A conspiracy for a happy fate. Spell for various occasions in life

Happiness is the denominator of everything that pleases a person in this life. It can be various little things or serious things that positively affect a person’s state of mind and life. But everyone is happy in their own way.

For some, happiness will be a delicious lunch or, for others, a successful deal or the latest model. Some want to be rich, others want to be loved - family happiness is most important to them. One way or another, everyone wants to be happy, but not everyone succeeds. Happiness spells will help you find harmony and peace of mind.

How to read conspiracies correctly?

All conspiracies should be read on days supported by the power of age-old traditions: These could be holidays such as New Year, Christmas festivities, Red Hill day, Ivan Kupala day or full moon night. Wanting to give strength to someone or something, they use the nights of the waxing moon. To get rid of everything bad, they wait for the waning moon. The full moon has enormous power charge items of a “protective” nature.

It is advisable to transfer any rituals performed at home to wooden premises. This could be a village bathhouse or a house. Concrete walls limit magical capabilities, while wood, on the contrary, allows you to enhance them. You must always follow exact recommendations; otherwise, it will be “an imitation of vigorous activity.”

A powerful ritual for happiness in love

To find great happiness in love you will need:

  • Church simple or jewelry silver rings,
  • Red ribbon.
  • Candles (large).
  • Saucer.
  • Holy water.
  • Beautiful box.

On the first day of the waxing moon at home, lay everything out exactly at midnight and read the following words:

“I, the servant of God (name), having prayed and crossed myself along the road of happiness, will find a new self. The road will lead me to the tree of love, the tree will show me where I will meet my beloved, to my delight, with whom we will be inseparable until last breath Let us be happy, just as the earth is happy when warmed by the rays of the sun. Our love will illuminate our path as the stars illuminate the earth in the dark.”

If you already have a loved one and family, talk

“...there I will meet my beloved/my husband, the servant of God...”

Prayer for daily luck

As mentioned above, happiness is different for everyone. For some it is in work and achievements career growth, for someone in love. Therefore, you should know conspiracies and prayers for all occasions.

Conspiracy-prayer for a good salary

To do this you will need:

  • Bag (canvas or linen).
  • Poppy (seeds).
  • Money green candle.

Place the poppy in a bag made of natural fabric; at exactly 24 o'clock at night with a full moon, it should be charmed:

“At night I will go out and pray and cross myself. I’ll go to the intersection of four directions, there’s a stone there, on the stone there’s an inscription: You’ll go straight, you’ll go back, you won’t find anything. If you go to the right, you will find love, if you go to the left, you will find beauty. I have love, I have beauty, and I won’t go back. But I need a well-paid job, I’ll go straight and find a job. And I will have as much money as there are grains of poppy in my hand. Words are strong, words are true!”

Always keep a bag of poppy seeds under the bed.

Happiness in love

Conspiracy-prayer for water for a loved one

Water has magical power, which has a huge impact on a person. It can be used both for purification and for transmitting the necessary information, but the intentions must be positive. If you feel that you lack happiness with your loved one, this can be corrected. Before doing this, you should ask to read the prayer:

“Merciful Lord, you are always on the side of love. Help the servant of God (name) and me to increase our love and preserve it until the end of our days.”

When you serve the person you love water, tea or coffee, say the following words:

“You are as happy with me as a fish with water! Our life is a treasure and you and I always have peace and harmony!”

Conspiracy-prayer for good luck

This is a traditional spell borrowed from African. In order to let luck into your life you will need:

Small vase with lid or clay pot

  • Red ribbon.
  • Gold decoration.
  • Coin.
  • Key.
  • Personally sewn heart or any heart shaped symbol.
  • A broom no more than 5 cm, made of thin twigs.

At night full moon arrange all the items under its lighting and place them one by one in a jug with the words:

“My Lord almighty! Send me to be always with me, help me tame luck, so that it will always be with me in all my endeavors. My words are strong!”

  • Decoration. “May this (we call the object) bring beauty and radiance to my life!”
  • A coin. “May the coin bring me good luck in all my financial transactions. From now on I will have stability in money and.”
  • Key. “The key will become the keeper of all the doors behind which my happiness and luck live!”
  • Heart. “May I keep this heart of love in my life!” If there is a family, say: “Let love be strong in our family.”
  • Whisk. “The broom was collected by me, created by me. It will preserve and increase good luck in my life.”

