Drawing lesson on the theme “Fairytale houses” in the senior group. Summary of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “Multi-colored balls Multi-colored gates drawing

Lesson on visual arts in the first younger group

Subject: « Colorful gates».

Goals: strengthen the ability to work with a pencil, learn to draw arcuate lines, recognize their outlines, and examine your work.

Equipment : elephant toy, flannelgraph, figures for the flannelgraph (house, gate), soft modules for building gates, sheets of paper, pencils for each child, easel.

Educator. An elephant is coming to visit us from the zoo! Here he is waving his trunk at us. This is how an elephant says “Hello!” to you.

Educator. The elephant lives in warm countries. And it's cold here in winter. That's why they built a big one for the elephant beautiful house. (I attach an image of a house to the flannelgraph.) The elephant feels warm and comfortable in it. But our guest really wants to make a beautiful gate in front of the house, such that an elephant and a car can pass under it. Let's see which gate the elephant likes. (Attach an image of a gate to the flannelgraph.)

Well, let's help him make them? (Children's answers).

Educator. Let's build a gate for an elephant together from soft modules (We build gates with children, play with the buildings).

Educator. Today, guys, we will draw multi-colored gates for the house where the elephant lives. They have an unusual arched shape. (I outline them with a gesture and invite the children to repeat this movement.)

On the easel I show techniques for drawing an arc, saying at the same time: “Here we have a big gate, but here we have a smaller gate.” Then I invite the most prepared children to draw a gate of a different color next to it.

The children begin to draw.

I invite the children to choose the pencil they like best, I control the work methods, I help children who have difficulty completing the task, I intensify their activity, saying, for example: “Dani’s gate is very small. The elephant will not pass under them. Draw a bigger gate."

Children's drawings are displayed at the stand.

Educator . What a beautiful gate you have made! There are red, green, and blue. Both big and small. Large gate for daddy elephant, small one for baby elephant. Let our elephant choose any gate he likes.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Summary of an integrated lesson in the junior groupPoem by A. Barto “Elephant”. Multi-colored gates.

Tasks: Introduce data a work of art; improve listening skills poetic works, provide children with the opportunity to finish words and phrases when the teacher reads a poem; teach to play with toys; consolidate the ability to draw with a pencil, learn to draw arcuate lines, recognize their outlines, examine your work; to introduce to the perception classical music.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time. (The musical play “Elephant” by C. Saint-Saëns is playing.Educator: You hear? A guest is coming to us. Listen to the music and guess who it might be. Yes, this is an elephant coming to visit us from the zoo! Here he is waving at you with his trunk. This is how an elephant tells you: “Hello!”

    Main part . Reading a poem . Educator: We will delight our guest. Let's read a poem for him.

The teacher reads A. Barto’s poem “Elephant”. Then the teacher invites the children to look at the illustration and tell the elephant what is drawn on it. The teacher repeats lines from the poem and asks the children to pronounce them in chorus or individually.

Educator: The elephant will be very pleased if you tell him the poem yourself.

Children repeat the words of the poem after the teacher.

Physical education lesson “Frost”.

I'm not afraid of frost.

I will become close friends with him.

The frost will come to me.

He touches his hand, touches his nose.

So, you shouldn't yawn.

Jump, run and play.

Children perform movements that are suggested by the text: touch themselves by the hand, nose, jump, run.

    Drawing a gate.

Educator: The elephant lives in warm countries. And it’s very cold here in winter. Therefore, a large beautiful house was built for the elephant. (Attaches a picture of the house to the flannelgraph). The elephant feels warm and comfortable in it. But our guest really wants to make a beautiful gate in front of the house, such that an elephant can pass under it and a car can pass through. Let's see which gate the elephant likes. (Attach an image of a gate to the flannelgraph). Well, let's help him make them? Today we will draw colorful gates for the house where the elephant lives. They have an unusual arched shape. ( He outlines them with a gesture and invites the children to repeat this movement.).

The teacher on the easel shows techniques for drawing an arc, while saying, “Here we have a big gate, but here we have a smaller gate.” Then the teacher invites the most prepared children to draw a gate of a different color next to it.

