Lesson in the first junior group on cognitive and visual activities Topic: “Winter has come - it has brought snow with it.” Fine art abstract on the topic “Bunnies jumping in the snow First junior group drawing winter hand drawing

Abstract integrated directly educational activities

(Artistic creativity+Communication+ Physical Culture)

on the theme "Winter-winter" (nursery group 2)


Arouse positive emotions in children using artistic word, music, folklore. Develop communication and speech skills.

Expand children's horizons and stimulate cognitive interest. Improve the skills of non-traditional depiction of an object (with the palm of your hand).

Cultivate a sense of compassion. Responsiveness to others, desire to help.

Previous work: Observations of seasonal changes in nature in winter, conversations about the characteristic signs of winter, reading poems about winter, riddles about animals, looking at illustrations.

Vocabulary work: snowflake, cheerful mood.

Material: tinted sheets, gouache white, hand napkins, Christmas trees, fabric snowdrifts, birds, images of wild animals and their traces, audio recording “Winter Melody”.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Game educational situation “Hello”

(establishing emotional contact).

Children are invited into the hall to the accompaniment of quiet music. The teacher reads a poem:

Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky,

Hello, free breeze, Hello, little white snow!

Hello kids: girls and boys,

Hello, I’ll tell you, I welcome you all!

2. Motivation.

Didactic game “Zimushka - winter”

(transmission development emotional state, positive emotions,

development of imagination).

The audio recording “Winter Melody” is played.

Educator:What a wonderful melody, would you like to listen to it next? What does it look like, how can you say about this music? (If the children find it difficult, the teacher begins the answer, the children continue: Light, joyful, snowy, fluffy, winter).

This is a winter melody, do you like winter? What do you like, Anya, and what about you, Sayla? What does Yulia like about winter? Tell me, children, what would you like to do at this wonderful, fabulous time of year? (Ride downhill, sled, play snowballs, roll in the snow....)

Oh, do you hear someone crying... Who is it? Bunny, why are you crying? I lost the snowflakes, and now I will never dance with them. Children. He is so sad, do you want to help the bunny find snowflakes and become cheerful again? Then let's get ready for the road.

3. Game-massage “Getting ready for the journey.”

Using imitation, we put on trousers and socks (lightly stroking the legs); put on sweaters (stroking arms, belly); We put on felt boots (stroking the legs from the toes to the knee); We put on hats (stroking the head, light massage, imitation of tying); fasten the buttons on the down jackets (point movements from the neck to the stomach), tie the scarves.

Well, let's hit the road to help the bunny! (Background music sounds)

4. Did. exercise “We are walking through snowdrifts”

(emotional release)

We walk through the snowdrifts, Children walk, raising their legs high. Through steep snowdrifts.

Raise your leg higher

Make way for others.

We walked for a very long time. They sat down and stroked their legs. Our little legs are tired. Palms from bottom to top.

Now let's sit down and relax,

And let's go for a walk again.

Look, guys, what kind of winter meadow we came to, what trees are around. (Admiring) Look how much snow there is around, how it sparkles in the sun. How can we tell about snow what it is like? I know winter game about snow, do you want to play?

I will say the words, and you repeat the movements after me.

5. Game “Snowball”

(development of positive emotions, imagination)

Look how it sparkles. Raise your arms up and smoothly swing your hands.

It crunches underfoot. They stomp their feet.

Little white snow. Gradually squat down

Light as feather. Showing with your hands how it snows.

The breeze is blowing. Smooth hand movements from right to left.

And the snow flies, flies. Smooth hand movements from top to bottom.

Spun and sparkled. Spin around, smoothly raising your arms up and down.

He flew over the clearing. Easy running in all directions.

And then he fell to the ground. Sit down, hug your knees.

It stayed there until spring.

Educator: How wonderfully you depicted the snow. But what is this, guys? I see some prints in the snow. Let's ask the boys what they think it is? What do girls think? That's right, these are traces. I want to invite you to guess whose footprint this is. Want to play a game?

6. Didactic game “Find out”

(expanding horizons)

Children are asked to choose a track of a wild animal and match the track with its illustration.

Okay guys! And I know a story about forest animals. Let me tell it to you, and you show it with your movements and facial expressions. Do you agree?

7. Game exercise “Dissatisfaction - Pleasure”

Educator: A bear lived in the forest, he became hungry, so he crawled out of the den, grumbled, got angry, and frowned.

Children: They imitate a gloomy, angry bear.

Educator: And in the forest the snow is white all around, glistening in the sun, and the sun is shining brightly, the snow is falling in large flakes, silence. The bear looked around, smiled, sniffed the frosty air - good!

