Meaning of the word amelie. Where is my beloved? Where does the name Amalia come from?

The name that a person receives at birth is a kind of alphabetic code that predetermines the fate of its owner. Professional astrologers recommend taking his choice seriously. We invite you to find out everything about the meaning and origin of the name Amelia, as well as how it will affect the character and fate of the owner.

Where did it come from and what does it mean?

It's beautiful and pretty rare name has ancient Greek roots. The meaning of the name Amelia is work, hardworking. There is also another version of the origin, according to which Amelia is Muslim name, in translation it sounds like ruling, mistress.

Despite the fact that this name is rarely found in the CIS countries, it is in Orthodox calendar. Amelia's name day falls on July 10 and September 19.

The meaning of the name Amelia for a girl: fate and character

The girl will inherit her father’s appearance, but will take after her mother’s character. From an early age she is very disciplined, obedient and tactful in dealing with adults. The girl is happy to help her parents with housework. However, she cannot stand it when strangers force her to do something.

The meaning of the name Amelia for a girl suggests that this child will be diversified. She strives to learn about everything in the world, and, as a rule, turns to her parents for answers. Despite her hyperactivity, Amelia spends most of her time at home. She loves to listen modern music, draw and read. If you turn the girl's energy into the right direction, then she can achieve significant results in art and sports.

School years

IN adolescence the girl shows leadership qualities. The meaning of the name Amelia suggests that she will be very sociable and open. The girl can't stand flatterers and liars. She behaves very harshly with people who have caused her antipathy. Most of Amelia's friends are boys. This is due to the fact that the girl, unlike her peers, does not like to gossip at all. Amelia is a straightforward person. She will never discuss anyone behind their back.

The meaning of the name Amelia predetermines the girl’s inclination towards the humanities. She also demonstrates good performance in subjects such as mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Teachers admire the mental abilities of the diligent and attentive girl and set her as an example to other students.

Name Amelia: the meaning of the name, character and fate of an adult woman

With age, Amelia's character becomes tougher. However, this does not prevent the girl from having many friends and fans. She strives for physical and mental comfort, makes every effort to create comfort around her. She is a person of her word. He will never let you down or betray you.

She is demanding not only of herself, but also of those around her. Only honest and positive-minded people will be around the girl. She cannot stand hypocrisy and lies. The meaning of the name Amelia predetermines its owner such character traits as determination and perseverance. She will definitely achieve what she sincerely wants. On the way to his dream he does not lose his head. She does everything slowly, thinking through every step. This approach helps avoid possible problems, which, as a rule, appear due to haste.

The meaning of the name Amelia predetermines the girl’s penchant for careerism. She is a real workaholic who is able to work 24 hours a day. However, because of this, a girl may have some difficulties finding a soul mate. After all, few people want to build a relationship with a person around the clock missing at work.

Relationships with the opposite sex

The owner of this beautiful name attracts the attention of members of the opposite sex. Despite the fact that the girl has a rather complex character, the meaning of the name Amelia suggests that she does not mind flirting. However, you shouldn't count on anything more. This girl will not allow you to cross the line and always keeps her fans at a distance.

Amelia is attracted to strong and independent men who have achieved certain results in life. As a rule, she is attracted not by her appearance, but by her intelligence. She strives to find the man next to whom she will feel like a small, fragile and unprotected girl.

Compatibility and incompatibility

Despite the fact that the girl will have many fans, she will not be able to build a strong and happy union with everyone. The most successful marriage will be with:

  • Mikhail;
  • David;
  • Timothy;
  • Maxim;
  • Sergei;
  • Pavel.

Nothing good will come from an alliance with:

  • Ivan;
  • Stepan;
  • Denis;
  • Anatoly;
  • Vladimir.

Family life

Amelia takes an extremely responsible approach to the organization personal life. She will build a family only with the man whom she loves with all her heart and will trust him infinitely. Despite the fact that the girl is a careerist by nature, she is able to give up her own ambitions and devote herself to her family.

