The meaning of the name Amirkhan, origin, character and fate of the name Amirkhan. Amir: the meaning and history of the name, fate and character

What does the name Amirkhan mean? For a long time, people have been interested in the meaning of this name. What happens if you name a child Amirkhan? After all, each of us is given a name at birth that accompanies us throughout our lives. Even after death, it is customary to indicate information about the person on the memorial. And what is constantly with us cannot but affect our character and behavior. So let's go back to the secret of the name Amirkhan.
Scientists, philosophers, astrologers - they all struggled for centuries, trying to decipher male and female names. Nowadays, many books have been published with the meanings and secrets of the name Amirkhan, and the list is constantly updated, as new proper names appear over the years, and old ones go away and are forgotten. By the way, in ancient times, babies were given names that were even scary to pronounce. This was done specifically to ward off evil spirits. Later in Rus', children were called by two names, one was pronounced only in church and was hidden from everyone. It was believed that Amir is the name of a guardian angel who will protect a person all his life. Today there is a special fashion for names. Many mothers and fathers carefully choose the name of their future baby, turning to Old Slavonic lists. Some people first study the meaning of the name, and only then choose the appropriate one. And there are fewer and fewer people who come up with names themselves. Here everything is limited to the flight of your imagination. But then the character of the owner of a unique name will be determined by phonetics - sound combinations and syllables. IN meaning of the name Amirkhan there are many ancient roots and sources that today are irretrievably lost...

Synonyms for the name Amir. Emir, Emre, Amirkhan, Emirkhan, Amirkhamza, Amirsaid.
Origin of the name Amir. The name Amir is Muslim.

Name Amir - Muslim name Arab origin. Translated, it means “lord”, “prince”, “prince”, “leader”, “chief”, “lord”. The name may also sound like Emir. Among the Turks there is a variant of the name - Emre.

Among the Arabs, “emir” means the title of the ruler, as well as in general the person who bears this title. Among the descendants of the Turks, the name Amir is used in two-part names, for example, Amirkhan, Amirkhamza, Amirsaid. From this name the surnames Amirov and Emirs were formed. Doubles female name– Amira.

The owner of the name Amir is a strong and independent person. This is an authoritarian, active and resourceful man, he is always focused on a specific and pragmatic task, his first concern is his precious ego and his own material well-being.

But this man is also open to compassion, he has unconditional love to everything that is, he has a sensitive and emotional soul, in his soul Amir is a real idealist. He is capable of great devotion, generosity and sacrifice, and strives to find like-minded people with similar goals and beliefs. But all this happens only in Amir’s soul, this man never loses control over reality, does not get carried away along with his dreams, but stands firmly on the ground and cares only about his own interests in the first place, he puts off the interests of others for later.

Moreover, given his strong personality, even when he takes part in a group or social activities, he strives to be the undisputed leader. Amir treats other people and their opinions with respect, but often quite harshly, and his tolerance cannot be called best quality, so his behavior can seem quite scary. Endowed with courage, energy and a strong will, Amir is inclined to think that everything he can do himself can also be done by others, so he often perceives the people around him as lazy and mediocrity.

His ambition is noticeable already in childhood. He prefers to avoid a subordinate position, strives to surpass himself, either for his own satisfaction or for recognition of his success from other people. He is, however, a very shy boy, so he hides behind a cocky attitude and a mask of swagger. Amir despises injustice and flattery, despite the fact that he himself is a rather proud and proud man, rather touchy. And yet, he is a very responsible young man who can be completely trusted.

Amir's status is very important, wealth, security, and other external symbols of wealth are not an empty phrase for him; he is ready to put in a lot of effort to achieve success.

Despite this, Amir is an extremely generous man who also loves making other people happy. IN family life this is a faithful, frank and sincere husband, and he expects the same attention to himself. If his wife disappoints him, he will not be able to forgive, and it will be even more difficult for him to forget this insult. Within the walls of the house he can also be domineering, harsh and even a little rude, but in fact you can find the key to his sensitive and tender heart.

Amir most often chooses administrative and management professions in various fields. His preferences may be influenced by a sense of solidarity and the profitability of the profession. Therefore, the owner of the name Amir can work in the police, army, or be a politician, but such areas as medicine, tourism, finance, science, sports are also not without Amir’s attention.

