We are starting a business at a sawmill (sawmill). Business plan: organization of production of asphalt concrete mixture for road construction

In this article we will tell you how to open a sawmill and properly organize a woodworking business. We will give advice on drawing up a business plan, analyzing the market and developing a business marketing plan. Let's consider methods of marketing finished products and financial issues.

First step

Before drawing up a business plan, you need to clarify some points.

  • What is the purpose of opening an enterprise?
  • Is it available in the region and in what quantity?
  • Is there a ban on deforestation?
  • What prices competitors adhere to and what wood they use.

It may seem that the goal is clear - making a profit. But now we are talking about something else. For example, is the enterprise opened as the only source of income, or is it a business that complements the main activity: for example, furniture production?

The presence of competitors should not scare you away. The main thing is that in the selected region there is a demand for products and available wood.

In order not to burn out at the start, you need to immediately make sure that there is no ban on deforestation in the region and that such a bill is not being prepared.

You need to know the pricing policies of competitors in order to offer clients more favorable terms of cooperation.

What to include in a business plan

When creating a business plan for a sawmill, you need to describe in detail the following important points:

  • purpose of creating a business
  • products to be produced by the sawmill
  • where to get raw materials for production
  • what equipment should be purchased
  • what specialists need to be hired
  • where will the enterprise be located
  • how much do you need to invest
  • How quickly will the investment pay off?
  • what risks does such a business have?
  • who will buy finished products

These points must be described in as much detail as possible in order to get a complete and clear picture of the future prospects of the enterprise.

Market analysis

Before starting a business, it is necessary to conduct a thorough market analysis. You need to pay attention to:

  • prospects for sawmills in the selected region;
  • availability of raw materials;
  • number of competitors (direct, indirect);
  • sales market;
  • target audience.

It is also necessary to estimate the timber reserves in the region. Understand who can become a regular customer and buyer of finished products. Find out what salaries competitors offer their employees and how much people generally earn in the selected city or town.

You also need to analyze the region’s real estate market in order to buy a plot or building at an affordable price. There is also always a chance to purchase a certain area of ​​forest for subsequent cutting down and obtaining raw materials. But this increases the amount of initial investment, making it unaffordable for some. Therefore, it will be more profitable to cooperate with local forestry enterprises.

Marketing plan

The marketing plan must contain a list of products that are planned to be released. It could be:

  • Lining
  • Moldings
  • Facing bars
  • Wet and dry boards
  • Rounded and rafter logs

When creating a plan, you need to understand which enterprises and entrepreneurs need these materials. For example, those involved in the construction of country houses and baths need such products. Or transport companies that need wooden pallets.

In the marketing plan, it is necessary to specify the methods and principles for promoting the sawmill: local and specialized media, the Internet, advertising on billboards, transport, etc.

Registration of sawmill

A small sawmill can be operated by an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, if production on an industrial scale is not planned, then it will be enough to register an individual entrepreneur.

It is advisable to register a large enterprise as a Limited Liability Company. This will allow you to work with large companies on a long-term basis and supply large quantities of finished products.

Industrial enterprises, furniture factories, construction companies are more willing to work and trust LLCs more than individual entrepreneurs.

When registering a sawmill with the Federal Tax Service, you need to indicate code 20.1.

An LLC must have a Charter and an authorized capital of at least 10,000 rubles.

During the registration process, you need to register with the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund.

Also, to carry out the activity, you will need to collect the following documents:

  • Lease or ownership agreement for a plot.
  • Act on the inspection by the State Fire Inspectorate.
  • Coordination with the forestry department.
  • Land plan.
  • Contract for the supply of raw materials.

After registering with the Federal Tax Service, you need to open a current account. This can be done in any bank: public or private.

Place for sawmill

The minimum area for a sawmill is 30 acres.

When choosing a site, you should pay attention to the convenience of access roads. Long timber trucks should be able to easily access production or loading and unloading buildings.

When constructing a sawmill building, it is worth remembering that it should be zoned for:

  • manufacturing facility
  • warehouse for storing raw materials
  • warehouse for storing finished products
  • loading and unloading area
  • cloakroom and staff meal room
  • bathroom: toilet and shower

The premises must be connected to an electrical network capable of withstanding high loads.

You also need to make sure that you have fire extinguishing equipment and fire alarms. Do not forget about high-quality ventilation of production and administrative premises.

Equipment for sawmill

The amount of equipment depends on the products being manufactured. The minimum set for a small sawmill looks like this:

  • band saw
  • disc machine
  • frame machine
  • gang saw
  • hand saws
  • edge cutting machine
  • wood drying chamber
  • saw sharpening machine
  • waste press
  • forklift.

It is worth taking care of the delivery of finished products to customers. For this you will need at least one truck.

