Live Journal of Oleg Aliyev: "Heraldry and Life". Homophobia as the only manifestation of conservatism

Alexey Navalny was introduced into the opposition movement as a “Trojan horse.” Moreover, it was introduced by Satanists. In order to categorically shun Navalny, you don’t have to love Putin. For example, denying Hitler does not mean unconditional love to Churchill. Or the joint fight against the Japanese did not make Mao a friend of Chiang Kai Shek, and vice versa. This is not about saving the Putin regime, but about saving Russia from some absolute evil, looming as a black cloud woven from human, philistine suggestibility, pliability, and readiness to be deceived...

Satanism is not a child's Halloween game. Satanism is a fairly coherent ideology, all parts of which are logically fitted to one another. For obvious reasons, Satanism does not seek to advertise itself, always acting under someone else's mask. However, identifying it is not so difficult if you know its sources and components.

In terms of the highest, worldview, at the level of extreme abstraction, Satanism is always evolutionism (in a wide range from cabalism to Darwinism). Satanism is a consistent enemy of creationism and monotheism. He cannot do otherwise: if people believe that there is an all-powerful Creator and, at the same time, an all-seeing Judge from whom one cannot escape, where can you find a fool quarreling with such a Creator and Judge?!

The only loophole of Satanism is to corrupt monotheism and creationism, to instill ideas about the multitude of spirits or forces of nature. If there are many spirits or forces, then a person may become a defector to those whom he considers more promising.

Therefore, Satanism - no matter what clothes it dresses up in - is always distinguishable by its intense anti-Godism. Actually, he is anti-God by definition, because Satan is the enemy of God, and if you do not consider him as an enemy, then he will no longer be Satan.

Evolutionism as the highest faith gives rise to competitive genocide in everyday life with mathematical inevitability, and in the sexual sphere - the triumph of all kinds of perversions. The economic market murder that Gaidar’s followers inflicted on us in 1992 (and which A. Navalny uncontrollably praises) is far from new. We encounter exactly the same competitive genocide in areas of the triumph of crypto-Satanism - in 16th-century Holland, 17th-century England, etc. For example, in Holland, the burning of Catholic churches and the dumping and trampling of crosses due to a particularly dark “reformation” was accompanied by market murder.

It is very reminiscent of the 90s in the Russian Federation, the period of “enclosures” in England, which destroyed the English peasantry with the methodical method of the Holocaust or the Armenian genocide.

The greatest humanitarian catastrophe of “inclosures” - although old, is a standard example of evolutionist (social Darwinist) marketicide. Adjusted for time and technical realities, it is fully consistent with what began in the Russian Federation in 1992 and was suspended by the formation of Putin’s state of resource rent.

From evolutionism (social Darwinism) grows a “particularly severe” tolerance for sexual perversions of any kind. If everything in the world arose by chance, without a plan or purpose, and everything in the world disappears without a trace - is there any difference into which hole, who satisfies their lusts and how? After all, in essence, all living things are bubbles of biomass, sticking together, falling apart, bursting and re-emerging in disorder under the influence of the fermentation processes of the biosphere fermentation. Sodomy in SUCH a picture of the world, in principle, cannot be condemned in any way! And any murder (see competitive genocides) - be it the murder of a baby in the womb, or an adult loser - is only an interruption of a random process in favor of another random process. One died, another is born, everything is good!

Therefore, evolutionism creates tolerance for various kinds satanic practices (for example, child and human sacrifices in general) and promiscuous sodomitic sex life. Sodomy (in the broad sense of the word - a collection of all sexual perversions) - for Satanism is the initial INITIATION, very important as a transitional stage.

Furious fornication creates the need for infanticide in the form of abortions, and from these “half-murders” the next ritual step of INITIATION (dedication) is taken - to the actual ritual murders children and adults.

At the same time, the atmosphere of constant drug intoxication and insane ecstasy brings us to another obligatory marker of Satanism; Another obvious side of Satanism as a socio-ideological platform is MILITANT IRRATIONALISM.

No wonder our folklorists note that popular names devil and Satan - “evil one”, “joke”, i.e. a certain spirit that is always fooling around, making faces, and does not know how to be serious and consistent. Modern researchers emphasize in Satanism its festival nature, carnival quality (S. Averintsev, S. Kurginyan, etc.). In a word, this is an unrestrained dance that cannot stop and at least give the dancer something to think about...

The fact is that RATIONALISM is the legacy of dogmatic theology. And not only in its external forms of systematization of phenomena, reflecting even the terminologically overturned feudal-church hierarchy in science. It is the essential content of dogmatic theology, which is reflected in its external, superficial terminology of systematization.

The fact is that rationalism with its “right-wrong” coordinate system is opposed by SENSITIVITY with its “pleasant-unpleasant” coordinate system (aka “like-dislike”, “to taste - not to taste”, etc.). But you cannot talk about right or wrong if you do not understand the word “RULE”. There is no Rule - there is no right or wrong. Only the pleasant and the unpleasant remain without rules.

But what is the Rule? This is, in essence, a Slavic translation of the Greek word “dogma”. It’s not for nothing that they say so – “church rule”, i.e. order of performance of divine services in the Temple. Can there be a stable rule outside and apart from religiosity?

No, by definition it cannot. Only a dogmatically disciplined person can time after time follow that “rule” that is inconvenient, unpleasant or boring to him. Outside of religiosity, persistent inconvenience, sensory rejection during the execution of a rule leads to the algorithm - “Replace the outdated rule.” For an atheist, it is absolutely natural that rules that do not bring sensual pleasure and pleasure are abolished. For this purpose, democracy even gave birth to permanent parliaments - i.e. bodies that constantly write and rewrite laws for the convenience of the crowd.

