Star of the group "Nepara" Victoria Talyshinskaya: My husband cheated on me for many years. Alexander Shoua: all about the secret romance and personal life “Nepara Group Nepara Alexander Shoua biography

The soloist of the duet “Nepara” showed “TN” the house in which she lives with her husband and one-and-a-half-year-old daughter Varvara, and told why she does not show the child’s face to fans and what diet is best for weight loss.

- We began to live in this country house permanently only after the birth of our daughter Varya. Before that, we lived in Moscow, and came here on weekends: we invited guests, had barbecues and enjoyed life in every possible way. Of course, I had to get used to suburban life, because now I have to travel much longer to Moscow for filming and concerts. But there are more positive aspects: Varya walks on fresh air, around the Christmas tree, pine, birds, squirrels. And when you get tired of spending time in family circle, we go by car to the nearest cafe and meet our neighbors there. Varya meets her peers, learns that there are other small children in the world, establishes contact with them, communicates with the animator - all this usually goes on cheerfully and positively.

People who moved to Vacation home, sooner or later they begin to think that it would be nice to plant a vegetable garden under the windows and plant tomatoes or even potatoes there. Haven't you noticed this yet?

We are people who are not very adapted to village life, a vegetable garden near the house was never planned. For vegetation, we have enough trees on the site.

- With Varya’s arrival, did you have to redo the layout of the house?

No, he was perfect for Varya. We bought the house ready-made. We looked for a long time - it’s difficult to find housing that would suit us in all respects. But now we are happy. The only thing we wanted to finish was to fence off the stairs to the second floor to protect the girl. But our daughter turned out to be so flexible that she doesn’t even try to walk on her own yet. We explained to her that it was unsafe. There was a moment when she realized this, and since then she has only walked by the hand.

With such a belly - and to the other end of the world

- Vika, did you work during pregnancy?

I worked until the eighth month. Going on maternity leave had never even occurred to me before. Firstly, all our musicians, if I were on vacation, would sit without concerts; I couldn’t afford to do that. And secondly, pregnancy was easy for me. At first, however, I was afraid that Varya inside me would somehow worry and be nervous because of the loud music. But she responded well to our concerts. As my position became noticeable, the love and care of the audience increased, and they treated me with great warmth. And I enjoyed working. In the seventh month I starred in a video, then flew to a concert in Nice - then they let me on the plane with great difficulty. It turns out that airlines have an order not to allow long-term women on board. Each time they need to show a certificate.

For this reason, by the way, I went on maternity leave in the eighth month - I could have worked longer. But the fact is that my husband Vanya and I decided to give birth in Miami and later I simply would not have been accepted on board.

- How did you manage to plan everything?

We must give Vanya credit: he organized everything very meticulously. I rented an apartment in advance - it was comfortable, on the ocean shore, I prepared a car, paid for the clinic, and from my doctor in Moscow I smoothly moved on to a local doctor, who guided me until the birth.

- Was your husband present at the birth?

Vanya’s presence at the birth was also discussed in advance. In general, he could have missed this event - not all fathers want to be near their wives at this moment. But since everything was spelled out in the contract - a separate room, and the presence of my husband and mother at the birth - we discussed everything, and Vanya decided that he would be with me in such important moments for both of us. Mom, by the way, was also there, but during the birth itself she went out into the corridor; for her it turned out to be an overwhelming test. Mom was generally afraid of this idea - to fly so far. When my husband announced that we would give birth in America, my mother tried to dissuade us: “Vika, where are you going with such a belly to the other side of the world!” But everything turned out very well in the end. Vanya showed himself to be a caring father - he quickly mastered the science of changing diapers, and could feed Varya and rock him to sleep.

- When did you return to Moscow?

A month after giving birth. On December 2, I flew from there with Varya, and on December 3 I already had a concert. But in general, with the appearance of Varya, my tour and concert life has changed. Previously, we could tour for two months without visiting home. Now I can't afford to be away for so long. I’m parting with Varya for a maximum of two weeks.

With my husband Ivan in a room on the second floor

And Varya listens to “The cherries are ripe...”

- As far as I know, Varya has already been to your concert?