Employees and workers

The staff of modern sawmills is:

  • The manager can be the individual entrepreneur himself or the founder of the LLC.
  • Accountant.
  • Sales and Customer Relations Manager.
  • Sales representative to find new clients and present products.
  • Sawmill foreman.
  • Machine operators.
  • Framers.
  • Storekeeper.
  • Locksmiths.
  • Drivers of trucks and forklifts.
  • Cleaners and security guards.
  • General workers.

To properly operate a sawmill, you need to hire about 15 workers. In the future, as the business expands, new specialists will be needed.

Market for finished products

When all organizational issues have been resolved, you need to take care of the clients. They may be:

  • building materials stores
  • construction companies building country houses
  • factories for the production of furniture, doors, windows
  • bases and wholesale warehouses of building materials
  • hypermarkets
  • private developers
  • individuals: farmers, summer residents, etc.

Product promotion and customer attraction

As soon as production starts, you need to create an official website for the sawmill. On its pages it is imperative to demonstrate finished products, place contacts, information about cooperation and promotions.

In order for the site to be seen by more people, it is worth adding it to online directories, launching it and finding the target audience on social networks.

Each region has media - TV, radio, newspapers. There are even specialized printed publications. It is worth using these tools to promote your sawmill.

You can also attract the attention of your target audience by advertising on billboards along the roads, next to hardware stores and directly at the sawmill itself.

Trucks that deliver finished products should also participate in advertising. It is enough to place the logo, the name of the company and briefly list what it produces on the sides and doors. There must be a phone number.

Don't ignore the cold ones. They can be sent to the email addresses of potential clients.

To effectively promote a sawmill, you need to use all marketing tools. For these purposes, it is better to hire an experienced marketer.

Financial side of the issue

The main expense item is the purchase of equipment. It is about 2,000,000 rubles. This takes into account that the equipment is new and not used. It is not recommended to buy old machines, because they will cost more to maintain later.

If you manage to find a room in a suitable location, then renting it will cost approximately 100,000 rubles. per month.

Repair of premises - workshop, office, household - will cost 250,000 rubles.

Before production begins, the equipment must be configured. Commissioning work will cost 25,000 rubles.

As a result, it turns out that in order to open a sawmill from scratch, you need to have an amount of about 2,500,0000 rubles. Moreover, almost 1,000,000 rubles. You may also need it to purchase transport.

All business investments will pay off within 12 months. Profitability - 70%.

Do you live in a wooded area and are planning to start a business? Then there is an excellent option for you - a sawmill as a business brings very good profits and quickly pays for itself, despite the rather serious initial investment. Organizing such a business is not difficult; the main thing is to do the business planning correctly.


What should a good business plan include? This document serves two purposes:

  1. Drawing up a business road map, a clear description of all stages of launching a new business. This plan will help you implement the project and create a holistic picture of further actions.
  2. Presents your idea to investors and lenders. It is on the basis of your business plan that they will decide to invest in the project.

The sawmill is an excellent choice for a profitable business

When drawing up a business plan for a sawmill, it is necessary to describe the following points:

  • what is the purpose of creating a new business;
  • who are your direct competitors;
  • where it will be located;
  • what exactly the sawmill will produce;
  • who will purchase raw materials;
  • how long will it take to start a business;
  • what equipment needs to be purchased, how many people to hire and for what positions;
  • what amount of investment is needed to start the project;
  • how quickly the investment will pay off, how much profit the project will bring;
  • what prospects and risks does this business have?

Analyzing the market

Any business must start with an analysis of the market and competitors. This will help you determine with high accuracy the possibility of “entering” your chosen industry, calculate the price level and overall profitability, understand who you will have to fight with and by what methods. The correct analysis is done from a general view of the woodworking market to a specific consideration of your particular locality.

Market analysis is based on the following factors:

  1. Are there any prospects for this industry?
  2. How many sawmills are already operating in your region?
  3. How accessible are the raw materials?
  4. How easy it is to sell it at a reasonable price.
  5. How many people work in this industry?
  6. What is the average salary level?
  7. What is the threshold for entering the business, what is the profitability.

Additionally, we recommend that you study not only competitors, but also logistics in the region. Logging involves quite complex logistics - first the logs must be brought to the sawmill, then taken out to the client. Remember that a sawmill as a business requires the presence of good roads and access points, otherwise the cost of transportation may increase sharply. Also study the number of points of sale of finished products in the region and country, think about how you can cooperate with them.

Note: you need to establish a continuous supply of raw materials, so the forest must be easily accessible. In most regions of Russia, cutting down and removing forests is a certain difficulty - this must be taken into account when choosing a location.

The better the logistics, the cheaper and easier it is to produce lumber

Economic plan

So, the market analysis has been carried out, the level of competition and prices in the region has been studied. Now it's time to move on to developing an economic plan. It is he who will be of interest to your creditors and investors if you do not have start-up capital. But even if you have the money to open it yourself, be sure to draw up an economic plan. It will allow you to estimate all expenses and income, calculate profitability and other key production indicators.

