Agario private server to play. Agario Games

The new arcade game Agario has recently exploded across the Internet. Nowadays the choice of browser-based entertainment is quite large. But this cute game has drawn many gamers all over the planet into its net. What is the secret of the incredible popularity of such a simple-looking Agario? There are no 3D effects or special effects here. There are various graphical bells and whistles missing. It is primitive in appearance and has a simple plot. For a successful passage, to get into the TOP 10 and take 1st place, it would be useful to study Agar io in more detail. Like any game, it conceals useful secrets. For example, how to become big and emerge victorious unequal fight with other bacteria.

Agario - free online
















New Agario

We first warn you that registration here is simplified to the point of impossibility. On the official Agar io website, you only need to enter your nickname in the column. Come up with it unique name, and off we go. If you want to remain anonymous, ignore this line. You have the right to choose the server on which you want to play. If you are here for the first time, choose the one with fewer competitors. See the number of gamers in right side from the name of the region. There are eight regions in total. Dividing it into sectors, fans of the game Agario even invented cheats (codes) and mods for this option.

Mouse control in the game Agario

When you start playing Agario, you point your cursor in front of your personal circle, and it obediently follows you around the Petri dish. Do not make sudden movements towards larger brothers. They can eat the poor thing. To grow, eat small colored balls scattered around the map. This will help the glutton gain weight and get stronger. When this happens, start hunting for victims. They will be molecules of other users, smaller than your ward. They are much more nutritious than plankton crumbs. With good nutrition, your baby will grow and then there will be a problem with playfulness. It is very difficult for large giants to move in the game Agario. But there are a couple more options for moving around the area.


To make the game more dynamic, increase the speed of movement, escape from pursuers, reduce damage from predators - all this is the spacebar key. By pressing once, the molecule will turn into two smaller ones of equal value. If you do this again, four of them will appear. The smaller the overall size of the own elements, the higher the speed. Regularly used to chase small but fidgety molecules. It is not recommended to use it too often. The division does not operate continuously, for about a minute. And then all the parts will come together into a single whole. The ability to break yourself down into components when you are ambushed helps a lot. By scattering yourself, there is a chance to leave with partial losses. Then the Agar io game will continue, and your round log will be able to continue playing Agario and gain weight again.

The secret revealed to advanced specialists is the cultivation of bloodthirsty viruses. Seven presses of W in the direction of the green bush will feed it and you can use it as a weapon, crush the giant enemy into separate parts, and absorb it.

If you are backed into a corner, you can save yourself by separating a certain amount of cargo from your volume. This is an extremely indispensable property for concluding alliances. By feeding someone else's bacillus, you earn friendly favor, and they will not touch you. By the way, there is a great opportunity to play Agario as a team. When playing with a friend, there is the prospect of being fed while losing weight. It is acceptable to tactically lure into a trap. You shoot in mass and wait for the naive round Agario to swim up to eat. You attack and eat it.

Agario balls caused a real sensation. Naturally, a Russian-language clone of the game Agar io was soon developed. Check out the original and different copies of the entertaining world of circles. In a similar Russian version called Petri Dish, the principles are unchanged. The battlefield is the Petri dish Disch. Here the newborn bacillus strives to survive among the hulks and grow. The game Agario is in the ranking of the most popular. Launch game Agar io and evaluate all its advantages for yourself.

The rules will become clearer if you watch the video on YouTube. We especially recommend paying attention to the Ivangay, Frost and Teranit channels. In addition to the rules of the Agario game, the guys talk about a lot of tricks: how to make a skin yourself, play Agar io on the same server with a friend, and what steps to take if the toy doesn’t work.

You cannot download the torrent of the Petri Dish game to your computer, just like Agar io. On PC the game is only available in online mode without downloading, free of charge and without lengthy registration. The situation is different with phones and tablets. There are applications for Android (Android) and iOS (iOS) with the game Agario. VK (Vkontakte) also has a similar toy - The Hunger Games with the same pictures and photos for skins and rules.

