Canned green peas without vinegar. Canning peas

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Green peas, canned in cans is one of the most popular canned foods that we most often use in our diet: as a side dish or for adding to salads.

It all just so happened that it first caught my eyeproven recipe for canned green peas , and the next day I saw how the peas themselves were being sold.

Fate, I thought... the recipe will combine with peas, and Imake canned peas for the winter . This is my first such preparation.

Canned green peas. Recipes with photos. Canned peas for the winter

Canned Peas Recipe It really turned out to be very easy to prepare (except for the process of processing green peas) and reliable, for which, I can now say with full justification - this is truly a proven recipe. Jars of peas stood in my warm room from summer until cold weather, until I used them in salads.

How to can green peas at home


Peeled green peas

For the marinade:

For 1 liter of water (this amount of water is enough for about 2-3 full half-liter jars of peas)

Citric acid – 1 teaspoon

Salt and Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons each

How to prepare the marinade :

Bring the water to a boil, add salt and sugar. As soon as the water boils, carefully pour in the citric acid and turn off the gas.

Remove the peas from the pods and blanch in hot water for 10 minutes, then quickly rinse in cold water. This is necessary in order to reduce the loss of starch into the marinade.

Preparing jars for canning: wash them thoroughly. Place blanched peas in jars in the following proportions: peas 50-55%, marinade – 45-50%. Pour the prepared marinade over the peas without filling the jar to the top.

Place a cloth or towel on the bottom of a large saucepan, pour water and heat it up. We need the difference in temperature of the liquid in the jars and in the pan not to be too contrasting, otherwise the jars may burst. Place the jars in a saucepan, the water should reach the “hangers” and leave to sterilize for 2.5 hours.

Don't let such a long sterilization bother you. The recipe is tested and reliable.

Here is another proven recipe that a reader of my diary shared, it is much simpler than the previous one:

Canned green peas. Recipe for the winter - 2

To prepare the filling you need:

For 1 liter of water

Salt and sugar - 0.5 teaspoon each

Wash the peas well, fill with cold water, add sugar and salt and cook for half an hour.

Then we put the peas in a colander, let the filling drain, then we put the peas tightly into the jars.

We filter the filling through several layers of brand, heat it and pour it into jars with peas. To be on the safe side, add 9% vinegar, apple cider vinegar or citric acid. With apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, the canned peas will not taste so acidic. Vinegar proportions: add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar or 1/3 teaspoon of citric acid to 1 liter of water.

We put the jars for sterilization. Sterilize in boiling water for 30-40 minutes.

There are two more recipes for canned peas and pickled pea pods, but I have not tested these recipes myself.

Preparations for the winter. Pickled green peas. Recipe


Freshly picked green peasLemon acidSalt


Freshly picked peas are peeled, washed, and placed in boiling salted water for 5 minutes. Then remove the peas from the water.

Pour the peas into sterilized jars and fill them with the water in which they were boiled. Add 1 teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of liquid. And set the jars to sterilize for 1 hour 20 minutes.

You can also prepare not only green peas for the winter, but also pickled young pea pods

Preparations for the winter. Pickled young pea pods


Young pea pods with barely set grains

Brine for boiling peas:

For 5 glasses of water

2 cups salt

Soda - on the tip of a knife


For 1 liter of waterVinegar 3% – 0.5 cups

For the final marinade:

For 1 liter of water

Vinegar 3% – 0.5 cupsSpices to tasteSugar – 2-3 tablespoons


Pea pods are deveined and boiled in the prepared saline solution for about two minutes.

Then drain the water, put the pods in a washed jar, and pour in the boiled and cooled marinade. Cover with lids and leave in a cool place for 2-3 weeks.

After the allotted time, pour the marinade out of the jars, pour fresh vinegar solution (with spices and sugar) over the peas. Place the pods in sterilized jars and close with iron lids. in the store (and the majority of housewives are like this, because not everyone has the opportunity to can can peas for the winter on their own).

