Winter classes. Summary in the middle group of musical entertainment “In search of the bear cub”

Scenario winter fun V senior group preschool educational institution

Author: Strelnikova Olga Evgenievna, music director of MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 28" Dzerzhinsk
Description: Scenario for winter entertainment in the senior group “Visiting Zimushka-Winter.” It will be useful for music directors and kindergarten teachers.
Target: Strengthen children's ideas about winter.
1. Please children and evoke an emotional response to the plot.
2. Expand children's knowledge about winter and vocabulary.
3. Create a desire to participate in games, songs, dances, and round dances.
4. Educate good relations to each other, the ability to negotiate, listen, hear adults and children.

Progress of the Holiday
Children enter the hall to the music of “Three White Horses” and sit on chairs.
Leading- The time has come for perky casting songs,
Smiles of joy to sparkle,
We invite everyone to have fun,
We invite you to sing and dance.
Child- How beautiful you are, winter girl, you will surprise all the guys!
Silvery white frost you sparkle in the sun.
She covered everything with white fluff and made snowdrifts.
How beautiful are you
All- our Russian Winter!
Song "Winter Fun"

Leading- Guys, let's read poems about Zimushka-Winter.
Children read poems about winter

Snowman enters
Snowman- Guys, Snowman, I’m used to the snow and the cold.
I really like to play, run, jump, dance.
Do you like to dance?
I invite you to a fun dance warm-up.
Dance warm-up.

Snowman- Guys, do you like to play in the snow? And I also really like to play. I tell you
brought a big one snowball, I suggest you play with him.
Game "Catch the snowball"

Snowman- Guys, I am not a simple Snowman, I am a Snowman - a postman. I brought a letter for you.
You open the letter and read what is in it.
The snowman gives the letter, says goodbye, and leaves.

Leading- Well, guys, let's read the letter that the Snowman left us.
"Hello my friends! I want to see you.
Come visit me and play with me.
Let's go down the hill, throw snowballs,
Let's take a walk through the forests, through snow-covered meadows...
I'll be glad to meet you!
Signature: Zimushka – Winter.”

Guys, do you want to go visit Zimushka - Winter?
Quickly get into the sled and have fun rolling down the hill.
Sing a song loudly! Winter, welcome your guests!
Song "Sleigh"
Children run in a circle in pairs, two children in front holding an arc with bells. Sing a song

Leading- So we arrived in the winter forest.
Child- A ray of sunshine sparkles, pours White snow all around.
The dense forest is resting, everything sparkles with silver.
We won’t disturb the forest; winter has a lot to do.
We won’t wake anyone up, we won’t break the silence.
Leading- Guys, let's admire the beauty of the winter forest...
Clip presentation « Winter's Tale»

Winter enters.

Winter- Hello guys!
Children- Hello, Zimushka!
Winter- Who loves my fluffy snow, patterns on the window?
Who loves fast sledding, who rejoices at me7
Child- We love you, Zimushka, your frost and ice,
And fluffy snow on the branches, and a sled, a skating rink!
Winter– Do you know, guys, many different birds winter in my forest, not all of them have flown to
warmer climes. And you will find out which birds stayed with me if you guess the riddles.
- There are berries on the branches in winter, pick them quickly!
And suddenly the apples flew up, isn’t it?....
Children- Bullfinches
Each answer is accompanied by a corresponding presentation slide.

Winter- Strong, big bird
Not even afraid of cats!..
Very important person -
Black and gray...
Children- Crow
Winter- Who brings on the tail
Lots of different news?
He will tell everyone everything before the deadline.
Children- Soroka
Winter- Well done, guys, you solved all the riddles. And now I invite you to play a game
"Collect the bird."
Attraction "Collect a bird"

Leading- Every year Winter comes,
Every year there is a blizzard,
White snowflakes in the sky
They start their own round dance.
Dance of snowflakes.