She becomes a very good housewife, wife and mother. She manages wisely family budget, never spends money unreasonably. With incredible ease, she manages to maintain comfort in her home, raise children and work. Amelia - non-confrontational and quite calm person. These character traits allow a girl to find mutual language with your spouse's parents. Amelia takes a responsible approach to raising children, to whom she tries to instill exceptionally good manners and give them a decent education.

Career and business

Amelia is a very hardworking and responsible person who knows how to set goals and complete assigned tasks. Perseverance is a character trait that allows this girl to achieve high results in any field. Amelia is capable of building her own business and becoming a successful entrepreneur.

As a rule, autumn birthday girls become the most successful in business. These women are real careerists. They strive to self-realize at any cost. They constantly motivate themselves to reach new heights. Material well-being and tall social status- what makes Amelia truly happy.

WITH early childhood Amelia has a love for sports and has good physical characteristics. She is able to build a dizzying sports career, doing, for example, figure skating, volleyball, ballet.

Perseverance and an analytical mind are what Amelia will need if she decides to try her hand at scientific field. As a rule, girls with this name become good engineers, developers, and designers.

Amelia most often enjoys well-deserved authority both within the team and among senior management. She is sociable and friendly. Always extremely honest and fair. Can't stand lies and flattery. She has organizational skills and is able to prove herself as a successful leader. She has the power to unleash the potential of any employee.

The meaning of the letters in the name

The meaning of the name Amelia, the character and fate of its owner are as follows:

  • A - the desire for physical and mental comfort. Symbol of the beginning. The desire to create.
  • M - sophisticated and romantic nature. People with this letter in their name are quite vulnerable and touchy, which often brings additional difficulties.
  • E - desire for self-realization, talkativeness, insight.
  • L - innate artistry, hard work. The desire to find your true purpose.
  • And - peacefulness, insight.
  • I am the desire to achieve authority in society.


From an early age she has a strong immune system and practically does not suffer from colds. However, these girls tend to be overweight. That is why it is extremely important for future parents to instill a girl’s love for sports. If you don't fight extra pounds, then in adolescence Amelia may experience serious problems with the pancreas, liver or spleen.

Amelia is a girl's name, derived from the German "work". Distributed in Russia, as well as in a number of European countries.

Stone: amethyst.

Element: air.

Planet: Uranus.


Unraveling the mystery of the name Amelia is very difficult - its owners are too different. Nevertheless, certain patterns can still be discerned.

Amelia is a fairly sociable child and finds a common language with her peers relatively easily. With age, sociability doesn’t just decrease, it just stops making easy contact with people. strangers. However, despite all her restraint, Amelia really wants to please others. She has a fairly strong will, and as a rule, she is well versed in human psychology. Thanks to her prudence, Amelia makes a minimum of everyday mistakes. IN difficult situations she perfectly senses the limit to which it is better not to push.

Analyzing the meaning of the name Amelia, one cannot help but note the rare ability of women who possess it to use their shortcomings to their advantage. For example, indecisiveness and slowness of reaction go well with the image of a “little girl,” which many Amelia exploits almost until old age. Therefore, what may look like a serious flaw in other women is, in this case, just a cute eccentricity for men. Moreover, Amelia rarely plans anything really bad. In addition, they are always ready to help or provide some kind of service.

Concluding the conversation about what the name Amelia means in terms of character, we should note a certain “two-facedness” of such women. It is often very difficult to determine what is really on her mind. However, sometimes she herself does not fully understand what she really wants.


As for health, Amelia, as a rule, can only be envied for this. Many of them have excellent abilities for serious sports. Their weak point is their knees and joints. With age, in the absence of proper physical activity, the risk of gaining weight also increases.

Study, career and hobbies

Another secret of the name Amelia is that, despite all their external fragility and defenselessness, its owners love to command others. At the same time, it is difficult to talk about any exceptional ambitions. It’s just that Amelia usually decides from early childhood what she will do in this life, and persistently moves towards her goal.