Yes. On March 8, we played a concert in Moscow, and I wanted Varya to see me on stage. Of course, we were worried how everything would go, how my daughter would react to loud music and a full hall of strangers. But she had a wonderful rest, spent the entire concert in the arms of the nanny, and in the finale the nanny went up on stage with her so that Varya could hand me flowers. My group partner Alexander Shoua, however, said how nice it is to receive a bouquet from your own child. At that moment, the nanny and Varya were already leaving the stage, and the audience did not have time to photograph the girl.

Varya loves my music, but doesn’t listen to it often: I don’t play my own songs at home - it would look somehow strange. And her favorite hit now is a musical toy, which, when you press a key, plays the song “The cherries are ripe in Uncle Vanya’s garden.” The girl is ready to listen to this all day long.

-What does she like to play?

Varya is a businesslike and active girl. Enjoys doing exercises. One of the adults turns on the music and shows her the exercises, she repeats, lifts her arms and legs. She is well-mannered and obedient, she does not cry over trifles, only about business. She doesn't like to bully, she loves being read to. Knows all the animals, knows which of them says what. And Varya amusingly pronounces my partner’s name. “Who sings with mom in the group “Nepara”?” - I ask. “Sasha Oua,” she says confidently.

- Does it make it easy for you to go on tour?

So far it's easy. Separation from mother is not yet a tragedy. Yes, every morning she asks: “Where is mom?” - but is quite satisfied with the answer that mom is at work. Moreover, at this moment she is surrounded by her beloved people - dad, grandmother, nanny. She does not feel any acute longing for her mother. And if she’s bored, my friends quickly arrange a Skype session with her. I talk to my daughter, tell her what I’m doing, ask what she’s doing. Our dad also works a lot, but he doesn’t disappear for so long. Every evening he plays with his daughter - runs with her, carries her on his back, does somersaults. Varya loves such extreme games and enjoys flying in her dad’s arms.

Your life is now divided between work and time spent with your child. There is no third. Doesn't this bother you?

What could be bothering me about this? This is the perfect balance - when you have a job you love and a family you love. If I sat at home around the clock for several years, perhaps I would suffer from such confinement, and I would like to be free - to people, to travel. But I have enough of all this at work. And Varya is a long-awaited child. I don’t get tired of communicating with her, on the contrary, I miss it. Therefore, I perceive every day with her as happiness.

5 extra kilos left to reach goal

- Recovery after childbirth is a difficult process for most women. How do you deal with this?

Not easy. I was not one of those fairies who get into shape after leaving the hospital and pump up their abs on the second day after giving birth. What I typed excess weight, was unexpected for me - I have never had any problems with this, rather, on the contrary, I have been underweight. One day we went on a two-month tour: 54 cities, 56 concerts and only two days off. When I returned, I looked at myself in the mirror and was horrified. I weighed 48 kilograms! And this is with a height of 175 centimeters. Relatives asked me if my health was good. My ideal weight has always been 55 kilograms. If I weighed less, I didn’t like myself and didn’t feel very good. And now I'm trying to lose what I gained during pregnancy. And I’m surprised to notice: people judge me because my figure has changed. And in my opinion, recovery after childbirth is natural process in organism. Now I’m working on myself, I’ve lost 5 kilograms, I still have five more to lose.

- How do you achieve this?

Nothing special: diet and sports. To be honest, I don’t particularly like to exercise, but I force myself three times a week. I have a wonderful coach - a ballerina, former soloist Bolshoi Theater. She approached our training process creatively and created an individual plan for me that suits me. I enjoy working out with her.

- What diet are you on?

I tried a lot of diets before finding one that worked. I chose two. The first is aimed at cleansing the body. Its basis is vegetable soup, which contains a lot of celery, bell pepper, cabbage, onion. Every day I eat it without fail large quantities, for variety I add some other product to it. For example, the first day of the week is soup and vegetables, the second is soup and fruits, the third is soup and rice, the fourth is soup and 400 grams of lean beef, and so on. And the second diet is to eat only buckwheat without salt for a week. You can add a spoon to it olive oil, a drop of soy sauce, maybe chicken broth and a piece of boiled chicken breast. But nothing more is possible. These restrictions are more difficult to maintain, but they work well. I'm moving towards my goal - gradually, not very quickly, but I'm going. And I believe that sooner or later I will achieve my goal.

