2 times during. During the day or throughout the day

Good afternoon. The preposition "during" does not raise the question. But recently I came across the fact that the text was allegedly copied from the original of 1941, and it said “during”. And they didn’t mean the river. Is this possible? Maybe the rules were different at that time?

Perhaps there is an error in the source text.

Question No. 297387

which is correct: due to non-arrival within or due to non-receipt within

Russian help desk response

Right: due to non-arrival within...

Question No. 294946

Good afternoon Can the word “during (s)” appear in this sentence as a noun with a preposition and a derivative preposition?" Option 1. I KNEW THAT DURING THE DISEASE A FRACTURE OCCURRED. (i.e. the fracture occurred during the course of the disease, its course, duration).

Russian help desk response

Question No. 289819

Hello! Please tell me which is correct: “...during the entire gameplay” or “during the entire gameplay”? And why?

Russian help desk response

Right: throughout the entire gameplay in meaning "during the entire gameplay." Pretext during(of something) “during, in continuation of something” is written with e at the end.

Question No. 285551

Hello! Please tell me how to correctly describe a recurring event for 2 weeks. Is it correct to use forms such as “biweekly” or “semi-monthly”? Such words sound dissonant to the ear. Thank you!

Russian help desk response

These words are not recorded in any dictionary and should not be used. You can use a descriptive phrase in the text: published every two weeks, twice a month.

Question No. 283944

With regular, careful care, genuine leather bags can look like new for a very long time. - Is it necessary to highlight “like new” with commas in this case?

Russian help desk response

No commas needed. Pay attention to the spelling: correct: during e for a very long time. Combination careful care unsuccessful, word careful It's better to remove it.

Question No. 282953
in which cases do they write “during...”, and in which cases “during...”

Russian help desk response

During– preposition (same as “during, during”), for example: throughout life. During - preposition combination V and noun flow, For example: along the river.

Question No. 279860
how to do it right throughout the year

Russian help desk response

Right: during a year.

Question No. 276332
Colleagues, hello!
Please tell me how to write correctly:
"The funds will be credited to the printing house's account within two days"
"The funds will be credited to the printing house's account within two days"
With great respect and best wishes
Vladimir Crim

Russian help desk response

Right: during two days.

Question No. 274168
Please help me:

Are the following words written correctly in the draft order:
1. “...and also by NOT RECEIVING a reasoned opinion from the trade union organization” (or should you write “NON-RECEIVING” (i.e., together)?
2. “Within seven working days” or should I write “Within seven working days”?

My boss thinks that it is necessary to write “NON-RECEIPT” and “DURING”, but I think that the correct wording in these phrases would be: “NOT RECEIPT” and “DURING”. Who is right?

Russian help desk response

Your score with your boss is 1:1 :) Correct: non-receipt And during.

Question No. 270223
Please tell me, in this case: “Would it be convenient for you if our operator calls you within 10 minutes” should I put a comma before “if”?

Russian help desk response

Yes, a comma is needed. Please note that this is correct: within 10 minutes.

Question No. 268922
Dear experts, I’m completely confused with the preposition during and the noun with the preposition during. Everything is clear about the river (during) and time (during). But: there is the course of the disease, the course of pregnancy, the passage of time. What to do with them? For example: I felt how time was passing, and in its flow I (E) imagined...
We came to find out about the progress of our relative’s pregnancy..
What letter should be put in the title of an article about pregnancy “Evaluation of the density of distribution of trophoblast cells during (e) uncomplicated pregnancy”?
What rule to use? Everywhere examples are described only with the flow of the river. I really hope for an answer. Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

E is written in a preposition during something. The preposition can be replaced with words during; during; at. In the examples I felt how time was passing, and as it flowed it seemed to me... And We came to find out about the progress of our relative’s pregnancy. noun is used flow, in the form of the prepositional case having the ending -And.

As for the title, a preposition is used here, so it is correct: during an uncomplicated pregnancy. Wed: during an uncomplicated pregnancy.

Question No. 266996
How to write correctly:
"Write us a letter and we will answer you within one day!"
"Write us an email and we will answer you within one day!" ?

Russian help desk response

That's right: during.

Question No. 266116
When is it written “In the Current” and when “In the Current”?

Russian help desk response

The preposition is written like this: during (the whole summer, month, vacation...).

Question No. 264328
Hello, please answer how to write correctly:
within 10 days or
within 10 days, thank you

Russian help desk response

Correct: within (continued) 10 days.

In Russian there are two possible uses of words - “during” and “during”. To choose the right one, you need to determine what part of speech the word is in the sentence.


