Whisper spells are powerful spells that can... Whispers before an important task

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In the world of magic there are a huge number of different techniques for getting what you want; today you can read (and even listen!) whispers for luck and good fortune. This is a powerful and at the same time simple tool in the work of a magician, allowing him to achieve the favor of fortune. Since ancient times, they have been used to achieve what was intended by the most the shortest route- through magic!
Below is the whisper itself. He's from mine personal archive and when I use it, the whole day goes just fine! I have always loved the simplicity and effectiveness inherent in the magic of whispers.
Also, so that you don’t have to bother reading it (and believe me, this is not easy), I have created for you several audio files for popular melodies with it inside (+ it in its pure form), which you can listen to on your way to work. The whisper will fill you with energy, confidence and strength - it will bring good luck in everything!

Now, if you do decide to read it yourself, there are a few rules you should know. Whispers are valid for one day. That is, this morning you read or listened to the file - and it will give you good luck and luck in everything. It needs to be repeated tomorrow. You should also always read them:

  • Vigorously
  • Confident
  • Fast
  • Preferably by heart

To understand how to read whispers, I recommend listening the above file and repeat.
This particular whisper is universal and therefore one of my favorites. It is both for attracting money and good luck, and for luck in everything and (for those who study) for successfully passing the exam, as well as for good luck in work and good trade. This is simply excellent! After all, using just this one whisper, you can become much more successful in any area.

This ancient language- a witchcraft Arc, given to us by the Supreme Beings.

Gi, Vago - agl!
Gi, Vago - agl!
Gi, Vago - agl!

Vis gilve Ly, gi Gogo, vis fikfik, vis katal, vis hotro, vis savod, vis kosime, vis Gromo, vis alita, vis ryyka yr mri, klo vis kotrom yr artyka!
Vis tromo gilve Ly vis asapen yr vis tenter rolko! Emm fes mri gilve vis roho lattra nita Kroato Altys yr Ly kost tromo. Mot vis hydif - tromo asfer rot yr gilve vis sema dyb katal. Ankiermo!

By reading this simple whisper (yes, it is quite simple - you haven’t seen any complex ones...) you can attract good luck into your life and become a favorite of fortune.
If you need any magical help, or professional fortune telling, you can always contact me. I will help you improve your life, become more successful and strengthen your family.

I wish you to always be happy - because this is so important!

Whispers are special conspiracies with which you can attract good luck and protect yourself from troubles. But unlike conspiracies, whispers can be pronounced at any time in any place, or rather when the situation requires it. This is a kind of magical ambulance that will always help in difficult times.

How to read whispered conspiracies.

Whispering is a short but very effective hex that is casually pronounced in a whisper when you want to achieve something, without attracting other people's attention, since this attention can nullify your hex.

As a rule, whispers are pronounced in a specific situation. For example, in order to get rid of negativity after a quarrel, they whisper to a person in the back. Household whispers are aimed at attracting good luck, love and prosperity. They are pronounced on things that a person uses every day. These things are charged with positive energy, which creates a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Morning whispers:

*Get up on your right foot in the morning. Touching the floor with your foot, whisper: “I rise to meet my happiness!”

*When leaving home, be sure to look in the mirror and say: “My reflection is a good luck attraction,” and smile.

*If you drink tea or coffee in the morning and want to cheer up and gain strength, then tell your mug: “I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of this day.”

Evening whispers:

*When washing or taking a shower, say: “I wash away the negativity, I erase the grievances, I wash away the melancholy.” This will help you relieve yourself of tension and stress received during the day and will bring your emotional condition in order.

*When spreading the bed, say: “The blanket, the sheet are my protection, and the pillow is my girlfriend, everything that I don’t tell her will come true.” After these words, you can go to bed peacefully - neither insomnia nor nightmares will disturb you. And if you, lying on your pillow, think about your desires, they will come true faster.