Many people have probably noticed that the weight of peas varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Things to remember:

When purchasing peas, pay attention to the net weight, i.e. a lot of peas along with the filling. Equal-looking tins can contain 380, 400 or even 420 grams of green peas.

According to standards, the mass fraction of peas from the net weight indicated on the label must be at least 65%.

Canned peas of good quality have whole grains, without impurities of the shells. In this case, the filling liquid should not be transparent.

I hope you find the canned pea recipes and helpful tips helpful!

Happy canning and bon appetit!

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Popular materials

Fresh green peas can be stored for a maximum of 2 weeks. Canned – up to a year. Preparing green peas for the winter is an opportunity to diversify your diet and eat tasty and vitamin-rich food all year round. We offer two options – preservation and drying. Each method is good in its own way.

Harvesting green peas for the winter: preservation

For preservation, you need to use only unripe, tender, uniformly colored grains. Old and overripe ones become unsweetened and starchy. They are not suitable for blanks.

To prepare 3 half-liter jars of canned peas, you will need one liter of marinade or brine.

Recipe No. 1

for 1 liter of water you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • 1.5 tablespoons sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid.


The pods are freed from grains. The peas are washed well. Throw away any spoiled or pest-infested fruit.

To determine the amount of peas, they need to be scattered into half-liter jars, not reaching 2 cm from the edges. Then the peas are poured with cold water with salt and sugar. Let it boil. Cook for half an hour, add citric acid 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

The finished peas are placed in a colander. Then they are placed in sterile jars and covered with lids.

The water in which the grains were boiled is filtered through cheesecloth. It is better to take several layers of fabric. The liquid is boiled and poured into the peas. The jars are sterilized in boiling water for at least 1 hour and sealed.

Recipe No. 2

  • 700 gr. peeled peas,
  • 1 liter of water,
  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • 3 grams of citric acid.


Young peas are sorted well and washed. Place in an enamel bowl. Add water. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. The water is drained and the peas are strained.

Sugar and salt are added to clean water. Mix well. Let it boil, add citric acid. The marinade is ready.

Sterilize the jars, place hot grains in them, pour in freshly boiled marinade, cover with sterile lids, set to sterilize for at least an hour, then roll up.

Recipe No. 3

  • peas – 700 gr.,

For the marinade:

  • 1 liter of water,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • 3 teaspoons vinegar.


Add salt and sugar to cold water, let it boil, add vinegar. The peas, cleared of pods and spoiled grains, are placed in a colander. Dip into boiling water for 10 minutes. Then carefully remove with a spoon and place in sterile jars. Fill with brine. Cover with lids. Be sure to sterilize jars for at least 1 hour.

Harvesting green peas for the winter at home: how to dry

Canned or salted green peas are good in appetizers and salads. Dried added to soups and main dishes. It is better to use unripe green grains for harvesting. They should be quite large - from 5 mm in diameter.

Recipe No. 1

  • young peas – 1 kg,
  • baking soda – 10 g.


Peas are removed from the pods. They're sorting through. Throw out spoiled and too small grains.

Add soda to the water. Bring to a boil and pour in the peas. If you do not add soda, the dried grains will be harder.

Boil the peas for 10 minutes. Cool and dry in the oven at 80 degrees for 1 hour. Then lower it to 65 degrees. Dry the grains for another 2-3 hours.

The workpiece is stored in a glass jar with an airtight lid. Before use, peas are soaked for 3 hours. Boil for 30 minutes to 1 hour in unsalted water.

Recipe No. 2

Place the peas in a metal strainer and blanch for several minutes. Rinse and allow to cool slightly. Repeat the procedure again.

The grains are placed in a colander. Lay out on fabric or paper. Put it in a dark place and let it dry a little.

The oven is heated to a temperature of 70 degrees. Transfer the peas to a baking sheet and dry for 12–14 hours. Then cool.

The grains are rolled onto a board or something heavy is placed on them. This is necessary to add density and eliminate voids. Leave under load for 8–10 hours.