Secular (atheistic, secular) legislation changes beyond recognition every few years; compare this with the church’s scrupulousness in the matter of any letter of Scripture (i.e. the Rules) - and you will understand the difference between rationalism (doing the “right” thing regardless of your own feelings) and sensuality (doing only what pleases yourself).

The atheist is fully aware of this and likes to emphasize in conversations about freethinking: people are not for rules, but rules are for people. In a world where “man is the measure of all things” it cannot be otherwise, it is simply absurd.

Naturally, I am far from the idea of ​​​​considering every atheist a crypto-Satanist. However, Irrationality objectively works for Satanism, for Joke, for Carnival. Therefore, let us keep in mind that when dealing with REAL Satanism, we will definitely find a combination of evolutionism (social Darwinism), everyday genocide, drunken stupor (it was not for nothing and not by chance that Yeltsin called for “voting with your heart”!), irrationalism, disinhibited sensuality and clearly tangible secret societies consisting of particularly “advanced” (actually initiated) members. Plus - TOTAL FALSENESS AND IDEOLOGICAL OMNIVORY, obligatory for a society of secret lies - a liar does not care what he lies to the crowd about, it is important for him to deceive, deceive the crowd, and therefore in each crowd the liar will say what is pleasant to this crowd.

And if you compare what he said in different crowds, his unscrupulous and unprincipled deceit will become obvious. It seems pathological - if you don't see the whole picture.

Of course, Navalny is an illustration of such a turn of events, because he declares himself to be Orthodox (emphasizing the superficiality of his ritual beliefs) and a supporter of complete secularism, the complete suppression of religions in the name of evolutionism.

Here is the exact quote from Navalny regarding the disgusting Pussy Riot: " The judge entered the courtroom, clattering her hooves, and read out the verdict. The prosecutor nodded at her words, scratching his horns...Obviously, an unjust and cruel decision will cause an increase in anti-clerical sentiments and aggressive criticism of the Russian Orthodox Church ". A person calls himself Orthodox - but he considers demons not blasphemers, but their judges... To put it mildly, original Orthodoxy...

He appeals to the most liberal anti-national democracy and at the same time flirts with Russian nationalism. He promises to distribute the property of the rich to the poor, and the property of the poor to the rich.

And this is not just populism. A populist (for example, V. Zhirinovsky) plays on the same field. A person who tries to play simultaneously on mutually exclusive ideological fields is either a pathological liar or a member of secret orders striving for power without announcing their true programs of action.

The fact that there are SECRET organizations behind Navalny seems absolutely proven to me, since he appeared immediately out of nowhere, immediately rose to super-popularity from complete obscurity. It doesn't happen that way. However, there are no OPEN organizations, parties or financial groups who would recognize him as their creation.

But at the same time, a person cannot rise so quickly and high without relying on any forces and organizations. If a person has risen, but he does not have OBVIOUS support groups, it is absolutely inevitable that there are SECRET groups behind him. Apparently, their face is so terrible that they cannot reveal it in the light of day and in the presence of the press, even in our time of total pluralism and tolerance...

However, the veil of secrecy in the case of A. Navalny is not so impenetrable. It is well known that in 2010, on the recommendation of Garry Kasparov, Evgenia Albats, Sergei Guriev and Oleg Tsyvinsky, he underwent six-month training at Yale University under the Yale World Fellows program.

Yale University is a private university for the US Masonic elite, the third of nine colonial colleges founded before the Revolutionary War.

But even if it were a simple American university, I personally am categorically against promoting graduates of foreign universities to the first roles in the country. I hope no one has forgotten how the internship at Columbia University of Alexander Yakovlev and Oleg Kalugin ended?! Both did more to destroy our country than its most inveterate open enemies. But in the case of the foreman of perestroika Yakovlev and the traitor general Kalugin, it was only about a foreign university. And here we are talking about the Yale closed viper, a forge of Masonic personnel!

Five US presidents graduated from Yale University.

"Skull & Bones" - the oldest secret society students at Yale University (New Haven).

It is believed that only representatives of the highest elite, people from the richest and most influential families in the United States, become members of society. They have held and continue to hold important positions in politics, the media, financial, scientific and educational spheres.

Thus, among the patriarchs of the secret lodge, its founders, were the Russells, Tafts and Gilmans; Subsequently, the society included the Bundys, Lords, Rockefellers, Whitneys, Phelpses and others. The “bone men” also include George Herbert Walker Bush Sr., who followed in the footsteps of his father Prescott Bush, the founder of the most influential American dynasty to date. Former US President George W. Bush joined the order back in 1967.

According to established tradition, after members of the Skull and Bones Society (abbreviated as SK) left the isolated environment of the Yale University campus and took important positions in government and other public institutions, they continued to maintain contact with each other throughout their lives.

The rituals of the Cheka are completely satanic. For example, according to the rules of the lodge, a recruit lies down in a coffin and, masturbating in front of members of society, reveals to them his most shameful sexual secrets.

One of the most scandalous aspects of the activities of Skull and Bones is the custom according to which applicants for membership must commit a serious offense “in the name of brotherhood” in order to be initiated into this misanthropic organization.

The first cohort of Skull and Bones adherents appeared in 1833. These people proclaimed themselves the true elite of society, at meetings they called themselves “the center of the Universe”, “knights”, and all the rest, the uninitiated, “barbarians”.

