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Popularity rating of male names

The rating we bring to your attention is based on the official statistical reporting civil registry offices of several regions of the Russian Federation with a predominant Russian population and the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk for 2010-2016 (data for 2017 are currently available only for certain regions, ).

All names are divided into five conditional groups: the most popular (1-30th place), popular (31-60th place), less popular (61-85th place), rare and very rare names. This classification is practically convenient and visual. Quantitative data are brought to a single denominator - per 10,000 newborns. To get a better feel for the numbers, let us point out that approximately 65,000 girls are born in Moscow every year, and throughout Voronezh region Almost 12,000 of them are born per year.

(most popular names)

frequency 100 - 700

per 10,000 newborns

(popular names)

frequency 20 - 100

per 10,000 newborns

(less popular)

frequency 7 - 20

per 10,000 newborns

1. Sofia + Sophia

2. Anastasia

3. Daria + Darina

4. Maria

5. Anna

6. Victoria

7. Polina

8. Elizabeth

9. Ekaterina

10. Ksenia

11. Valeria

12. Varvara

13. Alexandra

14. Veronica

15. Arina

16. Alice

17. Alina

18. Milana + Milena*

19. Margarita

20. Diana*

21. Ulyana

22. Alena

23. Angelina + Angelica

24. Christina

25. Julia

26. Kira

27. Eva

28. Karina*

29. Vasilisa + Vasilina

30. Olga

31. Tatiana

32. Irina

33. Taisiya

34. Evgenia

35. Yana + Yanina

36. Faith

37. Marina

38. Elena

39. Hope

40. Svetlana

41. Zlata

42. Olesya + Alesya

43. Natalia + Natalia

44. Evelina

45. Lily

46. ​​Elina

47. Violetta + Viola

48. Nellie

49. Miroslava*

50. Love

51. Albina*

52. Vladislava*

53. Camilla*

54. Marianna + Maryana

55. Nika

56. Yaroslava*

57. Valentina

58. Emilia

60. Elvira*

61. Snezhana

62. Vlada*

63. Caroline*

64. Lydia

65. Vitalina + Vitalia*

66. Nina

67. Yesenia*

68. Oksana

69. Adeline + Ada*

70. Lada*

71. Amelia + Amalia*

72. Eleanor*

73. Antonina

74. Lyudmila

75. Galina

76. Tamara

77. Alla

78. Zhanna

79. Inna

80. Leah

81. Seraphim

82. Anfisa

83. Evangelina

84. Agata + Agafya + Agafia

85. Larisa

These 30 names account for

75% of all newborn girls

These 30 names account for

14-15% of all newborn girls

These 25 names account for

3% of all newborn girls

85 most popular Russian female names

In alphabet order:

Agata + Agafya + Agafia (84). Agata and Agafya together occupy 84th place in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 7 out of 10,000), with only 1-2 Agafyas accounting for 5-6 Agafyas; Agathia is an even rarer name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn girls)

Adelina + Ada + Adelia + Adele + Adelaide (69)*. The name Adeline is in 69th place in the popularity ranking (about 13 per 10,0000 newborn girls); the names Ada, Adelia, Adele and Adelaide are much less common - each no more than 1-4 per 10,000

Alexandra, Alexandrina, Alexa (13). Alexandra is one of the most popular names in Russia, she ranks 13th in the popularity ranking (approximately 245 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Alexandrina is rare, no more than 2-4 girls per 10,000 births receive it; Alexa is even rarer - 1-2 per 10,000

Alena (22) . Alena ranks 22nd in the ranking of popular names (approximately 132 out of 10,000). Just in case, we note that Alena’s godname is Elena

Alina (17). Alina is one of the most popular names in Russia, taking 17th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 190 per 10,000 newborn girls). Initially, the name Alina in Russian appeared as a diminutive (shortened) form of the church names Akilina and Angelina, but later became a completely independent personal name.

Alla (77) . Alla is at the bottom of the ranking of popular names - in 77th place (this corresponds to approximately 10 girls out of 10,000 births)

Albina (51)* . Albina ranks 51st in the popularity ranking (approximately 30 per 10,000 newborn girls). The name is completely European, not Muslim, however, it is very popular in Tatar families and in the North Caucasus

Amelia + Amalia (71)*. The names Amelia and Amalia together occupy 71st place in the ranking (about 12 per 10,000, with the number of Amelia and Amalia almost the same). For baptism, the church name Emilia (Emilia) is usually used.

Anastasia (2) . Anastasia is one of the most popular names in Russia, taking 2nd place in the popularity ranking (about 550 per 10,000); a passport form of a name like Nastasya is much less common (1-2 per 10,000)

Angelina + Angelica (23). In total, the names Angelina, Angelica, Angela and Angela occupy a high 23rd place in the popularity ranking (approximately 130 per 10,000 newborn girls). But it should be noted that of these four names the name Angelina is the most popular: for every 70-80 Angelinas there are only ten Angelicas, three Angelas and one Angela

Anna (5) . Anna is one of the most popular names in Russia, taking 5th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 400 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Antonina (73) . Antonina ranks 73rd in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn girls). As for such name forms as Antonia and Antonida, they are very rare (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn girls)

Anfisa (82). The name Anfisa ranks 82nd in the ranking (approximately 8 girls out of 10,000 births)

Arina (15) . Arina is one of the most popular names in Russia, she ranks 15th in the popularity ranking (approximately 230 per 10,000 newborn girls). Godname is Irina

Valentina (57) . Valentina is a fairly popular name, 57th in the ranking of female names (about 22 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Valeria (11) . Valeria is a very popular name, 11th place in today's ranking of the popularity of female names (approximately 260 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Varvara (12) . Varvara is a very popular name, it ranks 12th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 256 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Vasilisa + Vasilina (29). Vasilisa and Vasilina together are in 29th place in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 100 per 10,000 newborn girls, of which 70-80 Vasilis and 20-30 Vasilina)