Agario Game Club is private server. The rules are still simple, and the best players get on the honor board and this is a great motivation! A private server in Agario is always a unique opportunity to get used to a new server before others and secure a place in the top players.

How to play

The main task is to score the most points. To do this, you need to absorb colored circles that constantly appear here and there on the field. But the main struggle is between the players to absorb each other. The rules here are simple: whoever has more wins. But there are a couple of tricks in the mechanics, and due to this the game collects its hype.

The larger your cell becomes, the more difficult it becomes for it to move. Now, in order to catch up with smaller players and gobble them up, you need to divide your cell into two smaller ones. If you divide further, then, without losing your total mass, you will become more mobile.

In addition, when cells separate, one of the halves shoots forcefully towards the cursor. This way you can catch up with a smaller opponent. It is important that the shot half is still larger than the object being attacked. And after separation, some time passes, and the cells merge into one again.

There is one trick to unite cells as quickly as possible. The game has a mass transfer function (W). A piece of mass is shot towards the cursor. And if you have 10 cells and you point to one of the bottom and press W, then all nine will feed one. Overall, it's worth a try.

Private servers in Agario are a unique story in terms of history. Anyone who has the opportunity can organize their own Agario private server and make it available to a limited or unlimited circle of people.


  • The cell follows the cursor
  • Space to split
  • W to throw out some of the mass

Among Agario's offers there are also those that you can play with friends. By sending out invitations to friends and agreeing in advance on which server to choose, you can arrange a real massacre and make a lot of money and have fun by deliberately devouring each other in front of an astonished public for the sake of a common victory.
Surviving in the world of microorganisms is not easy. In order to come to this conclusion yourself, it is worth getting into the shoes of a bacteria or microbe. This is the only way to understand how difficult it is to be a virus. Today, gamers all over the world have such an opportunity. Agario is played everywhere. All you need is an Internet connection. Once you enter the game, you never know who exactly will become your opponent, because you can play online from anywhere globe. In order to win you need to try very hard. First of all, it is important to have a brutal appetite, secondly, the ability to think logically and quickly accept right decisions. In any proposal from the series, Agario will sometimes have to sacrifice himself, but only in order to survive and eat the enemy at the moment when he weakens or loses his vigilance.

The hard life of viruses

Life is fleeting. Being in the skin of a bacterium, you begin to understand this very quickly. Everyone here only cares about their own skin. Healthy competition and the desire to survive - that's what it is distinctive feature numerous Agario games. All their participants are hungry and gluttonous, only they are not in the same plate, but in the same flask, Petri dish or other experimental container.

Your goal here is not to win, but to hold out as long as possible, and if you’re lucky, then become a winner. At the very beginning of the game you feel like a small fry with an insatiable appetite, then you start to grow. As you increase in size, you gain respectability and gain self-confidence. If at the first stage you can peacefully devour plankton, which are small multi-colored dots, then later you will have to eat your own kind.
What tactics to choose when playing Agario

Dedicated to gluttons

Don't be surprised if you end up among the top victims during the game. You're not always lucky. Someday you will be lucky enough to be in the top of eaters and see your nickname in the upper right corner. During hunger game Agario each develops his own tactics. You won't be able to become cool by mindlessly moving around the field. You won’t be satisfied with plankton alone, and its absence will lead to weight loss and worsen performance. In Agario you need to be aggressive and careful, prudent and dexterous. Smaller pellets can be hunted. To do this, you need to separate using a space. You can also shoot here using the W key to divert attention from yourself.

At the same time, we must not forget that the mass of your ball at this moment decreases. It is worth splitting up even if you are in real danger. Being half eaten is still better than ending your existence and giving up without a fight. In addition, life is changeable; if you have an appetite and luck, you can easily regain lost positions. There is also a bitter pill here, the so-called thorns, a collision with them is dangerous only when you are already worth something. Having stumbled upon a green poisoned circle, your ball will crumble into small pieces, which will become easy prey for others. In this case, the Q key will help you get together faster.

