Burn a green candle. Spells for money and luck

In the material below we will tell the reader how it works green candle to attract money. And we will present the most complete and useful information about the important features of carrying out this ritual at home.

Why is it better to perform the ritual yourself?

Since ancient times, people have feared and respected various magical beliefs and practices. Nowadays, little has changed, and we still turn to this teaching in crisis situations. However, lately there have been too many charlatans. The reason for this may be the fashion for the supernatural and inexplicable, as well as the spread of the World Wide Web throughout the planet. Therefore, an increasing number of people prefer to study and perform various ones on their own at home. They get information from the Internet and in some cases fail. And all because step-by-step instructions are not always reliable and detailed. After all, the esotericists who write them are interested in attracting clients. This means that it is in their interests not to help people with advice, but to force them to seek paid advice or make an appointment.

Our article is for informational purposes only, so following the instructions described will help you perform the ritual with a green candle to attract money correctly and achieve desired results.

What are the consequences of the ritual?

Most of the rituals known to mankind and described on the Internet, refer to the methods of black magic. Even small children know that they all pose a threat to both the customer or performer and the victim. However, this does not stop many people and, at risk, they follow the step-by-step instructions. But having achieved the result, they greatly regret it. After all, the essence of magic is to get what you want in exchange for something else. In other words, dark rituals are a deal with terrible forces, implying a mutually beneficial exchange. And the performer or customer knows only what he wants to receive. But what he will have to sacrifice or what the price of the exchange will be will become known to him only when the process is already irreversible.

The ritual with a green candle to attract money is noteworthy in that it has absolutely nothing to do with black magic. This means that it is safe and does not entail any consequences. It is also convenient because it does not require a lot of time and various “witchcraft” paraphernalia to perform.

Why is a green candle necessary?

The theme of magic is often raised in cinema. For this reason, many of us take this teaching incorrectly. We think that a true magician should wear all black, surround himself with gloomy paraphernalia, black and red candles, from which unreal smoke emanates. However, all this is just material used to create an image and create an appropriate atmosphere. In fact, an experienced sorcerer is strong even without additional “intimidators”. Therefore, if our reader nevertheless decides to turn to a professional for help, you should not blindly believe the surroundings and the artificially created image.

Also, many people who first encounter a ceremony to attract money with a green candle are concerned about the question of why it is necessary to use a device to illuminate this particular color. Experts and experienced magicians say that each candle - ordinary, of various colors, church or witchcraft - emits certain vibrations, attracting the corresponding flows. Based on this, it becomes obvious that the green candle attracts the energy of money and wealth.

Features of the ritual

To achieve the desired results, it is extremely important to perform the ritual correctly. To do this, you need to learn about the sacraments that the ritual with a green candle involves to attract money. There are not many of them, and performing them will not be difficult even for people ignorant of magic. So, having decided to carry out the studied ritual at home, you must:

  • have the appropriate attitude, that is, it is important to believe that manipulations with the candle will work and will really bring financial success;
  • use only new candles and those purchased independently;
  • There is also an indication regarding the color of the candle: a magical attribute painted on the outside is unsuitable for the ritual (you should choose one that consists entirely of green combustible material).

Pre-cleaning the spark plug

In reviews of a green candle for attracting money, people who have tried the ritual on themselves often complain that it did not help achieve the desired ritual. Professional sorcerers explain the reason for this phenomenon. Most often, it lies in the incorrect execution of the ritual technology. Which begins not with reading the plot, but with preliminary cleaning of the candle. Moreover, this does not mean washing the magical attribute using a chemical or removing the candle from its packaging and price tag. Although the latter should also be taken care of. The point is completely different. It involves fumigating a green instrument with incense.

Dry sprigs of thyme, mint or pine are perfect for these purposes. If for some reason you cannot get them, you can replace them with a mineral saline solution. It's very easy to make. You just need to mix two hundred milliliters of still mineral water and one tablespoon of regular coarse table salt. Place the candle in the solution for seven minutes, and then remove and dry with white paper napkin or cotton fabric of a similar color.

How to make a candle “work” for yourself

Another reason for the unsuccessful outcome of the studied ritual with a green candle to attract money lies in the lack of focus of the ritual on a specific person. That is, the manipulations may work, but the lucky person who will soon receive huge amounts of money may turn out to be some other person, and not the one who performed the ritual. Therefore, reviews often mention the need to charge a green instrument with your energy. To do this, you need to take the candle in your hands and hold it for some time. At the same time, it is important to think about your wealth, financial well-being, prosperity, material luck, and so on. When it seems that the candle is fully charged and ready for the ceremony, you can move on to the main stage.

How to perform a ritual for financial well-being yourself

Before presenting the reader with step-by-step instructions, it should be noted that it is important to perform a ritual with a green candle to attract money to the waxing moon. This moment can be tracked on the Internet or you can wait until a month appears in the sky, which over time will turn into a perfectly round lunar disk. In addition, to extinguish the candle you need to prepare a special cap. Because blowing out the fire or extinguishing the flame with your fingers is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to perform magical manipulations in all alone, fervently believing in achieving the desired goal.

Step-by-step instructions for performing the ritual

The actions should be as follows.

  1. The person performing the ceremony needs to sit down at the table with a candle in front of him.
  2. The flame should be even and clean. If it fluctuates, the ritual must be postponed to the next new moon.
  3. If there is turquoise in the house, it should also be placed near the candle. This will increase your chances of success.
  4. Light a magical object and carefully peer into the flame, thinking about your desire, dreaming about it and fantasizing.
  5. Then slowly cast the green candle spell to attract money, which is presented above. Moreover, it is better not to read it, but to learn it by heart and pronounce it from memory.
  6. Next, you need to sit, looking at the candle and dreaming about the fulfillment of your desire, imagine yourself surrounded by wealth, money and luxury.
  7. Continue this way until the candle remains with a small cinder half a centimeter high.
  8. Then the fire should be extinguished and the following words should be said very clearly and confidently: “I am shrouded in green flame, surrounded by the magic of money, I am assured of prosperity, I will soon be a rich man.”
  9. After this, you need to hide the cinder in a secluded place and wait for your cherished dream to come true.

How to enhance the effect of the ritual

The ritual and spell of a green candle to attract money is practiced all over the world. It is believed that the best day to hold it is Wednesday. Especially if the number, that is, the date, is even. In many cultures, it is customary to burn not one magical object, but three at once. This increases the chances of success many times over. It is also recommended to perform a ritual on Thursday that consolidates the effect of what is being studied. To carry it out you will need three orange or yellow candles. They must be burned in the same way.

There is also advice regarding the frequency of the ritual. Professional sorcerers and magicians say that it is necessary to repeat the ritual every new moon. This will allow you to achieve a constant flow of cash.

Ritual with twelve candles

A ritual that is performed with any payday is considered very effective. This could be a salary, a repaid debt, or other cash income. The ceremony takes place at twelve o'clock at night on the twelfth day of the new moon. To carry it out, you need to prepare twelve green candles. The technology of attracting money using a green candle consists of simple steps.

