Stars of TV channel 1 Odnoklassniki. “Blue Light” on First without Kobzon, but with Buzova? KP forecast: what will happen now

Viewers will be able to change the New Year's program on the main federal channel by voting

Apparently scandalous with criticism New Year's broadcast on Channel One and calls for a change in format, sent personally to Konstantin Ernst, finally reached the addressee. The first announced the popular choice of artists to participate in New Year's Eve 2018, and the author of the idea was Ernst himself. At the request of Realnoe Vremya, the author of the appeal to the head of the federal channel, Rostov blogger Vadim Manukyan, spoke about which artists were “left out” of the vote, which newcomers got the chance to perform at the New Year’s show, and whether there is a hidden trick in choosing a platform for the “national » voting.

“You won’t find Leshchenko and Kobzon there anymore, and Basque is not included in the “chosen ones””

Partly a miracle happened. Criticism of the New Year's broadcast on Russian TV, which was launched into the information space in January, nine months later brought unexpected results. Let me remind you that everything goes to Channel One and directly to Konstantin Ernst regarding “ Blue lights", in which the same faces appear from year to year. The petition proposed holding an open audience vote in a hit parade format, so that every Russian would have the opportunity to formulate a program for the New Year's show.

When literally in a day the number of signatures on the appeal exceeded 100 thousand, the head of Channel One came out “on the carpet” to TV viewers (that is, in social media) and promised his audience changes. And so, just a couple of days ago, I learned from the news that the First One still listened to the “voice of the people” and started voting together with the social network Odnoklassniki. Everyone can choose three performers they would like to see on the New Year's TV show from the 60 on the list. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the top 20, already familiar to all Russians, was noticeably diluted big amount new names.

Everyone can choose three performers they would like to see on the New Year's TV show from the 60 on the list

Pugacheva and Kirkorov quite obviously appear on this list, but you won’t find Leontyev, Leshchenko and Kobzon there, and Basque is not included in the “chosen ones”. It is curious that next to the “mastodons” Russian stage The list includes the creators of this summer's hit - the group "Mushrooms". For the Odnoklassniki audience (45+), this is certainly “ dark forest“, and it’s quite difficult to imagine adults or grandparents humming “The ice is melting between us.” And Yegor Creed, together with IOWA, is not an authority for them. In this context, the insidious plan of Channel One is quite clearly visible - to put on a par with the old and everything famous artists young performers whose names are known only to the generation under 30 who are not members of Odnoklassniki.

“The Russian pop diva had to engage in a fight in absentia with Olga Buzova”

However, if you look at the preliminary voting results, it becomes clear that the plan was not entirely successful. Yes, we can accept the fact that Grigory Leps is at the top of the chart, but, mind you, Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov with their hits “Million” Red roses" and "Sneg" turned out to be very far from the leading positions and are now fighting for 15-20 places. Moreover, if Philip Kirkorov competes with Irina Allegrova, then the Russian pop diva had to enter into a correspondence battle with Olga Buzova, who this year suddenly decided that the time had come to become a singer. I think it will turn out to be quite an interesting spectacle if everyone is divided into pairs and Pugacheva goes on stage with Buzova, Kirkorov with “Mushrooms”, and Allegrova, say, with Creed. But seriously, you will most likely end up with one big vinaigrette.

I note that the leaders audience voting the singer Nargiz is now present in Odnoklassniki, but it seems that we won’t be able to see her on New Year’s Eve 2018. Producer Maxim Fadeev recently stated that his artists are on the First’s stop list and for this reason, none of them will perform in the New Year’s program of this channel. By the way, it will be interesting to find out which path they will take in New Year's Eve two other federal channels, which this year have already tried to meet the TV viewer halfway with their new shows. The factor of Andrei Malakhov on Rossiya-1 cannot be underestimated, plus Alexander Oleshko left NTV, which means that this channel will not have any problems with the host for the holiday program.