Dry in the oven for a few more hours at a temperature of 60–70 degrees.

If everything is done correctly, the pea grains will turn dark green. Their surface will become matte and velvety. If the peas are light, they need to be blanched again.

How to can green peas at home

For canning, only freshly picked peas of milky ripeness are used - overripe and long-husked peas contain a lot of starch, which causes the formation of a cloudy sediment. We offer several simple and tasty recipes for canning green peas for the winter.

1. Green peas recipe that does not require sterilization
(tastes like store bought).

- green peas in any quantity;
- for the marinade, for 1 liter of water take: 3 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid. One liter of marinade is enough for 3 half-liter jars.

How to cook
1. Hull the peas and wash them well.
2. Preparing the marinade: bring water, salt and sugar to a boil and add prepared peas to it. The marinade should completely cover the peas.
3. After boiling, cook the marinade with peas for another 15 minutes, adding citric acid at the end of cooking.
4. Then, using a slotted spoon, transfer the peas into pre-sterilized jars, leaving 1.5 cm to the top. Pour boiling marinade over the peas and roll up the lids.

These peas are stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

2. Canned green peas

How to cook
1. Hull green peas from the pods and rinse with running water.
2. Prepare marinade from 1 liter of water, 1 table. spoon with sugar on top, 1 dessert spoon of salt. Bring the marinade to a boil and pour it over the peas (be sure to cover completely).
3. Boil for 3 minutes, then transfer everything into sterilized half-liter jars, without filling to the top - there should be 3 cm between the lid and the dressing.
4. Green peas need to be sterilized 2 times. Boil for 30 minutes the first time, then cover with lids. The next day, sterilize for another 20 minutes and roll up.

It is better to store such peas in the cellar.

3. Recipe for canned green peas

1. Hull the peas, sort them, rinse them in a colander, pour them into a saucepan and add water in a ratio of 1:2; cook until boiling over high heat, then reduce the temperature and cook over moderate heat for another 30-35 minutes, depending on the ripeness of the peas.
2. The grains that burst and crushed during the cooking process must be removed - they can make the marinade cloudy, which is undesirable.
3. In another bowl, prepare the marinade: bring 1 liter of water to a boil, and then add salt, a spoonful of sugar and a little citric acid to the water.
4. Prepare and sterilize jars in advance; it is better to use 0.5 liter jars.
5. Pour boiling marinade into jars of peas, add a teaspoon of vinegar to each jar and cover with lids.
6. Warm for 40-45 minutes in a water bath, then wrap in towels and do not open until cooled so that the peas are better saturated with the marinade.

You can try homemade peas already on the second or third day after cooking.

4. A simple recipe for canning green peas

All ingredients based on a regular 0.5 liter jar:
- 650 grams of peeled peas;
- 1 liter of water;
- 1.5 tablespoons of salt;
- 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
- 3 grams of citric acid.

How to cook
1. Hull the peas from the pods, sort, rinse in a colander with running water and blanch for 2-3 minutes in boiling water.
2. Preparation of the marinade: Dissolve salt, sugar, citric acid in water and boil.
3. Transfer hot blanched green peas into sterile jars and pour boiling marinade over them, cover with scalded lids.
4. Place the jars in a pan of hot (70°C) water on a wire rack or on a wooden circle. Sterilize for 3 hours from the moment the water boils in the pan.
5. Take out the cans and roll them up, turn them over, wrap them in a blanket, and do not open until completely cooled.

Home canning, including green peas, requires strict adherence to the recipe, in particular the mandatory addition of citric or acetic acid, long-term heat treatment, otherwise there is a possibility of spoilage of the product or the development of botulism pathogens that are deadly to humans.

Canning green peas can be considered successful if, within four days, the marinade in homemade preparations has remained transparent and has not changed its color - such peas can be stored for up to a year in the refrigerator or cellar. If the marinade becomes cloudy or changes color, it should not be eaten.