Amir's birthday

Amir does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Amir

  • Amir Damar Koku ((born 1979) Sudanese footballer)
  • Amir Rashid Muhammad ((born 1939) Iraqi politician)
  • Amir (Emir) Khalil ((XV century) Persian artist, master classic style Persian miniatures, illustrated manuscripts, Shahnameh, Anthology and other works)
  • Amir ad-Din ((d.1312) Arab architect at court Mongol Khan Khubilai. It is this architect who is considered the creator of the city of Khanbalik (modern Beijing). The general plan of the city was completed in 1274, in the same year the construction of the Khan's palace began.)
  • Amir Muizzi ((1072-1127) Persian-Tajik poet, lived at the court of the Sultan)
  • Amir Kurbanov ((1909-1966) Soviet playwright and theatrical figure originally from Dagestan, also an actor. Author of more than 30 plays.)
  • Amir Khadir ((b.1961) Canadian political figure Iranian origin)
  • Emir Najip ((1899-1991) Soviet orientalist, philologist-Turkologist, compiled a Uyghur-Russian dictionary)
  • Emir Kusturica ((born 1954) Serbian and Yugoslav film director, twice awarded the Palme d'Or and many other film awards)
  • Amir Mazitov ((born 1968) Russian landscape and portrait painter)
  • Amir Gareev ((1928-2008) Soviet Bashkir writer, translator and journalist, author of essays and stories about his native Bashkortostan)
  • Amiryan Khaidarov ((1911-1996) Hero Soviet Union, machine gunner)
  • Amir Sharifuddin Harahap ((1907-1948) Indonesian politician)
  • Amir Kashiev ((born 1989) Russian football player)
  • Amirkhan Enikeev ((1909-2000) Tatar writer and publicist)
  • Amirkhan Adaev ((born 1988) Russian Chechen fighter (mixed martial arts))
Knowing your own elegance gives you a sense of self-confidence. It is important for you to be “well dressed,” smart, respectable. Sometimes yours appearance can serve as a kind of shield for you, allowing you to isolate yourself from people with whom communication in this moment for some reason it is undesirable for you. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes quite colorful, but always correct, endears you and evokes sympathy.

Compatibility of the name Amirkhan, manifestation in love

Amirkhan, yours characteristic qualities- charm, romance and the ability to put one’s feelings into forms that cannot but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to give up even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it will be the only thing that will tell you at the right moment. the right decision. Try to “hear” him.

Amirkhan is a male name in Russian, Tatar, Bashkir, Karachay-Balkar languages

The name is written in one word, 7 letters, emphasis on Amirkh n

Origin of the name: Persian / Turkic Literal meaning of the name: Ruler / Master / Prince / Leader History and interpretation of the name:

The name Amirkhan is of Turkic origin, comes from the words Amir and Khan, and is translated as “ruler”, “lord”, “prince”, “chief leader”. According to another version, the name has Persian roots, the name has the same meaning.

Using the name

In countries:
  • South Ossetia,
  • Azerbaijan

Astrology, numerology, fate and character of the name Amirkhan

Star or planet: Sun Number of name: 1 Most often, men with the name Amirkhan are introverts. Character and secret of the name Amirkhan:

Amirkhan’s character is unusual: it’s always easy to talk to him, you can talk about any topic, the man has practically no complexes. He is always open and friendly and does not expect any tricks from the outside. But in the company of new acquaintances, he may feel uncomfortable, seem shy and too secretive. A good sense of humor more than once saves Amirkhan in difficult situations, helps to relax those around him and set him on a positive wave.

As a child, the boy is distinguished by his courage and curiosity. There are no prohibitions for him; if he comes up with entertainment for himself, he will stop at nothing. But at the same time, Amirkhan is very compassionate and attentive to others, loves animals, and tries not to harm anyone. But a child’s leadership qualities begin to develop from childhood; the only thing is that he is not selfish, knows how to give in to others, easily admits his mistakes and is not afraid of being defeated.

In his work, he is an independent person, he adheres to clear rules and instructions, but if he considers it reasonable to do otherwise, he will do so without fear. He is quite receptive to criticism, listens to the advice of others, knows how to work on mistakes and is not afraid to correct inaccuracies. On the other hand, he does not like competition. If Amirkhan considers another less talented and experienced than himself, then he is unlikely to listen to him, or even obey orders. At times he may express his dissatisfaction, but never without reason.

But in relationships, Amirkhan is a romantic and attentive man; he loves to flatter and win over his chosen ones. Moreover, his wife will not escape the same fate: the man will constantly win her attention and love, show warmth and care. It is rare to see rudeness and tactlessness on his part. It’s interesting that Amirkhan will find something beautiful in any woman and help her blossom.