The first thing you need to do is sit in front of the window and place candles in front of you in a semicircle. Place the prepared money nearby. Then light the candles, moving clockwise. And, looking at the growing month, say the words of the conspiracy presented above. Then extinguish the candles and leave them in the moonlight overnight. The next morning, collect them starting from the left side. And on the full moon, burn it completely.

That's the whole secret of success!

Every person has encountered candle magic at least once in their life when they blew out the candles on a birthday cake and made a wish. Candles have been used by sorcerers since ancient times. A candle flame carries both creative and destructive energy. This allows you to use candles in rituals of Black and White Magic. Magic rituals with fire will help attract love and wealth, cure serious illnesses, protect yourself from the evil eye.

A candle flame carries both creative and destructive energy.

Candles for magical rituals

A candle is a universal magical accessory. Magic practitioners in different rituals They use such magical accessories of different colors. The main condition is that the candle is made of pure wax. Wax carries strong creative energy. The color of the accessory is great importance. For candle magic rituals, products of the following colors are used.


White color is a symbol of purity of soul and body, sincerity of desires and thoughts. The white candle protects against evil eye, drives away negativity from the house.


This color symbolizes love, health and physical strength. Red magic tools enhance masculinity and female sexuality, adds sensuality to relationships.


Color is responsible for self-confidence, willpower and creativity. Accessories of this color are often used in clairvoyance rituals.


This color symbolizes the element of earth. Everything earthly and material is attracted to a green candle. Green also enhances the energy of plants in magical rituals.


Shades of blue color symbolizes wisdom and harmony. Blue magical instruments help to balance emotions and attract good luck in work.


Like green Brown color symbolizes earth and nature. A brown candle is used in healing rituals.


Many people mistakenly consider black to be an exclusively negative color. In fact, it carries the energy of all colors. A black magic instrument is capable of absorbing negativity and is used to drive out evil spirits.

Sometimes pink and silver candles are used in magical rituals. Silver candles enhance the gift of clairvoyance, while pink candles increase attractiveness in the eyes of others.

If there is no candle needed for holding witchcraft ritual colors, it can be replaced with white.

How to work with candles correctly

  1. The magical effect of a ritual accessory will be effective and strong if you work with them correctly. Experienced sorcerers identify several basic rules for working with candle magic.
  2. In rituals, you can only use new candles sprinkled with enchanted water.
  3. Accessories for magical rituals must be brightly and completely painted so that the color is not interrupted anywhere.
  4. Such magical items must be large in diameter so that they can shine for a long time.
  5. Before performing the ceremony, you need to go to church and bless new candles.
  6. During the ritual, the flame cannot be extinguished. They should burn out completely on their own. The fire is extinguished if the performer decides to interrupt and cancel the ceremony.
  7. You cannot use the same accessories in different magical rituals.

It is better to make candles for rituals with your own hands. In the process of making a magical instrument, a person gives her his energy. She will strengthen the ritual. Materials for making accessories can be bought at a shop that sells honey. It is better to use natural dyes. Ritual instruments should not be given into the hands of strangers. Store them correctly in a place closed from prying eyes.

It is better to make candles for rituals yourself

Candle magic rituals

Fire combines two types of energy - creating and destroying. This allows it to be used in a wide variety of rituals. Candle rituals have the following directions.

  1. A ritual to attract good luck, wealth, love, etc. is done with three candles.
  2. Removal negative program(damage, evil eye) into 3 flames.
  3. Protecting your home from negative influences done with holy water and three candles.
  4. Treatment of diseases.
  5. Expulsion of evil entities and spirits.

Good luck is attracted with the help of white and yellow products. Church paraphernalia is used in protective rituals. Red and pink candles are suitable for love rituals, and green ones attract wealth. Ceremonies of expelling entities are performed with black candles.

When performing magical rituals, the phase of the moon plays an important role. Rituals to attract wealth, love, success and health are carried out only during the waxing of the moon until the full moon. During the waning moon, spirits are expelled and rituals aimed at destruction are performed.

Ritual with fifteen candles

A powerful candle ritual will help people who have lost hope. The ritual of 15 lights helps to heal serious illness, get rid of boredom and depression.

What is needed for the ritual

In order to perform the ritual, you will need:

  • 15 candles from a church shop.

Products must be blessed immediately after purchase.

How to perform the ritual?

A cleansing ritual with fifteen candles is performed in the church.

Before coming to church, at home read the text of the prayer “Our Father” over the magical instruments, except for the words “and lead not into temptation, but deliver from the evil one.”

Go to church and light candles there in strict order.

1st - for the repose of the souls of all deceased enemies.

2nd - for the repose of the souls of all deceased relatives.

3rd – for the health of all enemies.

4th – for the health of all relatives, near and far.

5th – for your health.

6th – for Jesus Christ, you need to ask for forgiveness of sins.

7th – for the Virgin Mary, read the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice...” 5 times.

8th – Archangel Michael, ask for health for yourself and your family, read a prayer to Michael.

9th – to Archangel Raphael.

10th - to your holy guardian angel. Ask him to help you cope with all the troubles that have befallen you.

11th - to the holy healer Panteleimon.

12th – to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

13th – St. Seraphim Sarovsky.

14th – to Sergei of Radonezh.

Light the 15th wick from the flame of the lamp.

A cleansing ritual with fifteen candles is performed in the church

Stand with a church candle in your hands, pray sincerely, ask for absolution, repent.

If prayer and repentance are sincere, then adversity, melancholy, grievances and illnesses will burn in the flame of the 15th candle. Relief will come very quickly, this is how the magic of candles works. Rituals of purification and protection cannot be performed on the waning moon.

Red candle to attract love

Love magic will always be popular. To attract love, rituals are performed with red magical instruments. Strong rite will help attract your lover and bring your meeting with your future spouse closer.

What you need for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • thick red candle;
  • needle.

The needle must be sharp and large so that it does not bend or break during the ceremony.

How to perform the ritual?

  1. The ceremony for love is carried out completely alone, away from prying eyes.
  2. Take a candle and scratch a message on it with a needle from the base:

    “I (your name and date of birth here) met my loved one!”

  3. Using a needle, draw a spiral in a clockwise direction. You need to start drawing from top to bottom, from the wick to the base. The design on the base of the accessory should look like a cross.
  4. Light the wick (take the match from the new box).
  5. Until the candle burns out completely, think about your love, form in your thoughts images of your common future.
  6. After the candle burns out, extinguish the flame with your fingers. Bury the cinder in a hole at the intersection of two pedestrian roads or paths.

After the ceremony, do not expect love to come immediately. You will gradually begin to notice changes in yourself, your relationships with loved ones will change. Your significant other will definitely pay attention to you, but you will still have to make an effort to build a relationship.

You can keep red candles in the marital bedroom to decorate the interior and light them periodically. The energy of fire and the red candle will maintain the atmosphere of love.

Ritual with a green candle to attract wealth

To attract money, they use a ritual with green magical tools. A strong ritual will open a money channel and also bring good luck in financial transactions and business.

