The importance of spiritual literature in human life. Essay "The role of literature in human life"

The importance of spiritual literature in human life

(Report by the head of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Yaroslavl Metropolis, Archpriest Pavel Rakhlin, at the section “The Role of Spiritual Literature of the Yaroslavl Region in the Formation of Spiritual- moral culture personalities")
Man cannot live by bread alone,

but with every word of God.

(Gospel of Luke; 4.4)

The importance of books in the life of every person and society as a whole cannot be overestimated. A book, as a source of knowledge and experience, can seriously influence a person’s worldview, generating deep feelings in the human soul and prompting him to serious reflection.

But the power and influence of the book is much greater than it might seem at first glance. Any book is not just a passive collection of information, but first of all a certain view of reality belonging to the author of the book: he forms in his mind certain ideas about the world, knowledge, skills and, passing on this knowledge and skills, shares his thoughts, his experience with others. And if we take into account that the content of the book, resonating with the reader’s thoughts, affects not only his mind, but also his soul, then the significance of the Orthodox book as spiritual literature in modern world plays special role in the cultural, spiritual and moral life of society.

Classical, and primarily Russian, literature can, of course, become a bridge to spiritual literature. Here it is appropriate to remember that Orthodoxy and Christianity in general played one of the main, if not the main role in the development of Russian literature.

Baptism Ancient Rus' gave the Russian people both writing and literature (literature). This historical coincidence determined the exceptional significance and high authority of Russian literature in the spiritual life of the people and the state. Compiled by Byzantine monks - the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius - the Cyrillic alphabet quickly spread throughout the territory Eastern Slavs. But Saints Cyril and Methodius gave Russia not only a written language, but also translated into Church Slavonic the books necessary for worship: the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalter. These books played big role in developing the character of a Russian person.

Due to data historical events all Russian classic literature imbued with the light of the lofty truths of Orthodoxy. She is the custodian and exponent of Christian values ​​and the Christian view of the world. In the works of great Russian writers and poets, the reader is often asked questions that only religion can answer. Being an art, possessing the most powerful power of emotional impact, literature, when posing these questions, appeals not only to the mind, but also to the heart of the reader. For many people, the relevance of theological issues became obvious thanks to Russian classical literature.

However, in order for a person to understand the truth about himself, he needs to read spiritual literature - and above all the Holy Gospel and patristic works. It is in these books, according to the inspired confession of the Orthodox spiritual writer and philosopher N.E. Pestova “As in a precious vessel, the truth is gathered up most of all. Whoever wants the sanctification of his soul, the purification of his heart and the enlightenment of his mind must cling with greedy lips to this vessel in order to constantly feed himself with the truth.”(N.E. Pestov, “Modern practice of Orthodox piety”, volume two).

According to one of the greatest holy ascetics of the 19th century, Bishop Theophan the Recluse “Without reading it’s stuffy and the soul is starving”. He also made the following remark: “You cannot find and buy the Kingdom of Heaven, future joys and eternal peace with anything other than with this thing. This is reading in private and listening with attention and diligence to the word of God, the writings of the Fathers and other soul-helping books. No one can be saved unless he reads or listens to the holy soul-saving writings. Just as a bird without wings cannot fly to a height, so a mind without holy books cannot figure out how to be saved.”(The Testament of St. Theophan the Recluse on reading the writings of the fathers and other soul-helping (holy) books).

Spiritual books are best friends person, his leaders, educators and mentors. They need to be read, re-read, studied. In such books, we discover the invaluable experience of saints - carriers of the Holy Spirit of God, heroes of spirit, conscience and perseverance.

Before a person who studies spiritual literature and applies its truths in his personal life, a third dimension of the world opens up, as it were. He begins to look at the world around him from the point of view of good and evil and thus sees another, previously vaguely discernible side of life. The understanding of the reasons for actions – both one’s own and other people’s – and the impact of their consequences on a person’s life and on his environment is becoming increasingly clear. Therefore, a good spiritual library has at all times been the most valuable treasure on earth, for the acquisition of which thinking people spared neither money nor time.

Today, spiritual literature is available to anyone who wants to turn to it. There are no obstacles to receiving the priceless treasure of the grace-filled spiritual experience of the saints Orthodox Church.