The children begin to draw. The teacher invites the children to choose the pencil they like best, controls how they work, helps children who have difficulty completing a task, activates their activity, saying, for example: “ Vika's gate is very small. The elephant will not pass under them. Draw a bigger gate ».


Children's drawings are displayed at the standEducator: What a beautiful gate we have! There are red, green, and blue. Both big and small. Large gates for the elephant - dad, small ones - for the baby elephant. Let our elephant choose any gate he likes.

OOD in 1st junior group

Artistic and aesthetic radevelopment


    Continue teaching children to draw familiar round objects, holding the brush freely with three fingers.

    Strengthen the ability to recognize baby animals in pictures and name them.

    Develop the ability to answer questions, promote speech development, and activate vocabulary.

    To develop in children a desire to play simple outdoor games together with the teacher.

    Foster independence and accuracy when working with paints, interest in drawing.


Paints of primary colors, brushes for each child, album sheets, toy cat

Murka the cat (toy) is brought in in advance. Children are invited to look at it, feed it, show our group, play finger game, pet the cat, call it affectionately, etc. Then the teacher says that...

Progress of the lesson:

The cat Murka recently gave birth to kittens. Show me where Murka's children are? (bring to pictures of baby animals, but there are no kittens there)

Whose children are these? (name)

Where are the kittens? We need to call them. How? (Kitty Kitty Kitty).

Enter a picture of kittens. They are still small, but they already know how to lap milk, run fast, and they also love to play, but Murka’s kittens don’t have toys. What should I give them? (look around).

Let's give the kittens a ring? (Shows the ring from the pyramid).

Do you know how you can play with a ring? (show options for playing with it: roll it on the floor, rotate it, etc.)

This is how you can play with the ring. I think the kittens will really like our gift. Oh, there are a lot of kittens, but how many rings? (one).

What to do? I came up with an idea to draw a lot of rings so that there would be enough for all the kittens. Look at the ring carefully. What shape does the ring have? The ring is round. How are we going to draw it? Let's show. (Children draw a circle with their finger in the air first right hand, and then left.)

Now look what kind of rings I will draw. (Draws small and large rings on the easel, saying: “Here is a big ring. And this is a small ring.”) These are the rings I got. Do you want to help me draw rings?

The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables, show them how to hold the brush correctly, then, during the drawing process, controls the work techniques and helps children who have difficulty completing the task.

Let our rings dry while we play with Murka.

P/game "Mice"

Hush, mice! Do not make noise!

Don't wake up Vaska the cat.

Vaska the cat will wake up -

It will break up your round dance!

5. Reflection.

Educator: Murka lost her kittens, here they are your kittens( Children, with the help of a teacher, display their drawings on the stand).

Look, Murka likes how the kittens play with the rings that you drew, you can hear her purring: “Purr, purr!” This is her saying thank you. And the kittens also say, how? "Purr, purr!" Let's not disturb them, let them play, and you and I will go... (let's wash our hands and..)

Municipal preschool educational state-financed organization

kindergarten No. 111


organized educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development

in the first junior group

Drawing “Multi-colored rings”

Educator: Fomenko T.S.

Lazarevskoye village, 2015

Elena Rusyaeva
Summary of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “Multi-colored balls”

Program content. Strengthen children's ability to use circular movements and straight lines draw balls of thread, cultivate interest in artistic activities.

Vocabulary work. Glomeruli.

Methodological techniques. Display of a painting, game exercise "Kittens play with glomeruli» , demonstration of techniques drawing, conversation, independent activity children, analysis of children's work.

Material. Colored pencils, landscape paper, glomeruli, Whatman paper, kitten masks.

Preliminary work. Children's games with glomeruli, viewing a painting, individual work

Progress of the lesson.

1 Creation of an emotionally significant and problematic situation.

The teacher draws the children's attention to cart:

Guys, what's in the basket? (Glomeruli)

What colour glomeruli? (Red, yellow, blue, green)

Invite the children to take one glomerulus, will find out who took what color glomerulus.

Vlada, what color are you glomerulus? (Yellow)

Irina, take the red one glomerulus.