Read also: Production of paving slabs as a business

Typically this document contains the following items:

  1. General forecasts for business development, costs and profits.
  2. Description of key sources of financing.
  3. Guaranteed return of invested funds.
  4. The amount of investment required to start production.
  5. Detailed forecast of sawmill expenses and income.
  6. Profit plan.
  7. Description of financial, commercial and production risks.

Note: The sawmill usually operates seasonally. In autumn and winter there is a decline in purchases, in spring and summer there is a full house. Proper planning will allow you to make a stable profit all year round.

You should also consider the break-even factor. For a sawmill it is at least 500 cubic meters of processed wood per month. If you want to make a stable profit, then you need to process at least 700-1000 cubic meters of wood per month.

High-quality equipment and a professional team are the key to successful sawmill operation

Marketing plan

This section is devoted to what and how you plan to sell. Lumber is quite in demand on the Russian market, but you still need to understand what volumes of products you can quickly sell. To do this, you need to use the information from the “Market Analysis” section plus develop your own sales strategy.

A classic sawmill does not cut down wood. She buys it from forestry enterprises or suppliers, processes it into products and sells them to the population/companies.

The products of sawmills are:

  • raw cut rafter logs;
  • timber of various sizes;
  • bars for facing work;
  • wet and dry board (edged/unedged);
  • various coils and trays;
  • lining;
  • moldings;
  • rounded log.

Think about who you can sell your products to. For example, rounded logs are constantly purchased by companies involved in the construction of wooden houses. Pallets and coils are needed by manufacturers and carriers, and timber is needed by installers.

Note: The competition in the lumber market is quite serious, so you will need to think through the principles of promoting your company on the market.

To do this, you can use all available means: the Internet, the media, external advertising, discounts, various promotions and loyalty programs. Additionally, the marketing plan can include ways to reduce costs and minimize existing costs.

You don’t have to cut the tree yourself - buy raw materials from local forestry enterprises

Organizational plan

We come to the most interesting part - the organizational plan. This section indicates exactly how the business will be organized, what equipment will be needed, how many people will work, in what room and in what mode.

To open a classic sawmill, we recommend that you register as an LLC. You can, of course, become an individual entrepreneur, but this will significantly reduce your range of opportunities. You don’t need a license to work - just apply for permits from the sanitary station, fire inspectorate and labor protection authorities.


We already wrote above that the sawmill should be located in a convenient location with entrances and good logistics. So how to open a sawmill from scratch and where will it be profitable? The easiest way is to place it on the outskirts of the city as close to the forest as possible. Remember that woodworking is accompanied by strong noise, so there should be no residential buildings nearby. There must be water in the workshop - it is necessary for the operation of some machines. To locate production, you will need a fairly large area - usually at least 1000 m2 of land is used.

Note: In addition to water, a three-phase 400 kW line must be connected to the sawmill. It is necessary for the operation of machines and the provision of the administrative building.

On the territory of the sawmill there will be:

  • work hangar with machines (550-600 m2);
  • shed for storing “operational stock” of raw materials (50 m2);
  • overpass for unloading (100 m2);
  • log storage warehouse (100 m2);
  • warehouse for storing finished products (100 m2);
  • administrative building (50 m2).

* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to organize an enterprise for the production of lumber (“Pili-Pila”) in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, in close proximity to the city of Simferopol. The prerequisites for the development of the project are: a shortage of affordable building materials on the territory of the republic, associated with the lack of land communication with the mainland; lack of established supply channels from Russian manufacturers; implementation of the state program for the development of the republic related to infrastructure development, housing construction, etc.; increased interest of private investors in construction in the republic.

Lumber is one of the most widely used building materials, which can be used for exterior and interior decoration of buildings, for the construction of floors, stairs, roofing, etc.

The technological chain of production organization includes the supply of round timber, its sawing and planing on site. Sales – wholesale from regional bases of building materials. Some volume can be sold at retail.

A limited liability company was chosen as the legal form; form of taxation - simplified tax system.

The project is investment-attractive, which is confirmed by integral efficiency indicators calculated taking into account all costs and planned revenue of the enterprise. The indicators are given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Integral indicators of project effectiveness


To date, open sources contain information about only one lumber manufacturer throughout the republic, located in the city of Dzhankoy. 97% of lumber comes to Crimea in finished form from suppliers on the mainland. Moreover, their cost is on average 55-65% higher than the cost of similar materials in other regions of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the pace of construction is increasing. According to the government program for the development of the republic, the territory of Simferopol should be expanded 7 times. In addition, the volume of construction and reconstruction of tourism infrastructure is increasing. The organization of a free economic zone (FEZ Crimea) makes the region attractive to investors from other regions.

At the same time, from 50 to 70 building materials bases are present and successfully operate in the region, selling edged and unedged lumber wholesale and retail. Supplies to them are made from producers in the “forest” regions of the mainland of the Russian Federation. All these organizations are potential consumers of the products produced by the project. The total consumption of lumber in the republic and the city of Sevastopol is estimated at 12-15 thousand cubic meters per month.