What you need for the ritual

For the ceremony with money you need:

  • 7 coins of the same denomination;
  • 3 large bills;
  • thick green candle;
  • green napkin.

Collect coins one at a time throughout the week. You need to start on Wednesday.

How to perform the ritual?

  1. The ritual for money is carried out completely alone.
  2. Half an hour before midnight, place paper money in the center of the table and cover it with a napkin. Place the coins evenly around the napkin.
  3. At exactly midnight, light the candle wick.
  4. Place your hands on the table with your palms down to the right and left of the candle so that the coins do not move.
  5. Fill your thoughts with your desire to attract money.
  6. Set the candle aside, wrap the coins in a napkin and tie them with a green string.
  7. Place the bundle of coins in your bag with the words:

    “Whoever collected these coins said the spell. No one counted the money in this bag, but I called upon the wealth. Day after day, send money to my house. Let it be so!"

  8. Let the candle burn out completely.

The coin spell lasts for about a month, then money rituals with a green candle can be repeated.

Three candles for removing damage

When removing a negative program, candle magic is also used. Rituals of purification and protection are carried out with church, white or black candles. A strong and complex ritual in which three candles are used will help cleanse yourself of damage and accumulated negativity, as well as attract your betrothed.

Rituals of purification and protection are carried out with church candles

What you need for the ritual

In the ritual of removing damage they use:

  • three candles (church);
  • 3 saucers.

You should use white saucers or plates without patterns.

How to perform the ritual?

Curtain the windows in the room tightly so that the sun does not obscure the candle flame, and proceed to the main action.

  1. Sit on your knees in the middle of the room. Place the candles around you in a triangle - one in front, two candles in the back - on the right and left. Place the candles directly on the saucers.
  2. Light the wick of one candle, without looking back, quickly read the spell:

    Fire, father, golden bee, give me peace and protect me from evil, enlighten my head, free me from bad thoughts, burn bad thoughts, help good thoughts to come into being, deliver me from mental anguish, guide me into joy and happiness. As long as this fire burns, let everything that is bad in me burn out, and when it goes out, I will live with new strength. Key, lock. So be it. Forever and ever. Amen.

  3. Tear off one hair from your head, set it on fire and rub it between your fingers.
  4. If the flame is restless and sparks are flying, then the ritual cannot be performed completely. Just light the candles one by one and read the same spell over them. You can cleanse again only after three days. If the flame remains calm, continue the ritual.
  5. Let the first candle burn out completely. Light the wick of the second candle.
  6. Look at the fire and remember your family, wish everyone well. When the candle burns down to the middle, say the words slowly:

    Quiet light, evening Savior, Help us in our illnesses, And in sorrows, and in hopelessness, And in misfortunes. Shine for us as a quiet beacon, In our days and in our dreams, Be a consolation for us, And a representative. Light up our lives, Burn our sorrows, And ailments, and anxieties, and lack of talent. Happiness is in the home. Grief - go home, to the one from whom it came. Key, lock. So be it. Forever and ever. Amen.

  7. Close your eyes and imagine your family smiling at you. Place your palms one at a time over the candle flame.
  8. Let the candle burn out and sit for a while in darkness and silence.
  9. The next day, each family member should touch your hands.

This is where the ritual of cleansing from the negative program ends. The third candle is used to attract the betrothed. Perform the ritual if you wish.

Light the flame of the third candle.

When the first drop of wax begins to flow from the candle, whisper three times: I want my candle, I want to ask:

My long-awaited betrothed, bring me my love, bring me to the porch, bring me under the window, show me the path to my dear! Key, lock. So be it. Forever and ever. Amen.

The flame should jerk once in one direction. In this direction you will meet your betrothed.

When the candle burns out, read the Lord's Prayer seven or nine times.

When you perform the ritual of three candles for three days, walk in the direction where the candle flame deviated. There you will meet your love.

Rituals with candles proper operation they will help you get rid of negativity, find love and attract wealth.

Let's consider in detail the conspiracy with a candle for money - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

The powers of magic are enormous. Since ancient times, magicians, sorcerers and healers have been practicing powerful magical rituals to attract material wealth and good luck in business.

Modern magical rituals are able not only to attract money to themselves, but are also able to speed up your career.

Money rituals can do a lot. With their help, a person can reveal all his capabilities. They charge you with strong energy and improve relationships with your superiors.

Ritual for money

By regularly applying money rituals, you can achieve enormous success both in your work, business and career, and in family life. After all, everyone successful man strive to earn as much money as possible not only for yourself, but also for the sake of your loved ones.

Today there are many different rites and rituals that can attract good luck and make you more successful. The following magical rituals have been tested over time and more than one person has felt their positive effects.

It is very important to follow the necessary recommendations and rules when performing a particular ritual.

How to properly perform a money ritual

  • Do not use magical rituals to enrich yourself at the expense of others. Don't take advantage of people who are helpless, naive, stupid or generous to you. Rely only on your own strength and on the help of the Almighty.
  • Money rituals will not help you take money out of nowhere. In order to become rich you need to work and direct all your efforts into the right direction. Magic can open your eyes to things you never noticed. She will help you reach the desired heights.
  • Confidence and a clear definition of the goal are what you need when performing the ritual.
  • Your desires must be real. You shouldn’t think about unrealistic sums and want to become the richest. Your desires must be real.
  • Be sure to believe in your success. Live with the thought that your wish will definitely come true.
  • No one should know about your magical rituals. This is entirely your secret. Decide on the essence of your problem. You must clearly know what you want. For example, you want to get rid of a bad streak in your life, or attract money and material wealth.
  • Very good sign is clothing and paraphernalia of green color in the ritual. It is this color that can attract material well-being and success. If you need to repay a debt or speed up the effect money ritual– you need red clothes.
  • Money magic uses the influence of all four elements (Fire, Earth, Air and Water). In this way, you can stabilize your money savings, drive out poverty, attract wealth and get rid of negative energy.

How to make your own wealth map

To make a “dream card” you will need a sheet of whatman paper or other paper of the appropriate size. Draw on it all your dreams and desires, everything you strive for. If you don't know how to draw or are very bad at it, you can use newspaper or magazine clippings. Stick them on your “card” as follows.

Divide your sheet into equally sized sectors. There should be nine of them. Connect your imagination to this creative process. Place your photo card or draw a self-portrait in the central sector. This is your zone. You must be in the center so that all other benefits surround you.

Wealth Map Outline

The northern sector is responsible for your career. It must be painted in shades of blue. Silver shades and black are also suitable. It will be very good if mountains and the sea are depicted there. They symbolize the growth of your career and the achievement of your goals.

The southern sector is responsible for glory. This is a fire element, so the main color here will be all shades of red. This is the sector where you must portray how you want others to perceive you.

If you want to become gentle to others, draw a flower. If you want to become unbending and tough, draw a tree. If you want to become famous and memorable, portray a rooster, stage or TV screen.