Close the jug with a lid and tie it with a ribbon with the words:

“I protect my luck by locking it. She will only be mine forever and ever! My words are strong!”

Put it in your personal space and do not open it. No one should know that you are reading spells for happiness.

Ritual for money and wealth

For this ritual you will need:

  • Beans, red.
  • Green candle.
  • Red wallet.

All of the above separately always brings money, so by combining magical things, we create a favorable atmosphere for money to become an integral part of life.

At midnight on the waxing moon, light a candle and put the beans in your wallet. Say a money plot:

“Bean to bean lies, it promises me a comfortable life. So money after money will be in my wallet, waiting for new money. The waxing moon is my witness and protector. She is gaining strength, wealth attracts me.”

Repeat the ritual three midnights in a row. Carry only this wallet and take out the beans, then your material level will increase significantly.

Family conspiracy

Women's happiness is a very important aspect of life for all representatives of the fairer sex. The plot is made on the ring. Without a stone, the ring symbolized a strong married life, with precious stone- beautiful.

You will need:

  • Holy water.
  • Wedding rings.
  • Candle.
  • A small bunch of grass (tear only in the church square).
  • Gold thread (color).

On the day of the full moon after sunset, you need to go out to the church square and ask for forgiveness from everyone you have mentally or actually offended. Light a candle. Then, read, tie the grass with a red thread, saying:

“I gather all the evil and quarrels into a bundle, bind them with gold and burn them! Let all the evil that lived in our family burn out, and let love, harmony, happiness and mutual understanding return in its place. If there are people in this life who want quarrels and discord in our family, let all their evil go away and turn into good for us. My words are strong as water and hard as stone! Amen!".

Burn the grass. The next morning, bless the rings and cleanse them with holy water. Light candles to the saints who protect marriage and ask them for help.

Maternal ritual for the happiness of a daughter or son

The ceremony takes place on the birthday. This time gives you the opportunity to program yourself for luck, like a newborn. The words of a mother have enormous power; in themselves they are magic. This applies to both negative things and positive ones. Firstly, the mother is more sincere than anyone else in her wishes, and secondly, she has a connection with the child on a spiritual and physical level. This connection is especially strong when a mother does something for her daughter. Therefore, every mother should be more careful in her words.

You will need

  • Church candles.
  • Red wool thread.

In church, order a service for the health of the child and bless the red thread. In church, read a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos. Powerful Prayer sometimes works incredible miracles.


"Holy Mother of God! I am grateful to you for everything you have done for us, for people! For the sacrifice made by your son, for your holy tears! You are a mother and only you can understand my prayer. Help me protect my child from sins and dangers. Give him some sense and guide him on the true path in this world. Send your mercy to him, give him guardian angels to support him along the path of our lives. My eternal gratitude to you."

Mother's ritual is effective, regardless of the age of the child. Such prayers will help bring happiness back to the child’s home, if he is already an adult, and will protect the baby from illness.

On the night of the full moon, light a brown church candle, lay the thread around it, so that there is a decent distance, otherwise it will burn. Speak:

“The amulet for the servant of God (name) is under the protection of the Holy Mother of God and the sky! Amen!".

Allow the candle to burn out and remove the cinder for safekeeping. The thread must be tied so that it is always near the child (for example, on a briefcase or at home, where the child is most often found). You should pray for your daughter and son at least once a week, and you can do this at home. The thread should be blessed or changed once a month, strictly within the walls of the church.

In this article:

Every person in life has a situation that falls out of the blue - a nuisance. It wipes the smile off your face, interferes with your work day, ties your arms and legs, and prevents you from thinking soberly and positively.

Time passes, people leave and new ones come. Waste and debt are covered and the pain of loss is dulled, but failure still follows on the heels of a person, enjoying his new tears and disappointments.

It’s good to have friends and steely willpower: you can force yourself to get distracted, take up a hobby, join friendly interests and get away from the problem. But even very strong people there is a glitch in the program and new, even the smallest troubles that happen after a big shock hit the energy so hard that the person changes physically and spiritually.

