The "Univer" star doesn't want village maidens. Ararat Keshchyan - an exemplary husband?! Not a street girl

New wife Ararat Keshchyan. Model from Kostanay (Kazakhstan), who studies in Moscow. In 2007, after graduating from high school. M. Gorky girl went to Moscow to receive higher education. First, she tried herself as a student at the Faculty of Design at Moscow State Technical University. Kosygina. But a month later she realized that this was not for her, and entered the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), choosing a specialty in public relations. Now she is graduating from university, an excellent student, and is going for a diploma. I must say that Ekaterina Shepeta is quite in demand in Moscow. For example, when preparing this material, we found a photo of her with the famous Russian actor Dmitry Dyuzhev. It was made at a time when Katya worked in a film company in the capital and participated in the PR campaign for the film “Pregnant” with Dyuzhev, Mikhail Galustyan and Anna Sedokova in the lead roles. Now the girl works in one of the Moscow PR agencies. “I was lucky with my choice of specialty, and I am satisfied with the knowledge I gained at the university over five years,” says Ekaterina. – Let me note that I didn’t go to Moscow to conquer it, but to get an education and live here. I have always liked this city, I feel comfortable here. I come home once every six months, I really miss my family! – Has your modeling career become a thing of the past or do you continue to pursue it? – I never aspired to build a career in modeling business, - Ekaterina clarifies. – I simply participated in competitions more than worked as a model. And it all started from childhood. When I was five years old, when asked: “What do you want to become?” I answered, spinning around the mirror: “Fashion model.” When I grew up, I had very long hair, and everyone around me kept telling me that I needed to go to modeling school. Let's go. Then I was invited to the Miss Kostanay beauty contest, where I won a nomination. Next - “Miss Tourism Kostanay-2005”, nominations “Miss Starry Smile” and “Miss Prophoto Agency” at the Kazakhstan competition “Miss Tourism Kazakhstan-2005”, entered the top ten at All-Russian competition beauty "Miss Volga". It was exciting for me to visit different cities, communicate with girls, and learn something new. I think it was a hobby. The time came when it outlived its usefulness, I entered the university, and all that remained from the competitive years was the crown, ribbons with nominations and memories. I don’t really like the fact that now, in connection with my marriage, the media are presenting me as a Kostanay/Kazakh model. By the way, we did not advertise our wedding with Ararat, and journalists always attack him with questions about his personal life, and we do not want to do so. Our joint photograph, posted on the website of a Kostanay newspaper, was taken on my iPhone - it is not clear how it got into the media... based on materials from the Local newspaper

Ekaterina Shepeta is a spectacular beauty and the wife of the star of the TV series “Univer” Ararat Keshchyan. The article will tell you more about the girl’s biography.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina was born in Kazakhstan in 1989. She studied at the gymnasium named after. Gorky, and after graduation she went to Moscow to enter one of the capital’s universities. She succeeded, and the girl became a first-year student at the design faculty of Moscow State Technical University. However, soon Ekaterina Shepeta felt that her calling lay in another area. She took the documents and entered the Russian State University for the Humanities. In 2012, the girl received a diploma in public relations.

Modeling career

WITH young age Ekaterina Shepeta participated in beauty contests. She liked to be the center of attention, to turn on interesting acquaintances. Those around her admired her pleasant facial features and luxurious long hair. The first experience was the Miss Kostanay competition, followed by participation in Miss Tourism Kostanay and Miss Tourism Kazakhstan in 2005. At the All-Russian beauty competition "Miss Volga", Shepeta, according to the competent jury, was one of the ten most charming participants.

However, she herself does not like being called a model in the media. Ekaterina shares that it was rather her hobby, a way to bring more into life bright colors, travel, make new friends. Diplomas and personalized ribbons remind us of the past, because now the girl is a young mother and the founder of her own profitable business.