Faith (36) . Vera is a fairly popular name, 36th in the ranking (about 67 out of 10,000 newborn girls receive this name)

Veronica (14) . Veronica is a very popular name, it ranks 14th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 233 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Victoria (6) . Victoria is one of the most popular names today, ranked 6th in the ranking (approximately 384 per 10,000). // Until 2011, Nika was used as a godname for Victoria (since both of these names have the same meaning - “victory”). But in 2011 Russian Orthodox Church included in her calendar the name of the very famous Catholic holy martyr of the 4th century Victoria of Corduvia (she lived in the city of Cordoba, Spain), after which it became possible to baptize all Victorias with the name Victoria without resorting to substitute names

Violetta + Viola (47). Violetta - 47th place in the popularity rating (approximately 35 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Viola is rare, no more than 1-2 per 10,000 newborn girls

Vitalina + Vitalia (65)*. Vitalina and Vitalia together are in 65th place - 17 per 10,000 (of which Vitalin is approximately 14 per 10,000 newborn girls, and Vitaly is approximately 3 per 10,000) // The names Vitalina and Vitaly are obvious analogues male name Vitaly. The name Valentina is usually used as a godfather (based on general meaning names and sound similarities)

Vlada (62)* . Vlad's name ranks 62nd (19 out of 10,000). See also Vladislav.

Vladislava (52)*. Vladislava and Vlada are quite popular names. Vladislava ranks 52nd in the ranking of female names (29 per 10,000 newborn girls), Vlada ranks 62nd (19 per 10,000). As for Vlasta, this is a very rare name among us (less than 1 in 10,000)

Galina (75) . Galina ranks 75th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 11 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Daria + Darina + Daria (3). The name Daria, together with its other forms (Darina and Daria) are at the very top of the popularity rating of female names - in 3rd place (quantitatively this is about 520 per 10,000 newborn girls, of which Daria accounts for 85-90%, Darina 10- 12%, for Daria 1-2%)

Diana (20)*. Diana is a very popular name, and ranks 20th in the ranking (approximately 150 per 10,000 newborn girls). There is no name in the calendar; they are baptized in honor of the holy martyr Princess Artemia of Rome (the Greek goddess Diana corresponded to the Roman goddess Artemis)

Eva (27) . Quite a popular name. Ranks 27th in the ranking of female names (107 per 10,000)

Evangelina (83) . The name ranks 83rd (approximately 7 per 10,000 female births). For baptism, the name Angelina is used (based on general meaning names)

Evgenia (34) . The name ranks 34th in the popularity ranking (78 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Ekaterina, Katerina (9). Ekaterina is a very popular name, it ranks 9th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 340 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Katerina is not ranked, only 2-3 girls out of 10,000 receive it

Elena (38) . Elena is a fairly popular name, 38th in the ranking of female names (about 62 out of 10,000 newborn girls receive this name)

Elizabeth (8) . Elizabeth is one of the most popular names, 8th in the ranking of female names, approximately 350 out of 10,000 newborn girls receive this name; one form of the name Elizabeth is Isabella (no more than 5-6 girls out of 10,000)

Yesenia (67)* . Yesenia - 67th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 16 per 10,000 newborn girls) // apparently the name comes from the name of the palm tree (Jessenia); suitable godnames are Tamara - based on the meaning of the name, and Ksenia - based on consonance

Zhanna (78) . The name Zhanna is in 78th place in the popularity rating (about 8 per 10,000). The church name of John is used as a godfather

Zlata (41) . Zlata - 41st place in the popularity ranking (approximately 55 per 10,000 newborn girls) // The patron saint is the Great Martyr Zlata (Chris) Moglenskaya

Inna (79) . The name is at the bottom of the ranking, in 79th place (frequency is approximately 8 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Irina (32) . Irina is in 32nd place (approximately 90 out of 10,000); the names Irena and Irene are rare in Russia (approximately 1 in 10,000)

Camilla (53)* . Camilla - 53rd place in the popularity ranking (approximately 27 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name is “international”, it can be found not only in Russian families, but also among Muslims of the North Caucasus, Volga region, Central Asia(Camila, Kamila, Camilla) // The church name Eugene is quite suitable as a godname, since the meaning of both names is almost the same: Camilla - “a girl of impeccable behavior, from a respectable family” (Latin)

Karina (28)*. The name Karina ranks 28th in the popularity ranking (approximately 106 out of 10,000) // For baptism, it is advisable to use the name Ekaterina. In Poland, Germany and Scandinavian countries, the name Karina (Karina, Karine, Karin and Karen) is considered an independent personal name, formed from the name Katarina (Katrina, Katherine)

Carolina (63)* . Carolina - borrowed European name, not used very often in Russia: 63rd place in the popularity ranking (about 18 per 10,000 newborn girls) // good godnames are Vasilisa and Vassa(according to its meaning - “queen, royal, queen”)

Kira (26) . Kira is one of the top thirty names - 26th place in the ranking (approximately 114 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Christina (24). Christina is one of the top thirty names - 24th place in the ranking (approximately 122 per 10,000 newborn girls); a form of the name like Christina is more rare (no more than 3-6 per 10,000) // godname Christina

Ksenia (10) . Ksenia is one of the most popular names, it ranks 10th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 290 per 10,000 newborn girls) // Other forms of the name Ksenia are Oksana (frequency approximately 15 per 10,000), Aksinya and Aksiniya (frequency of which varies from 1 to 4 per 10,000)

