business and how to make a deal with maximum benefit.

The influence of a name on health

In terms of health, Alexander’s vulnerable side is the respiratory system. Many bearers of this name may be physically weak in childhood, but as they grow older, Alexander enjoys working on himself more and more, strengthening his body and spirit. Alexandras are very resilient both mentally and physically; they often find an outlet in sports and achieve considerable success. However, owners of this name should be wary of overexertion - if they become interested in any sport, they can engage in it from morning to night.


You can win Alexander’s favor if you appreciate his independence and independence, giving him the opportunity to demonstrate his potential. But prodding and reproaches are extremely undesirable - Alexandras are very susceptible to criticism, especially unfounded criticism. They also have a rather reprehensible attitude towards false flattery. The surest way to impress Alexander is to share his hobbies. Alexandra treats like-minded people very kindly.

Name compatibility

When it comes to communicating with the fair sex, those named Alexander are at their best. They treat women gallantly, with the admiration inherent in gentlemen. Alexandras are masters at giving compliments, but they will not shower praise unreasonably. The owners of this name will find a common language with the bearers of the names Tamara, Natalya, Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov, Maria, Anna, Elizaveta, Oksana, Inna, Zoya. But with Zinaida, Lydia, Elena and Svetlana, it will be difficult for Alexander to build harmonious relationships.

Famous personalities who bore or bear the name Alexander:

  • Alexander the Great (great warrior, commander);
  • Alexander Nevsky (ancient Russian prince, defender of Kievan Rus);
  • Alexander Peresvet (legendary monk warrior);
  • Alexander Suvorov (famous Russian commander, hero of the Russian-Turkish wars);
  • Alexander Kolchak (admiral of the imperial fleet, politician);
  • Alexander Pushkin (classic of Russian poetry);
  • Alexander Blok (poet of the Silver Age);
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Russian and Soviet writer, author of “The Gulag Archipelago”);
  • Alexander Tvardovsky (poet, author of the military epic “Vasily Terkin”);
  • Alexander Serov (Russian pop singer);
  • Alexander Medvedev, aka Shura (outrageous pop singer, showman);
  • Alexander Skarsgård (Hollywood actor, star of the series “True Blood”);

Alexandra is a great name, shrouded in mystery. Having heard him, the first thing that comes to mind is Alexander the Great and his imagination draws the legendary image of the Greek commander. The name obliges Alexandra to correspond to this type, and she more than succeeds.

Brief meaning of the name Alexandra

Defender or winner

The origin of the name Alexandra has Greek roots, is the feminine form of the name Alexander, and means protector of people. It comes from the Greek aleko - protector and andros - people. Another version of the origin of the name Alexander is the claim that it is the Turkic name Iskander, which means winner. Disputes on this matter continue; scientists have not yet decided whether any of the options are unambiguous.

The character and fate of Alexandra

Often, Alexandra’s character is very similar to a man’s. The mistress named Alexandra has a dualistic and contradictory nature.

Alexandra's character is as changeable as fashion. She does not see barriers and is prone to the manifestation of violent passions and impulses. Only great love can stop her and put her in her place. The next incredible antics often simply shock those around her. Life with her is a great challenge, but without her it is boring and uninteresting. After all, she, not knowing what a halt is, tirelessly rushes forward.

As if embarrassed by her masculine name, Alexandra strives for elegance, femininity, mystery, and she succeeds. She is extremely charming. She does not have a fighting nature; it is in her nature to come to an agreement or simply turn a scandal into a joke. Therefore, it seems that she has many friends, in fact, she has friendly relations with everyone, and does not let even her closest relatives come close.

The name Alexandra suggests the need to contact others, she is literally obsessed with this. She has a great imagination, but a little lacking in common sense. She wants to turn everyone into her slaves, and the parents get the first. At first glance, she may seem reserved, but in fact she is pure at heart, sincere and truthful, and expects reciprocity from others. She does not tolerate lies; you can forever lose her trust because of some stupid prank.

We are little children and we want to go for a walk.

Little Sasha is a hurricane, it is impossible to keep her in place. Her name is fidget, which is the cause of bruises and abrasions. However, when this stopped her, forward to the unknown and unknown. Sasha doesn’t need sleep or food, she gives herself completely to the game. She cannot be condoned in everything, she cannot be spoiled too much, otherwise the result will be a capricious and stubborn person. The girl is attracted by active games on the street, active recreation in nature, but not in the company of peers, but in the circle of adults.

The name suggests that she should always be first at school. She is an excellent student in all subjects, loves social work, holds elected positions in school government, and is successful in the school’s sports life. He is one of the teachers' favorites. They appreciate her dedication and active life position. Homework is like a punishment for her. She will come up with a hundred reasons not to do it. School friends treat Sasha with respect; she captivates them with her insight and fairness in her actions. If she was treated incorrectly or deceived, she will pretend that she doesn’t care. She will carry this habit with her throughout her life.

Sasha’s health in childhood will not bring problems to her parents; the only diseases that may occur are colds, but no one is immune from them. In his youth, Sasha’s respiratory system, especially his lungs, may be malfunctioning. As you age, you may experience problems with sleep and periods.

Ah, Sasha, Sasha, Sashenka

A girl named Alexandra has an unpredictable character. As fate would have it, she sweeps through like a hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path; in moments of rare calm, she analyzes her losses and licks her wounds. Alexandra’s distinctive character trait is to strive only forward; she associates even the slightest delay with defeat, and Sasha does not like to lose.

It is very difficult to have to walk next to her, but not keep up with her movements. The name Alexandra means undisputed independence. The meaning of the name represents her as an adventurer. If something suddenly doesn’t go according to plan and begins to threaten Sasha with trouble, she will not hesitate to blame everyone around her and, if possible, shift the blame to the one who turns out to be in the extreme at that moment. Those around her find it difficult to endure such times.

Alexandra, Alexandra...

The best job for Alexandra would be to be quite active. Due to the restlessness inherent in her character, work related to business trips is perfect, and the desire to rule will be satisfied by the position of director, assistant or bank employee. She herself works at a fast pace and infects her surroundings with this.

