Female name Amelia. The influence of a name on a person and its characteristics

If you ask any parent what is most important to him in life, he will certainly answer - not only to provide for his child financially, but also to protect him from unpleasant incidents in the future. There is one simple way for this, which was known in ancient times - to try to give a promising name during the sacrament of baptism. Amelia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - which of these features should become important for adults?

The meaning of the name Amelia for a girl is brief

Since ancient times, it has been customary to begin choosing a name for your offspring by studying ancient sources. It is here that you can find the necessary information that will not allow you to make a mistake that could lead to fatal events in the baby’s life. What do ancient books provide and how can you benefit from the information they contain?

In ancient sources, which are usually used when choosing a name, you can find information that each name has its own secret meaning. Usually it does not foretell anything unpleasant or dangerous for the child. Most often, it is associated with certain character traits, so parents can learn in advance about what to pay attention to when raising a child. Quite easy to deal with negative qualities even at an early age - this is usually possible in a short time.

Amelia, the meaning of the name, character and destiny - what should you definitely pay attention to? Ancient sources warn that you should start choosing a name not only by studying the meaning, but also be sure to look at the events in fate that are predetermined in advance. If adults are attentive, they will certainly be able to help the child choose the most profitable profession, which his beloved child will definitely like.

The meaning of the name Amelia for a girl can be briefly described by the sources of Ancient Germany, but you can also find some mentions of it in Hebrew mythology. The meaning is quite simple, but it will certainly please your relatives, because it is translated as “work”, “hardworking”, “labor”. Even from childhood, the baby will prove that she fully corresponds to this meaning - she will be happy to help her mother.

What does the name Amelia mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Parents who doubt whether they will be able to correctly choose a name for their baby should not limit themselves to studying just ancient books different nations. Despite the fact that they contain a lot of useful or interesting information, it may not be enough to make a choice. That is why you should turn to the two most reliable and accurate sources that Orthodox literature offers - in them you can find everything that will help you understand the secret meaning of the name.

Amelia, the meaning of the name, character and fate, their characteristics - these problems are often faced by parents who have chosen this particular name. Studying the calendar or the church calendar will help you find answers to all your questions. Here you can find not only the most reliable interpretations, but also information about the dates of name days, patron saints, prayers that should be presented to the guardian angels.

What does the name Amelia mean for a girl? church calendar? There is no need to try to find here anything useful or even necessary for adults looking for suitable name for your child - in Orthodox literature he does not exist, therefore, the saints will not take care of the child. We'll have to ask God himself to protect the baby. There is no need to worry or urgently change your name - the Lord will certainly listen to your sincere words.

The mystery of the name Amelia, the date of the name day celebration

Will the little girl, who does not have a patron saint among the Orthodox saints, delight in the mystery of the name Amelia? If you carefully study ancient books, you can find interesting information that Catholics venerate a saint with this name, or more precisely, one of her forms. It was she who patronized one of the German cities, prevented disasters, and responded to sincere prayers. Thanks to this, girls with the name Amelia can celebrate their name day - it is customary all over the world to celebrate the day of St. Amalburga.

Amelia will be able to celebrate her name day twice a year. Adults definitely need to remember the dates when they need to bring gifts and sincere congratulations to the baby. Name days are usually celebrated in June (10th) and November (21st). In Orthodoxy, it is not customary to offer prayers to Catholic saints, so on name day you can simply thank God for his protection and ask for mercy for your baby.

Origin of the name Amelia and its meaning for children

How important can the origin of the name Amelia and its meaning for children be and affect the baby’s life? If you try to find information about the country that gave this to the whole world wonderful name, there will be very little information about her. Only a few sources provide data that the birthplace of the name can be considered Ancient Germany or the Hebrew state. Since in ancient books little space is given to origin, one might guess that it does not matter at all - it is much more important to find out the secret meaning and additional information about the character.

More important is the study of meaning. It is from him that a child’s life can be enriched pleasant surprises or unexpected troubles. Parents can partially prevent complications - to do this, they just need to know what awaits their baby.

Character of a girl named Amelia

How will the character of a girl named Amelia surprise or upset adults who expect only pleasant surprises from their little one? Positive features will appear quite early, and among them the following will certainly attract attention:

  1. modesty;
  2. patience;
  3. goodwill;
  4. hard work;
  5. sociability;
  6. intelligence;
  7. activity.

TO positive qualities They often add one more thing - the ability to get along with people. Since Amelia has a friendly character, it is pleasant to talk with her; she will listen to even a boring story, will certainly ask questions and help if necessary.

Among the shortcomings, short bouts of isolation will certainly cause concern for parents. They happen rarely, but the girl is able to hide any secrets and refuse to discuss emotional experiences. There is no need to try to get into her soul - this may cause the baby to completely refuse to share painful things with her parents or ask for help in making decisions.