The most popular type of product is edged boards, which have a wide range of applications. Then - timber, planed board, block house, imitation timber, etc. Edged boards account for at least 65% of the total market volume or 8.5 thousand cubic meters. In the coming years, demand is expected to grow steadily within 5-10% annually.

Much attention is paid to the choice of supplier. The selection was made according to a number of parameters: quality and price of the material, convenience and cost of logistics, stability of supply of the required volumes. The production is supposed to be located no further than 5 km from the Simferopol - Gruzovoy station, which from the point of view of organizing logistics will be as convenient as possible, because transportation of raw materials is expected to be carried out by rail.

Ready ideas for your business

The production facility is selected primarily from the point of view of the possibility of implementing the technological cycle, manipulating workpieces and finished material 6 m long, etc. Loading equipment is rented. Considering the seasonal nature of demand for the products in question, this is a more cost-effective option than purchasing property.

The main sales channel is wholesale supplies of lumber to building materials depots located on the peninsula. Minimum order quantity – 30 cubic meters. Delivery is organized by Pili-Pila LLC with the involvement of a transport company or private carriers. In addition, it is possible to sell goods at retail, subject to pickup.

Investment costs include, first of all, the purchase of technological equipment and the cost of forming an initial supply of raw materials. The list and volumes of investment costs are given in Table. 2.

Table 2. Investment costs of the Pili-Pila project


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

Warehouse and office equipment


Equipment set

Intangible assets

Purchasing software

Working capital

Working capital

Purchase of raw materials


7,170,000 RUR

Own funds:

RUB 2,000,000.00

Required borrowings:

5,170,000 RUR



Duration, months:


The range of manufactured products is given in Table. 3.

Table 3. Nomenclature and description of products manufactured by Pili-Pila LLC

All lumber is produced from softwood logs (spruce, pine) using specialized equipment. The supplier is the logging enterprise “Vyatsky Lesnik”. The raw materials are of high quality and have an extremely low level of rejection.

The scope of application of lumber, as mentioned above, is extremely wide. Partially, the scope of its use depends on humidity. Natural moisture material is most often used for exterior finishing, roofing, sheathing, etc.

Finished products are stored in a closed, unheated warehouse on pallets, on which they are then transported to the customer. When storing, a temperature and humidity regime is ensured that does not allow the wood to rot or dry out.


Since these products (subject to GOST compliance) have subtle differences in consumer characteristics, the main competitive advantage is price and stability of supply. Stability is ensured by the territorial proximity of production and the ability to cut materials to order within 24 hours from the date of order. Such terms are unattainable when delivering from the mainland - the delivery time in this case can be at least 10-14 days.

In addition, the competitive advantage of the enterprise as a whole is the ability to implement a more flexible pricing policy. The majority of suppliers of lumber from the mainland ship on the condition of prepayment or payment upon receipt. The presence of employees of Pili-Pila LLC directly on site allows us to assess the assets of each client, his solvency and reputation, which, in turn, allows us to offer more flexible payment terms for goods - installment payment, trade credit, etc. In the difficult economic situation in the country, this is a huge plus.

The main promotion activities are aimed at wholesale distribution channels: advertising in specialized catalogs and construction portals. However, the main tool is active sales. The sales representative establishes contacts and conducts negotiations with managers and specialists of supply departments of wholesale bases, as well as construction companies.

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By the end of the first season of the project, the company’s client structure should consist of 2-3 anchor clients, providing up to 60% of sales volume; the remaining 40% should come from 10-20 small clients. Planned revenue results are planned to be achieved by the end of the first construction season, because Thanks to preliminary work, there are already clear agreements with a number of companies in the region regarding cooperation.

Direct shipments are carried out by a sales department specialist located on the territory of the Pili-Pila production and warehouse complex. Shipment is carried out without approval from management upon prepayment. Shipment on postpayment, deferred payment terms, etc. carried out only in agreement with the director of the enterprise. Shipment is carried out within one working day from the moment of confirmation of its possibility, subject to self-pickup, and within 2-3 working days if delivery is required by Pili-Pila LLC.

The competitive environment is represented by only one lumber manufacturer, located in the city of Dzhankoy. However, according to available data, the organization is currently experiencing a serious shortage of working capital. If previously its territorial location was successful from a logistics point of view, then after the closure of the border with Ukraine, such a location becomes inconvenient. There is no information about the incoming prices of this enterprise, but the wholesale price it offers to its customers is known - 8,800 rubles. per m 3 of edged lumber 1-3 grades of natural humidity. There is also reason to assume that the company does not have a permanent reliable supplier of raw materials, which leads to fluctuations in wholesale prices and profitability, as well as instability in product quality.