She is quite diligent in her studies. Very often she manages to achieve success in areas such as television and radio. Women named Amelia attach particular importance to ensuring that their achievements in work are appreciated by others. But at the same time, they also enjoy working in non-prestigious professions, especially where they have to deal with young children (therapists, teachers, etc.).

Tips for educationIn the process of education, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the girl does not grow up too selfish. If you miss some moments, then another woman will appear in the world, thinking only about herself and ready for any tricks (even if they are not impeccable in moral terms), just to achieve what she wants. Considering that the name Amelia should mean, first of all, hard work and decency, you don’t want its owner to become a not-so-good person.

CelebritiesThe first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, writer Amelia Earhart; actress and singer Amelia Warner, singer Amelia Lily, former queen consort of Portugal Amelia d'Orléans, actress Amelia Cook.

Fashion for unusual foreign names for girls doesn’t even think about passing, and that’s good. If you name your daughter Amelia: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits the girl in the future.

Amelia: exact specification person with this name. What kind of life awaits a girl, girl, woman with that name?

Researchers agree that Amelia has German origin. It is derived from the word “amal”, which means “labor”, “work”. That is, its meaning is “hardworking” or “hardworking.”

On different languages Although the name sounds similar, it is different: Amalia, Emmeline. In Russia, the Amalia variant is more common, and in England, Amelia.

Short form of the name: Ama, Amalya, Leya, Melichka, Amushka.

What kind of character can a girl have?

The girl is distinguished by discipline and obedience. She is very economical, she likes to help her parents, and especially to do housework with her mother. It is not surprising that the girl learns to cook for the whole family early.

Already from childhood, her independence and autonomy begin to manifest. She can do many things without outside help. Such traits usually prompt her to leave her father’s house early in the future and live separately.

Little Amelia shows herself to be a very lively person, but in adolescence she acquires a certain shyness. She is honest and likes to do everything right.

The girl has a very strongly developed sense of duty, which persists throughout later life. She considers communicating with loved ones and family her duty, so this is very important for her.

School years

Studying is not difficult for her, she likes to study and is good at it. Amelia is the owner of an analytical mind. Picks up quickly new information and can help slower and lagging classmates. The girl has no problems with time planning, she is very organized. As a result, she has enough time for everything: study, games, and useful activities.

Friendship and communication

How the origin of the name Amelia influenced its meaning

Amelia is unhurried by nature, responsible and loves to work. She is very diligent and punctual. Charms those around him with his radiant smile. She tries to copy her mother’s behavior and imitates her ability to behave in society.

In adolescence, Amelia often develops femininity and a dislike for deception and hypocrisy. This affects the number of friends, especially female ones. She does not tolerate discussing someone and talking behind their back. Reacts sharply to rudeness addressed to him. She mostly communicates with boys, since she has few friends. Usually Amelia is surrounded by attention not only from men, but also from women. People are drawn to her and want to spend time in her company. This may make others jealous.


Of great importance for Amelia is spiritual development and formation of worldview. Has the ability to simulate a situation and see big picture, which he successfully applies to solve the problems of both his own and others.

A girl named Amelia shows talent in different directions. She will receive great pleasure from participating in various sections and circles. They will suit her fine Arts, theater, and photography. She is very capable in sports, can become seriously interested in it and achieve success. Playing sports can make her more attractive.


Amelia is usually in very good health. However, as a girl grows up, she may have a tendency to become overweight, so it is very important to observe moderation in eating and not stop eating. physical exercise. Weak point the child's joints become. In youth, there may be no problems with them, but as they grow older, the problem can become serious. You need to be careful and take care of yourself.

How will life turn out as an adult?

Growing up, Amelia can withdraw into herself; she is reserved and resilient. She is very good at reading people. Uses his outward modesty to gain the favor of others. She often gets what she wants.

