Zhukovsky, “Rural Cemetery”: analysis of the poem. "Rural Cemetery" B

Summary of a lesson on literature in grade 9 on the topic: “Analysis of the lyrical works of V.A. Zhukovsky “Rural Cemetery”, “Sea”.

Lesson from section 2. Russian literature of the 18th century (19 hours).

Lesson 17th in the section and 22nd in order.

Previous lesson topic: “Romanticism as a literary movement. V.A. Zhukovsky - translator and poet.”

Subsequent topic of the lesson: “The ballad genre. V.A. Zhukovsky ballad “Svetlana”.

Lesson Objectives : 1. Teach students to communicate with the author through the perception of the lyrical text.

2.Develop the perception of beauty, creative thinking.

3. Develop an interest in poetry.

4. Introduce to the domestic cultural heritage.

5. Training in analysis lyrical work using the example of V.A. Zhukovsky’s poem “Rural Cemetery.”

Vocabulary work: lyrics,elegy genre, lyrical hero, inner world lyrical hero, subjectivism.

Equipment: multimedia presentation “V.A. Zhukovsky - the founder of romanticism in Russia.”

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. introduction teachers showing a presentation - individual homework.

Hello guys. I am glad to see you beautiful and cheerful. Today in class we will continue to get acquainted with the works of Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky. Before starting the main part of the lesson, I suggest you watch the presentation of the students in your class that they prepared for today's lesson. The presentation is called: “V.A. Zhukovsky -

founder of Russian romanticism" (5 min.)

2. Setting learning goals. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, read the topic of the lesson on the board carefully. What goals do we set for ourselves?

Learnanalysis poems.

Developcreative thinking through perceptionbeautiful.

Feel proud ofdomestic literature.

(We check the students’ options with the goals written on back side boards.)

His poems are captivatingly sweet

Centuries will pass the envious distance

A.S. Pushkin dedicated these lines to V.A. Zhukovsky, his teacher and mentor. We will be proud of domestic literature, developing creative thinking, analyzing the poems of the poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky. (5 minutes.)

3. Updating knowledge. Warm up.

What role did Zhukovsky play in the development of romanticism in Russia? (founder)

Remember the main features of romanticism as literary direction. (Character of the hero, exotic environment, use of the elements of nature, reliance on folklore, idea - freedom, objective - subjective.)

Tell me what it is characterized by early work Zhukovsky? (translations)

The first poem that brought Zhukovsky fame was “Rural Cemetery,” written by the poet in 1802. It was a translation of Thomas Gray's elegy entitled"Elegy Written in a Country Cemetery". It became obvious that a talented poet had appeared in Russian poetry. His translations, and then directly own compositions are examples of deeply poetic and highly moral lyrics.(3 min.)

4.Discovery of new knowledge (search for a solution - updating knowledge, formulating a rule)

- What are lyrics? (Lyrics are a type of literature in which the subjective principle is the main one.) (Notebook entries from the last lesson)

How does the subjective differ from the objective in a lyrical text? (page 126 of the textbook article).

Sounds expressive reading “Rural Cemetery”, the student prepared in advance.

Who is the bearer of the subjective in the text of the passage? (lyrical hero).

At this stage of the lesson, let's try to analyze an excerpt from “Rural Cemetery” by Zhukovsky. You have the texts of the passage on your desks, as well as rough plan analysis of a lyrical work. Working in pairs, you will write a joint analysis of the poem. At the same timeName the hero of this work and give his characteristics, i.e. reveal his subjective perception of the world. (5 minutes.)

Work in pairs (10-7 min.)

Application of knowledge.

An approximate analysis of the elegy “Rural Cemetery.”

V. A. Zhukovsky considered the translation of “Elegy Written in a Rural Cemetery” by the English poet Thomas Gray to be the beginning of his poetic creativity. It was from this translation that a new and original phenomenon Russian poetry - the poem “Rural Cemetery” (1802).