Unless we consider Mr. Navalny a member and emissary of the Cheka society, it is impossible to understand why the American Time magazine named him “person of the year” in 2012. Someone who does not hold government, commercial or public positions. Single blogger! That’s what they write about him - “a Russian blogger and opposition activist” - and put him on the list of the hundred most influential people in the world according to Time magazine.

This is funny to say the least. More precisely, it would be funny if it weren’t so sad...

It is clear that Navalny, unknown to anyone until 2009, went to the United States for six months to enter the highest secret society of American Satanists. I entered and immediately became known to everyone...

But not from all sides. For example, there is no information about the line of Lesha Navalny’s mother. The answer is simple: she is Jewish, this is necessary for the Cheka, but for the time being she is hiding.

Alexei's childhood and youth are hidden. Strangely, he has no childhood friends, no student friends. One gets the feeling that this precocious politician was born and immediately entered the Peoples' Friendship University. This is where all his eulogies start...

Navalny hates Soviet Union fierce Chubais hatred. Agree, this is a marker, and a bold marker. Either he is Orthodox in an interview, or he emphasizes that he is a militant atheist.

Finally, Madame Novodvorskaya speaks about Navalny, calling him “her own.” Not that this is proof, however, it’s straight to the point...

Navalny himself gave a “confession” about this. Literally: “Masha (Gaidar - Ed.) and I have been family friends for many years. She knows my parents, I know her mother. The topic constantly arose that dad would be at some general get-together and she would introduce us. I'm actually not the shyest, but I was timid, to be honest.

This is GAYDAR himself. I was a fan of his during the romantic era of the emergence of a market economy. He swore until he was hoarse with everyone who was against him.

The romantic time passed, and Gaidar remained one of the few who retained unconditional respect and piety for himself. (...) Even in the liberal political community, where, let’s face it, people are specific and love to throw mud at each other, no one would ever dare to reproach Gaidar for dishonesty and dishonesty.

This is how the famous Soviet historian and medievalist A.D. Epstein describes Holland in the 16th century (A.D. Epstein “ The Big Way small country”, M., “Enlightenment”, 1970, pp. 211-212): “The stormy time of unprecedented economic changes, simultaneously with commercial successes, brought with it great anxieties and disasters of ruin to thousands of people... In the once noisy and crowded commercial activity in the cities died down. Town halls and workshop houses...turned into ancient monuments. Markets were empty...Workshops were inactive and closed...Unemployment and hunger drove everyone away from the ancient cities larger number impoverished artisans. They spread across the country... Crowds of vagabonds pursued by the authorities trudged along dusty roads, looking... where cheap labor of hungry people could be needed... Streams of distressed artisans... collided and mixed with many villagers who suddenly turned out to be so and unnecessary and deprived of food... in the advanced regions (thanks to the capitalist “optimization” of expanded agricultural reproduction - A.L.) of the country, most of the former rural population was deprived of their breadwinner land, turned out to be equally unnecessary for both the lord and the farmer, and along with their children were doomed to ruin and hunger.”

“...Forcible removal of peasants by feudal lords from the land (which the feudal lords then fenced with fences, ditches, etc.). Communal pasture and arable lands were enclosed and turned into pastures by the lords...

Land holders were expelled from their homes and turned into paupers - beggars and vagabonds, whose crowds flooded big cities, including London. The lords partially rented out the fenced lands to large tenant farmers. The process of enclosure especially intensified after the English Revolution of the 17th century. Enclosures were the basis of the so-called primitive accumulation of capital,” notes a modern publication. The prominent pre-revolutionary Russian historian I. Granat naively noted the reason for the “inclosure” “in the rise in prices for wool, which made sheep breeding profitable and the transformation of arable land into pasture land.” According to I. Granat and I. Kulischer, the first “inclosure” in England dates back to the end of the 15th century. But in both the 15th and 16th centuries, although wool prices already stood up, did not accept fencing more mass character.

The peasants defended their rights in the courts, they were protected by a number of royal edicts, which historians in the USSR did not like to write about. Only the triumph of the ideas of social Darwinism in the “all-out” version of market competition made both enclosures and land dispossession of the peasantry widespread. If the royal law interfered with and prevented enclosures, then the victorious bourgeois parliament by law ORDERED the enclosure of common lands. “The parliamentary form of this robbery is ... decrees, with the help of which land owners gave themselves the people's land as a gift private property"- wrote K. Marx.

Tikhy M., Golovanova Z., “Images of Russian folklore and Christian faith", Rostov, 1997, p. 113.

“Who exactly is Alexei Navalny?” Vladimir Yaremchuk, New Time, 09/12/2012.

An excellent article about how the shooting in Orlando gives Russia a great chance to get out, saving face, from that medieval rural homophobic dead end into which the Kremlin has driven it.

The author reminds us quite correctly: we lived wonderfully without homophobia during Putin’s first and second terms. This topic rarely existed in the public space; it certainly was not somehow decisive for political positioning.

It was imposed purely on political technology on the entire society, but now is a good reason to unleash it:

The shooting of a gay club by a religious fanatic revealed the awkward situation in which the Russian leadership. It is difficult to fight against ISIS and share with it its basic commandment.
The terrorist attack in Orlando could be a good reason, if not to condemn the previous state homophobic policy, then to quietly forget about it and stop pitting some citizens of the country against others, considering all loyal subjects to be equally useful tax-paying souls, regardless of their personal preferences, as has happened before , both under the sovereign emperors, and quite recently. After all, we lived in Putin’s first and second terms without this value, and the economy grew, and patriotism increased, and well-being increased, and even wars were won. So even believing rulers, including Putin and the addressee of his first telegram, Bush, should not exaggerate its piety for earthly kingdoms and let God deal with the personal sins of his subjects on a personal basis for each Last Judgment. They still cannot compare with the piety of Saddam Hussein and al-Baghdadi in this regard.