The production of Pili-Pila lumber is carried out from high-quality round timber, supplied from one of the largest logging companies in the country. Delivery is carried out by rail to the Simferopol - Gruzovoy station in gondola cars. Loading capacity of one gondola car is up to 90 m 3 . The rhythm of deliveries is 2 times a month, the volume depends on the need.

Production volume is adjusted according to the demand forecast for the week ahead. Line productivity – 150 m 3 /shift. The planned equipment load upon reaching planned sales volumes is 80%. Warehouse turnover is planned at 1 week.

The equipment supplier was selected based on a detailed analysis of the technical characteristics of the machines, cost, delivery conditions, as well as feedback on the quality of the equipment and the quality of work of the supplier itself.

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Equipment delivery time is 14 calendar days from the date of payment. The supplier carries out installation, commissioning, configuration of equipment and personnel training. The duration of commissioning work is 5 working days. The planned duration of training is 5 working days. In the future, the equipment supplier undertakes to carry out at its own expense the necessary additional training, work on setting up and repairing the equipment not only during the warranty period, but also after. Service conditions during the warranty and post-warranty period are regulated by the service agreement.

In order to increase production efficiency, a decision was made to purchase a ready-made aggregate production line instead of individual machines. The line carries out a full cycle of work on loading the stream, removing the slab and crushing it, calibrating the timber and sawing it in accordance with the task.

Finished products are stored in a warehouse, which is a covered, unheated room with good ventilation. Lumber is stored in stacks with the obligatory use of wooden slats to ensure sufficient ventilation. Lack of air circulation can lead to the formation of rot, mold and mildew.

Variable costs include the cost of raw materials and transportation costs. The cost of transporting 1 car from the supplier to production is 250,000 rubles with a load of 90 m 3. Thus, with the cost of raw materials within 3,500 rubles/m 3, the cost of transportation will be approximately 2,800 rubles/m 3. In addition, the costs of transshipment of raw materials from the railway station to production are taken into account. Thus, variable costs per 1 m 3 will be 6,500 rubles.

Table 4. Variable costs and formation of the wholesale selling price of goods





Edged board

Unedged board


RUB 33,280

Fixed costs consist of rent, advertising, utility bills, etc. (Table 5). The required production area is about 200 m2, warehouse space is 300 m2. It is also necessary to provide a staff rest room, toilets and showers, a dining room, and an office space. Thus, the total area will be about 600 m2.

Table 5. Fixed costs

It is especially important to ensure a high level of occupational safety. All workers involved in production are required to undergo training, certification and annual recertification in safety precautions. The basic requirements for employees when hiring them are at least 5 years of experience in production (not necessarily woodworking), responsibility, and absence of bad habits.


When implementing a project, the following main stages can be distinguished: ordering and supplying equipment, installation and configuration of equipment and training of workers, the first stage of project implementation, the second stage of project implementation.

Order and delivery of equipment – ​​14 calendar days. Installation, commissioning and training – 10 working (14 calendar) days. The first stage of project implementation is understood as the period preceding the achievement of planned sales figures. The second stage of implementation is the direct activity of the enterprise in accordance with established targets. It is planned to enter the second stage by the 6th month of work.

Management functions are carried out by the director - a hired employee with experience in the woodworking industry or in the lumber trade. It is critical to have experience as a director (deputy director) of an enterprise.

The work of attracting clients is carried out by sales representatives. The main work occurs in the off-season to prepare the soil for the season. Customer service is provided by sales specialists who process incoming orders, issue invoices and control payments, and organize shipments.

All employees are carefully screened before a hiring decision is made. As a result, recruitment occurs for the purpose of long-term cooperation, rather than seasonal work. Employees retain their salary even in the off-season, when there is actually no production work or sales of goods.

Table 6. Staffing and wages fund

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.






Sawmill operator


Sales Manager

Sales Representative




RUB 326,000.00

Social Security contributions:

RUB 97,800.00

Total with deductions:

RUB 423,800.00

Figure 1. Organizational chart of Pili-Pila LLC


The financial plan is designed for a five-year perspective. All types of enterprise costs are taken into account. Based on a comparison of various options, according to the calculation results, a simplified taxation system with the object “income minus expenses” was selected.

The cash flow statement is given in Appendix 1. The enterprise's cost structure is reflected in Table. 4, 5, 6. The total amount of investment costs is 7.17 million rubles. Of these, 2.0 million are own funds. 5.17 million rubles. it is planned to attract in the form of a bank loan at 18% per annum for a period of 48 months. Payments are made in annuity payments with a deferment of the first payment of three months. Investments in working capital amount to 1.5 million rubles. – this will provide the enterprise with working capital until it reaches payback.


To assess the investment attractiveness of a project, generally accepted integral indicators are used - net present value, profitability index, internal rate of return, etc. Integral indicators are given in Table. 1.