The central theme of the elegy is philosophical reflection on life and death. The real (subjective) world is fleeting, we are all mortal in this world. And the sensitive soul received shelter from earthly anxieties as a reward from the Creator - a friend - a passer-by who would pray over the unfortunate one.

Hence, the main images and pictures of the poem are a cemetery landscape, graves with tombstones, shaggy willows - an exotic environment that fully corresponds to the canons of romanticism. The lyrical hero reflects on a young man, sometimes thoughtful, sometimes modest, sometimes silent, who meets a traveler in the lap of nature. But fate is unpredictable - and now there is a funeral chant and a simple tombstone. Without being a translation in the full sense of the word, “Rural Cemetery” becomes a work of Russian national literature. In the image of a young poet reflecting in a rural cemetery, Zhukovsky enhances the features of dreaminess, melancholy, poetic spirituality, significantly bringing this image closer to his own inner world and making it as close as possible to the Russian reader, brought up on sentimental poetry.

5. Deepening open knowledge (development of communication, intellectual, evaluative and organizational skills). Application of knowledge

The teacher asks 2-3 pairs to perform own analysis. Students' opinions are asked about whether the pair coped with the task. If necessary, the teacher corrects practical work speakers, explaining where they made a mistake. (7 min.)

So, it became obvious that a talented poet had appeared in Russian poetry. The time for apprenticeship for Zhukovsky has passed. Began new stage his literary activity.

Now I ask you to take pieces of paper with another text. This is Zhukovsky’s elegy “The Sea”. Read the poem.

What feelings did you experience?

What pictures came to your mind after reading it?

Describe the lyrical hero you introduced.

What lines contain the meaning of the elegy, do you think?

What are the most striking words you would highlight in the text?

How are the lyrical hero and the sea related to each other?

Conclusion. Man and nature in Zhukovsky are given in unity. “The Life of the Soul” is the true subject of Zhukovsky’s elegy (5 min.)

6. Explanation of homework.

Now you are faced with the following task: At home, make a presentation of 5-6 slides with an image of a sea similar in description to the Zhukovsky Sea.

Tell me, what are the names of writers who depict the sea? (marinists)

What famous Russian marine painter do you know? (Aivazovsky). Try to find his paintings on the Internet and use them in your presentation. Also, on each slide, write lines of a poem that correspond to this picture. For those who do not have a computer or the Internet, write an analysis of the elegy on pieces of paper with the text of the poem. (3 min.)

7. Reflection

Did you like the lesson?

What new have you learned?

Can we say that we achieved our goals for the lesson?

What feelings do you experience when you hear the name Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky?

Lesson grades are reported by the teacher.(2 min.)

Self-analysis of the lesson.

The lesson was taught by teacher of Russian language and literature Basova I.V.

Literature lesson in 9th grade. Date: October 21, 2015

There are 21 students in the class. 19 people attended the lesson.

The class can be called strong in terms of level of training: at the end of last year, 13 people received literature grades for the year - 4 and 5.

Textbook - literature. Part I. The textbook is a textbook. Authors - compilers: V.Ya. Korovina, V.I. Korovin, I.S. Zabarsky, V.P. Zhuravlev, compiled in accordance with the teaching materials on literature for 9th grade students.


If you want to analyze the poem, then V. A. Zhukovsky considered the translation of “Elegy Written in a Rural Cemetery” by the English poet Thomas Gray to be the beginning of his poetic work. It was from this translation that a new and original phenomenon of Russian poetry was born - the poem “Rural Cemetery” (1802). The creation of this work was influenced by many reasons: the study of Western European poetry, the experience of the translator, the literary tastes of the time, the artistic preferences of the author, and the debate about the appointment of a person that took place among the poet’s circle of friends.

Following Thomas Gray in the development of poetic thought, Zhukovsky introduces into his translation ideas and moods that express his own worldview. The picture of a modest rural cemetery, the description of which is based on the impression of the surroundings of the poet Mishensky’s native village, sets the author in an elegiac mood:

Under the roof of black pines and leaning elms,
Which stand around, hanging,
Here are the forefathers of the village, in secluded graves,
Shut up forever, they sleep soundly.