Victoria Talyshinskaya

Family: husband - Ivan, restorer; daughter - Varvara (1.5 years old)

Education: graduated from the variety department of GITIS

Career: at the age of 14 she participated in the program “ morning Star", 2 years later she became a soloist of the Lechaim Theater. In 2002, paired with Alexander Showa started perform in the duet "Nepara". The group has released 3 albums and more than 10 video clips, the group was the winner of the “Song of the Year” award and twice the “Golden Gramophone” award.


Photo by Arsen MEMETOV

The work of the Nepara group can be fully characterized by the name of one of their main hits - “Cry and See”. They sing songs about love, the appearance of which usually greatly complicates the lives of the characters. Love, like the performers of songs about it, can be very different. “Nepara” is best at singing about the feelings of adults who have gone through a lot, but are still in search of their happiness.

The brutal half of the Nepara group, represented by Alexander Shoua, was born in Sukhumi. The future singer studied piano in his homeland, but did not graduate from music school due to the military conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia in the early 1990s. Showa left his homeland and ended up in Moscow, where he first worked as a grocery store loader.

The musical path nevertheless took its toll, and Alexander, after numerous part-time jobs as a session vocalist and keyboard player, met Victoria Talyshinskaya. So in 2002 the duet “Nepara” appeared. Alexander wrote the words and music, and a year later they released their debut album, “Another Family.” It received platinum status and remains to this day the most striking achievement of the duo.

“Nepara” is interesting because it stands out from the general range of performers in Russian show business. They do not create scandals and give almost no reasons for getting into the whirlpool of gossip columns.

In 2006, the group released its second studio album- “All over again...” Critics greeted him ambiguously. For example, it was noted that the number of passable compositions was excessive even for the Russian pop scene. In the song “Seasonal” they found a fragment similar to ditties, the source of inspiration for which was the work of Yuri Khoy.

The third and last album of the duet “Doomed/Betrothed” to date was released in 2009. In 2012, the group broke up due to Alexander Shoua’s desire to start solo career. However, already in next year“Nepara” found the strength to reunite and continue joint creativity. Instead of recording albums, the performers concentrated on individual hits and videos for them, resulting in the songs “A Thousand Dreams”, “No Matter”, “Favorite People” and others.

Nepara spent the end of March and beginning of April 2017 on tour. True, the duo is not currently counting on large venues and audiences of many thousands. His concerts usually take place in small clubs in the capital or cultural centers in the regions.

Bonus for the most persistent. Yes, the members of the Nepara duet had a romantic relationship for some time. They themselves admitted this in 2013. But this did not last long, and now Victoria Talyshinskaya is married to painting restorer Ivan Salakhov, to whom she gave birth to a daughter, Varvara, on October 29, 2016.

While studying at school, Victoria was a participant music group. Later she will become one of the vocalists of the patriotic ensemble "Granada". The group toured the Union and even went to concerts in Cuba. After this, Talyshinskaya realized that music was her calling. Two years later she entered the school. Gnessins and began to develop vocal abilities.

