Mysterious names. Beautiful surnames

Every girl wants to be beautiful not only in appearance. She always takes care of herself, buys only the best to stay young and healthy appearance. However, what if your last name doesn't match your expectations? What if she ruins your whole image? Are you familiar with this situation? Definitely. But sometimes offensive nicknames are invented for such surnames, which cannot be said if the surname sounds beautiful, noble and royal! It’s not for nothing that many celebrities change their first and last names - after all, who would take seriously a screen star with a funny and ridiculous last name. In this article we will look at the most popular, extraordinary, attractive and beautiful female surnames for every taste. Let's talk about their meaning, because your last name is yours business card, on which the first impression is made. It is very important that she complements you, makes you more intelligent and desirable.

Russian surnames are very popular among the fair sex, which is not surprising. In most cases, they are talking, so they allow you to learn a lot about its owner. For example, your surname may correspond to your type of activity, or be associated with your father’s name or the names of other relatives. They show all the key qualities, abilities and characteristics of a person. There are many such surnames for every taste. Here are just a few of them:

  • Maslova;
  • Belova;
  • Travnikova;
  • Ivanova;
  • Koltsova;
  • Morozova;
  • Abramova;
  • Vlasova;
  • Dobrovolskaya;
  • Larina;
  • Soboleva;
  • Nikolaev;
  • Chernyshova;
  • Zaitseva;
  • Tchaikovskaya.

The list could be longer. Usually there are even special reference dictionaries with similar information. They can be found on almost any thematic site.

By the way, the more beautiful and unusual the surname, the more interesting it is to develop your own personal signature for it!

Sounding surnames

They give you more grace, femininity, and make you more beautiful. This will help you both in your career and in personal life. However, it is important to choose one that will fully match your name and patronymic, because the correctness and harmony of the sound depends on this. Here are just a few of them:

  • Kovalchuk;
  • Belokrylova;
  • Golubeva;
  • Solovyova;
  • Suvorov;
  • Snezhnaya;
  • Dubrovskaya;
  • Mechnikov;
  • Solntseva;
  • Shevchenko;
  • Mikhailova;
  • Lyubimova;
  • Sakharov;
  • Astakhova.

This is far from full list the most beautiful surnames, and the more unusual they are, the faster they will remember you.

Fashionable surnames

Such surnames will indicate your coolness, sense of taste and style, and will also give you self-confidence. It will make you feel on trend and become a more modern and cool woman. Here are just a few of them:

  • Krylova;
  • Medvedev;
  • Bogatyreva;
  • Sable;
  • Tsareva;
  • Lazarev;
  • Prophetic;
  • Gull;
  • Luchnaya;
  • Kruglova;
  • Iron;
  • Rumyantseva.

They indicate the strength of your spirit and character. With such a surname, you will definitely be able to stand out from the crowd and show how cool you are.

Foreign surnames

This great way in order to emphasize your individuality and elevate you above the gray mass of ordinary people. They sound unusual and give your image a special piquancy and mystery. They are usually used in in social networks, in order to hide his real identity and pass off as a beautiful foreign stranger. It is very important to pay attention to the meaning of a surname from another country. After all, they are endowed with sacred and spiritual meaning, so they can significantly influence your life and destiny. Here we will look at just a few popular surnames from famous countries.

American surnames They will make you modern, open, and emphasize your activity and individuality. Here's just a small list:

  • Clark - associated with the writing profession;
  • Taylor is a sewing man;
  • Smith is a craftsman who specializes in blacksmithing;
  • Brown – brown color;
  • Harris is a modern, good-natured person;
  • Walker is someone who always moves forward and never stops;
  • Lewis is a fast and restless person.

English surnames emphasize your elegance, aristocracy and indicate noble origin:

  • Austin is a great man;
  • Carroll is someone dear to your heart;
  • Dean is a calm and balanced person;
  • Gilbert is a brave man who can move mountains;
  • Li – blossoming plum;
  • Cowell is the one who works with coal.

German surnames will indicate your stability and courage. Such people follow order, are organized and calm:

  • Becker is someone who bakes;
  • Fisher is a fisherman, a person who trades in fish and seafood products;
  • Sommer - born in summer;
  • Stark is a strong and powerful personality;
  • Lang – long;
  • Schneider is the one who does roofing and sewing;
  • Krieger is a fearless person;
  • Lehmann is a character as solid as a rock.