The poet’s focus is on reflections on the meaning of human life, on his relationship with the world around him. Before us is a skillfully organized flow of feelings and thoughts of a specific person. The elegy represents a change of questions, as if spontaneously arising in the mind of the lyrical hero. The entire poem is a collection of philosophical and moral-psychological motifs, replacing each other, imbued with a sad mood and held together by the general idea of ​​the transience of life and the vicissitudes of happiness. The reflective hero states:

Death rages on everyone - the king, the favorite of glory,
The terrible one is looking for everyone... and will never find...

Developing the idea of ​​equality of all before death, Zhukovsky draws attention to the social contradictions that exist in society. He gives his sympathies not to the “slaves of vanity”, not to the “confidantes of fortune”, but to ordinary villagers, after whom the earth was “sprinkled”. Convinced that all people are equal by nature, he mourns for these simple villagers, born “to be crowned or soar with thoughts,” but died in ignorance by blind chance:

Their fate burdened squalor with chains,
Their genius was killed by strict need.

In affirming the ideal of natural equality of people, the author is close French writer J.-J. Rousseau, whose work he became acquainted with while still in boarding school and, like many young people of that time, became very interested in his philosophy.

The originality of the poem “Rural Cemetery” lies in the poet’s concentration on the internal experiences of the individual, revealed in the organic fusion of nature and human feelings. The transfer of this state is greatly facilitated by the animation of nature: “the day is already turning pale,” “heeded by the moon,” “the quiet voice of the day,” “under the slumbering willow,” “the oak groves were trembling,” “the day of young breath.”

The original translation of “Rural Cemetery” reveals the poetic individuality of the author, who was close to sentimentalism during the creation of the poem. He achieves here an amazing melody and melodiousness of the verse, giving it a soulful intonation.

Recreating everyday life, the poet introduces everyday colloquial vocabulary: “hut”, “beetle”, “shepherd”, “sickles”, “hearth”, “plough”, “herd”. But there are few such words in the elegy. The vocabulary here is predominantly sentimentalist, philosophical and contemplative. The poem is dominated by words related to emotional experiences (“contempt”, “sorrow”, “sigh”, “tears”, “sadly”) and broad thoughts about life (“peace of the silent reign”, “death rages on everyone”, “ almighty destinies"). Epithets and comparisons are sentimental, such as “sad ringing,” “tender heart,” “sweet voice,” “languid eyes,” “meek in heart,” “sensitive in soul.”

The bright emotional and melodic expressiveness of the poem is achieved by the descriptive and lyrical structure of the phrase (“In the foggy twilight the surroundings disappear...”), often used anaphora (“Only occasionally they buzz... Only heard in the distance”), repetitions (“Everywhere there is silence, everywhere dead dream..."), appeals (“And you, confidants of fortune”), questions (“Will death soften?”) and exclamations (“Oh, maybe under this grave!”).

So, without being a translation in the full sense of the word, “Rural Cemetery” becomes a work of Russian national literature. In the image of a young poet reflecting in a rural cemetery, Zhukovsky enhances the features of dreaminess, melancholy, and poetic spirituality, significantly bringing this image closer to his inner world and making it as close as possible to the Russian reader, brought up on the sentimental poems of Dmitriev, Kapnist, Karamzin.

The appearance of the “Rural Cemetery” on the pages of the journal “Bulletin of Europe” published by Karamzin brought Zhukovsky fame. It became obvious that a talented poet had appeared in Russian poetry. Zhukovsky's apprenticeship was over. A new stage of his literary activity began.

In this article we will analyze the elegy that Zhukovsky wrote in 1802, “Rural Cemetery.” This work belongs to romanticism and has its characteristic features and features.

For early Zhukovsky, his favorite time of day was the transition from dusk to evening, from day to night, from darkness to dawn. During these hours and minutes, a person feels that he himself is changing, that not everything is over yet, that life is full of mystery and unpredictable, and death is perhaps only the transition of the soul to an unknown, different state.