But none of this, of course, will happen.

Public and deliberate homophobia is the only thing that gives the Kremlin grounds to declare a kind of Russian conservatism and the “decline of Europe.”

This mythical conservatism no longer appears in anything.

Let's look at the Conservative agenda:

1. Divorces. We certainly have no less of them than in the West. Here are the UN statistics for 2010-2014. - We have a consistently huge divorce rate. There are also a lot of divorces in the country's political leadership, informal “second families” among officials - through one.

2. Abortion. We have many, many more of them. According to the UN, in 2010 we had the highest abortion rate in the world - 37.4. There are no political forces seriously advocating restrictions on abortion. This topic is not discussed in any political debates. Even the Russian Orthodox Church is not very vocal on this matter.

3. Weapon. It is prohibited in Russia in such a way that the most liberal American liberals will strangle themselves with envy.

4. Visiting churches. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2.5% of the population goes to church on Easter - the main Christian holiday. Ridiculous number. In Europe, not to mention the United States, churches are regularly attended by many large quantity of people.

5. Migration. A visa-free regime has been established for the main migrant donor countries. There is no smell of conservatism.

6. Alcohol and substances. There is nothing to say here, the whole country drinks and is proud of the fact that it drinks. In St. Petersburg - drink. Getting drunk is the main way of recreation, and it is a social norm.

Therefore, the very “decline of morality” in the understanding of right-wing conservative Christians occurred precisely in Russia, and not in Germany, or even more so in the USA, where tens of millions of citizens wear best couple shoes designed for going to church.

If you describe social order modern Russia to any well-known conservative of the past, whose quotes they love to post on social networks, he will instantly declare Russia a zone of the coming of the Antichrist.

A godless, immoral state where lies, theft and hypocrisy are elevated to valor and become the principles of government.

Well, we can only save ourselves by homophobia. All “conservatism” has gone into it.

Yes, Lent is observed by all the rules by 1% of the population, but if “these perverts” come to the parade, we will clean their snout. Under police cover, of course.

There will be no state homophobia, there will not be the slightest chance to claim the statement " we are a conservative country", which is the justification for the subsequent " that's why we are against the West».

It will be impossible to condemn or forget the state's homophobic policies.

To do this, it will be necessary to fundamentally change the mechanism of public mobilization. On the talk show, start discussing not the bearded woman from Austria, who threatens us with death, but the property of Vladimir Ivanovich Yakunin or Yuri Yakovlevich Chaika and how to earn it. Who will do this now?

After all, while people are discussing a bearded woman and a plan to fight her, it’s so cool to sign billion-dollar contracts for each other.

What do prophecies say about the coming days of Rus'?

Small man with a black face will be half bald and half hairy. He will remain unknown for a long time, and then begin to play the role of a servant. He will come from a southern family. He will change his appearance twice. Rus' will suffer great disasters from him. There will be a war in the Promethean Mountains (Caucasus) lasting 15 years. There will be a third Tauride War - a crescent moon will appear there and torn Taurida will bleed. And then they will place an unintelligent young man on the throne, but soon he and his retinue will be declared impostors and driven out of Rus'. Demons striving for power will hopelessly break against the bear's head and paws, into which the spirit of the Russian ancestors will be embodied.

Who is the dark-faced man? tall, sitting on the shoulders of the Giant, playing the role of a servant, from a southern family, twice changing his appearance? This character is very similar to Vladimir Vladimirovich - a man slightly shorter in stature than Boris Nikolaevich, whom Boris Nikolaevich brought into politics, to whom he probably constantly gave some advice, that is, he seemed to hold him on his shoulders. Everyone is watching - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is sitting in the Kremlin, but in fact ALL the people around Putin are people placed by Boris Nikolaevich. That is, Yeltsin retained all the levers, and Putin, by and large, sits in an empty cabin and plays the driver. Hence the analogy: “sits on the shoulders of the Giant.”

With Vladimir Vladimirovich’s twice changing appearance, everything is clear at first glance: two presidential terms are, as it were, two appearances, two changes of face. But why is Vladimir Vladimirovich’s face described as “dark”? There is a suspicion that the prophet from the depths of the 18th century was never able to see this face. It was foggy. Mysterious. For example, the prophet could see several “Vladimirov Vladimirovichs” - doubles. Hence the darkness. Hence the change of faces: first one person is shown on TV, then his double.

On the other hand, a change in appearance is also a change in image, a change in rhetoric.

Vladimir Vladimirovich how did you come to Olympus? Vladimir Vladimirovich promised to “kill terrorists in the toilet,” by which they meant bad people from the North Caucasus who offend the Russian people. And the Russian people voted for Vladimir Vladimirovich. And before 2004, what did Vladimir Vladimirovich answer to a resident of the North Caucasus who asked about the Russians? Vladimir Vladimirovich said: these are idiots. Here comes the change of face. It was as if he was for the Russians - but he became for the “Russians”.

Finally, Nemchin’s words about Vladimir Vladimirovich’s “southern family” and his performance of the “servant role” give some hints about both Putin’s past and future. Hints about the past are a mysterious story with Vladimir Vladimirovich’s Georgian mother, which has not yet been proven in any way, but has not been refuted in any way. Hints for the future are hints at the premiership of Putin, who was president and then became prime minister - that is, as if to the role of a servant of the next president.