Western sector is children. Its main element is metal. The main color is white. You can use brown and silver shades. Try to depict a lake in this sector, be sure to draw children there. You can depict a child of a certain gender there, and then you will definitely have one.

If you really want your child to become a doctor, athlete, actor, and so on, depict the appropriate symbolism. They must look happy and fulfilled. In this sector you can depict your favorite animal or plant. That is, what you care about.

The eastern sector is responsible for the family. The main and main element is wood. The color of this sector should be green. Draw in this square beautiful tree, nearby there is a river or any other body of water. Color the picture in blue-green shades. Depict your beloved parents and people close to you, depict a beautiful and rich house.

If your work involves people and your main income comes from their number, draw a large number of people.

The southeastern sector is responsible for wealth and material well-being. Like the eastern sector, it depicts trees, a pond, and money. You can draw a nice car, a nice big house, jewelry and gold.

In the southwestern sector there is a zone of marriage and love. The main magical element is earth. The sector should be made in brown, beige, yellow and red shades. You can place a photo of your loved one here, if you have one.

If you haven’t found your soulmate yet, stick a photo of any person you like. Draw hearts in it and decorate it in the appropriate style.

Northwestern sector – travelers zone. Color it white, silver and brown shades colors. Paste a picture of a clear and cloudless sky. This sector is responsible for various travels and trips. The more diverse this sector is, the more varied your life will be.

Try to depict some influential person (president or king) in this square. Or someone who has achieved significant success in their life. There may be many such people in your square. The scope of their activities can also be varied.

In the northeast square you need to reflect knowledge. The main element given square is earth, and the colors should be orange and yellow. Color the square in these shades and depict the mountains near the seashore.

Try to place in this sector everything that can be directly related to skills and education. This sector should not be neglected. Its meaning is as important as all the others. If you haven't yet received the education you want, picture it there.

When your map is ready, you can make clarifications with the indicated dates under the various pictures. This way you can limit the achievement of your desired goals within a certain framework. For example, you want to build your house in two years, make a corresponding entry under the desired picture. Or you want to buy a car, write the desired date under it and so on.

The finished map must be placed on the wall in your room. You should see her clearly. Every time you look at it, you will remember why you live and what you strive for. This karat can have a very strong magical effect on your subconscious, it directs you in the right direction and brings good luck.

Money rituals for every day

  • To increase your material well-being, experts recommend regularly sprinkling your money with ground cinnamon.
  • Don't leave change at the register. Treat your money carefully.
  • Under no circumstances give money to a stranger unwrapped. Be sure to fold them in half and only then give them with the folded side facing the person. Otherwise, your prosperity and success will move away from you.
  • Don't throw your money on the ground or floor. Even the smallest coin should not be left on the floor.
  • When going for large purchases, you need to rub your palms with a mixture of mint and cinnamon. Thus, the money spent will return to you in an increased amount.
  • Banknotes should not be wrinkled or carried like this in your pocket.
  • Avoid loans. Don't borrow money. This is an extreme case that you cannot do without.
  • Avoid lending money, especially when you know the person is unreliable.
  • The wallet should not contain old receipts or items that are not related to money. It’s better to put three coins with square holes in the middle in your wallet. Tie them with a red ribbon. They bring good luck.
  • When you win money in the lottery, you need to donate part of the amount to those in need. Otherwise, you may lose much more than you gained.
  • Be sure to carry a banknote in your wallet that cannot be changed. It is best to put it in a separate pocket. It will attract good luck to you and will be very useful to you.

Spell for good luck and wealth

This ritual is performed on the waxing moon. You need to light a green candle. Concentrate your attention on its flame. Say the following spell over the candle until you feel confident in your words. And then leave it to burn out.

Spell for good luck and wealth

“I wish that the healing and harmonious energy of this candle becomes mine. Let the magic of money flow through my life. I attract money like a magnet. I am open and receptive to wealth. There is light and love around me, they protect me in all my efforts. Let everything be done according to my word.”

Modern magic spells, rites and rituals are very strong. They bring success, luck and prosperity to a person who regularly uses such rituals. The most important rule– this is faith in yourself, faith in magic and faith in a positive result.

Money ritual Green candle

Many people know that most magical rituals are usually performed with candles.

You can also perform rituals with a candle to attract money.

But not with an ordinary one, but using a green candle for this.

Why is a green candle so magical, and how to use it in money magic?

Green candle in magical rituals

Green is the color of material and monetary magic.

Green candles are used in magical rituals to improve well-being, as well as for healing, as they protect health and physical fitness, complementing other candles.

Green candles are great for all kinds of new beginnings.

An abundance of green candles in the house - good program for your world, fire and earth in harmonious relationship contribute to success and wonderful fruits, both in terms of successful decisions and material gain.

These candles may well be your daily friends, helping to consolidate the results of fulfilled desires or magical rituals performed.

Green is the color of fertility, abundance and wealth. Symbolizes nature and material gain. Promotes well-being, fertility and success.

Corresponds to the 4th chakra.

Green candles are best lit on Fridays.

When green candles are used in rituals to promote wealth, they help to gradually increase income or capital.

Like the color of fairies green color also very useful for spells that invoke good luck or increase magical abilities.

Green candles are used to attract the energy of money, prosperity, as well as to improve health and help in new endeavors.

It is also used in spells aimed at positive changes in circumstances, repetition or renewal of desires or intentions and consolidation of the result.

Green candles are widely used in money magic rituals. With their help, money and monetary success are attracted, and material benefits are obtained.

It is great to use green candles in rituals aimed at career growth, achieving personal goals or personal material gain.

In addition, green candles are used as an additional factor of growth and activity in rituals related to various issues of the material world - such as employment, business development, and the opening of new development prospects.

How to make a money candle

How to choose a green candle for money rituals? The ideal option is if the candle is made of wax, but regular stearic or paraffin is also suitable. The main thing is that it is thick enough and can burn for 2-3 hours.

A purchased green candle will serve as the basis for creating a money one. Now it’s time to start preparing the energy mixture that will accomplish the transformation.

To make the mixture you will need a glass bowl, olive oil and aromatic oil, which can now be bought at any gift shop.

We need pine oil, cedar oil, eucalyptus oil - essential oils to attract money, and an ordinary brush for painting.

You need to cut off the lower part (about two centimeters) from a previously purchased candle. Just cut carefully so that the candle remains stable later.

Now pour half a tea cup into a glass bowl olive oil and add three drops to each bottle of aromatic oil.

Stir the mixture clockwise and place in a water bath. Place a finely chopped piece from the candle there. Stir with a wooden spoon or spatula until the wax softens. You should get a homogeneous mass.

Then remove the bowl from the water bath and cool, stirring gradually. As it cools, the mass will begin to thicken little by little, but until it has completely frozen, you need to charge it with monetary energy.

You need to do it like this. Place the bowl on a wooden table. If you don’t have a wooden table in your house, you can place the dishes on a wooden board (for example, a cutting board).

Look closely at the surface of the mixture and concentrate. Think about the wishes and hopes that you can fulfill with the help of a green money candle. Close your eyes and try to imagine in great detail the moment you get what you want.