Cemetery image

So, before you is a work created by Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky - “Rural Cemetery”. We begin the analysis of the poem with the main subject image indicated in the title. The favorite place where a romantic indulges in difficult thoughts about the perishability of existence is a cemetery. Everything here reminds us of separation, of the past that reigns over people. But he does it without breaking his heart, gently, as Zhukovsky notes (“Rural Cemetery”). Analysis of the poem allows us to notice that the gravestones entwined with greenery, fanned by a light cool breeze, speak not only of all kinds of losses, but also of the fact that human suffering will certainly pass, just as joy passes. In the end, only the sad peace diffused in nature will remain.

Heroes of Elegy

The favorite hero of the romantic poet is himself, that is, Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky. "Rural Cemetery" depicts the author's thoughts and feelings, his philosophical reflections. Who but a “singer” not endowed with special hearing is able to understand the joy and pain of life, hear the voices of nature, rise above the bustle of the world in order to embrace the whole world in a single impulse of his soul, to unite with the Universe? The author, like the English pre-Romantic poet Thomas Gray, devotes his “cemetery” meditation to the memory of the “poor singer.” At the same time, Zhukovsky deliberately makes his descriptions less visible, enhancing their emotional mood (elegy “Rural Cemetery”).

Epithets in the work

In this work, almost every noun has an adjective as an epithet. It was not by chance that Zhukovsky introduced such a technique into his work. "Rural Cemetery" shifts the emphasis from objects to the characteristics of the inner world. So, the foot is slow, the villager is tired, the hut is calm. The reader's attention is thus transferred to a non-objective feature. This is all present in Gray as well. But this is not enough for the Russian poet: he adds two more words to his work that indicate the state: “turning pale” and “thoughtful.” The word "fading" would seem to refer to the visual range. But if you imagine this, it turns out that in the objective, literally this means the day is getting brighter. But the work describes exactly the opposite: the onset of evening twilight. Consequently, the word “turns pale” means something completely different in the elegy: disappears, fades, fades. Perhaps, like our life itself.

Sound recording

This effect intensifies in the second stanza. Here visual images (albeit translated into another, emotional plane) are relegated to second place, giving way to sound ones. The more darkness in the world that the poet describes becomes impenetrable, the more the lyrical hero is guided by sound. In the second stanza, the main artistic load falls precisely on sound writing, and not on epithets. It is no coincidence that Zhukovsky uses this technique in his work. Thanks to him, the poem “Rural Cemetery” becomes more expressive.

Doubling, prolonged sonorous “n”, “m”, as well as hissing “sch”, “sh” and whistling “z”, “s” create image of the dead nature's sleep. The third line, with the abundance of these sounds, seems simply onomatopoeic to us. However, it also “works” to create a certain mood, by no means peaceful and calm, which is characteristic of the first stanza, but alarming.

From line to line, the work that Zhukovsky wrote (“Rural Cemetery”) becomes darker and darker. Like a signal bell, at the end of the second stanza a word sounds that plays the role of a kind of stylistic password in the elegy genre: “sad.” This adjective means “immersed completely in sadness, merged with this feeling, not knowing any other mood, completely losing hope.” Almost synonymous with a mournful sound - dull, that is, sad, monotonous, cutting right to the heart.

The conventional landscape beloved by the pre-Romanticists in the third stanza deepens this mood. A wild owl, an ancient vault, the moon pouring out its deathly pale light onto nature... If the peasant’s hut in the first stanza was called the word “calm” and nothing disturbed this equanimity, then in the third the “peace” of the quiet dominion of the tower was disturbed.