Here are the main factors where bad luck comes from:

  • Constantly thinking about the problem and making a huge conflict out of an unimportant incident;
  • Reasoning about the problem “What if...”;
  • Bringing trouble upon yourself with the words “I feel bad, now this trouble will last for a long time, I have no money and it’s hard for me, I’m sick, I’m unhappy, etc.”;
  • Damage, evil eye;
  • The inability or inability to solve one’s problems and repay debts.

The main enemy of potential bad luck is the phrase “I can do anything.” Your “can do” requires time: for some a day or a minute, for others a month or decades, but the fact remains that the goal will certainly be achieved. If you don't give up. While you arrive within the walls of despair. The world seems gray and hopeless.

Let's return to the question of how to escape from failure if you don't even have the strength to open your eyes in the morning and don't know what to live for next?

Take advantage kind words which contains a conspiracy against bad luck and start life with clean slate. Believe me, it's never too late to do this.

First aid for bad luck

If you feel the shackles of bad luck and you urgently need to get rid of them. Repeat to yourself simple, familiar words:

"Water is off a duck's back, all thinness is off me."

In this case, it is better to get into the shower or just shake your hands and feet and do rotational movements neck.

Draw one of the runes on your wrist for good luck. These ancient signs have the strongest energy that is transmitted to all generations and, thanks to your correct request, within the next few hours, they will remove the negativity that has stuck to you lately.

Name of runes for luck:

  • Fehu;
  • Laguz;
  • Soulo;
  • Dagaz.

When interacting with your body, the rune will begin to itch or warm the place where you drew it. This will last a few minutes. Then positive energy, like an antidote, will flow through your cells, destroying the symptoms of prolonged bad luck.

Fehu, Laguz, Soulo, Dagaz

When drawing runes, you can repeat the following words:

“Go away sadness - trouble, through the heavy gates. In my world there is no place for you, in my world there is luck and luck. In my world I am the master (mistress). I can do anything.”

Spell for luck on your favorite thing

It is customary to carry talismans and amulets with you for good luck. It's very easy to make one for yourself. The main thing is to love your thing. This could be clothing, an accessory, a keychain, a toy, or jewelry. Even a card in your wallet or a pompom on a pin.

Take such a talisman, hold it in your hands, convey all your warmth to it and mentally ask for protection. You will be heard by all the saints and the Universe and any power that can help at this moment. Read the following plot above the amulet:

“I will not go out into the field or into the forest,
I will open neither the window nor the door,
I will meet neither a swamp nor a sea.
There I will find myself an interesting little thing so that I can be lucky everywhere,
You are my beloved, good one. I will always be with you forever, and you know my soul, take care of my heart,
Attract money and dry your tears. May you and I be lucky forever and ever.”

Good luck spell for your food

Blessing food is a wonderful practice that should become a rule

Before eating, sit comfortably over it, relax and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale. Imagine that when you inhale, you launch a golden stream of air into yourself - the spirit of food, and exhale gray-black negative oxygen, which will scatter without a trace through the air.

Food spell

“The sun rose to give energy to the sprouts of wheat for my bread, the rivers flowed to give life to my drink. Everything inside me will be filled with life and joy. Thanks to bread and water for bringing me luck.”

Conspiracies are based on gratitude to nature and to the Universe for giving us strength and help, and on the request itself, which you want to fulfill at the expense of higher powers.

Happiness is a complex concept, but every person needs it to fully enjoy life. Therefore, a spell for happiness is a very popular magical action. The ritual is usually carried out during the waxing moon and requires complete concentration on the desire to become a happy person.

Powerful rituals

One should properly prepare for carrying out powerful rituals aimed at bringing happiness into life. The spell for happiness should be read in a period of life when you are ready to accept happiness. When turning to magic, you should open your soul to the coming changes.

