Thug Life. Thug Life Expression - What is it?

In which he invited his friends - Big Syke, Macadoshis, Rated R, Mopreme Shakur, the latter was Tupac's cousin. The group released only one album - “ Thug Life" in 1994, after which the group broke up for some time, due to the prison sentence hanging over Tupac. Soon after Tupac was released, there was an idea of ​​a reunion, Tupac even called Macadoshis, Rated R on Death Row Records, but they refused. Each of the participants tried to release solo album, and the most successful of all was Big Syke, who, with the participation of the Outlawz group, created a collection called “Thug Law”, that is, a mixture of Thug Life and Outlawz.

This was not the beginning of the end, but the end was near. Tupac Shakur decided to launch his own movement that would unite blacks in the fight for their rights. He came up with a very ambiguous name for it - T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. (if you read it not as an acronym, it turns out to be “The Life of a Thug”). His person attracted even more attention. In fact, the abbreviation stands for this: The Hate You Give Little Infants Fucks Everybody, or literally - “The hatred that you bestow on children from childhood ends up fucking with everyone.”. It was a play on words. However, the public still took the title literally - “The Life of a Thug.” According to Tupac, the message was intended for those who looked at problems not superficially, but understood their essence and causes. But all this turned out for the rapper in that now many viewed him as a person who had encroached on the very foundations of society. That the acronym T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. was not taken as an acronym, but was understood literally by most Americans, was not a surprise. The idea of ​​rappers as criminals is already firmly ingrained in people's minds. Another scandal only complemented the picture. But black members of the hip-hop community believed in something completely different: they believed in change and that someday it would come for their people.

good days. They believed that this was not just music, but a call to fight. Tupac Shakur was ready to channel his talent, voice and drive into the fight. Considering how eager Tupac was to start his musical ascent, and his own plight, he was ready to lead young blacks and show that change was possible. And only the blacks themselves could put an end to the violence in the ghetto. Because in fact it was not only a conflict between blacks and whites. The blacks themselves robbed, killed and hooked other blacks on drugs in the ghetto. Relying only on faith in God would not be enough. There were many other more complex problems that black had to solve themselves. Black marriages were often fragile, and children grew up without fathers. Also, most blacks did not strive to get a decent education - there were no incentives, since even after receiving a good higher education, they faced the problem of finding a job. Unfortunately, Tupac's well-intentioned plan to bring about radical change, a plan that was so much discussed in the community, did not actually move the black community an inch forward. Tupac even discussed T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. with his stepfather, whom he visited in prison in 1992. Of course, the reclamation of the black community was a great goal. But, to Tupac’s disappointment, he stepped on the same rake that his ancestors stepped on throughout their struggle for equal rights with whites. And call such a program T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. was initially a failed idea. Blacks had a wealth of experience in fighting for their rights, but whites always reacted equally harshly to any of their attempts to change the situation. In 1831, when Nat Turner and his associates wanted to free their people from slavery, the attempt was called a rebellion. When Frederick Douglas declared himself free, he was called a fugitive.

When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to defend the honor and dignity of a black woman, it was called a public threat. When Malcolm X spoke the truth about violence against blacks, his words were twisted, paraphrased, and claimed to be inciting his people to violence. When Martin Luther King Jr. preached love and nonviolence, he was called a communist and an enemy of the state. The same traps were laid for Tupac. And therefore it was a mistake to call new way for his people T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. The message was taken literally, but no other outcome should have been expected. All events in the USA followed a long-written script. And it doesn’t matter what you say, it doesn’t matter how you say it, it doesn’t even matter that the acronym is T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. Any idea of ​​change for black people was twisted, rehashed, and declared a national threat. “This is not robbing people - I'm not a thug, I don't rob people. That's not what I do. To me, being a thug means standing up for your legal rights. And I will do it. I will call myself that, although I know everyone will hate me and say that it is politically incorrect to express myself this way,” Tupac said in defense of his movement. Tupac was now such a respected figure in the black community that he was able to gather powerful underworld leaders around him. The gangsters were in solidarity with him. In 1992, an event called the Truce Picnic took place. The leaders of the country's two most dangerous black crime groups, the Bloods and the Crips, have announced that they will henceforth live by the T.H.U.G code. L.I.F.E. The main purpose of the Code was to limit the violence that drug trafficking and use inevitably generated. As a testament to his commitment to the Code, Tupac got a tattoo of the acronym T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. on the stomach. Watani Taihimba, a former Black Panther activist and childhood friend, was horrified: “I asked him what all this was for. We talked for a long time, and it became clear that Tupac got the tattoo to always remember his rules, to never forget where he came from. In fact, he was torn between two worlds. He said that either we will remain black, or we will sell ourselves and our ideas. He said he would never sell out." Just like the name of the Codex T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. could be interpreted in different ways, and on the streets the Code began to be interpreted in any way. This was a problem. It doesn't matter how Tupac explained it all. In the ghetto, blacks adjusted the Code to reality. For example, in some ghettos, drugs were not sold to a woman while she was pregnant, but were sold before conception and after childbirth. The Code was supposed to be a manifesto for liberation, that it would unite the community by establishing strict rules. In fact, he only organized crime even more. For example, now only one punishment awaited the one who informed the police - death. The informer was equated with a rat and thereby disgraced the entire gang. The black community managed to somewhat organize crime, but did not get rid of it. It was forbidden to rob or steal the cars of friends and neighbors. But did this apply to those who were not local or just passing by? There was no such ban. Selling drugs to children, using children as dealers, and selling drugs in schools were now strictly prohibited.