Lada (70)*. Lada - 70th place in the popularity rating (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Larisa (85). Larisa - 85th place in the popularity rating (approximately 7 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Lydia (64) . Lydia - 64th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 17 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Lily (45) . Lily - 45th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 37 per 10,000 newborn girls) // For baptism, it is advisable to use the church name Susanna (based on the meaning, meaning of the name)

Leah (80) . Leah - 80th place in the popularity rating (approximately 7-8 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Love (50) . Love - 50th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 31 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Lyudmila (74) . Lyudmila - 74th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 11 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Maya (59)* . Maya - 59th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 21 per 10,000 newborn girls) // It is difficult to say which godname for Maya will be the best, we can only note that in the English-speaking world the name May (Maya) is considered to be derived from the names Maria and Margarita ( diminutive form that has become an independent personal name)

Margarita (19) . Margarita is one of the most popular names, it ranks 19th in the popularity ranking (approximately 160 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Marianna + Maryana (54). Marianna, together with Maryana, occupy 54th place in the popularity rating (approximately 24 per 10,000 newborn girls, with Maryan and Marianne approximately equally divided)

Marina (37) . Marina - 37th place in the popularity rating (approximately 63 per 10,000)

Maria (4) . Maria is a very popular name, ranked 4th in the popularity ranking (approximately 518 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Marya is significantly inferior in popularity (only 3-4 per 10,000)

Milana + Milena (18)*. Milana, together with Milena, occupy a high 18th place in the ranking of female names (almost 180 per 10,000 newborn girls, of which approximately 140 are Milana and 40 Milena) // Don’t be confused Slavic names Milana and Milena with church name Greek origin Melania (Melania)! // it is best to baptize Milana and Milena in honor of the Holy Princess Mi litsa of Serbia or the Holy Princess Lyudmila of Czech)

Miroslava (49)* . Miroslava - 49th place in the popularity rating (approximately 31 per 10,000 newborn girls); Miloslava is a rare name (3-4 per 10,000) // Mi litsa is best suited as a godname for Miloslava, and Maria (by sound) or Salomi I (by meaning) for Miroslava

Hope (39) . Nadezhda - 39th place in the popularity rating (approximately 57 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Natalia + Natalia (43). Natalya, together with Natalia, ranks 43rd in the popularity rating (approximately 49 per 10,000 newborn girls); according to statistics from the registry office, the name Natalya is given 7-10 times more often than Natalia

Nellie (48) . Nellie - in 48th place in the ranking (34 out of 10,000) // the name Nellie is one of the forms of the name Elena

Nika (55) . Nika ranks 55th in the popularity rating (approximately 23 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Nina (66) . Nina - 66th place in the popularity rating (approximately 16 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Oksana (68) . Oksana - 68th place in the ranking (approximately 15 per 10,000) // the name Oksana is one of the forms of the name Ksenia

Olesya + Alesya (42) . The names Olesya and Alesya are jointly in 42nd place in the ranking (about 53 per 10,000, but Alesya is significantly inferior to Olesya in popularity: for every 5-10 Olesya there is one Alesya) // It is believed that Olesya and Alesya are derivative forms of the name Alexander , which have become independent personal names. Olesya, it’s more likely Ukrainian name, and the name Alesya has a more Russian (and Belarusian) character. The name Olga is sometimes used as a godname for Alesya and Olesya

Olga (30) . This name closes the top thirty most popular names, 30th in the ranking (approximately 94 per 10,000 newborn girls); variants Elga and Helga are rare, there are only isolated cases of their registration

Polina (7) . Polina is one of the most popular names today, ranked 7th in the ranking (approximately 380 per 10,000)

Svetlana (40) . Svetlana - 40th place in the popularity rating (approximately 56 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Seraphim (81) . The name Seraphim is in 81st place in the popularity ranking of female names (frequency is approximately 8 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Snezhana (61) . Snezhana - 61st place in the popularity ranking (approximately 20 per 10,000 newborn girls) // godname - Khionia

Sofia + Sophia (1) . Sophia, together with Sofia, are in first place in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 630 per 10,000 newborn girls); According to statistics from the registry office, the name Sophia is given a little more often than the name Sofia (by 15-20%). Not only in Russia, but throughout the world this name is the most popular these days. So, for example, in 2013-2014 in the USA, the name Sophia was in 3rd place among newborn girls (as well as Sofia - in 12th place and Sophie - in 91st place); in Poland Zofia - in 1st place, in Austria Sophie - in 3rd place, in Germany Sofia / Sophia - in 4th place, in the Czech Republic Sofie - in 6th place, etc.

Taisiya (33) . Taisiya - 33rd place in the ranking of female names (approximately 81 per 10,000 newborn girls); name forms such as Taisya and Taisa are less popular (1-2 per 10,000)

Tamara (76) . Tamara - 76th place in the ranking of female names (approximately 11 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Tatiana (31) . Tatiana - 31st place in the ranking of female names (approximately 91 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized with the church name Tatiana

Ulyana (21) . Ulyana ranks 21st in the popularity ranking (approximately 147 per 10,000 newborn girls) // godname - Juliana

Evelina (44) . Evelina is in 44th place in the ranking (approximately 48 per 10,000 newborn girls) // Evelina is one of the forms of the name Eva

Eleanor (72)* . Eleanor ranks 72nd in the popularity ranking (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized Elena or Leonilla

Elina (46). Elina is in 46th place (about 36 out of 10,000 newborn girls // this is one of the forms of the name Elena

Elvira (60) . Elvira - 60th place in the ranking (about 20 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized Elena or Leonilla

Emilia (58) . Emilia ranks 58th in popularity rankings (approximately 21 per 10,000 female births); the second form of the name Emma is more rare (2-5 per 10,000) // baptized with the church name Emilia

Julia (25). Julia takes 25th place in the popularity rating (approximately 122 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized with the church name Julia

Yana + Yanina (35) . Yana, together with Yanina, occupy 35th place in the ranking (68 out of 10,000, of which Yana is 62-63, and Yanina 5-6) // baptized with the church name of John

Yaroslava (56)*. Yaroslava ranks 56th in the popularity rating (approximately 22 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Rare names.