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The famous member of the Nepara duet Victoria Talyshinskaya was born in Moscow on April 8, 1977. Father, Valery Evgenievich Belsky, is a descendant of the famous noble family, works for a real estate company. Mom, Larisa Nikolaevna, was a housewife. The parents tried to instill in the girl a love of dancing and music. At the age of 6, she began attending ballet school, and adults hoped for a wonderful future for their daughter. But literally two years later, Vika did not live up to expectations. She didn't want to study classical ballet and failed the exam performance in choreographic school. In parallel with her studies, Victoria Valerievna in 1991 decided to take part in the “Morning Star” program, popular in the 90s. Future stars performed on this stage Russian stage. Vika did well in the rounds and made it to the finals of the competition, receiving 2nd place, losing to participant Dmitry Dankov. Talyshinskaya was awarded a prize from the hands of presenter Yuri Nikolaev audience choice and became popular among millions of TV viewers. Then the girl continued to develop her vocals in Gnesinka and little by little began performing at different music venues. The final exams at the school in 1993 were a wonderful event for Vika. I saw her talent artistic director Jewish theater "Lechaim" and invited the young singer to play a role in theatrical production. Thus, Victoria Talyshinskaya became one of the heroines of Sholom Aleichem’s legendary work “Wandering Stars”. For almost two years she delighted the audience with her performances and made an excellent impression. But still, the young actress dreamed of becoming a singer. And in 1995, she successfully passed the exams for the variety department of RATI (GITIS). The stunning compositions of the Nepara group have delighted listeners for many years. Their songs were constantly played on radio and television. And a duet formed at a birthday party popular singer Lada Dance. Each of the guests had to sing some song for the hero of the occasion. Victoria approached the young musician Alexander and offered to perform a duet. And so a friendship began between the two artists. In 2002, the musical group “Nepara” made its first appearance on stage. The guys immediately won the hearts of listeners and became popular. The press was also interested in their relationship. The first composition “Another Reason” took the top line of the hit parade. The following songs suffered the same fate. The songs “Cry and See”, “God Invented You”, “They have known each other for a long time” were heard in every home, radio and television broadcasts could not do without the voices of the duet. Critics appreciated the creations, noting the melody and deep meaning of the lyrics. In addition to excellent songs, there was another reason for the public's interest. For a long time wondered: “Nepara” – is it a couple in love or just friends? Curiosity was fueled by the lyrics of the compositions and the ardent glances of the guys. The singers kept the press in the dark for a long time and personal life didn't say a word. But everything stopped suddenly, the duo broke up. Alexander Shoua went abroad, returned after a while and began a solo career. But soon, in 2012, he decided to re-organize the group with Victoria, and the couple performed on stage, performing the song “Clouds”. Opinion music critics diverged. Some considered the song to be just another hit, while others pointed to the mossy nature of the composition and the loss of professionalism by composer Showa.

Personal life

Victoria was officially married twice. Also in student years married businessman Eldar Talyshinsky, who was much older than the seventeen-year-old girl. The couple lived only a few years and filed for divorce. Vika inherited sonorous surname. The second marriage took place with Stas Chepurov, who was always spoken of as a person with a dubious reputation. He got into an unpleasant situation with a large loan and sold her car secretly from his wife.

The union was dissolved, Victoria Talyshinskaya became free again. Interest yellow press for the duet “Nepara” still hasn’t dried up. Journalists are trying to guess whether there was a relationship between Vika and Sasha, whether there is joint child. Only once did Alexander open up to the press about his relationship with his stage colleague. As it turned out, there really was a relationship, but the guys agreed to carefully hide their love. While the couple was burning with passion for each other, the duet was a tremendous success and the songs written by the loving composer were very popular. But over time, discord and conflicts began. The lovers lost interest in each other, but continued to portray a complete idyll on stage. It was then that the first breakup of the musical group occurred. The second “coming” of “Nepara” was no longer dictated by matters of the heart. Alexander was officially married at that time, and the guys worked like old friends. Victoria Talyshinskaya has been repeatedly included in the list of the most enviable brides.

In 2014, Victoria began to go out with painting restorer Ivan Salakhov, the son of the famous Azerbaijani artist Tair Salakhov and the brother of the equally famous gallery owner Aidan Salakhova. A year later, Victoria married him, and on October 29, 2016, she gave birth to a daughter, Varvara. Moreover, the singer worked until the 7th month of pregnancy, and at the 8th month she flew away to prepare for childbirth in Miami. Just a month after giving birth, she returned to performing.

Now Victoria lives outside the city with her husband and daughter, diligently combining the role of mother and singer in the duet “Nepara”.

Their duet has always stood out on the Russian stage. He is courageous, with piercing green eyes, she is airy, fragile, tender, it seems that she is about to disappear. In one word: “Nepara”. A few months ago the group released the song “In the Clouds”. Since then there has been silence. The group's lead singer, Victoria Talyshinskaya, told our reporter about her personal life and what happened in the popular group.

The first thought that arises when you see Victoria Talyshinskaya: She is even more beautiful in real life than on screen. The eyes alone are worth it: dark brown with thick, long eyelashes. The singer sits down and takes out a funny glass jar from her bag. I couldn’t help but wonder what was there, maybe miraculous herbs?