Buying green peas in a store is not a problem. In the sense that the shelves are lined with jars of peas from different manufacturers. The problem is different - how to determine that the product you purchase actually corresponds to the declared quality. It’s good if the jars are glass, at least you can somehow assess the transparency, see if there is a cloudy sediment, if the peas are yellowish.

Not very good peas can ruin a holiday salad, so such doubts are well founded.

In order not to suffer in the store, it is better to roll the peas yourself, especially since it is not difficult: we remove the peas from the pods, sort them, and wash them; Boil the peas in an enamel pan for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on ripeness. By this time, the pre-sterilized jars have already been dried, we place the peas in them and fill them with a special filling (or marinade) in a boiling state. That's all - all that remains is to sterilize and roll up.

Of course, this is a classic recipe, starting from it, you can come up with various options and features. As a rule, this applies to filling, but not only.

Making your own canned peas is tempting. It’s cheaper, and you’ll know exactly what you’re feeding your family. After all, peas are used not only for the notorious Olivier. You can easily serve a classic breakfast - sausages with green peas, or use peas as a side dish for a second course - meat or fish, or make soup, or include them in various salads.

In short, we are preparing peas for the winter. Moreover, now is the time. A lot of young peas in pods have appeared on the market. It is necessary to choose young, brainy varieties of peas. Aged peas are not suitable for: they do not have the same taste, and a cloudy sediment will appear in the jars.

So, we chose peas, brought them home and started shelling. At the same time, the jars are washed and sterilized and set to dry.

We have the best recipes. Let's choose...

As we know, freezing food allows you to preserve its beneficial substances as much as possible. Peas can also be frozen.

Freezing green peas

Cool the blanched peas (1.5 minutes) by immersing them in cold water, even ice water, with ice cubes - this is better. We lay it out to dry, then distribute it into cardboard boxes or plastic bags. Freeze it.

In order to use it in winter, you need to put it in boiling water while frozen and cook for 6-8 minutes.

Preservation: Green peas for Olivier


Peas from pods

Water, 1 l

Salt, 1.5 tsp

Citric acid, 3 g

1. While the shelled peas are soaking in cold water, prepare the brine - boil the salt in the water.

2. Remove the peas, drain the water and pour them into boiling brine for 10-15 minutes.

3. Having packaged it in jars along with the brine, we put the portion of citric acid due to it into each jar. To determine the parts, we follow the recipe and maintain the specified ratio.

4. Sterilization will last ½ hour. Roll up the jars and wrap them until they cool completely. Store in the cold.

Natural green peas for the winter


Peas, milky ripeness

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 15 g

Salt, 30-40 g

Vinegar 9%, 100 ml

Cook the peas for ½ hour and drain in a colander. Transfer to jars and fill with brine, the ratio of which is specified in the recipe. The brine should be hot when poured into the jars. These peas are stored unrolled, covered with nylon lids and stored in the cold.

Pickled green peas (method 1)


Polka dots

Vola, 1 l

Salt, 1 tbsp

Table vinegar, 100 ml

Blanch the peas for 3 minutes, cool and let the water drain. Cook the marinade, pour it boiling into jars with cooked peas. Sterilize (liter - 1 hour, half-liter - ½ hour). Let's roll up.

Pickled green peas (2nd method)


Polka dots

Water, 1 l

Salt, 20 g

Vinegar 70%, 1 tbsp - incomplete

Blanch the peas and add salt to the water (the ratio is specified in the recipe). Together with water, distribute into jars. Sterilize for 30-40 minutes. Pour vinegar into each jar and roll up. Turn it over. Use these peas first; they don't last very long.

Continuing the marinade theme - pickled pods. Everyone probably remembers being fascinated by these pods as a child; they are so tender and sweet. Here's a good way to remember your childhood.