*Closing your eyes, whisper: “Let it be the way I want in my dreams and in reality.”

Whispers for good luck:

If you want to attract good luck, then, when crossing the threshold of your home, whisper: “The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength.”

If you want to protect yourself from the wrath of your boss: “I’m on the left bank, you’re on the right. Scream or don’t scream, you still won’t finish shouting.” This whisper should be said before talking to your boss if he is not happy with something.

If you want your day to go well, get up on your right foot in the morning and say: “Where your right foot goes, your left foot goes. Where I go, my luck goes.”

Whispers for money:

When receiving money, whisper: “Money in your pocket, soon there will be a whole suitcase.”

Whisper to your wallet: “My wallet is ringing, money is making me fat. Every day my luck gets greener.”

If you give money: “I’m giving money, but I’m waiting for it back.”

*If you see a pregnant woman passing by, don’t miss the chance to whisper to attract money: “It’s up to you to give birth, and to me to increase the goodness”. Meeting a pregnant woman is considered a good omen.

Whispers in the back:

Whispers in the back are spoken in order to punish the offender or protect himself from his evil intentions.

If they wish you something bad, then say: “What you wish for me, take it for yourself.”

If you have been rude to public place: “Your negativity, you have to live with it, but I don’t need someone else’s.”

Whisper at the enemy’s back: “Your speeches are on your shoulders.”

Whispers for love:

If you want to attract a person’s attention, say a loving whisper after him: “As the grass spreads in the spring, so you will spread before me.”

If you want to discourage your loved one from another woman, discreetly put a head of garlic in his pocket and say: “If you throw away the garlic, you’ll throw (the name of your rival) out of your heart.” Naturally, if a man finds garlic in his pocket, he will take it out and throw it away.

If your husband leaves, say after him: “Just as water returns from earth to heaven, so you are destined to return to me.”

From monetary losses, thefts and damages:

So that the money is always safe and sound, as well as for their rational use, on the day you receive your profit, on the way home, whisper: “I carry wealth, I walk with money, I hold it tightly with my hands. I carry it not for strangers, but for my own. Amen".

To increase profits:

On the new moon, take a bowl of water. Put a coin there. Splash a little of this water on the threshold of your home with the words: “Water is water, money is a river. Amen."

So that there is always prosperity in the house:

Take grain or cereal, scatter it near your house or under the window with the words: “Birds, fly, collect grains, bring me prosperity. Amen."

To drive away lack of money:

If you want to get rid of financial problems by whispering money, bake a cake and put a coin inside. When placing the pie in the oven or oven, say: “I bake, I bake, I’ll call myself rich. Bread for the world, comfortable life for me.” Cut the pie into several pieces and distribute to people.

To attract money:

This whisper plot is read on the day you receive money. Returning home with money, hold your wallet in your hands and say the words: “I carry a pouch full of coins, the devil will let them run away, but God’s servant (name) will not.”

The amulet follows:

There is a whisper about those people whose work is dangerous. Whisper charming words into your husband’s back when he leaves for work:

In Your mercy, Lord, I trust and entrust to You, our guardian, the Servant of God (name). Amen.

In bed for love:

You are a lion, I am your lioness, you are my dove, I am your dove. Love me as you love yourself, and more than anything else. Amen.

Whisper to the ceiling (for abundance):

To make you happy and rich, go to a house where people live well and richly, look at the ceiling and whisper:

As you have harmony and treasure, what is for you will be for us. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whisper to your wallet so that money is not transferred:

Just as there are many stars in the sky, just as there is enough water in the sea, so my wallet needs to have a lot of money and always have enough. Amen.

For a successful purchase:

Whisper into the wallet where the money is seven times: “Everything bad is forgotten, everything planned is bought. So be it! So be it! So be it!”
A whisper is said before leaving the house to buy something.

Whisper on your wallet

On Friday, looking at the flying birds, you need to repeat to yourself as often as possible: “No matter how many feathers are born on the birds, so much money is not transferred to the wallet.”

