Completed IAP statistics form example. Form N IAP Survey of investment activity of organizations

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Form N IAP Survey of investment activity of organizations

In accordance with the Federal Statistical Work Program and the Production Work Plan of the State Statistics Committee of Russia for 2002, in October of this year. A sample survey of investment activity of industrial organizations is being carried out (work code 20012029). The survey is carried out on form N IAP, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 04/19/2002 N 33 with amendments approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 07/26/2002 N 159.

The form is filled out by the head of the enterprise as of October 10 of this year. and submitted to the authority state statistics at the place established by the territorial body of the State Statistics Committee of Russia in the republic, territory, region, city of federal significance. The survey results are transmitted to the State Medical Center of the State Statistics Committee of Russia via communication channels on October 25.

The totality of surveyed objects statistical observation are organizations various industries industry, regardless of ownership and size (large and medium-sized organizations with more than 15 people, small businesses), registered as legal entities on the territory of the regions Russian Federation.

To conduct a sample survey of the investment activity of organizations, two sampling frames are formed:

1. Sampling frame for large and medium-sized organizations,

2. Sampling frame for small enterprises.

For large and medium-sized organizations, the sampling frame is formed by downloading industrial organizations with enterprise type code “2” from the territorial section of the “Operational Statistics” database. The following are entered according to them: short name, codes OKPO, OKATO, OKONKH, OKFS, OKVED, enterprise type code.

If, as a result of all operations carried out, there are still organizations with zero indicators for the number and output of products, these organizations are excluded from the sampling frame.

The data obtained in this way is used to select organizations participating in the survey and to generate document B.

For small enterprises, the sampling frame is formed by uploading information about enterprises into a separate file from the territorial section of the "GS-2003" database by enterprise type "1", similar to the procedure for forming the sampling frame for large and medium-sized organizations.

From Form N PM "Information on the main indicators of the activities of a small enterprise" according to the OKPO code, the indicator " average number payroll employees (without external part-time workers)" for the first half of the current year (line 02, column 9). If a small enterprise does not submit form N PM in the current year, similar data is downloaded from the form of a continuous one-time survey of small enterprises N PM-2 "Information on the main indicators of the activity of a small enterprise" for 2000 (page 16 gr. 3).

The number of organizations selected for the survey in each region by industry sector is determined in accordance with the "Guidelines for the formation of a sample population and dissemination of data to general population to survey the investment activity of N PM "Information on the main indicators of the activities of a small enterprise" for the first half of this year. according to the indicator “Output of goods and services (without internal turnover) in actual prices (excluding VAT and excise tax)” (p. 06, gr. 4) extended to the general population of small enterprises in the context of industrial sectors.

Document B data is included in Document C and is used at the federal level to disseminate sample results across industries.

Valid Editorial from 01.01.1970

Name of document"GUIDELINES FOR COMPILATION OF CONSOLIDATED CURRENT REPORTING ON CONSTRUCTION AND INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES IN 2003" (approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2003 N MS-10-24/202)
Document typeinstructions
Receiving authorityState Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation
Document NumberMS-10-24/202
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date01.01.1970
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published

"GUIDELINES FOR COMPILATION OF CONSOLIDATED CURRENT REPORTING ON CONSTRUCTION AND INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES IN 2003" (approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2003 N MS-10-24/202)

Form N IAP Survey of investment activity of organizations

In accordance with the Federal Statistical Work Program and the Production Work Plan of the State Statistics Committee of Russia for 2002, in October of this year. A sample survey of investment activity of industrial organizations is being carried out (work code 20012029). The survey is carried out on form N IAP, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 04/19/2002 N 33 with amendments approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 07/26/2002 N 159.

The form is filled out by the head of the enterprise as of October 10 of this year. and is submitted to the state statistics body at the place established by the territorial body of the State Statistics Committee of Russia in the republic, territory, region, city of federal significance. The survey results are transmitted to the State Medical Center of the State Statistics Committee of Russia via communication channels on October 25.

The totality of the surveyed objects of statistical observation are organizations of various industries, regardless of ownership and size (large and medium-sized organizations with more than 15 people, small businesses), registered as legal entities in the regions of the Russian Federation.