Winter- Guys, I still have one more riddle for you.
Moves his mustache, jumps under the bushes,
Little white coward, his name is…. (Bunny).
Hey, little bunnies, come out and show us your dance.
Dance of the hares

Winter- So that the fun does not stop, so that the children do not get bored,
I suggest you guys have fun playing together.
Attractions: 1.Running in felt boots
2. Running in sacks

Winter“And now we’ll dance, the holiday will be more beautiful.”
Dance "Russian Winter"

Winter- Well done guys, they danced merrily. Well, it’s time for me to say goodbye to you, and for your fun, games and
laughter, I want to treat you.
Winter's gift to you is sweet snowballs.
Hands out treats (marshmallows), says goodbye, leaves.

Children leave the hall to the music “Three White Horses”

Summary of entertainment in the senior group
"Winter calendar"
Prepared by the musical director of the joint venture – “Kindergarten” Elena Alekseevna Petrova
Syzran, 2014
Goal: To develop the emotional sphere of preschoolers; develop the ability to express your thoughts coherently, in accordance with the topic; cultivate musical taste through the example of artistic and musical works.
Fix the names of the winter months according to the folk calendar, identifying their characteristic features;
through the system creative tasks, develop musical abilities, to form in children an evaluative attitude towards works of art;
to cultivate interest and respect for the work of composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Equipment: attributes for dance improvisation(snowflakes and scarves), reproduction of D. Ya. Alexandrov’s painting “Winter’s Tale”, slides of winter landscapes on a projector, recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s album “Seasons”, handouts for cutting out snowflakes.
Progress of the lesson
Musical director. After a rainy, cloudy autumn, winter has come. Snow covers the ground, a cold wind blows, the sun rarely comes out, but how we rejoice on frosty days, when the snow creaks under our feet and sparkles in the sun! This is how A.S. talks about winter. Pushkin:

Here is the north, the clouds are catching up,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The winter sorceress is coming,
She came and fell apart; shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees,
Lay down in wavy carpets
Among the fields around the hills.
Brega with a still river
She leveled it with a plump veil;
The frost has flashed, and we are glad
To the pranks of Mother Winter.

And here’s how I. Nikitin greets winter:

Hello, winter guest!
We ask for mercy
Sing songs of the north
Through forests and steppes.

We have freedom, -
Walk anywhere:
Build bridges across rivers
And lay out the carpets.

Let's compare these two poems.

In A.S. Pushkin, winter appears before us as solemn and majestic. I. Nikitin has a greeting poem. It contains the joy of anticipation, the joy of welcoming winter. This is how poets greet winter in different ways.

In what mood did you come to me?

Let's sing songs that express the mood of meeting winter.

Performed “Winter Song”, music by M. Krasev, lyrics. S. Vysheslavtseva.

Look at the painting by D.Ya. Alexandrov “The Winter's Tale”. What mood does the painting convey? What colors are used to achieve this? Express your mood by completing the picture. I suggest you guys draw your own “Winter's Tale” in a group or at home.

And now the girls will turn into snowflakes and perform a dance, and the boys will say whose dance they liked the most. (Performing dance composition“Snowflakes”, music by Y. Slonov. What follows is an analysis of the girls' movements.)

Let's make snowflakes ourselves and decorate them music hall. Go to the work tables and take everything you need. Let everyone get the most beautiful snowflake.

Now let's talk about the winter months, accompanied by the music of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, who has music album"Seasons". Each piece of music here is dedicated to one month. December is called “Svyatki”, January - “At the Fireplace”, February - “Maslenitsa”.

Let's close our eyes and immerse ourselves in the music. (Sounds "Christmastide".)

Generalization. This play is written in the waltz genre, so let's get a little creative and imagine ourselves dancing at a party. Everyone can dance as they want and as the music tells them. (Children dance, improvising. Their creativity is analyzed by the music director.)

Guys, would you like me to tell you why the composer called his work dedicated to December “Christmastide”, and even wrote it so tenderly, lightly, and dancefully?

The answer to this question lies in Russian traditions. The original name for December is jelly. December was considered wolf time. In ancient times, they thought that evil sorcerers turned into wolves and ate the sun and moon, so the day shortened and evening came early. To get rid of evil, they celebrated the holiday of Christmastide. Feature it’s that there were a lot of mummers on Holy Week. Kids like you were lovingly called “little rags.” The poet V. Zhukovsky has the following lines:

Once on Epiphany evening

The girls were guessing.