Those who do not correspond simply fall out of its scope. The owner of the name will find her calling in medicine, cinema and theater; she can become an excellent cutter or hairdresser; the service sector is her strong point. It is worth noting that she achieves success through hard work rather than talent.

Alexandra’s character has a pronounced ability for opportunism, weaving intrigues and gossip. She is subject to external influence, often shocking with her eccentricity.

Alexandra knows how to love, and if her feelings are sincere, then her chosen one will be a happy person. She will give him passionate sex, support and help in all his endeavors, order in the house and care for him and the children. Love will change Alexandra’s character and transform her; not a trace will remain of her former idleness.

She has a rather business-like approach to family life. Even with minimal opportunities, she will improve her life, but small work in the house is not for her, she will impose it on someone else. Alexandra is a good cook, a hospitable hostess and a caring mother, caring for her children even when they are grown up.

I know that I will never tire of being your secret...

The secret of Alexandra's character is her soul. It’s not easy to get into her close circle. The reason is what she does first and then thinks. In general, if Sasha chose you as her heart-to-heart interlocutor, it’s worth a lot.

Oh, Shura, your Shura...

In a short and affectionate form, Alexandra is called Sasha, Sashenka, Alexandrushka, Sanya, Sandra, Aleksanya, Alya, Asya, Sanyura, Sanyuta, Sanyusha, Aleksakha, Alekshasha, Sashukha, Sashulya, Sashunya, Sashuta, Shura, Shurochka, Lexandra, Lyaksandra, Oleksa , Alexoy, Alesey, Olesey, Lesey.

Synonyms for the name Alexander are: Alexandrina, Alasrina, Alistrina, Alesta, Alejandra, Alexandria, Alexandrine, Sandra, Sandrina, Alessandra, Alexandra.

Declension by case

  • Nominative case – Alexandra;
  • Genitive case – Alexandra;
  • Dative case – Alexandra;
  • Accusative case - Alexander;
  • Instrumental case - Alexandra;
  • Prepositional case – Alexandra.

Meaning according to the church calendar

According to the church calendar, the meaning of the name Alexander does not change. Alexandra's name day:

fall on the dates: 22.03, 2.04, 6.05, 31.05, 17.7, 13.10, 19.11, 23.12.

Marriages are made in heaven

Alexandra will become happily married to Anatoly, Andrey, Victor, Ivan, Peter, Semyon and Yuri. Valentin, Valery, Evgeniy, Nikolai, Stepan will not be able to become her soul mate.

From this article you received complete information about Alexandra, what the name means, the secret of his origin, character, attitude towards family and work, the importance of a man in her destiny and simply what kind of female happiness she will have. Now you will not have any difficulty finding a common language with representatives of this name, which means excellent communication and a healthy atmosphere in the team. You have no doubts or secrets left, which means you can make the right decision on what to name your future girl and whether she needs such a destiny.

Alexander is one of the most popular male names in the world. It is widespread both in our country and in most foreign countries. The name has a long history and was used back in the days of Ancient Greece. Alexanders were the names of many of the greatest historical figures. Previously, only parents who were representatives of the upper class were allowed to name their children with this nominal form, but later it became widespread among ordinary people.

History of the name

The name Alexander originated in Ancient Greece. It consists of two Greek words: "alexeo" (ἀλέξω) and "andres" (ἀνήρ), which are translated as "to protect" and "man" respectively. Therefore, the name Alexander means “protector.” This name can be found quite often in ancient Greek myths, but it gained the greatest popularity after the commander Alexander the Great became famous for his conquests.

The name Alexander gained popularity after the glorification of the commander Alexander the Great

...Reading in his spare time something written about the actions of Alexander, Caesar plunged into thought for a long time, and then even shed tears. When surprised friends asked him about the reason, he replied: “Does it really seem to you that there is not enough reason for sadness that at my age Alexander already ruled so many nations, and I still have not done anything remarkable!”


Name forms

Shortened forms of the name: Sasha, Shura, Alex, Shurik, Sanya.

Sasha is the most commonly used short form of the name Alexander.

Diminutive variants of the name: Sashenka, Alexandrushka, Shurochka, Sashulya, Sashechka, Shurochka, Sashuta, Aleksasha, Alexandrushka, Sashura, Sanechka, Sashulenka.

To write a poem with the name Alexander, you can use the following words as a rhyme: rosewood, spacesuit, coriander. There are the following rhymes for the short form of the name Sasha: bowl, porridge, character, crew, entourage.

Related names: Oleksandr, Alejandro, Alyaksandr, Alexander, Alexandros, Alastar. There is also a female analogue of the name - Alexandra.

Church version of the name: Alexander.

Patronymic names that are formed from this name: Alexandrovna, Alexandrovich.

How the name Alexander is written in a foreign passport, according to the latest transliteration rules: ALEKSANDR.

Patronymic names most successfully combined with the name Alexander: Albertovich, Andreevich, Vladimirovich, Gennadievich, Denisovich, Danilovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Leonidovich, Mikhailovich, Nikolaevich, Olegovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Stepanovich, Filippovich, Yurievich, Yakovlevich.

In the play “Woe from Wit” by Alexander Griboedov, the main character is Alexander Chatsky, who became the first character in Russian literature who dared to go into open conflict with high society. It is also noteworthy that in this work he is the only positive hero.