Bright couple

Ekaterina Shepeta is married to actor Ararat Keshchyan, who became famous after playing the heartthrob Arthur Mikaelyan in the youth sitcom “Univer”, and then starred in the films “Moms”, “Nannies”, “Exchange Wedding”. The celebration took place in 2013. It’s funny that the wedding was celebrated three times: for close friends, colleagues and Ekaterina’s parents in Kostanay. Reporters were not invited to the celebration - the couple treated the event as a secret ritual, accessible only to those closest to them.

According to the newlyweds, they met thanks to director Sarik Andreasyan, with whom they worked. Ararat participated in developing scripts for films and filming them, and Ekaterina got a job at Andreasyan's company Enjoy Movies for PR of film projects, in particular the comedy "Pregnant". There the future spouses met.

Ekaterina Shepeta, whose photos on the Internet are fascinating, in real life struck the actor. A fair-haired, slender beauty with beautiful curls and an expressive smile - who could resist? At the time they met, Keshchyan was recovering psychologically from his recent divorce from his first wife, Irina. He was sure that from now on he would never marry. But the meeting with Catherine completely dispelled this pessimism. In 2014, the couple had a daughter, Eva. This was an unexpected surprise, because the doctors convinced that a son would be born. Ararat succeeds best in the role of the father of a tiny and adorable baby - he has become more gentle and softer.

The eleven-year difference in age and cultural background did not prevent the couple from creating strong family. Ararat Keshchyan and Ekaterina Shepeta are not those who spend every minute family life posts on Instagram. They prefer to protect their relationships from excessive attention, and in the interview they share a minimum of details. It is known that Catherine, out of respect for her husband’s traditions and desire to know her beloved better, began to learn the Armenian language. The girl also learned to cook National dishes to pamper your spouse with delicious food.

Present tense

On this moment Ekaterina is raising her daughter and is also the director of the Utkin House wedding agency. The idea to start such a business was successful - the girl combines her own source of income with fulfilling the wishes of the newlyweds. She, like a wedding fairy, strives to make each couple’s ceremony perfect and magical.

Ararat notes that his wife is a workaholic. She doesn't like to spend time idly. A sincere desire to give happiness to clients and hard work help her in developing her business. While the husband acts in comedies, the wife proves herself to be a true businesswoman.

Free from active work Nowadays, young people love to attend various events and shows, such as the Comedy Club, or simply enjoy the peace and comfort of home. Ekaterina Shepeta, whose biography began in Kazakhstan, managed to achieve success in the capital and find true love.

Ararat Keshchyan became famous after his role in the TV series “Univer”. But the first success big stage I came to him back when I was playing in KVN.

Despite the fame of a womanizer and a real womanizer due to the role of his hero Michael, he is loving father And good husband. With his wife Ekaterina Shepeta, they are raising a small daughter and developing their business.

Who tamed the Don Juan?

Ekaterina Shepeta is a beauty with spectacular forms, born in Kazakhstan in 1989. After graduating from school, she moved to Moscow to enter one of the universities. On her first try, she became a student at Moscow State Technical University, choosing the design department. But after not even a year of studying, Katya realized that her calling was completely different. She took the documents and transferred to RGTU. She graduated from the institute in 2012, receiving a specialist diploma in public relations.

Since childhood, Katya took an active part in beauty contests - she really liked being the center of attention, she was glad to meet new people. Her loved ones and fans have always admired her luxurious long hair and model-like shape. The girl became a regular participant in various competitions among the beauties of Kazakhstan. It cannot be said that she constantly took prizes, but she was never deprived of attention from the judges and jury.

Now only personalized diplomas and several awards remind her of her past hobbies, because at the moment she is a happy young mother and the founder of her own business.

Dream come true

Catherine is married to the idol of millions of girls -. Their marriage was registered in 2013. Moreover, the young people played it three times - first for loved ones and relatives, then for colleagues, and the third time - for Katya’s relatives in Kostanay. There were no journalists at the celebration, because the young people wanted to share the joy only with the people closest to them. As the girl herself recalls, their first acquaintance with Ararat took place with the participation of both in one of Sarik Andreasyan’s projects. Ararat came up with scenarios and took part in them, and Katya worked as a PR specialist for these projects.