A shoe behind the gate,

They took it off their feet and threw it...

The composer took these words to define both the title and character of the play. The girls wondered for the best and waited for their groom.

The next month can be determined by a riddle:

The sun has turned to summer,

What month is this? (January)

They said about him like this: “January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter,” “January is the grandfather of spring. In January, the sky clears up blue, like a thawed patch, and the snow seems to also turn blue. Old name January - blue. It is considered the coldest month of winter.

P.I. Tchaikovsky called the musical picture of January “At the Fireplace”. Let's listen. (A recording sounds. The music director invites the children to determine their mood from meeting the music.)

What is the third month of winter called? (February)

February has many names. Because of the frosts and snow, he was nicknamed lute, snowball, blizzard, but he was also given an affectionate name - the wedding party. Traditionally, weddings in Rus' were celebrated after Christmastide and before Maslenitsa.

In ancient times, the meeting of Maslenitsa was very solemn. The guys started it. With the first glimmer of dawn, they poured out in a crowd to build snowy mountains. The one who spoke the most beautifully of all of them learned the spell in advance: “Are you my soul, Maslenitsa! Come visit us in the wide yard, ride in the mountains, roll around in pancakes, and have fun with your heart.” And the houses and pancakes began to dance in the pot of dough, asking to be put into the pan. “Maslenitsa has arrived, it has arrived!” - the guys shouted, running towards the ladies. Honest people ate pancakes to their heart's content.

Let's listen to “February” - “Maslenitsa” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, and then answer the questions: what is the character of the music?

Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays; fairy tales have even been written about it. Here is one of them. Listen to how it describes Maslenitsa events with humor and kindness. (The music director reads a fairy tale)

Straw Maslenitsa

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. During Shrovetide they liked to go for walks and have fun, eat pies and pancakes, and feast on them. I don't want to fast. They decided to make their own Maslenitsa and feast for another week or two.

So the old man made Maslenitsa out of straw and wove bast shoes for her feet. The old woman dressed her in a matting, braided her long, three-arshine braid, and tied a scarf on her head. Maslenitsa turned out to be thin, tall, a head like a basket, eyes like dies, a nose like a potato. The old man and the old woman are rejoicing - now go for a walk and have fun even to the Spirit.

They sat Maslenitsa at the table. The old man says:

Maslenitsa - fat, empty belly, eat the pancake!

And the old woman:

Maslenitsa - fat, empty belly, eat the pie.

Maslenitsa sits, silent. The old man smears sour cream on her lips, the old woman pushes a pancake into her mouth. Suddenly Maslenitsa came to life, moved, opened her mouth, took from the table and devoured all the pancakes and pies. The old man and the old woman were frightened: the old man climbed into the cellar, and the old woman hid in a cage.

Maslenitsa, a fat woman with an empty belly, walks around the hut, looking for something to eat: she slurped cabbage soup, licked the butter, chewed lard. He sees: the porridge is steaming in the cast iron in the oven. Maslenitsa climbed into the oven and hit the fire with her sleeve. The straw puffed and burned.

The old man and the old woman returned and looked, and there was only a handful of coals lying by the stove. Maslenitsa is gone. The old man and the old woman were sunbathing and began to sing a sad song:

Ay, Maslenitsa is a deceiver.
She brought me to the post and ran away.

Let's celebrate Maslenitsa and sing a farewell song to the words “You are farewell, farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa.” (The song creativity of children is analyzed.)

I invite you to convey your impressions of meeting the winter months and the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky. (Story drawing. Children's works are analyzed.)

Generalization. Children answer the questions: what were the winter months called in the old days? Which piece of music did you like best and why?

The music director says goodbye to the children.

List of references and sources

Kurevina O.A. Synthesis of arts.// M., 2003

Monakhova G.A. Education as a working field of integration // M., 1997

Moreva N.A. Music classes and entertainment in preschool institution.// - 2004

Topic: “In the world of beauty”

to teach children to emotionally perceive and comprehend a holistic musical image through various means of artistic expression.
teach children to convey the character of a musical work through visual arts. Strengthen children's knowledge about a musical instrument.
promote the development of dance creativity through composition dance moves to the music.
contribute to the creation emotional well-being children, an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation.

