Is Dmitry Shepelev married? Dmitry Shepelev is dating a mysterious blonde - media

Today the name of TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev is widely known in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. As a child, the famous showman did not reveal any special artistic or communicative traits; he was always a very modest guy. Parents raised Dmitry Shepelev in severity. This upbringing influenced the entire future fate of the famous presenter.

Even in high school, Dmitry Shepelev understood where he wanted to work and what activity he wanted to connect his life with. Before his first experience of appearing on screen, he had to try several part-time jobs.

Dmitry Shepelev nationality, parents: strict upbringing laid the core of character in the future TV presenter

Dmitry Shepelev is Belarusian by nationality. The parents of the famous TV presenter are native residents of Minsk. Both of Shepelev’s parents are ordinary hard workers who graduated from technical universities and worked in their specialty all their lives. Mainly they raised responsibility in their son. And this can be seen in everything. First of all, the guy was accustomed to work from childhood and knew how money was given.

Dima’s parents did not give Dima money for pocket expenses just like that; during the holidays he delivered mail, thereby earning money for his small needs. In addition, parents monitored the physical education of their sons. Dmitry Shepelev attended swimming and water polo sections from an early age. His parents wanted to instill in Dima a love of exact sciences, but it didn’t work out. The guy chose the humanitarian field, and his parents were sympathetic to their son’s choice.

The school teacher did not consider Dmitry Shepelev to be a future screen star. At school, Dima did not show initiative in amateur activities. And in his interactions with his peers he was somewhat cold, even distant. Dima maintained friendly relations with all the guys, but was not seriously friends with anyone. Shepelev's relatives have repeatedly noticed that the guy is very selective in choosing his environment.

Dmitry Shepelev nationality, parents: the guy’s self-determination happened in high school

The choice of future profession for Dmitry Shepelev was very easy. In high school, he got on a local TV channel, where he hosted a TV show. He liked working on television, and he realized that this was his calling. Without hesitation, Shepelev entered the journalism department of Minsk University.

Dmitry Shepelev's student years were not sweet; the guy took on any part-time jobs in the field of television and radio broadcasting. Study gradually faded into the background. Dmitry more than once found himself under the threat of expulsion. But, despite the difficulties, Shepelev still received a university diploma in 2005. At first, Shepelev worked at radio stations as a DJ and presenter.

Soon, luck in the profession smiled on Dmitry, and he began to receive tempting offers on television. The first serious television experience that brought Shepelev popularity was the show “Star Factory-2” on Ukrainian television. Almost all the time at the start of his career in Kyiv, Dmitry Shepelev had to be torn between cities. He still continued to broadcast in Minsk, because the money he earned in Kyiv was sorely lacking. Later Shepelev was invited to the Russian capital. There was not only a professional rise, but also changes in his personal life.

Dmitry Shepelev nationality, parents: the TV presenter combined attempts to improve his personal life and build a career

All fans know that Dmitry Shepelev had an affair with Zhanna Friske. But what happened to the young handsome presenter before Zhanna appeared in his life is a big question for many. Despite his charisma and attractive appearance, Shepelev did not earn fame as a heartthrob.

Even at school and as a student, after Dmitry gained quiet popularity in Minsk, girls paid attention to him. But Dmitry himself did not succumb to female charms. Later he dated Anna Startseva for a long time. The couple even managed to legalize their relationship. But the marriage turned out to be too short-lived.

Shepelev lived as a married man for only three weeks. After which the divorce process took place. Dmitry Shepelev never spoke much to the press about this relationship. Even the most curious journalists failed to find out anything other than the fact that Shepelev considers his marriage a mistake of his youth.

Shepelev began his relationship with Zhanna Friske in 2011. Fans did not have time to understand when romance began between the two stars. Shepelev and Friske met together at work, after which they became good friends. Less than half a year had passed since the friendship grew into a closer relationship.

