Learn Lena Miro about Volochkova. The imperfect body of Volochkova is cut into a bad figure from birth

Do you want to dress as chic as Volochkova? Now I’ll tell you how. July 24th, 2018

Anastasia Volochkova regularly reminds Instagram readers of her wealth: “I live in luxury home, I drive a luxury car, I am presented with a huge number of flowers, I have many fans - handsome men, I live in love." She imagines, apparently, that she is still young and married oligarchs, as before, give her houses and the title of Honored Artist. So this time she was invited to work as an animator in a Turkish hotel, and in return she was given 3 day "royal room" with a shabby sofa and a crooked lapma, Anastasia, of course, took advantage of this opportunity: she put on a bodysuit, put on glasses, sat down against the backdrop of a vase with rotten water and told her subscribers a couple of times about how gorgeous she looks, eats, and eats. sleeps and gets dressed - and those who giggle at her simply “zodiac”. Dear beggars, if you don’t have such chic slippers and rags and a ring for 57 million as Nastasya’s, then don’t be jealous, I’ll tell you now where all this wealth is. you can buy it.

The Chinese have plenty of slippers of this type in their bins, in any quantities, in any colors and shapes, from 200 to 1000 rubles. They stink, I suspect, horribly, but they are so effective! And we were wondering where Naska got this miracle from!

This is not the first season the prima ballerina has worn this leotard. (Sorry that two photos are not from her Instagram).

The Turks like to wear it. And what? Convenient - you can see everything!

Come on, hurry up!

Nastasya, if you noticed, always puts her hand with another ring into the frame, as if by chance. Don't worry, we'll buy the ring now. But let's first select chic blankets - from the millionaire's house near Moscow. (Just don’t ask where to get such a manicure - you’ll have to go back to the 2000s in a time machine).

But that same Paraiba ring with Paraiba tourmaline allegedly costs 57 million. Nastasya explains what her beloved man gave her. It’s unclear, though, who: the unemployed Mikhail, who lives in a communal apartment? Ossetian Instagrammer Chermen, who slept with her and then leaked intimate photos online? Or the driver Skirtach, a father of many children, who loved her, but at the same time stole money and food? During these six months there were a lot of them, gorgeous men.

Such rings different forms and sizes, too, plenty on Sadovod. You can even buy two for yourself - you’ll be cooler than Volochkova herself! Say that each is 57 million! I’ll think about it and maybe even take three - why not take 200 rubles each? Cheaper than cherries!

However, it is difficult to keep up with fashionable Nastasya. She again deals a well-aimed blow to the whistleblowers. Look how she turned around in Turkey: she put on a swimsuit, went into the store, pulled a stunned Muslim man to her naked commissar body and started begging him for Chanel bags! And most importantly, I didn’t forget to put out my finger with the ring. How a million dollar ring and a fake bag go together is a mystery.

“I love Mustafa’s shop...” We have no doubt. Burberry blankets by weight.

Ku-ku, my favorite, queen of fakes.

When I need it, I can make any person fall in love with me: “ happy wife and mom” on the verge of a nervous breakdown, a fat biker with a beer burp, a bored oligarch with messianic ambitions, a salaried office trash with a claim to his own exclusivity, an outdated glamorous pacifier, and “tede and tepe.”

In all this variety of types, which I can easily make turn around in front of me on their belly, there is one who is not amenable to my influence. I call him "Bitter Impotent".

Photo: Social networks

A bitter impotent man is a man who, due to age, no longer has erectile dysfunction or has poor erectile dysfunction, but he has not yet come to terms with it.

When he humbles himself, he will turn from a bitter impotent into good grandfather and will adore me.

In the meantime, for the bitter impotent, I, like any beautiful woman, am an implacable enemy.

No one honks at me so furiously at a traffic light when I, a cow behind the wheel, get stuck in it. The men standing there smile at me. Bitter impotent people get irritated.

The men who are standing there slow down at the crossing, letting me pass as a pedestrian. Bitter impotent people would move with joy if they weren’t imprisoned for it.

Bitter impotents are bilious moralists. They were the ones who burned at the stake in the Middle Ages beautiful women. They are the ones who allow themselves to mock women today.

Behind their caustic, woman-degrading jokes, below the belt, lies their own bitterness caused by sexual infirmity.

A striking example of a bitter impotent is the forgotten journalist Alexander Nevzorov. This is how he commented on Volochkova’s splits.

There is only one example of such behavior in zoology. These are female gibbons that have been abused by males of another species, such as baboons... Thus, they get rid of the itching and unwanted semen that males of another species may have contributed. And such rapes are not uncommon in the world of monkeys.

A normal man would never speak like that about a woman under any circumstances. Even if her behavior is ridiculous and offensive to him personally.

Volochkova does not insult anyone with her cheerful splits and certainly does not deserve insults for this. Certainly not from a man.

Photo: Social networks

In the end, we - women - can spit poison at each other, but when a man spits at any of us, it says one thing: he has erectile dysfunction, and it is difficult for him to come to terms with it.