Material: flannelograph with the image of a staff, keys cut out of cardboard, sheet music with pictures of a man, tassels, balalaikas according to the number of children.

Center fine arts : Whatman paper, foam rubber, brushes, watercolor paints, jars of water, wax crayons, palette.

Musical Instrument Center: cards with images of tools, colored cards.

Progress of the lesson

Children go into the hall, the teacher invites the children to sit down comfortably, smile, so that the close circle becomes warm and cozy.
Educator: “Guys, today we received a telegram at the kindergarten, do you know where from? From the Kingdom of Arts! There's a problem there! The Evil Wizard kidnapped the Fairy of Music and unusual chaos reigned there. Imagine: the drums are thundering, the strings of guitars and balalaikas are strumming, the trumpet does not stop. All residents lost ear for music, they ask for help. Do you want to help the inhabitants of the kingdom? Then let’s hold hands, close our eyes and listen to music.”

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers"

Listen to how light the music is
She looks like colored clouds
To a multi-colored round dance of flowers,
To the anthem of spring blooming gardens
She takes us into the world of Art
That world is woven from subtle feelings.
How beautiful, good the music is!

Educator: “Here we are in the Kingdom. But we need to open the main gate of the castle, and for this we need a key. Guys, look, there are many different keys on the table, but we only need one, musical. What is it called correctly? (Treble clef).

Children find a treble clef from the proposed clefs and place it on a flannelgraph with a staff. (Gates)

Educator: “So we opened the gate. And who will meet us now, find out:
Guess the riddle -
So everything will be fine.
We'll all get to the country
Not in a dream, but in reality.
Seven sisters, seven wonderwomen,
We will meet them in every song.
They all live together.
Guess what the name is?

There are only 4 notes here. Let's sing them in order: do, re, mi, fa (Sing)
The little princesses are called notes
We will meet them now, and they are waiting for us.”

The teacher brings the children to the table where cardboard notes are laid out. There is a picture pasted on each side of the note.

Educator: “How can you greet the inhabitants of the land of the Arts? (Song “Hello”) But the notes are not simple, they will tell us what needs to be done to disenchant the Queen. The note with the image of a brush invites you to listen to music and draw a musical collage. The note with the image of a balalaika invites you to find out what instruments the musicians play in the orchestra and what color corresponds to the sound. And the note with the image of a man suggests that you will convey the music with your movements.”

Children choose a note with an image of the activity they would like to do and position themselves next to the symbols corresponding to the center. Throughout the work of all children, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “Swan Lake” is heard.

Center for Fine Arts (represented by the “brush” symbol). Making a collage “The Sound of Music” using unconventional technology drawing on a large Whatman paper.

Center for Musical Instruments (represented by the “balalaika” symbol). Didactic game “Recognize the instrument and color it.” Children listen to the music and find pictures with the instruments that are present in this melody. Then a colored card is selected for each tool. Sound is correlated with color.

Rhythmoplasty center (depicted by the “man” symbol). Children improvise music with movement. They can show how the wind blows, flowers bloom, butterflies fly in, etc.

Work continues until the end of the music.

Educator: “In order for the first note to appear on stave, we need to find out who the author of the music we listened to” (Children’s answers).
The music flows, sparkles, sparkles!
Joy and celebration! Sun and light!
As if telling all sorrows to be forgotten
Music of Happiness – first concert!
(S. Drozdova)

Of course, you recognized P.I. Tchaikovsky’s music from the ballet “Swan Lake”.

The note “C” is placed on the flannelgraph, and the children sing it.

Educator:“To open the second note, our guys drew music”
Presentation of the Center for Fine Arts.

The note “D” is placed on the flannelgraph. Children sing two notes.
Educator: “In order to open the third note for us, we need to be friends with dancing.”
Presentation of the rhythmoplasty center.
Children improvise movements to the music. The note "E" opens. Children sing: do, re, mi.

The presentation of the center of musical instruments is carried out in a similar way, the note “F” appears.
Music is playing. The Fairy of Arts appears and thanks the children for miraculous salvation. Children dance with the Fairy of Arts.