Noble, proud, true to his opinion and word - these are the characteristics of the main character of Griboyedov’s play “Woe from Wit” - Alexander Chatsky

Table: the name Alexander in foreign languages

Arabالكسندر Alexander
Armenianալեքսանդր Alexander
Bengalআলেকজান্ডার Alexander
GreekἈλέξανδρος Alexandros
Georgianალექსანდრე Alexander
Gujaratiએલેક્ઝાન્ડર Alexander
Hebrewאלכסנדר Alexander
Kannadaಅಲೆಕ್ಸಾಂಡರ್ Alexander
Chinese亚历山大 Alexander
Korean안렜산들 Alexandros
Thaiอเล็กซานเดอร์ Alexander
Hindiसिकंदर Alexander
Japaneseアレクサンド Alexander

Name days and patron saints

There are a lot of saints bearing the name Alexander - more than thirty people. The most famous are:

  1. Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. The saint was born in 1220 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Already at the age of nine, Alexander became the ruler of Novgorod. The prince won worldwide fame thanks to the Battle of the Neva, which took place in 1240, where he, together with his small army, defeated the huge troops of the Swedes who wanted to conquer Russian lands. In 1242, on Lake Peipsi, Alexander Nevsky and his soldiers defeated another enemy, who were the soldiers of the Livonian Order. With this victory, he strengthened his fame as a great warrior and commander. In addition to his military exploits, the saint was distinguished by his ability to govern the country. He managed to establish relations with the Tatar-Mongols, thereby saving Rus' from their raids. Alexander died of illness in 1263.

    Alexander Nevsky - Russian prince and great commander who gained fame after the Battle of the Neva

  2. Venerable Alexander of Constantinople. Born in 350. Initially, the saint was in military service, which did not interest him very much, since he always dreamed of being in the service of God. Alexander took monastic vows and lived in a monastery for four years, preparing to live in the desert. Then he lived for seven years in the desert, leaving there, he took with him only the gospel. Later, Christians learned about the saint and began to come to him to learn something from the righteous man. Alexander founded a monastery for his students, who soon numbered more than 400 people. The psalter was continuously read in the monastery, for which it received the name “the monastery of the never-sleeping.” After some time, the saint moved to Constantinople and founded another monastery there. Alexander of Constantinople died around 430.

    Venerable Alexander of Constantinople - the founder of the monastery of the “Unsleeping Ones”

  3. Venerable Alexander Svirsky. Born in 1448 in the village of Mandera, Obonezhskaya Pyatina (Novgorod lands). He was a very long-awaited child. At the age of 19, the saint went to Valaam, and lived there as a novice for seven years. In 1474 he took monastic vows. Then Alexander lived for seven years in a cave, and then went to the Holy Lake, where a monastery was later formed, now famous as the Alexander-Svirsky Monastery. The saint performed many miracles, led a righteous life, trained many followers and led a large number of lay people to the faith. After Alexander Svirsky lived in seclusion for 25 years, the Holy Trinity appeared to him. Of the Russian saints, he was the only one to receive such an honor. The saint died in 1533.

    The Venerable Alexander Svirsky was the only Russian saint to be honored with the appearance of the Holy Trinity

There are quite a few days of remembrance of Saint Alexander. In order for a person named Alexander to correctly determine which of these days to celebrate his name day, he needs to find the date closest to his birthday:

  • in January: 8, 10, 14, 17, 31;
  • in February: 7, 17, 19, 20, 21;
  • in March: 6, 8, 10, 14, 17, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30;
  • in April: 9, 23, 27, 28, 30;
  • in May: 3, 4, 24, 26, 27, 29;
  • in June: 1, 2, 8, 11, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27;
  • in July: 1, 6, 10, 16, 21, 22, 23;
  • in August: 2, 7, 11, 14, 20, 24, 25, 27, 29;
  • in September: 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 22, 26;
  • in October: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 24, 25, 30;
  • in November: 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27;
  • in December: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 17, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30.

Characteristics of the name and its influence on personality

Alexander is distinguished by courage, assertiveness, authority and self-confidence. This guy will be able to achieve any goal; it is so important that the work he undertakes is completed accurately and clearly. He is not used to wasting his money on trifles. However, it is impossible to do anything against this guy against his will. Among other things, a man is fair and honest with others, and due to his courage and assertiveness he is able to lead people. Sasha is a true leader, but he is very afraid that someone might find out about his failures or character flaws. Those around him see him as an easy-going, simple and pleasant person. Sometimes he may seem frivolous because of his vivid imagination, but in reality the guy is not one.

Alexander’s character is domineering, stubborn, he is always ready to lead people

Alexander is a romantic in life,
He strives to go everywhere:
See the unknown distances
And, of course, show yourself.
It's easy to start conversations with him -
He will cover many topics;
Fair, full of activity,
Will resolve a whole bunch of dilemmas.
May fate give Alexander
Novelty of impressions and meetings;
Let the voyage through life be glorious
And everything good can attract!


A man has many virtues: he is independent, generous, decisive. In addition, Alexander has a sharp mind and insightful thinking. Another advantage of his character is the ability to forget grievances. Sasha is not inclined to revenge, and is ready to forgive his close friend any mistake. He himself will never resort to betrayal or deception, since he considers friendly relations to be the most important component of his being. Comrades can always count on wise and valuable advice from a man named Alexander.

Alexander is able to forgive his comrades almost everything, since he values ​​friendship above all else.

But still, there are negative qualities in this man. First of all, it is emotionality and irritability. These character traits often do not work in Sasha's favor. In addition, the guy is prone to conflict and touchiness; it is very easy to offend him with a word. Like any leader, Sasha is afraid of judgment from others. Sometimes he is overly pompous and important in communication.

It is very important for this person to preserve his inner world, but he does not try to close himself off from reality to do this, but quite skillfully controls both sides of his life. A man can be difficult to understand; some people think that he is afraid of responsibility and stability, but in fact, Sasha has been looking for his refuge all his life in order to find safety and tranquility. Alexander values ​​trusting relationships with people, but often tries to assert himself at the expense of those around him. But, being in the same company with this guy, you can be sure that you won’t be bored or sad.

For Sasha, his own world means the most, but he does not break away from reality, firmly pursuing his dream

Table: characteristics of the name Alexander according to various theories

Theorist's nameCharacteristics of a person
Pierre RougetAlexander is an introvert, he often withdraws into himself, runs away from reality, being in fictional worlds. This man has an amazing imagination. The man is strong in spirit, persistent, but prone to anxiety and inconstancy. He values ​​friendship highly; his serious relationships with girls often begin as friendly ones.
Boris KhigirSasha is purposeful, always achieves what he wants, becomes a leader in a team, and knows how to control people’s minds. Alexander behaves gallantly with girls, always opens the door for a lady and gives her a coat, and comes on a date with a bouquet of flowers. However, he treats absolutely all his partners this way, even those for whom he has no feelings.
Pavel FlorenskyAlexander is noble, open, easily makes contact with others, cordial and kind. He is endowed with a clear and sober mind, diversified, and sometimes ironic.