But all these rules were meaningless; the drug trade should have been banned altogether. Now, instead of obeying the police, who intimidated blacks, street gangsters, who did not recognize any laws, acted according to the Code. From now on, ordinary citizens could not be considered as targets for attacks on the streets, but shootouts between gangsters became the norm. Violence against children was prohibited, but crime among adults increased markedly. No attacks on houses where families live. But did the Code prohibit attacks on houses or apartments where students or, for example, single people live? The more the Code continued to spread to the masses, the more more problems it was getting worse on the streets. How could Tupac's logic be called correct? He wanted to bring peace to the streets without banning guns. Right double standards in relation to drugs that could be distributed and used, but not to everyone and not everywhere. Each of the T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. only emphasized its complete conceptual imperfection. T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. was a veritable code of conduct for criminals and a destructive program for the entire black community. Tupac failed with this program. This was a big mistake. It failed the same way Huey Newton once failed with his program for the Black Panthers. The Panthers also offered self-defense as a core program. Despite all the criticism of T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. and rising crime, Tupac became popular among blacks because he gave them hope. At the height of the popularity of this program, Tupac had thousands of like-minded people. But the pressure put on him was almost unbearable. He realized that he had attracted much more attention from the authorities than could have been expected. This scared him.

And Tupac’s music was so frank, lyrical and stirred up the public so much that he himself could not believe how epoch-making his success had become. He wanted to make music, help blacks, make his family proud. But, without expecting it, he actually turned into the leader of the revolution. And now he had to live up to his new status. That was incredible. After his death, many even believed that it was not music, but the T.H.U.G Code. L.I.F.E. was Tupac's greatest achievement.

Thug Life Code

  1. A new fighter must know that he has three options: a) he will get rich b) he will go to prison c) he will die.
  2. Gang leaders, you are responsible for legal and financial affairs; you are obliged to take responsibility for your words like no one else.
  3. The rat of one gang is the rat of all gangs. Rats are now like a disease; sooner or later we die from them; but they must die.
  4. The gang leader and the gang choose a diplomat. A diplomat must settle disputes. There is strength in unity!
  5. You can't steal cars in your area - it's against the Code.
  6. You can't sell drugs to children - it's against the Code.
  7. Children who are drug addicts in the area are against the Code.
  8. No drug sales in schools.
  9. Starting with Nikki Barnes the rat, rats were accepted. We won't have that.
  10. We have no place for traitors.
  11. We do everything beautifully. Manage the area and protect your neighborhoods.
  12. No selling to pregnant sisters. This is the murder of a child; this is genocide!
  13. You must know your target, who is the real enemy.
  14. Civilians are not the target.
  15. Harm to children will not be forgiven.
  16. When someone's home is attacked, it is necessary to check if his family members are there.
  17. No senseless brutality or violence.
  18. You can't insult your elders.
  19. Respect our Sisters. Respect our Brothers.
  20. There should be respect for Sisters (Brothers) if they respect themselves.
  21. Any military decisions due to business must be thought through within the gang professionally and not under pressure.
  22. No shooting at parties.
  23. Concert and party areas are neutral territories; no shooting!
  24. Know the Code; this is for everyone.
  25. Comply with the THUG LIFE Code.
  26. Always try to protect yourself...

Interesting Facts:
Initially, the group itself, including 2Pac, were to be signed to Ruthless Records.