Children: They imitate a happy, cheerful bear.

Educator: A little fox ran past, saw a bear cub, and was surprised that it was he who crawled out of the den.

Children: They depict a fox, surprise.

Educator:And not far away, under a bush, a bunny was sitting (they squat), listened: “What’s that noise?”, got scared, and hid.

Children: They depict a bunny.

Educator: The bunny stood up, saw the bear cub and the fox, was delighted - after all, it was his friends who had gathered in the clearing, and happily jumped up to them.

Educator: And they got together - what do you think should be done?

Children: rejoice, have fun, play, jump, feed the bear...

Do you guys like it in the forest clearing? What's your mood? When you are in a good, joyful mood, what do you want to do? What do you want, Julia? What about you, Vitya? What would Polina want to do?

Me too good mood, and I want to turn into a light snowflake and fly and spin. Oh, look, the snowflakes seem to have heard me, they are probably also happy that we came to the forest. Let us take the snowflakes in our hands and spin around with them. (Children take paper snowflakes, spin and dance.)

Educator:Guys, our walk through the forest has come to an end, I suggest we return to kindergarten and draw snowflakes.

(Children return to the group to the music).

Palm drawing “Snowflakes are falling” (development of positive emotions, development of imagination)

Educator: Look what wonderful snowflakes we have made, do they look like the clearing where we were? Let's give them to the bunny. let him dance with them and be merry!


Did you enjoy helping the bunny look for snowflakes? Did Lenochka remember the walk in the forest? Did you remember Vladik? What kind of walk was it? (cheerful, joyful, winter).

Waiting situation: And in the evening we will watch a cartoon about a bunny and a snowflake.

Goal: Create a positive emotional background, intensify mental activity, develop fine motor skills hands using unconventional technology drawing (with cotton swabs).

Program content:

1. Educational objectives:

  • consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter (it’s cold in winter, it’s snowing, snow is on the trees, the ground)
  • form a concept about the properties of snow (consists of snowflakes, cold, fluffy)
  • fix the name yellow color
  • continue to learn how to draw with cotton swabs on a given stencil

2. Developmental tasks:

  • develop dialogic speech, collective communication skills
  • develop cognitive processes: memory, imagination, speech, attention, thinking
  • stimulate children's creative activity in play
  • develop motor activity

3. Educational tasks:

  • develop a desire to care for birds
  • cultivate friendly relationships, a culture of communication, interest in games, emotional responsiveness to participation in collective musical and gaming activities

Vocabulary work: tit, bullfinch, sparrow, feeder


Technical means: computer (laptop), projector, screen, presentation on the topic: "Walk in the Winter Park" .

Demonstration material: easel, sketch of a bird feeder for a sample, wood.

Handouts: gouache, sketches of bird feeders for each child, wet wipes, cotton swabs, oilcloths, jars.

Preliminary work: conversations about birds: "How do birds live in winter" , “Who takes care of the birds?” , examination of illustrations, albums on the topic: "Birds" , "Winter" , observations of seasonal changes in nature in winter, didactic games "Who's screaming" , "Guess the Bird" , games - transformations, reading poems about winter: I. Surikov, learning poems and calls about birds; telling riddles, outdoor games "Sparrows and Cars" , "Sparrows and the cat" .

Planned results of the work: children will show interest in wintering birds, their thinking processes will be activated, during communication each child will experience certain positive emotions and will have indelible impressions in their memory.

1. Introductory part.

The kids got up in the morning
We came to our kindergarten.
I'm glad to see you, as always,
We've had guests here since morning,

Say hello, friends!

Educator: Guys, what a wonderful day today is. But when I went to kindergarten in the morning, I was cold. Do you know why?

Children: Because it's cold.

Educator: Tell me, what time of year is it now?

Children: Winter.

Educator: That's right, winter. With the onset of winter, it becomes cold and frosty outside. It's good to be outside in winter. What games can we play outside in winter to make it fun and interesting?

Children: Make snowmen, play snowballs, ski and sled.

Educator: Guys, I invite you for a walk in the winter park. And we'll go on a sled.

Children stand in pairs, forming a sled and listening to music "roll" . Music is playing "Sled"

2. Main part.

2. 1.Stop "A park" . On the screen is a winter landscape.

Educator: So we arrived at the park. Let's relax and sit on the chairs. Look how beautiful it is in the park. Lies everywhere... (snow). Beautiful, fluffy, light snow-white snowflakes are falling from the sky. All around is white - white. This snow covered the ground with a white fluffy blanket. Snow sparkles in the sun. What kind of snow? (white, cold). Look where the snow lies? (in the trees, on the ground)

Like on a hill - snow, snow.
Like under a hill - snow, snow.
And on the tree there is snow, snow.
And under the tree there is snow, snow.