French surnames– sophisticated, have a special charm and charisma:

  • Aubin is a wonderful and desirable person;
  • Francois is the one who loves unbridled freedom;
  • Fournier - baker;
  • Senier is a person you can rely on;
  • Sorel is someone who likes to command and keep everything under his control;
  • Rousset - indicates Russian origin.

Japanese surnames captivate with their unusualness in our country. You definitely won't find that here. They will point out your uniqueness, beauty, integrity. They have sacred meaning and bring good luck to their bearers:

  • Yasuda is a calm and balanced person who is resistant to difficulties;
  • Saito is a pure, untainted soul;
  • Takayama is a large, persistent and strong mountain;
  • Shimada is a remote island;
  • Ikeda – rice field;
  • Araki is a man with a tough and wild disposition;
  • Sano is someone who will always come to the aid of others.

Korean surnames They attract with their unusualness and a certain mysterious charm. With it you can show your femininity, beauty and innocence:

  • Tea is a pure and immaculate pearl;
  • Kim – made of gold;
  • Hong is a beautiful blooming rose;
  • Monkut - the one who wears the crown;
  • Dream - starry sky, fresh morning;
  • Khan is the one who commands everyone;
  • An – a rich inner world.

Characteristic feature Ukrainian surnames is their cheerfulness and ease. They will point out the girl’s unusual and simple character:

  • Lukina – the one who brings light;
  • Lviv – strong in spirit, like a lion;
  • Samina is the one who is appreciated and loved;
  • Aksenova is a person who is growing all the time;
  • Rusina - indicates Russian origin.

What surnames are best to use on social networks?

Many women, wanting to hide their identity on social networks, change their last names. This is a completely natural phenomenon. She can highlight your highs moral qualities or some physical advantages. It all depends on what you want to draw the attention of other users. The following options are very often used:

  • Great;
  • Rosenthal;
  • Oster;
  • Gray;
  • Miller;
  • Peerless;
  • Cool;
  • Barskikh;
  • Ramenskaya.

The list could be much longer, as the choice is simply huge. Choosing for yourself new surname, try to pay attention to its meaning, hidden meaning. It is better to use the one that can most reveal your character and give you some zest. It is important that it is combined with the type of your activity, emphasizes your origin and, of course, has a beneficial effect on your entire life.

The history of American names and surnames has evolved over several centuries. In them you can trace the traditions of many countries and peoples who moved to these places. Thanks to the large flow of immigrants, over a long period of time a general culture countries and names and surnames changed, acquiring new forms of sound.

Many common American names have their origins in Greek, Italian, Latin, even ancient Germanic origins. IN modern world are becoming extremely popular in America rare names, which are obtained by abbreviating historical places, surnames famous people, there are even combinations of several names into one big one.

The origins of American names can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Names whose meanings are associated with the outlines of a person’s character (cheerful, brave, courageous) have gained most popularity;
  2. names related to the names of animals, flowers, trees, natural phenomena;
  3. names meaning different professions;
  4. names of a religious nature taken from the Bible.

List of the most popular American male names

America is a colonial country; depending on the state, the overall popularity of names differs significantly from each other. Popular in Spanish villages male name Federico (Federico), in Irish regions – Patrick (Patrick), in Italian – Paulo (Paulo).

When choosing a name for a newborn, Americans give great importance two main principles in your choice:

  • the name should sound beautifully with the surname, as one whole;
  • another main point - secret meaning name and its origin.

Respecting your ancestors and family traditions, many families name their children in honor of their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. If several family members have one name, the prefix “senior” or “junior” is placed at the beginning of the name for a specific person.

Currently, Americans are trying to give special uniqueness (originality) to the names of their children, choosing their favorite brand of car, favorite politician, favorite city. In such a situation, the choice falls on the most unexpected objects. You can meet children named Lexus, Madison, Infinity.

Americans have old tradition associated with names - give to a child double name. For example: Anna-Maria (Anna-Maria), John-Robert (John-Robert), Matthew - William (Matthew-William). Explaining this by saying that as the child grows up, he will be able to choose a name to his liking.