After this, all that remains is to turn the purchased candle into a green money candle. And this is how, take a simple candle in left hand(vice versa for left-handers), and with your right hand dip the brush into the mixture, which you apply to the candle. The direction of hand movement is from top to bottom.

As you apply the mixture, try again to imagine how you will succeed in achieving your goal. When you finish applying the mixture, leave the candle to dry for a day.

After this period, the green money candle will be completely ready and can be used in various ceremonies, spells and rituals.

When you make such a candle, you can immediately get down to business.

How to do a ritual with a green candle for money

Well, do you want to raise funds?

Then light a green candle at midnight, place it in the middle of the table, first lay a clean tablecloth on the table (it is recommended to take a green or white tablecloth).

Now carefully watch the burning wick of the candle (a few seconds will be enough).

You need to catch the moment when the green candle does not smoke, does not smoke heavily, or crackles. Got caught?

Then look directly at the fire and say:

“The green flame is flaring up, money is coming to me. Amen!".

Have you said these words? Please note that they must be pronounced three times.

Did the candle smoke or crackle during the ceremony? Then your wish will certainly come true - you will soon have money.

If it didn’t work out, and the green candle began to crackle and smoke, then the ritual can be repeated the next day.

How to make a money talisman from a green candle

This is a simple money ritual with a green candle, as a result of which you will succeed small talisman, which should be placed where the money is kept or in a wallet, wrapped in a white cotton cloth.

It is better to do it on the growing Moon, accompanied by colorful visualizations.

For the ritual you will need a clean white sheet of paper, 7 10-kopeck coins, 2 green candles, cinnamon and cloves.

Light two green candles and, crossing them together so that the wax flows down more actively, hold them over the coins. The wax gradually fills the coins.

Add some money spices - cinnamon and cloves, continuing to pour wax onto the coins. We try to pour the wax so that a circle is formed.

The talisman is hot and must be left to cool on the table. Alternatively, place it on a moonlit windowsill.

The green candle wax talisman will decrease in size, become hard, and it is ready to work to attract money.

It is very important to believe that everything will work out for you and will come true. Good luck and wealth!

Working with a candle: rituals for money, love and well-being

Candles are often an integral part of rituals. They don't just add mystery: when used correctly, they add powerful force to any plot.

Ritual with candles to attract money

To carry out this ritual, you will need three candles of different sizes and your wallet, which must be full, in accordance with the rules for attracting money. It is advisable to choose the period of the waxing Moon and carry out this ritual so that no one knows about it or finds out after it is performed. Also choose a place and time so you won't be interrupted. Otherwise, the ritual will be invalid. It's not necessary, but you can find green cloth to use for money rituals with candles.

First, lay a cloth on the floor if you can find it. If not, then use at least oilcloth just in case. Place the candles in front of you so that the thinnest one is to your left. Place your wallet directly below it. On the right, determine a place for the most voluminous candle, and in the middle - for the middle one. Light them from left to right, sitting in front of them on your knees and so that the match does not go out. That is, all candles must be lit with one match.

Now that everything is ready, place your hands on the wallet and, in accordance with the words, moving it from candle to candle, say the spell: “The wallet was thin, then it became mine. He gained a little weight and then got fatter. Let it remain this way, and life is easy for me. Wealth-wealth, show your kingdom. Come visit me, live in my wallet.” After this spell, say: "Let it be so!" and, holding your hands on the wallet, blow out the thin and medium candles. Sit up straight and wait for the third candle to burn out.

Ritual with a candle for love

In addition to a candle for this ritual, you will need a flower (or flowers) with red or pink petals and candy (any kind you like). Also remember or learn a verse about love that is very close to your spirit. It can also be a song, but then you will have to feel free to sing it. The most suitable day for this ritual is Friday night. Please note that it is better not to conduct it on the waning moon. Then it will definitely be no less powerful than the Simoron ritual.

Pull back the curtains from the window and remove everything from the windowsill. Place a candle on it. Take a flower and, tearing off the petals with your left hand, carefully sprinkle the candle around. At the same time, read a poem or sing a song that you have prepared for such an occasion. Be sure to do this with expression and feeling. When you have finished reciting or singing, take the candy and speak it with the following words: “Where is my Destiny? Where are you, part of me? I’m standing at the window, still waiting for you. Stop by for a glimpse, stay for a day. Where there is a day, there is for two, and for three, and forever. Let's be together: you and me. Life will be sweet, love will be hot, divided into two.” Bite off half of the candy and place the rest next to the petals and candle. Tell: “May my words come true from this very minute and day. Let it be so".

Do not put out the candle, it should burn out on its own. Leave everything like this overnight and go to bed.

Ritual to attract well-being using a candle

It is advisable to carry out this ritual in the kitchen. You can put a photo of your family next to the candle, but then all your household members should be on it. All actions from preparing to eating food must be performed with this candle burning.

Any of your favorite fruits and berries are perfect for this dish. The ritual will look like beautiful design dessert dish for the family, but will actually help bring prosperity into your home. Arrange the fruit on a plate so that it forms a horn shape. It must be complete. This is your “cornucopia”. You can also stuff pre-peeled pears with all kinds of pieces of fruit or berries. But then each family member must eat one of these pears.

Be sure to take an apple and cut it into pieces, fold them in the shape of a heart or several hearts. Place a small floating candle in the center. Say the spell three times: “My home, my family, my life - everything is like a cornucopia, let it be full, sweet and good. Let everyone who eats from it be satisfied, well-fed and in prosperity. Let it be so".

Fruits are not a rare attribute in conspiracies. For example, you can help attract love and maintain your youth with apple spells. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Green candle to attract money and prosperity

In magic, colors have meaning. Candles are used to perform various rituals. The classic color is yellow, but for some rituals it is preferable to use colored wax, for example, they usually take a green candle to attract money.

Green color in magical rituals

First of all, green is the color of material and monetary magic. Candles made in this color are used to attract wealth. In addition, they can be used in healing rituals when it is necessary to improve health, since green is associated with the physical. It is not for nothing that a tree with foliage is considered a symbol of health, spirit and strength.

Green candles sometimes used when performing rituals and conspiracies associated with the beginning of something new. They help direct energy towards good luck and successful completion of affairs.

Installing a lot of green candles in the house helps to harmonize energy, attract happiness and prosperity. Such a house is in balance, and the woman living in it is endowed with beauty and a blooming appearance. Wishes in a house with green candles come true faster because the energy flows correctly.

Green is associated with fertility and abundance. If suddenly a decrease in profits is observed in the family, then you can light a candle in this color every day, sincerely wishing that your well-being will improve and your material problems will stop.

This color is also associated with the world of love., therefore it is used in some rituals to attract happiness.

How to choose or make a candle?

To perform rituals, it is important to choose the right accessories. The easiest option is to purchase a candle in a store. However, everything is not so simple, because the industry offers many options - from thin to thick, unscented and scented, wax and paraffin.