During– such a combination in a sentence is often a complex preposition, which is always written with the letter “e” at the end of the word. Used in designs like: for an hour, for a day, for two minutes, etc. Can be replaced with synonyms: throughout, for (some time), during, during.
You must provide documents within two days
No one lived in this house for three years.
The referees were watching us throughout the game.
We've been doing this for a very long time.
Money should arrive within an hour

During– very rarely such a construction in a sentence can be a combination of a preposition with a noun in the form of the accusative case (in what?)
Engineers made changes to fluid flow
Dye added to clear liquid

During– a combination of the preposition “in” with the noun “current” in the form of the prepositional case, answers the question “in what?” The letter “i” is written at the end of the word. You can add a modifier between a preposition and a noun without losing the meaning of the sentence.
Changes have been recorded in the course of the river – Changes have been recorded in the course of the river under study
There can be many surprises in the flow of a mountain river – There can be many surprises in the fast flow of a mountain river
There were stones in the slow flow of the lava flow – There were stones in the slow flow of the lava flow
We wondered for a long time that it floated down the river
There is an unsolved mystery in the passage of time

Important! If the context of the sentence implies “the passage of time” as a certain abstract physical quantity that has the property of fluidity, then a combination of the preposition “in” and the noun “flow” (prepositional case form) is used. Usually used with an explanatory word (adjective), which indicates that the word “flow” is a noun and not a complex preposition.
In the inexorable passage of the day, the hour of reckoning was getting closer
In the rapid flow of life, he did not have time to do the most important thing
In the crazy flow of the day I forgot to call home

Good afternoon, dear reader of my site.

Anastasia is in touch. Today I want to write a short article on a very simple case.

But as you know, the simplest cases, as a rule, cause difficulties (for example,).

Sometimes I myself wonder how to correctly write “during or during” in sentences like this: I studied English for 3 years or submit a report within a day.

For those who like to watch videos:

And often one is tempted to write “during” with the ending “and”. Let's figure out how to use these phrases correctly.

So, it all depends on the part of speech in the sentence used.

It can be a noun:

Large explanatory dictionary Russian language.

Ch. ed. S. A. Kuznetsov.



K Leak (1-2, 4-8 digits). T. water, saliva. T. life. T. thoughts. T. time. T. diseases. Stop the blood flow. Over time

(later, hereafter).


Movement of water in a river bed; the moving water itself. Fast, slow, stormy, etc. Upstream, downstream. Fight the current. T. takes the boat to the middle of the river. Upper t.

(upper part of the river, close to the source; upper reaches). Lower t.

(lower part of the river, close to the mouth; lower reaches). To go with the flow(Also:

Live, passively submitting to the prevailing circumstances). swim against the current, go(Also:

Act independently, contrary to established traditions and patterns). //

Movement of flow, masses of water in the seas, oceans; the flow of water itself moving in a certain direction. Sea currents. Warm etc.


Direction to smb. areas of activity. Political, social movements. New topics in literature. Old musical t. One of the scientific movements. Do not recognize religious movements.

And this could be a preposition indicating a time period:

Large explanatory dictionary Russian language.

Ch. ed. S. A. Kuznetsov.

First edition: St. Petersburg: Norint, 1998.

< В течение чего, в зн. предлога. 1.

For some time period of time. Been involved in politics for decades. Figure it out within a few seconds. Read throughout the day. Don't sleep for a week. -2.

In continuation of some. action, during smth. Remain silent during the entire argument. During my stay at the sea I never swam.

Remember: if this noun, then it declines in the standard way.

Example: We got lost in the rapid flow of the river. The current in this river is very strong.

Remember: a preposition is always used with a noun and it can be replaced with the preposition “for” or the preposition removed, and the meaning will remain the same.

Example: During the day I provided a report (per day), for 7 years I studied at a music school (for 7 years I studied at a music school).He played computer games for 3 days (you could say just 3 days) without stopping.

The most important thing is to distinguish parts of speech and identify prepositions.

I hope now you remember how to write correctly during or during.

This rule must be remembered once and for all, applied and written correctly, so as not to find yourself in a funny situation, like in this bearded joke

“A man is wandering around Red Square with a large banner that says: “Freedom for Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev!!!” An alarmed policeman runs up to him: “Are you completely stunned, man?!” What other freedom?! What makes you think that Leonid Ilyich is in prison?” “How from where? On the radio this morning they said: “In conclusion, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev said...”


Anastasia Zakharova

One common instance of difficulty in choosing the correct spelling is during or during. It is useful for everyone to know how to correctly use such phrases in a text, since even the Word program most likely will not help clarify the situation with the correct ending. The built-in spell checker is only useful when you type "in progress" or "in progress" instead of "in progress."

