The meaning of the majestic name Azamat is fate, health and character. The meaning of the male name Azamat in Islam

In most interpretations, the meaning of the name Azamat comes down to the concepts of “majestic”, “glorious”, “worthy son of his fatherland”.

According to some legends, its homeland is Ancient Egypt of the pharaonic era and Ancient Greece. Traditionally, in these countries, this is what sons are called in many families even today.

This Muslim male name has influenced its bearer since childhood. The meaning of the name Azamat for a boy is manifested in his early understanding of the value of friendship. His sociability and resourcefulness allow him to be the center of attention of any company.

This is not the only meaning of the name Azamat for a child. A baby named so is often very independent, loves to make decisions and immediately tries to implement them.

He grows up energetic and cheerful, loves outdoor games and sports, and is extremely inquisitive. These features persist into older age.

The interpretation mentions confidence, strength and courage, as well as business qualities such as enterprise and reliability. Their downside is their temper and conflict, the desire to prove that they are right at any cost.


In his youth, for the so-called man, meeting the girl of his dreams means nothing less than the meaning of life. He is ready to devote a lot of time to the search for the ideal, however, without wasting it in vain and without getting bored alone.

Not being constant in his own feelings, he himself is quite jealous. At the same time, the ability to look after him beautifully and create an aura of romance makes him unusually attractive in the eyes of representatives of the opposite sex.


Over the years, idealistic dreams are replaced by a craving for comfort, both physical and psychological. For a mature young man, family means a place where home comfort and peace await.

He treats with tenderness and gratitude the woman who managed to give him the true warmth and light of the family hearth. Often she is called melodiously and affectionately: Emilia, Taisiya, Annastasia.

With the proud Tamara or the wayward Tatyana, the married boat runs the risk of getting caught in a storm too often, which will not have the best effect on its strength.

At the same time, calm, but cold and distant Zinaida is unlikely to be able to give her husband enough warmth, and besides, she will be boring with her “correctness”.

Business and career

Financial success is of great importance to Azamat; he purposefully moves towards it. The only thing that can turn out to be a serious obstacle is your own hot temper, lack of restraint, and restlessness.

The inability to balance desires and capabilities and the habit of making decisions rashly can serve a bad purpose. Monotonous work or a long-term project is not for him: as soon as the effect of novelty wears off, interest in the matter disappears. But he will cope with a difficult but interesting task better than anyone. At the same time, it will increase its professional authority among colleagues, which means a lot for ambition and self-esteem.

Initiative and an active life position are certainly strengths. Ingenuity allows you to find non-standard, at the same time, optimal solutions, and composure will not allow you to be taken by surprise.

Origin of the name Azamat

The origin of the name Azamat is subject to some controversy. Among the most popular opinions in scientific circles, where it came from, the Arabic version is in the lead. The verb "azama" is used to mean "to be powerful." Azim, whose name is “powerful,” is mentioned more than once in history. The consonant name of the fourth month only confirms this version.

The etymology refers to Turkish and Persian sources. In these languages ​​there is also the word “azamet” or “azamat”, derived from the same Arabic root, the meaning of which is “greatness”, “majesty”.

The mystery of the name is revealed a little thanks to the interpretation of the letters. Phonetic vibrations also contribute to the formation of personality.

M personifies altruism, sometimes to the detriment of personal interests. The presence of this letter in the full name indicates that its bearer should restrain his impulses so as not to harm himself.

The T value is responsible for search and creativity. This letter evokes the feeling that life is passing by, and you need to constantly rush to get everything done.

Characteristics of the name Azamat

As you can see, the characteristic turns out to be quite contradictory; it contains both pros and cons. On the one hand, Azamat looks like a typical good guy: kind, honest, sympathetic.

On the other hand, excessive emotionality complicates life. Sometimes he even has to slightly abstract himself from the outside world for the sake of peace of mind. A rich imagination helps balance internal contradictions.

Friendship is of great importance; it occupies one of the top levels in the value system. Delicacy, restraint in claims and willingness to help are sometimes mistaken by friends for shyness.