It is best if the candle is natural, that is, made of wax. It costs more, but the ritual is also done to attract money, which means there is no need to spare money. Small “floating” candles in an aluminum shell are not the best option, although if there is no other option, you can use them.

If you want candles to have a scent, then it is better to make them yourself, since the industrial ones have a synthetic scent.

It is advisable to do rituals to attract money using a thick candle made of wax. But if such material is difficult to obtain, then use paraffin.

We improve industrial

If you want to scent an object, then do it as follows: scrape a little wax from the bottom surface of the candle. Place this in a bowl and heat over a flame until the wax begins to melt. Now you need to add a few drops of essential oil to this mass. You can use cinnamon, orange, cloves, cedar, lavender, sage.

Oils are used separately or mixed, but for a pleasant aroma it is enough to use 2-3 types of oil in the mixture. The composition is mixed, finally heated to a liquid state, and then evenly applied with a brush to the surface of the candle, after which it is allowed to dry. This way you get an aromatic candle with natural oils at home.

Do it yourself

To make it you will need a wick; you can buy it in church stores or purchase cotton threads. You will need wax as a base. It is taken from other candles or purchased at a store that sells honey. Last - best option, since it has not yet been used.

To color a candle green, use food coloring.. Some offer brilliant green, it will give bright color, but the substance itself is unsafe.

Empty tubes of paste or cream are suitable for the form. The wick must be secured on one side so that it is in the center of the tube cavity. The wax is melted in a water bath, mixed with dye and aromatic oils. It should be cooled slightly and carefully begin to pour into the mold, making sure that the wick is always in the center. It will take 4-6 days to harden.

It's easier and faster to make a thin candle. You will need a wick and melted wax. The wick is coated with wax, then dipped into the melted but cooled wax several times until the candle of the desired size is obtained.

When making candles, you must follow several rules:

  • Doing so in a good mood.
  • Previously energetically cleanse yourself and the space around you. Mantras or special prayers are suitable for this.
  • You should definitely tune in, think only about the candle and its purpose. Extraneous thoughts may affect the further ritual.

Ritual to attract money

Rituals to attract money and success are done during the waxing moon. It is necessary to exclude distractions, so it is better to do this alone. The space is pre-cleared. Thoughts should also not be distracted, but be directed only at the goal.

In addition to the green candle, other components are used that will help attract good luck.. These are stones: malachite, aventurine, turquoise, jade. They are placed side by side on the surface where the ritual will be performed. One type of stone is enough, no need to put everything in a row.

You will also need coins of the highest denomination. Or a large banknote.

Herbs for spells:

Herbs are placed next to the candle depending on the goals to be obtained.

Runes are cut out on a candle or written on a piece of paper. They also have a certain meaning and help redirect energy in the right direction.

  • Fehu– gives wealth, good fortune, energy for business.
  • Gera– success in legal affairs, a new beginning.
  • Gebo- giving and receiving gifts.
  • Yer– success in financial matters, investments, finding lost or hidden things.
  • Otal– thoroughness, money.
  • Algiz– protection, luck, success.

    Runes are used both separately and in combination. On both sides you can draw Algiz, a rune of protection, and in the middle, the desired one from other runes, depending on your goals.

    • Money doesn't come out of nowhere, you still have to work. Rituals only help strengthen energy.
    • You can't use them to enrich oneself at someone else's expense.
    • During runtime you need to clearly know what you want and what you are asking from the Universe.
    • Desires must be real and feasible. If you wish a poor person 10 million at once, he is unlikely to receive it.
    • About the rituals performed you can't tell anyone- this destroys energy, and any actions will be useless.
    • During the ritual, all four elements are used: Fire, Air, Water, Earth. This helps bring energy into harmony. The symbol of air can be a feather or smoke from incense sticks, for Water a small cup of water is placed, and the symbol of Earth is salt or a little natural earth, but energetically purified.
    • For the ritual It is advisable to dress in something green.

    Having arranged all the components, read the spell:

    In the name of the Lord and Lady, without harming anyone, let the money come to me. Without causing harm according to my will, let the money come as I want.

    The candle should be left to burn out or extinguished with tweezers until the next ritual. You cannot blow out a candle with air.

    Conspiracies to increase wealth

    To attract wealth, you will need a green candle, salt, a cup of water, lavender oil and a bunch of chamomile or other money herb. You need to light a candle, mix salt, crushed herbs, oil. Fingers are dipped into the water, then into the mixture and pronounced:

    Salt and herbs of Earth and Fire, bring what I desire: prosperity, wealth, carry the word, fulfill my will.

    After this, apply some of the mixture to your wallet.

    The following spell is performed with a burning candle, looking at the growing lunar disk:

    Oh, waxing Moon, make my income grow and increase. Money comes to me, they reward me for my work.

    Or another option:

    Hello Luna. I am worthy of the good I ask of you. Let abundance come to your home. Let prosperity come to your home. May my deeds be crowned with success. My dreams come true, my prosperity increases.

    Ritual with church candles

    To attract success, you can also use classic church candles. Traditionally, prayers are read in front of icons for these purposes. However, you can also use conspiracies. They should be aimed at good and under no circumstances desire other people’s wealth and money.

    For a church candle they read conspiracies about attracting work, asking for an increase in salary for themselves or their husbands.

    Take five wax candles. They light up. You should cross yourself and say:

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  • As you know, a person himself can influence the course of his life not only on the physical, but also on the spiritual level. This is why various rites and rituals have been created. In fact, they do not create anything, but they help direct energy in the right direction and attract what you want (luck, money, love, etc.). Perhaps, for complete happiness, everyone always lacks material wealth. Even though money is not the main thing, having it helps save energy, including spiritual energy, to achieve various goals. Everyone can improve their financial situation with the help of rituals. One of the most available ways is a green candle to attract money. How it works and how to perform the ritual - more on this.

    Green candles for attracting money create exactly the level of vibration that is necessary for attraction cash flows to the person

    Using a green candle to attract money is simple and very effective method quickly improve your financial situation. Here it should be understood that a candle will not solve all problems at once, so a person will still have to make efforts to achieve his goals.

    Conspiracies for a green candle are varied, so there will be no problems with carrying out the ritual. This ritual itself is very symbolic and helps create the necessary vibrations to attract cash flows.

    In the ritual, a green candle symbolizes prosperity. From time immemorial, the color green has been associated with fertility, health, and well-being. A candle of this color will definitely attract all kinds of benefits into a person’s life.

    Despite the fact that the ritual is intended to improve your financial situation, green candles can also be used for other purposes. By slightly adjusting the ritual, you can get rid of health problems. Magicians often recommend using green candles for women who cannot get pregnant without problems with reproductive health.

    During the ritual, a green candle creates the necessary vibrations. In fact, this can even be explained from a physics point of view, taking into account the characteristics of light refraction. Moreover, green color has a beneficial effect on nervous system, therefore, the ritual attracts money on a subconscious level, programming a person to achieve financial well-being.

    Candles are widely used in magic, as they are a conductor between the physical and spiritual world. Here, too, there is a place for symbolism - a burnt-out candle carries away spiritual world all those thoughts that a person focused on the wax during the ritual.