To conduct a sample survey of the investment activity of organizations, two sampling frames are formed:

1. Sampling frame for large and medium-sized organizations,

2. Sampling frame for small enterprises.

For large and medium-sized organizations, the sampling frame is formed by downloading industrial organizations with enterprise type code “2” from the territorial section of the “Operational Statistics” database. The following are entered according to them: short name, codes OKPO, OKATO, OKONKH, OKFS, OKVED, enterprise type code.

From Form N P-4 "Information on the number, wages and movement of workers" the indicator "average number of payroll employees (without external part-time workers)" for January - June of the current year (monthly average) is entered. For this, the data in line 02, column 1 for January, February, March, April, May, June are summed up and then divided by 6. If in the current year the data on the number of employees turns out to be zero, similar data for the previous year is uploaded, for which the monthly data from January to December is summed up and divided by 12.

Please note that when forming a sampling frame for large and medium-sized organizations, data on the number of employees must be indicated.

From Form No. P-1 "Information on the production and shipment of goods and services" the indicator "production of goods and services (without internal turnover) in actual prices (excluding VAT and excise tax) for the main type of activity" is added on an accrual basis for the first half of 2003. If, when forming the sampling frame, the output of goods and services for the main type of activity is zero, a similar indicator is uploaded for all types of activity (form N P-1, p. 01, gr. 1).

Data from forms N P-1 and P-4 are downloaded using OKPO code.

If, as a result of all operations carried out, there are still organizations with zero indicators for the number and output of products, these organizations are excluded from the sampling frame.

The data obtained in this way is used to select organizations participating in the survey and to generate document B.

For small enterprises, the sampling frame is formed by uploading information about enterprises into a separate file from the territorial section of the "GS-2003" database by enterprise type "1", similar to the procedure for forming the sampling frame for large and medium-sized organizations.

From Form N PM “Information on the main indicators of the activities of a small enterprise”, using the OKPO code, the indicator “average number of payroll employees (without external part-time workers)” for the first half of the current year is downloaded (line 02, column 9). If a small enterprise does not submit form N PM in the current year, similar data is downloaded from the form of a continuous one-time survey of small enterprises N PM-2 “Information on the main indicators of the activities of a small enterprise” for 2000 (p. 16, gr. 3).

The number of organizations selected for the survey in each.

In addition, at the regional level, a table of imported indicators is formed - Document B "Output of goods and services by small businesses." Document B is formed as a whole for the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the basis of data from Form N PM “Information on the main indicators of the activities of a small enterprise” for the first half of this year. according to the indicator “Output of goods and services (without internal turnover) in actual prices (excluding VAT and excise tax)” (p. 06, gr. 4) extended to the general population of small enterprises in the context of industrial sectors.

Document B data is included in Document C and is used at the federal level to disseminate sample results across industries.

Form N IAP is filled out based on information from the head of the organization (manager) as of October 10 of the reporting year and is provided to the territorial authority Federal service state statistics in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the address established by it.

The address part indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with constituent documents, registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - a short name.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual postal address is also indicated.

A legal entity enters the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) in the code part of the form on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

In the form of a survey, the investment activities of the organization in the current and next year are assessed by experts.

When filling out the form (except for Section I, paragraph 1), the selected answer option is marked with an “X”. The form should be filled out as completely as possible.

In section I under paragraph 1, investments in fixed capital in the current year and forecast data for next year are valued at actual prices of the current year.

In paragraph 2, for the indicator “Increase in production capacity”, one of the answer options is noted: “with an unchanged product range” (line 1) or “with an expansion of the product range” (line 2). In the case when an enterprise is investing (planned to implement) in order to increase several production capacity and for at least one of them - with the expansion of the product range, the label is affixed only on line 2.

Line 7 “Replacement of worn-out machinery and equipment” is noted only in the case when the current problems of replacing worn-out machinery and equipment are being solved, i.e. "patching holes."

In paragraph 6, the leader (manager) assesses the economic situation of the organization as a whole, taking into account the situation with the availability of orders, product output, financial condition organizations, etc.

Section II, paragraph 1 reflects information on the average age of fixed assets, i.e. the period of time from the moment of manufacture, construction of the facility until the end of the current year, separately by buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, vehicles. For each line, only one of the answer options is marked. For objects purchased on the secondary market, when determining age, the period of time from the moment of their manufacture, construction, and not from the moment of acquisition by this organization is estimated.