The most popular American names today

  • Ethan (Ethan) - from English, “durable”.
  • Kevin (Kevin) – from Irish, “beautiful”, “cute”.
  • Justin (Justin) - from English, “fair”.
  • Matthew (Matthew) - from English, “gift of God,” “God’s man.”
  • William (William) - from English, “desired.”
  • Christopher (Christopher) - from English, “follower of Christ.”
  • Anthony (Anthony) - from English, “invaluable”, “competing”.
  • Ryan (Ryan) - from Arabic, “little king.”
  • Nicholas (Nicholas) - from French, “conqueror of nations.”
  • David (David) – Hebrew, “beloved”, “beloved”.
  • Alex (Alex) – from Greek, “protector”.
  • James (James) - from English, “invader”.
  • Josh (Josh) – Hebrew, “god, salvation.”
  • Dillon - Welsh origin, "big sea".
  • Brandon (Brandon) - from German, “prince”.
  • Philip (Philip) - from Greek, “horse lover.”
  • Fred (Fred) - from English, “peaceful ruler.”
  • Tyler (Tyler) – from English, “stylish”.
  • Caleb (Caleb) - from Hebrew, “loyal, brave.”
  • Thomas (Thomas) – Polish, “twin”.

List of common American surnames

American surnames acquired their own modern look many years. Over time, they changed significantly. There has always been a large influx of refugees and migrants into American cities.

In order not to differ from local residents, do not attract special attention, the settlers deliberately modified and shortened their surnames in the local American way. The main feature of the surnames of US residents is the regular mixing of different nations and peoples.

List of the most famous names in America they open Smith (Smith), Williams (Williams), Jones (Jones), Wilson (Wilson). According to statistics, there are well over a million registered owners of such surnames.

Less known American surnames, but popular:

  • Johnson (Johnson).
  • Brown (Brown).
  • Walker (Walker).
  • Hall (Hall).
  • White (White).
  • Wilson (Wilson).
  • Thompson (Thompson).
  • Moore (Moore).
  • Taylor (Taylor).
  • Anderson (Anderson).
  • Thomas (Thomas).
  • Jackson (Jackson).
  • Harris (Harris).
  • Martin (Martin).
  • Young (Yang).
  • Hernandez (Hernandez).
  • Garcia (Garcia).
  • Davis (Davis).
  • Miller (Miller).
  • Martinez (Martinez).
  • Robinson (Robinson).
  • Clark (Clark).
  • Rodrigues (Rodrigues).
  • Lewis (Lewis).
  • Lee (Lee).
  • Allen (Allen).
  • King (King).

Beautiful American surnames

Beautiful surnames differ significantly from all the others in their euphony. Thanks to the melody and beauty of the sound, Americans wear them with pride.

IN Lately In the USA, changing names and surnames to more famous and beautiful ones has gained popularity.

Citizens give their preference to surnames and given names famous stars Hollywood and political figures.

Surprisingly, the surnames of American residents can take their origin from the most unexpected sources: professions, plants, flowers, animals, natural phenomena, cities, streets of residence, character traits. Thanks to such improvisations, the most beautiful, unpredictable names and surnames are sometimes born.

There are many examples of beautiful surnames, the most common of which are:

  • Collins (Collins).
  • Daniels (Daniels).
  • Evans (Evans).
  • Ford (Ford).
  • Gilmore (Gilmore).
  • Holmes (Holmes).
  • Labert (Labert).
  • Newman (Newman).
  • Riley (Riley).
  • Stephenson (Stephenson).
  • Moore (Moore).
  • Beverly (Beverly).
  • Washington (Washington).
  • Wallace (Wallace).
  • Harris (Harris).

The surname of every person is a legacy left to him by his ancestors. The American people respect and appreciate the foundations of their distant relatives. The surname, in their understanding, is a valuable heirloom that they cherish and proudly pass on to their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

This main feature makes the American people a strong, confident nation that preserves its history and traditions.

How many people, so many opinions. For this reason, it is impossible to say exactly which ones are ugly and which ones are beautiful. foreign names. All of them contain certain information; when translated into our language, they can mean some kind of craft, the name of plants, animals or birds, belong to geographical area. Every country has its own benefits sonorous surnames, so you need to choose the best ones for each region separately.

What surnames can be called beautiful?