To get things going:

Before starting a new business or continuing the previous one, set yourself up very correctly, and then everything will work out. Speak this whisper to the instrument of your work (pen, computer) “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, teach, Lord, help the servant of God (name). May she be holy your name today, tomorrow, always. Amen, amen, amen." Cross yourself three times.

*If you have been rude or didn’t go well good conversation, whisper towards the interlocutor, preferably looking at his neck from the back: "Go in peace and I will go". Or: “I’m giving away what you gave me for free. You don’t need someone else’s evil.”

*If you tripped or hit something, whisper: “I stand on my feet firmly, like a turnip in the ground.”

*Cleaning the house Tell: “I cleanse my house, fill it with luck, money and love”.

*When you pick up money, don’t be lazy to read the whispers about money: “The number of fingers on my hands will increase the amount of money in my wallet.”.

*Before putting on clothes, shake it off with your hand and say: “Shake yourself up, work hard for me”! Then the things in your wardrobe will begin to bring good luck.


When cutting cabbage- I chop the cabbage, I add more money. Chop the cabbage, and the money ends up in my wallet.

Soup- I cook soup so that everyone can eat, be healthy and rich, so that whoever eats my soup will know happiness and love.

On porridge- The porridge is boiling, the money is going on, multiplying, adding. (stirring)


Dust I erase - I remove everything bad (evil, negative, etc.). The dust will be erased; everything bad (or whatever you want to remove) will be removed.

Flowers watering - You will grow for me to bloom in wealth, how can you grow so I won’t get enough money.

Well, that’s all - I put the house in order so that happiness (here, too, who needs what) lives in it. (Good for tidying up little things, decorating).

If you spill salt:
Take a pinch or grain from the spilled right hand and throw it over your left shoulder with the words: Salt, salt, salt, pain, pain, pain, but I don’t care. Amen.

Eat good way to accelerate hair growth:
on the waxing moon, cut off a small strand of your hair and with the words “grow my hair as fast as this water flows,” throw it into a strong stream of water... for example, pronounce the words, throw it in the toilet and flush it.. 100% WORKABLE

Before leaving home to go shopping, whisper, speak directly to the front door:
The door opens, the door closes, and (his name) returns with what he intended.

So that the money comes back after major purchases.
After purchasing, stand facing the wind and exhale and say: it came, went, twisted, turned, brought back. So be it!

Words to the Wind when it blows on you:


Plot for good luck:

Do you want happiness and good luck to come to your home? Then grab a dusty mat, a handful of potato peels and a broom. Potato peelings must be thoroughly rinsed under the tap, squeezed out and scattered on the carpet, and then swept away with a broom, but in no case to the side front door. During this procedure, you need to chant: “A broom walks on the carpet, walks from corner to corner, old brownie, you won’t be offended by me!”

According to an old belief, the keeper of the house should like such a song, and he will definitely give you a gift.

These whispers will help in difficult situations, will put you in the right mood and attract good luck. Remember that when pronouncing any whisper or conspiracy, it is important to put all the energy and strength into your words.

Short conspiracies, called whispers, have been used since ancient times by healers and healers to achieve certain goals. Effective whispers for good luck and prosperity will not take much time, but their power is comparable to complex rituals.

In order for every day to bring joy and a positive mood, you need to program yourself for success. It’s the same with money channels: set yourself up for victory in any endeavor and drive away thoughts of poverty and trouble. Whispers that are designed to encourage an increase in benefits will only help if you are directly interested. This means that simply by uttering the words of the conspiracy, you will achieve absolutely nothing. Only sincere desire and confidence will help you attract capricious luck.

Whispers for good luck

At moments when we needed support in some difficult matter, in achieving a goal, in work, in personal affairs, our ancestors whispered special words. They directed their thoughts to the right direction, and also called for good luck. Here are some examples of effective whispers to attract good luck:

“I do my job boldly. Angels protect me and guide me.”