Guys, who could have brought these? glomeruli? (Grandma, mom, kitten)

2 Game with glomeruli.

Invite the children to take glomeruli a certain color and clarify the name of the color, then play with glomeruli. Transform into little kittens who love to play with glomeruli. The children roll them out.

3 Sample display.

The teacher brings the children to the easel on which the Whatman paper is located and shows drawing colorful balls.

Guys, look how the playful kitten rolls out glomerulus– straight lines in different directions.

Circular movements in different directions.

Children in the air show movements "pencil" (straight and in a circle).

4 Children doing work independently.

Children sit at tables and take a pencil. The teacher again specifies the color of the pencil. Kids drawing colorful balls. The teacher provides dosing assistance.

5 Analysis of children's works.

Offer to place your drawings on the carpet and admire how beautiful glomeruli turned out and how many there are. Specify colors glomeruli. The teacher encourages children's independence.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: To consolidate the ability to stick circles of different colors. Evoke positive emotions from collaboration. Objectives: Educational: consolidate.

Summary of direct educational activities in the second junior group “Magic balls for a mouse” Summary of direct educational activities in the second junior group “Magic balls for a mouse” Tasks: 1. Call the children.

Summary of direct educational activities “Colorful balls” Educational areas: Artistic creativity, communication, cognition. Types of activities: gaming, communicative, productive. Tasks:.

Lokhmanova Alesya Summary of GCD for drawing in the second junior " Multi-colored flags on a string" GOAL: To teach children to draw rectangular objects.

Abstract of OD on OO " Cognitive development" V senior group, with elements of experimentation “Multi-colored miracle bubbles” Objectives: to introduce.

Lesson summary "Globules" Development classes Fine arts Topic: “Globules” MDOU Kindergarten No. 82 “Teremok” Junior group Teacher: Agafonova. I.A.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Multi-colored soap bubbles” (junior group) On the topic: Multi-colored soap bubbles ". Goal: learn to draw round objects, hold a pencil in your hand correctly; practice.

Senior preschoolers continue to be taught skills artistic embodiment the surrounding world, fabulous or literary plot, developing compositional skills, improving transmission techniques characteristic features shape, color and details of an object. Children's drawing of their loved ones' houses fairy-tale heroes helps to develop the skills of competent spatial arrangement of parts of an object, drawing details and filling in the background, teaches how to correctly convey the proportions and sizes of an object. In addition, the topic improves technical implementation skills artistic design in the drawing, broadens the child’s horizons, enriches inner world, teaches you to convey your impressions, aesthetic experiences, awakens inner interest in visual activity.

Receptions and techniques that are used within the framework of the theme “Fairytale houses”

A fairy-tale plot immerses a child in an amazing, mysterious world of fantasy and folk wisdom, the fates of the characters in your favorite fairy tales remain in the memory for a long time. Together with the main character, the children rescue the princess, go in search of wonderful objects, and overcome treacherous obstacles on the way to their cherished goal. Traveling through a fairyland, you can visit a castle good fairy or in the clearing enchanted forest in front of Baba Yaga's hut, escape from the wolf in the safe house of the three little pigs. Quirky fairytale houses become business cards each story, full-fledged heroes, without whom the image of a fairy-tale episode becomes empty and lifeless, losing the charm of magic.

Classic techniques:

  • Drawing with simple and colored pencils.
  • Drawing with wax crayons.
  • Drawing with felt-tip pens.
  • Combined method (colored pencils and watercolors, felt-tip pens or wax crayons)
  • Painting with a brush using gouache - a feature of this material is its opacity, which allows you to overlap layers with a new color. Thanks to this ability, gouache is a very popular material for decorative details.
  • Painting with a brush using watercolors. Children continue to be taught how to correctly put paint on a brush and mix it to obtain the desired color shade.