“There’s just water there,” Victoria laughs. – I have a habit: before eating, take a sip of water. This is probably why my mother, knowing this, placed coasters for glasses of water in my apartment. But these are not the only changes that have occurred in my home over the past Lately. We have finally completed the second half of the apartment! They tore down the wall between the kitchen and the living room, and a second bedroom appeared. I hope in the future it will become a children's one.

My mother was entirely responsible for all the rearrangements - after all, I’m on tour all the time. I wanted to offer her help, but she refused, saying that she gets great pleasure from remodeling my apartment. To keep track repair work, mom just needs to take a couple of steps: a few years ago we bought her a home in the same house as me. Previously, she lived with her mother, my grandmother, in a house on Frunzenskaya Embankment. When my grandmother passed away, it became unbearable for my mother to be alone all the time. We sold that apartment, although without renovation, it would have cost an astronomical sum, and bought my mother another one, next door to me. So now I am always under my mother’s watchful eye.

– I can’t help but ask, did you and Alexander have an affair?

“I was,” Victoria laughs, “I was, I’ll finally admit it!” But that's a thing of the past. Previously, I read comments from fans on the Internet, saying, why did Sasha captivate me, because he is far from handsome. And I have never had stereotypes about appearance: if a person attracts me, then it doesn’t matter what he is: fat or thin, long or not. I am more wary of handsome men who, passing by the mirror, strive to admire themselves.

– I wonder how you and Sasha got along, because you are both leaders by nature.

– Yes, we often had disagreements, but we always found a consensus both personally and musically. Although Sasha could often hit the table with his fist and declare: “I said so, so it will be so!” But I’m not a quiet mouse either. Therefore, our battles took place regularly. Sometimes we met before a concert and didn’t even say hello to each other. But everything happened on stage.

– How did you manage to remain friends after your love story ended?

– I can’t say that we remained friends. We are more like stage partners, but nothing more. Of course, after a breakup, it is better not to see your loved one for some time so that the wounds heal. Sasha and I met constantly, we had to go on tour and even sing songs about unhappy love. This is probably why our songs touched the hearts of the audience so much.

– Has Alexander now found happiness in his personal life?

– As far as I know, he is not married. He has a daughter, Maya, from his first marriage, she is now 13 years old. She is very talented and beautiful girl. Maya even went on tour with us several times. But he doesn’t seem to plan to follow in his dad’s footsteps.

– She probably loves to visit your house, because you collect dolls: that’s where a girl’s freedom lies!

– I don’t collect classic dolls, but unusual ones. For example, I put together a collection of “mock dolls” by designer Polina Voloshina. I have three shelves allocated for them. There are five pieces on each. These dolls are teenage girls, angular, with elongated limbs. Perhaps only I like them. When my goddaughter comes, she wrinkles her nose: “They’re very ugly, do you have a Barbie?” But I don’t even have Barbie.

- Isn’t it because you collect them because you yourself adolescence were you unhappy with yourself?

– I never considered myself beautiful, I was never successful with boys. She was too thin and angular. Even working already in modeling agency, I had complexes about my height: I’m only 175 centimeters. At castings I was even advised to add two centimeters to my profile. So I didn’t have delusions of grandeur about my appearance.

“But they were probably considered one of the boys.”

– I have always had more friends among men. And when I worked at the Jewish musical and drama theater “Leikham”, and then in the group “Nepara” - there were nine men there and I was alone. But the guys didn’t treat me like a princess; on the contrary, they called me “our little brother.”

– I will never believe that you didn’t have a passionate romance in your life!

– Yes, it seems to me that I have actually loved three times in my life. I had a passionate affair with a Spaniard. We met in Spain. This is where passions boiled and sparks sparkled! I was ready to give up everything for him: college, country - everything! Having no doubt that my beloved would accept and support me, I even found out about working in Spain. But the man, apparently, was afraid of responsibility and began to distance himself from me in every possible way. His behavior, of course, cooled my ardor. And when my beloved wrote a month later: “I’ve thought about everything, come!”, I was already burned out. And she wrote him a letter: “When happiness is given to you, you must grab it right away!” He wrote to me for a long time afterwards, but it was already... irrelevant.

– Irrelevant because you met your husband Eldar?