These are quite “live” names (Russian and borrowed), which are registered by civil registry offices on a regular basis with a frequency of 1 to 6 per 10,000 newborn girls.

Here are some examples: Augusta + Augustina, Aurora*, Agapia, Aglaya, Agnia + Agnessa, Agrippina, Adriana*, Aksinia + Aksinya, Alevtina, Alexandrina, Alexa, Anisia + Anisya, Ariadne, Ariana + Arianna*, Arsenia*, Artemis, Artemia, Asya, Bella*, Bogdana, Bozena, Vanessa, Vladlena*, Glafira, Dana, Dominica + Domnika, Evdokia, Eusevia, Euphrosyne + Euphrosyne, Zhdana*, Zarina*, Zinaida, Zlatoslava*, Zoya, Ivanna, Ivetta, Isabella, Ilaria, Ilona , Inga*, Inessa, Joanna, Iolanta, Irma, Iya, Kaleria, Capitolina, Katerina, Claudia, Lina, Lolita*, Louise, Lukerya, Magdalena, Martha, Maryam + Mariam*, Matryona + Matrona, Melania + Melania, Melissa, Miloslava*, Ninel, Nonna, Olivia*, Pelageya, Praskovya, Rada*, Raisa, Regina*, Renata*, Rimma, Rosa + Rosalia, Ruslana*, Sabina*, Sabrina*, Simona*, Stella + Estella, Stanislava*, Stefania + Stepanida, Susanna*, Ustina + Ustinya, Faina, Christina, Elga, Elsa, Emma, ​​Juliana (Julianna), Yunia, Juno, Justina.

Very rare names.

In the old days, they were quite common in Russia, but today they have practically fallen out of use, and in the registry office there are only isolated cases of their registration over several years (the frequency of such names is less than 1 per 10,000 newborn girls).

Here are just a few of them: Avdotya, Agrafena, Anatolia, Antonida, Apollinaria, Athanasius, Vassa, Virinea, Glyceria, Dorothea, Eudoxia, Eupraxia, Euphemia, Zinovia, Iraida, Isidora, Lucia, Malania, Muse, Olympias, Salome, Sebastian, Thekla, Fedosya, Theodora, Theoktista, Feofaniya, Kharitina.

Elena Zhabinskaya

Dear expectant mothers, most likely you already know the gender of your unborn child and are expecting a little princess.

You know exactly what she will be like - beautiful, funny, mischievous, inquisitive and kind, and you want to give her the best. Therefore, you already know how to choose the right one and which one to buy.

The most important, pleasant and significant thing remains: to sort through all the names for girls and choose the most beautiful and best for your little princess. This is a very responsible choice, because it will leave an imprint on the whole later life and the fate of the child.

Will your girl grow up to be a downtrodden quiet person, following the lead of someone else’s, stronger, opinion, will she be aggressive and ready to repel an invisible attack every second? Or will he develop into a harmonious personality with an even character and friendly disposition? You won’t believe it, but a lot depends on the name you give her. That is why it is important to make the choice correctly and consciously.

Numerous scientists have long noticed that people with the same names have similar character traits.

One of the explanations is the phenomenon of “music of names.” According to him, some names sound melodious, literally caress the ear and evoke positive emotions in the one who pronounces and the one who hears. Others, on the contrary, make you cringe and tense.

Each name is a set of sounds of one or another pitch and tonality. All sounds have different effects on different areas brain. Since a person hears his name several dozen times a day, this forms a certain psycho-emotional state and certain character traits. There are solid, tough names: Zhanna, Dina, Tamara. They contribute to the formation of persistent, stubborn, decisive character. There are soft and melodic ones: Svetlana, Natalya, Anna, who will be prerequisites for the formation of a soft and flexible character.

In addition, there is another reasonable explanation for the influence of a name on fate. Hearing a name, we draw conclusions about a person’s nationality (Maria, Olga, Anna, Ekaterina), possible religion (Gulnara, Zulfiya), and supposed character traits (calm Elena, fiery Tatyana). Having succumbed to the first impression, we draw some conclusions about the person. And, of course, when thousands of people “endow” someone with certain qualities when they meet, this leaves an imprint on the personality.

An interesting fact: scientists recently conducted a study and found that girls with attractive romantic names (Angelina, Anzhelika, Milana) progress worse in career ladder, however, are much more successful in creative environment and areas of show business.

How to choose

When choosing a name for a girl, you can be guided by different theories and principles (we'll talk about them below). However, there are some general recommendations that need to be taken into account.

The name must match the child's nationality. This is a fairly obvious rule, and usually in a family of Orthodox Christians it would not occur to anyone to name their daughter Khadija, Alfiya or Alsou. In the same way, the presence of a child, for example, with the name Vera, Anna, Olga, in a Tatar or Muslim family immediately creates dissonance.

The first name must be combined with the girl's last and patronymic names. Various combinations FULL NAME. the child will have to hear very often. First, last name and first name at school, then first and patronymic adult life At work. Therefore, talk through all these combinations several times, so to speak, taste them.

If the surname and patronymic are long, then the name should be shorter. It is convenient to show this using my personal example. When we were choosing what to name our daughter, we saw that we had a long last and middle name, so we chose a shorter name so as not to fall asleep while pronouncing it in full. It turned out like this: Zhabinskaya Eva Dmitrievna. Both together and separately, the combinations are not long and euphonious. Compare, for example, how if it were Ekaterina Dmitrievna Zhabinskaya, or Anastasia Dmitrievna Zhabinskaya. For me it’s a very long time.