The discount rate was chosen at 15%, which is typical for organizing new production of non-innovative products; a market for the products already exists. With such a discount rate, all integral indicators have very high values, which allows us to talk about the high investment attractiveness of the project. The payback period is 6 months, and the net profit after the enterprise reaches its planned targets will be 15.65 million rubles. in year.


Since the business area under consideration is well developed both in global and domestic practice, the risks associated with the implementation of this project are low. The low level of competition and high demand for products of this type also suggest good prospects for the project.

However, it is necessary to take into account all possible risks associated with the implementation of the project. Risk assessment and measures to prevent them and/or eliminate consequences are given in Table. 7.

Table 7. Possible risks and measures to prevent them

Risk factor

Probability of occurrence

Severity of consequences


Failure to achieve planned sales volume

Active work of sales representatives in the first stages of project implementation; active market processing; ensuring competitive prices and delivery conditions

Changing geopolitical situation

Minimization of warehouse stocks; transfer of funds to the most liquid assets

Deterioration of the economic situation in the country and region

Ensuring a relatively high share of sales through budget construction projects, because they are least susceptible to the influence of market conditions

Entering the market of a direct competitor

Ensuring a strong position in the market already at the first stage of project implementation through a flexible pricing policy and delivery conditions; establishing strong partnerships with key clients

Interruptions in the supply of raw materials due to the termination of the ferry crossing due to weather conditions

Ensuring a supply of raw materials for a week and a minimum supply in case of force majeure - for 4 shifts

Interruptions in the supply of raw materials due to the fault of the supplier

Constant market monitoring and maintaining relationships with alternative suppliers

Increase in raw material prices

Indication in the supply contract of the conditions for increasing prices - information at least 1 month in advance, the possibility of fixing prices for a certain volume of goods, etc.

When taking into account all possible risk factors and implementing measures to prevent them, we can say that the project is low-risk. And, therefore, it is of interest to the investor.



Denis Miroshnichenko
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A sawmill is a workshop in which wood is processed using special machines. Today, the sawmill business is one of the most profitable and in demand, which is associated with the growth in the construction of houses, cottages and bathhouses, and the popularity of prefabricated wooden structures. An approximate business plan for opening such a business is presented below.

Business Feature

Previously, a sawmill was a machine used to process and cut wood. The main raw materials are wooden beams and logs. Recently, workshops in which the processing process takes place have also begun to be called sawmills.

Speaking about opening a sawmill, it is worth immediately noting that this is advisable only in those areas where it is possible to purchase cheap raw materials or rent a plot of land where deforestation is permitted. Otherwise, there is a high probability of working at a disadvantage.

According to statistics, more than 70% of sawmills close within the first year of operation. As a rule, this is due to illiterate paperwork, the purchase of cheap equipment, the wrong choice of suppliers, or a careless approach to organizing a business. In order to avoid problems and save your business, you should carefully analyze the market in your region and.

Where to begin?

It’s worth starting a business by clarifying a few points:

  • Are there any competitors in your region and how many are there;
  • be sure to check whether there is a ban on deforestation in the surrounding area and whether it is included in the project;
  • evaluate pricing policy;
  • find out what types of wood are in demand.

You also need to decide on the product. It can be edged or unedged board or timber. It is better to start with one type, then expand the business.


After the assessment has been made, you can begin to prepare all the necessary papers according to the following scheme:

  1. Decide on registration. There are two options:
  • IP. In this case, the sale of goods is possible only to individuals;
  • OOO. Makes it possible to conclude agreements for the sale of products with large factories and legal entities. When registering, indicate the code according to the OKVED classifier: 20.1 – sawing and planing of wood.
  1. After registration as a person, become registered in various types of funds, in particular in pension funds.
  2. Obtain permission to cut down forest in the location of your choice and rent the appropriate plot. A permit is needed if you plan to extract raw materials yourself rather than purchase them from suppliers.
  3. Additionally you may need:
  • Documents for the right to own the site or a lease agreement with permission to cut down from the owner;
  • Coordination with forestry;
  • Plant inspection report;
  • Site plan.
  1. Open a bank account.
  2. If you decide to purchase finished material, it is advisable to immediately enter into a supply agreement.

Please note that an uninterrupted supply of raw materials is a guarantee that the enterprise will not be idle, and you will make a profit.

Selecting a location

To open a sawmill, you need a plot of land with an area of ​​at least 30 acres. It is advisable that next to it there is a territory rented by you for deforestation. It is necessary to have access roads for the entry of long timber transport.

It is necessary to install several buildings on the territory or one, but with clear zoning. Must be:

  • Hangar with workshop.
  • Warehouse for storing raw materials and warehouse for storing finished products.

Each of them should have an area of ​​approximately 600 square meters. m., and the ceiling height reaches 5 m.

  • Area for unloading and loading operations. It is advisable to equip it with a canopy so that it can work in adverse weather conditions.
  • A place for an office where documentation will be stored and contracts will be concluded.
  • Shower and toilet, staff rest room.

