Famous Armenian names. Male Armenian names and meanings - choosing the best name for a boy

09 Mar 2017 - 16:27

Armenian names are usually divided into 5 categories:

by parents,
by geography,
by occupation or
By distinctive feature person.

Armenian names and surnames, due to the influence of the Armenian diasporas different countries, are unusually diverse. Among the Armenians one can find not only native Armenian, but also Persian, Arab, Turkic, Slavic, Old Testament, Eastern Christian, Western christian names and etc.

Ա - A

Abgar (Աբգար)- according to some sources, “Abgar” is the name of the title of a number of rulers of the Kingdom of Edessa. Spread of the name in Armenian people associated with Abgar V Ukkama, who gained fame through apocryphal correspondence with Jesus Christ. According to Moses of Khoren, Abgar Ukkama came from an Armenian family and marked the beginning of the Christianization of Armenia.

Stepan, Stepanos goes back to ancient Greek. Στέφανος (stephanos) - “wreath, crown, crown, diadem”

Վ - B

Vahagn (Վահագն)- in ancient Armenian mythology, a hero-snake fighter.

Vagan- shield

Vagharshak- the omnipresent Sun

Vahe (Վահե)- strong; hardy

Vaginak, Vahinak (Վաղինակ)- solar warrior

Vahram, Vakhram (Վահրամ)- the swiftness of a tiger

Vazgen- descendant of the king (gr.)

Vanush (Վանուշ)

Varazdat- gift from heaven

Vardan, Vartan (Վարդան)- There are several versions of the origin of the name Vardan. Most often they believe that the name is Armenian, but they differ in the interpretation of its translation. Some believe that Vardan is male version named Vardanush, which means “voluptuous rose”. Others believe that the name comes from the name of the elite part of the Armenian clergy - the so-called Vardapet monks, so the name is translated as “reward”.

Vardkes- King (lion) of the country

Varuzhan- born to be a protector

Vaspurak- from the name of the ancient region of Armenia Vaspurakan (noble country)

Vakhtang (Վախթանգ) - comes from Persian "wolf body"

Vachagan (Վաչագան) - from Persian "cub, youth"

Vigen- from the Latin Vincent "conquering, victorious."

Vrezh (Վրեժ)- revenge

Vruir (Վրույր)

Տ - T

Taron (Տարոն)- Taron is one of the main historical centers of Armenia. According to legend, the ancient Armenians named the region Taron in honor of one of the descendants of Noah Torgom.

Tatul (Թաթուլ) - big-armed, handy

Tigran (Տիգրան)- from the Armenian “big spear” knight, king

Tonakan (Տոնական)- festive

Tonapet ( Տ ոնա պ ետ) - lord of the holiday, master of the holiday

Trdat (Տրդատ)- names of several kings of Great Armenia from the Arsacid dynasty

Ր - P" (lung)

Raffi (Րաֆֆի)- comes from the Hebrew “(רפאל) “God (El) heal. He is God who heals.”

Ց - C

Tsakan (Ցական)

Tsolak (Ցոլակ) - With sparkling eyes

Փ - P" (approx.)

Fanos- from ancient Greek. "immortal"

Paylak (Փայլակ) - brilliant

Ք - K" (approx.)

Kaj (Քաջ)- brave

Kajaz (Քաջազ)

Kadzhik (Քաջիկ)- brave man

Kochar (Քոչար)

Krist (Քրիստ) - short for Christ

Օ - O

Ogan (Օհան)- fiery

Ֆ - F

Frunze (Ֆրունզե)

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A child's life is often accompanied by disputes, if not between mom and dad, then certainly between parents and grandparents. To the great surprise of others and big problems in the future of the kids common sense does not always win these disputes, and in the passports of already adult men and women you can find intricate names - Tractors and Tractors, Venuses, Idylls, Poles, Electrons and others. What about their children with such unusual middle names?

When choosing a name, not the least important thing is fashion trends to certain names, as well as nationality, religious views (after all, not every name is accepted by the church) and even the year and month of the child’s birth.

Armenian names are gaining popularity among the Russian population

Armenian ones have been quite popular over the past few years. The most popular names The most popular among boys are David and Arthur, followed by Armen and Eric, less popular are Tigran, Hayk, Andranik, Hakob, Vardan, Grigor, Sarkis, Hovhannes, Horus and Narek. Popular names for girls are Anna, Milena, Helen, Ani, Lusine, Lilith, Mirian and Anahit.