Death motive

We continue to describe this work, carry out its analysis. Zhukovsky created “Rural Cemetery” as a reflection on the meaning of life, the perishability of existence. Here we are, finally, approaching the tragically intense center of the elegy. The motive of death begins to sound more and more insistently in her. The author of the work, trying to enhance the already gloomy, heavy mood, additional funds heightens the drama. The sleep of the deceased is called “unbreakable”. Consequently, even the hope of the future resurrection of the dead, their “awakening”, is not allowed. The fifth stanza is entirely built on a whole series of negations such as “neither... nor... nothing,” and ends with a harsh formula that says that nothing will force those who rest there to come out of the tombs.

The inevitability of death for everyone

Developing the theme, Vasily Andreevich extends his bitter conclusion to all people that death will sooner or later touch everyone: and ordinary people, and kings, because even the “path of greatness” leads to the tomb.

Death is cruel and merciless, as its analysis shows. "Rural Cemetery" (Zhukovsky) describes her actions. Death takes away indifferently tender hearts, who knew how to love, destined to “be crowned”, but at the same time shackled with “squalor in chains” (peasant ignorance and poverty), and the ashes of the one who was born in order to “win fortune”, fight against the “storm of troubles” ".

Here the poet’s voice, which recently sounded bitter, accusatory, almost angry, suddenly softens. As if having reached a certain limit, approaching despair, the author’s thought smoothly returns to the point of peace, and this is where the work that Zhukovsky created (“Rural Cemetery”) begins. This poem, therefore, takes us to a certain initial state, just as life returns everything to normal. It is not without reason that the word that echoed in the first stanza (“calm hut”), subsequently rejected in the second, again takes its rightful place in the poetic language of Vasily Andreevich.

What is the opposite of death?

The work that Zhukovsky created (“Rural Cemetery”) is very controversial. This poem is characterized by the fact that in it the author contradicts himself. Only recently did he call the undisturbed sleep of the dead. That is, the poet spoke about the omnipotence of death. And suddenly, difficultly and slowly, he begins to come to terms with the fact that it is inevitable. At the same time, the author constructs the statement in such a way that it becomes twofold - it is at the same time a reasoning about a friend-poet who has irretrievably died, and about himself, his inevitable death.

The feeling of hopelessness now sounds, although sad, but not at all hopeless. Death is omnipotent, Zhukovsky admits, but not omnipotent, since there is life-giving friendship on earth, thanks to which it is preserved. Eternal flame "tender soul", for which even the ashes breathe in the urn, it is akin to faith.

V. A. Zhukovsky considered the translation of “Elegy Written in a Rural Cemetery” by the English poet Thomas Gray to be the beginning of his poetic creativity. It was from this translation that a new and original phenomenon of Russian poetry was born - the poem “Rural Cemetery” (1802). The creation of this work was influenced by many reasons: the study of Western European poetry, the experience of the translator, the literary tastes of the time, the artistic preferences of the author, and the debate about the appointment of a person that took place among the poet’s circle of friends.

Following Thomas Gray in the development of poetic thought, Zhukovsky introduces into his translation ideas and moods that express his own worldview. The picture of a modest rural cemetery, the description of which is based on the impression of the surroundings of the poet Mishensky’s native village, sets the author in an elegiac mood:

Under the roof of black pines and leaning elms,
Which stand around, hanging,
Here are the forefathers of the village, in secluded graves,
Shut up forever, they sleep soundly.

The poet’s focus is on reflections on the meaning of human life, on his relationship with the world around him. Before us is a skillfully organized flow of feelings and thoughts of a specific person. The elegy represents a change of questions, as if spontaneously arising in the mind of the lyrical hero. The entire poem is a collection of philosophical and moral-psychological motifs, replacing each other, imbued with a sad mood and held together by the general idea of ​​the transience of life and the vicissitudes of happiness. The reflective hero states:

Death rages on everyone - the king, the favorite of glory,
The terrible one is looking for everyone... and will never find...

Developing the idea of ​​equality of all before death, Zhukovsky draws attention to the social contradictions that exist in society. He gives his sympathies not to the “slaves of vanity”, not to the “confidantes of fortune”, but to ordinary villagers, after whom the earth was “sprinkled”. Convinced that all people are equal by nature, he mourns for these simple villagers, born “to be crowned or soar with thoughts,” but died in ignorance by blind chance:

Their fate burdened squalor with chains,
Their genius was killed by strict need.