Ararat admits that at the first meeting he was immediately struck by Catherine’s beauty. Well, who could resist the beauty of a blonde with long curls and a graceful figure? Before Catherine, Ararat was married to his wife Irina and at the time they met he had already managed to adapt psychologically after the divorce. After an unsuccessful marriage, he promised himself to never marry, but when he met Katya, he completely let go of these thoughts.

Kinder Surprise

A year after their legal marriage, the couple had a daughter, who was named Eva. This event came as an unexpected surprise for the new parents, because during pregnancy, doctors assured that the couple would have a boy. Ararat excels at combining the role of a caring father and a loving husband.

Despite the fact that Ekaterina younger than spouse 11 years old and they have different religious views, their marriage is considered ideal. The couple rarely shares their family photos on social networks, thereby avoiding attracting unnecessary glances and unnecessary gossip to their family. Ekaterina also admitted that, out of respect for her husband, she began to study Armenian language and learned to cook national dishes of Armenia.

Interesting notes:

Wedding fairy

At the moment, the girl is not only raising her little daughter, but is also the director of the Utkin House wedding agency. The idea of ​​creating a company that will help newlyweds make their main day in life simply perfect has been around for a long time.

Ararat calls his wife a “wedding fairy” and a true businesswoman, who not only engages in her favorite hobby and earns money from it. The husband actively acts in comedy films, the wife runs her own business - a wonderful family where everyone is busy with their favorite thing. In their free time from work, Ararat and Katya like to visit various entertainment activities and show.

Ekaterina, like no one else, shows shining example how an ordinary girl came to the capital and, thanks to her determination, not only achieved enormous success in business, but managed to find love and build a strong family.

As Ararat himself says, Catherine is more of a home person than a public figure. They can easily choose a quiet, cozy evening at home rather than going to a noisy party.

Despite the fact that the girl’s work takes up quite a lot of time, her family and raising her daughter come first. This quality in her is greatly appreciated by her husband, who found true happiness with the appearance of Catherine in his life.

Ararat Keshchyan is an actor and comedian who is not yet so popular, but definitely strives to become so. His rise as a TV star has just begun, so the man needs to constantly improve his acting skills, which he demonstrates with every new film released with his participation. Let's tell you more about his modest person.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ararat Keshchyan

Height, weight, age. How old is Ararat Keshchyan - the actor is thirty-eight years old, he is in full bloom, but on the other hand, his age already implies some results of work and a couple of passed life exams. Ararat's weight is ninety-two kilograms, his height is 190 centimeters. Libra. By his nationality he is Armenian. For the first time his personality was noticed after he starred in the series “Univer,” but not only this series helped his talent to manifest itself, but also his games in KVN.

The boy was born in the city of Gagra, Abkhazia. He was very lucky that the family almost immediately moved to Russian city Adler, that’s where Keshchyan graduated high school. He spent his entire childhood communicating with his older brother named Ashot, who in turn was a brilliant role model for Ararat, looking at his brother’s behavior and taking an example from him, he found the strength to go on the KVN stage.

Biography and personal life of Ararat Keshchyan

Biography and personal life Ararat Keshchyan - begins with the date of birth, of course, namely October 19, 1978. After school, the young man mastered the hotel industry. But then, thanks, as mentioned above, to brother Ashot, in 1999 Ararat joined him in the KVN team “Grandchildren of Lumumba,” a joke that was liked not only by the judges, but also by the audience in the hall, so for three whole years, “ Lumumba's grandchildren won a huge number of various awards. The team was able to reach the semi-finals of the KVN Northern League.