At the same time, borrowed names enjoy considerable popularity among Armenians. Boys are often called Rafaels, Alberts, Alannas, Alexs, Michaels and Zhors, and girls are often called Lilies, Monicas, Suzannes, Nellies and Victorias.

Armenian boy names are more popular among the Russian-speaking population than any other names of national minorities. True, for Christians it is imperative to clarify whether such a name is in the directory of church names, so that, despite the origin of the name, the baptism of the child takes place without problems, or else the baby will have to be baptized under a different name.

Origin of Armenian names

Armenians are divided into 5 groups. They are characterized by titles, occupation, parents, geography and identifying characteristics of the person.

There is another classification of names. According to her, the names come from:

  • names of ancient Armenian gods: Hayk is the supreme deity, Ara is the sun god, Vahagn is the god of thunder and lightning, and Anahit is the goddess of love and fertility;
  • biblical names: David, Solomon;
  • names of kings: Ashot, Artashes, Tigran, Artavazd, Parandzem;
  • names of famous commanders: Gevorg, Vardan, Mushegh;
  • country names: Hayastan;
  • names precious stones: Almast - from a diamond, Goar - from a diamond, Satenik - from amber, Margarit - from pearls;
  • names of celestial bodies: Arev is the name for the sun, Lusin is the moon, and Astghik is the star;
  • names of expensive fabrics: Metaxia means silk;

  • names of holidays: Navasard is named in honor of the New Year, Harutyun - in honor of the resurrection, Ambartsum - the ascension, and Avetis - the good news;
  • names of plants: Shushan - this is the name of the lily, Manushak - violet, Hasmik - jasmine, Mehak - carnation, and Ward - rose;
  • names of animals: Minas - fish, Agavnik - dove;
  • names of sacred totems: Nargiz, Tsakhik, Garnik:
  • items various concepts: Gekhetsik means beauty, Erdzhanik - happiness, Paytsar - clarity, Mkhitar - consolation, Arshaluys - dawn, Haykaz - unity, Artem - the path to truth, Arthur - the light of truth, Ashot - the hope of the world;
  • names of signs of a person’s appearance and his character: Patvakan means venerable, Zarmair - noble, Ara - noble, Argam - worthy, Zhirayr - lively, Azat - free, Arsen - noble warrior, Mushegh - excellent, Spartak - liberator, Saro - strong, Apaven - support, Shmavon - peace-loving, Yar - beloved, Vigen - strong, powerful, Rachia is translated as fiery eyes, and Agasi is an unshakable mountain.

How do Armenians choose names?

The Armenians believed that a name could influence the fate and character of a person and therefore they approached its choice very responsibly. All Armenian names meaningful, euphonious and melodic.

Among the Armenian names there are many Persian, Arabic, Turkic, Slavic, Old Testament and other names.

During times Soviet Union Armenians began to often use Russian-language names, especially in their diminutive distorted forms: Zhora, Valod, Yurik, Serozh, Alyosha, as well as Western European ones: Edward, Robert, Henry, Hamlet, Juliet, Flora. Appeared among the Armenians and Persian names: Abraham, Gurgen, Suren, Movses, Khosrov. During the same period, children were often called by their first and last names famous people. This is how the Thälmanns, Karls, Engels, Roosevelts, Frunzes and Kamos appeared. But when children with such names grew up, many of them decided to change their name.

Many Armenian names are suitable for both men and women: Arshaluys, Erdzhanik, Hayastan, Nubar, Grachia. Some names are found in both feminine and male uniform: Arman - Armanui, Anushavan - Anush, Vard - Vardui.

Armenian voices for both boys and girls are very beautiful in sound, and although their pronunciation causes surprise among others, it attracts attention. Name your children beautifully!

All Armenian names can be divided into national and borrowed; both groups of names are widespread and popular in the modern world.

National names come from the names of mountains and lakes, planets and constellations (Areg, Khoren), precious stones and various holidays (Harutyun), and are also the names of Armenian pagan gods(Hayk, Vahagn, Ara), great kings (Ashot, Tigran, Artavazd, Artashes) and famous commanders(Vardan, Gevorg).