Attracting happiness

You can perform a powerful ritual to attract happiness yourself, without turning to professional magicians. This ritual is read three times a day when you plan to visit the temple:
    First time at home just before going out; The second time was before the church; Third time in the temple near one of the icons.
In all cases, the words are pronounced in a quiet whisper and sound as follows:

“There is a holy temple with gilded domes, and in that temple a silver throne is installed, and above it is a speaking icon. The face and horse of the saint looks at me, the Servant of God. I will come to the holy temple with gilded domes, I will stand under the silver throne, I will bow to the speaking icon, the Mother of God looking out. I make a request: give me happiness Mother of God. At this moment I will take happiness with my own hands and become happy for the rest of my life. And I’ll leave the church with my own feet. Amen".

12 candles should be lit in the church in memory of the 12 apostles. Moreover, you can place candles both in front of one icon and in front of any holy faces to which the soul is drawn. In order for this ritual to be effective, it is important to endure a 40-day fast after it.

Of course, happiness is always associated with successful family relationships. There is even such a thing as a “happy home”. To harmonize family relationships, you can perform the following ritual. The plot is read at new thing, it should be purchased specially for the ceremony. You can use any item, but preferably one that is unbreakable so that it can be preserved long years and pass on from generation to generation. The ritual involves the following actions in a secluded place:
    You need to take a red candle and use a sharp object to write your name on it; You must place the purchased item on the table and place a candle next to it; Light the candle with matches from a new box and say the following words three times:

“I light this candle for my happy and prosperous home and family, for my children, for our good luck always and everywhere. Illuminating our home with a holy flame, happiness and joy will dwell in it forever.”

    You should sit in silence for a few moments and visualize all the members of your family one by one, imagining them with happy, joyful faces. Then you should read the magic plot:

A feeling of happiness is what people need in order to fully enjoy life. A spell for happiness will help you find it wonderful feeling and fill life with new colors. This ritual helps a person discover powerful energy flows that attract positive emotions into life and joyful events.

A spell for happiness helps you find inner harmony, learn to enjoy life and live for your own pleasure.

Main types of rituals

There are many rituals in the world that help a person find true happiness. To conduct them, it is not at all necessary to turn to professional sorcerers and magicians. If a person believes with all his heart and fulfills all the conditions of the ritual, then he can perform it independently. There are two types of conspiracies:

  • Self-directed- help solve their own problems. Thanks to such rituals, a person attracts positive emotions and events into his life.
  • Aimed at loved ones- are performed for someone to help them find well-being.

Spells for happiness can have various effects. Some are done in order to attract happiness into life, regardless of how life turns out - bad or good. Sometimes rituals are aimed at returning lost happiness.

How to perform the ritual correctly

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck and happiness must be learned by heart, then the ritual will be effective. The words of the prayer must be read in a whisper. While performing the ritual, you need to completely relax, concentrate on what you want and believe that it will come true in the near future. This ritual is best performed during the waxing moon.

Conspiracy to attract good luck

“Wednesday, Sereditsa, say a word to some water. I am baptized by Christ, I am covered with faith. I am protected by a Guardian Angel. My guardian angel, have mercy. Sit on your right shoulder, Guard me from morning to evening: From the beast and the wolf, From the spoken needle, From evil people and forest animals. From judgment and reprisals, From knives and poison, From witch pinches, From judgmental whispers. Lord, add to my age, and at the end of my life, save me from torment. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A powerful ritual to attract happiness into your personal life

You should be well prepared for this ritual. You need to read this plot at a moment in life when your heart is ready to accept this happiness. When attracting magic, the soul must be opened towards new changes in fate.

To perform the ritual, you need to plan a trip to church. Read the prayer that attracts happiness three times: the first time - before going to the holy temple, the second - in front of the church, and the third - in the church itself, near the icon. The sacred words are pronounced in a whisper:

“There is a holy temple with gilded domes, and in that temple a silver throne is installed, and above it is a speaking icon. The face of the saint from the icon looks at me, the Servant of God. I will come to the holy temple with gilded domes, I will stand under the silver throne, I will bow to the speaking icon, the Mother of God looking out. I make a request: give me happiness, Mother of God. At this moment I will take happiness with my own hands and become happy (oh) for the rest of my life. And I’ll leave the church with my own feet. Amen".

To talk yourself into happiness and establish own life, you can use the conspiracy in the church.