At the junction of the surname and first name, first name and patronymic, there should not be a jumble of consonants that make pronunciation difficult. In this case, the child will tense up in advance in anticipation that something might be pronounced incorrectly, which will create uncertainty and tightness. For example, it is more difficult to pronounce Stern Christina than Stern Alice.

You need to try to make the name easily form a diminutive form, so that you can color your communication with the baby in a different range of emotions.

What not to call a girl

When choosing what to name a girl in 2017, you must always remember that a baby with this name will live: go to kindergarten, school, university, build a career. Therefore, it is inappropriate and stupid to do this important issue be guided by current fashion or emotions.

You should not give unpronounceable, unpronounceable and strange names. For example, Tractorina, Wilhelmina, Gloriosa, Eupraxia, Xanthippe, Mitrodora. The child will feel awkward from birth every time he has to name himself, which can develop an inferiority complex and insecurity.

You shouldn't name your children after historical events or outstanding people. Events fade into history, and politicians over time they are often criticized. As a result, a name that seemed significant and relevant to you, ten years later, will sound ridiculous, inappropriate and stupid, confusing the child and developing complexes for him. For example, Dazdraperma (Long live the first of May), Olympics (in honor of the Winter Olympics in Sochi), Crimea (in honor of the annexation of the peninsula), Stalin (in honor of Stalin).

You should not call the baby the same as relatives who died violent death or tragic. You may believe in mysticism or not, but there are statistics according to which such people more often repeat the fate of their unlucky ancestors.

IN Lately there is a fashion for double names(Anna-Maria, Victoria-Elizabeth). The mothers explain this choice something like this: the queen has a royal name (hinting that all reigning persons have always had two names). But firstly, we are still not royalty, and secondly, this is not a game of princesses, but a real child’s life. I don’t see the need to create additional difficulties and awkward situations for a child in communicating with peers.

Names for girls by month according to the church calendar

Our ancestors did not have to puzzle over a suitable name for a child. It was enough to look at the calendar - the church calendar with the names of saints.

It was believed that the saint on whose day the baby was born would be his protector and patron, and accordingly, the baby was given that name.

In our time, although the calendar has already played its role, and the choice of a child’s name is left to the parents’ imagination, sometimes it is still possible, and even necessary, to look at the church calendar.

Who knows, maybe it’s there that you will gain inspiration and find according to the calendar unusual name for a girl, which, in addition, will carry a secret spiritual meaning, because the guardian angel himself will protect such a baby.

Now church canons are not as strict, and to give parents more choice in names, calendars are used by month rather than by day. This means that the name of the patron saint can be selected from a list related to the month of birth of the baby.

  • Girls born in September can be called the following names patron saints: Thekla, Martha, Natalia, Maria, Kira, Anfisa, Anna, Elizabeth, Tatyana, Natalya, Ksenia, Vasilisa, Sofia, Lyudmila, Vera, Love, Nadezhda, Raisa, Evdokia, Seraphim.
  • In October the patrons are: Elizabeth, Zlata, Zinaida, Pelageya, Taisiya, Tatyana, Nadezhda, Veronica, Anna, Alexandra, Maria, Sofia, Iraida, Ariadna, Irina.
  • In November: Anna, Elizaveta, Nina, Alexandra, Claudia, Elena, Anastasia, Maria, Pelageya, Matryona, Olga.
  • In December: Zoya, Vera, Marina, Alexandra, Tatyana, Anna, Anfisa, Varvara, Ekaterina, Yulia, Kira, Tamara, Maria, Margarita.
  • In January: Maria, Sofia, Nina, Tatyana, Yulia, Anastasia, Vasilisa, Evgenia, Polina, Melania, Maria, Anna, Varvara, Augusta, Claudia.
  • In February: Sofia, Anna, Vera, Svetlana, Irina, Zoya, Maria, Christina, Ekaterina, Pelageya, Ksenia, Anastasia, Agnia, Vasilisa, Rimma.
  • In March: Marina, Christina, Vasilisa, Anastasia, Alexandra, Antonina, Nadezhda, Elena, Yulia, Olga, Kira, Evgenia, Varvara, Valentina.
  • In April: Galina, Lydia, Svetlana, Maria, Daria, Sofia, Alexandra, Anastasia.
  • In May: Claudia, Julia, Christina, Irina, Pelageya, Zoya, Nina, Ivanna, Tamara, Susanna, Matryona, Alexandra, Glafira, Anna, Taisiya.
  • In June: Pelageya, Anna, Antonina, Martha, Valeria, Maria, Julia, Ulyana, Thekla, Susanna, Vera, Elena, Euphrosyne, Nina, Thekla.
  • In July: Marina, Margarita, Alevtina, Valentina, Yulia, Maria, Olga, Elena, Evdokia, Ioanna, Agrippina, Zoya, Anna, Rimma, Zina.
  • In August: Maria, Sofia, Eva, Daria, Nona, Evdokia, Elizaveta, Elena, Anfisa, Christina, Susanna, Mavra.

Beautiful Russian names

As you know, classics are always in fashion. And names are no exception here. Most Russian traditional names have their roots in Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. But this only adds to their charm and history.

With such a name the baby will feel comfortable, and it will most likely go well with her last name and patronymic.

Popular modern names for girls

Sociologists annually analyze which female names are more popular with parents. According to statistics recent years In addition to the classic Russian names that we discussed above, young parents are attracted to the following.

Rare and beautiful

Classic names are beautiful and cozy, but nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with them. And you really want to show everyone that your baby is special. Therefore, I propose to go in search of not only beautiful, but also rare names for girls.