Borrowed names most often include the names of common Christian saints(David, Solomon), as well as Russian names that became popular among Armenians during the existence of the USSR (Valod, Yurik, Serozh).

What is modern naming for a boy based on?

Currently, Armenian names are distinguished by a wide variety, touching on both the thousand-year-old national history with all its rich culture, and paying tribute to fashion and modernity. It is believed that a man’s name should carry the personification of the most beautiful human qualities, virtues, both external and internal, while possessing melody and euphony.

Armenians love and value their family very much, so boys are often named after their father, grandfather or great-grandfather, thus showing their warm affection and respect for their immediate family.

Also, focusing on modern fashion, many parents try to choose original names for their sons, distinguishing them from many others. The choice usually depends on the likely character traits, external signs of the baby, his health and his predicted well-being and happiness.

Most often, in addition to moms and dads, the whole family participates in the discussion of this issue.

List of beautiful ones in alphabetical order and their meaning

Most male Armenian names, the list of which you will see below, skillfully combine both deep meaning and pleasant sound. It is with such a huge variety of options that the difficulty of choosing arises. a suitable name for a child.

  • Azat- free, independent. The bearer of this name can be characterized as a very reliable, purposeful, respected in society and stable person.
  • Arman- brave, resilient. Arman is characterized by conscientiousness, honesty, and diligence; sensitive to the opinions of others.
  • Armen- warrior, Armenian man. This is purposeful and talented man endowed with leadership qualities.
  • Arsen- courageous, strong, fearless. The owner of this name is distinguished by determination, hard work and conscientiousness.
  • Artashes- striving for truth. A man who is independent in his decisions, confident in himself and his abilities, distinguished by some impulsiveness in his actions.
  • Ashot- the hope of this world. Strong, physically developed person with a mischievous character, touchy at times.
  • Bagrat- the joy of love. A born leader, he has a broad outlook and is able to carry on a conversation on any topic.
  • Barkhudar- worshiper of strength. An active person, a born optimist with pronounced administrative abilities.
  • Vahagn- omnipresent fire. A family man, he has high ideals of marriage and love, is indulgent and kind towards friends and relatives.
  • Vazgen- the light of sacred knowledge. A sincere, vulnerable person, who is characterized by slight uncertainty and shyness.
  • Vardan- reward. A perfect conformist, hiding a vulnerable soul behind external calm, is amorous and romantic.
  • Gagik– heavenly. Strives to achieve recognition and make friends; reliable, sincere and honest.
  • Nut- dawn. A family man, has self-esteem, good-natured.
  • Gevorg- farmer. An extraordinary personality with a complex character, distinguished by leadership inclinations.
  • Gore– formidable, proud. Sociable and cheerful, easily makes acquaintances, endowed with great patience.
  • David- giver of knowledge, beloved. Confident in his abilities, pragmatic, romantic, and has a good disposition.
  • Jeevan- a living, embodied soul. Optimistic and energetic nature, inclined to gather large companies around him; easily gains trust.
  • Zurab- divine, fragrant. A self-confident man, balanced and serious, has difficulties in communication due to the desire to hide his feelings.
  • Ilnur- light of the fatherland, light of the motherland. A person who is always on the move and capable of achieving his goals.
  • Karen- preacher, generous, magnanimous. Sociable, famous for being rich inner world, tends to hide his real feelings.
  • Levon- Lion is the king of the animals. The bearer of this name has a gentle disposition, attentiveness to others and sincerity.
  • Mher– sunny. This is a person who radiates optimism, is able to win the trust of others, and has leadership inclinations.
  • Mikael- similar to God. An amorous person with idealistic inclinations, he is distinguished by increased demands on others.
  • Narek- in honor of the holy city of ancient Armenia. creative person with developed intuition and a flexible character, he often falls into a pessimistic state.
  • Hovik- pardoned by God. The person is free and independent, resourceful and creative, and has a philosophical mindset.
  • Oganes– fiery. This man is characterized by optimism, activity and sincerity; he gets along well with people thanks to his ability to support any conversation.
  • Pogos- boy. A comprehensively developed personality, enjoys authority in society, loves and knows how to make friends.
  • Razmik- warrior. An active, cheerful person who inspires others with positive energy; does not give in to panic in extreme situations.
  • Raphael- God's healing. A persistent and emotional man, inclined to seek profit in everything.
  • Robert- brilliant, unfading glory. The bearer of this name is characterized by thoroughness, sensitivity, seriousness and good nature.
  • Ruben– red, bright, dazzling. Decent and reliable, the soul of the company and a hospitable host.
  • Samvel– heard by God. An energetic and powerful person, strives for stability, has excellent communication skills.
  • Sarkis- guardian. A very bright and pure person, he is characterized by kindness and creative thinking.
  • Suren– divine. Shows talent in the field of science, philosophy, art, and is endowed with the ability to understand people.
  • Tatul- father's joy. A man who strives for an easy and carefree life is thoughtful when choosing a companion.
  • Tigran- a tiger with the strength of a tiger. A broad nature, characterized by curiosity and emotionality, has good self-control.
  • Unan- golden face, sun. Unan has developed intuition and creative thinking; He is characterized by thriftiness with money.
  • Shavarsh- the power of the sun. A talented, intellectually developed person, a realist, prone to excessive impulsiveness.
  • Eric- like a ruler, an eternal ruler. A calm personality with a phlegmatic temperament, has a penchant for exact sciences.