In the temple you need to light twelve candles for the 12 apostles. You can place all the candles in one place or under different icons, to which the heart will reach. For the ritual to be effective, you must undergo a 40-day fast.

Water spell for happiness

This powerful spell for happiness will bring harmony to life, and also get rid of existing misfortunes that a person could inherit during his life. This ritual is performed on a certain day - men do it on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, and women on Wednesday. It is necessary to read the prayer during the full moon. Water is poured into the basin. The following words are pronounced:

“Pure water, your holy power, cleanse me, drive away from me all sediments, drifts, all stumbles, bumps, all troubles and misfortunes. Amen".

Afterwards, you need to wash yourself with this water and dry yourself with a new towel made from natural fabrics (cotton or linen). That same day, at two o’clock, go to the cemetery and hang a towel on a tree branch with the words:

“I’m not hanging up a towel, I’m paving the way from earth to sky. All the dead should go to heaven, stand before God, and hold the answer. So you, servant of God (say the name of the one after whom you were named), will go to heaven, stand before God, and answer. Take everything you have with you, and leave me, God’s servant (name), with my fate. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You cannot tell anyone about the ritual performed, otherwise it will not work.

Talisman spell to attract good luck and happiness

The strongest stone that can attract good luck with its energy is agate. In order to cast a spell on the talisman, you need to take the agate or any piece of jewelry with it and rinse it under cold running water. After this, hold the stone tightly in your fist, bring it to your lips and say three times:

“Help and protect. Bring me good luck."

Always carry the talisman with you. It happens that after some time, the stone becomes dull. This is a sign that the stone has already given up its energy. In this case, you need to speak to another talisman, and get rid of the previous one.

A ritual that brings happiness to the home

To create harmony in the family, you need to perform the following ritual. Purchase a new item specifically for the ceremony; it can be any unbreakable item that will serve the owners of the house. for a long time. It is best for this to be a family heirloom that can be passed on from generation to generation.

Conduct the ritual in a secluded place so that no one disturbs. Scratch your name on the red candle. The purchased item is placed on the table and a candle is placed next to it. Take a match from the new box and light the candle, then say three times:

“I light this candle for my happy and prosperous home, for my family, for my children, for our good luck always and everywhere. Illuminating our home with a holy flame, happiness and joy will dwell in it forever.”

Spells for happiness normalize the climate at home and make it possible to live life without worries and losses.

After pronouncing words that attract happiness and good luck to the house, you need to sit in silence with eyes closed. Imagine images of all family members with happy and joyful faces. Then the conspiracy is read:

“Life-giving candle flame, burn everything bad in my house - the devil. I conjure with the Holy Cross, I pray to the glory of the Most High Father. Holy water, giving life to all creatures, cleanse my house of black creatures, take them into the loose sand and into the dark earth. And always protect my house from them. Amen".

Spell on a pin

Thanks to this ritual, a person acquires a powerful talisman that brings good luck, happiness and protects from evil eye. This ceremony is held on Sunday at noon. Light a church candle in front of the icon, and when it begins to melt, place a pin so that the wax flows through the round hole of the pin. At this time, a spell is read for happiness and good luck:

“The spirit spell will penetrate this item. Through this hole I conjure the spirits to stay in this object, I conjure the spirits to protect me with their power. I conjure the spirits to bring me good luck through this item on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Morning, afternoon and evening. Amen".

Any ritual that helps a person bring happiness into life must be imbued with faith in one’s own strength, as well as in the effectiveness of this ritual. In order for the conspiracy to work quickly, three things are needed: unshakable faith, knowledge of the text of the conspiracy and the fulfillment of all additional conditions. A person who does not believe that the ritual will help him will never achieve a positive result.

Living in harmony with yourself is the greatest happiness, which, however, is often not at all easy to achieve. People make efforts to accumulate wealth and internal development, but the feeling of “gnawing melancholy” does not disappear. Many people become involved in religion, find hobbies, have pets, etc. But magicians claim that it is enough to say a special spell, and happiness will come on its own!

What are “spell words for happiness and a happy life”?