How does a name affect a child's character?

As a child, Alexander is an inquisitive child who can grasp everything on the fly. The boy has excellent creative abilities, excellent imagination and imagination. A child sees something unusual and fascinating in the simplest thing. Sasha also stands out among other guys due to her strong-willed qualities. If a child named Alexander is no different from the crowd of his peers and does not have any special features, then you should not be upset; his time has not yet come. Sooner or later, the boy will definitely show himself as an extraordinary and amazing person. It is not difficult for Sasha to study at school; he can easily remember a large amount of necessary information. And the originality of this kid’s thinking can lead any teacher to a dead end. Parents definitely need to help their son develop his talents; a good idea would be to send Alexander to a drama club.

Little Sasha has outstanding creativity, great imagination and imagination.

As a teenager, a guy acquires determination and a desire to prove his superiority to everyone. During such a period, the young man stubbornly refuses to comply with requests and demands, demonstrating his advantage over others. In any company, a young man becomes a leader, as he has all the qualities for this. Sasha does not try to contradict everyone out of spite, this is simply how his personality develops. Parents should not put pressure on their son, but should be allowed to develop and do things independently. But what adults should do is push Alexander to participate in sports clubs. If you ignore this advice, the boy’s health may not be very strong. You also need to make sure that the guy does not start drinking alcohol.

Without exercise, Alexander's health may become unstable

Hobbies and talents

Since childhood, Sasha has been interested in sports. In addition, his hobby is reading. He prefers adventure novels and adventurous stories. He is also interested in collecting models of military equipment and cars. He is no less interested in real cars. Alexander is also not averse to spending time in nature and fishing. Possessing artistry and emotionality, a guy can become interested in acting.

Alexander likes to read interesting books and enjoys going outdoors or fishing

At a more mature age, a man tries to engage in spiritual creativity. May begin to play musical instruments, write poetry or draw pictures. This hobby brings Alexander satisfaction and success. Creative activities do not distract him from work at all, but, on the contrary, have a good effect on his mood and on finding inner harmony.

As an adult, Sasha begins to lean toward various spiritual things, get involved in creativity, and play the guitar.

Profession and career

The opportunity for self-realization in the profession is very important to Alexander, so when choosing a field of activity, he first of all pays attention to this factor. The amount of wages is no less important, since a man will not work for pennies. The guy begins to earn his own money at a young age, because he wants to be independent and independent from his parents.

The presence of leadership qualities, perseverance and determination allows Sasha to become a good leader. The guy will be able to manage an enterprise of any size, and his subordinates will always listen to the requests and advice of this fair and conscientious boss. Excellent intuition will not allow Alexander to contact unreliable partners.

Sasha is used to getting his way, so he will make a fair boss, whom the team will follow without the slightest doubt

A person named Alexander will be able to achieve success in absolutely any professional field. His passion for mechanisms and complex things can push him to become an inventor, programmer, pilot or mechanic. He will cope well with the role of a builder, teacher or doctor. And Sasha’s creative nature and talent allow him to realize his potential in the field of cinema, for example, as an actor or director.


Alexander does not have a strong immune system. Already in childhood he had health problems. Throughout his life, this person needs to pay special attention to the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract. Smoking cessation, nutrition control and adherence- obligatory things in Sasha’s life.

Alexander constantly needs to monitor his diet

Alexander may become dependent on alcohol; to avoid this, you should completely stop drinking it. Difficulties at work, quarrels with family, as well as excessive sensitivity and sentimentality can provoke diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders.

Love and sexuality

Alexander is extremely loving, but believes that women themselves should seek his affection, and he will only choose those he likes. But having entered into a relationship, he turns into a charming and friendly man, does not skimp on compliments, is ready to carry his chosen one in his arms, and confesses his feelings every day. This guy sincerely believes that the current relationship is forever, which is what wins the girls’ trust.

Alexander is a loving man who believes that the lady herself should pursue him

This person prefers girls with energy and a good sense of humor. But the most important thing is that his partner does not try to invade his personal space and does not try to take away his freedom and independence. Also, Sasha always needs to see love and sincerity from a girl. If he notices that the chosen one has cooled, then he immediately breaks off relations with her.

Alexander is somewhat arrogant and believes that his partner should be crazy about him

A man is used to separating sex and love. It is not necessary for him to experience a feeling of falling in love in order to enter into an intimate relationship with a woman. He perceives it as a sport, and every girl as another victory. The guy leads a spontaneous sex life. In bed he tries to prove himself as a passionate, experienced, but gentle lover. It is important for Alexander to please his partner, although he also does not forget about himself. It is important for this man that his chosen one is crazy about him, otherwise this will deal a serious blow to his pride.

True love comes to Sasha at the age of forty, then he sincerely falls in love with a woman, is ready to protect her and spend the rest of his life with her.

By the age of 35–40, Alexander, as a rule, falls in love once and for all

Marriage and family

Alexander takes only strong and purposeful women, just like himself, as his wives. However, his chosen one must be a little weaker so that the man can feel like the head of the family. Having decided to get married, this person understands that he is taking on great responsibility. He tries to protect his beloved from all adversity, respects and appreciates both her and her parents. However, in return, all relatives and friends must unquestioningly obey his will. It is important for Alexander that there is a trusting and romantic relationship between him and his wife.

Sasha tries to make sure that his household does not need anything, and is ready to do a lot for the sake of his family. He will never commit treason. The only negative about Alexander as a wife is his difficult character. The wife must do her best to avoid conflicts and try to come to a compromise with her lover. The man has a neutral attitude towards children, although he tries to invest a piece of himself in their upbringing. Only Alexander, born in the summer, will treat his child very carefully and with great love.