Most people are proud of the name of their clan, although there are those who would not mind changing it to a more euphonious one. Each country has its own surnames, but their origins are almost the same. The family received its personal name from the name of its founder, his nickname, occupation, availability of land, and belonging to some status. Animals and plants are also often found. However, we choose the most beautiful foreign surnames based on their euphony, and not on the meaning of the content, which is not always known to us. In some cases, people begin to like a genus name if its bearer is an idol of millions, historical figure who has done something good and useful for humanity.

Aristocratic surnames

Noble surnames always sounded solemn, proud and pompous. Rich people were proud of their origins and noble blood. Beautiful foreign surnames are mainly found among the descendants of noble families; people who left a significant mark on history should also be included here: writers, artists, designers, composers, scientists, etc. The names of their genera are euphonious and are often well-known, so people are imbued with sympathy for them.

In England, the beautiful names include the names of counts and wealthy nobles: Bedford, Lincoln, Buckingham, Cornwall, Oxford, Wiltshire, Clifford, Mortimer. In Germany: Munchausen, Fritsch, Salm, Moltke, Rosen, Siemens, Isenburg, Stauffenberg. In Sweden: Fleming, Jüllenborg, Kreutz, Horn, Delagardie. In Italy: Barberini, Visconti, Borgia, Pepoli, Spoleto, Medici.

Surnames derived from the names of birds, animals, plants

From the world of flora and fauna came many euphonious surnames that evoke affection. Their owners were mainly people who liked certain animals, birds, plants, or were similar to them in appearance or character. There are a huge number of such examples in Rus': Zaitsev, Orlov, Vinogradov, Lebedev, and they exist in other countries. For example, in England: Bush (bush), Bull (bull), Swan (swan).

Beautiful foreign surnames are often formed from the name of the ancestor: Cecil, Anthony, Henry, Thomas, etc. A lot of names are associated with a specific area with which the founders were associated: Ingleman, Germain, Pickard, Portwine, Kent, Cornwall, Westley. Of course, a huge group of family names are those associated with professions and titles. Some surnames arose spontaneously. If they evoke positive associations in people, then they can be classified as beautiful, euphonious and successful, because they are greeted by their clothes, so a good generic name helps many people to win over people when meeting them.

Spanish euphonious surnames

Spaniards usually have double family names, they are connected by the particles “y”, “de”, a hyphen or written with a space. The father's surname is written first, and the mother's surname second. It should be noted that the particle “de” indicates the aristocratic origin of the founder. Spanish law provides for a maximum of two given names and a maximum of two surnames. When women get married, they usually leave their family names.

Beautiful male foreign surnames are not uncommon for Spaniards. Fernandez is considered one of the most common; she is not inferior in attractiveness to Rodriguez, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Martinez, Perez - all of them come from names. To the euphonious Spanish surnames It is also worth including Castillo, Alvarez, Garcia, Flores, Romero, Pascual, Torres.

French beautiful surnames

Among the French names of childbirth, there are often beautiful surnames for girls. Foreign states acquired permanent names at about the same time as Rus'. In 1539, a royal decree was issued obliging every Frenchman to acquire a personal name and pass it on to his descendants. The first surnames appeared among aristocrats; they were passed on from father to son even before the above-mentioned decree was issued.

Today in France, double family names are acceptable, and parents can also choose which surname the child will bear - the mother's or the father's. The most beautiful and common French genus names: Robert, Perez, Blanc, Richard, Morel, Duval, Fabre, Garnier, Julien.

German common surnames

Beautiful foreign surnames are also found in Germany. In this country, they began to form back in those days. In those days, people had nicknames consisting of the person’s place of birth and his origin. Such surnames provided comprehensive information about their bearers. Nicknames often indicated a person’s type of activity, his physical disadvantages or advantages, and moral qualities. Here are the most popular surnames in Germany: Schmidt (blacksmith), Weber (weaver), Mueller (miller), Hoffmann (yard owner), Richter (judge), Koenig (king), Kaiser (emperor), Herrmann (warrior), Vogel (bird) ).

Italian surnames

The first Italian surnames appeared in the 14th century and were common among noble people. The need for them arose when many people appeared with the same names, but it was necessary to somehow distinguish them. The nickname contained information about the person’s place of birth or residence. For example, ancestor famous artist Leonardo da Vinci lived in the city of Vinci. Majority Italian surnames were formed due to the transformation of descriptive nicknames, and they end with There is an opinion that the most beautiful foreign names and surnames in Italy, and it’s hard to disagree with this: Ramazzotti, Rodari, Albinoni, Celentano, Fellini, Dolce, Versace, Stradivari.