It is known that satisfaction with life is not related to a person’s financial well-being or the state of affairs on the personal front. Many people strive to feel harmony in the soul, because this feeling bestows calmness and serenity.

To achieve the desired result, it is enough to read a special spell. As a result, energy “windows” open, attracting positive emotions into a person’s life. Such spells are easy to cast at home, and the benefits will be enormous!

Types of witchcraft rituals aimed at a happy life

Professional sorcerers have many rituals that give the client harmony in the soul and self-satisfaction. But even persons ignorant of these matters can perform magical actions on their own. It is enough to know who they are aimed at:

A spell for happiness to find harmony in your soul: witchcraft ritual helps solve problems related to a person’s internal growth and spiritual development. This is how bright feelings and joyful events are attracted into life, which determine the further well-being of the individual and success in all endeavors.

A spell for happiness aimed at your family and/or close people: such spells are performed as an outstretched “helping hand” to one of the family members or, for example, to a best friend.

At the same time, “happy” rituals contain a goal:

  • Bring back once lost happiness;
  • Add the light of joy and goodness to your existence.

Spells on happy life They can also be read in the case when everything goes “according to plan” for a person, he just wants to maintain a feeling of contentment for as long as possible.

Spell words for happiness and a happy life with three keys

To perform the ritual, you need to purchase three keys of different sizes so that they do not fit the same lock. It is not forbidden to take those keys that have not been used for their intended purpose for a long time. You will also need a thick wool thread bright red (scarlet) color.

Late in the evening you need to lock yourself in your room and sit at a wooden table. IN right hand take three keys, and on the left - a red woolen thread. You need to concentrate on your desire to become a happy person and think about it for at least ten minutes. Next, hang all the keys on the thread, connect its ends with three knots and pronounce the words of the conspiracy three times in a row:

"Everything I need for my happiness

(name of God's servant),

I take it, I lock it with a key,

I tie it tightly with thread.

Let everything happen and be fulfilled,

What I just want and desire!

May happiness come to me and remain forever!

Let it be as I say, forever and ever.

Repeating it three times symbolizes the knots made on the improvised “key holder”. After this, the bundle is kept at the head of the bed and no one is told about the ceremony. After thirty days, the situation will improve noticeably.

It is forbidden to use selected keys to perform a spell: no one knows what kind of energy is on them, so the ritual can only bring harm to the caster. The ceremony is carried out during the waxing month or on the full moon.

Spell words for happiness and a happy life with the help of the twelve apostles

This conspiracy relates to church rituals and can be performed at any time of the day, regardless of the state of the month in the sky. The conjurer comes to the temple, places a candle near each apostle and says the following words:

“Mother of God, please help me, God’s servant (name),

Find harmony and become happy

From this very moment until the end of my days.

Let happiness itself “float” into my hands,

I wish to capture him and never let him go!”

Lastly, be sure to say “Amen!” The spell must be cast three times: at home, in front of the temple and after leaving the church. It is forbidden to use foul language for forty days.

Spell words for happiness and a happy life using two mirrors

To perform the ceremony you will need:

The ritual takes place on the night from Saturday to Sunday. The “sorcerer” sits down at a wooden table, places the 1st mirror behind him, and the 2nd in front, and lights a candle. He must look carefully into the flame and say a prayer spell:

"The golden temple rises before me,

In which there is a throne of pure silver

Yes, an icon capable of pronouncing human speech.

I enter this church, bow to the icon and light a candle.

Mother of God, I ask you to make my life happy,

And bring a feeling of harmony in my soul (name).

Let everything happen as usual

And problems and misfortunes pass me by.

May I never think about possible troubles again.

The prayer spell must be said three times in a row, without stuttering or stopping once. The candle should go out on its own, after which it is hidden in a secluded place away from prying eyes. The next morning, the magician goes to the temple and places a candle near the icon of the Virgin Mary. Happiness will not be slow to knock on the “magician’s” heart.

How to correctly pronounce spell words for happiness and a happy life

Prayers and conspiracies aimed at a happy life and finding harmony can only be read by heart! All words are pronounced in an emotional whisper and a melodious voice. You need to completely immerse yourself in a state of feeling bliss, and then it will quickly overtake you!

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