Of all the people, Alexandrov, the one born in the summer, will treat his child with warmth

Table: name compatibility

Table: matches for the name Alexander

Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name

Each letter that makes up a person’s name affects his destiny:

    Letter A. A person strives for a leadership position in everything, but he definitely needs support and mutual understanding from loved ones. A man wants to achieve harmony with his soul and body.

    Letter L. A man is characterized by a fickle and changeable mood. The guy is talented, artistic, but he just needs to find “his place” in life, and not get scattered among a variety of activities.

    Letter E. A guy definitely needs to find his purpose, make all his dreams come true.

    Letter K. The personality is hardy and strong in spirit. In addition, the person is insightful, tactful, charming and energetic.

    Letter S. This man must completely devote himself to his work, with diligence and desire to complete tasks, and then his life will become what he dreamed of.

    The letter N. Means inner strength, inconstancy and the desire to protest against established rules. This person has good health and a critical mind.

    Letter D. A person is inclined to first think about a decision for a long time and only then begin to act.

    Letter R. Patient and persistent personality. A man always pays attention to the essence of things, and not to what lies on the surface.

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

Alexander, born in the winter season, has an impetuous and unbalanced character. The guy is prone to displays of anger, but even despite this nature, he arouses interest among others. In addition, a man can be absent-minded, often exaggerates his merits, and tries to be a leader in any team.

Winter Alexander likes to exaggerate his virtues

Spring Alexander is endowed with an excellent sense of humor, sociability and sensitivity. This person is very touchy, and he can be hurt by offensive words spoken not only to him, but also to his comrades. But over time, the guy will learn to cope with excessive emotionality and turn into a strong and indestructible personality.

Vesenny Alexander is sensitive to offensive phrases

Under the auspices of the summer months, Alexander is born, who is very popular with the opposite sex. He is romantic, courteous, a good lover, but does not strive for family life. Such a man likes short-term romances, and not every woman can tolerate the complex nature of this man.

Summer Alexander is popular with girls

Autumn rewards Alexander with frivolity. The guy often does stupid things and doesn’t regret it at all. Only after some time does a man want to correct his mistake, but, as a rule, it is already too late.

Autumn Alexander is prone to frivolity

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signPersonality characteristics
AriesAlexander is born under the sign of Aries, with a passionate and impulsive character. This person will make many surprises for his beloved, treat her carefully and responsibly. But Alexander-Aries does not have very good compatibility with most of the fair sex. Therefore, he will have to look for a long time for the only one he can make happy. In addition, the guy is prone to impulsiveness and unpredictability. He makes rash actions, reacts sharply to every little thing. But he calms down very quickly and does not remember insults.
TaurusThis man is endowed with a balanced, calm, reasonable and non-aggressive disposition. It is difficult to piss off a guy, he analyzes everything, but he is too stubborn - he will stand his ground until the bitter end. Alexander-Taurus will become a good friend and a caring father, as well as an excellent husband for a business-minded girl who will be able to give up her career for the sake of family and home.
TwinsAlexander-Gemini has a charming and romantic personality, but he is completely unwilling to start serious relationships with girls. The guy is popular with women, but does not stay with any lady for long. The whole point is that a man does not like stability and monotony in life, but wants change. In general, he is a sociable, successful and patient person.
CancerThe man is very emotional and even capricious. He lacks fortitude, so he constantly needs support and control from a loved one. Alexander-Cancer is very dependent on external factors, always acts cautiously, is extremely indecisive and unsure of himself. The guy's personal life is not going very well; he is not used to trusting girls. However, over time, he will still understand how to behave correctly with women and will be able to build a happy relationship.
a lionBorn under the sign of Leo, Alexander has a strong, decisive, but overly harsh nature. The guy is strong, unpredictable, morally and psychologically stable, but prone to harsh statements towards others. Due to this behavior, a man often becomes the instigator of conflicts. Even with friends, this person tries to take a dominant position, so not many people can withstand close communication with him for long. But girls are very attracted to this powerful and strong partner. Having chosen one and only one, Alexander-Lev will become a faithful and reliable husband for her.
VirgoA person born under the auspices of the sign of Virgo and named Alexander is prone to thinking. This guy thinks about his every move. His big problem is slowness. He thinks for a very long time and does not dare to do or say anything important. But if a guy promised something, he will definitely keep his word. A man values ​​decent and honest people, and cannot stand liars and hypocrites. The young man behaves hesitantly and modestly with girls, as he is not very confident in himself.
ScalesThe guy is a big lover of female beauty. He is prone to romance and tries to achieve harmony with himself and the world around him. He was accustomed to a calm and measured existence. Alexander-Libra loves communication, it is pleasant to have conversations with him. He will be a wonderful husband and an exemplary family man for his chosen one.
ScorpionAlexander, born under the sign of Scorpio, loves adventure. The guy has a fickle character, his mood changes from minute to minute. He is prone to a quick temper and loses his temper easily. This person is endowed with excellent intuition, which will never let him down. Besides, he is very lucky. A man tries to lead a bright and varied life. It is very difficult for such a person to be in a stable relationship, since his character is not predisposed to this.
SagittariusThe sign of Sagittarius rewards Alexander with gullibility, touchiness, shyness and unsociability. The guy quickly forgets the insults caused to him, in any situation he looks for problems within himself. He is used to trusting people, but this often ends in disappointment. This man behaves cautiously with women, so he is rarely happy in his personal life.
CapricornAlexander-Capricorn makes an ideal family man. He will be devoted and faithful to his wife, he will become not only a lover for her, but also a friend. With the advent of children, he will also show himself as a caring and attentive father. This man is prone to emotionality, romance and impressionability. Having found himself in any conflict, the guy tries to analyze his behavior in order to understand what is the reason for the current situation.
AquariusFor Alexander-Aquarius, the main value in life is friendship. He will not exchange his comrade even for his beloved girl. A man loves communication, knows how to find an approach to any person, but is too trusting. But he, on the contrary, does not trust girls. For a long time he cannot decide on the choice of a life partner. Usually he ties the knot with a modest, quiet and sincere woman.
FishThe young man is prone to impressionability, vulnerability, emotionality and sensitivity. He believes in eternal and sincere love, tries with all his might to find one, and can sacrifice anything for this. Having found his “other half,” Alexander-Pisces will do anything for her, will be faithful and devoted to her to the end. Due to his excessive vulnerability and sentimentality, a man often becomes depressed.