The entertainment consists of musical numbers that the children prepared at spring holiday. Musical and didactic games were carried out throughout school year. The hall is decorated with balloons, on the main wall there are paintings depicting musical instruments and multi-colored notes.

Required material:

Musical instruments: spoons, tambourines, maracas, bells, rumbas, metallophones; cardboard image of a house with 5 windows, cards with musical instruments (5 cards), tanagram with musical instruments, 2 easels, magic box.

Musical material: B. Smetana “New Year’s Orchestra”; “Baynovskaya quadrille” arr. M. Iordansky, Russian folk song “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”, Latvian folk melody arr. J. Kepitisa.

Children enter the hall accompanied by calm music and sit on chairs.

(Musical instruments are laid out on tables near each group).

Musical director: Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you! Today's concert is dedicated to musical instruments! Each of us has a house in which we live, in which we feel comfortable and warm, animals also have their own houses, some have a hole, some have a hollow. Guys, where do you think musical sound lives?
Children: Musical sound lives in musical instruments.
Musical director: Right, musical sounds live in musical instruments. And musical instruments begin to sound when musicians play them. A group of musicians who play together is called an orchestra. What orchestras do you know?
Children: Brass, folk, pop, symphonic.
Musical director: Well done, what is the name of the orchestra in which the performers are child musicians?
Children: Children's noise orchestra!
Musical director: Well done, our concert is opened by the children's noise orchestra of the senior group.

The 1st senior group performs “The Cheerful Orchestra” by composer B. Smetana.

Musical director: Guys, I have a magic box, what’s in it, let’s see (he opens the colorfully decorated box and takes out one riddle at a time), these are riddles from a music notebook.


Children: Drum!

2. They hit each other,
And they sing in response
And they shine like two pennies -

3. The instrument plays happily
He has bellows and keyboards.
If he plays even a little,
Everyone will recognize the instrument -... (accordion)

Musical director:

Maracas, maracas,
Make some noise for us now.
We will all dance
Play maracas!

1st middle group performs Russian folk song“In the garden or in the vegetable garden” on maracas

Musical director: I suggest playing with musical instruments.

Musical relay race. "Play the glockenspiel"

2 teams are participating. Metallophones are placed on 2 tables. Children run to the instrument, swipe the stick 2 times and run back.

Musical director:(rings a bell)

Ding-ding-ding, my bell
My melodious bell
Kolokoltsev chime
He is very cheerful.

2nd middle group performs “Latvian folk melody” with bells

Musical director: Guys, each person has his own individual voice, which distinguishes him from others, so each musical instrument has its own individual timbre, its own coloring.
Look, I have a fabulous musical house, in every window there lives a musician, and now we’ll try to guess what musical instrument he plays.

Music game"Musical House"

Musical fragments on various musical instruments are played, children, having determined by ear which instrument is sounding, find its image among the cards and insert it into one of the windows of the house.

Musical director: Guys, I have a problem, someone cut the cards with musical instruments and I don’t understand how to put them back together. Will you help me?

Game "Assemble a tool"

2 easels, cards with musical instruments cut into 4 parts. 2 people go out and collect the tanager with musical instruments.

Musical director: Guys, let's imagine that we are real musicians and show how musicians play various musical instruments.

Plastic song – game “Musicians”

Musical director: Guys, I still have one more riddle in my box.

They eat soup at lunch,
By evening they will “talk”
Wooden girls
Musical sisters.
Play a little too
On beautiful bright ones... (spoons)

Children of the 2nd senior group perform “Baynovskaya quadrille” arr. M. Jordansky.

Musical director: look what I see? These are some unusual musical instruments. Guys, can you tell us about them?

Presentation “Do-it-yourself musical instruments”

Children and their parents created various musical instruments with their own hands. Several children come out and talk about their instrument.

Musical director: Look at this one musical instrument, no matter how unusual he is (he approaches a guitar made of cardboard and picks it up), it seems there is something in it (he opens it, and there is a sweet prize for the children).