Pickled green peas


Pea pods, clean and young

Pepper, 2 peas per jar

Cloves, 1 bud per jar

Citric acid, in each jar - on the tip of a knife

We prepare the marinade in the ratio

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 40 g

Vinegar 9%, 3 tbsp

1. Soak the pods for 2 hours in cold water, then blanch (1-2 minutes) with the addition of citric acid. We extract the pods and distribute them into jars. In each jar we place everything that is indicated in the recipe in this regard. Cook the marinade, checking the recipe, and pour in the pods. Sterilize (15-30 minutes) and roll up.

Canned green peas


Peas of milky ripeness

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 1 tsp, heaped

Salt, 1 dessert liter, heaped

Vinegar 6%, pour 1 dessert liter into each jar

1. Place the peas, filled with water so that it only slightly covers them, on the fire. Cook for 15-20 minutes, during which time the water will almost boil away. Immediately place the peas into the jars, leaving 1 cm from the top edge.

2. Pour hot brine into jars (the ratio and set of products for it are specified in the recipe) and pour vinegar.

3. Instead of lids, we pack the jars tightly with cellophane and wrap them up. Once completely cooled, store in the cold.

By the way, after unwrapping the jars, check the condition of the film: if you did everything correctly and no air enters the jar, the film will be pulled inside the jar.

Green peas “Wonderful”


Green peas, ½ kg

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 50 g

Salt, 50 g

Vinegar 9%, 2 tbsp

Blanch the peas for 5-10 minutes, strain them and place them in jars. Cook the marinade and fill each jar. Sterilize for 30-40 minutes. Let's roll up.

Green peas with citric acid


Green peas, 1 kg

Water, 1½ l

Sugar, 3 tbsp

Salt, 3 tbsp

Citric acid, ½ tsp in each jar

1. Boil the brine from 1 liter of water, sugar and salt - 2 tbsp each. Throw the peas into the boiling brine. It should be completely hidden in the liquid. Cook the peas for 15-20 minutes to soften.

2. Drain the brine and pack the peas into jars.

3. Replenish the drained brine with ½ liter of water, salt and sugar, 1 tablespoon each, and boil again.

4. Fill the jars with brine, add citric acid into each, as indicated in the recipe.

5. Roll up the jars - they do not need sterilization. But you need to wrap them up.

6. Store in the refrigerator and use it first.

Salted green peas


Green peas, 2 kg

Salt, 600 g

Boil the peas in slightly salted water for up to 10 minutes, no more. We recline, expressing the water. When the water has drained completely, mix the peas with salt and pack into jars. Pour boiling water, steep, and cover. We take polyethylene lids.

Store in the refrigerator.

Green peas with allspice


Green peas, 1 kg

Allspice, 5 peas

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 1 tbsp

Salt, 1½ tbsp

Vinegar 70%, 1 tsp

Cook the peas until they become wrinkled. Strain and put into jars. Prepare the marinade by throwing allspice into it and pour the peas into the jars. Sterilize for ½ hour. Let's roll up.

Green peas, canned without vinegar


Polka dots

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 1 tbsp

Salt, 1 tbsp

1. Prepare the brine and boil the peas in it for 3 minutes.

2. Place the peas and brine together in jars, leaving 2 cm from the top edge of the jar.

3. Sterilize for ½ hour.

4. Cool the jars, cover with nylon lids and put them in the cold - in the refrigerator.

5. We take them out the next morning, put them in warm water and start heating them. Sterilize in boiling water for 20 minutes. Let's roll up.

If you have a lot of peas, you can try and dry them.

Drying green peas

Peel and blanch the peas for 2-3 minutes. Cool and air dry. Then turn on the oven and place a baking sheet with a layer of peas in it - do not close the door. The temperature should be kept at 40-50°C at the beginning of the process, and 55-60°C at the end. And this will take a total of 1-2 hours. However, the process must be interrupted by turning off the oven, and there should be 2-3 such breaks. The intervals between heating are also 1-2 hours.

When the peas are ready, they will acquire a dark green color, wrinkle and become sweetish and pleasant to the taste.

By the way, there are electric dryers for drying; they can be used very well. There is a timer there and you can set the temperature - very convenient.