Photo gallery: famous personalities in history bearing the name Alexander

Alexander is brave, assertive and self-confident. He is gifted with the makings of a diplomat, so he can turn any matter to his advantage. The guy is often lucky in life, he is successful and lucky. Support from a loved one helps you stay out of trouble. Sasha is used to hiding his deep inner world under the guise of independence, but in the meantime he is trying to find himself and change the world around him for the better.

The beautiful and ancient name “Alexander” is worn by strong and strong-willed, intelligent and purposeful men. Looking back into history from antiquity, one can understand that the Alexanders are extraordinary individuals, who are the ones who created this history.

What is the meaning of the name Alexander, and what fate is destined to bear for a person so named?

Characteristics of the name Alexander

Character and fate of the name

To find out what the name Alexander means, it is enough to be familiar with one or two owners of this name. As a rule, there are few sharp differences in communication with different Alexanders. The characteristics of the name largely reflect Alexander’s behavior.

What kind of person is this? Alexander is decisive, witty, self-confident. He is purposeful, brave and noble. But both temper and insolence are not alien to Alexander. He does not tolerate pressure on himself.

What is the meaning of the name Alexander for the boy Sasha? As a child, Alexander is inquisitive and has a developed imagination. Despite his ease of learning, Sasha does not like to study: he sees this as an encroachment on his independence. And independence for him is his life goal.

During his youth, Alexander tries with all his might to prove his superiority in any field (for example, in sports), and suffers failures very painfully. At heart this person is always a leader, but in practice this is not always realized.

Adult Alexander becomes more balanced, especially if the “right” woman is nearby. Courage, perseverance, justice and honesty - these qualities characterize Alexander.

Why has this name not lost its popularity over the millennium? Perhaps the answer is that without the Aleksandrovs the passage of time is impossible?


Even Alexander's totem stone bears his name: alexandrite. The unusual color of this rare gemstone captivates the eye. The ability to change color from red to purple and green also greatly affects the emotional component of its owner. Card players consider alexandrite to be their talisman.

What does this stone give to Alexander? If you carry a product made of alexandrite with you, you can forget about diseases of the hematopoietic system, as well as pain in the spleen and pancreas.


Not only jewelry made of alexandrite, but also stones such as chrysoprase and agrillite can serve as a talisman for Alexander.

Color of the name Alexander

Red is a symbol of energy and strength (as well as the color of joy and aggression). Those people whose talisman color is red are very sociable.


Alexander has two patron numbers: 6 and 9. This is the character and fate of Alexander: the duality of nature and at the same time constancy - no matter how you twist the number “69”, it will remain so. “Six” characterizes Alexander as a hardworking and responsible person. “Nine” is an indicator of learning ability. But it’s very difficult to force Alexander to learn if he doesn’t want it himself.


The patron planet of Alexander is Saturn. Wards of Saturn are purposeful people, but restrained in emotions.


The closest element to Alexander is the Earth. Reliability, hard work and lack of sky-high ambitions are the traits that characterize the “earthlings”.


The season that patronizes Alexander is spring. This is the time not only for the blossoming of new life, but also the time of parting with the cold and emptiness of winter. It is best to plan global life changes with names for spring.


The totem animal of all Alexanders is the crab. He is cunning and rational: he attacks the enemy with sharp claws, but if the enemy is obviously stronger, he hides in the sand.


Alexander has a whole “garden”, where there is a chestnut - a symbol of good luck, a gladiolus - a symbol of constancy of feelings (but if you pay attention to the name of the flower - this is the gladiator’s “sword”) and lilac - a symbol of victory and love.


Warlike Sagittarius is the patron zodiac of Alexander. This sign belongs to purposeful, ambitious and assertive people.


Platinum is a rare precious metal that protects Alexander. It symbolizes strength in relationships, love and affection.

Name description


We can say about Alexander that he is the owner of synthetic thinking. A flexible mind and excellent memory make him capable of many sciences.


If we talk about morality, then nobility is what the name is historically associated with. However, in life, Alexander is capable of committing rash acts, and he is not distinguished by his loyalty.


By nature, Alexander is an introvert; he tries to escape from reality, hiding in the world of the subconscious.

Alexander can be quick-tempered and cruel, but this is the case when there is a person who can drive the good-natured Alexander out of himself. In general, Alexander can boast of balance.


Since childhood, Sasha has been prone to colds. For “winter” Sasha, the problem is stomatitis. In addition, he has a weak immune system, so the best thing that can be offered to combat ill health is sea air. “Spring” Alexandras are predisposed to frequent increases in body temperature, which are very difficult to tolerate. Alexanders born in summer often suffer from vision problems. In adulthood, Sasha may suffer from radiculitis and alcoholism.


Alexander has been interested in technology since childhood. He also likes sports and travel.


If Alexander loved to study, he would have realized himself in any industry he wanted - he is such a talented and intelligent person.

Alexander performs well in creativity, acting, tourism, military affairs and law. Fantasy allows Alexander to write books, songs, and film scripts.


If Alexander wants, he will instantly fly up the career ladder. He does not stay long in subordinate positions, but strives for leadership positions.


Alexander's only beloved woman is his mother. He is looking for a life partner similar to her.


In sexual relationships, Alexander is a good psychologist: he feels and predicts all the desires of his partner. When satisfying a lady, he has selfish motives: the better the woman is now, the more pleasure she will give him. “Autumn” Alexandras are gentle and affectionate, “summer” ones are adventurers, for which short-term romances often end in treatment in the venereology department. “Spring” Alexandras are loving, and “winter” ones are lovers of liberated and experienced partners.


If “his” woman became his wife, whom he sought and won for a long time, then the meaning of the name is precisely realized in marital relations: he will protect his wife from any troubles. But at the same time, the wife should always be ready to go to bed with him. Alexander is not particularly distinguished by his loyalty. But he is an exemplary father, and his children dote on him.