“Ants under your feet, turn around, find a shiny coin and bring it to me.”

“Business is busy, but I need rest. While I'm resting, I attract good luck. I bow at her feet, opening all the approaches and roads.”

“Clean in the house, clean in the soul. I'll open the door, I'll call you. On a clean floor and into a bright room. Love and stay clean water wash yourself."

“Studies are not going well, things are not going well. I call upon my soul good luck. I can't do it any other way. Come, help, bring some understanding to the servant of God.”

“I’ll go to bed with an empty head, and I’ll put a smart book under my pillow. I’ll get up in the morning smart, successful and lucky.”

“A guest came to the house and brought good luck.”

“Beyond the threshold is my luck. I’ll open the door wider, I’ll welcome her, I’ll provide comfort for a dear guest.”

Whispers to attract financial well-being

There are moments in which a little luck won't hurt. For example, in case of an important deal, so that it does not fall through:

“I twist and turn, I don’t want to confuse, I weave fate together, I call on luck. I'll make a deal, I'll be happy. I invoke goodness a hundredfold.”

Luck is needed not only for responsible work. It also happens that money begins to disappear and scatter. In the store, before shopping, you should use whispers against unreasonable spending:

“Hold my hand, luck. Don't let me spend more than planned. No matter how much I spend, everything will come back, it will turn into a treasure under my feet.”

Sometimes funds are needed at a time when there is practically no money. In this case, it is also worth turning to the magic of whispers for help:

“I will wash myself with holy water, I will drive away the evil, I will summon happiness. The servant of God needs money, but the evil one does not like my wealth. God help me. Amen".

When lending money to someone, also use a proven method so that the funds are not only returned to you as soon as possible, but also increase:

“I lend to a friend, not an enemy. Quick return I am waiting. The money will go around and they will return it with help. I’ll leave a coin for good luck, I’ll attract money luck.”

When your debt is repaid, put the smallest coin in a separate compartment of your wallet so that it attracts funds to you, and say:

“Money returned to money, cleansed and washed. They served well. If they helped one, they will help the other. I’ll put the coin in my pocket, then I’ll earn a suitcase.”

Use these powerful whispers to always have a place for luck in your life. Don't forget to thank fate for every gift. To attract material well-being you can also call on the power of the growing moon for help. She is able to open money channels and show the way to your home to capricious Fortune. We wish you prosperity, love and luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

06.03.2017 01:11

Luck in love, money and health is not always needed equally, but its presence is necessary...

Each of us wants to be confident in the future. Today money rules the world and it is impossible to live without it, even with a strong desire, because you have to pay for everything. From time immemorial, there have been money whispers that help to attract wealth and all kinds of benefits into a person’s life, to gain confidence in oneself and one’s abilities. Will conspiracies and ancient whispers for money be effective, and what ritual should be performed to achieve your goal?

How it works

From time immemorial, money whispers have been used by our ancestors. Their advantage over conspiracies is that they are not tied to time and the position of the moon. The magic of words has always had a huge influence on human life. Whispers for money can be repeated at least every day, several times.

Psychologists believe that the effectiveness of such rituals is achieved through the placebo effect. Before performing rituals, a person must concentrate on the end result and know exactly why he needs such a sum of money. Such concentration helps to quickly find a way out of a difficult situation and find opportunities to gain greater benefits. Just like all magical influences, whispers for money are not recommended for fun.

Spells on your wallet

There is a belief that you should not use an old wallet, especially if its clasp is broken. In order for the money to be transferred to the new wallet, you must put money in if you are going to give it as a gift. There are some rules to follow when purchasing a wallet:

  • the wallet should be purchased during the waxing phase of the moon;
  • a house for money should be comfortable and beautiful, finances do not like sloppy, uncomfortable houses in which they feel cramped;
  • It is best to make a purchase in the middle of the week, before the New Year holidays.