Now we have visited the world of musical instruments, tell me guys: are the instruments different? (Yes), are they all beautiful? (Yes)

Each musical instrument is special and has its own appearance and its unique timbre coloring!

You all performed wonderfully today, and I want to congratulate you all!
Children leave the hall to the music.

List of used literature:

1. Kaplunova I. “Our cheerful orchestra"from the series of the program "Ladushki", St. Petersburg 2013.
2. Komissarova L.N., Kostina E.P. « Visual aids in musical education preschoolers: a manual for educators and music directors" M.: Education 1986
3. Suvorova T. Rhythmic mosaic part 2, part 4 Toolkit for music directors, Moscow 2001.
4. Zheleznova E. “The locomotive is going, going, going.” Fun lessons for kids" No. 42 CD 2010.

Musical entertainment for a mixed age group

(middle, high, preparatory)

“We have fairy-tale heroes visiting us.”

Types of children's activities: musical and artistic, communicative, gaming.

Software tasks:

    learn to distinguish by ear dance music from a lullaby with the help of the musical and didactic game “The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping”;

    developing the ability to sing a melody clearly and pronounce words clearly;

    encourage the dramatization of the content of the song “We went to the meadow”;

    contribute to the correction of speech disorders and phonemic hearing;

    develop dialogical speech;

    develop gaming skills;

    develop children’s ability to control “lollipops”

    cultivate emotional responsiveness when perceiving musical works.

    cultivate the desire and ability to listen to a fairy tale, follow the development of the action.

Planned educational results (targets as possible development achievements):

    the child shows interest in listening, responds emotionally to musical works contrasting nature;

    expressively conveys the character of the game characters in movement;

    takes an active part in musical games;

    interacts favorably with peers in joint activities;

    interestingly follows the development of the plot of the fairy tale;

    shows positive emotions and interest in participating in a puppet show.

Equipment : button accordion, computer, music center, toys (bear, goat, bunny, gnome), cards for the didactic game “The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping,” a bunny mask, a screen for a puppet theater, scenery, toys on sticks for the fairy tale “Teremok” ( mouse, frog, hedgehog, bunny, squirrel, cockerel, dog, fox, wolf, bear).


    “Hello” is a rhythmic game with singing.


    Teddy Bear . Musically - didactic game“The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping.”

    Goat . Logorhythmics.

    Bunny . “We went to the meadow.”

    Gnome . Fairy tale "Teremok".

    Fairy-tale heroes say goodbye to the guys.

Progress of entertainment:

Musical director: Hello guys! Let's sing our welcome song with you.

    “Hello” is a rhythmic game with singing. Music and lyrics by S. Korotaeva.

Guys, I’ll tell you a secret, today someone will come to visit us.

Guess the riddle:

This funny animal is made of plush:
There are paws and there are ears.
Give some honey to the beast
And make him a den! (Teddy bear).

A bear appears on the stage of a puppet theater .

Musical director : Look at this, guys. Mishka came to visit us. I accidentally found out that our Mishka loves to dance, but after dancing he gets so tired that he immediately falls asleep. Mishka has prepared a task for you. Now I will give everyone 2 pictures of a bear. In one picture he is dancing, and in the other he is sleeping. When you hear the music, try to determine what the bear is doing, dancing or sleeping.

    Musical and didactic game “The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping.”

(Children are invited to listen to 4 example muses: 2 lullabies and 2 dance songs)

Well done boys. They correctly determined what Mishka was doing. Well, Mishka, stay with us. Sit here and look at the guys. And someone else is in a hurry to join us guys. Guess who?

She gives us milk
But it's not a cow
Horns will instruct, if anything happens
I don't like it right away
Standing by a stream of water,
Grazing, chewing grass,
So that when you come home in the evening,
Give everyone plenty to drink. (Goat)

A goat appears on the stage of a puppet theater.

And here is our Goat! Look, guys! This is not the first time the goat has come to visit us. Let's remember what unusual song we learned the last time the Goat came to us.

Let's try and sing this song especially for our guest, let's try to sing every syllable expressively

    Logorhythmic exercise GOAT .(sung on 2 sounds - sol-mi)

PS, PS, PS, PS, it became boring without a goat,

ZE, ZE, ZE, ZE, I picked grass for the goat,

ZU, ZU, ZU, ZU, I brought home a goat,

FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, I have a goat.