English beautiful surnames

All English family names can be divided into four groups: nominal, descriptive, professional and official, and by place of residence. The first surnames in England appeared in the 12th century and were the privilege of the nobility; in the 17th century absolutely everyone already had them. The most widespread group consists of genealogical names of clans, derived from personal names, or a combination of the names of both parents. Examples include the following: Allen, Henry, Thomas, Ritchie. Many surnames contain the prefix “son,” meaning “son.” For example, Abbotson or Abbot's, that is, the son of Abbott. In Scotland, “son” was denoted by the prefix Mac-: MacCarthy, MacDonald.

Beautiful foreign female surnames are often found among English family names, derived from the place in which the founder of the family was born or lived. For example, Surrey, Sudley, Westley, Wallace, Lane, Brook. Many euphonious surnames indicate the occupation, profession or title of the founder: Spencer, Corner, Butler, Tailor, Walker. Family names descriptive types reflect the physical or moral qualities of a person: Moody, Bragg, Black, Strong, Longman, Crump, White.

All genus names are unique and attractive in their own way. It should be remembered that it is not the surname that makes the person, but the person the surname. Studying the history of the origin of certain family names is a very interesting and fascinating activity, during which many secrets of individual families are revealed. There are beautiful and euphonious surnames in any country, but they are different for each person. I mainly like those generic names that are consonant with the name.

From this article you will learn:

We are already accustomed to the fact that every person has a surname, which distinguishes him from others, shows his belonging to a certain family and is inherited. However, this was not always the case. The official assignment of a surname to each person occurred less than a century ago, which in the context of history is a very short period of time. The story of each a separate surname unique in its own way. Sometimes dozens of people with the same last name live in the same territory. Sometimes it happens that we smile when we hear some unusual surname. Today we will talk about such rare family names.

In fact, there are a lot of rare surnames that really ring a bell. There are simply relatively few bearers of such surnames. It is impossible to cover them all in the article, but we will at least try to classify them and divide them into groups.

  1. Single letter surnames: despite the simplicity of their composition, they are quite rare and unusual for hearing. People are registered in Moscow by last name ABOUT ,YU And E .
  2. Surnames consisting of one syllable: They are also not very common. Only a few families with surnames live in Russia An , Yong , That And Before .
  3. Surnames-toponyms: these are surnames that are consonant with the names of cities or rivers. For example, not many people have surnames like:
  • Moscow ;
  • America ;
  • Astrakhan ;
  • Kamchatka and others.
  1. Legendary surnames: these are the names of literary and historical heroes, the carriers of which are also very few. These include names such as:
  • Crusoe ;
  • Grozny ;
  • Pozharsky ;
  • Chatsky ;
  • Karenin and others.
  1. Double-root surnames: this includes surnames obtained by merging two words at once. Some names sound quite euphonious and are quite common, but you rarely see surnames such as:
  • Good afternoon ;
  • Eybogin ;
  • Backstreet ;
  • Comb my mane ;
  • Nepeyvoda ;
  • Cool gunpowder ;
  • Grab it ;
  • Shchiborshch ;
  • Kill and others.
  1. Surnames consonant ordinary words : these are words that, when officially recorded, did not receive normal suffixation using suffixes typical for surnames -s And -in:

- consonant with nouns:

  • Water ;
  • Stove ;
  • Freezing ;
  • Pot ;
  • Chizh ;
  • Magpie and many others;

- consonant verbs:

  • Tron ;
  • Razdobudko ;
  • Bite it ;
  • Klyui ;
  • Negrey and others;

- consonant with adverbs:

  • On the side ;
  • Sometimes ;
  • Generously ;
  • Nothing ;
  • Let's go and others.

This list can be continued endlessly. We do not set ourselves the task of covering the entire scope of rare Russian surnames: we have outlined only the main trends in their existence. And after all, each of the surnames has its own unique, unique story, which can tell about the life of our distant ancestors.

Where could such rare and unusual surnames, unusual to our ears? Initially, a person was given a nickname that distinguished him from the rest of the people. If a nickname stuck with a person, it gradually became a name assigned to a certain clan or family, even if unofficially. So the nickname turned into a surname. Since nicknames are most often rude or mocking in nature, all modern rare, unusual surnames come from them. Their origins can be very different, but people who study anthroponymy (the history of surnames, first names, patronymics and nicknames of a person) identify several main trends in the origin of such names.