However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to perform the miracle of complete transformation by reading spiritual literature alone. human soul, because by reading spiritual books without applying what is learned from them in life, one creates self-deception that spiritual growth has begun. Spiritual life is replaced by imagination, "since knowledge of truth is not the same as knowledge of truth".

In conclusion, let us again cite the words of N.E. Pestov, written by him about the treasure of truth contained in spiritual books:

“Truth - good and joyful - is the food of the soul, without it the soul dies. The soul needs invigorating, warming, elevating and inspiring thoughts.

It is good for those who know how to constantly nourish themselves with them. It is easy to live with them, with them it is easy to overcome all temptations, the attacks of melancholy, despondency, laziness and negligence.

At the same time, deeply perceived truth cannot remain inactive: it forces not only to think differently, but also to live differently.”

The term "spiritual literature" has several interpretations. Firstly, it can be a whole series of books designed to encourage a person to think about the meaning of life. And in a narrower sense, these are the works of holy ascetics, in which they describe their life path. Let's figure out which books can be considered spiritual.

Spiritual and moral literature: definition and its tasks

The main criterion for spiritual literature can be considered its compliance with the gospel spirit. This means that all books on such topics must first reflect the essence of biblical principles. Spiritual literature raises the eternal problem of existence, provides answers to many philosophical and religious questions, and also develops moral qualities in the character of its reader. Among other things, such reading very often describes the lives of holy people, prophets and always preaches the foundations of a particular religion. In simple terms, spiritual books are food for our soul.

The main task of spiritual books is to awaken all spiritual qualities in a person, develop and, finally, encourage a person to fulfill religious laws. After all, in almost every religion there is a set of covenants that a believer must follow.

Features of moral literature

Perhaps, distinctive feature spiritual literature can be called the religious inclination of its books, which raise philosophical questions. Spiritual literature, as a rule, appears more in the form of lyrics, that is, there is practically no poetry. This genre includes parables, various historical chronicles, descriptions of the lives of the holy prophets, sermons and works devoted to the construction of the afterlife and about what fate awaits each person after death.

Books of spiritual literature can be divided into several groups:

  • canonical literature (holy books, Bible, Koran, etc.);
  • liturgical (Psalter, Word, etc.);
  • theological literature (theological treatises);
  • educational religious (Orthodox explanatory prayer book);
  • religious and journalistic (sermons of the holy fathers, teachings of the elders, etc.);
  • religious-popular (stories, tales and even fairy tales with an instructive meaning).

IN Lately everything appears large quantity books on raising children. Such literature gives advice and instructions to parents on how to raise children correctly, in what environment to raise them, so that they grow up to be good people.

The most popular books on spiritual topics

In addition to religious spiritual books, spiritual literature is presented in other genre compositions. These books not only change the view on many things, but also introduce the reader to such virtues as love, kindness,

Spiritual fiction - this is how one can define those works of great Russian writers in which, through the main characters and their author, they convey unshakable Christian values. There are a number of works of Russian classics that every person should read, regardless of their religious beliefs. Here are the most famous: “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy, many stories by A. P. Chekhov, “The Master and Margarita” by M. A. Bulgakov, from foreign literature- novels by Ernest Hemingway ("For Whom the Bell Tolls", "The Old Man and the Sea"), as well as Dante (" The Divine Comedy"), Erich Maria Remarque and others.

Although these works do not have a religious context, they still touch upon critical issues existence: what is the meaning of life and what happens to the human soul after death?

The role of spiritual literature in the life of modern man

It's no secret that nowadays people find it more difficult than ever to find free time for anything, especially for reading books. Perhaps it is precisely because they read little or do not open books of spiritual literature that people in the world become more selfish - everyone tries to get their own benefit, while forgetting about those around them.

However, we can safely say that spiritual literature plays a huge role in the life of any person. Thanks to reading spiritual books, inner spiritual qualities develop, awaken best features human beings, such as kindness, mercy and love. After all, spiritual books preach the Gospel covenants, and the basic law of the Bible is considered to be the covenant of love for one’s neighbor. “Love your neighbor as yourself,” this is the main commandment on which all the law and the prophets are based.

So, it turns out that this kind of literature is capable of inducing reflection on the meaning of life. as well as in education moral values and the formation of a correct worldview, spiritual books perform the most important functions.