It occupies a place of honor in the imagination of our youth. Although Western shkololos are not far from them. And if our criminals have “concepts,” then their colleagues from Pindostan have their own analogue, the so-called “Code” (code / rules). In general, this is not the point, it’s just that today we are going to decipher an interesting expression, Thug Life You will find the translation a little lower.
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So let's continue What does Thug Life mean? translation?

Thug Life is an abbreviation for the expression “The Hate U Give Little Infants Fruit Everyone” (lit. The hate you give to little babies bears fruit for everyone). This akronin was invented by the popular American rapper 2pac

Thug Life is a set of concepts written by 2Pac. Rules designed to control rising gang violence and drug trafficking

Thug Life- this is the gangster life, the gangster lifestyle, the life of a thug/criminal

These codes eventually became rules for gang members.
This code, created by the leaders of "Bloods and Crips" at a peaceful "shoot" called "Truc Picnic" in California in 1992 year.

Thug Life was a rap group formed by 2Pac that consisted of him and 4 others: Mopreme, Macadoshis, Big Syke, and The Rated R.
After 2Pac was jailed on rape charges, the group disbanded. Some of them regrouped after 2Pac's release from prison and teamed up with Death Row Records, this served as the beginning of the rap group "Tha Outlawz".


1 . All new gang members should know: a) He's going to get rich. b) He will be in prison. c) He will die.

2 . Gang Leaders: You are responsible for legal/financial obligations to gang members; your word must be decisive.

3 . Rats in gangs - there are rats in every gang. Rats are now like a disease; sooner or later they will become infected with it; they should get what they deserve.

4 . The leader and commander of the gang must select a diplomat/broker who must work to resolve disputes. Our strength is in unity!

5 . Stealing a car in your own neighborhood is against the Code.

6 . Selling drugs to children is against the Code.

7 . Children selling drugs is against the Code.

8 . No drug sales in schools.

9 . As the rat Nicky Barnes opened his mouth; since then, denunciation has been received favorably by some members. We don't have that.

10 . The informers are getting out of here.

11 . The boys in blue (i.e. the Crips) don't run; we stand our ground. Manage the area and make it safe for everyone.

12 . Don't sell drugs to pregnant Sisters. This is the murder of a child; this is genocide!

13 . Know your goal and who the real enemy is.

14 . Civilians are not targets and should be spared.

15 . Harm to children will not be forgiven.

16 . An attack on someone's home, where their family is known to live, must first be verified.

17 . Permanent cruelty and rape must stop.

18 . Our old people should not be subjected to violence.

19 . Respect our sisters. Respect our brothers.

20 . Sisters in Life must be respected if they respect themselves.

21 . Military disputes involving business districts in a community should be handled professionally and not in the neighborhood.

22 . No shooting in the evenings.

23 . Concerts and parties are neutral territory; no shooting!

24 . Know the Code; this is for everyone.

25 . Be a real thug. Always stick to the code Thug Life.

26 . Always protect yourself.

A phrase born on the streets of Los Angeles. In the early 1990s, several politicians, including Bob Dole, described rap artists as Thugs. In fact, it was seen as an attack on the hip-hop community as a whole. Many, including the late Tupac Shakur, rejected crime and crime. It was clear in the hip-hop community that anyone who tried to rise to a higher position in society would be labeled as "Thug". Consequently, Thug Life became a phrase meaning "the life one must live to rise through everyday problems", sort of like "thorns to the stars", if you know what I mean.

Today Thug Life is a large informal community whose successful members are constantly in the spotlight. In several parts of the US and around the world, small boutiques even carry the clothing brand "Thug Life", which was founded in Los Angeles in 1996, the year of the highly publicized shoot. Tupac Shakur. Those who wear the Thug Life phrase or print on their clothing are considered to be members of the Thug Life movement.

Contrary to popular belief, the man who heads Thug Life is not a criminal. Acronym coined by popular great rapper Tupac Shakur, has nothing to do with him being a "gangsta" or anything like that. Rather, it means all the socially oppressive things we are taught at an early age that negatively impact us (or society as a whole) as adults.

When parents teach their children to hate a certain group of people because they are different from them in some way, who in turn "fucks everyone", and the people who become victims of this hatred begin to adhere to " Thug Life».

Many people unfamiliar with Tupac's work often mistakenly perceive this phrase as a person who is a "gangsta", a member of a criminal community, a criminal, etc. Not realizing that the underlying meaning of this acronym is much deeper than it seems at first glance.