Children's work using classical techniques (photo)

Drawing with colored pencils Drawing watercolor paints Drawing with colored pencils Drawing with wax crayons Drawing with watercolor paints Drawing with watercolor paints Drawing with watercolor paints Drawing with a combined technique (wax crayons and gouache) Drawing with watercolor paints Drawing with gouache Drawing with gouache Drawing with colored pencils Drawing with watercolor paints Drawing with wax crayons Drawing with watercolor paints Drawing with a combined technique (felt-tip pens and colored pencils) Drawing with colored pencils

Unconventional techniques

  • Finger painting - older preschoolers independently come up with options for using finger painting in combination with classical techniques.
  • Palm print - older preschoolers apply paint to their palm with a brush and make an impression themselves, then complete the contours and details of the object.
  • Drawing with rock salt, cereals by filling a silhouette previously smeared with glue or by sprinkling the contour of an object greased with glue.
  • A emerging drawing - the contours of an object are drawn with wax crayons or a candle on clean slate paper, then apply the top layer with watercolor paints of one or more colors.
  • Stamping is an image of objects by applying an imprint on paper using a stamp and stencil (foam rubber swab, wooden blocks made from vegetables, fruits, waste material, etc.).
  • Scratching is scratching the outlines of a design onto a surface primed with wax or paint.
  • Threadography is the creation of an image from whole and finely chopped threads using glue.
  • Monotype is a mirror transfer of an image from a base (cellophane, plastic surface, foil) onto a sheet of paper.

Children's pictures in non-traditional techniques (photo gallery)

Drawing cotton swabs Drawing with grain Drawing using the nitkografiya technique Drawing with elements of applique Drawing using the palm technique Bleeding drawing Drawing with semolina Drawing with a candle Drawing on wet Drawing using the monotype technique work using the grattage technique

Drawing techniques in the senior group

Older preschoolers work hard to improve their drawing techniques with pencils, crayons and felt-tip pens, since shading strengthens the muscles of the hand, develops fine motor skills and the eye, and therefore helps prepare children for writing.

  • Line - can be of different configurations (straight, wavy, spiral, broken, etc.) and helps to depict a contour, conveying the outline of the object’s shape, its size and proportional relationship of parts.
  • Hatching is the simplest and effective method color rendering and drawing of the texture of an object. The stroke is not only the most popular and affordable way images of the subject, but also an excellent simulator for development fine motor skills and coordination of movements. Types of shading:
    • Chaotic - strokes are laid in a free direction, then modified by additional contour drawing of the silhouette of the object.
    • Vertical - dense strokes are applied in a vertical direction. Adjusting the pressure force will allow you to achieve a smooth change of various color shades.
    • Diagonal - most popular for sketching the silhouette of an object or background.
    • Horizontal - quite difficult, from the point of view technical execution, a technique because it requires the child to constantly change the position of his hand during the drawing process.
    • Shape-building is a complex and time-consuming option for drawing the shape of an object, for example, the sun, a flower or a cloud.
  • Shading helps to achieve different depths of color depending on the degree of pressure of the pencil. A brighter and more contrasting outline can be conveyed using strong pressure, while the color intensity of the silhouette of the object or background picture it will be much softer.
  • Dot, rhythmic stroke, brush stroke using the technique of painting with watercolors and gouache paints.

Lesson notes

In the senior group, the program provides one drawing lesson per week. According to sanitary standards The duration of continuous independent work of children should not exceed twenty to twenty-five minutes. To activate the attention and thinking of children, methodologists and psychologists recommend conducting outdoor games and physical education sessions, which will help relieve psychological pressures, mental fatigue, and physical tension from a static body position in a monotonous position. It will also be useful and effective finger gymnastics, helping to relax the muscles of the hand.

Lesson outline

  1. Organizational part (3–5 minutes) - reading a fairy tale, riddles, poems, showing pictures, presentations, educational films or cartoons. The information stage is necessary to stimulate children's interest in fairy tale plot, study of the features of the construction of the subject of the image. Important to use surprise moments, elements of theatrical or didactic game, which awaken curiosity, cognitive activity and create a favorable creative atmosphere.
  2. Practical part - the teacher explains the sequence of creating a composition and drawing an object based on the diagram (3-5 minutes). Six-year-old children are already familiar with most of the techniques, so they are more free to realize their artistic vision. The display of a painting or sample should not be used for literal reproduction, but only for clarification and reinforcement correct understanding sequences and techniques for performing a task. The work is carried out based on technological maps, samples or based on the free design of children. Algorithm for drawing the palace:
    1. Draw a main rectangle in the center; the main entrance will be located in it.
    2. Draw small extensions on the sides.
    3. Draw tall towers along the edges of the image. Leave space at the top of the sheet for drawing the roofs.
    4. Draw roofs of different shapes.
    5. Decorate the tops of the observation towers.
    6. Draw the main gate.
    7. Draw the shape of the windows to match the shape of the doors.
    8. Finish drawing decorative details decorating the facade of the building.
  3. Independent work children (15–20 minutes). The teacher helps children who have difficulty drawing, but does not complete the task for them.
  4. The final part is the analysis and assessment by children of their works and the drawings of their comrades. Children are taught to formulate their point of view and verbally express aesthetic perception creative works(3-5 minutes).