The role of literature in human life is difficult to assess. Books have educated more than one generation of people. Unfortunately, in modern society the role of literature is underestimated. There is a category of people who declare that literature has outlived its usefulness as an art form, it has been replaced by cinema and television. But there remains that category of people who recognize and appreciate the importance of literature in our lives.
As you know, books perform two main functions: informational and aesthetic. From generation to generation, it was with the help of books that experience accumulated over centuries was passed on; knowledge was stored in books and discoveries were recorded.
Books provided a platform for the proclamation of new ideas and worldviews. In difficult times life situations a person resorts to a book and draws wisdom, strength and inspiration from it. After all, the book is universal, in it a person can find the answer to any question of interest.
Realizing its aesthetic function, literature teaches the beautiful, the good, and forms moral principles. Books not only shape moral ideals, but also ideals of appearance and behavior. Heroines and heroes of books become role models. Their images and thoughts are taken as the basis for their own behavior. Therefore, it is so important, during the period of personality formation, to turn to the right books that will give the right guidelines.
Throughout its centuries-long history, our people have created highly artistic literature. It has a worthy place in world culture.
Fiction has a huge socio-political, educational and educational role, because it presents the history of the entire people, their struggle for their will, for their successful and happy life, for the battle against national as well as social oppression.
Literature honestly and fairly reflects social reality: different periods the lives of the entire people, the aspirations and, of course, the hopes of the people.
Fiction is a type of art that is the most powerful means of human knowledge, a tool that influences current reality. Literature shapes the human mind, his will and psyche, his feelings and human a strong character, namely, it shapes a person’s personality.
The creator of literature summarizes various life events and phenomena, then builds typical images, and at the same time shows his personal attitude to these events or incidents. The significance of a writer and his work, and, consequently, literature is reflected in how truthfully and correctly the interests and dreams of people are reflected and expressed. Artistic creativity intended to serve the people. IN literary works we get to know the past, present and, of course, see the future dreams of a person. In the imagination begin to form newest concepts, a hitherto unknown feeling is born in the depths of my soul. And we perceive only literary works and works first of all with our hearts, and then with our practical mind and common sense.
Literature is based on humanistic views and beliefs, approves of imperishable and eternal human values. This is precisely why it is close, very necessary and simply necessary for humanity. Writers and creators of literature, in works completely different in their genre, reflect diverse segments of the population, reveal talent and gift common man, glorify the work of people. And this instills interest in one’s own history, love for one’s native mother land, for parents and loved ones, for one’s neighbor and for one’s fraternal peoples...
Literature helps and supports a person in difficult times life path, inspires one to perform deeds for the sake of one’s neighbors and for the sake of others, gives strength to overcome various everyday troubles, guides and orients one on the path to the right decision important in this moment problems. This is precisely why it is valuable for us and for each nation separately.
Thus, the role of literature at all times and in modern times is to help a person understand himself and the world, to awaken in him the desire for truth, happiness, to teach respect for the past, for knowledge and moral principles passed on from generation to generation. Whether or not to take advantage of this opportunity that books provide is a personal choice for each person.

§ 1 The role of art in the history of mankind

Since ancient times, art has played a leading role in the development of a person’s worldview. Music, painting, sculpture, architecture have always influenced people's consciousness and formed the system moral values person.

Fiction is one of the types of art, the art of words. In literary works using artistic word You can display events of the past and present, objects, phenomena that accompany us throughout our lives. With the help of literature, we not only learn about the world around us, but also try to understand our own actions.

§ 2 The role of books in world culture

Greatest thinkers public figures, writers around the world have many times noted the outstanding role of books in the development of mankind.

The book is the foundation of the spiritual culture of the people. It is in the process of reading that the great sacrament of introducing a person to new ideas, thoughts, artistic images. Hence the enormous importance of the process denoted by the broad and capacious word “reading.”

So, the role of a book as a type of art is great: it shapes a person’s thinking and conveys accumulated experience.

§ 3 The process of creating a book

At first, the book existed as a carrier of the Word, it was a carrier of hidden knowledge, and familiarization with it was possible through long-term dedication. The process of writing a book for a long time was an unusually difficult, sacred sacrament. Thus, the chronicler began to write only after a long period of fasting and prayer, believing that the angel himself was leading his hand. Only by the 17th century did written text become common and accessible to ordinary people.