Because the national history Armenians are quite complex; Armenian names are a peculiar mixture. You can meet Armenians with native Armenian names, and with Parthian names, and with Arabic, Greek, Slavic, and biblical names.

Most often, all Armenian names are divided into five categories: by parents, by occupation, by geography, by a person’s distinctive feature and titled names. It is also customary to distinguish the following layers of personal names of Armenians.

1. National names.
The group of national names includes the names of pagan Armenian gods and names derived from them, such as Hayk, Anahit, Vahagn. The group also includes the names of Armenian kings (Tigran, Ashot, etc.) and generals (Vardan, Gevorg, etc.).

2. Names formed from words of the Armenian language.
This group includes names derived from the names of stars and planets, precious fabrics and stones, and holidays. Such names include Arev (sun), Manushak (violet), Metaxia (silk) and others. A fairly large number of Armenian names come from descriptions of flora and fauna.

Such names, like all personal names derived from common nouns, were invented a very long time ago. In ancient times, a name was chosen in accordance with the qualities of a person or the desire to see these qualities in the future. Thus, names were given to people in a meaningful way. For example, the Armenian name Rachia suggests that its bearer has “fiery eyes,” and Zarmair means “noble man.” Many names are designed to reflect the internal and external virtues of the wearer. So, Zhirayr means “glib”, and Patvakan means “venerable”.

Many male names have the component “air” at the end, meaning the word “man”. This component is usually preceded by an adjective that describes the speaker. Similarly, many women's names end in "duht", translated meaning "daughter", and the father's name is placed at the beginning of the name. Thus, new names appear. For example, Vormizdukht or Aykandukht.

Names that include descriptions of flora and fauna objects arose from totems deified in ancient times. Such names include Garnik, Nargiz, Tsakhik, etc.

3. Borrowed names.
Such names include, in particular, the names of common Christian saints. For example, the names Solomon or David. As in other developed cultures, biblical names were somewhat changed in their own way. Thus, Johann became Hovaness among the Armenians, maintaining a sound close to the original. A number of Armenian names, although not biblical, still have religious meaning. Such names are translations of foreign religious names. For example, Khachatur – “sent down from St. Cross" or Arakel - "apostle".

A number of names were borrowed from Persian. For example, the name Suren. Many foreign names have changed, becoming familiar to the ears of Armenians.

Over the years of the existence of the USSR, Armenians began to call their children names from the Russian language. Diminutive forms of names were often borrowed. So, Armenians began to be called by the names Alyosha, Volodya, Zhora, Yurik. In those same years, names familiar to Western Europe. Among them were the names Henry, Edward, Hamlet and others. Also, first names and surnames have become popular as names among Armenians famous personalities. For example, Engels, Karl, Roosevelt and others. However, later the bearers of such unusual names began to change them to more familiar Armenian names.

A number of Armenian names can be worn by both men and women. Such names include Arshaluys, Hayastan, Erdzhanik and others. Some names have masculine and female form. For example, the male name Armen is female name Armenui.

In Armenia, the family name is still widely used. It is not mentioned in documents and is especially widespread outside cities. The family name is formed on the same basis as the surname, but in this case the nickname or occupation of the founder of the family is taken as the basis.