2. 2.Sounds of winter.

Educator: How transparent and clean the air is in the winter park. Let's enjoy fresh air. (Let's take a deep breath through our nose and exhale. Did you feel cool?) Guys, now I suggest you close your eyes and listen to the sounds of winter. What did you hear? (blizzard, blizzard) You can't hear bird voices at all in the park. Do you know why? Birds are cold in winter, many have flown away warmer climes. But not all birds are afraid of frost, some stayed for the winter, and there are birds that fly to us with the onset of cold weather and stay all winter. Let's remember wintering birds.

2. 3. Looking at pictures of birds. Slides on the screen.

Educator: Look, a bird has flown to us, and its name is tit. Repeat.

Children: Titmouse.

Educator: What kind of breast does a tit have?

Children: Yellow


There are birds on a branch outside the window -
Yellow-breasted Tits
Ding - day, laziness
Ding - day, laziness

They sing all day long.

Educator: What a beautiful bird! And her name is bullfinch. Repeat

Children: Bullfinch.

Educator: What kind of breast does a bullfinch have?

Children: Red.

Educator: Bullfinches sitting on branches look like red lanterns. There are bullfinches on the trees,

Snow lanterns-

Red like balloons.

Educator: Who is this little gray one?

Children: Sparrow.

Educator: How does a sparrow tweet?

Children: "Chick-chirp!

Educator: Sparrows are bold birds by nature, very friendly. They help each other - if one sparrow finds food, he will definitely call all his friends. Let's remember the call about the sparrow.

Sparrow, sparrow
Don't chase the pigeons
Don't bite the sand
Don't dull your toes.

A sock will come in handy
Pecking the spikelet.

I suggest you guys play. If you guys spin around, you'll soon turn into birds.

2. 4. Outdoor game to music "Birds are small"

2. 5. Productive activity.

Educator: Guys, birds flew to our feeder. How many are there? (a lot of) Look what birds have gathered near our feeder. Let's name each one.

Children: At the feeder there is a red-breasted bullfinch, an agile sparrow, and a cheerful titmouse.

Educator: In winter, it is difficult for birds to find food. No bugs, worms. In winter, birds are not only cold, but also hungry. People help birds survive the harsh winter. To do this, they make feeders, hang them on trees and feed the birds. What can we put in the feeder? (grain, seeds, bread crumbs) Yes, guys, it’s very difficult for birds in winter and that’s why they need our help. How can we help our feathered friends? Today we will feed the birds grain.

A) The teacher demonstrates how to draw grains with cotton swabs and explains.

Educator: What are we going to draw with? There are paints, but no brushes. How to be? You can draw with cotton swabs. I dip it in yellow gouache cotton swab, then I carefully put prints on the feeder, so many, many. And if the paint runs out, then I dip the cotton swab into the paint again. That's how much grain I put in the bird feeder.

To make sure everything works out, let’s warm up our fingers.

B) Finger gymnastics.

Come birds! I'll give the lard to the titmouse. We invite you to our place

I'll make some crumbs and a little bread. Crumble the bread

These crumbs are for the pigeons, these crumbs are for the sparrows Right hand pull out, then left

Jackdaws and crows - eat pasta! Rub palm against palm

WITH) Independent work children to music.

Now you are passing by and you will feed your birds.

Educator: What are you drawing? What color are your grains? What shape? How many grains? Who do you draw for?

D) Exhibition of works. We hang feeders on a tree. The sound of birds singing.

Feed the birds in winter
Let it come from all over
They will flock to you like home
Flocks on the porch!

3. Final part. Guys, the birds thank you. You are kind and caring. Let's not disturb them, let them peck the grains. And we will go to kindergarten. Everyone get on the sled and go fast! (Music sounds)

Natalya Petrovna Sedoykina, teacher at MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4" Bell" city of Alatyr, Chuvash Republic

Target: making a drawing using the dipping method.

1) Formation elementary representations about the signs of the winter season.

2) Arouse interest in creating an image of snowfall, replenish the active vocabulary on the topic.

3) Develop the ability to draw with cotton swabs, develop thinking, imagination, and promote the development of fine motor skills.

4) Educate good relations to nature, interest in understanding the surrounding world

Materials and equipment: bag, snowman toy, cotton swabs, white gouache, water in jars, blue colored cardboard.

OD move:

The teacher finds a magic bag, looks into it, and finds a snowman.

They raised me, they molded me out of snow, they deftly inserted a carrot instead of a nose, my eyes were coals, my lips were knots, cold, big, who am I?