One of Azamat’s character traits is the attitude towards money according to the principle “easy comes, easy goes.” Often this is only a superficial impression: the reluctance to look like a beggar or a redneck in the eyes of friends sometimes overpowers common sense.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stones – sapphire, aquamarine, peridot, beryl, turquoise; metals – gold, copper magnet.
  • Azamat does not celebrate his name day, as it is not mentioned in church calendars. If he decides to convert to Orthodoxy, he takes a different name and celebrates his name day in accordance with the calendar.
  • Horoscope – Leo.

Famous people with the name Azamat

  • A. Nigmanov, theater and film actor, winner of the Kinotavr Award - for best actor in the film “Convoy” in 2012.
  • A. Tsavkilov, pop artist and musician, who combined ethnic and popular trends in his work.
  • A. Bishtov, dancer, singer, songwriter.
  • A. Akhtyamov, mathematician.
  • A. Kulmukhametov, diplomat, plenipotentiary ambassador of Syria.
  • A. Gumerov, football player, mini-football player.
  • A. Musagaliev, member of the KVN team “Kamyzyaka”.

Name Azamat in different languages

The most common translation of the name Azamat from Arabic sounds like “greatness”, “glory”. It is interesting to know how Azamat is translated from other languages: Kazakh “citizen” from azamattyk “citizenship”; Turkic “dashing daredevil”, “valiant horseman”, “good fellow”.

The translation from the ancient Circassian sounds like “genius”, in Greek it means “the look of a child”, in Chinese 阿茲別克, in Japanese アイデイン - this form of writing is used in documents for foreigners.

Name forms

  • Full name - Azamat.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Azat, Azik, Azam, Matt.
  • The declension of the name is Azamatu, with Azamat.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is not included in calendars. At baptism they will give you a different name, most likely based on your date of birth.

Synonyms for the name Azamat. Asamat.
Origin of the name Azamat. The name Azamat is Muslim, Kazakh.

The name Azamat has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Azamat is an Arabic male name, which comes from the Arabic verb “a`zama” (“to be powerful”). From this verb comes the adjective and proper name – “A`zim”, meaning “powerful”. Also among Muslims, Azamat is the fourth month of the Baha'i calendar.

In Turkish and Persian there is also the word “azamet” or “azamat”, derived from the same Arabic root, which translates as “greatness”, “majesty”. Pronunciation and spelling option - Asamat. This name can participate in the composition of two-part names - Asamatdin (“great faith”).

Azamat has a kind and honest character. He is very emotional and has a creative nature. He has developed intuition and a rich imagination. However, Azamat seems to be separated from the outside world, holding a perimeter defense. In a number of situations, Azamat strives, like an ostrich, to “hide his head in the sand.”

Azamat is a purposeful person, a seeker of truth, but he often makes decisions impulsively and thoughtlessly. However, he knows what he wants to achieve. Although he often does not balance his desires and capabilities. In business, Azamat takes an active position. This man is invaluable in difficult and extreme situations. He easily navigates them and quickly finds a way out. Azamat is difficult to confuse or take by surprise.

Long-term projects, on the contrary, are not Azamat’s strong point. He is eager to start and implement something, but very quickly loses interest in the matter. Thus, this man cannot be classified as a business person. He solves the tasks assigned to him well. Moreover, the more complex and unusual the task, the sooner and better he will solve it, spending every minute effectively. Azamat knows how to earn money, but spends it too easily.

A man with this name is an idealist. He gets irritated easily, has a quick temper, and can get worked up in a minute. Azamat is often jealous of his beloved with or without reason. In the family, Azamat expects physical and mental comfort.

In company, Azamat quickly becomes her soul. He is a truly reliable friend. He is caring and ready to help. Sometimes Azamat is shy. This protects him from the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself,” especially since such a line of behavior will only harm Azamat.