“Just as ears of corn in a field grow from one grain, so the money in a wallet multiplies from one coin. The house is profitable, it protects money and only increases it.”

While whispering conspiracies for money are being read, you should put a couple of silver coins in your wallet.

To improve your financial situation

Whisper for money when a man carries a large sum home to protect yourself and bring them safely:

“I’m carrying a lot of money, I’ll get home quickly, I won’t meet trouble on the road, but I’ll avoid it.”

In order to have money in the house, you need to understand one rule: finances do not like it when they spend it only after receiving it. Make it a tradition not to spend your salary immediately after receiving it; you need to keep the money in the house for at least one night.

When you bring your paycheck home, before you cross the threshold, say:

“My box is full, and the house is full of money; whoever spends it will leave, but they will come to me sooner.”

Very often people make a lot of unnecessary expenses when going to the store. Before shopping, make a list and buy only everything that is written on it, and before leaving the house say:

“I will only buy what is marked, and I don’t need anything that is not marked.”

Unforeseen situations happen precisely at those moments when there is practically no money left at home, for example, a child begins to get sick, or breaks down. Appliances and so on. In this case, they use whispers for urgent money, which are recited over blessed water:

“Lord Almighty, help me drive away the need from home.”

After this, take a sip of water. A strong money spell is read on the new moon, on spring water.

You should throw a nickel into a bucket of water, pour some of the water on your threshold and say: “Water to water, money to money, I will never live in poverty.” Whispers for good luck and money are read on banknotes borrowed from a wealthy person:

“The coins went on their way and rolled to my doorstep.”

You cannot spend the charmed money; you need to put it in your wallet as a money magnet.

“As cockroaches and cockroaches multiply and multiply, so will my money multiply.”

Then you should put the insect corpse in a hiding place and store it as money talisman. Previously, these insects were considered a sign of wealth.

For good money

Whispers to attract money are often used to find a high-paying job. When a person is not lazy by nature, and does not just want to get rich while lying on the couch, magic gives one hundred percent results. To make your wish come true, you need:

  • choose a large supermarket;
  • make a purchase, no matter how much.

Whispers to attract money from work begin to be read at the moment when the cashier gives out change:

“From your wallet to mine, that you have everything I will accept.” Before you start new job In order for it to go well and bring in a lot of money, you need to say the following words: “I start work boldly, I do everything quickly and skillfully. I don’t shy away from dirty work, but I’m swimming in money.”

To get your dream job with decent pay during your birth period new moon, buy a new white handkerchief in the store and whisper over it three times:

“As God’s servant (name) went looking for a job, he found the most profitable one. Wherever I went, I didn’t find refusal anywhere.”

You should carry a handkerchief with you at all times.

How to avoid financial losses

In many ways, cash income depends on human luck and the ability to communicate with other people. If the boss does not fall in love with a person at work, he will never see a good salary. To prevent your boss from depriving you of your bonus, before entering his office, say:

“Don’t be angry or yell at me. We will live in peace, we will be able to make big money.”

“I’ll get everything I want. I’ll collect the best for the work and take my decent pay. I just collect the cream, I leave everything bad, I take it better job, I do it with great pleasure.”

Before an important business meeting, read this mini-plot before entering the office:

“I’ll ask myself good luck, I’ll hang an invisible horseshoe. The work is going well, things are going well, they will bring in a lot of money.”

To make your day successful in the morning, say as you get out of bed on your right leg:

“Today the tail of luck flashed, the right leg, and then the left one will follow it, the money will fall into my pocket.”

To maintain stability and increase savings

Many people put their money on deposit. Today it is impossible to be confident in the work of banks, so many people use a mini-plot for good luck to save money. To always be able to save money, read the following plot over a savings card:

“Money to money, penny to penny. It was two now five, I will count them little by little and multiply them each time. The card will keep them safe and protect them from unnecessary expenses.”