Making canned peas for the winter at home is not so difficult, and the taste of such a product definitely surpasses even the most expensive store-bought analogues. The grains perfectly absorb all shades of marinades and are perfectly stored until the cold season in the cellar, basement or pantry. If you don’t have time to prepare homemade preserves, you can use the simplest recipe and freeze fresh green peas in a regular freezer. In winter, such supplies will allow you to pamper your family and friends with aromatic vegetable soups, salads and other pleasant and favorite dishes.

How to can peas at home - step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

The recipe with step-by-step photos and video description tells in detail how to can green peas at home. There are no particular difficulties in the preparation process, but in order for the seaming to be preserved until the winter cold and not lose its pleasant taste, it will definitely have to be sterilized. After this treatment, the jars will become suitable for long-term storage and during the cold season they will decorate both the daily diet and the holiday menu.

Necessary ingredients for canning green peas at home

  • pea pods – 1.5 kg
  • water – 2 l
  • salt – 3 tbsp
  • sugar – 3 tbsp
  • citric acid – 6 g

Step-by-step instructions on how to preserve green peas for the winter

How to make canned green peas with spices - recipes at home

In order for green peas canned for the winter at home to have a more pronounced taste and rich aroma, they need to be cooked with spices. A vinegar marinade, boiled with black pepper and clove buds, will enrich the product with bright shades and give the grains a piquant pungency.

Necessary ingredients for canning spicy green peas at home

  • peas in pods – 2 kg
  • allspice – 6 pcs
  • cloves – 6 buds
  • water – 1.5 l
  • sugar – 50 g
  • salt – 50 g
  • vinegar – 50 ml
  • citric acid – 1 tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook spiced green peas at home

  1. Peel the peas from the pods and soak in cool water for 3-4 hours. Then drain in a colander and dry.
  2. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, dissolve citric acid in it and blanch the pea grains for 2 minutes. After this, immediately pack into sterilized dry jars.
  3. For the marinade, bring one and a half liters of water to a boil, add sugar, salt, peppercorns, clove buds and boil for 20 minutes.
  4. Finally, add vinegar and heat for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Pour boiling marinade into jars of peas, sterilize for the required amount of time (depending on the volume of the container), seal tightly with metal lids, turn upside down, wrap in a terry towel and leave until completely cooled. Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Green peas at home - recipe with photos in tomato juice

The original recipe with photo suggests canning green peas at home not in vinegar or salt, but in natural tomato juice. Seeds soaked in thick tomato liquid are especially juicy and acquire a very unusual taste and aroma. It is best to use fresh homemade juice, pre-flavored with salt, sugar and spices. But if this is not possible and you only have a store-bought product on hand, the amount of seasonings needs to be adjusted based on its saturation and salinity level.

Necessary ingredients for homemade peas made for the winter with tomato juice

  • peas – 2.5 kg
  • freshly pressed tomato juice – 2 l
  • salt – 2 tsp
  • sugar – 1 tsp
  • ground black pepper – ½ tsp
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs

Step-by-step instructions for preparing peas in tomato juice at home

  1. Remove the peas from the pods, sort them thoroughly, wash them in running water and place them on a clean linen napkin to dry thoroughly.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan, add a little salt, add pea seeds and simmer over moderate heat for 3 to 4 minutes. After this, immediately immerse in ice water, dry slightly and package in clean, sterilized jars.
  3. Bring tomato juice, squeezed from fresh ripe tomatoes, to a boil over medium heat, add sugar, salt, ground pepper and cook for 15 minutes. At the end, add the laurel, boil for 2-3 minutes, remove the leaves, and pour the juice up to the neck of the jar with peas.
  4. Cover with lids, sterilize for one hour, quickly roll up, turn over, cover with a thick cloth and leave in this form for a couple of days. When the preservation has cooled, take it to the pantry for winter storage.

How to seal pickled peas for the winter at home

Pickled peas, prepared for the winter at home, have a very delicate taste and a subtle, delicate aroma. The table vinegar included in the dish gives the preparation a slight piquancy. It quickly permeates juicy, young peas and infuses them with additional bright shades.