  1. Last names were given according to appearance person:
  • Bryla (that was the name of people with plump, saggy lips);
  • Lobar (a person of large build);
  • Pupysh (the so-called pimply man);
  • Uraz (crippled person);
  • Mug (ugly person);
  • Makura (blind person);
  • Fursik (short man).
  1. The surname could reflect occupation person, his profession:
  • Obabok (that’s what our ancestors called people who traded in mushrooms);
  • Vozovik (a person selling goods from a cart);
  • Lazebnik (barber);
  • Argun (Vladimir carpenter);
  • Clamp (one who deals with horses).
  1. Character traits also often appeared in unusual surnames:
  • Butt (as in some areas they called a stupid and stubborn person);
  • Ogibenya (a nickname for a flattering and deceitful person);
  • Kichiga (empty man);
  • Buzun (fighter);
  • Palga (nickname for a clumsy person).

4. Last names could be given according to place of residence:

  • Zaporozhets ;
  • Vyatich ;
  • Moskvich ;
  • Volyn ;
  • Uralets and others.
  1. Since Russian culture was formed for many centuries under the influence of Orthodoxy, many rare surnames have church origin:
  • Prayer ;
  • Deacon ;
  • Bell ;
  • chanter ;
  • Bogodukh and others.

Thus, each surname has its own little story. How nice it would be if every person with a unique surname revealed its secret and preserved its history for their descendants. However, in the history of all rare surnames, common points can be identified.

XIII-XIV centuries

At this time, people in villages began to be distinguished not only by their first names, but also by their surnames. Noble boyars received dashing and sonorous surnames, but the peasantry did not know how to speak beautifully, so they had the most dissonant surnames. Some of them never received a suffix and retained their original form:

  • Fritter ;
  • Fool ;
  • Oakmaker ;
  • Bogomaz ;
  • Tit ;
  • stub and others.

70s of the XIX century

In 1874, Alexander II carried out a military reform, according to which universal military service was introduced, which entailed the legal registration of surnames for all males. There were often cases when a recruit found it difficult to answer the question of what his last name was. In this case, the surname was given right away, most often based on appearance. Since there was no time to fantasize, surnames often turned out funny and even rude. Some of them have reached us:

  • Toothless ;
  • One-armed ;
  • Hard of hearing ;
  • Crooked ;
  • Redhead ;
  • Forehead and other names.

90s of the XIX century

In 1897, the first all-Russian population census was carried out, which legally assigned surnames not only to men, but also to women and children. The surname finally became officially assigned to a specific family. In some places, census takers gave surnames the desired form using typical suffixes, and in others they left them in the form of nicknames, which have become rare today:

  • Censer ;
  • Turnip ;
  • Breeze ;
  • Milk ;
  • Extreme and others.


In the 30s of the 20th century, an important era took place in general history surnames In Russia, everyone was offered to change their dissonant surnames. Entire lines of people with the most unusual surnames flocked to the registration departments. The Izvestia newspaper managed to record this historical moment: thanks to it, we have a list of those names that disappeared forever in the 30s of the last century:

  • Poltobatko ;
  • Near-Fist ;
  • Balda ;
  • Poodle ;
  • Doggie ;
  • Corn ;
  • Barefoot ;
  • whiny ;
  • fly agaric ;
  • Tail and many, many others.

This is the difficult path many rare names have gone through. Some of them managed to survive, others are irretrievably a thing of the past and exist for us only on paper. Rare surnames not always funny and absurd. Among them there are many euphonious and beautiful - ones that their bearers are rightfully proud of.

established in late XVIII V. The American nation is very heterogeneous and currently unites not only the descendants of immigrants from all parts of the world, but also indigenous people- Indians. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the surnames and names of US residents one can trace various national roots: European, African, South American, Asian. These features often make American surnames and names so interesting and exotic.

How are they formed?

The basis for many modern surnames became nicknames, including Indian ones. Also, quite often, surnames were formed from the names of professions (Smith, Miller, Taylor), geographical places (England, Lancaster) and objects (Bush, Rock, Moore), father's name (Johnson, Stevenson) and just names (Stewart, Williams, Henry) , as well as animals, flowers and various objects(Fish, White, Rose, Young).