During – together or separately? The answer to this question is clear. In any case, it is correct to write separately. This is where a text editor with a built-in spell checker will help, highlighting combined spelling as erroneous. However, automatic fixing is not always available. Therefore, it is easier to remember this rather easy rule, which will help out under any circumstances.

Which ending is correct: “e” or “i”? There is no clear answer here. Both options are correct, but are used in different cases, as they differ in meaning. At the same time, automatic spell checking is powerless, because spelling a phrase with either the ending “i” or “e” is not incorrect.

So you can find out for sure which ending should be written only by looking at the phrase in the sentence.

Spelling in cases where you can ask the question “in what?”

Correct: ending with “and”.

These are two parts of speech: the preposition “in” and the noun, which is in the prepositional case. That is, the phrase answers the question “in what?” The noun following the preposition in such cases can have any of the meanings (for example, “flow” or “development”):

Years later, scientists noticed changes (in what?) in the flow of the river.

Doctors managed to achieve improvement (in what?) in the course of the disease.

In addition, a noun can have dependent words, that is, for the purpose of spelling check, the combination is easily separated by inserting an adjective into it. For example:

In the (what?) rapid flow of events, a pattern became noticeable.

Spelling when meaning “for some time” or “during”

Correct: with the ending "e".

This is a complex preposition, which is similar in meaning to the expressions “during”, “for the time” or “during”. Following the rules of the Russian language, the ending of a combination with this meaning should always be written in the form of the letter “e”:

During the lesson, schoolchildren studied the spelling of the adjective “tin” and made sentences with the word.

Over the past four years, they have vacationed at sea three times.

Two separate words form one part of speech (complex preposition), therefore it will not be possible to insert anything else between them without violating the meaning. This feature can be used for testing purposes. So, for example, you cannot separate this stable combination by inserting an additional word in the following sentence:

He had been unable to grasp the ever-elusive moment for a long time.

For comparison: between the preposition “in” and the noun “current” you can insert the word “fast”:

He once tried to capture a subtle moment (of what?) in the rapid passage of time.

Spelling in cases where you can ask the question “what?”

Correct: with the ending "e".

Here everything is in many ways similar to the case with the phrase ending in “and”. The difference lies in the question answered by the combination: “into what?” or “where?” These are the same two parts of speech: a preposition and a noun, but in the accusative. Otherwise there are no differences. The noun here can also be used in any meaning (for example, “flow” or “course”):

The authorities learned that industrial waste had gotten into (what?) the river.

He noticed that (into what?) memories of the previous conversation constantly burst into his thoughts.

In such cases, it is also possible for the noun to have dependent words. That is, to check the spelling, for example, an adjective is inserted into the middle of the combination, and the phrase will still make sense.


Regardless of the semantic load and ending (“e” or “i”), the phrase is written separately. At the same time, the choice of the last letter during writing is influenced by the meaning in the sentence, that is, belonging to one or two parts of speech.

Should be written ending with "and", If:

  • it answers the question “in what?”, being a preposition and a noun;

The phrase should be written with ending "e", If:

  • it is similar in meaning to the expressions “during”, “during”, “for the time”, being a stable combination that is used as a complex preposition;
  • It is impossible to put a word between the parts of the combination.
  • the phrase answers the question “what?”, being a preposition and a noun;
  • You can put a word between the parts of the combination.

Which is correct: during the day or throughout the day? This question is asked by many high school students. A comprehensive answer to this can be obtained from the presented article.

general information

Let's sum it up

Now you know in which cases you should write the letter “i” at the end of the expression “during ...”, and in which cases you should write “e”. To remember the described rules, let's present them in a shorter form:

1. The letter “e” is always written at the end of the word “during” if it is a complex preposition that means “during a certain period of time.” Such a service part of speech can also be recognized by the fact that it cannot be asked a question, but can be easily replaced with a synonym (during).

2. At the end of the word “during” the letter “and” is written if it is a noun, standing in. In order to determine this part of speech, it is enough to ask the question to the presented expression: “in what?” - during. You can also easily put a word between a preposition and a noun (for example, in a slow current, in a stormy current, etc.).

Exercises to reinforce the material

To remember the above rules of the Russian language, we recommend that you complete the following tasks yourself:

1. Find errors in the sentences:

  • Within 14 days I must return to Moscow.
  • There were many whirlpools throughout the river.
  • I will be released within 24 hours.
  • I've seen a lot throughout my life.

2. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences:

  • Why didn't you come to me during the lesson?
  • Oh, no one knows how much we used these papers over the course of a month.
  • In the stormy current of the river I noticed a man.
  • We argued several times over the course of the year.
  • I will definitely visit you during this year.
  • How could you swim in a strong river current?
  • In the turbulent course of my life there were so many events that I can’t remember everything.
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