We believe there is no need to explain who “children of dogs” and “demons striving for power” are - and everything is clear to everyone. As follows from the prophecies, demons will be torn apart by certain “bear paws.” These paws are mentioned in Nemchin, Abel, St. Basil, and even in some texts by Rasputin. That is, in a book written by the hand of Abel himself and carefully preserved by the Cheka-KGB-FSB, these bear paws are clearly present. The question arises: what should demons do, striving for power and possessing knowledge of their shitty future (the archives of the KGB of the USSR are at their complete disposal)? The demons have no choice but to continue to “dress up in disguise,” that is, after the disguise of the democrats, to take on the skin of this legendary bear, thereby, as it were, inverting the prophecy in their favor. And what do we see? We see the emergence of the Unity party, which was suddenly renamed “Bear” for some reason, taking the bear as a symbol. We see a “successor” with a suitable surname - Medvedev. Accident?

No, this is not an accident. This is cause and effect. The reason is the mention of “bear paws” in the prophecy. The consequence is the renaming of “Unity” and the appearance in the Kremlin of Mr. Menachem Medvedev - an infantile young man, who has not engaged in physical labor for a single day, has not served in the army and is psychologically a 14-year-old teenager, that is, the same “foolish youth” who will be promoted “to the kingdom.”

Actually, they are already moving - we see. They will expel the impostor from Rus', along with his retinue. Although regarding the retinue it will be a little slow. The retinue will twitch and cling to power. If you believe the prophecies and objective reality(and we believe in both), the fate of the retinue will be sad.

First, Yeltsin was recognized (the first Globa texts with references to Nemchin appeared as early as 1988, if not earlier). Then Putin was recognized. Now it’s the turn of the “foolish young man” Menachem. Who should we identify next?


According to Vasily Nemchin new Age will begin under the sign of the Great Renewal. But after a quiet period, “ten kings for an hour” will come, who will rule for eight months. Here they are:

1. “Man with a helmet and visor”, not revealing his face. Nemchin calls him “a faceless image, a sword-bearer. He will be in power when his two A's come together. He had a mortal wound, but it was healed. He fell, but got up again. Then he will be cast into the abyss."

2. “The other one will be long-nosed. He will not be loved by the people, but he will be able to rally great power around himself.”

3. “A man sitting on two tables will seduce five more like him, but on the fourth rung of the ladder they will fall ingloriously.”

5. “Marked One” will even return for a while.

“Five boyars close to the Tsar will be put on trial”:

6. The first is the judge;

7. The second boyar flees abroad and will be caught there;

8. The third will be the governor;

9. The fourth will be red;

10. The fifth boyar will be found dead in his bed.


According to Nemchin's prophecy, this will be a difficult time for Russia. But then someone will appear, whom he calls the “Great Horseman” and the “Short-Ruling Great Sovereign.” This is a decisive person, “new” to the country. With him, there will be relative calm, but only for two years, because the “horseman” will be killed or die in a terrorist attack. After him, a certain “golden-haired wife of great stature” will come to power, or maybe his wife. But she will also not be in power for long - she will leave on her own. Finally the “Great Potter” arrives.


The “Great Potter” also has another name - “The Lame Potter”. This name contains signs of physical appearance and profession. Nemchin associates with him the “new monarchy” and the “golden age” of Russia. He is destined for a “long and blissful reign.” Nemchin sometimes even calls him a “magician,” an esotericist who possesses secret knowledge. Judging by the prediction, Russia under his rule will not only be reborn, but will also be, as it were, sculpted anew. There should also be a unification of 15 leaders who will create a new power. And as I remember, we had 15 republics that were part of the USSR. And the full flourishing of Russia will begin after 2025.

We just have to check how accurate these predictions are. And note in parentheses that the prophet somehow avoids the question of who will replace the current president in this decade, although in one of the versions of Nemchin’s predictions circulating on the Internet, the Swift Sovereign could come immediately after the current ruler, not putting it off for a whole decade. Well, we'll wait and see...

You can believe or not believe various kinds of predictions, but not see the fact that Russia needs new leader- it’s simply impossible.

Alexei Navalny quickly entered the arena political struggle and confidently pushes the one-faced representatives cemented into its foundation.

The year 1937 is long behind us, but the principles of the “work of power” taken as a basis are veiledly visible in modern Russia. And the People, the people are still the same patient and inert, everything still “harnesses for a long time.” But the time has come! It's time to go! And judging by recent events, Russia is waking up and the Russians will win again!

And the rider on the white horse is, of course, Alexey Navalny... it is he who is fighting the real snake of our time - corruption. And just on the coat of arms of Moscow, in the image of a rider on a white horse, St. George the Victorious is depicted slaying the overthrown serpent with a spear.

So, we can say that the history of Russia is moving along a certain spiral and the time for change is coming. And I would call this time the time of victory of the white horseman.

A rider on a white horse is a symbol of the Moscow kingdom and a symbol of Russia. It depicts a certain ancient archetype of the “White Horseman” fighting the “Black Serpent”. It's symbolic visually there is a legend about the struggle of the ancient Slavs, in the form of their gods Svarog and Svarozhich, with a certain absolute evil, acting in the form of the “Great Black Snake”. In the image of a Rider on a white horse, the Prophetic Oleg appears in ancient Rus', going to battle with the Khazar Khaganate, whose main cult was the worship of the Serpent. It should be clarified that the battle Prophetic Oleg with the Serpent it manifests itself not only on the human (military) level, but also on the magical level. Multiple repetitions of the same plot - the struggle of the White Horseman with the Red Line Serpent - permeates the entire known history of the peoples and tribes inhabiting the territory of modern Russia. After the baptism of Rus', this ancient Slavic archetype was transformed into the image of St. George defeating the Serpent.