Consequently, the process of creating books reflected careful attitude to the written word.

§ 4 The role of Russian literature in the history of the country

Our people have created highly artistic literature. The names of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, F.M. Dostoevsky are known all over the world. Our literature not only presented the history of the people, their struggle for freedom, for a happy life, but also reflected the deep, painful spiritual search of people different eras. Russian literature honestly reflects social reality: different periods of the life of the entire people, the aspirations and hopes of people. Russian writers and poets instill interest in their history, love for native land, to your ancestors, to your neighbor and to fraternal peoples... Literature helps and supports a person in difficult moments of life’s journey.

D.S. Likhachev wrote about our literature: “Russian literature... has always been the conscience of the people. Her place in public life country has always been honorable and influential. She educated people and strived for a just reconstruction of life.”

In conclusion, we can say that fiction is based on humanistic views and beliefs, and approves of imperishable and eternal human values. This is precisely why it is close, very necessary and simply necessary for humanity, which the Russian writer Ivan Bunin reflected in his poem “The Word”:

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent,—

Only the word is given life:

From ancient darkness, on the world graveyard,

Only the Letters sound.

And we have no other property!

Know how to take care

At least to the best of my ability, in days of anger and suffering,

Our immortal gift is speech.

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teacher of special disciplines

highest qualification category

Khilchuk O.A.

Tiraspol, 2014


A book is a great gift to man from God. It serves not only to convey historical information, but serves as a door to the future: what the books will be like determines what the ideals of young people will be, which means our future depends.”

Metropolitan Clement of Kaluga and Borovsk, Chairman of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church

Value - characteristic human life. Over the course of many centuries, people have developed the ability to identify objects and phenomena in the world around them that meet their needs and to which they treat in a special way: they value and protect them, and focus on them in their life activities. .

Today it is important to talk about the value and role of books in society .

Since the birth of printing, books have become an integral part of the life of the intelligentsia. It has always been customary to judge a person’s education and erudition by the number of works he has read, but here it is not only quantity that is important, but also quality. Anyone can order a print of his works, at least today, but this does not mean that by reading his work, you will acquire something useful for yourself or learn something educational. Book production is a healthy component of modern society. It is known that all artistic and journalistic works on earth amount to 129864880, the total number of publications.

The importance of books in the life of every person and society as a whole cannot be overestimated. It is known that a book, as a source and storehouse of knowledge and experience, can seriously influence one’s worldview, enrich a person, and also evoke strong emotions and give rise to deep feelings and serious thoughts.

In the book - everything is immense spiritual world humanity. The book condenses and disseminates all experience, all knowledge, all the mind of humanity. This is a powerful and most universal means of communication between people, nations, generations. The book develops a dream, creative imagination, emotional and cognitive activity, active attitude to life, love of art, introduces into the world of images reflecting life, enriches with knowledge, expands life experience children, taking it beyond personal observations, an idea of ​​the world, of the native national language, its beauty, expressiveness, diversity.

A very large part of our lives is connected with books, when there was no television, people drew their knowledge from works; instead of television series, they enthusiastically read F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy or

A.S. Pushkin. It was the works of great authors that shaped public opinion and could influence the fate of a particular person or even an entire nation.

Good literature, communication with a book can be called a modern “spiritual medicine” for everyone who cares about the spiritual health of future generations.

It is well known that the life attitudes and interests of people different generations very different. A significant part of it - young people - was raised outside religious traditions, however, it is she who today turns her attention to faith, love, and justice. In these conditions christian religion can help young people in mastering moral and moral standards. The work of the library also contributes to this. Focused on modern library wealth of the world fiction– inexhaustible potential for the formation of the spiritual and moral culture of youth.

First of all, it should be noted what is Orthodox literature? Literally translated from Greek, Orthodoxy means “correct teaching.” This is a direction of Christianity that professes the principles of goodness and peacemaking.

Orthodox literature is those books that attune a person to the spiritual salvation of the soul and show ways of spiritual improvement.

Where should a person who has never held anything in his hands begin Orthodox reading? It is necessary to read the Gospel; we can recommend reading books by modern Orthodox missionaries about how they discovered God for people. These include Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh and Deacon Andrei Kuraev. But first of all, you need to pay attention to the Holy Scripture, many know about it, but few people read it, and this is the basis of Christianity.