Tupac described " thug", as a person who lived in

Expressions on English language Since the early nineties, it has been at the peak of popularity in Russia. Many have seen T-shirts with the phrase Thug Life. What it is? The answer can only be given after a detailed study of rap culture, because this is where this expression, which is primarily slang, came from. If you find out what is behind these words in more detail, then wearing a T-shirt with this phrase will be more honorable.

How does Thug Life translate?

It’s not without reason that this expression is now at the peak of popularity, because gangsta rap is back in fashion. From English Thug Life - the life of a bandit or “life of a bandit.” This expression was first used in the United States in the early nineties. Then at the peak of popularity there was someone who named his group that way.

However, his translation was somewhat different. Initially, a different meaning was put into the expression Thug Life, what it is - we will analyze it in detail further. In fact, this phrase contains not 2, but 8 words. We will not give the translation verbatim, since it is not very decent. The meaning of this abbreviation stands for this: the hatred that you put into children comes back to you. The rapper chose harsher words in his style.

Thug Life in Rap Culture

Tupac Shakur had several meanings behind Thug Life. What is this in terms of rap history? That’s what he called his group, which included the artist’s cousin Mopreme Shakur and rappers Big Syke, Macadoshis, Rated R. For the first two years, the association of rappers worked on their first album, which was released in 1994.

Immediately after this event, the quintet broke up, as Tupac was in real danger of prison term. Several times he tried to reassemble the team, but the rappers refused. They tried to start solo career, But successful musicians they cannot be named.

History of the creation of the movement

If you ask Americans: “Thug Life” - what is it, then in most cases they will tell you not about a little-known rap group, but a movement created by Shakur in the early nineties. The first thoughts about the need to create a social movement occurred to Tupac back in 1992; he discussed this idea with his stepfather, who was in prison at that time.

At the same time, he began to act and even managed to reconcile the leaders of the two warring groups Crips and Bloods. They publicly announced that from now on they will adhere to the code created by the rapper. Of course, the rules in each ghetto were adjusted to suit themselves, but in general the change in society’s attitude towards blacks and the tolerance that modern world does not surprise anyone, they were born precisely thanks to Tupac.

Why was the movement created?

Thug Life was not invented without reason. The attitude of white Americans towards the ghetto at that time was prejudiced. Blacks were considered second-class citizens who only knew how to rob, kill and distribute drugs. It was pointless for children from disadvantaged areas to receive an education, as problems arose with employment. Marriages in the ghetto were very fragile, since due to their lifestyle, fathers were often sent under arrest some time after the birth of their offspring, and women did not wait for their release. Meanwhile, not everyone wanted to lead such a lifestyle; many tried to fight for their rights.

In 1831, Americans called Nat Turner's attempt to defend his rights a rebellion. Frederick Douglass, Rosa Parks and Malcolm X were also misunderstood - they were considered a social threat. He even fell under a wave of misunderstanding from society and was declared a communist and an enemy of America. Tupac had similar problems, although he created the movement with good intentions.

Thug Life Philosophy

The rapper's first mistake was to call his movement Thug Life; its translation was misunderstood, that is, literally - the life of a thug. Although in fact he called for an end to violence and raising children in accordance with the new rules. This gave future generations a chance to achieve more in life than their parents. Modern equality is the result of Tupac's philosophy.

The movement was based on the idea that even a black man could achieve what he wanted in life. To do this, it is enough to make an effort and strive for better life. In order not to forget about the ghetto and the fight for equality, Shakur made himself with the phrase Thug Life.


It is impossible to understand what Thug Life is unless you study the code of this community in detail. His main goal was to unite groups and exclude from them those who are ready to betray or act outside the framework existing rules. Most of the code dealt with drugs. From the moment it was signed by black groups, strict rules began to apply in the ghetto. In many, women were not sold drugs; in others, access to them was stopped during pregnancy. Children could not get such drugs, although previously they were sold even in schools.

The Thug Life Code regulated not only life in the ghetto, but also the principles of the gangs that inhabited these territories. Disputes between black groups began to be resolved not by force, but through diplomatic negotiations. For this purpose, in each gang a special person, settling disputes.

Rap concerts and parties, according to the new rules, have become places where violence has no place. If earlier public events were accompanied by shooting and stabbing, then since 1992 they began to take place more peacefully. Senseless violence and aggression were eliminated from black lives. It was unquestioningly decided to respect elders. Those who respect themselves did not become objects of ridicule and violence; on the contrary, they began to be looked up to. In general, thanks to the code and the Thug Life movement, attitudes towards blacks in society gradually began to change.

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