At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a tendency to change difficult-to-pronounce national surnames: shortening, translation, transformation in order to make them similar to English-speaking ones. But in last decades a reverse process is observed: the desire for one’s national and cultural identity, which is manifested in the refusal to Americanize names and surnames. This is especially true for people from African countries, Spain and Latin America. Modern American surnames and given names increasingly emphasize a person's origins.

Inventing pseudonyms is also a very common phenomenon. Most often they are taken creative personalities: musicians, actors, artists.

American names, male and female, are often abbreviated in everyday communication. Examples: Adam - Ed; Gilbert - Gil; Michael - Mike; Robert - Rob, Bob, Bobby, Robbie; Richard - Dick, Richie; Arnold - Arnie; Eleanor - Ellie, Nora; Elizabeth - Lizzie, Liz, Elsa, Betty, Beth; Katherine - Katie, Kat. Young guys (and even mature men) are often addressed by their initials. For example, a man named T.J. Most people you know will probably call Morris TJ.

As in English language, American male and female surnames sound exactly the same. In official communication, it is customary to address men by last name with the prefixes “Mister” or “Sir”, and “Miss” or “Mrs.” for women.

Female names

The top ten most beloved girl names by American parents include Isabella, Sofia, Emma, ​​Olivia, Ava, Emily, Abigail, Madison, Chloe, Mia.

Are formed female names often from the names of beautiful plants or precious stones. Examples: Rose, Daisy, Olive, Evie (Ivy), Lilly, Violet, Ruby, Beryl, Jade, etc.

Male names

According to statistics, American parents most often name boys Jacob, Ethan, Michael, Jayden, William, Alexander, Noah, Daniel, Aiden, Anthony.

There is a strong tradition of naming after a father or grandfather. In this case, the word “junior” (junior) or an ordinal name is added to the name: second, third, etc. For example: Anthony White Junior, Christian Bell Second.

American male names are often consonant with surnames (White, Johnson, Davis, Alexander, Carter, Neal, Lewis, etc.). And all because once upon a time both of them were formed from nicknames.

The most popular American surnames

More than two million people in the United States bear the surnames Smith and Johnson. With slightly more modest results (over a million people) follow the holders of the surnames Williams, Jones, Brown, Davis and Miller. Wilson, Moore and Taylor round out the top ten.

The most beautiful American surnames and names

Of course, there is no arguing about tastes, but you can still highlight a list of the most euphonious and even poetic names. Some of them were specially formed from suitable English words: Summer - “summer”, Joy - “joy”, May - “May”, Love - “love”, Hart - “heart”, etc.

  • Alisha.
  • Bonnie.
  • Vanessa.
  • Gladys.
  • Jade.
  • Imogen.
  • Cassandra.
  • Lillian.
  • Miriam.
  • Nancy.
  • Olivia.
  • Pamela.
  • Sabrina.
  • Tess.
  • Heidi.
  • Angie.
  • Alex.
  • Brandon.
  • Darren.
  • Kyle.
  • Mitchell.
  • Nicholas.
  • Peter.
  • Ronald.
  • Stephen.
  • Walter.
  • Fraser.
  • Hunter.
  • Charlie.
  • Sheldon.
  • Adrian.

There are not only beautiful American names, but also surnames.

For example:

  • Beverly.
  • Washington.
  • Green.
  • Crawford.
  • Aldridge.
  • Robinson.
  • Stone.
  • Florence.
  • Wallace.
  • Harris.
  • Evans.

In general, first and last names in the USA can be found various origins: Smith, Will - English; Miller, Brunner, Martha - German; Gonzales, Federico, Dolores - Spanish; Magnus, Sven - Swedish; Peterson, Jensen - Danish; Patrick, Donovan, O'Brien, McGill - Irish; Mario, Ruth - Portuguese; Isabella, Antonio, de Vito - Italian; Paul, Vivien - French; Lee is Chinese, etc. Combinations are not uncommon when the name is purely American, but the surname has a national flavor. Or vice versa. For example: Martha Roberts, Brandon Lee, etc.

The more you study American surnames and names, the more interesting discoveries can be done. In addition, the American nation is still being formed, so it is possible that soon new unusual and beautiful names of various origins will appear in the everyday life of the inhabitants of this country.

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