Each workplace must be equipped with fire extinguishing means. In addition, it is necessary to connect to a network that can withstand a large load, since the power of the equipment reaches 50 kW.

Equipment purchase

The list of necessary equipment depends on what kind of products you will produce and what type of sawmill you will have - disk or belt, and whether you plan to process waste for further sale. In general, the following equipment may be used at a sawmill:

  • tape machine with hydraulic or manual feeding system;
  • disk machine;
  • mini-machine;
  • frame machines;
  • multi-saw machine;
  • two-saw edge trimmer;
  • drying chamber;
  • saw sharpening machine;
  • press for briquetting wood waste;
  • loading and unloading equipment;
  • gasoline and hand saws.


To organize the operation of a sawmill you will need from 10 to 15 people:

  • head of the sawmill or foreman;
  • accountant;
  • Sales Representative;
  • Sales Manager;
  • storekeeper;
  • framers;
  • repairmen;
  • security guards;
  • cleaner;
  • driver.

For workers who work directly with the production of materials, it is advisable to establish piecework wages at the rate of 300 - 400 rubles per 1 cubic meter of products received.

Sales market

You need to look for places to sell before you start filling the warehouse. For example, you can enter into agreements with the following partners:

  • construction stores;
  • hypermarkets;
  • construction organizations that build private houses;
  • factories that produce furniture and windows.

The main products are often:

  • raw and container boards;
  • bars;
  • pallets;
  • cable reels;
  • materials for the manufacture of accessories and tableware.

Please also note that it is worth making fuel briquettes or fuel pellets from waste, which can then also be sold, receiving additional income.

You can also sell your goods to individuals. Quite often, such products are required by farmers and summer residents who prefer to independently carry out repair work or erect buildings on their territory.

Approximate item of expenses and income

On average, payback occurs within a year to a year and a half after the opening of the project, but provided that the sawmill sells at least 500 cubic meters of wood per month. You can talk about making a profit only if you sell at least 700 cubic meters monthly. You need to pay special attention to this when drawing up a business plan and searching for buyers.


Speaking of costs, it is important to note that the business plan indicates approximate amounts, and it is important to clarify the cost of equipment and materials in your region:

  1. Connection to the power grid – 1,000,000 rubles.
  2. Rent of a plot – from 50,000 rubles per month, depending on the area of ​​the plot.
  3. Land development - 55,000 rubles.
  4. Electricity costs are about 10,000 rubles per month.
  5. Purchase of raw materials - at the rate of 2,100 per cubic meter. About 1,500,000 rubles are needed per month.
  6. Purchase of equipment – ​​from 1,000,000 rubles when purchasing a complete set. At the initial stage, you can significantly reduce costs by purchasing the minimum required set of equipment, moreover, supported. Approximate prices for some equipment:
  • Band sawmill – 220,000 rubles;
  • Circular saw – 800,000 rubles;
  • Multi-saw machine – 150,000 rubles;
  • Saw sharpening machine – 30,000 rubles.
  1. For labor costs – from 600,000 rubles per month.
  2. Taxes – 21,000 rubles per month.
  3. Other expenses – 30,000 rubles.

In total, you need to open: from 6,000,000 rubles. If you have a connection to the power grid and provided that maintenance equipment will be purchased at the initial stage, and the production volumes themselves will be small, you can get by with an amount of 3,000,000 rubles.


The initial cost of a cubic meter of processed wood is 5,000 rubles. Provided that 500 cubic meters are sold monthly, the income will be 2,500,000 rubles minus production costs - raw materials, labor and electricity.


  • a low level of sales volume is possible - less than 500 cubic meters;
  • geopolitical policy changes;
  • deterioration of the economic situation;
  • high competition in the market in the region;
  • interruptions in the supply of raw materials;
  • increase in prices for raw materials.

Video: Ready-made sawmill business plan

The following video offers a ready-made business plan for the Pili-Pila sawmill, based on which you can prepare a plan for your project:

Opening a sawmill is both a profitable and very risky type of business. It is closely related to construction, which means that a crisis in the construction industry can lead to problems associated with the sale of a sawmill. In addition, the operation of the sawmill depends on the raw materials and weather conditions. If you do not take into account and prevent all these risks, you can easily go into the red and lose your business.

  • Product Description
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
  • Preparation of documents
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a sawmill with a production volume of 330 cubic meters of finished products per month

Step-by-step plan for organizing sawmill activities

The main feature of this business is its attachment to sources of raw materials. Therefore, your assessment of the prospects for the development of a future sawmill should begin with studying the proposals of potential timber suppliers. Only after this can you expand the areas of marketing research and begin to analyze the situation on the market for wooden boards and beams, meet representatives of the target audience, etc.

The following stages of organizing the activities of the future sawmill include:

  • preparing a business plan and analyzing your capabilities;
  • registration and execution of necessary documents;
  • search for a production site;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • formation of staff;
  • concluding agreements with suppliers and other contractors;
  • resolving administrative issues.