Strives to receive higher education and studies with pleasure, comprehending subjects thoroughly and deeply. Usually chooses the fields of radio electronics, medicine, and sports.

Her weakness can be called her tendency to trust people. Fraudsters can take advantage of this. Close people need to try to protect her.

A girl named Amelia carefully plans her day to get everything done. Does not tolerate coercion. Loves to read science fiction literature.

She is honest and open. She is ready to help people. She often gives advice that really works in practice, because she has great knowledge in life. Amelia tries to remain optimistic and in good spirits, even when things don't go the way she wants. She successfully conveys her mood to others, charging them with positivity and cheerfulness. She fights fiercely for her beliefs and almost always succeeds due to the fact that she is a strong personality.


Saves at work great relationship with colleagues. She is respected for her tenacity, hard work and humanity. The bosses appreciate her diligence and use her as an example to others. Amelia, before taking on any work, carefully calculates her strength. If she understands that she cannot cope, she either refuses or asks for help. She actively uses her developed intuition to assess the situation. After making a decision, it is difficult for her to turn away from the chosen path; she goes to the end and tries to do her job well. He knows how to carry on a conversation with employees and charm with a smile.

The girl, who was named Amelia, is very ambitious and never stops there. She always has the next goal. He attaches great importance to his reputation and tries not to tarnish it. Workplace affairs are not her thing. Amelia knows how to convince people and can easily achieve a lucrative contract where her colleagues failed. She has a chance to eventually become a boss.


Characteristics of the name Amelia, character traits and fate

A girl named Amelia knows how to please people. She knows about her attractiveness and uses it for personal gain. He can quietly manipulate his chosen one. She prefers men who are as smart and experienced as herself. She will hardly be interested in being with people her own age.

She will easily charm any man thanks to her excellent appearance and innate penchant for acting. She skillfully flirts and “makes eyes” that men unwittingly fall under her spell. In young age great importance men have financial opportunities for her, but the older she gets, the more quantity money stops bothering her.

In the bedroom she is very inventive and will let her lover get bored. She can play different roles - be both active and passive.

Marriage and Marriage

Family ties are a serious step for Amelia. She is not in a hurry to get married, she will think everything over first and choose the most profitable option. Strives to create a strong and friendly family.

Such a girl is an excellent housewife and wife. She tries to smooth out conflicts, shows tenderness and care towards her family, and tries to please them. Has an excellent relationship with her mother-in-law, which is built on mutual love. Amelia is a hospitable hostess who loves both hosting friends and going to their homes. Treats children with great love and understanding, spends a lot of time with them.

Personality and season of birth

Amelia's character also depends on what time of year she was born.

  • Those born in spring are very energetic and persistent in achieving goals.
  • “Autumn” is distinguished by activity and initiative.
  • Born in the summer, she always becomes a leader in the team, she has good manners.
  • “Winter” loves to get things done, is optimistic and cheerful, which extends to those around her.

What will the girl be like?

Even in childhood, she showed a strong character. She realizes early on that with the help of her appearance she can achieve what she wants. Her parents should explain to her that in this way she can achieve very dubious success. From negative qualities One can note some pretense in communicating with people.

But how much positive traits Little Amelia has character! She is hardworking, diligent, has the gift of persuasion and can defend her point of view, and knows how to be a leader in the company.

Parents will very quickly notice that the girl has become independent beyond her years, and will communicate with her as equals.

The ability to work and achieve the best in life through your work - this is precisely what is characteristic of someone with that name.

How did the name Amelia appear and what does it mean?

Amelia is a name that originated in ancient Germany from the word “amal”, labor, work. Amelia's parents may call her Amelka or Leah. Already at an early age, Amelia shows strength of character: she is able to organize herself and shows discipline in everything. Since the girl is given a name that can be associated with “labor,” she helps her parents with household chores from an early age. He reaches out to prepare dishes with his still inept hands. But with age, Amelia learns to cook well and tasty. After marriage, she pampers her man with the most delicious dishes.