There is a belief that you should not lend money in the evening, but there are unforeseen situations when it is impossible to refuse help to a person. Before lending in the evening, a conspiracy is read over the money:

“I lend money to a good cause. Just as they leave this house in the evening, they will return in the morning, the road for them is illuminated by moonlight.”

When you give money, you also need to do it correctly, in order to do good to the person and protect yourself, whisper:

“I give (the amount), and I return twice as much. It’s a person’s joy and my profit.”

Entering new house to attract good luck and money on the doorstep say:

“As soon as I entered a new house, I brought good luck with me, there will always be full boxes in it.”

Short conspiracies, called whispers, have been used since ancient times by healers and healers to achieve certain goals. Effective whispers for good luck and prosperity will not take much time, but their power is comparable to complex rituals.

In order for every day to bring joy and a positive mood, you need to program yourself for success. It’s the same with money channels: set yourself up for victory in any endeavor and drive away thoughts of poverty and trouble. Whispers that are designed to encourage an increase in benefits will only help if you are directly interested. This means that simply by uttering the words of the conspiracy, you will achieve absolutely nothing. Only sincere desire and confidence will help you attract capricious luck.

Whispers for good luck.

At moments when we needed support in some difficult matter, in achieving a goal, in work, in personal affairs, our ancestors whispered special words. They directed thoughts in the right direction and also called for good luck.

Here are some examples of effective whispers to attract good luck:

“I do my job boldly. Angels protect me and guide me.”

“Ants under your feet, turn around, find a shiny coin and bring it to me.”

“Business is busy, but I need rest. While I'm resting, I attract good luck. I bow at her feet, opening all the approaches and roads.”

“Clean in the house, clean in the soul. I'll open the door, I'll call you. On a clean floor and into a bright room. Admire and stay, wash with clean water.”

“Studies are not going well, things are not going well. I call upon my soul good luck. I can't do it any other way. Come, help, bring some understanding to the servant of God.”

“I’ll go to bed with an empty head, and I’ll put a smart book under my pillow. I’ll get up in the morning smart, successful and lucky.”

“A guest came to the house and brought good luck.”

“Beyond the threshold is my luck. I’ll open the door wider, I’ll welcome her, I’ll provide comfort for a dear guest.”

Whispers to attract monetary well-being.

There are moments in which a little luck won't hurt.

For example, in case of an important deal, so that it does not fall through:

“I twist and turn, I don’t want to confuse, I weave fate together, I call on luck. I'll make a deal, I'll be happy. I invoke goodness a hundredfold.”

Luck is needed not only for responsible work. It also happens that money begins to disappear and scatter.

In the store, before shopping, you should use whispers against unreasonable spending:

“Hold my hand, luck. Don't let me spend more than planned. No matter how much I spend, everything will come back, it will turn into a treasure under my feet.”

Sometimes funds are needed at a time when there is practically no money.

In this case, it is also worth turning to the magic of whispers for help:

“I will wash myself with holy water, I will drive away the evil, I will summon happiness. The servant of God needs money, but the evil one does not like my wealth. God help me. Amen".

When lending money to someone, also use a proven method so that the funds are not only returned to you as soon as possible, but also increase:

“I lend to a friend, not an enemy. I'm expecting a quick return. The money will go around and they will return it with help. I’ll leave a coin for good luck, I’ll attract money luck.”

When your debt is repaid, put the smallest coin in a separate compartment of your wallet so that it attracts funds to you, and say:

“Money returned to money, cleansed and washed. They served well. If they helped one, they will help the other. I’ll put the coin in my pocket, then I’ll earn a suitcase.”

Use these powerful whispers to always have a place for luck in your life. Don't forget to thank fate for every gift.

To attract material well-being, you can also call on the power of the growing Moon for help. She is able to open money channels and show the way to your home to capricious Fortune.

I wish you prosperity, love and luck!

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