The fate of a girl named Amelia

Will the fate of a girl named Amelia be cloudless, or will it be replete with sharp and unexpected turns? With a little help from her family, who can advise on the most profitable specialty, everything will turn out great for the girl. She can choose between the following professions:

  1. archaeologist;
  2. constructor;
  3. educator;
  4. actress;
  5. artist;
  6. diplomat;
  7. advocate.

Amelia rarely engages in business, avoiding dealing with large sums money - she is easy to deceive, because she is gullible, which often leads to financial losses. Parents should remember this and be sure to warn their daughter that it is better to choose a profession that is simpler and less responsible.

Amelia will be in a hurry to get married, believing that family life needs to start early - in mature age Finding the perfect betrothed is much more difficult. Her chosen one will certainly meet the girl’s ideals - an independent, wealthy man, handsome and strong, reliable and sociable. Thanks to the fact that she will not make a mistake with her choice, family life will bring only positive emotions and pleasure to the spouses.

Amelia – female name, derived from the German "work". Distributed in Russia, as well as in a number of European countries.

Stone: amethyst.

Element: air.

Planet: Uranus.


Unraveling the mystery of the name Amelia is very difficult - its owners are too different. Nevertheless, certain patterns can still be discerned.

Amelia is a fairly sociable child and finds it relatively easy mutual language with peers. With age, sociability doesn’t just decrease, it just stops making easy contact with people. strangers. However, despite all her restraint, Amelia really wants to please others. She has a fairly strong will, and as a rule, she is well versed in human psychology. Thanks to her prudence, Amelia makes a minimum of everyday mistakes. IN difficult situations she perfectly senses the limit to which it is better not to push.

Analyzing the meaning of the name Amelia, one cannot help but note the rare ability of women who possess it to use their shortcomings to their advantage. For example, indecision and slowness of reaction go well with the image of a “little girl”, which many Amelia exploits almost until old age. Therefore, what may look like a serious flaw in other women is, in this case, just a cute eccentricity for men. Moreover, Amelia rarely plans anything really bad. In addition, they are always ready to help or provide some kind of service.

Concluding the conversation about what the name Amelia means in terms of character, we should note a certain “two-facedness” of such women. It is often very difficult to determine what is really on her mind. However, sometimes she herself does not fully understand what she really wants.


As for health, Amelia, as a rule, can only be envied for this. Many of them have excellent abilities for serious sports. Their weak point are knees and joints. With age, in the absence of proper physical activity, the risk of gaining weight also increases.

Study, career and hobbies

Another secret of the name Amelia is that, despite all their external fragility and defenselessness, its owners love to command others. At the same time, it is difficult to talk about any exceptional ambitions. Just usually Amelia with early childhood decides what she will do in this life, and persistently moves towards her goal.

She is quite diligent in her studies. Very often she manages to achieve success in areas such as television and radio. Women named Amelia attach particular importance to ensuring that their achievements in work are appreciated by others. But at the same time, they also enjoy working in non-prestigious professions, especially where they have to deal with young children (therapists, teachers, etc.).

Tips for educationIn the process of education, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the girl does not grow up too selfish. If you miss some moments, then another woman will appear in the world, thinking only about herself and ready for any tricks (even if they are not impeccable in moral terms), just to achieve what she wants. Considering that the name Amelia should mean, first of all, hard work and decency, you don’t want its owner to become a not-so-good person.

CelebritiesThe first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, writer Amelia Earhart; actress and singer Amelia Warner, singer Amelia Lily, former queen consort of Portugal Amelia d'Orléans, actress Amelia Cook.

1. Personality: Those who think things through

2.Color: purple

3. Main features: sociability - intelligence - activity - health

4. Totem plant: violet

5. Spirit animal: robin

6. Sign: Aquarius

7. Type. Modest in appearance, but not letting one forget about themselves, just like their totem - the violet. These are very truthful natures, with rather contradictory character traits, at the same time restrained and willing to please.

8. Psyche. Trying to find their own individuality, they sometimes withdraw into themselves. They lack courage and self-confidence. They know how to take advantage of their indecision.

9. Will. Very strong, combined with developed sense debt helps them succeed.

10. Excitability. People with this type of character know very well where the limit is to which they can act, and where they should stop and not cross the boundaries of what is permitted.

11. Reaction speed. Very slow. Some of them seem to be the embodiment of humility and patience, which is what helps them complete their plans.

12. Field of activity. It seems that they prefer to force others to work than to work themselves. They do not have any special ambitions, but they know very well which path to choose. They love sports and become excellent swimmers. Everything related to electronics, radio, and television brings them success. They can work as pediatricians or in preschool institutions, as they love small children. And don’t forget that they often manage to get ahead of their boss!