Dmitry Shepelev nationality, parents: the famous TV presenter is now raising his son himself

After the death of Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Shepelev is often drawn into all sorts of scandals. Most often they are associated with his son Plato and his relationship with Vladimir Friske. The singer’s father and Dmitry Shepelev spent a long and painful time figuring out who should raise Plato and how. Friction continues to this day. The division of Zhanna Friske’s inheritance also became a stumbling block. Currently, Shepelev has returned to work on television. He can be increasingly seen on the country's central channels.

Dmitry Shepelev is an ambitious presenter who has hosted dozens of programs on Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian television. Most of the public knows Dmitry as the common-law husband of Zhanna Friske. How did Dmitry’s career build and what is he doing now?

The future showman was born in 1983, on January 25. His hometown is Minsk and Shepelev spent his youth in the capital of Belarus until he was invited to work on Ukrainian television.

Dmitry’s parents, Andrei Viktorovich and Natalya Alexandrovna, had nothing to do with show business; the presenter’s father works as a programmer, and his mother is an accountant. Already during his school years, Dmitry began earning pocket money for himself, and his first experience as a TV presenter occurred in the 9th grade, when he began hosting the “5x5” program on a local TV channel.

Dmitry Shepelev's height is 175 cm, and his weight is 72 kg.

Starting a career in Belarus

Considering his first television experience more than successful, Dmitry entered the best university in Belarus, the Belarusian State University, Faculty of Journalism, and also began attending a school for TV presenters. During his studies, Shepelev had to work a lot; he worked as a DJ at Alfa Radio and Unistar, and broadcast on local television.

It was Dmitry Shepelev who first broadcast a radio broadcast from a Robbie Williams concert and regularly interviewed various show business stars. At the same time, the famous TV presenter dreamed of interesting creative projects and sent his video recording to the Ukrainian channel “M1” for good luck. It was with the offer in 2004 to become one of the hosts of the morning show “Guten Morgen” that Dmitry’s star life began.

What is the presenter known for?

At first, Shepelev had to fly from Minsk to Kyiv and back, but in 2007 he decided to move to Kyiv and soon offers began to pour in one after another. Dmitry started hosting a show on M1 called “Let’s Ride!” In 2008, he took the place of the host of the highest-rated show “Star Factory - 2”, after which he began hosting the project “Karaoke Star” and “Do You Play or Don’t Play”.

Since 2009, Dmitry begins to actively promote himself on Russian television. His first projects on Channel One were “Can You? Sing!” and "Five Stars". Also this year, Konstantin Ernst entrusted Shepelev with the position of presenter in the “Green Room” at Eurovision 2009. Afterwards, the most famous TV shows on Russian television were “Property of the Republic”, “Minute of Fame”, “Two Voices”, on Ukrainian television - “Make the Comedian Laugh”, “Summer Kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev”. In 2016, the showman moved to Moscow and in 2017 became the host of one of the most popular shows on Channel One, “Actually.”


In 2005, Dmitry Shepelev proposed to his co-host of the TV show “5x5” Anna Tabalina, but after living for only a few years, the couple divorced due to the fact that Dmitry had to move to Ukraine.

In 2011, the famous presenter began dating Zhanna Friske, their romance gradually developed into a serious relationship. Already in mid-2012, it became known that the singer was pregnant from her common-law husband. On April 7, 2013, Zhanna’s long-awaited child, son Plato, was born. Unfortunately, the artist was unable to fully enjoy motherhood and a happy marriage with Dmitry; on June 15, 2015, everyone’s favorite singer Zhanna Friske died of cancer.

Now Dmitry Shepelev is raising his son Plato alone. From time to time, rumors appear in the press that the presenter is dating Ksenia Stepanova, Zhanna Friske’s personal cosmetologist. Among the latest news, the woman moved in with Dmitry Shepelev and they are raising a son together from Zhanna Friske.

On social networks with Lera Kudryavtseva. After the death of Zhanna Friske, Kudryavtseva did not hide her attitude towards Dmitry Shepelev: in the scandalous relationship between the widower and the singer’s parents, she was on the side of the latter. No one was surprised when on Instagram Kudryavtseva sharply besieged Shepelev, who teased her: “Today I learned three news - that you are on Instagram, that I am blocked from you. And what are you writing about me? Maybe I should start writing about you? Otherwise we are all silent, but only because of Plato.”