- This is the first man I loved. Now I think if he were my relative - uncle or brother - it would be great. He was much older than me, but looked very young. Even almost until the wedding I thought that he was much more less years than it actually turned out to be. I was very surprised when I found out his age. Noticing my bewilderment, Eldar asked: “Does this really change anything? Have you started treating me differently?”

- Why did you break up?

- Firstly, it was an early marriage. Moreover, his friends did not perceive me as an equal. To them I was a little girl. I recently asked him what he saw in me then. After all, at the age of eighteen, apart from naivety and good looks, I had nothing.

– Did you meet Sasha when you were married to Eldar?

– Yes, my husband and I were at a friend’s birthday party in a club, where Sasha was on stage singing songs by Eros Ramazzotti, my favorite singer at that time. Friends insisted that we sing with him. So during the evening I went on stage with him several times, they asked me: “Vika, sing, you do it so well!” After the banquet, Sasha and I talked and decided to perform together at corporate events - to cover world hits. But then the producer saw us and decided to make the Nepara group. They tried to make us Russian version Al Bano and Romina Power. That’s what they told us: “You must work in contrast. Let Sasha “sausage”, and you should be the personification of tenderness and femininity, sing in a subtone.” I obeyed the producers - I did everything as they told me.

– Eldar, as far as I understand, was not against your work. It would seem that you can live and be happy, but you decided to divorce him...

– To put it mildly, my husband loved and probably still loves the female sex too much. Loves him too much. And this despite the fact that for him I was a queen. But I know myself, I can’t put up with cheating. At some point I just got tired of them. He, of course, tried to hold me back. Soon we decided to try to be together again. But at some point I realized that my feelings for him had changed. I began to perceive and love him as a relative, and not as a man. The love between a man and a woman has left the family. This is probably why we broke up: the loss of love was my main complaint against him.

– Eldar was your first love, who are the others?

“Only I know about this, those men who were nearby, the one who is nearby now.


Victoria Talyshinskaya, 35 years old. From the age of six she studied choreography, and from the age of 10 she joined the patriotic song ensemble “Grenada” and participated in “Morning Star”.

In 2002 she created with Alexander Showa duet"Nepara".

She was married to businessman Eldar Talyshinsky. Have no children.

In 2002 domestic musical Olympus was replenished with another group with a rather extraordinary name “Nepara”. And indeed, looking at these guys, completely different in character, spirit, habits, it’s difficult to call them a couple...

The names of these two talented individuals– Alexander Shoua and Victoria Talyshinskaya. Alexander was born in the city of Sukhumi in December 1973. Studied at music school. But the political situation forced Sasha to go to Moscow to earn money in order to somehow make ends meet. He did not refuse any work, he worked as a loader. But soon fate brought the artist together with the Aramis group, where he began to work on arrangements and backing vocals. Victoria Talshinskaya was born in April 1977 in Moscow. She worked as a model for some time and studied ballet since childhood.

In 2002 took place fateful meeting These two people founded the duet “Nepara”. Already with their first songs they conquer the hearts of the public, bringing with them a new original genre - adult lyrics for people who have already seen and experienced a lot in life, people over thirty. Their ballads about other people's families, unrequited love, separation and living away from each other found many fans among the masses. After all, they sing about something that is so familiar to many.

In 2003 The duo’s first album, “Another Family,” was released, which immediately began to be sold out in large numbers in stores. The songs “They have known each other for a long time” and “Another reason” instantly become popular and take first place in the ratings.

In 2006 the team prepared the second album “All over again”, which also left no one indifferent. By that time, their work and personal life were discussed by many, because they were shrouded in secrecy. Are they a couple, do they live together and what is their relationship like? And the artists themselves constantly stirred up the public’s interest, either with hot embraces on stage or with new rumors about their romances.

year 2009 became the year of birth of the artists’ next album, “Doomed/Betrothed,” which is filled with sincerity, romance and soulful songs about the torment and experiences of lovers. Alexander sometimes uses some disco elements in the arrangements of their songs, which bring innovation, freshness and originality to their style. And most importantly, they touch the soul. Listeners are delighted with this performance. They have found their niche in which they remain in demand and desired by the public.

But, despite the success of the project, it ceased to exist not so long ago. His ideological inspirer Alexander Shoua decided to start a solo career. As he says, the duo has outlived its usefulness and it is necessary to move on.

And finally the long-awaited clip

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