Presentation on the topic “Fairy-tale houses” (photo gallery)

The Snow Queen's Castle Interior of the Snow Queen's Castle Ancient tower from Russian folk tales Gingerbread house Gingerbread house Pumpkin house Pumpkin house Mushroom houses Piglets house Hare house Bast hut Princess castle Castle from a heroic fairy tale House for a gnome House for a gnome Fairytale house

Lesson notes

In the notes, the teacher indicates the objectives of the lesson:

  • learn to depict fairy-tale palaces, magical huts, ancient buildings, convey general form, combine the main part of the building with architectural additions and extensions (towers, gates, windows, roofs of various configurations, decorative details);
  • introduce you to the features of ancient Russian architecture, teach you to see the beauty of the world of architecture;
  • continue to introduce students to Russian folk and literary fairy tales;
  • improve the ability to draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, watercolors and gouache paints, mix colors to obtain the desired shade;
  • develop the skills of independently selecting material for the image, as well as constructing a composition across the entire sheet of paper, correctly placing objects and background elements in space;
  • teach to create pencil sketch, preceding the stage of coloring with pencils or paints.

Lesson summary on the topic “Palace of the Snow Queen” (author Kokorina T.)

Goal: creating the Snow Queen's castle
- consolidate the ability to paint with gouache, wash the brush, dry it on a cloth, mix paint in the palette;
- consolidate the concept of warm and cold colors through the game;
- consolidate the ability to draw the outline of a building and come up with decorations and details;
- continue to develop children's imagination;
- cultivate interest in creativity.
Demonstration material: reproductions of paintings by artists Aivazovsky, Roerich; audio recording of Sviridov “Blizzard”, Tchaikovsky “Seasons. January”, flowers of warm and cold colors.
Handouts: album sheet, brushes No. 5 and No. 2, gouache, napkins, palette, jars of water.
Methodological techniques: conversation-dialogue, examination of reproductions, productive activity, analysis of the result of the activity.
1. Organizational part.
Guys, close your eyes and listen carefully.
The music of Sviridov “Blizzard” is turned on
After the music ends:
Educator - Guys, where are we going? What did you hear when you listened to music? What sensations and emotions did it evoke in you?

Children's answers.
Educator - Look at the images in front of you, what do they depict?
Children's answers.
Educator - Why did you decide that? Yes, indeed, we have found ourselves in the kingdom of the Snow Queen. We are entering her beautiful, transparent, blue castle, the wind is blowing in it and the snow is quietly falling, what do you feel? (Tchaikovsky’s music again plays in the background. Seasons December, January)
Children are cold.
Educator - Why?
Children - a castle made of ice, snow, wind.
Educator - Yes, snow and ice, in the twilight it turns blue, blue, and this makes it even colder. Let's remember what else is cold in nature and also blue, blue, purple flowers? (sky, water)
That's right, look at these pictures. What is shown here?
Children - Winter

Educator - That's right, why is the snow here blue and even purple?
Children - he is in the shadows.
Educator - What is drawn here?
Children - sea water, blue.
Educator - So, these colors - light blue, cyan, indigo, violet - are called cold because they resemble snow, ice, water, sky. It is these colors and their shades that are used to paint water, snow, sky and ice.
Appears The Snow Queen.