13. Intuition. Good. In addition, they have excellent knowledge of human psychology. They know which page to tear out. They love to play the role of a “woman-child” and until old age they wear all sorts of bows, frills, etc.

14. Intelligence. They have a synthetic mindset that allows them to avoid life's mistakes. They perfectly see all the circumstances surrounding this case.

15. Receptivity. Their sensitivity has a certain amount of false naivety and feigned innocence that produces strong impression on men.

16. Morality. These are mysterious women. They manage to be two-faced, misleading others. Relatives and friends of Danuta, be careful...

17. Health. Excellent, serves them for many years. Predisposed to obesity. These women do not mind paying attention to their joints and knees and engaging in winter sports carefully.

18. Sexuality. Strong and complex. There is calculation and spontaneity, fears and sensuality bordering on masochism. These women do not feel the need for motherhood, and because of this they may have problems in life.

19. Activity. They talk more than they do.

20. Sociability. They are always ready to provide a service, even if they do it with calculation. Excellent hostesses, they receive guests with style, they can even go into debt just to show off their appearance.

21. Conclusion. Even reaching great success, remain restless, perhaps subconsciously realizing that their successes are not a reflection of their merits.

The name Amelie has both Jewish and German roots and is more common in Catholic countries. The character and disposition of the owner of the name is largely determined by its origin.

The name is used in many countries and sounds different everywhere: Emeline, Emeline, Amalia, Amela, Amelis, Amalie - some derivatives of the original name.

According to one of the many versions, the name Amelie first appeared in Germany in ancient times and in translation sounds like “work” or “labor.” To make it sound more effective, the translation was transformed and they began to call Amelie the hardworking one.

According to another version, the name was formed from a synonym for Emily and is interpreted as “rival”, “worthy opponent”.

Some historians believe that Amelie came from the male Amal, common in Jewish and Arab countries. In this case, the translation sounds like “hardworking”, “diligent”. In modern times, the name Amelie is increasingly used among Muslims in the form Amal.

Amelie's name does not appear in Orthodox calendars. Catholics honor the widow and patroness of the ancient Belgian city of Ghent - Saint Amalburg. In her honor, name days are celebrated on June 10 and November 21.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Amelie

Amelie is a modest, patient girl, often even reserved. She lives in own world, understandable only to her. She understands people well, while she has an overly expressed sense of duty and responsibility to others.

As a child, little Amelie resembles her father in appearance, but inherits her character from her mother. She is a favorite in the family, regardless of the number of sisters and brothers, she is always disciplined, neat and efficient.

To induce action, you need to convince her of the need for this action, and not force her to perform it by order or coercion.

Amelie knows how to properly manage her time and therefore can solve many problems and issues in a short period of time, while leaving time for rest, family, everyday life and entertainment. Already as a teenager she is able to live an independent life.

Refers to sports great love and often becomes a professional athlete or champion due to the fighter’s character, endurance, and desire to be the first and the best.

Young people around her - strong-willed, strong guys who are not able to lose face in front of Amelie. She, in turn, is always open to new acquaintances, responsive and kind to opposite sex, but does not forget to strive for excellence in relation to men.

Amelie does not know how to lie, fawn, gossip, and tries to eradicate these “vices” in others. Tries to find merit in those who do not deserve it.

Amelie waits a long time for her chosen one and gets married late, when her friends and peers are already raising their second or even third child. But in her family life- peace and harmony, since both she and her chosen one initially approach marriage too responsibly and seriously and test their feelings for a long time.

Amelie's children are born late, after 30 years. They are brought up in harmony, kindness and justice. Amelie is affectionate, attentive, loving and caring mother, in matters of education, he often turns to professionals.

The name that a person receives at birth is a kind of alphabetic code that predetermines the fate of its owner. Professional astrologers recommend taking his choice seriously. We invite you to find out everything about the meaning and origin of the name Amelia, as well as how it will affect the character and fate of the owner.

Where did it come from and what does it mean?

It's beautiful and pretty rare name has ancient Greek roots. The meaning of the name Amelia is work, hardworking. There is also another version of the origin, according to which Amelia is Muslim name, in translation it sounds like ruling, mistress.

Despite the fact that this name is rarely found in the CIS countries, it is in Orthodox calendar. Amelia's name day falls on July 10 and September 19.

The meaning of the name Amelia for a girl: fate and character

The girl will inherit her father’s appearance, but will take after her mother’s character. From an early age she is very disciplined, obedient and tactful in dealing with adults. The girl is happy to help her parents with housework. However, she cannot stand it when strangers force her to do something.

The meaning of the name Amelia for a girl suggests that this child will be diversified. She strives to learn about everything in the world, and, as a rule, turns to her parents for answers. Despite her hyperactivity, Amelia spends most of her time at home. She loves to listen modern music, draw and read. If you turn the girl's energy into the right direction, then she can achieve significant results in art and sports.