Remember that in Agario there are dangerous and at the same time profitable places. Here you can find easy prey around the perimeter of the glass, but at the same time, you yourself can easily become food for a larger bacillus.

Agar io is one of the pioneers of io games as such. We start as a small bacteria and then grow, absorbing food points and other players. Among the mammoth io games, Agario stands shoulder to shoulder with and. Agario became so successful that it formed the basis of dozens of similar games, not counting clones. Elementary gameplay, close game interaction, excitement - it’s all there and encourages you to play more and more in an effort to become the biggest bacteria.

How to play

The main task in Agar io is to grow the largest bacteria and stay in the Top. To grow, you need to eat colored mass points scattered around the map and smaller players. On the other hand, it is dangerous to approach larger bacteria because they can consume you.

The intrigue of is that the more massive your cell becomes, the slower it can move. It is no longer possible to catch up with a small rival if it were not for the cell’s ability to divide, spitting out half of itself sharply forward. This way you can absorb your opponent, the main thing is that the spat out half of your cell is larger than your opponent. You can share as many times as you like depending on your tasks. After some time, the separated cells converge and merge into one.

Cells in Agario have a natural opponent - green and burgundy spiky circles. Having absorbed such a circle, the cell breaks into several parts. This can be very inopportune, so small players hide in the area of ​​​​such spiked circles from big rivals.

The main interest in Agario is still in the art of absorbing other players without becoming prey yourself. This skill does not come immediately and at first it is not clear how Top players reach such gigantic masses. But it’s a matter of time, perseverance and courage to confront.

To successfully play Agario, you also need to know the trick of spitting out mass with the W button. This is especially great when you are working with someone in a team and you need to feed an ally. By pressing W, you spit out a piece of mass towards the mouse cursor. This helps to exchange mass between your cells when there are many of them, to keep the little ones safe. The spitting of mass into Agar io does not depend on the volume of the cell; The volume of "spit" is always the same.


  • FFA (every man for himself)
  • Teams - by team
  • Experimental - the same FFA, only brown round dots have been added, which, having eaten someone, throw out the same amount of mass around themselves
  • Party - Same as playing Agario, every man for himself


  • The cell follows the cursor
  • W - spit out a small piece of mass
  • Space - split in two

This is two dimensional mass game, in which a huge number of people can participate simultaneously. Your hero is a circle that you control with your mouse and keyboard. Moving around playing field, you eat nutritional granules and colored balls of other gamers. That is, you become bigger and bigger by destroying others. In fact, your color circle is a bacterium that lives in the world of microorganisms. It was “Agario” that became the “progenitor” for the later game “”, and it is not surprising that the plots and goals in them are very similar. Showing interest in other bacteria is a sure sign that you have reached a certain maturity in the game and it is time for you to move on from the granules to the bacteria of other players. Interestingly, Agario was originally a browser game, and was received very positively by the player community. Later, the creators of the game announced that they would make its technical features even more advanced, but this version of the game would not be available in browsers.

How to play?

So, it all starts with useful microparticles-granules, and then develops into eating bacteria from other players. Start with balls half the size of yours, because they are simply easier to destroy. However, smaller bacteria are also more maneuverable than large and heavy ones, which are more difficult for them to escape from you, but also more difficult to destroy if they come close to you.

If the bacteria do not want to get close to you at all, shoot the smaller ones with small particles, this will attract the attention of potential rivals, and you can destroy them when they approach you.

There are subtleties known only to experienced gamers: if you are attacked by a much larger bacteria, you can safely hide behind green bacteria with small spikes. If the situation is already too critical, press the letter W five times, and then you can shoot the enemy. Or there is another trick: if the enemy is too close and he is very large, press the spacebar to split the bacterium into 2 parts. And while the giant destroys one cell, the second one will be able to escape.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game in Agario comes down to survival at any cost. And this is quite difficult, I must admit, since there are plenty of competitors who want to eat you. It is also important to strive to take a top place in the ranking on the main io server and stay there as long as possible!

The essence of the game is very close to real life, since every person is also constantly trying to survive.

Here you can play for free online game" | Agario"

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