Snow Queen - How dare you come to my castle with the help of snow and wind!
Aren't you afraid of its cold walls? Or that I can freeze you?
Educator - Hello, Snow Queen, we didn’t want to disturb you at all, but only accidentally came to you when we were admiring your castle.
Snow Queen - Loved it! Ha ha ha. My castle is no longer as beautiful as before, the winds have completely changed it, and snow has covered all the peaks. In addition, the wind brought warm flowers to my castle and from their warmth my castle melts.
Educator - Guys, let's help the Snow Queen and remove all the warm flowers from her castle. What kind of flowers do you think these are?
Children are yellow, orange, red.
Educator - Why are they called warm?
Children - They resemble the sun, fire, which radiate warmth.
To the music, children collect flowers: cold flowers are placed for the snowman, and warm ones are placed for the sun.

Educator - Well done guys, everything is correct, but why did you put these flowers on the snowman?
Children - They are cold colors and resemble snow, ice, water.
Educator - Yes, there are warm colors and cool colors!
Well, did the children cope with the task of the Snow Queen?
Snow Queen - Yes, it’s cold in my castle again and it’s stopped melting, thank you. But it is still ugly and ruined, and winter and frost do not want to help me build a new palace, they need examples of what a palace can be like in order to create it. Where can I find such a craftsman who could help me? and draw sketches of the castle?
2. Practical part.
Teacher - Snow Queen, the guys and I can help you. These are very talented guys, they have a rich imagination and imagination, they draw well and I am sure that they will be able to draw unusually beautiful castles for you. Really guys, we can help the Snow Queen, right?
Snow Queen - I agree, let them help.
Educator - But then you must let us go back home to your own kindergarten.
Snow Queen - Okay, I’ll let you go, so be it, but first, please draw me castles.
3. Independent work of children.
Children go to the tables and begin to draw the Snow Queen's castle on a white or black background to choose from, using only cool colors, mixing them on the palette.

4. Final part.
Educator - Look, Snow Queen, what beautiful castles the guys have made, now Frost and Winter will have work, and the wind will have room to roam.
Snow Queen - Thank you friends, now close your eyes and I will send you home.

Samples and step-by-step description of the work procedure

Subject " Fairytale houses"(mansion, hut, palace, castle, houses of fairy-tale characters) is worked out as in the format individual classes in drawing, and within the framework of short-term and long-term projects (“Russian folk tales", "Tales of A. S. Pushkin", "Tales of the Peoples of the World", "Tales of H. H. Andersen", etc.).

“Royal Castle” - collective work using stamping technique

Large compositions, which consist of many parts, details and objects, are usually created through collective efforts. The preparatory stage, during which the background is painted over, individual elements are drawn, detailing is worked out, implemented in subgroups or individually, and then children together compose a whole image on the basis, gluing individual parts of the object or silhouettes of the composition prepared by them, simultaneously developing spatial thinking abilities, acquiring experience of concerted action. In the process of collective creativity, children focus on a given algorithm or free plan, improving the social skill of coordinating common actions, as well as personal qualities mutual understanding and cooperation.

It is important to develop children's understanding correct algorithm actions during the creation of a collective composition:

“Castle against the backdrop of the Northern Lights” - drawing with felt-tip pens

The main technique is shading.

Materials: landscape sheet, felt-tip pens, colored pencils.


  1. Draw a curved horizon line in any order.
  2. Draw low mountains on the sides, color in dense shading with a blue felt-tip pen.
  3. Draw the main rectangle, add side towers and pointed roofs in the Gothic style.
  4. Children invent and depict additional details (windows, doors) and architectural decorations on their own.
  5. Shade the sky with strokes in the form of a zigzag line. The colors must be chosen bright and rich for greater expressiveness of the design.
  6. The next wave of a different color is located above the first line.
  7. Gradually shade the entire background space, according to the principle of a layer cake.
  8. The entire surface of the sky sparkled with a bright color radiance, the density of shading can be increased.
  9. Draw tree trunks.
  10. Draw twigs and needles.
  11. Complete the lines of the snowdrifts.
  12. Use a soft brush and water to lightly blur, softening the seams between the layers of shading.

“Snow Fortress” - drawing with colored pencils


  1. Draw a sketch of the fortress.
  2. Finish the snowdrifts.
  3. Shade the colors of the Northern Lights.
  4. Complete the tree and blur the background.

Children's works (photo gallery).

Children's drawings Children's drawings Children's drawings

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