To summarize, we should pay tribute to Channel One for the attempt made, because until this moment such voting was not offered to the TV viewer - we were simply presented with a fait accompli. The fact that the Russians managed to open the door to our television at least a little is undoubtedly a pleasant fact, but I would also like to dream that television bosses will continue to work on content, and not produce endless “background shows” that they themselves do not watch And they don’t advise it to their children.

Vadim Manukyan

Stas Mikhailov, Polina Gagarina, Egor Creed

Today it became known that Channel One, together with the Odnoklassniki website, launched a popular vote for the participants of the New Year's Light. Anyone can choose from the proposed shortlist up to three favorite performers whom they want to see on television on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018. In addition, there is an option to enter the name of another artist who was not on the list. The editors of the site studied the list of proposed participants and tried to systematize them.

Old-timers, those who have been shown for the last 30 years, or even more:

Alla Pugacheva, singer Natalie, "Hands Up", Stas Mikhailov, Tatyana Bulanova, Sofia Rotaru, Philip Kirkorov, Yuri Shatunov, Grigory Leps, Lolita and others.

Modern stars who are shown on TV:

Polina Gagarina, Timati, Svetlana Loboda, Nyusha, Maxim, Irina Dubtsova, "Leningrad", Basta, Yulianna Karaulova and others.

— Modern stars who are hardly or not shown on TV, but they collect millions of views on YouTube:

"Mushrooms", "MiyaGi&Endgame", Egor Creed, Mot, "Time and Glass", "Caspian Cargo", Alekseev, Burito.

How is voting for the heroes of "New Year's Light" going?

To create a vote general director Channel One Konstantin Ernst was pushed by a surge of negativity among viewers of “New Year’s Eve” on Channel One, who accused the channel’s management of stagnation and imposing the same artists. Dissatisfied TV viewers even created, saying that they want to see new faces in the “lights”.

Ernst listened to the audience and soon commented on the situation: yes, indeed, the complaints are justified, but New Year’s shows are mostly watched by viewers 45+, and they don’t need new faces.

However, apparently Channel One does not want a repetition of the scandal, which is why it launched a popular vote. It’s difficult to say whether young people, for whom, let’s be honest, Odnoklassniki is not a popular platform, will take part in it.

Voting will last until October 30. Users will be able to track its intermediate results online. After summing up the final results, the artists who have reached the finals will be invited to film in the New Year's show of the First. Let's stock up on popcorn.

Yulia Menshova, Larisa Guzeeva, Andrey Malakhov, Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Alla Mikheeva, Dmitry Nagiev, Ivan Urgant. "New Year's Eve on the First", 2016

October 11, 2017

The TV channel will organize a popular vote on social networks, and its results will be generated in the “Your Stars on First” application. In this way, artists will be selected that viewers will be able to see on television in the “New Year’s Eve 2018” program.

photo: frame from the program

After among the spectators federal channels There was a wave of indignation over the fact that the same artists flashed on TV screens on New Year’s Eve, so I decided to innovate. Now the stars who will perform at the “New Year’s lights” will be chosen by the audience themselves. The TV channel organized a popular vote in collaboration with the Odnoklassniki social network. The voting results will be generated in a special application “Your Stars on First”.

Network users are offered a list with names musical performers, and from them you need to select no more than three artists whom the viewer wants to see on television on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018. You can also include the name of one star who is not on the shortlist. This list already includes many performers who constantly appear in New Year's programs: Polina Gagarina, Irina Dubtsova, Ani Lorak and other celebrities. Voting ends on October 30. When the results of this vote are summed up, the leaders will be invited to filming in New Year's show Channel One.

Let us remind you that earlier New Year’s programs were “a descent into hell.” He spoke out that television in Russia was too outdated, and suggested making new format show. The producer promised to make his New Year’s program “People’s Light” in the future and also wanted the viewers themselves to choose the artists by voting.

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