“Russian President Putin is the most a dangerous person in history human civilization» , - Russian political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky is convinced in particular. In his opinion, Putin is determined to start a nuclear war, given the “confessions” in the propaganda film “Crimea. The way to the homeland." We bring to your attention another most interesting analysis on the topic "Hu from Putin" by Lugansk writer and historian Pavel Right:

Pavlo Right: Dedicated to the anniversary of “our Crimea”

Over the course of this year, all sorts of epithets have been invented to address the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Depending on the position from which he was assessed, reviews vary from “crazy” to “genius”, from “new Hitler” to “gatherer of Russian lands.” The most original (and ominous) is the comparison of Putin with the Antichrist. Some take it seriously, others laugh.

Let us also, distracting ourselves from the gloomy news, laugh a little by turning to a historical joke of our own, based on Revelation of John the Evangelist about the Apocalypse, famous historical facts, legends, as well as data from the biography of the new leader of Russia.

It is known that the mission of John the Theologian was called Asia (Asia). Many researchers argue that this mission did not take place on the Anatolian Peninsula, as is commonly believed; that the mission “Asia” had as its goal a campaign in the lands of the bright Ases (Alans, Roxalans), i.e. to our steppe, and in a broad sense - to the border between Europe and Asia, where the Ases lived from time immemorial. The purpose of the mission of the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ is to search for a certain "Svetlogo Roda", which is reflected in apocryphal (not recognized by the Christian Church) texts authored by John.

Since the “Bright Family” should be sought somewhere in our Steppe and its environs; since here, as the Rig Veda testifies, is the center of the world, we believe that the main points described by John in his revelation relate specifically to these lands.

“The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of this star is “wormwood”; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because the rot became bitter.”

Chernobyl, as you know, is one of the varieties of wormwood. Amazing coincidence, isn't it? Or is it not a coincidence? The rider on the pale horse, whose name “Death” fits Comrade Stalin very perfectly, just as the rider on the red horse fits Hitler.

In the Apocalypse ap. John has a lot of things, but we will agree: here we are considering what relates to the great Pu and Russia “rising from its knees”. The most interesting chapters are 12 and 13.

“And I stood on the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast come up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns: on his heads were ten diadems, and on his heads were names of blasphemy...
And I saw that one of his heads seemed to be mortally wounded, but this mortal wound was healed. And all the earth marveled as they watched the beast, and they worshiped the dragon, who had given power to the beast...”

The dragon, of course, is the Devil himself. And all the nations bowed down to Evil when they saw the miracle. But what kind of animal is this with the legs of a bear and the mouth of a lion, miraculously healed?

Seven heads of the Beast... How many leaders (de facto, not de jure) were there in the Evil Empire? We count: Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev. On the seventh head, the USSR received a mortal wound. It would seem that he will die, but...

But the mortal wound was healed and now the whole world bowed to the healed Beast, personified by Putin. Any other country would have already been punished for a hundredth part of what Putin’s Beast has done in Georgia, Chechnya, Crimea, and Ukraine. Punished to the point of a military operation, as was the case with Iraq after its capture of Kuwait. Instead, until recently, both the EU and the United States were looking for friendship with Russia, looking, sometimes overstepping themselves in the face of outright rudeness and direct insults from Putin of leading Western politicians. Just look at his interview on June 6, 2007 to the press at the G8 summit, remember when Putin, in the presence of Western leaders, declared that he considered himself an absolute and pure democrat, and then said:

“But do you know what the trouble is, the real tragedy? The fact is that I am the only one, there are simply no others like him in the world... After Gandhi’s death, there is no one to talk to.” (

Putin said this to the faces of George Bush, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Tony Blair... And nothing - they swallowed it. We bowed. Because this beast has gas, oil and a nuclear club.

“... and they worshiped the beast, saying: Who is like this beast? And who can fight him?

What about these ten horns? These are the power structures of the Russian Federation: SVR, Ministry of Justice, Investigative Committee, federal Service for drug control, the Federal Security Service, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor's Office and, of course, the Ministry of Defense. The tenth “horn”, the most powerful, is Russian propaganda, which is now rightly considered an additional power structure aimed at waging an information war.

And here are ten “diadems” - the largest state corporations, which are designed to ensure the firmness of the “horns” and invulnerability of the heads: “Roscosmos”, “Rosatom”, “Gazprom”, “Rosneft”, VTB, “Sberbank of Russia”, United Aircraft Manufacturing Company, United Shipbuilding Corporation, Russian Railways, Transneft.

But this is only one beast - the country. Or rather, the state Russian Federation. There is also another one:

“And I saw another beast coming out of the earth; it had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.

He acts before him with all the power of the first beast and forces the whole earth and those living on it to worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed; and he performs great signs, so that he brings down fire to the earth before people.

And with the miracles that it was given to him to perform before the beast, he deceives those who live on the earth, telling those who live on the earth to make an image of the beast, which has the wound of the sword and lives.”

This is a clear allusion to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin personally. Don't believe me? The Russian Fuhrer was born in the year of the dragon and does not hide the fact that his ideal is the USSR, which received a mortal wound; he campaigns for it, even to the point of threatening to destroy the entire world into nuclear ashes.