Many Armenians live outside Armenia, forming large diasporas. Under the influence of diasporas on the Armenian nation itself, first and last names are very diverse. You can find both native Armenian and Christian names. Surnames may be of Armenian, Turkic, Greek, Old Testament or Iranian origin.

Most surnames end with the endings “-yan” and “-yants”, which indicate that the bearer belongs to a particular family. For example, the surname Sarkisyan indicates belonging to the Sarkis family.

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Armenian names

Armenian male names and their meanings

Armenian male names

Abig– chanting


Avet, Avetik, Avetis- blessing, sacred Knowledge

Agasi- unshakable mountain

Azat- free


Hayk, Haykaz– unity


Hakob- May God help and protect

Amazonasp- a victorious defender

Hmayak– sincere

Ambartsum– ascension, luminous, sparkling in the sky


Ananias- one of a kind

Macaw– noble

Arakel- apostle, divine protector

Aram– noble


Argam– worthy

Argishti- worthy of love

Areg- Sun

Aristakes- holy protector

Armen, Armenak- spirit of the Aryans

Arsen- noble warrior

Artavazd, Artamazd– abode of truth

Artak- tending towards the sun

Artash, Artashes- one who strives for truth

Arthur– light of Truth

Artush- striving for light

Harutyun- Sunday

Arushan- sunny face

Arshavir– solar hero

Arshak- life-giving sun


Astvatsatur- sent by God


Ashot- hope of the world


Baghdasar- grace-filled power

Bagram– happiness of love

Bagrat– joy of love

Barseg– very influential

Vaan- shield, omnipresent

Vagharsh, Vagharshak- the omnipresent sun

Wagram- the swiftness of a tiger

Vazgen– light of knowledge

Vanik- merchant

Varazdat– gift of space

Vardan– reward

Vardvan– patriot, country loving

Wardges- king of the country

Varuzhan– born to be a protector

Vasak- light of eyes

Wahak- the omnipresent sun

Vakhinak– solar warrior

Vachagan- fiery speech

Vache- speech, word

Vigen- strong, powerful

Virab– hero-defender

Gagik– heavenly

Galust- appearance, arrival, coming to the house

Geregin– fire of knowledge

Garnik– lamb, sacrificial lamb led to the fire

Garsevan– fire worshiper

Gaspard- going to liberate

Gegham– home

Grant- holy book

Gurgen- sacred knowledge from spiritual teacher

David- giver of knowledge

Jeevan- living incarnate soul

Drakht- paradise

Egish- thirsty for power


Ervand- holy faith, holy veneration

Zhirayr- lively, lively

Zaven- well-mannered, humble

Zarmair- noble man

Zorair- a man endowed with strength

Zoriy- priest of the cult of the sun and fire

Zurab- divine, fragrant

Karapet- lord of the rays of the sun, sun

Karen- elephant

Kerop– solar arrow

Kikos– hard, resistant

Kirakos- chronicler


Mamikon- my


Markar- the path of the Aryans, the noble path

Martick– warrior

Mher– sunny

Melkon– greeting the sun

Melkum- greeting the dawn

Mesrop– moon arrow

Mehak- carnation

Mihran- sunny face

Minas- fish

Mkrtich– baptist

Mushegh- excellent


Nubar– praise

Ogan, Oganes, Ovanes– fiery

Parkev– reward, custom of libations (associated with sacrifice)

Partev- lord, king, warrior

Parunak– particle of God

Patwakan- dignity, honor from a young age, respectable

Petros- stone

Razmik– warrior

Rachia– creation, creation, fiery eyes



Sahak- the power of the sun

Saghatel- sign of power

Sako– divine


Sanasar- the power of eternity

Santur– sacred light

Sapakh- worshiper of God

Sargis– the power of nature

Saro- strong


Tatevos- the path of the ancestors

Tatos– paternal

Tatul- father's joy

Tyrant- sacred person

Hummock- pressure, energy

Trdat– gift of the gods

Unan- golden face, sun

Tendril– morning

Kharput– solar lotus

Khachatur- sent down by St. Cross

Khoren- Sun

Khosrow– throwing a victim into a stream of fire (associated with sacrifice)

Shavarsh- the power of the sun

Shmavon– peace-loving

Shushan- Beautiful


Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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