Because of her strength of character, even as a child it is difficult to force Amelia to do anything without her desire. She must understand why she needs to do this or that. If a girl considers an activity necessary and useful, she will do it without any persuasion.

The Iron Lady, or simply Amelia

Girls named Amelia grow up quite early. Thanks to the ability to work and work hard on personal development, already at the age of 16 the owner of this mysterious name is able to begin independent adult life. Amelia's parents should know that they are growing up a daughter with a fighting character, so it is very important to channel this quality into a peaceful direction. Sports activities are what Amelia needs. If a girl likes to play sports, thanks to her fighting character and perseverance, she will be able to achieve great success in this field of activity. Becoming an honored athlete is not a problem for Amelia, the main thing is to support her in all her endeavors.

One of Amelia's main advantages is her dislike of gossip. Even if a person demands condemnation, she will never do this, unlike many of her acquaintances and girlfriends. Since childhood, Amelia has tried to see in people only good qualities. She is not stupid, but she is too trusting, despite the strength of her character. This girl combines incompatible qualities: fighting spirit and kindness, rigor and openness. Among Amelia's friends more boys, how .

Amelia will never marry for convenience, thanks to her decency and honesty. Due to the fact that a girl is demanding not only of herself, but also of others, she may spend a long time looking for her soulmate, as a result of which it is too late to get married.

Female name Amelia is of ancient Germanic origin and originally meant “work” or “labor.” In Russian, the variant “Amalia” is more common. Now this name is very popular in many countries, for example, in the UK. Amelia celebrates her name day on July 10 and September 19.

What does the name Amelia mean?

Amelia grows up to be disciplined and obedient girls. They hardly cause any trouble to their parents. The main thing that parents should take into account is that this girl cannot be forced to do anything - she can only be asked politely. At the same time, the girl is happy to help her mother cope with everyday chores. The owner of such a name grows up very responsible and independent girl, so she leaves her father’s house quite early. As a teenager, she becomes quite shy. The girl studies diligently and easily learns everything new and interesting. She often helps her less successful classmates. Amelia has numerous talents both in various fields of the arts and in the exact sciences. Amelia has good health and external attractiveness. As an adult, she needs to watch her diet, since the bearers of this name are prone to being overweight.

Character of the owner of the female name Amelia

The main features of all Amelias are discipline and restraint. The owners of this name do everything thoroughly. They manage their time very rationally, thanks to which they accomplish much more than many others. They tend to think carefully about every action and doubt for a long time before making a final decision. At work, they rarely occupy leadership positions. At the same time, they enjoy the respect of their colleagues and are highly valued by their superiors for their diligence and diligence. They will never take on a job that they cannot complete. A feature of Amelia's character is her excessive gullibility. She is one of those who is easy to deceive by all sorts of crooks and deceivers. That is why it is better for her not to deal with various kinds of financial transactions.

Amelia in family life

Amelia approaches creating a family with her characteristic thoroughness. She carefully chooses her marriage partner. At the same time, she will never marry not for love. Once married, she will do everything to ensure that her home becomes a cozy fortress for its inhabitants. She is very good hostess, competently managing the economy, and wonderful wife. The owners of this name are most often completely non-conflict, compliant and wise, and thanks to this they excellently find a common language with their husband’s relatives. Amelia is a wonderful mother who always surrounds her children with love and care, often even excessive. She also perfect wife for those who are looking for peace and quiet in marriage.

Talismans of the female name Amelia

Amelia is simply charming in various shades purple, which envelops them in a haze of mystery. The female name Amelia is ideal for those born under the sign of Aquarius, since its properties are in harmony with the psychological traits that the name imparts to its bearers. They are under the influence of the planet Uranus. Their spirit animal is the electric ray. A plant that brings good luck is barberry, as well as aspen. The talisman that brings them happiness is rock crystal.

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