Of course, the play of such sparkling and cheerful brothers could not go unnoticed and over time they were invited to the capital of Russia - Moscow. There they begin to advocate new team, whose name is “RUDN University Team”. The brothers began playing directly in the Major League in 2003. After such a successful start in KVN, it’s time to start in cinema. Moreover, Ararat has already tasted popularity and fame. But, despite everything, the man made his debut not in a film, but in one of entertainment shows, in 2007. Very often in his interviews, the actor says and emphasizes that behind such a seemingly simple performance in KVN there actually lies a lot of work, which, like any other, according to Ararat, must be respected.

Family and children of Ararat Keshchyan

Family and children of Ararat Keshchyan - the actor is quite young, but has already managed to start a family. Moreover, he was married twice. It is not surprising that the marriage with the second wife turned out to be much stronger than with the first, because in their youth everyone commits rash acts, which later become mistakes.

They had no children with their first wife, but with their second they had an amazing girl, Eva. Perhaps there will be more children together, because the couple has been married not so long ago. It cannot be said that the now famous comedian and actor is in any hurry to extend his own gene pool; perhaps it will be enough for him to invest all his love in one child in order to raise him according to all the canons of modern society.

Daughter of Ararat Keshchyan - Eva

Ararat Keshchyan's daughter Eva was born on September 3, 2014. The girl is so far Keshchyan’s only heir. To say that the comedian is happy about the birth of his little angel is to say nothing! He is simply happy, even the name was chosen according to the girl - Eva. A huge number of pictures can be found in social network On Instagram, where the actor has his own personal page, he deliberately posts photos with his girl, showing the whole world how proud he is of her. The baby is still small, she is only three years old, but a charming smile always shines on her face, isn’t it wonderful? And very soon the young parents will be busy choosing a kindergarten for Eva and preparing for the girl to start attending it.

Wives of Ararat Keshchyan - Irina Keshchan, Ekaterina Shepeta

Wives of Ararat Keshchyan - Irina Keshchan, Ekaterina Shepeta interesting topic for journalists. The actor’s first wife, Irina, married him on November 7, 2007 in Adler. The marriage lasted three years, in 2010 the couple decided to separate. He announced that Ararat is free from marriage ties in one of television programs, it is still unknown whether he did it intentionally or the words themselves came out of his mouth. The most curious thing is that by making such a loud statement to the whole country, the man’s heart was already occupied. By whom? Ekaterina Shepeta - the girl who later became his second wife. This happened on January 11, 2013. See happy couple together and you can capture them on camera at many social events, as well as those associated with the premieres of new films, in particular, of course, those in which Ararat itself is starring. Ekaterina herself is not wasting time and plans to soon begin developing her business in earnest by opening a wedding agency. The parents are raising baby Eva together.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ararat Keshchyan

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ararat Keshchyan are absolutely not classified information. Wikipedia (,_Ararat_Gevorgovich) will gladly open its doors to anyone who wants to read something new about their idol. The personal page on Instagram will do the same (, by visiting which you will seem to plunge into Keshchyan’s life, feel it, see it from the inside, get satiated, and be charged with positive emotions. Because the star dad not only posts a lot of photos with his daughter, but also shoots inquisitive video clips. In a word, his personal pages need to be visited, perhaps more than once. The decision is yours!

The childhood of Ararat Keshchyan

Ararat was born in small town Gagra in Abkhazia, on the Black Sea coast. Soon the boy left him, as the family left for Adler. There he graduated from school. He has an older brother, Ashot, who could not help but influence Ararat. It was he, one might say, who brought his brother to KVN. It was 1999.

The brother received an economic education, and Ararat was at that time a student at the Peoples' Friendship University and studied at the Faculty of Hotel Management. Parents were ready to support any endeavor. As Ararat says, the main thing for them was that their sons should be further away from crazy hobbies. Despite the fact that playing KVN was not a specialty for any of the brothers, father and mother never insisted that they quit this activity and pursue a career.

The first for Keshchyan was the “Grandchildren of Lumumba” team. From 2000 to 2002 they were champions of Sochi, and in 2002, playing in KVN, they reached the semi-finals of the Northern League.