Old Russian

One of the last fashion trends- call children by Old Russian names. I am wary of this idea, and here's why. As a rule, such names are still used extremely rarely in our time.

Accordingly, they are unusual for a child’s ear, and in this case we are again faced with the danger that the baby will be a disaster in children's team, will begin to be ashamed of her name, feel awkward when it is necessary to call it, or when they address her.

There is always such a danger, because we do not know in advance what kind of character and temperament our baby will have. Perhaps some will not be shy and will be able to stand up for themselves, while others will withdraw and refuse to attend school.

Therefore, I do not see the need to give children too rare old Russian names, such as Marfa, Thekla, Lukerya, Pelageya, Euphrosyne, Agrippina, Aglaya.

There is a theory according to which people born at certain times of the year have general features character and inclinations.

Knowing these patterns, you can align and adjust a person’s character in the right direction.

For example, cold and harsh weather conditions form a tough, firm and uncompromising character in those born in winter. Therefore, there is a recommendation to try to give such girls soft, gentle and affectionate names, in order to thus add femininity and kindness. In this case, such names as Elena, Alisa, Sophia would be appropriate, and unlucky (they will only strengthen, aggravate the character) Kira, Olga, Zhanna.

Spring, on the contrary, contributes to the formation of soft, indecisive personalities. It is difficult for such girls to resist other people's opinions, it is difficult to say a firm no, to stop unpleasant statements or actions. On the contrary, they need to add hardness. The names Marina, Christina, Dina would be suitable. Natalya, Dashenka, Svetlana will be unsuccessful.

In the summer, emotional, impressionable girls are born, good-natured and often spineless. Their character should be balanced with solid, stable names, for example, Martha, Varvara.

Autumn is the best time for the birth of balanced, integral individuals. They can be given any name without fear.

I also suggest watching the video, which contains useful tips on this topic.


Muslim names are melodious and melodious; in addition, they always hide some unique quality that parents strive to endow with a little girl at birth.

Much attention is paid to the beauty of a woman, because she should please and delight the eyes of her husband, as well as obedience and submissiveness.

Let's admire modern popular, unusual-sounding options and find out what they mean.

  • Yasmina - similar to a jasmine flower;
  • Elvira is a protector;
  • Shakira – who is grateful;
  • Samira – who knows how to listen;
  • Madina - in honor of the city Medina;
  • Leila is a girl with black hair;
  • Dinara - like gold;
  • Amira is a princess;
  • Alsou – personifying beauty.


Tatars – great people with a distinctive history and rich traditions. Needless to say, female names in Tatar culture- beautiful and unusual.

Often parents create their own new name for the baby, comparing her with beautiful flowers, or a unique natural phenomenon. The names are somewhat bolder than in the classic ones Muslim traditions, more attention is paid to beauty, less importance is given to the need for obedience and submission.

We have selected the most popular modern options for you.


The Kazakh people have an ancient and rich history. Traditional Kazakh names came to us from ancient times. Most often they are composite and represent admiration for the beauty of a young girl, her grace, and love of life.

In names there is often a comparison with beautiful flowers, moon, precious stones, as well as admiration for some character qualities, as a rule, meekness, helpfulness and humility, which is logical for Muslim peoples.

Let's look at modern beautiful Kazakh names for girls and admire their poetic explanation.

  • Janelle – blessed;
  • Aisulu – beautiful as the moon;
  • Meiram – festive;
  • Saule - like a ray of sunshine;
  • Kanipa is a sincere girl;
  • Batima is a wise girl;
  • Aigul – similar to a moon flower;
  • Asiyana – a girl from the East;
  • Bibigul is the mistress of the flower meadow;
  • Guldana is an expensive flower.

When choosing a name for your baby, do not forget to prepare all the necessary things for her birth. Advanced mothers know that the most profitable option now is to buy everything online: it saves time, money, and there is much more choice. An excellent, trusted store that has everything you need for a newborn -. Be sure to take a look at it, it once saved me a lot of time and nerves from shopping.

I hope the information was useful to you. I’ll be happy to read your opinion on choosing a name for your daughter, if necessary, I’ll give you tips and advice, so don’t hesitate to leave comments.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Unusual and strange names

Male and female names

Unusual and strange names always pose a challenge to generally accepted norms in society. On the one hand this unusual fate, on the other hand, there is an increased burden on a person.

Brief energy information characteristics of some names


Daniel– blocks 6th and 7th energy centers. The 1st center is slightly blocked. But the 3rd, slightly 2nd and even less 4th centers are activated.

The vibrations of this name significantly dull the mental faculties. A woman with this name will not achieve career growth. Most likely he will do physical labor. There is a possibility that she will go into prostitution to earn a living with her body.

She doesn’t want to work, she doesn’t know how to think, she has no desire to get an education, so she will try to make money with what she has. And there is only the body.

This is one of the most unfortunate female names. If a woman is given this name, it means she has very heavy karma, mainly negative spiritual developments from past incarnations.

The color of the name is orange with a black halo.

The image of the name is a masculine woman of 35-40 years old carrying a sleeper in the rain.

The name Daniela carries with it absolutely opposite qualities and a different fate compared to Daniel.


Wanda– the name activates quite well female sexuality. She will be irresistible in sex. Men will be crazy about her. She also loves men very much. Children will be born easily.

She will most likely have a penchant for studying foreign languages. She is sociable and smart.

She is unlikely to make a career, but financially she will feel good.

It is best for her to work in a male team, or sell goods for men.

This name promises a woman interesting life. With this name a woman can be truly happy.

The name is material.

A good choice for woman.


Agena– All human energy is concentrated along the spine, that is, energy is concentrated along the spine. This makes a person assertive, concentrated, capable of any decisive action.

This name is suitable for a woman who has decided to make a career, earn money and accumulate material wealth.