Educator: Guys, this is a snowman. He brought it for you interesting pictures. Do you know what time of year it is now? It's winter now. And in winter it becomes very cold and snow falls. The snow is cold and white. Where is the snowball? On the roads, on the roofs of houses, in the trees. Children make a snowman out of snow.

Educator: but our snowman has no friends at all, let's draw a snowfall for him so that there is more snow from which to sculpt snowmen.

Main part.
Educator: Let me show you how we will draw snow. I take a cotton swab and moisten it a little with water: I remind you that we are only dipping the cotton part of the swab. Our cotton swab doesn’t want to get dirty, so we dip only its “head” into the paint.
The teacher draws snow using the “dipping” method - he places a cotton swab on a sheet of paper and immediately “tears it off”, such manipulations are done over the entire sheet. After the teacher has demonstrated the entire drawing process to the children, she asks the students to correctly take a cotton swab and draw on paper how snow is falling.

Dynamic pause.
The teacher invites the children to perform movements according to the text:

The sun warms weakly,
(Hands up and down.)
And the frost crackles,
(Hands on waist, bends to the sides.)
In the Snow Baba's yard
(Hands on your belt, turn around yourself.)
The carrot nose turned white.
(Children show their nose.)
Suddenly there was water in the river
motionless and firm

(Jumping in place.)
Sweeps everything around
Snow-white silver.

(Children spin around.)

Educator: Well done! Let's show the snowman our work. Look, little snowman, how much snow we got. How beautiful it became all around! There is snow everywhere. After the children have finished their drawings, look at them together, offer to place them together to dry and then show them to your friends.


Guys, it’s time to say goodbye to our snowman before he melts into the warmth, goodbye!

Collective work in the first junior group “Winter-Winter” ( unconventional drawing)

Drawing technique "Funny palms and fingers"

Goal: to teach children to draw using the “Cheerful Palms and Fingers” technique and to add additions to the drawing (snow, snowdrifts); enriching its content.


Evoke positive emotions in children using artistic words. Develop communication and speech skills. Introduce a new word into the children's dictionary: snowdrift.
Expand children's horizons and stimulate cognitive interest. Improve the skills of non-traditional depiction of an object (palm, finger).


Introduce colors: white, blue.

Develop a sense of form and color composition.


Arouse interest in creating a collective composition “Winter-Winter”

Cultivate interest in beautiful natural phenomena.

Preliminary work:

Watching the snowfall, while walking, looking at winter illustrations, memorizing the poem “Snowball” by Z. Alexandrova.

Games with snowballs.

Materials: tinted blue leaf paper A-3 format, white gouache, illustrations of winter and snowflakes.

Visualization: Thematic pictures "Winter".


Guys, the wonderful time of the year, Winter, has arrived.

Winter has come to visit us,

Brought a lot of snow.

There's snow on the roofs - snow,

There is snow on the trees, snow,

There is snow on the paths, snow,

There is snow on the cars.

Everywhere - everywhere there is snow - snow,

A man is having fun.

(Looking at illustrations depicting (snowflakes, snowfall.)

Today I brought you a picture, but nothing is drawn on it. Today you and I will be wizards, we will paint not with brushes, but with our palms and fingers.

Guys, who knows what color the snowball is? (children's answers).

We will draw a white snowdrift and a snowball.

Watch how you and I will draw a snowball. Let's dip our finger in paint and apply it to our picture. There is a lot of snow outside and we will draw a lot of snow. (children draw snow).

Guys, look at our fingers, we are dirty and we will wipe them with a napkin.

Physical education minute:

Soft fluffy

White snowflakes

(raise your hands up)

Circling above the ground

They lie on the ground

(spin and sit down)

Legs fall asleep

The snowdrifts are growing.

(raise your hands up, stretch)

What big snowdrifts we have grown.

And now we will draw a snowdrift. I dip my palm in the paint and apply it. And I remove it - it turns out to be my palm print. Look, your palm is dirty, what should you do?

Yes, wipe well with a wet cloth.

Let's practice with you, as if the paint were standing next to us:

Dip your palm in paint and apply it to a sheet of paper.

Now let's try. Carefully, one at a time, dip your palm in the paint and place it down to make a snowdrift. Be careful, add more paint so that our snowdrift is clearly visible.

Guys, who can tell me what color the paint is? (white). Well done!

(I help the children.)

Well done guys, you did a great job! Which beautiful picture we made it! Let's admire it! Let's leave it to dry.

Now let’s go wash our pens so that they are clean.