Azamat's name day

Azamat does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people with the name Azamat

  • Azamat Kulmukhametov ((born 1953) diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Syria since September 2011, former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the State of Kuwait. Has the diplomatic rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 1st class (diplomatic rank assigned by Presidential Decree RF dated March 6, 2007). He speaks Arabic, English and French.)
  • Azamat Akhtyamov ((born 1962) Russian mathematician, professor at Bashkir State University)
  • Azamat Gumerov ((born 1978) Russian football player, futsal player. In the summer of 2011 he completed his professional career.)
  • Azamat Ilimbetov ((born 1972) statesman, 7th Prime Minister of the Republic of Bashkortostan (since 2011))
  • Azamat Musagaliev (ethnic Kazakh, member of the KVN team “Kamyzyaka”)

The male name Azamat is Muslim. Translated from Arabic into Russian, the male name Azamat means “powerful”, “majestic”.
The beautiful name Azamat evokes sympathy among many parents who choose a name for their son, also because its meaning is very positive. It’s not for nothing that Muslims even have a month of the same name according to the Baha’i calendar.

What does the name Azamat mean?

What can be said about the bearer of the name Azamat? It’s worth mentioning right away that Azamat does not have a name day.
One of the traits that characterizes Azamat’s nature is that he is an idealist. This can be seen with the naked eye. He sees only the good in people, strives to become more perfect himself (both physically and intellectually), and dreams of finding ideal love. It is these “rose-colored glasses” that often fail the young man named Azamat. After all, in life you often have to be disappointed and he is no exception.
In order to somehow protect a boy named Azamat from the cruelty of the real world, parents should not sharply point out to him that he is in error. It is better to gradually, slowly and carefully contrast all evil with good, so that in the future the man will have faith in the best and in his own strength.

Characteristics of the name Azamat

In life, Azamat often becomes the soul of any company. People like him because he is a cheerful, kind, carefree, slightly shy young man. At the same time, you can always rely on him, trust him with a secret or share your mental suffering.
Azamat is active and entrepreneurial, but not very patient. He is unable to do monotonous work; he quickly loses interest in the work he has started. A similar situation occurs when communicating with the opposite sex. He may lose attraction to a girl if he gets her too quickly.
Azamat will become a good leader, writer, journalist, traveler, archaeologist, doctor, stuntman, magician, pop performer.
A man named Azamat often has hobbies related to tourism, fishing or hunting. He gets along with nature, with animals, and is excellent at surviving in difficult conditions.
When entering into marriage, Azamat swears eternal love and fidelity to his wife, which does not always turn out to be true. Over time, he can easily lose interest in his chosen one and find himself a new hobby. Although he treats his wife strictly, not allowing her the slightest flirtation, he is jealous.
If a man named Azamat has children, then this is his joy for life. Azamat will not abandon or forget his child in any situation, even if he has a new family. He loves and appreciates his offspring very much and devotes a lot of energy and time to them.

Main characteristics



Origin of the name(Arabic, Mongolian, Turkic, Kazakh, Caucasian, Muslim)

General characteristics of the name “Azamat”

The name “Azamat” is quite popular among the peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Different countries give it different meanings. In modern Kazakhstan, the word “azamat” means “citizen” (“azamattyk” - citizenship), and parents often give this name to their son, thereby expressing the hope that he will grow up to be a worthy member of society. According to the Arabic version, the name Azamat comes from the Arabic verb “a`zama” (“to be powerful”). Also among Muslims, Azamat is the name of the fourth month according to the Bahai calendar. Azamats are ardent, valiant men, with a clear understanding of their own Code of Honor, which is given to them by their father.

Azamat in the family

Azamat takes a responsible approach to choosing his other half. He will decide to start a family only when he is firmly on his feet financially. Azamat’s family usually does not need anything, because the head of the family knows how to earn money and does not spend it on trifles and entertainment. Usually Azamat’s house is a complete mess, but the order in it is cleaner than that of the army. The wife and children must obey Azamat at a glance, and woe to those household members who dare to go against his will. Azamat usually does not stand on ceremony with disobedient people and can easily deprive them of material support in order to “straighten their brains.” Despite such severity, or perhaps because of it, Azamat’s children grow up to be decent people who respect the point of view of their elders.

Azamat in business, in society

Since material wealth is of leading importance for Azamat, he chooses a profession that literally revolves around a lot of money. He does not disdain to work with his hands, and chooses the profession of a builder, a dental technician, a jeweler, and a master of sewing products from valuable fur. Azamat is one of those men who take on any job in the hope of making money. Often, having achieved a high material status, he thinks about social status. He can run for deputy from his city or district, and is interested in public work. In short, Azamat loves money and values ​​prominent positions that allow him to actively influence current events.