About personal happy life with this name you don’t have to dream, although if a person has good spiritual achievements and is able to withstand the pressure of the harsh energy of this name, then personal life may work out.

The color of the name is black and red. This is the color of the planet Pluto.

This name is perfect for a woman involved in practical magic, that is, which carries out specific magical actions.

Agena is a material, magical person who can be dangerous.

This name helps a woman become self-confident, self-sufficient, and achieve success in society. But the name is somewhat aggressive.

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Unusual and strange names. Male and female names


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People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

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Is it possible usual life a girl named Adele? Or will the handsome prince be able to pass by the lady named Violetta? Or Ariadne, which means “ruling”? Of course, a girl with such a rare name will carry it with her head held high. If only it goes with the middle name.

Although problems often arise with this: parents try to name their beloved child as beautifully as possible, forgetting that in 25 years “Olegovna” or something like that will be added to her beautiful, sonorous, most unusual name. Grandmothers usually come to the rescue here, reminding us of common sense. True, it has become possible to register a child directly in the maternity hospital, and this is usually done by the mother. Who will stop her, bursting with hormones?

Anna is the most important

Each country has a certain “list” of common and understandable names. Sometimes parents immediately think that the child (or themselves) will be mobile and consider options for moving, so they initially name the child so that foreign friends do not break their tongues when pronouncing, for example, the name Anastasia. Most Popular modern names in America - Angelina, Britney, Jessica, Gina, Kimberly, Marilyn, Pamela, Tiffany, Hayley, Charlotte. In the UK, for example, Amalie, Amalia, Anabel, Angellina, Bridget, Vanessa, Jennifer, Caroline, Lauren, Meidlin are held in high esteem. By the way, Western parents are very susceptible to various cultural influences. Let's say, the name Emma became very popular when a generation grew up that was a fan of the stories about Harry Potter: Hermione is too difficult name, so the girls were named after Emma Watson, who played the role of Hermione in the film adaptation. In Russia, there has recently been a wave of names in honor of characters from Game of Thrones; dozens of girls have already received the name Arya.

A girl's name is important not only for her parents, but also for the opposite sex. Not long ago, a sociological survey was conducted in our country, in which more than 50 thousand people took part. Based on its results, it became clear that the most handsome men names such as Anastasia, Ekaterina and Victoria are considered. By the way, “Anastasia” is already for a long time remains at the peak of popularity.

If you look into history, you will see that the name always pointed to social status girls. For example, the name Maria in the 18th century and the first half of the 19th was exclusively a noble name. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, people began to become interested in this name, to name their daughters with it, it spread throughout the country at the expense of the peasantry. Or, for example, the name Tatyana was for a long time for children from a low class, but it was Alexander Pushkin (deliberately, by the way) who used it in Eugene Onegin, calling Tatyana not a simpleton, but a girl of a delicate nature. After this, the noblewomen also became Tatyanas, and the name grew. There is only one name that has always been popular, it was used to call girls from any class, and according to UNESCO in 1984-1985, it was, in principle, the most popular in the world - this is the name Anna, which has many variations. Nyura will be called a peasant woman, and Anna will be the daughter of a king.

In Russia before the revolution, names were often given by the church. After the revolution, the church was officially removed from this action, and folk creativity spilled out from the limits of reason onto children.

  • Old non-church names have returned. Zlata, Lada, Svetlana, Rogneda.
  • New ideological names have appeared. Idea, Barricade, Novella, Poem, Idyll, Turbine, Railcar, Industry, Energy, Electrification.
  • Unique (according to 1942). Artillery Academy, Great Worker (yes, that's female name), Cherry tree blossom in May, Glavsp, Raitia. The most unique ones are Oyushminalda, Lagshmivara, Dazdraperma.

The girls defended their rights in everything and always. This also applies to the name - in some countries girls were not given a name at all, but instead the name of the most famous family member - the man - was used. Or here in ancient Rome girls were named after their father. Gaius Julius Caesar's daughters were to be called Julia. If there are several girls, they are numbered. Julia Prima, Julia Secunda, Julia Tertia and so on. Sounds very offensive, doesn't it?

Either way, now you can call a girl the most unusual name. Here sample list what beautiful names for girls used this year by various Russian families:

  • Aurora,
  • Agnia,
  • Athena,
  • Adana,
  • Amalia,
  • Bella,
  • Dominica,
  • Yesenia,
  • Inessa,
  • Inga,
  • Martha,
  • Michaela,
  • Mira,
  • Romana,
  • Sogdiana,
  • Faina,
  • Evita.

At the same time, the most popular name in 2016 (however, this name has long and firmly held the first line) is Sophia (Sofia). Not everyone wants to come up with an unusual name for a girl - although perhaps this particular name was once unique. According to the name book, Sophia is a soft, gentle girl in childhood. When a girl begins to grow up, she becomes diligent and pedantic. Sophia is a purposeful girl, but she does not go ahead, but carefully achieves her goal without causing inconvenience to anyone.

The second most popular name is Maria. Masha (even the name itself sounds soft) is a kind, quiet, vulnerable girl. At the same time, in adulthood, the character begins to be strong and firm. Maria - good wife, family is very important to her. The third most popular line is held by the name Daria. Dasha is impulsive and economical (an explosive mixture). Girls with this name are sociable and artistic. Dashas are usually happy in a stable marriage.

Life stories

Looking at some of the names, you can’t help but think: what were the parents motivated by? Some mothers of girls with unusually beautiful names talked about how they chose names for their children.

Mom Lesya, daughter Vasilina:

I myself have a rare name, so I knew the advantages for myself: they always remember you the first time, they immediately distinguish you from the team (both children and adults). Therefore, when we realized that we would have a daughter, I immediately knew that I would choose a rare name. I liked many rare names, but I needed to find a combination with a rather characteristic patronymic - Egorovna. I directly studied directories of rare names, writing down the options I liked on a piece of paper. But my husband and grandmothers rejected almost everything.

