Aphorisms about stupidity. Fool

I read this classic with pleasure, watch successful film adaptations of his works, enjoying the satire that literally permeates all the lines and characteristics of his literary characters. Why am I focusing on him? This is the answer for the quiz Mnogo.ru, where it was necessary Guess the author of the quote about fools.

Is this true in life? Can an intelligent person shy away when faced with stupidity? I believe it can. For obvious nonsense spoken out loud most often does not lend itself to any logic or thoughtful detailing and analysis. And therefore, a person receives a portion of stupidity and, partly, at this moment he himself becomes stupid, trying to find an answer or explanation to it.

I think that in such situations, you should not engage in analysis, you just need to count to 10, passing unnecessary conversational waste through the filter of brain files, because... This period of time is usually enough for the attack of stupidity to fade away!

P.S. Coming soon a new film about Gogol himself, and I think it's worth watching. For the writer’s biography is very tragic and mystically incomprehensible, and a new, modern reading of the writer should become a new milestone in a more thoughtful approach to his work, passed through the prism of his life.

How well do you know Gogol's characters?

Interesting quotes have always influenced our worldview, and today we have one of them - No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person. Who is the author of this quote?

The correct answer is Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (Dead Souls)

The current generation now sees everything clearly, marvels at the errors, laughs at the foolishness of its ancestors, it is not in vain that this chronicle is inscribed with heavenly fire, that every letter in it screams, that a piercing finger is directed from everywhere at it, at it, at the current generation; but the current generation laughs and arrogantly, proudly begins a series of new errors, which posterity will also laugh at later.

Countless, like the sands of the sea, are human passions, and all are different from one another, and all of them, low and beautiful, are at first submissive to man and then become his terrible rulers.

And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast?
Should his soul, striving to spin and take a walk, sometimes say:
“Damn it all! “Is it his soul not to love her?
Isn’t it possible to love her when you hear something enthusiastically wonderful in her?
It seems that an unknown force has taken you on its wing, and you yourself are flying, and everything is flying.

No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person.N. V. GogolThe bandit differs from the miser in that the first will strangle anyone for a penny, and the second will strangle himself for a penny.E. Sevrus's work "Dead Souls" made a great impression on me. In his work, the author uses a complex, multidimensional composition, which echoes the compositional structure of Dante's Divine Comedy. One of the aspects of which is compositional construction. Gogol seems to show the circles of hell: the first circle is landowners, the second is officials, the third is senior officials.

There is a special meaning in the title of the poem. Dead souls are not peasants, not men, they are landowners. Moreover, each landowner in the poem is the embodiment of a certain human vice. Gogol, as a satirist writer, looks at life “through laughter visible to the world and invisible tears unknown to him,” this phrase is the key to understanding Gogol’s work.

In every word of the writer one can feel both laughter and some kind of sadness. Gogol sees all the shortcomings of Russian reality, he ridicules them, but all this deeply touches him and hurts him, as a person who truly loves Russia. Happy is the writer “who passes by boring, disgusting characters, striking with their sad reality...”. And bitter and boring is the path of the writer who dared to expose “his terrible, amazing life, the whole depth of cold, fragmented, everyday characters...

". Gogol writes that such a writer will never know fame, such a writer will never escape the hypocritical court, "which will relegate him to a despicable corner among writers, insulting humanity." In the end, the satirist writer remains alone. The episode, according to Ozhegov's definition, 1. Incident. 2. Minor, insignificant incident.

3. A part of a work of art that has relative independence and completeness. Likewise, the episode of “Dead Souls” by Chichikov at Korobochka is only an integral part of a larger work. But with all this, it has a storyline and completeness. The contrast alone in comparison with other episodes allows one to remember the actions taking place in it and its characters for a long time. The plot of “Dead Souls” consists of three externally closed, but internally very interconnected links: landowners, city officials and the biography of Chichikov. Each of these links helps to more thoroughly and deeply reveal Gogol’s ideological and artistic concept.

There is a fairly clear distribution of roles between the author and the characters: the author thinks, the characters act. But despite the prose of a historian who tries to be objective and constantly emphasizes the distance between himself and the heroes, the author is not at all indifferent to the events taking place. Almost all the characters in “Dead Souls” are perceived by me as if with double vision: firstly, as they seem themselves, and, secondly, what they really are. This contrast between the imaginary significance of the hero and his true insignificance is a source of deep comedy. In introducing us to the landowners, the author uses a seemingly certain order: he describes the house, the interior, gives a portrait of the owner, starts a conversation about dead souls, talks about the life of the peasants. In each hero, the writer finds something bright, individual and sharpens it. According to the storyline, Chichikov, after Manilov, went to Sobakevich. But it so happened that he ended up with Korobochka.

This sequence in the development of events had its own logic. The inactive Manilov and the tirelessly busy Korobochka are in some ways completely opposite people. And therefore one character makes the other more clear. In terms of her mental development, Korobochka ranks lower than all other landowners.