N.A. Karpukhina “Lesson notes for the first junior group of kindergarten”

Lykova I.A.” Visual activities V kindergarten: first junior group." O.V. Pavlova “Artistic creativity comprehensive classes first junior group"

Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group

Bunnies jumping in the snow"

Educator: Fugalevich I.V.

GBOU secondary school 2044



Software tasks.

Teaching children to draw a hare using the tumbler principle, consolidating skills in depicting round shapes, using a brush, gouache, developing imagination, sense of color, memory, perception, speech activity, enriching children's vocabulary through the use of definitions, synonymous words with diminutive suffixes, words -names of baby animals. Fostering in children an interest in their own creativity, a desire to work, goodwill, independence, and love of nature.


White gouache, tinted sheets of paper, brushes and stands, napkins, water in jars, a toy hare, paintings of hares in summer and winter, easel, sample drawing.


Cognition”, “Work”, “Reading” fiction”, “Physical education”, “Communication”.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher calls the children to come to the box covered with a scarf.

Educator: I have one small animal hidden in my box. Listen to a riddle about him and guess who he is?

Gray in summer

White in winter.

Children: This is a bunny.

Educator: That's right, here it is, our bunny. Hello, bunny. How else can we greet him affectionately?

Children: Hello, bunny, bunny, bunny - jumping, bunny...(If the children find it difficult, the teacher prompts.)

Educator: We have a nice bunny, pet him. Look at his fur?

Children: Soft, fluffy, warm.

Educator: But he came to us for a reason. The bunny wants to ask you for something. Some kind of trouble happened to him. Let's sit down, kids, and find out.(Children sit on chairs standing in a semicircle.)

Educator: Tell me, guys, do you know where the bunny’s house is, where he came to us from?

Children: In the forest, from the forest.

Educator: Right. Look at this picture, that's what it is beautiful house at the bunny's. What is drawn here?

Children: Trees, bushes, grass, bunnies.

Educator: What time of year did the artist depict?

Children: Summer.(In case of difficulty, give a hint from the teacher.)

Educator: How did you know it was summer?

Children: There is green grass, flowers, leaves.

Educator: What's the weather like in summer?

Children: Warm, hot, sunny (leading questions from the teacher).

Educator: And so, in such warm summer weather, the mother hare took her children for a walk. What are the names of a hare's babies?

Children: Bunnies.(If it is difficult for children, give examples: bear - cubs, cat - kittens, duck - ducklings.)

Educator: Look now, kids, what color are all the bunnies?

Children: Gray.

Educator: Why are they gray? Why do they need this color?

Children: They are hiding from the fox, they are not visible.(Guiding questions from the teacher.)

Educator : But another time of year has come. Which? Look at another picture.

Children: This is winter.

Educator: Why do you think it's winter?

Children: Snow, everything is white, no grass.

Educator: Yes, it's winter.

The snowball is fluttering, spinning,

It's white outside

And the puddles turned

In cold glass.

Educator: What are the bunnies like in winter?

Children: They are white.

Educator: Why did they change their fur coats?

Children: So that the fox does not eat them and the wolf.

Educator: That's right, here comes the bird of prey - the owl wants to catch bunnies. Will he catch it?

Children: No, they are not visible, they will hide.

Educator: So we guessed the riddle correctly? This hare is gray in summer and white in winter. This fur coat helps him escape from enemies.

And now you and I will also turn into bunnies for a minute and play in a forest clearing.

Physical education minute.

White bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this.

And he wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Skok, skok, skok, skok,

The bunny needs to jump.

The wolf scared the bunny.

The bunny hopped and galloped away!

(Children run to their seats.)

Educator: Oh, kids, look how excited our bunny is! He says that it’s good for you, you ran away from the wolf, but his friends, the bunnies, didn’t make it all gray fur coats change to white. So he asks you to draw white bunnies so that they won’t be afraid in winter forest. Look at my picture, how merrily the bunnies are jumping in a snowy meadow. Let's start drawing with the torso. What shape is it?

Children: Circle, round.

Educator: Point your finger in a circle in the air.(Children show.)

Educator: Remember when we made a snowman during our walk? Does the bunny's body look like a snowball?(Children answer.)

I remind you that you first need to wet the brush, then stroke the brush onto a napkin. Now we pick up paint and start painting.

The teacher shows.

We made a snowball

The ears were made later...”

We draw the ears by dabbing, apply the entire bristles of the brush, do not press on it.

After the show, the children draw themselves. The teacher monitors the work, provides individual assistance if necessary - shows it again on his sheet, adjusts the brush in the children’s hands, and uses the “passive drawing” method.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher praises and thanks the children on behalf of the bunny.

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