So let's take pity on him - unhappy and embittered - purely like a woman and from the heart. Let's pour him kefir, measure his blood pressure and send him to bed at 9 pm.

And, of course, we will fuck with others: younger, stronger, harder, sweeter.

Again raised the topic of moral and financial condition. She once again listed all the real estate properties the ballerina has, of which, according to Miro, there are more than 20 apartments alone, in addition to apartments in St. Petersburg and Moscow, as well as a luxurious palace in the region.

In addition, the blogger is haunted by the endless financial flows that Volochkova constantly uses. Miro noted that it is, of course, impossible to earn that much while serving in ballet. Moreover, Anastasia has been quite far from the “big” ballet for a long time. The blogger said that Volochkova received all this more than prosperous life from her ex-husband Igor Vdovin, who to this day pays maintenance to her and her daughter monthly in the amount of one and a half million rubles.

Miro emphasized that in this situation, Vdovin seems to be a real gentleman, despite all the rumors about his sexuality and other “cockroaches” in his head. He is not a petty person, which already characterizes him with positive side, while Anastasia herself, for the 200 thousand that her former driver took from her for her grandmother’s funeral, put him in prison, and even disgraced him throughout the country. Lena Miro urged everyone to learn to forgive those people who are less fortunate in life.

Users started a real discussion in the comments. Some of them “sang the praises” of Miro’s ability to express his thoughts so brilliantly and to the point; they also criticized Volochkova in every possible way, calling her vile and depraved. They raised the topic of “escort”, recalling that the former prima is now engaged in this field, and receives 15 thousand dollars a night in it. In this regard, subscribers came to the conclusion that Volochkova herself can earn good money.

Miro's fans also recalled that the ballerina, in general, demonstrates her own greed and pettiness at every step. She tried to accuse the same Vdovin of robbing her house and harming them joint daughter, so it’s not surprising that she treated the driver quite harshly. Her fans came to Volochkova’s defense; they caustically remarked that Anastasia is not obliged to share her own money or other property with anyone, especially when we're talking about about such amounts that the majority of the population of our country did not even hold in their hands. Therefore, I am not obliged to forgive the theft committed by the driver, who later justified himself that he needed this money for the funeral of his mother or grandmother, who in the end turned out to be alive.


Many fans have long noted that Anastisiya Volochkova has begun to look older and more vulgar in the last short period of time. There are rumors that Anastasia has problems with alcohol, although on her Instagram she only testifies with her posts healthy image life.

Why Volochkova looks so bad: photo of Volochkova from Lena Miro

Lena Miro is a scandalous lady, she posted a terrible photo that disgraced Anastasia Volochkova. In this photo, the ballerina looks like she is in her 40s, maybe 50 years old. Her face and neck are puffy and swollen, her whole appearance is tired and distant. Thick makeup does not hide imperfections.

Lena Miro often criticizes people and writes far from flattering comments about them. On her blog, the girl also posted and signed a photo of Volochkova with offensive words. Miro said that she is infuriated by those who argue with obvious facts and do not do any facial care procedures. Further, she expressed herself venomously, hinting that Nastya Volochkova, the former prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, is a pathetic and backward creature. Just like that, hard and short. Although, looking at this photo, Volochkova’s fans are sure that this is photoshop and Lena’s desire to promote herself at the expense of others. It casts doubt on the fact that Anastasia looks so terrible, although the ballerina herself constantly posts photographs in the bathhouse and demonstrates excellent stretching. And her face there is completely different, more animated and looking her age, or even less.

Why does Volochkova look so bad: the broad-shouldered ballerina’s figure has improved

No matter how much the ballerina wants to look perfect, no matter how much she stretches her legs forward, it is still clear that Anastasia Volochkova has noticeably gained weight. The celebrity has a naturally imperfect figure. She is a very broad-shouldered person. In addition to her natural abilities, constant training in her profession was added and her already very broad shoulders became even more voluminous. Apparently, especially after leaving main stage theater, Volochkova abuses training on the muscles of the torso, arms and shoulders, she pumps them up. This makes her figure massive and unfeminine.

And Nastya positions herself as a very feminine lady. She takes care of manicures and pedicures and wears heels. Be that as it may, during the height of work, tours and endless rehearsals, Anastasia Volochkova burned more calories than now. And if you look at Nastya’s figure, you can see that she eats, Lately, Fine. Although, Prima in the past shows on Instagram exclusively proper nutrition, by her belly sitting next to the plate of salad in the photo, you can understand that Anastasia eats not only what she advertises.

Why does Volochkova look so bad: what care products and diets does she use?

In his interview for " TVNZ", the ballet star shared her secret. It turns out that she only uses salt and honey as a treatment in the bathhouse, and also washes herself with water in which the bathhouse whisk has been infused. And that's all, no creams or wrinkles. The breakfast diet always consists of coffee and eggs. Main secret For Anastasia Volochkova, losing extra pounds is simply not eating anything. This is very stupid and typical sounding and she advises never to repeat it. The maximum she allows herself on diet days is boiled meat, fish without salt, eggs and cucumbers. Volochkova began to look much worse immediately after leaving ballet, but before everyone idolized her.

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