Origin of the name

What does the name mean (interpretation)

The origin of the name Alexander is Greek. In the myths of ancient Greece, it is used as the second name of the kidnapper of Helen of Troy, Paris, because of whom the famous ancient war began. The Greek interpretation of the name has its own history: when Paris was born, the parents, frightened by the terrible prediction about the end of Troy, ordered the baby to be thrown to wild animals, but kind shepherds raised Paris. For his victory over a gang of robbers, Paris was nicknamed Alexander, which literally means “reflecting men.”

Name translation

From Greek, the translation of the name sounds like “courageous protector”: from ἀλέξω [aleks] - protector, ἀνήρ [andros] - man.

History of the name

The mythological origin of the name made it very popular in ancient times. It wandered through the centuries, spreading to other countries. Alexander the Great, the great conqueror of the 4th century BC, brought particular glory to the name.

The name came to Rus', like many things in culture, from Byzantium and immediately took root. The symbolism of the highest power of the name was attributed to naming princely sons and sons of the nobility this way. By the way, even in Rome this name was worn with dignity by the Popes.

Forms (analogues) of the name

As soon as they don’t call Alexander! And Sasha, and Sanya, and Shura, and Alex. There are also official versions, documented: Oleksandr, Leksandr.

Diminutive names in the following forms: Sashenka, Sanyushka, Sanechka, Sanyuta Shurik, Shurunya, Aleksyusha.

Name in English

It is very important to write names correctly in English to avoid mistakes, for example, when applying for a visa or passport. The name is written like this: Aleksandr. And no "X" in the middle!

Name in different languages ​​of the world

How is the name written and pronounced in different languages ​​of the world?

  • in German: Alexander [Alexander];
  • in French: Alexandre [Alexander];
  • in Italian: Alessandro [Alessandro];
  • in Irish: Alastar [Alastar];
  • in Belarusian: - Alexander;
  • in Tatar: İskəndər [Iskander].

The mystery of the name Alexander

Patrons of the name

In Orthodoxy there are many saints named Alexander. You can read more about your heavenly patron in the Saints. The most famous patron Alexanders are:

  • Alexander the Venerable, Great Martyr;
  • Alexander Komansky, martyr;
  • Alexander Svirsky Reverend;
  • Rev. Alexander Nevsky, Grand Duke;
  • Alexander of Rome, martyr;
  • Alexander Armenian-Nikopolsky.

Angel's Day (name day)

In Orthodoxy, the name day should be celebrated on the day of remembrance of the saint closest to the birthday, under whose name the person was baptized. You should never celebrate a name day before your birthday.

Alexander has many name days:

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Alexander in Russia:

  • Prince and commander of ancient Rus' Alexander Nevsky (1220 – 1263);
  • Famous commander Alexander Suvorov (1729-1800);
  • Alexander Kolchak (1874-1920) – admiral;
  • Alexander I (1777-1825), II (1818-1881) and III (1845-1894) – Russian emperors;
  • Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) - “our everything” - poet and writer, playwright and historian;
  • Alexander Griboedov (1790 or 1795 - 1829) – diplomat and playwright, author of the famous play “Woe from Wit”;
  • Alexander Blok (1880-1921) – symbolist poet;
  • Alexandre Benois (1870-1960) – painter,
  • Alexander Ostrovsky (1823-1886) - playwright and creator of folk theater;
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) - writer “banned” in the USSR, Nobel laureate in literature;
  • Alexander Barykin (1952-2011) – pop singer;
  • Alexandra: Abdulov (1953-2008) and Pankratov-Cherny (1949) – theater and film actors; etc.

Compatibility of the name Alexander

In a successful, long and happy marriage, the compatibility of the names of the partners plays an important role. With whom will Alexander have the best relationship, and with whom should he not even begin?

Alexander and Alexandra

Despite the fact that these are namesakes, mutual understanding in such an alliance is a rare thing. But the partners' flexibility can preserve this relationship for a long time.

Alexander and Alisa

Alice is an ideal match for Alexander. Both partners in this union are devoted to each other, they feel good together both in everyday life and in sexual relationships. A common desire for material wealth, self-development and a career - this unites people who are already similar to each other.

Alexander and Valeria

For the union of Alexander and Valeria to be strong, no special effort is needed. Two ardent natures who adore independence. This couple never infringes on each other’s freedom, so one can only envy the relationship in such a union.

Alexander and Anna

The end of the relationship with Anna can only come when Anna begins to become independent. But this happens very rarely: she is already comfortable in the role of a follower. In such a union, Alexander fully realizes himself as a defender.

Alexander and Daria

Passion is the foundation of the relationship between these partners. Intimate intimacy enlivens their world; in sex, both receive true pleasure from each other. It is very important to save the relationship when the passion begins to fade.

Alexander and Rose

An ideal relationship: one speaks, the other listens, then switch roles - and no disagreements. The marriage of Alexander and Rose is concluded once and for all.

Alexander and Polina

In this union, the duration of the relationship depends on its strength. But strength is not easy to achieve: Polina is used to putting pressure on Alexander, this makes him angry, hence the quarrels. But in sexual relationships the partners have complete harmony. If this is enough to save the family, then Polina and Alexander will be together for a long time.

Alexander and Maria

Alexander will experience feelings for Maria “increasingly”: the longer their relationship, the stronger the attachment. An excellent union of talented individuals.

Alexander and Anastasia

The relationship between Alexander and Anastasia cannot be called smooth: their interests and views on life are too different. A happy marriage can only happen if you follow common goals. But setting these goals is also not easy - each partner has their own priorities.

Alexander and Victoria

If Alexander and Victoria decide to start a family, it will work out! They will never be able to get tired of each other, because, despite living under the same roof, everyone has a personal life in which the spouse does not interfere.

Alexander and Yana

Yana and Sasha seem destined to be together. Complete coincidence of interests and goals, one hundred percent mutual understanding, respect and love. This is a match made in heaven!

Alexander and Vladimir

When Alexander and Vladimir meet, it is impossible to accurately predict whether this relationship will result in marriage. Both are headstrong, capricious, unyielding. The only thing that can unite them is a common goal. Having built their lives in such a way that they will always have to strive for something together, they can be quite happy.