Necessary ingredients for preparing pickled green peas at home for the winter

  • green peas in pods – 1.5 kg
  • coarse salt – 15 g
  • sugar – 15 g
  • table vinegar 9% – 50 ml
  • water – 1 l

Step-by-step instructions on how to seal pickled peas for the winter at home

  1. Remove pea seeds from the pods and leave only fully ripened fruits of uniform color without a hint of spoilage. Wash thoroughly in cool water and place on a towel to dry.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil. When the liquid begins to bubble actively, reduce the heating level and add peas. Boil for a quarter of an hour, without stirring and avoiding strong boiling. Only with this option will the grains retain their shape and not boil into porridge.
  3. Drain the boiled peas in a colander and quickly place in very cold water. If you skip this step, starch will be released from the grains during sterilization and long-term storage and the marinade in the jar will become cloudy.
  4. To make the marinade, boil a liter of water, add salt and sugar, cook until they are completely dissolved, finally add vinegar and cook for another 3 minutes.
  5. Pack the cooled peas into dry, sterilized jars, pour boiling marinade over them, sterilize for at least 40 minutes, seal hermetically and cool upside down, be sure to cover them with a thick blanket. For storage, hide in the pantry or any other not hot, dark place.

Roll up pickled peas at home without sterilization

Pickled peas can be prepared for the winter even without sterilization. To ensure that the product does not swell, but waits until the cold season intact, you must first boil the pea grains in water and only after this procedure, pour the marinade and roll it up. Table vinegar plays the role of a natural preservative in this recipe, but it is added to each jar immediately before sealing it under the lid, and not during the processing of the legumes.

Necessary ingredients for seaming pickled green peas for the winter without sterilization

  • peas – 1.5 kg
  • water – 1 l
  • salt – 1 tbsp
  • sugar – 2 tsp
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml

Step-by-step instructions on how to roll up pickled peas for winter without sterilizing

  1. Peel the peas from the pods, sort, rinse very well in several waters and dry, spreading them on a kitchen towel.
  2. Then place the dry grains in a saucepan and add water so that it completely covers the layer of peas. Place the container on the stove, bring to a boil over moderate heat, then reduce the heating level to minimum and simmer for 40-50 minutes until the water evaporates almost completely. Make sure that the mixture does not burn, but stir only as a last resort and very carefully, trying not to damage the fruit.
  3. Use a slotted spoon to pack the hot peas into sterilized jars.
  4. At the same time, prepare the filling. To do this, dissolve sugar and salt in a liter of water, boil for 10 minutes and pour into jars of peas while boiling. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar on top of each, screw on metal lids, turn over, cover with a blanket or blanket and leave to cool. Keep in a cellar or cold pantry until winter.

How to quickly and easily freeze peas for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photos

If you don’t want to bother with canning for a long time, preparing marinades and sterilizing jars for a long time, you can simply freeze green peas in the required quantity, and in winter simply remove them from the refrigerator, defrost and use at your own discretion. How to do this quickly is described in detail by a step-by-step recipe with photos.

Necessary ingredients for freezing green peas for winter

  • green peas – 1 kg
  • water – 1 l
  • salt – 1 tsp
  • citric acid – ½ tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to freeze fresh green peas for winter at home

  1. Remove the peas from the pods, sort through, removing spoiled fruits, wash well in running water and place in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  2. Boil water in an enamel saucepan, add salt and citric acid and cook until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Blanch the peas in boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes, and then immediately cool them in ice water.
  4. Place the grains in a kitchen sieve and allow the liquid to drain. Then pour it onto a cloth so that the remaining moisture is quickly absorbed into it.
  5. Place completely dry berries on a flat plate in one layer, wrap tightly on top with cling film and place in the freezer on a completely flat surface. When the peas are frozen, you can stack the plates on top of each other or pour portions of peas into plastic bags and put them in the freezer in the way that is most convenient.
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