The beginning of the career of Ararat Keshchyan, KVN

The team in which the brothers played belonged to the Sochi branch of RUDN University. The brothers were noticed and invited to Moscow, where they began playing in the RUDN National Team team. Their first games there took place in 2003 - it was their debut in Major League. Guys for a short time found themselves among the best players of their new team.

“Talking KiViN” - a parody performed by Ararat at the festival in Jurmala, was remembered and liked by both the audience and the jury. She laid the foundation for the following similar parodies.

In 2004, the team not only reached the finals, it took second place, slightly losing to the team from Pyatigorsk. This time Ararat performed the parody “Parrot”.

In 2005, again in Jurmala, the aspiring actor showed the third version of the parody that was already loved by the audience, and it was a considerable success. What was special was that this time Gennady Khazanov, to whom this parody was addressed, was in the hall.

In 2006, the RUDN National Team became the winner after a difficult struggle. This was followed by victories for his team in both 2007 and 2011. More than once they performed at concerts that were organized in honor of the birthday of KVN.

KVN RUDN - GHOUL, Ararat Keshchyan

As Ararat says, KVN is not an easy task. To go on stage and deliver something funny, you need to rehearse a lot, often sleep a couple of hours a day.

Together with the guys from the team, the brothers dreamed of creating something interesting on television. Unfortunately, they didn’t have enough author’s or producer’s resources, and nothing worked out for them.

Living in Moscow and playing in KVN, the brothers took part in a number of other television programs. So in 2007 they appeared in the entertainment genre program “Bla-Bla Show”, in the program “Outside the Game”, where they even became the hosts of one of the episodes. Both brothers were members of Fight Club. One time in " Comedy Woman» Ararat was an “invited guest”.

Ararat Keshchyan in the TV series “Univer”

By the beginning of 2009, Keshchyan had already become well known to viewers thanks to his talent, and he was invited to the Univer casting. He decided to try and did not regret it.

Ararat Keshchyan and Larisa Baranova about the sitcom Univer

Ararat was given the role of Michael - this is a student who came to Moscow from Adler. It’s hard to act in a sitcom, since filming goes on almost non-stop, and free time happens only closer to night. In the series "Univer" Ararat worked with such actors as Maria Kozhevnikova, Andrey Gaidulyan, Vitaly Gogunsky and others.

Personal life of Ararat Keshchyan

Ararat is currently filming a lot; due to the lack of free time, it sometimes seems to him that if nothing changes, life can pass with the script in his hands. Like anyone to a normal person, he wants to visit theaters, cinema, meet friends. There was a time when he tried to read fiction during breaks between filming, but soon realized that nothing would come of it. With constant lack of sleep and emerging chronic fatigue The actors have only one desire - to sleep.

Ararat has no thoughts about working in his specialty. He likes acting profession, and he would like to stay in it as much as possible. The plans are to open a cafe or restaurant so that there is a business that constantly generates income. This would make it possible to do what you love and not have to worry about whether it is profitable or not. But for now there are only intentions.

Another dream is to have two houses: one where it would be good for his family to live, and the second in the place where he will work. Ararat prefers not to plan her birthday, like many other holidays. He believes that in this case they turn out boring; improvisation is preferable for him.

Ararat Keshchyan today

Keshchyan has been in Moscow for many years, but he doesn’t feel like a Muscovite. In his words, he simply adapted to life in the capital. His homeland is where he feels comfortable - Abkhazia, Sochi.

According to the actor, he is currently going through a difficult period, he feels that changes are taking place in him, which he himself does not really like. It is important for him to preserve all the good things that were invested in him by his parents. Ararat says that Moscow, television, Univer - all this “tears” his personality.

Keshchyan’s favorite type of recreation is diving. He likes to float in zero gravity, immersed in the ocean. The unusual, complete silence under water is also attractive. After a noisy city, such rest is medicine and salvation.

The actor was married from 2007 to 2010. In 2010, Ararat announced that he was divorced and that his heart was no longer free. At the very beginning of 2013, Keshchyan married again. His chosen one is Ekaterina Shepeta.

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