Alexander and Alina

The marriage of Alina and Alexander cannot be called anything other than strange. It is completely unclear what keeps them close to each other: no common interests, no common goals. However, this is probably the case about opposites and attraction. Surprisingly, marriages are usually long and quite happy.

Alexander and Elena

In an alliance with Elena, Alexander will have his own difficulties: these people are complete opposites of each other. And, although they are attracted, without mutual understanding the union cannot be called happy.

Alexander and Evgenia

Sasha and Zhenya have a strong masculine side in both of them, so who will rule in this union is a moot point.

Alexander and Yesenia

Shy Yesenia will always wait for the first step from Alexander. And he will be happy to take the initiative. Therefore, in marriage they are both happy in their own way.

Alexander and Ekaterina

Alexander and Olga

Olga has completely different expectations from marriage than Alexander. She needs comfort and peace, stability in relationships, but Alexander cannot boast of consistency. A common cause is what can save this marriage.

Alexander and Pelageya

When Pelageya appears in Sasha's life, she completely changes his view of the world. From now on, this world is filled with tenderness and sensuality. This union is long and happy.

Alexander and Veronica

This couple cannot be called looking at life the same way. Disagreements are common in marriage. But Alexander, in love, is crazy about his sophisticated soulmate, and she appreciates his masculinity and ability to control the situation. Therefore, the union, although not ideally smooth, is happy in its own way.

Alexander and Sofia

Alexander will not have a quiet life with Sofia: disputes and showdowns gnaw at this couple. But affection often wins, and they are unable to run away.

Alexander and Kira

In this union, the partners are not so much lovers as friends. Even though there are differences in views, they still understand each other. Common values ​​are what their marriage is so firmly based on.

Alexander and Arina

With Arina, Alexander is, as they say, “on the same wavelength.” Common views, common interests - all this leads to the fact that their life becomes common: one for two.

Alexander and Ksenia

Ksenia and Alexander understand each other without words and feel each other intuitively. The feelings in this couple are deep, but they cannot get hung up on each other: in the event of separation, it will be very difficult to cope with the loss.

Alexander and Tatiana

Life with Tatyana is full of surprises. Lovers often argue, but this only makes reconciliation sweeter. Such a marriage is long, because everyone is able to analyze their actions and come to a compromise.

Alexander and Milana

If fate brought Alexander and Milana together, you can be sure it will be forever. In such a union, Alexander fulfills his destiny: the role of a protector. Trembling and sensual Milana surrenders to his power without a trace.

Alexander and Marina

With Marina, life is like on a volcano. Eternal showdowns, quarrels... It’s difficult for Alexander to withstand this. Marriage lasts as long as there is strength to seek compromises.

Alexander and Maya

The relationship between Alexander and Maya is selfless, built on trust and love. These partners are 100% made for each other.


What kind of person is Alexander? The secret of the name says: fickle and emotional, and also brave, noble, purposeful! Perhaps in every century throughout history, a person with this name appeared who left his mark on it. To name your child Alexander means to give him an unusual destiny - favorable, generous with gifts. Alexander will never be alone, because he attracts people to himself like a magnet.

Alexander is a very ancient name. The boy who received it always looks at life soberly, is brave and daring.

From Greek this name is translated as “Courageous Defender.”

Origin of the name Alexander:

The name comes from the ancient Greek “Alexandrus”, where the first half of the name means “I protect”, and the second half means “man”.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Alexander:

Alexander does not like to study under pressure. The educational process is tiring for him. But at the same time, Sasha has an extraordinary mind. If you ask him a question to which he does not know the answer, then Alexander will study all the literature and “get to the bottom” of the truth. He always goes towards his goal.

Despite his temper and impudence, Alexander is a determined, intelligent and sociable person. However, he is extremely insensitive. Doesn't like violence and opposes it. Anyone who tries to force him to do anything has little chance of success. By nature, he is an introvert, afraid of difficulties and runs away from them, lives in his own imaginary world. Alexander is inquisitive and has a vivid imagination. Has a good memory and syntactic mind. He is looking for adventure, but misses important events in real life. Alexander is a “leader”; he is able to lead people thanks to his imperious character.

At first glance, it seems that Alexander has great willpower, but in fact, he is not sure of it. He is not always decisive and may not achieve his goal. The unknown scares him, he fears failure. Persistent. His love for hasty decision-making leads to undesirable results for him - he can give the impression of a frivolous person. It is difficult to understand him: on the one hand, he is looking for shelter and safety, but, on the other hand, his independence prevents him from showing it. Only when he commits a lot of erroneous impulsive actions that cannot be understood in his head will the true face of this person be revealed. After this, Sasha begins to seek support from his comrades and becomes open and defenseless.

Sasha knows how to count money. He doesn’t like to lend money, but he can help out a close friend if he understands that he has no other choice. Friendship plays a huge role for him. Sometimes, even after passionate love with a woman and a subsequent stormy breakup, he will try to remain friends with her, which often offends his ex-women.

Working professions are not suitable for Alexander - he does not really like working in production. He tries to get home as quickly as possible, but in reality he is not in a particular hurry to get home. His wife will have to wait for him for a long time in the evenings. He has a great penchant for acting. His calling is directing, entertainer, cinema, producing. With no less success, he can be a sailor or a lawyer. If he becomes a journalist, he will shock everyone with his truthfulness. If Alexander chooses a job he likes, then he is able to achieve great goals. He has developed organizational skills, so Alexander will be a good leader.

Alexander always needs a reliable partner. If he does not find this in the person of his wife or mother, then he looks for it on the side. Alexandras tend to dream of love rather than live it. He is drawn to women who remind him of his mother. He needs maternal affection and care.

Alexander will not tolerate intrusions into his personal space. He takes good care of his family. Loves and respects his parents. It is useless to command and direct him. He chooses a wife for himself who would always be there and support him at any moment. He loves children very much and is ready to play and study with them for hours.

Today this name is the most popular. According to statistics, this year more children than ever were named after Alexander.

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