Then I took out a directory of rare Ukrainian names, since we have Ukrainian roots on both sides, it was logical.

There, almost immediately, my gaze fell on the name Vasilina, this is the Ukrainian version of Vasilisa. All my relatives immediately liked this name. Especially after my pregnant brain was already determined to go for Ustinha.

There is, however, one nuance: the daughter is often confused and written down as Vasilisa. At home we call her full name, affectionately Cornflower. I categorically don’t like the abbreviation Vasya, but my daughter, on the contrary, is what her best friends call her.

Mom Tatyana, daughter Mia:

I heard the name Mia during a trip to Germany. A friend once mentioned that Germans often call their daughters this way. I myself didn’t have a child yet, even in plans, but the name was remembered, although I didn’t tell anyone about it. When the ultrasound showed that we were having a girl, and my husband and I began to discuss the name of the unborn child, I rather timidly asked: “What do you think of the name Mia?” My husband really liked it, so all attempts to make a version more “adapted” to Russian pronunciation - Miya, or to name his daughter Polina or Emma - failed. Which I don’t regret, by the way, the name turned out to be suitable for a wayward, very active and lively girl. In the description of the name, everything is written like that, but I didn’t read it until my daughter was almost two years old - for some reason it was uninteresting.

Problems arose immediately: at the maternity hospital, when I was registering my daughter, they asked me for the written consent of the child’s father to use that name. In our city, our Mia became the first, so the registry office had doubts whether dad was against it. In the clinic and other official institutions, I immediately dictate the name by letters M-I-A. In response, I usually hear one of two options: “What a beautiful name” or “They’ll name it.” Another interesting remark was from some grandmother during a walk: “Oh, what a name. Probably dad is Chinese. I’m telling you exactly, Chinese.” And my husband, actually, Pavel, is quite Russian.

Mom Maria, daughter Evdokia:

My daughter chose her name herself. I knew this name (my great-grandmother was Evdokia), and was completely indifferent to it. And when the pregnant woman chose a name, I couldn’t get the name out of my head. I was reading a book with names, and it was there. Until I came across the name Evdokia, nothing was suitable. And my husband couldn’t find it either. When I suggested Dunya, he was so confused, and I saw that there was no protest. And inside I was confident that another name would not work.

An unusual name can be not only rare, beautiful, unusual, but also something that can be called “well forgotten old”. Yuli, Olya, Sveta, Ira, Gali - in the generation of the 80s and 90s these names were all over the place, but now they are practically non-existent. So if you don’t have the imagination for something artsy, then you can just look at your friends. Or go by the easy way and do what many do: open a dictionary and poke at random.

If you have a girl and you are now choosing suitable beautiful name for her, then this article will help you in this important issue. In any era, women have always been unsolved mysteries for men. What can I say, sometimes some representatives of the fairer sex surprise themselves with their unpredictable behavior. Women are often guided not so much by thoughts as by emotions, the logic of which depends more on internal movements souls.

But we want to open one for you little secret, allowing one to predict the motives of a woman’s actions - this is a name. Yes, it is in a woman’s name that there is a decoding that sometimes reveals the inner secret of representatives of the fair half of humanity. It is enough to know the meaning of female names (you can see the list of the most popular names below) in order to have a small idea of ​​character, knowing which you can behave tactfully and correctly with the owner of a particular name. Agree, there is nothing more pleasant than owning several keys to to a woman's heart. And all thanks to their name alone.

Female names- this is the embodiment age-old wisdom, and therefore their meaning determines character and behavior, imparts softness and tenderness, sensuality and passion. Of course, there are exceptions. Sometimes a name brings strong-willed character traits to the forefront, and a woman is distinguished from this by her particular persistence and determination.

With the introduction of Christianity in Rus', pagan female names were transformed and the name was chosen according to church calendar. With the obligatory rite of baptism in Rus', the tradition of naming girls only Christian names. At the end of the article you can see a list of beautiful female names, as well as the most successful combinations of female names with one or another middle name.

Unfortunately, such a key as knowing the meaning of a woman’s name is practically of no interest to men; statistical data indicate that it is more interesting to women. This can be explained by innate female curiosity and the desire to learn everything mysterious and mysterious, intuitively finding everything in everything. hidden meaning. That’s the person’s name, like a mystery that the woman, “mysterious” to men, is trying to unravel.

Now it is becoming popular to call girls rare names, the meaning of which is unknown. But a name is an individual destiny, a code of a person’s destiny. Therefore, from time immemorial, choosing a name has been like a sacred ritual. A woman's name is a special rhythm and tempo of the syllable composition and combination of letters, which determine woman's destiny, her talent, the possibility of realization in three spheres: physical, mental and astral. With transcript own name, its beautiful owner will be able to concentrate on improving her best qualities, as well as overcoming your weaknesses and shortcomings.

Below you can see similar patronymics to a given name, as well as the most popular female names. The list of female names is accompanied by a decoding of each name (historical, religious significance).

Now you know what this or that female name means. This is certainly not far full list female names. But rest assured, among the names presented there will definitely be the most suitable name for your daughter. The only thing I would like to remind you is that modern, newfangled names, derived from the names of popular bands, are a new thing. Let's not experiment on our child and give him a name with historical and national roots.


Meaning of the name Alina:

The meaning of the name Victoria:

The meaning of the name Natalya:

Meaning of the name Olga:

Meaning of the name Irina:

The meaning of the name Marina:

Meaning of the name Daria:

Meaning of the name Tatyana:

Meaning of the name Sofia:

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