Characteristics for children

Azamat in childhood

Little Aza is a real fidget who gives those around him bright positive emotions. At times the boy gets carried away towards excessive activity and excessive emotionality. They say about children like Azamat: “He had a problem in one place.” It is extremely important that the family establish a clear daily routine for such an active baby, which will help Azamatik adapt to classes in kindergarten and school, without causing harm to his easily excitable psyche. For a boy, the father is a great authority from a young age, and if the father does not participate in raising his son, then the grandfather.

What is the meaning of the name Azamat, where did this beautiful eastern name come from, what are its roots? Of course, the name is not of Slavic origin, this is clear by ear.

Its origin is Arabic, and its roots go back to ancient times. The word has several translations, but the main meaning of the name Azamat is “mighty hero”, “majestic warrior”. The name is Muslim, so Azamat does not celebrate his name day.

The boy, who was given the name Azamat, grows up as an honest and very obedient child, to the delight of his parents. There is not a drop of anger or aggressiveness in him, he does not resist for the sake of resistance, does not show a rebellious spirit, like many boys his age.

This is a kind, affectionate boy who loves and honors his mom and dad very much, considering their word as law. He follows their example, believing that what is right is what parents do. This means that it is very important what kind of example parents set for their son.

Character of a man

The meaning of the name Azamat begins to manifest itself at a more mature age, when the boy becomes a youth. His character strengthens, becomes more courageous and firm, willpower, endurance, and patience appear. He remains a kind and honest guy.

Azamat is a real fighter for justice and truth, he suffers greatly when he sees deception, dishonesty, injustice and cruelty, and if he can fight, he will certainly fight, he will never just watch from the sidelines. He is not indifferent to the world he lives in, and is ready to change this world for the better. A real knight!

The guy, whose name is Azamat, is very emotional and creative. He has a deep sensual nature and developed imagination, he is extremely talented and even gifted from birth. Everything that is deeply experienced is necessarily sublimated through creativity - be it drawing, dancing, vocals, sculpture or acting.

It is very useful to send a boy to creative activities from an early age in order to identify and develop his talents. Azamat has a subtle sense of beauty, innate high taste, amazing intuition and a very deep emotional sphere.

He is capable of experiencing a wide range of feelings and distinguishing shades of his emotions, but he does not strive to control them, preferring to deeply experience everything that happens in him. But he doesn’t like to share his emotions, because the masculine principle, solid and strong, still takes over in him. He tries to experience everything within himself, and if he throws it out, it’s through creativity.

Friendship for a guy is of the greatest importance, so Azamat always makes loyal and good friends. He knows how to keep the strictest secrets, will never betray, will not talk “behind his back”, and will always give the right advice if friends ask him.

If he notices the seeds of base feelings in his close friend, he will find a way to influence this person and re-educate him. Azamat’s kind and open character makes him attractive to people; they are drawn to him and trust him. This guy will never be alone.

An adult man, whose name is Azamat, is a person you can rely on even in the most difficult situation. He does not lose his balance and always finds a solution, even if the situation seems extreme and hopeless.

He is brave, strong and a little impulsive, sometimes his decisions seem rash, but even guided by intuition, this person makes the right decisions.

Money is never treated as the main goal; rather, it is a means to achieve certain goals. Azamat sets his goals clearly, very ambitiously, sometimes even incommensurate with his capabilities, but almost always achieves his plans.

In the struggle for success, he shows strong character and fearlessness, and is ready to sacrifice laziness, fatigue or self-doubt in order to achieve his goal. He senses the moment very subtly and knows when “that” chance comes that cannot be missed. This man is extremely demanding of himself, the fulfillment of his plans is of the utmost importance to him, so Azamat sometimes does the impossible. Miroslava, Nina, Galina, Emma.

3. Low compatibility, conflicts and misunderstandings: Nadezhda, Lyubov, Katerina, Stella.

Azamat is a man who will have everything in life that he wants to achieve. He was born for happiness and to make the world a little better. Author: Vasilina Serova

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