Million dollar secret

What is Lera Kudryavtseva silent about? A colleague of the TV presenter told us about this: “The trump cards that were there sounded six months ago. Then Friske’s relatives and friends came to Lera in “Secret for a Million”. At the same time, Shepelev received in full, but everyone saw that the accusations against him were rather of an emotional nature, as Zhanna’s mother said then: “We are his servants...” Since his grandparents, Platon’s godmother Olga Orlova, were already desperate to see the boy, they were ready for anything. But they have nothing to cover. Everything has already been told a hundred times by family and friends: on various TV shows and in interviews. Therefore, there are no million-dollar secrets that could scare Shepelev. The incriminating evidence against him is now not worth even a million rubles. Earlier, when the topic was “hot”, so much was offered to all Zhanna’s friends for new stories about Shepelev.”

Dmitry’s loved ones say that there are no “skeletons in the closet” that could harm him now. Therefore, Kudryavtseva’s statement not only did not frighten: Shepelev reacted to it completely calmly. Let us remember that in recent years, as much slander has been voiced on federal channels against a widower who is raising a son as, probably, no public figure has ever received. Shepelev was accused of choosing the wrong treatment for Zhanna, taking money from her account, setting her up against her friends, not caring for the patient, once they staged a talk show about the fact that his son had a different father... Shepelev bravely waited until the flow of such television sensations will subside. It’s amazing how, after all this, Dmitry agreed to host the television project “Actually,” built on similar revelations. Probably, Shepelev can be understood: a man needs to provide for his family, and a daily rating show brings in a decent income and maintains interest in the person.

By the way, more than three years ago, Lera Kudryavtseva also publicly said that she did not give out incriminating evidence on Dmitry, so as not to harm her friend Olga Orlova - she could be prohibited from meeting her godson Platon Shepelev. But Orlova complained in the program “Secret to a Million” that she had not seen Plato for more than two years...

Zhanna and Dmitry selflessly fought the disease, thanks to which the singer lived for two years after the diagnosis. Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

There is only one claim left

Many people don’t understand why Dmitry Shepelev never became friends with Zhanna’s parents, why Plato and his dad don’t go to their grandparents’ place for pancakes on weekends, why did older people through the court obtain permission to see their only grandson once a month?

Dmitry does not like to discuss these topics. But when we met with Shepelev at the presentation of the book “Zhanna,” he said: “I will never, on my part, create obstacles to communication with a child, until I doubt that this can somehow threaten his peace of mind...." Shepelev later explained: "... My grandparents demand that my son go to them and live there. I spent time not in the kindergarten to which I was accustomed, not on the playground with my friends, and, in the end, not with my father, but there. Only there. Only with them. For weeks. I spent my birthday with them. And the main requirement is without a father. In my opinion, this is not a desire to see my grandson, but a desire to take away and remove from his father a boy who was left without a mother. This is impossible..."

After Zhanna’s death, Shepelev turned to psychologists who taught him to move on and gave him advice on raising his son. On important issues regarding the child, the TV presenter still consults with a psychologist.

At the same time, Zhanna’s friends agree: “Dima is an ideal father!” Of course, everyone dreams that someday Olga and Vladimir Kopylov (the singer’s parents) will be able to improve relations with Dmitry Shepelev. Olga Orlova, commenting on this situation, added “fuel to the fire”: “Dmitry is a complex, tough person.” However, no one loses hope.

Why don't they like him so much?

Zhanna Friske's romance with Dmitry Shepelev was rapid. She did not introduce her beloved man to her family, she simply enjoyed the relationship. The singer dreamed of a child for a long time, so when she found out about pregnancy, she was very happy. Zhanna's friends became closely acquainted with Dmitry already when the singer was expecting a child. Six years ago their son Plato was born, and soon Zhanna found out that she was seriously ill. Then she completely trusted Dmitry Shepelev - he searched all over the world for various treatment options, traveled with Zhanna to clinics, studied the latest vaccines. In the book “Zhanna,” Dmitry Shepelev described in detail the entire struggle for the life of the woman he loved.