Do you think the Goat liked how we sang a song about her?

Goat! Stay with us and watch the guys play.

And another guest is hurrying to us, guys:

He loves to eat carrots
Ears sticking out.
Our timid "jumper"
Kids, who is this?......(Bunny)

The Bunny toy appears.

Musical director : And here the bunny came to us! The bunny wants to see how you can dance in a circle. Let's hold hands and playgame “We went to the meadow.”

    “We went to the meadow.” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko)

You guys know how to have fun and play. I think the bunny liked it!

Bunny asks if he can stay with you?

Sit down, Bunny.

Who else is rushing to us?

He came to us from a fairy tale,

I knocked softly on the house,

In a bright red cap -

well, of course, it’s...(gnome)

The Gnome toy appears.

Oh guys, this is it fairy gnome. Do you know that when the gnome comes, he always tells fairy tales to the children. Guys, today let’s tell the Dwarf a fairy tale ourselves. And we won’t just tell you, we’ll show you!

Dwarf, sit down, and the guys and I will show you a fairy tale.

Well, artists, take your toys apart. We will show the fairy tale to the Dwarf and our guests.

    Puppet show. Screening of the fairy tale “Teremok”


And now, artists, come out from behind the screen, we will look at you!

The roles were played by.....

Do you think the Gnome, Bear, Bunny and Goat liked our puppet show? Thank you guys. And now it's time for us to say goodbye fairy-tale characters. But they will definitely come to us again... and more than once.

Now we get up in pairs and go to the group.



(The tale is compiled based on the methodology of Ekaterina Zheleznova. Disc " Musical tales»)

Characters: mouse, frog, hedgehog, hare,squirrel, cockerel, dog,

fox, wolf, bear


There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.

He's not short, he's not tall, he's not tall

There is a mansion in the field, a mansion...

A little mouse came running


Mouse: Tower - tower, who lives in the tower?

Narrator: Nobody responds.

And the little mouse began to live in the little house.

The frog-frog jumped up


Frog: Tower - tower, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse. And who are you?

FROG: I am a frog frog.

Mouse: Come live with me

Narrator: And the mouse and the frog began to live together in the little house.

A hedgehog came running - no head, no legs


Hedgehog: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse.

Frog: I am a frog frog. And who are you?

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, neither head nor legs.

Mouse and Frog: Come live with us!

Narrator: The three of us began to live in the little house.

The runaway bunny came running


Bunny: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs. And who are you?

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Hedgehog, mouse and frog: Come live with us!

Narrator: The four of us began to live in the little house.

The Fluffy Tail Squirrel galloped up.


...five of us.

The golden comb cockerel has arrived.

No. 7 Cockerel.

...six of us.

The Empty Dog came running.

#8 Dog of us.

The little fox-sister came running.


Chanterelle: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse.

Frog: I am a frog frog.

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Dog: I am an empty-headed dog. And who are you?

Fox: I am a little fox-sister!

Hedgehog, mouse, frog, bunny , squirrel, cockerel, dog: Come live with us!

Narrator: They began to live in a little house in eight.

The wolf came running, clicking his teeth

№10 WOLF

Wolf: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I, the mouse, am a bitch.

Frog: I am a frog frog.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs.

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Squirrel: I am a fluffy tailed squirrel.

Cockerel: I am a cockerel - a golden comb.

Hedgehog, mouse, frog, bunny and fox: Come live with us!

Narrator: Nine of us began to live in the little house.

Here comes the bear.

№11 BEAR

Bear: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I, the mouse, am a bitch.

Frog: I am a frog frog.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs.

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Squirrel: I am a fluffy tailed squirrel.

Cockerel: I am a cockerel - a golden comb.

Dog: I am an empty-headed dog.

Fox: I am a little fox-sister! And who are you?

Bear: I am a bear, your house is finished.

All: We invite you to live with us, you will guard the house!

Narrator: And they began to live in the little house, ten of them.

Together in our mansion,

Let's start dancing!

No. 12 DANCE

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