In paragraph 3, lines 1 - 4, 6 in columns 3, 4 are marked if new, reconstructed, modernized and acquired fixed assets are put into operation by the end of the current year, and in columns 5, 6 - if commissioning The facilities are planned to be put into operation next year.

Line 5 is marked if fixed assets are purchased under financial leasing terms. Financial leasing is a type of leasing in which the leased asset becomes the property of the lessee upon expiration of the leasing agreement or before its expiration, subject to payment by the lessee of the full amount stipulated by the leasing agreement.

Line 6 is marked if the reconstruction and modernization of fixed assets was carried out, which leads to an increase in their initial cost.

Marks are placed on line 7 if construction, reconstruction, modernization, acquisition of fixed assets or commissioning of objects was not carried out this year and is not planned for the next.

Paragraph 5 states expert review shares of fixed assets that were not used continuously for six months or more in the reporting year in the cost (at the end of the year) of buildings and structures (line 1), machinery and equipment, vehicles (line 2).

During the survey, strict confidentiality of the information received is guaranteed, which will be used only for a general assessment of the investment climate and the adoption of government decisions that stimulate investment in the real sector of the economy.

It does not work Editorial from 14.08.2008

Document typeorder, instructions
Receiving authorityRosstat
Document Number189
Acceptance date14.08.2008
Revision date14.08.2008
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
StatusIt does not work
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published


Instructions for filling out Form N IAP

Form N IAP is filled out on the basis of information from the head of the organization (manager) as of October 10 of the reporting year and is provided to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the address established by it.

The address part indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual postal address is also indicated.

A legal entity enters the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) in the code part of the form on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

In the form of a survey, the investment activities of the organization in the current and next year are assessed by experts.

When filling out the form (except for Section I, paragraph 1), the selected answer option is marked with an “X”. The form should be filled out as completely as possible.

In section I under paragraph 1, investments in fixed capital in the current year and forecast data for the next year are assessed in actual prices of the current year.

In paragraph 2, for the indicator “Increase in production capacity”, one of the answer options is noted: “with an unchanged product range” (line 1) or “with an expansion of the product range” (line 2). In the case when an enterprise is making (planning to make) investment in order to increase several production capacities and at least one of them with an expansion of the product range, then the mark is placed only on line 2.

Line 7 “Replacement of worn-out machinery and equipment” is noted only in the case when the current problems of replacing worn-out machinery and equipment are being solved, i.e. "patching holes."

In paragraph 6, the leader (manager) assesses the economic situation of the organization as a whole, taking into account the situation with the availability of orders, product output, financial condition of the organization, etc.

Section II, paragraph 1 reflects information on the average age of fixed assets, i.e. the period of time from the moment of manufacture, construction of the facility until the end of the current year, separately by buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, vehicles. For each line, only one of the answer options is marked. For objects purchased on the secondary market, when determining age, the period of time from the moment of their manufacture, construction, and not from the moment of acquisition by this organization is estimated.

In paragraph 3, lines 1 - 4, 6 in columns 3, 4 are marked if new, reconstructed, modernized and acquired fixed assets are put into operation by the end of the current year, and in columns 5, 6 - if commissioning The facilities are planned to be put into operation next year.

Line 5 is marked if fixed assets are purchased under financial leasing terms. Financial leasing is a type of leasing in which the leased asset becomes the property of the lessee upon expiration of the leasing agreement or before its expiration, subject to payment by the lessee of the full amount stipulated by the leasing agreement.

Line 6 is marked if the reconstruction and modernization of fixed assets was carried out, which leads to an increase in their initial cost.

Marks are placed on line 7 if construction, reconstruction, modernization, acquisition of fixed assets or commissioning of objects was not carried out this year and is not planned for the next.

Paragraph 5 provides an expert assessment of the share of fixed assets that were not used continuously for six months or more in the reporting year in the cost (at the end of the year) of buildings and structures (line 1), machinery and equipment, vehicles (line 2).

During the survey, strict confidentiality of the information received is guaranteed, which will be used only for a general assessment of the investment climate and the adoption of government decisions that stimulate investment in the real sector of the economy.

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