While solving the above problems, do not forget that many potential buyers of wooden products are reluctant to change their suppliers, therefore, check very carefully how the market will react to the emergence of a new participant.

How much money do you need to open a sawmill?

According to our calculations, opening a sawmill on a rented plot will require investments of 1.75 million rubles. The main investments are the purchase of equipment, wood processing machines:

  • Circular saw "Moloma-1200" - 450 thousand rubles.
  • Band saw machine "Altai-900A-prof" with ICE "Honda" 20 hp. — 205 thousand rubles.
  • Single-saw edge trimming machine “Altai-007A” with ICE “Honda” 13 hp. — 102 thousand rubles.
  • Disc saw "Taiga SMD-1" - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Slab-rib machine - 110 thousand rubles.
  • Planing machine CORVET-106 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Sharpening and adjusting machine - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Auxiliary equipment and tools - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Deposit for renting premises - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and materials - 250 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Product Description

Our organization plans to produce and sell the following range of products:

  • Timber - from 5000 rub.\m3
  • Edged boards - from 5000 rub.\m3
  • Unedged board - from 3500 RUR/m3

The company will operate five days a day with one eight-hour shift. The estimated production volume is 330 cubic meters of finished products per month. This corresponds to 15 m3 of edged boards per shift (8 hours). Main sales channels for boards and timber:

  • Private individuals
  • Construction companies
  • Wholesale resellers
  • Construction markets

It is planned to purchase raw materials (round timber) from local logging enterprises at a price of 1.5 - 2.5 thousand rubles per cubic meter. meter.

Production plan

To organize a sawmill, it is planned to rent a hangar with an area of ​​500 square meters. meters, storage space - 300 sq. meters and land plot - 500 sq. meters. The total rentable area will be 1300 sq. m. meters, with a monthly rent of 150 thousand rubles. The enterprise will be located 40 km from a large city with a million population. The significant distance allows for cheaper rental rates and availability of raw materials. At the same time, the potential customer base is close enough, which will facilitate the sale of finished products.

The production premises will meet all the requirements necessary for organizing production: sufficient space, availability of water supply and electricity (power over 400 kW), convenient access roads.

To operate the machines (circular saw, band saw, etc.) you will need to employ 3 operators and 5 assistants. Workers' wages are piecework, 200 rubles/m3 of finished products. In addition, auxiliary workers (2 people), loaders (4 people), a sales manager (1 person), and a workshop manager (1 person) will be hired. It is planned to outsource accountant services.

Which tax system to choose

An LLC (limited liability company) will be registered as the legal form of the enterprise. The number of founders is 2 people. The taxation system is simplified, 15% of the enterprise’s profit.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of the economic efficiency of a sawmill with a production volume of 330 cubic meters. meters of finished products per month.

Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent of premises - 150 thousand rubles. (454 RUR/m3)
  • Utility payments (electricity, water supply) - 60 thousand rubles. (181 RUR/m3)
  • Advertising - 30 thousand rubles. (90 RUR\m3)
  • Salary (workshop manager, loaders, manager, general workers) + insurance contributions - 160 thousand rubles. (484 RUR/m3)
  • Outsourcing (accounting) - 10 thousand rubles. (30 rub./m3)
  • Depreciation - 25 thousand rubles. (75 RUR/m3)
  • Other expenses - 50 thousand rubles. (151 rub./m3)

Variable costs (depending on production volume)

  • Raw materials (round timber, pine) with delivery - 2000 rub./m3
  • Salary (operators) - 200 rub./m3

Hence, the production cost of 1 m3 is 3665 rubles/m3.

How much can you earn from selling finished products?

The average selling price of edged boards and timber is 5,000 rubles/m3. Profit from the sale of 1 m3 = 5000 - 3665 = 1335 rubles. Minus taxes (USN, 15% of profit), net profit will be 1135 rubles. Accordingly, the sale of 330 m3 of finished products per month will allow you to receive a profit equal to 374,550 rubles. The profitability of the sawmill, according to the business plan, is 31%. Taking into account the period for business promotion, the return on the initial investment will occur after 12 - 15 months of work.

Preparation of documents

Experienced businessmen working in this sector of the economy recommend registering an LLC (99% of serious construction companies will never sign contracts with individual entrepreneurs).

In addition to documents confirming the fact of registration and payment of taxes, you must have:

  • permits from the fire inspectorate, labor protection authorities and Rospotrebnazor;
  • documents confirming product quality;
  • agreements with suppliers and customers;
  • staff contracts;
  • occupational safety magazines.

In the application for registration of an LLC, reports and many other documents, it is necessary to indicate the codes of your activity (according to the all-Russian classifier). For the operation of a sawmill, this is OKVED 16.10 (production of wooden lumber and structures) and OKVED 46.73 (trade of wooden boards, beams, etc.).

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