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It is better to remain silent and seem like a fool than to speak up and not leave any comments on this matter.

A fool, having done something stupid, then makes excuses that it was his duty.

A man in love often looks like a fool; a woman in love - never.

As soon as a fool praises us, he no longer seems so stupid to us.

Each of us is a fool for at least five minutes a day; wisdom is not to exceed the limit.

The most terrible thing is a fool who is right to some microscopic extent.

It is enough for a fool to say that he is smart; but the impenetrable fool still needs to prove this.

Witty expressions and thoughts about fools

No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person.

Fools should be governed according to their stupidity, not according to the wisdom they do not possess.

Silencing a fool is rude, but allowing him to continue is simply cruel.

Cheerful witty expressions and thoughts about fools

The locusts themselves are not yet a punishment from the Lord; they become a punishment from the Lord when there are many of them. It's the same with fools.

Money didn't make a fool of anyone; they only make fools appear.

Rudeness is the wit of fools.

Everyone says about a fool and a braggart that he is a fool and a braggart; but no one tells him this, and he dies, not knowing about himself what everyone knows.

Fools invent fashion, but smart people are forced to follow it.

Better to bet on fools. There are more of them.

Children and fools always tell the truth, says the old saying. The conclusion is clear: mature and wise people never tell the truth.

Mistrust is the wisdom of a fool.

Of all the rights, the most irrefutable is the right of a smart person (whether by force or persuasion) to lead a fool.

Evil people hate sin, fearing punishment.

Complete fools are drawn to intellect, like cats to fire.

Don't make a fool of yourself just to make others laugh.

Fools complain that they are taken for fools.

An educated fool is even more intolerable than an uneducated one.

Love is the only way for a fool to grow in his own eyes.

Are fools lucky? They're not that stupid.

For those looking for witty expressions and thoughts about fools

When we manage to deceive others, they rarely seem to us as fools as we appear to ourselves when others manage to deceive us.

I'm always afraid of a fool. You can never guarantee that he is not also a rogue.

Previously, there were two troubles in Russia: roads and fools. Now a third has been added: fools telling us which way to go!

Nature wisely made sure that human stupidities are transitory, but books perpetuate them. The fool should be content with the fact that he has bothered all his contemporaries, but he also wants to annoy future generations, he wants posterity to be aware that he lived in the world, and so that they will not forget forever that he was a fool.

A fool who admits that he is a fool is no longer a fool.

For most people, lethargy and laziness are stronger than even their ambition. Hence the success of fools.

If vanity made someone happy, then that someone was probably a fool.

Silence is the virtue of fools.

It is much easier to become smart than to stop being a fool.

Fools and madmen usually tell the truth.

Sometimes even with a smart person it is difficult to lose what you found with a fool.

Fools are never shy, although shyness takes on all forms of stupidity.

It is impossible to be honest and sincere with a fool.

Tasty witty expressions and thoughts about fools

Stubbornness is the sign of fools.

A bad person follows his inclinations and because of them forgets his duties.

Next to a fool there is always a swindler.

There is nothing more annoying than seeing a well-spoken word die in the ear of the fool to whom you said it.

Idiots are not as idiots as they seem; idiots are a completely different matter.

Any fool can criticize, and many of them do just that.

If others weren't fools, we would be.

Constancy is the most ingenious way to make a fool.

The most hypocritical people are the most likely to be fooled.

The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his way.

I don’t know, it sounds different in the mouth of a smart man and a fool.

An intelligent person is happy only when he receives his own praise; the fool is content with the applause of those around him.

Book wisdom makes a fool twice as stupid.

A fool thinks he is smart; A smart person knows that he is stupid.

Fools use smart people for the same purpose that undersized men wear high heels.

Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand everything.

Peerless witty expressions and thoughts about fools

Avoid people who, seeing your vices and shortcomings, justify them or even approve of them. Such people are either flatterers, or cowards, or simply fools. Do not expect help from them in any trouble or misfortune.

It is stupider to be smart among fools than to be a fool among smart people.

There are two kinds of fools: some do not understand what everyone must understand; others understand what no one should understand.

Power does not corrupt people; but fools who climb to the heights of power corrupt power.

A well-read fool is the most annoying kind of fool.

The mind is the same everywhere: smart people have the same common characteristics, like all fools, despite the differences in nations, clothes, languages, religions, even outlook on life.

Fools love to punish smart people. Firstly, they raise themselves. Secondly, they turn out smarter. Thirdly, everyone sees who is in charge. The only thing is that they don’t know what to do afterwards.

Anyone who persistently repeats that he is not a fool is usually not completely sure of this.

It is more difficult to calm down a fool busy with business than a violent madman.

The world is full of fools, but no one notices or even suspects their stupidity.

A fool does not enter into dialogue with himself. The first thought captures him without waiting for the answer of the second.

A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy.

Sixty years ago, optimist and fool were not synonymous.

How can she not be smart, messing around with such fools all her life?

Fools are those who are fools.

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