Life qualities inherent in the name: strength, shyness, peacefulness, courage, independence, wit

Translation, transcription and name Amirkhan in other languages

Translation of the name Amirkhan into Greek: Αμιρχάν into Russian: Amirkhan in Azerbaijani:Əmirxan in Nogai: Amirkhan in Tatar: Amirkhan, Әmirkhan in Bashkir: Amirkhan, Әmirkhan in Karachay-Balkarian: Amirkhan into Ossetian: Amyrkhan Transcription (transliteration) Amirkhan from Russian into English: Amirhan into Spanish: Amirjan into German: Amirhan into French: Amïrkhane into Italian: Amirhan into Georgian: ამირხან

Name popularity

Number of users under the name Amirkhan on social networks:

This is a Turkic name by origin. The sound of the name was originally borrowed from Arabic. Amir - "Mr." “Khan” is a certain status or title of a person, showing his high rank in the family. Most often, the eldest man was called khan. He managed the affairs of the entire family or group of families.

Many nameologists claim that this name has Tatar roots. Due to its duality and composite structure, debate over its origin continues to this day. Many people call Amirkhan Amir, which is quite acceptable.

The fate of a boy named Amirkhan

Amirkhan grows up to be a power-hungry and largely selfish person. It is difficult for him to remain without the support of people. He is incredibly independent, but working in a team is easier for Amirkhan because he always takes on the role of leader. He does not always manage to be an effective, honest and fair leader. This means that sometimes the owner of such a name has to resort to some tricks.

Financially, men with this name do not have many problems. Much more attention should be paid to social gaps, because it is difficult for an adult Amirkhan to build harmonious relationships with people. What he lacks in friends, he can make up for with relationships. of a loving nature. As for his wife, Amirkhan’s fate does not deprive him in this regard. The main thing is to show care and honesty to your spouse. In response, she will understand her husband’s workaholism, his temper, and his desire for undivided power. Amirkhan's wife must be able to keep his secrets and secrets, because Amirkhan values ​​loyalty above all else.

Amirkhan has a lot of motivation, so problems with work rarely arise. The fate of a successful businessman awaits Amirkhan. Creative skills The owners of this name are amazing, so sometimes Amirkhan chooses the path of a writer, artist, singer or actor. Despite his strength of will and spirit, Amirkhan rarely becomes an athlete, because he prefers mental and intellectual competitions rather than physical ones.

Young Amirkhan grows into a very erudite person with whom there is always something to talk about. He can carry on any conversation. Despite the fact that he is uncompromising, it is very interesting to conduct a dialogue with such an interlocutor. This is a bright person.

Amirkhan has a hard time mentoring, so the main role His wife will be responsible for raising the children. It is difficult for Amirkhan to take on such responsibility. This is the only time in his life when he can show his weakness to other people. He is afraid of doing something wrong because he loves his children with all his heart. There is also another type of father, Amirkhan - a gentle tyrant. He still pampers his children, but he raises them in very harsh conditions, with a tight grip. When children make him happy, he is kind; when they show disrespect, they receive severe punishment.

Character of a boy with this name

Since childhood, Amirkhan loves noisy companies. He likes games in which a large number of children take part. He has a huge number of friends, but as he grows up, it gradually decreases. Back to top high school Amirkhan leaves only the most devoted friends and acquaintances around him.

The boy respects his parents. His character is complex, but very pleasant. Already as a child, Amirkhan loves to operate with facts, not emotions. Because of this, it is impossible to argue with him. Amirkhan also argues with teachers, for which parents have to pay. This difficult child for everyone except family. If his mother and father do not support him, the boy may withdraw into himself and become very embittered.

To protect Amirkhan from problems, parents will need maximum diplomacy and love. Sincerity in relations with his son must be genuine, because from childhood Amirkhan can accurately determine when he is being lied to. He feels when people are pretending and when they are talking to him absolutely honestly, which is why even in his youth he has many enemies. The sooner he grows up, the more difficult it will be for him emotionally, so it is necessary to keep Amirkhan as far away from life's realities and dramas as possible.

Amirkhan's performance is average because he doesn't try too hard for others. It is much more important for him to complete his personal tasks. From the very early years Amirkhan shows interest in reading because he understands that knowledge is the key to success.

Numerology of the male name Amirkhan

One, the number of the name Amirkhan, speaks volumes. Amirkhan is a born leader, capable of leading people. Nature endowed him with such rare qualities as determination, straightforwardness and perseverance. He is capable of any task that at first glance may seem impossible... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

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