    Thus, the ritual for money with a green candle works by transmitting desire at a higher energy level. Green color puts you in the right mood, creating positive vibrations to attract money.

    How it works?

    Any rite, ritual or conspiracy is all a way to accumulate the energy of what you want. For example, a person really wants to achieve something and focuses on this thought. Carrying out a ritual helps to transfer this thought from the category of what is desired to the category of what is done, since the ritual itself is already the first step towards achieving the goal.

    As you know, thoughts are material, and a person can really attract into his life what his mind is focused on. Usually the thought of achieving a goal “walks” within the framework of consciousness. Here, some people become fixated on a goal, which often does not lead to success, since the obsession takes too much energy. Carrying out any ritual helps to “translate” desire from conscious to unconscious. On this plane, the subconscious comes into play and a person’s self-programming occurs to achieve the goal. It is interesting that in all rituals the same condition is set: after the ritual, the thought must be released. By ceasing to think about what he wants, a person gives the opportunity to his own subconscious to get ahead. As a result, everything in his life begins to come together the best way. When it comes to money, this manifests itself in suddenly discovered new abilities.

    In order for the ritual to attract material wealth to become effective, you need to buy a new candle - you should not use existing ones

    As those who performed the ritual say, money comes to them from different sources– this could be a promotion at work after a successful proposal, a reward beyond what was expected for a well-executed project, etc.

    The only thing to remember is that the ritual will not help a person who does nothing to achieve his goal. Don't expect that material goods will literally fall out of nowhere. The Universe does not like lazy people, so only those people who make efforts and do not wait for “manna from heaven” will be rewarded.

    How to perform the ritual?

    What spells or conspiracy to read on a green candle does not matter at all. Of course, it is preferable to use ready-made conspiracies, but only because it significantly saves time. In general, the fact of carrying out the ritual makes sense, and not the specifics of formulating the wish.

    Before performing the ritual, the candle must be prepared. To do this, it is cleansed using smoke from incense. Incense with essential oils of thyme, patchouli, and mint will help you attract financial success. You can also set fire to ordinary pine branches and hold the candle over the rising smoke. It is necessary to clean the candle for several minutes, watching how the smoke from the smoking sticks envelops it.

    Below are the three most popular types of ritual that help attract financial flows into your life.

    Ritual for opening financial flow

    This ritual is aimed at opening financial flow on an ongoing basis. It ensures a regular flow of funds from various sources. The amounts are unlikely to be large, but the regularity of the receipt of money definitely deserves such a ceremony.

    The ritual is carried out over three days, starting from the first day of the new moon.

    All rituals related to improving financial well-being are performed on the day of the new moon. As the moon grows during the lunar month, so will the influx of funds.

    To carry out the ceremony you will need 12 candles. They should be placed in a horseshoe on the table opposite the window so that the moon is visible, and as many as possible should be placed in the center large bills. On the first day of the full moon, exactly at midnight, you should light all the candles from left to right, while reading the following money spell for each green candle:

    “As the moon grows, so does my wealth grow. I will light twelve candles, and I will receive wealth twice twelve times. Look at the month and remember, and bestow wealth on me. So be it, because my thoughts are pure.”

    Then you should look at the candles for 12 minutes, and then put them out. The ritual site must be left uncleaned until the next night. The next night, the candles are lit again and the plot is read again. This is repeated on the first three days of the new moon. Then the unburned candles must be wrapped in thick cloth and hidden in a secluded place.

    Often people are faced with a situation where they need a certain amount of money, but there is nowhere to get it. In this case, you can read a special conspiracy to attract money; a green candle will help you perform the ritual.

    One of the most common magical attributes is a candle, and the color of the wax is directly related to the desired result of divination.

    This ritual is very simple to carry out; it does not require anything other than a candle. On the first day of the new moon, it is necessary to go outside at midnight so that the new moon is visible. Then you should light a green candle and whisper into its flame three times three times (taking a minute pause after every three readings) the following words:

    “The month is young and strong, and strives to grow. Let my financial situation grow, imitating you. My thoughts are pure and my efforts are great. Notice this, moon, and help me quickly gain wealth.”

    Then you need to extinguish the candle and hide it in a secluded corner. This candle can be reused at the next new moon and so on until the green candle burns out completely.

    How to get rid of debts?

    Any conspiracies to attract money into your life should be done on the new moon, but getting rid of old debts with the help of a ritual must be done on the full moon. Everything is simple here: the day after the full moon, the moon wanes, decreasing in size, and along with it, a person’s debts gradually decrease.

    It is necessary to light a green candle on a full moon so that the light of the night luminary falls on it. Then read the following plot:

    “The moon is full, but there is a hole in my pocket. Moon, go down and mend my holes. The moon goes away, debts disappear. The moon rises - money floats. So be it."

    You need to read these words three times, and then put out the candle and put it in a secluded place. Exactly after 28 days, the candle must be thrown away with the words: “Go away the moon, take away your debts.” As practice shows, during these 28 days each person begins to gradually get rid of existing debts, as his financial situation suddenly improves.

    Where to buy a candle?

    The candle can be bought at any esoteric store. You need to choose brightly colored candles. Important condition– the candle should be green both outside and inside. It would be good if the wick was also painted green. The cost of candles should be found at the place of purchase. As a rule, a small green candle will cost about 100 rubles, a large one – 300.

    Spells for money and luck are a special type of white magic. They help reduce the influence of negative factors and increase the number of positive ones that affect certain transactions with money. Students, for example, often use spells for good luck in their studies. IN old times, Men in to a greater extent than now, they trusted everything that today relates to the sphere of magic. They clearly understood that any manipulation in a person’s life had to be accompanied by some kind of magical actions. After all, these actions served both as a talisman against evil forces and as a blessing for good deeds.

    White magic spells have always been more revered and more widespread than black magic, because its main function is protective.

    The magic of money in this context was not last place. After all, as you know, a person’s well-being largely depends on the level of well-being of his family. For example, people have been using it successfully for many years.

    Magic rituals for attracting money have always been considered the most popular. Within the framework of money magic, even in our time there is almost the largest number of different techniques. Among them, the following magical practices are considered the most common:

    • Money conspiracies and spells
    • Special prayers for money
    • Amulets for good luck and money
    • Special rituals to attract money

    The magic of money, conspiracies for money and good luck, rituals dedicated to attracting large sums of money are extremely popular in our time. They are popular both among trade workers and among ordinary citizens making large or not very monetary transactions.

    Type of money rituals

    Money conspiracies are usually classified depending on the transactions that are carried out with money. Most often, people resort to magic and witchcraft:

    • When you need to return a large amount of money, or for example, if someone took out a loan and long time does not return.
    • If you need to attract money to your home, or it happens that everyone in the house works, but there is still no money.
    • There is an urgent need to find or receive a certain amount of money, or, for example, when you need money for surgery or treatment.

    However, in addition to these varieties, people actively use, for example, effective. This conspiracy is a special kind of whispering (slanders) made with the aim of magnetizing money to a wallet from a wide variety of sources.