Followers of the Order of the White Cross (Genoa) consider Putin to be none other than Satan descended to earth and draw attention to the image of Satan in the guise of a horned monster devouring sinners, created 700 years ago:

« Iacolo Bologna created the famous bas-relief shortly before his death, saying that he saw it in a revelation. The bas-relief depicts the image of Satan, who devours the souls of sinners. Iacolo said that this sign would be fulfilled when the lands of Italy united in an alliance with other states in order to subsequently live without wars. This will be the Golden Age for all the peoples inhabiting these lands. But Satan will disrupt this world with his appearance, after which it will come last war Light and Darkness, which will end with the sinking of the new Satan to the bottom of the sea. This will be a new Moloch, he affirmed, who will need constant sacrifices” (

Did you laugh? And now alone interesting story. The Bible tells us that "in last days“The devil will lead the battle against the “faithful” people of Gog and Magog, whom he will deceive and gather in numbers “like the sand of the sea.”

The people of Gog and Magog are traditionally considered... Russians. In the book of the prophet Ezekiel, it is directly stated that the hordes of Gog and Magog will come “from the borders of the North” (Ezek. 38:6, 15, 39:2).

Actually, Magog is the earth (country), and Gog is its ruler. But not just a ruler, the Lord addresses him as “Gog in the land of Magog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal” (Ezek. 38:2).

Most researchers (Tatishchev, Lomonosov, Triadikovsky) believe that Rosh is Russia, Meshecha is Moscow, and specifically Muscovites. There are questions about Tubal, because here opinions differ the most, from identification with the Lydians (northwest Turkey) to the Thessalians and Iberians. However, if we accept the very common hypothesis among researchers that Mashekh is Tobolsk, then it turns out very logically: Gog is the prince of all Russia (in the sense northern lands of ancient Rus'), but above all - Moscow (the capital of the European part of the modern Russian Federation) and Tobolsk (the symbolic capital of Siberia), from where numerous narrow-eyed “former tractor drivers and miners” travel to Ukraine.

Among the peoples seduced by the devil are the Persians, Libyans, Ethiopians (is this an allusion to the Islamic State of ISIS?) and others. It's interesting that in Koran among northern peoples Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj) appear as those who feed on human flesh. It is prophesied that they will kill many people and drink all the water from the rivers and lakes. How can one not recall the unfortunate fate of the Aral Sea, killed in the USSR, hundreds of large and small rivers, now dry, the reservoirs of Crimea and the North Crimean Canal. Well, and the threats of some Moscow politicians to drain the Dnieper... Take a look at the ancient maps - where did historians and geographers settle the people of androphages (cannibals)? Questions?

Finally, about the role of Ukraine and Donbass in this great battle with Evil. There is a legend about Wall "Dhul-Qarnain". According to it, the once righteous Dhul-Qarnain (about the historical person hiding behind the nickname “two-horned” - this is how it is translated from Arabic - historians are still arguing) once built a wall of iron and stone on the border of Europe and Asia. This wall must protect civilized, peaceful peoples from Gog and Magog, who will storm this border.

There is an interesting motive that will raise Gog and Magog to war:

“... on that day thoughts will come to your heart, and you will conceive an evil enterprise and say: “I will rise to an unfenced land, I will go against the carefree, who live carelessly - they all live without walls, and they have neither locks nor doors - so that to carry out robbery and gather booty, to lay hands on the newly settled ruins and on the people gathered from the nations, engaged in farming and trade, living on the top of the earth.” (Ezek. 38:10-12).

Doesn't this biblical Gog remind you of anyone? And why can’t Gog be at the same time, if not the devil, then the Antichrist or at least one of his forerunners?

It is known that the ancients divided Europe and Asia along the river Tanais(Seversky Donets), in this case, this wall could be, for example, the Donetsk Ridge - one of the oldest mountains in the world, or a system of artificial pyramidal structures (the so-called temples) of the ancient Aryans.

It is in this area that the Ukrainian military and volunteers are now engaged in fierce battles with the Russian military and mercenaries, not only from the country of Gog and Magog, but also from many other regions, right up to Iberia (Spain) and Libya...

Is it really Putin...

No, he cannot be the Antichrist, for the Antichrist, according to prophecy, will appear in the world under the guise of a meek peacemaker, under the guise of a spiritual leader. But on the numerous forerunners of the Antichrist - yes:

“These “forerunners” of the Antichrist are leading the world process that St. Ap. Paul called it a “falling away” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). The essence of this process lies in the greater and greater departure of Christian humanity from the genuine, intact Gospel teaching and in the replacement of the Gospel covenants with other ideals. The destructiveness of these ideals offered to humanity by the “forerunners” of the Antichrist is that they sometimes seem acceptable to a Christian, compatible with Christianity, but in reality they are deeply disgusting to him, as flattering human passions and lusts and confirming the fallen nature of man in its fall" (Archbishop Averky Tashuev. “The Spirit of Antichrist and the Forerunner of the Antichrist”).

It is interesting that many outstanding theologians, for example the famous Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, believed that the Antichrist would be... the Russian Tsar. Where should the forerunner come from if not from Russia?

As for V.V. Putin, many note his extreme deceit, cynicism and duplicity - the most important qualities of Satan’s spawn, aimed at confusing minds and feelings. Look what Putin’s propaganda has turned the Russian people into. Look what the Russian Church has become. Even during the time when Stalin was alive, the Orthodox elder Lavrenty Chernigovsky prophesied:

“Shortly before the reign of the Antichrist, closed churches will be repaired and equipped not only outside, but also inside. They will gild the domes of both churches and bell towers, and when the main one is finished, the time will come for the reign of the Antichrist. Pray that the Lord will extend this time for us to strengthen: a terrible time awaits us. Renovations of churches will continue until the coronation of the Antichrist, and we will have unprecedented splendor. Do you see how insidiously all this is being prepared? All churches will be in the greatest splendor as never before, but it will be impossible to go to those churches, since the Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will not be offered there. Understand: there will be churches, but an Orthodox Christian will not be able to visit them, since the whole “satanic gathering” will be there (Rev. 2:9)! I repeat once again that it will be impossible to go to those churches: there will be no grace in them!” (

Look around you, Orthodox Russian people. On Gundyaev-Kirill; on pot-bellied, corrupt priests; at how shamelessly the Russian Orthodox Church fawns over the authorities, ready at any moment to support the most vulgar, most cynical and criminal desire of this government.