A book can have a very significant impact on a person. Why? A book is the most optimal educational tool developed by human culture. Thanks to good books a person can learn a lot. First of all, he receives the necessary education of feelings - something that people who do not read have absolutely nowhere else to get. Isn’t it possible to learn this on the Internet, with its constant swearing, meager and often literally inappropriate vocabulary?

The power and influence of the book is much greater than it might seem at first glance. Because any book is not only a passive collection of information, but it is a certain view of reality. The look is either bright and cheerful, or the look is dark, darkened by sin and human vice.

And if we take into account that the content of the book, resonating with the reader’s thoughts, affects not only his mind, but also his soul, then the significance of the Orthodox book as spiritual and light literature in the modern world plays a special role in the cultural and spiritual-moral life of society .

The book means a lot for the PMR, as well as for the entire Christian world. It is enough to remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, who said that “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). For centuries, it was the Word of God, as the most important Orthodox book, that was the source from which many generations of Christian peoples drew wisdom. In this regard, the Orthodox book is a powerful instrument of spiritual and moral influence on the human soul.

Books in Orthodoxy differ in their level of spiritual authority. The books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments have the unconditional authority of the Word of God. Books of the patristic heritage, theological literature and other church publications are useful for edification.

However, not all literature using Orthodox paraphernalia can be called Orthodox and spiritually beneficial. On the contrary, recently a mass of pseudo-Orthodox books have appeared containing sectarian, schismatic and marginal views. Therefore, for a reader who is at the beginning of his journey to become acquainted with Orthodoxy, it is advisable to determine his reading range together with the priest who carries out his spiritual guidance or to read literature recommended by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church or blessed by its hierarchy.

Special and important topic- this is the need to instill in children a love of books and a taste for literature. It is important to instill the basics of culture Orthodox Christianity since childhood. The soul of a child is pure, there is no place in it for filth, lies and envy. Orthodox literature for children helps parents in raising their children in Christ in the spirit Orthodox faith and Christian morality.

On Orthodox Book Day - March 14, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill noted the enduring importance of books in the modern world: “Today, in addition to books, there are many other types of information media - television, the Internet and video. People receive information not so much through words as through images, and this method is very attractive, because here everything is shown on the screen. But reading piece of art, a person must independently create an image in his mind: starting from the description in the text, imagine the characters, imagine what they look like, how they are dressed, how they behave, and so on. There is no screen, no video - all this must arise in the reader's mind.

“God grant that good people reach your attention, good books, which would help you understand the meaning of what is happening in the world, help you understand what true, enduring values ​​mean for a person, based on which he is able to grow as a person, is able to participate in public life, is able to benefit his Fatherland,” the Patriarch wished . He also wished with all his heart “to use the book with constant joy, with pleasure, for the good of his soul and for the benefit of his neighbors.”

Orthodox literature is called upon not only to influence the mind and broaden the reader’s horizons, not only to draw his attention to a range of certain issues abstract from life, but, above all, to introduce the reader into the spiritual world of eternal truth and beauty. Such a book puts the eternal values ​​of the Divine character at the forefront in the modern confused axiology and calls for correlating your life with these values.

To make our world brighter, kinder and fairer - this is the main goal that the Orthodox book sets. The world of Orthodox books is a place where everyone who strives for true faith can get answers to the most important questions.

For several years in a row, days, weeks and decades of Orthodox books have been held in Transnistria. As part of these events, all dioceses host round tables and conferences dedicated to the history of book printing in Rus', issues of reading and distribution Orthodox literature in modern society. Creative evenings and meetings with writers and poets, concerts of sacred music, as well as exhibitions of rare handwritten and printed books from the collections of regional, regional and republican museums are organized.

Book exhibitions open, where rare editions of Orthodox books are presented, church literature is sold, charity events are held to collect and transfer Orthodox literature to city and regional libraries. They, in turn, spend their evenings dedicated to creativity Orthodox writers and poets S.A. Bagnyuk, A.A. Melnichuk, O.N. Molchanova.

The head of the Tiraspol-Dubossary diocese, Bishop Savva, during such events, noted that “in essence, not only spiritual, but any book - both artistic and historical - can be Orthodox if the spirit of Orthodoxy is preserved in it.”

God's help everyone in learning!


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