    For those, who for a long time struggling with the question of how to attract money - a conspiracy to make money flow will be just right. The simplest of these rituals is as follows. In a store or market, when making a purchase and receiving money (no matter change or payment), say to yourself:

    “In our wallet is your money, your treasury is my treasury. Amen!".

    Such a conspiracy to attract money will constantly concentrate the consciousness of the speaker on the formation of a money egregor.

    It will also have a positive effect not only on the flow of financial resources into the house, but also promote good luck in your affairs.

    Another good conspiracy to make money flow is done on the new moon. On the first day of the new moon, at exactly midnight you need to go out onto the road with 12 coins. Then you need to put the coins under the light of the moon and say out loud seven times:

    “Everything that grows and lives multiplies from sunlight, and money comes from moonlight. Grow money. Multiply your money. Add more money. Make me (your name) rich, come to me. Let it be so!".

    After the ritual, the money should be held tightly in your fist. Then, upon entering the house, immediately put the money in the wallet that you use constantly. This conspiracy for money on the new moon, like others carried out during this period of the lunar cycle, is very effective and efficient.

    Big money conspiracy

    In the case when it is necessary to receive a large amount of money, use the following conspiracy for big money:

    “Jesus Christ, hope and support, Ever-Virgin Mary, Jesus’ support, walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, the bags opened, the money fell out. I, the servant of God (your name), walked downstairs, collected money, took it home, lit candles, and distributed it to my friends. Candles, burn, money, come to the house! Forever and ever! Amen!".

    The plot is read over five burning large church candles. After reading these words, you need to wait until the candles burn out, collect the wax and put it in your wallet as a talisman. The arrival of a large sum of money is guaranteed.

    Green candle spell

    There may be a situation when you just need to get a certain amount or find money.

    The green candle spell works very well in these cases. To perform the ritual we will need a large green candle, vegetable oil and basil powder.

    You can buy a candle in any online store of magical and esoteric goods. On the candle you need to write with something your name and the specific amount of money that is needed. After which the candle is first lubricated with vegetable oil, then rolled in basil powder and set on fire with the words:

    “Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket!”

    Such conspiracies for money serve as a kind of invisible pointer to the funds where they need to go.

    Conspiracies to get money back

    It often happens that a person borrows money from someone, but it is not returned to him.

    It is for such cases that a conspiracy was invented to return the money, or, to put it simply, . His the main objective– return the money to the person who needs it and to whom it rightfully belongs.

    It can also influence the conscience of the one who borrowed this money and does not pay it back. This conspiracy is read to get the money back, over a broom, with which you mentally beat the debtor. Such a conspiracy to return money or an old debt may look like this:

    “I am sending a charge against the servant of God (the name of the debtor): let this charge burn and bake, chase him around the corners, break bones, not eat, do not sleep, do not drink, and not give rest to (the name of the debtor) until that debt is repaid to me! "

    Another effective conspiracy to return money is somewhat exotic, but no less effective. You need to get some freshly churned butter from the cow. It can be made in villages or bought at the market. You need to take as much of it as possible in your right hand and gently smear it on the aspen board, saying:

    “The oil will turn bitter, and you, servant of God (name of the debtor), will grieve in your heart, and roar with your eyes, and ache in your soul, and suffer in your mind. About the fact that you need to give me (your name) your debt. Amen".

    After which the board should ideally be thrown into the debtor’s house. Then his conscience will be restless, and he will constantly remember the unrepaid debt. This conspiracy to give away money is most effective if all its requirements are met.

    Spells for money and luck

    A special type of magical rituals associated with financial resources, such as spells for money and good luck, stands out.

    There is already a catch in the name itself and one can feel an attempt to “kill two birds with one stone”, both luck and money. Nevertheless, this type of magic is still quite popular and very effective.

    Today is very strong conspiracies Money and good luck bring not only solid financial resources, but also success in business. They can also be used when concluding trade transactions or when carrying out financial transactions.

    In such cases, the party that used the conspiracy not only receives money, but also remains a winner in all other respects. Such magical formulas, if applied correctly and in a timely manner, bring good luck in all financial transactions.

    Three candles spell

    One of the effective rituals for attracting money and good luck is the three-candle spell. In order to implement it, we will need three large candles of different colors:

    • green candle
    • white candle
    • brown candle

    Each of these candles has a certain magical energy. Also, each of them has its own symbolic meaning:

    Green candle means the funds with which the above-mentioned entity deals in its activities.
    White candle directly denotes the person performing this ritual
    Brown candle denotes an activity carried out by a given person

    Candles are placed on the table, forming a triangle. It is desirable that it has equal sides and its elements are arranged as follows:

    • You should place a white candle in front of you,
    • a green candle - to the left of the white one,
    • brown candle - on the right.

    Then the candles are lit in order, starting with the white one. At this point it says:

    “Flame is like a soul, soul is like a flame!”

    Setting fire to the brown one, they say:

    “Things in business, ways in ways, everything is muddy!”

    The green candle says the following:

    “Profit in profit, money in money!”

    Then it’s worth watching how they burn. After this, sharply, in a single movement, connect them into one, but so that they continue to burn. Then you need to put the resulting mixture in the center of the former triangle and continue the spell:

    “In strength there is power, in power there is strength, I am with strength and with that power!”

    These are perhaps the most powerful conspiracies for money and luck.

    Please note! All candles must burn out completely!

    Everything that remains of them must be carefully collected and stored. This will be a spoken talisman for money and good luck in monetary transactions.

    Spells for money on the waxing moon

    All monetary and financial magical actions, including spells for money, should be performed exclusively on the waxing moon. The “waxing moon” refers to the period of time beginning with the new moon and ending with the beginning of the full moon, when the moon is waxing.

    Adherents of white magic claim that lunar cycles are closely related to the financial sphere. Therefore, any spells for money and luck on the moon should be done wisely and with an eye on its current cycle.

    Experts warn that it is better to refrain from rituals related to money during the days of the full moon. Spells for money during the full moon may well have the opposite effect.

    However, this does not mean that in specialized literature you will not find rituals dedicated to money and carried out during the full moon.

    Wallet spell

    Let's consider one such conspiracy for money on a full moon.

    For three days you need to put an empty open wallet on the windowsill at night. It is better to do this on the full moon itself, on the day before it or on the day after it. The wallet should be the one in which you carry money during the day. Read this spell:

    “Just as there are many stars in the sky, just as there is enough water in the sea, so should my wallet have a lot of money and always have enough.”

    After this, on the day before the new moon and on the two days following it, you need to put a full wallet on the window. You need to pronounce the same words.

    Home spells for money and luck

    Choose carefully magic spells and spells to attract, return and preserve funds or material well-being. It’s better to first read what other people say about them.

    Read reviews to see if these rituals are effective, when and how best to perform them. Before you carry out unknown money and luck conspiracies, prepare for the fact that they may not work. Therefore, try to take magical rites and rituals, as well as descriptions of them from trusted sources.

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