Do you have any doubts?

P.S.For those attentive readers who ask the question: what does Crimea have to do with it and why the article was timed to coincide with the anniversary of its seizure by Russia.

There is a prophecy that the Apocalypse will begin after the Antichrist restores a certain destroyed Temple in Palestine. It is believed that we're talking about about the Jerusalem Jewish Temple (Third Temple). However, knowing certain historical facts, you can turn on your imagination and slightly alter the prophecy.

After the capture of the Holy Land (Palestine) in the seventh century by the Arabs, part of Christian monasticism moved to Crimea, calling it New Jerusalem. Oldest Christian church Crimea was built just at this time. This is the Church of St. John the Baptist. For a long time it was destroyed and restored only in the late 70s of the twentieth century.

So much for the sacredness of Crimea in Putin’s way...

Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny suddenly emerged as a guardian of Russian Orthodoxy. True, as always in his “original manner”. In particular, the liberal oppositionist, quoted Sergei Chapnin (not to be confused with Chaplin!), former deputy editor-in-chief and executive editor of the official church publications “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate” and the newspaper “Church Bulletin”.

Alexey Anatolyevich quotes from Chapnin the following: “The result of close cooperation between the Church of the State in the last decade has been a special set of ideas, which is richly decorated with Orthodox symbols and church terminology, but at the same time has a deeply secular, ideological character - a kind of post-Soviet civil religion.

Many-kilometer queues for holy relics and other shrines brought to Russia from other countries are a direct exploitation by the Church of the thirst for miracles that lives among a significant part of Russians. It is no coincidence that from year to year those who confidently call themselves Orthodox in sociological surveys (60-70% of the Russian population) are 10 times more numerous than those who regularly go to church (5-7%).”

It’s so biting, and with zeal for “our mother, the Orthodox Church,” isn’t it?

And... no, it's not true.

The fact is that Sergei Chapnin until recently was a high-ranking church official. Who was in charge of the main mouthpieces of the official church position. True, this did not prevent him from actively communicating with the Carnegie Center, for example, and even “allowing scandals” into the publications he supervised in terms of supporting juvenile justice, or even abortion in general.

In a word, Chapnin remained a cadre from the nineties, many of whom worked under, of blessed memory, Patriarch Alexy II. Why did they work? Because Bishop Alexy had problems on a larger scale than individual “church liberals.”

Patriarch Kirill, it must be said, also did not pay attention to this odious figure for several years. And also, for the same reasons. But then, I still paid attention to the corresponding personnel decisions. And, excuse me, with all the diversity of points of view within the Orthodox Church on modern reality, the apology for “juvenile sex,” abortion,” and even “Carnegianism,” about which many Orthodox religious scholars have questions, so to speak, of an occult nature, is somehow too much .

In general, when Yegor Kholmogorov (whom you can and should treat as you like, but in terms of his religion there is no doubt) writes: “I thought it would be difficult for Navalny to break through the bottom deeper. But then he began to quote neo-renovationist Chapnin (almost Morozov) about the Russian Orthodox Church as “Christianity without Christ.”

It would be better if Ololosha joined Pussy Riot - and it would be less obscene,” I think Yegor is too soft in his definitions. Because Chapnin is not a neo-, but rather an ultra-renovationist with a fair amount of occult flair.

And all this would be an “unfortunate episode”, some kind of accident, if not for one more moment. Today, another “disgraced clergyman”, in last years speaking with “criticism of the church regime,” namely, Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev, accused the first deputy chairman of the synodal department for relations of the Church with society and the media, Alexander Shchipokva, of “anti-Christianity,” who stated that “Our main value is tradition.”

And here the point is not in Shchipkov, but in what Kuraev opposes to the church official. And he contrasts Solovyov with a parable about the Antichrist and “dead tradition”:

“Christians! Tell me, what is most precious to you in Christianity, so that I can direct my efforts in this direction? Dear brothers! I know that among you there are those for whom the most precious thing in Christianity is its sacred tradition, old symbols, old songs and prayers, icons and the order of worship. And really, what could be more valuable than this for a religious soul? Know, beloved, that today I signed a charter and assigned rich funds to the World Museum of Christian Archeology in our glorious imperial city of Constantinople for the purpose of collecting, studying and storing all kinds of monuments of church antiquity, mainly Eastern.”

This is, if anyone doesn’t understand.

And again, “dead tradition” is to blame. Just like Chapnin, quoted by Navalny. But here’s the nuance: Chapnin’s numbers were taken basically out of thin air. And Kuraev is denounced by the quoted Soloviev.

This very tradition, these very relics, icons and sermons fill not museums, but churches. In which there are live liturgies. As for museums, and who fills them and how, just remember the story of the transfer of Isaac, where museum workers almost literally they “rose on their horns” so as not to give St. Isaac’s Cathedral to the Church. And naturally, on the side of these workers were precisely the apologists of the “living liberal tradition”, who are not allowed to eat in peace with relics, icons and queues at churches.

And as a cherry on the cake, it’s worth remembering that once on Easter Alexey Anatolyevich took, and with Christ. And in this context, the “progressive theology” of both Chapnin and Kuraeva looks completely bad. From an Orthodox, metaphysical point of view.

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