School years

IN adolescence the girl shows leadership qualities. The meaning of the name Amelia suggests that she will be very sociable and open. The girl can't stand flatterers and liars. She behaves very harshly with people who have caused her antipathy. Most of Amelia's friends are boys. This is due to the fact that the girl, unlike her peers, does not like to gossip at all. Amelia is a straightforward person. She will never discuss anyone behind their back.

The meaning of the name Amelia predetermines the girl’s inclination towards the humanities. She also demonstrates good performance in subjects such as mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Teachers admire the mental abilities of the diligent and attentive girl and set her as an example to other students.

Name Amelia: the meaning of the name, character and fate of an adult woman

With age, Amelia's character becomes tougher. However, this does not prevent the girl from having many friends and fans. She strives for physical and mental comfort, makes every effort to create comfort around her. She is a person of her word. He will never let you down or betray you.

She is demanding not only of herself, but also of those around her. Only honest and positive-minded people will be around the girl. She cannot stand hypocrisy and lies. The meaning of the name Amelia predetermines its owner such character traits as determination and perseverance. She will definitely achieve what she sincerely wants. On the way to his dream he does not lose his head. She does everything slowly, thinking through every step. This approach helps avoid possible problems, which, as a rule, appear due to haste.

The meaning of the name Amelia predetermines the girl’s penchant for careerism. She is a real workaholic who is able to work 24 hours a day. However, because of this, a girl may have certain difficulties in finding a soul mate. After all, few people want to build a relationship with a person around the clock missing at work.

Relationships with the opposite sex

The owner of this beautiful name attracts the attention of members of the opposite sex. Despite the fact that the girl has a rather complex character, the meaning of the name Amelia suggests that she does not mind flirting. However, you shouldn't count on anything more. This girl will not allow you to cross the line and always keeps her fans at a distance.

Amelia is attracted to strong and independent men who have achieved certain results in life. As a rule, she is attracted not by her appearance, but by her intelligence. She strives to find the man next to whom she will feel like a small, fragile and unprotected girl.

Compatibility and incompatibility

Despite the fact that the girl will have many fans, she will not be able to build a strong and happy union with everyone. The most successful marriage will be with:

  • Mikhail;
  • David;
  • Timothy;
  • Maxim;
  • Sergei;
  • Pavel.

Nothing good will come from an alliance with:

  • Ivan;
  • Stepan;
  • Denis;
  • Anatoly;
  • Vladimir.

Family life

Amelia takes an extremely responsible approach to the organization personal life. She will build a family only with the man whom she loves with all her heart and will trust him infinitely. Despite the fact that the girl is a careerist by nature, she is able to abandon her own ambitions and devote herself to her family.

She becomes a very good housewife, wife and mother. She manages wisely family budget, never spends money unreasonably. With incredible ease, she manages to maintain comfort in her home, raise children and work. Amelia – non-conflict and quite calm person. These character traits allow the girl to find a common language with her husband’s parents. Amelia takes a responsible approach to raising children, to whom she tries to instill exceptionally good manners and give them a decent education.

Career and business

Amelia is a very hardworking and responsible person who knows how to set goals and complete assigned tasks. Persistence is a character trait that allows this girl to achieve high results in any field. Amelia is capable of building her own business and becoming a successful entrepreneur.

As a rule, autumn birthday girls become the most successful in business. These women are real careerists. They strive to self-realize at any cost. They constantly motivate themselves to reach new heights. Material well-being and tall social status– what makes Amelia truly happy.

From early childhood, Amelia has a love for sports and has good physical characteristics. She is able to build a dizzying sports career, doing, for example, figure skating, volleyball, ballet.

Perseverance and an analytical mind are what Amelia will need if she decides to try her hand at scientific field. As a rule, girls with this name become good engineers, developers, and designers.

Amelia most often enjoys well-deserved authority both within the team and among senior management. She is sociable and friendly. Always extremely honest and fair. Can't stand lies and flattery. She has organizational skills and is able to prove herself as a successful leader. She has the power to unleash the potential of any employee.

The meaning of the letters in the name

The meaning of the name Amelia, the character and fate of its owner are as follows:

  • A – the desire for physical and mental comfort. Symbol of the beginning. The desire to create.
  • M – sophisticated and romantic nature. People with this letter in their name are quite vulnerable and touchy, which often brings additional difficulties.
  • E – desire for self-realization, talkativeness, insight.
  • L – innate artistry, hard work. The desire to find your true purpose.
  • And - peacefulness, insight.
  • I am the desire to achieve authority in society.


From an early age she has a strong immune system and practically does not suffer from colds. However, these girls tend to be overweight. That is why it is extremely important for future parents to instill a girl’s love for sports. If you don't fight extra pounds, then in adolescence Amelia may experience serious problems with the pancreas, liver or spleen.

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