In affirming the ideal of natural equality of people, the author is close to the French writer J.-J. Rousseau, whose work he became acquainted with while still in boarding school and, like many young people of that time, became very interested in his philosophy.

The originality of the poem “Rural Cemetery” lies in the poet’s concentration on the internal experiences of the individual, revealed in the organic fusion of nature and human feelings. The transfer of this state is greatly facilitated by the animation of nature: “the day is already turning pale,” “heeded by the moon,” “the quiet voice of the day,” “under the slumbering willow,” “the oak groves were trembling,” “the day of young breath.”

The original translation of “Rural Cemetery” reveals the poetic individuality of the author, who was close to sentimentalism during the creation of the poem. He achieves here an amazing melody and melodiousness of the verse, giving it a soulful intonation.

Recreating everyday life, the poet introduces everyday colloquial vocabulary: “hut”, “beetle”, “shepherd”, “sickles”, “hearth”, “plough”, “herd”. But there are few such words in the elegy. The vocabulary here is predominantly sentimentalist, philosophical and contemplative. The poem is dominated by words related to emotional experiences (“contempt”, “sorrow”, “sigh”, “tears”, “sadly”) and broad thoughts about life (“peace of the silent reign”, “death rages on everyone”, “ almighty destinies"). Epithets and comparisons are sentimental, such as “sad ringing,” “tender heart,” “sweet voice,” “languid eyes,” “meek in heart,” “sensitive in soul.”

The bright emotional and melodic expressiveness of the poem is achieved by the descriptive and lyrical structure of the phrase (“In the foggy twilight the surroundings disappear...”), often used anaphora (“Only occasionally buzzing... Only heard in the distance”), repetitions (“Silence everywhere, dead everywhere dream..."), appeals ("And you, confidants of fortune"), questions ("Will death soften?") and exclamations ("Oh, maybe under this grave!").

So, without being a translation in the full sense of the word, “Rural Cemetery” becomes a work of Russian national literature. In the image of a young poet reflecting in a rural cemetery, Zhukovsky enhances the features of dreaminess, melancholy, and poetic spirituality, significantly bringing this image closer to his inner world and making it as close as possible to the Russian reader, brought up on the sentimental poems of Dmitriev, Kapnist, Karamzin.

The appearance of the “Rural Cemetery” on the pages of the journal “Bulletin of Europe” published by Karamzin brought Zhukovsky fame. It became obvious that a talented poet had appeared in Russian poetry. Zhukovsky's apprenticeship was over. A new stage of his literary activity began.

Rural cemetery."

I read the poem “Rural Cemetery” by Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, written in 1802.

This poem is distinguished by the internal confrontation of the author expressed in it. Although rather veiled, the author decides to come to terms with the fact that life necessarily ends in death. He submits to this, saying: “Death is furious at everyone - the king, the favorite of glory, the terrible one is looking for everyone... and will never find...” He believes that in death one can find “shelter from all earthly anxieties.” Zhukovsky believes that death is salvation, and God, who determines the hour of death, is the savior.

The theme of this poem is the meaning of love and friendship in life and death. The author wanted to say that before death everyone is equal, death will befall everyone. Love is memory. Friendship is the most valuable thing in a person’s life and what he thinks about before death. Personal intonation predominates in this poem.

Zhukovsky uses many different visual arts: epithets (decayed, biblical, languid, last, wretched, smoky), exclamations (Ah!..), appeals (passerby), asks rhetorical questions (“Who parted with this life without grief?” or “Who in his last hour wasn’t captivated by this world and didn’t turn a languid gaze back?”).

“Rural Cemetery” is written in a three-syllable meter with an emphasis on the second syllable - an anapest.

The rhyme is cross.

Work of a 9th grade student high school No. 599 St. Petersburg

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