Zhanna passed away four years ago. Shortly after her death, friend Katya Tsvetova recalled in an interview how the singer, despite her illness, dreamed of a wedding: “I had an exact idea of ​​what the celebration would be like, who to invite, how to celebrate the bachelorette party. Despite her serious condition, Zhanna chose dresses, she liked elegant ones... Zhanna was happy with Dima. He's a good father. He takes care of Plato, spends a lot of time with him...”

And a couple of months ago, Katya Tsvetova, after the death of Alla Weber, decided to tell that Alla Konstantinovna, based on her own successful experience, advised Zhanna to be treated in the USA. Tsvetova conveyed this to Dmitry Shepelev: “With hope and joy, I ran to my friend’s man with such important and encouraging information. After all, there is hope that we will save her! “Katya, it will be far for me to fly to my son!”

Most likely, such memories are now associated with Dmitry’s reluctance to find a common language with Zhanna’s parents. The general opinion regarding the fight for Zhanna was expressed even earlier by Olga Orlova: “In terms of treatment, I’m sure everything possible was definitely done...”

It can be assumed that opinions will soon emerge about “how much money Zhanna gave to her beloved.” But the singer’s relatives want peace most of all: Plato is a continuation of Zhanna, so they do not lose hope that the boy will grow up in front of the eyes of loving people.

Based on the latest news for today 1 hour ago about Dmitry Shepelev, he recently became a participant in the TV show “Actually”. He is a widower; his wife was the famous Russian performer Zhanna Friske, who passed away in 2015. He has a son, Plato. According to the latest news in 2018, Dmitry started an affair with a girl.

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Shooting on the anniversary of death

On June 15, 3 years passed after Zhanna Friske passed away. According to the latest news for today, 1 hour ago, Dmitry Shepelev posted a photo on Instagram and talked about some coincidences on this day. It turned out that on the anniversary of the death of the famous singer, he would have to star in the program “Actually,” where he would have to talk about brain cancer.

According to the presenter, it is difficult for him to talk about such a topic, hiding his emotions. He believes that such a coincidence cannot be called accidental. He took this signal as a reminder that it is important to talk about this pathology.

Numerous subscribers of the presenter agreed with his words, wished him good luck, expressed condolences, and wrote best wishes to his son Plato. Earlier, the date was commented on by the singer’s sister Natalya.

Last news

Despite the fact that Zhanna Friske died several years ago, her personal life is still discussed in the media. The press received information that before the relationship with the TV presenter, the star lived in a civil marriage with another man, who was hidden from the eyes of journalists. There are discussions about whether this is true or not, but there is no clear information.

In the TV show “Russian Sensations”, dedicated to the anniversary of the death of Zhanna Friske, they showed a man who was supposedly Plato’s real father. He said that he really lived with the star for about five years, but the singer did not show off her personal life.

The man's name is Peter. He told various details about the star, how they traveled, planned their future life. According to him, the singer always wanted a son, so that he would become the father. There are hidden nuances and various omissions in this story.

So, the man said that he could prove his words, while many do not understand why he did not say anything for three years, no one saw him at the funeral, he did not help the singer when she was sick. There are no comments from the presenter. Explanations are expected from Olga Orlova, who was a friend of the star. Many believe that she should have known about the performer’s personal life.

The only child of a star

According to some opinions, the birth of a son could have caused the early death of J. Friske. It is assumed that her pregnancy weakened her body, which could not fight the disease at an early stage. For several years the woman tried to resist the disease, but it was in vain.

According to the latest news, Dmitry Shepelev later wrote in his book that his son helped his wife fight for life. Only at the sight of him did the woman smile and want to believe that everything would be fine in the future. After her death, questions appeared in the media about where the money donated for treatment would go, and who is the father of her only child is now being discussed.

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